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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1916)
PAGE 2. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAE. THURSDAY, JUNE 1, iOXC. COMMENCE BENT EXERCISES AT THE PARMELE Owing to Storm, Opera House Was Not So Crowded as On Former Occasions of This Character. The graduating exercises of the Flattsmouth high school last evening were somewhat marred by the fact that the rainstorm kept a large num ber of the friends and patrons of the school from attending and enjoying the splendid program that had been arranged, but nevertheless a large audience was present at the Parmele theater to witness the exercises. The young folks of the different classes had been busy at the theater in the afternoon, as the decorations showed, and each class had placed its colors, draped from the balcony, which added a pleasing touch to the scene, as the red and black of the sophomores, the gold and black of the juniors and the rose and white of the freshmen mingled into a bright har mony and expressed the feeling of class pride entertained by the young folks. Across the center of the stage the lavender and white of the senior class was draped. Preceding the opening of the exercises the different classes, which were seated in the bal cony, gave their stirring class yells as well as the cheers for the school, and also for their friends who were just leaving them after four years of very pleasant association. As the curtain rose the sight was very inspiring with the tventyTeight young men and women seated on the stage in their gray caps and gowns and each with -the class flower, a beautiful pink rose, adorning them the largest class- in numbers that ever was graduated from the Plattsmouth high school and one most efficient in their studies during the time they were in school, with an average of 84 in their school work. The invocation was pronounced by Rev. C. E. PerLee of the Christian church as the audience stood with bared head to receive the blessing on the observance of the evening. The opening number on the- pro gram was the piano trfo. "Grand Galop Brilliante," Op. 7, by Wallen- haupt, given by Misses Ethel Sey bert, Blanche Sayles and Edith Kamge, splendidly executed, and the young artists in their playing won the hearts of everyone in the beauty and manner in which it was rendered Miss Elizabeth Hall took as her subject for th'e salutatory "Char acter," and presented a very pleasing and able address on this subject, tak ing up a discussion of the formation of the proper character for the battle of life and the effects of a good char acter on the life of man or woman. Truth, justice and honesty, the car dinal principles that go to make up character, had been found pre-eminent in the lives of the great men of the world, and without there it was use less to attempt the formation of the proper kind of character. The past once gone could not be recalled, but the young man or woman must be sure that they were prepared by the formation of the right kind of char acter for the battle of life. The re marks of Miss Hall were delivered in a forceful and effective manner, filled with the words of good advice to the clasX, whowere -soon to sepa rate and take up their way in life. Charles S. Dovey, who had been selected by the class as valedictorian, took as his subject "Stand for Some thing," and in his farewell he urged his classmates to be frank and honest in their dealings with their fellow- men and, above all else, to be honest with themselves, to consider all mat ters with a temperate viewpoint, to weigh- each question carefully, and, deciding oh their highest ideals for the betterment of their fellowmen, to stand by that idea and principle. He pointed out the necessity for individ ual thinking, to judge each question ' for themselves, and to see that their line of thought and action was laid along high and helpful lines. The Jives of the great had stood for some v thing in the way of principle and character, and without these success was impossible. Mr.' Dovey expressed theTeeling of gratitude. to the super intendent and faculty of the high school for the careful training they had been given and for the efforts put forth to provide them with a sub stantial education for their battle with the world. Now that graduation was over the class must think and act for themselves and 'would have to take their stand for something defin ite in the world to score the success desired. Following the class addresses tle audience and class were treated to a most pleasing violin solo by Miss Agnes Knoflicek, who selected as her numbers "Eomanze," by Beethoven, and "The Bee," by Shubert, and these were given in the usual pleasing man ner and display of skill upon the violin, whose notes drawn forth seemed almost divine. The orator of the evening was Rev. A. A. Brooks of Hastings, Neb., who was introduced in a few well chosen words by Attorney C. A. Rawls. The topic of the address of Mr. Brooks was that of "The Possibilities and Perils of Our Country," and was a most eloquent address from start to close and should have been heard by every man, woman and child in the community. To hear the address made everyone better Americans in act and thought and filled them with an idea of the true greatness of the republic. Mr. Brooks in his opening outlined a few of the great possibili ties of the greatest democracy that the world has ever seen, whose wealth was greater than half of the world together, whose productiveness made it the greatest country of the world in all of the natural resources. The sacrifices that had been necessary to produce this great country was re counted by the speaker, telling of the early colonization of the continent by the hardy races of Europe who came here to escape the oppressions of the old world and fought and suffered here that they might found a free country. In the opinion of the speak er, the United States was "not at the height of its good to mankind, but was destined to a greater future as the bright light of liberty illuminat ing the world and bringing to all the nations the great example of a free people exercising the right of govern ment. To keep this future it was necessary that we face the perils of the present when the danger arose from within and not from without, to feel, to act, to be Americans in deed, thought and action, regardless of all the other nations of the eaith. He deprecated the policy of departing from the sturdy faith of the fathers to maintain which was necessary to the life and welfare of the republic in the years to come as it had been in the past. To the foreigner from another clime there was always some thing in the land they had left behind to remind them of the land across the sea, but in the great American re public, stretching from, ocean to ocean, it was impossible to attach to the soil the sentiment that brought throbs of love of country as the shamrock did to the Irishman or the heather to the Scot, but n this land it'was necessary to make Americans, to plant in their hearts the love of the principles of the free republic. Settled from all sections of the earth, it was necessary that the citizens should gather the inspiration of the thought of being allowed to be a vital living part of a great free country, where each man was the equal Of the other and where the crowned heads of the old woifd were voiceless to demand tribute from the masses. The announcement of the honor graduates of the school was made by Superintendent Brooks, and as the highest graded student in the class Raymond Larson was awarded the honor, having a grade of 94. Miss Alice Weyrich was second with a grade of 92. Secretary E. IL Wescott of the board of education presented the di plomas to the members of the class that entitled them to step forth as graduates of the Plattsmouth high school, and these were presented 'in a very neat address. The members of the class gradu ating this year are as follows: H. Floyd Stone, Jeanette Patterson, Glenna Joy Barker, Aubrey II. C. Duxbury, Margaret Pearl Dugay, Vera Claire Moore, Charles S. Dovey, Elizabeth Grace W. Hall, Jennie Dor ris Vallery, Arthur B. White, Elean ore Margaret Schulhof,. Lillian La Vern Adams, Sophie Wesch, Iva Marie Davis, Helen Frances Morley, Jessie Edith Whelan, Vera Mae Hatchett, Adele Osa Fitzpatrick, Ethel Margaret Seybert, Major Isaac W. Hall, Harry W. Winscot, Philip T. Campbell, Blanche Sayles, Edith Alice Ramge, Ethel Rose Lewis, Zella Lu cille Elliott, Barbara A. Ptak, Flor ence H. Egenberger, Mattie Gapen, Raymond J. Larson, Howard E. Wiles, Pauline Swoboda, Ruth L. C. Roman, Martin G. Sporer, Margaret Ger trude Dotson, Ina May Dalton, Alice Barbara Weyrich, Fred V. Speck. The benediction was pronounced by Rev. PerLee and at its close the audi tors were dismissed and a great many gathered on the stage to congratulate the successful young people on their completion of their school work. This clas3 is representative of the school and its number indicates . the growth of the schools of the city and are as fine a number of young people as any school in the state can boast of, and they are all a source of pride to their friends as well as.J;he entire community. . Just received, a new assortment of ladies' and children's hats, at a very reasonable price. H. Waintraub. ' ' . . . 5-24-tfd&w A want ad will bring1 what you want. EASTERN NEB RASKA GETS A GOOD SOAKING Heavy Rainfall for Nearly Three Hours Steadily Last Night Hail and Wind in Places. Omaha, June 1. Rain, hail and heavy winds characterized the storm last night, which raged principally in the eastern part of the state and in western Iowa. Between here ' and Valley, on the Union Pacific, the rain fall was heavy, with strong winds, and hail in places, particularly at Valley, the size of a man's fist. There was no rain west of North Bend. South of here as far as Union there was much rain, but practically no hail or wind. To the north there was plenty of rain, the wet belt extending as far as Sioux City, la. At Blair, Neb., there was a constant downpour extending over a period of three hours.. On the Burlington line it rained as far west as Lincoln, and a heavy wind was blowing. No dam age was done, according to reports at most of these places, with the ex ception of Valley, where it is feared the crops have suffered, with severe damage to the fruit trees. There was some wire trouble on the various railroads, the telephone and telegraph lines, but nothing of a serious nature. Locally, where the rainfall was in tense and prolonged over a period of about three and a half hours, there were numerous trouble calls comir.g in constantly at the police station. At Thirteenth and Wjlliam streets there was a cave-in of the walk where the water had washed out a big hole. At Twentieth and Arbor streets a washout,-likewise at Twenty-fifth and Mason streets and Twenty-ninth and Giant streets. A man and five chil dren at 2737 South Twelfth street were forced to ascend to the upper story f their house because of tho sudden influx of . water. They tele phoned in that unless assistance came at once they would be drowned. Fo lice arrived at the scene and assured them otherwise. ,. According to the chief operator in the South Side exchanga over 500 telephones running' out of that ex change were put out of commission by the storm. Not a single wire run ning down Fort Crook boulevard was in operation, and communication was entirely suspended south of South Omaha. Lightning struck a street car at the end of the ,IIappy Hollow car lino last night, ar.d for a few moments there was much excitement until it was ascertained that no one had been injured. The electric facilities on the car were entirely put out of commis sion and it was necessary to pull the car in. OMAHA COMMER CIAL 'GLUB TO VISIT HER? TOMORROW The trade extension committee of the Omaha Commercial club has planned an auto tour of Cass and Otoe counties to get acquainted with the residents of this section and will, if the weather permits, make the trip tomorrow (Friday). There vill be in the neighborhood of fifteen or twenty automobiles in the party and carrying some eighty of the Omaha boosters. Leaving Omaha, Platts mouth will be the-first stopping place, and the Omaha travelers expect to reach here about 8:30 and will spend some twenty minutes here looking over the town and visiting the places of business, getting acquainted. The object of the visit, as laid out by Commissioner Robert II. Manley of the Omaha Commercial club is to offer an opportunity to the Omaha representatives to meet the business men of the two counties in the dif ferent towns visited' during the tour and meet as many of the people as possible. , : The visitors should receive a cor-! dial welcome to our city and be shown every courtesy while they are with us. The schedule as prepared by the Omaha club includes the following towns in -the order named: Platts mouth, Murray, Nehawka, Union, Wyoming, Nebraska City, Dunbar, Berlin, Avoca, Weeping Water, Man ley, Louisville, Springfield and Pa pillion. CASTOR1A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always beam the Signature of 7k NEWS OF NEBRASKA Interesting Happenings Print ed In Condensed Form. TOLD IN A FEW WORDS News of All Kinds Gathered From Points In the State and So Seduced In Size That It Will Appeal to All j Classes of Readers. i About 130,000 damage was done tc property in Valley county by a storm Lawrence Jessee, well known stock farmer of Nemaha county. Is very iil. Mrs. Frank Peck committed suicide at Hill ranch, near Brady, by drinking strychnine. Mrs. Henrietta ilessin died near Madison at the age of ninety years death resulting from old age. R. II. White slot himself in the head in his room at the Savoy hotel Lincoln. Ho will probably die. The Morehead boosters' special to the St. Louis national convention will leave Lincoln at 4 p. m. June 12. Colonel J. II. Presson of the gover nor's official staff addressed tho in mates of tho penititcntiary Sunday, The Farmers' unioa would-extend the scope of the organization and amend the law regarding rurai schools After an -illness of several months E. C. Hunt, a veteran newspaper man of Omaha, is dead. ;Ile .was fifty-two years old. . Omaha was chosen for the 191 meeting place of the International As fociat,ion of Railway Special Agents and Police. The physics department of the Hast Ings high school was presented wjth a $Z)0 X-ray machine by Dr. C. K. Stru Lie of that city. .- Monday was commencement day a the Immaculate Conception academy Hastings. The address was delivered by Eishop Tihen. Robert Panualee, wanted .in Ne braska for jumping a $2,000 supreme coiirt bond, was captured in Alabaia after a long chase. Hankers of group six of the state association, meeting at Gordon, took a decided stand for county road eugi ncers and better roads. - The state banking board has re fused the application of Sutherland men for the establishment of the Stockmen's bank : there. . Two deaths by-drowning marked the opening of, the swimming season at Lincoln. The Victims were Arthur Sorenson and Lawrence Dwyer. Several hundred persons from all parts of the county gathered jn North Platte for the dedication of the third Oregon trail monument to be placed in Lincoln county. "With a program of unusual merit the members of the Retail Credit ilea's association who go to Oma ha in August are in for a profitable three days' session. WilUam Block, one of the pioneers of Walnut, fell from a load of lumber between his place and Verdigre, the wagon wheel passing over his head and killing nim instantly The body of seven-year-old Glenn Wiggins, who was drowned in Rose creek, near Fairbury, two weeks ago was found jn the water, a mile west of the scene of tho accident. M. W. Coleman has been appointed by the district court of Burt county as receiver for the , Farmers' State tank of Decatur, which was closed by the state banking board recently. . Firebug's working in Columbus set fire to Mrs. McCormick's building tHe second time in a week. Investigation made showed shavings and wasthad been set afire in an upstairs room. No material increase will be made in the assessed valuation -of railroad property of Nebraska this year, while the valuations of other property will be held down as much as possible. The county jail in Banner county is not a fit place to keep hogs, says John W. Shahan, clerk of tho state board of charities and correction, in a re port filed with Covernor Morehead "It is. a fifty-fifty shot," says Dr. George E. Condra, director of con Fervation in the University of NeTbras I; a, "that oil wells wjll be struck in Nebraska within the next two years Hotel men from Nebraska, Iowa, tne two Dakotas, Minnesota and Wiscon sin will gather in Omaha, July 10 to 12, for the annual convention of the Northwresternt Hotel Men's association A heavy wind, which assumed " the proportions of a tornado, passed over the northeast part of Osmond.' A big livery barn was unroofed arid ' many barns" and smaller buildings' were razed. Adjutant GeneraT" Hall has com- pleted arrangements by which Uncle Sam becomes the owner of about 900 acres of land near Ashland on which will be located the government rfle range. While playing with a number of his companions at Plattsmouth, Will Edgerton, aged tew, son of A. J. Edg erton, stepped, off the bank, falling in to the Missouri river, and was drowned. The strike of 600 laborers on trail Ing jobs which has been in progress at Lincoln a week, was settled by the employers agreeing to the 30-cent scale, for which the workers were contending. " , . When C. kaiser rushing fresh troops to verdun assault Paris Believes That New Offensive Is Supreme Attempt to Take the Fortress. ONE HUNDRED DAYS OF BATTLE Paris, May 31. The hundredth day of the world's greatest battle at Ver dun found the crown prince rushing into action fresh legions west of the Meuse. The new German offensive, initi ated Sunday, is the final supreme attempt to pierce the French lines, French military' critics 'agree. The volume and violence of the artillery fire and the frequency and intensity of the infantry attacks eclipse any thing seen on any battlefield. The Germans are hurrying into ac tion against Verdun every man the kaiser can spare. The kaiser himself is reported to be returning to the Verdun front. For the past seventy two hours military trains have been "unloading fresh divisions from the Russian front. One new division was hurled into action northwest of Ver dun Monday night. Humor Austrians Coming. There are widespread rumors that a large Austrian force is en route to the western front. Swiss reports said the aged Emperor Franz Josef asked that Austrian troops be allowed to share in the final assault. Some be lieve the Austrian offensive against the Italians was delivered to conceal the shifting of Austrian forces tothe west. Before the end of the week, it is believed here, the crown prince will be hammering the French lines with nearly 1,000,000 men. Germans Gain for Two Miles. London, May 31. The Germans have captured French positions on a front of approximately two miles be tween Deadman's Hill and the Cu mieres village, northwest of Verdun, according to Berlin. These gains were made Monday and . were only partly admitted by the .French. . IRREGULAR LIVING It is a fact that many people pay very little attention to their health, lieglecting it entirely. They eat either too much or too little; they drink more than they should; they do not . sleep enough or sleep too much: they do not take enough exer-J cise or work too hard; they do not ave'" enough of pure fresh air. As n i-ncnlt nf thfsp ahnormal conditions. podr appetite, melancholia, insomnia V w " I ind weakness will soon appear, fol- nwr1 ' hv fmneral debilitv. To all such people we wish to recommend heartily ,Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine, an excellent tonic and laxative. It will remove poisonous . . . f ii I matter from the body, strengtnen me igestive organs, improve the appe tite, open the bowels and create new energy. It will bring quick and per manent relief. At drug stores. Price $1.00. Jos. Triner, Manufacturing Chemist, 1333-1339 S. Ashland ave nue, Chicago, 111. 'Triner's Liniment relieves tired muscles, very quickly. Rub it well into the skin. At drug stores. . Pric 25c and 50c. Postpaid, 35c and 60c. i A Rainy Day Comes it's the men, women and children with good raincoats that mind the un pleasantness least. Are you prepared for a rainy day can you go out in the rain and feel that your clothes will be dry when you arrive at your destination? If you buy a raincoat here you will be, and you can buy a raincoat that not only sheds rain but that can be used for general wear or for auto coat. The variety shown here permits of choice of such coats for men, women and children. Every Size and Every Price $2.00 to $20.00 E. Wescotife Sons 'EVERYBODY'S STORE" Guy Crook, who has been here visiting his relatives and friends for several days, departed this morning for Lincoln, where he will resume his work. Mrs. Henry Horn came in this morning from her home near this city and departed on the early Burl Sport Shirts FQcHiy Now that the warm weather is here to stay there is a large demand for play suits we have a complete line of Charlie Chaplin Suit 7. $1.50 Base Ball Outfit...... 1.25 Boy Scout " .-v.- 1-50 Cowboy " ...... 1. 00 Indian Chief" 1.00 Boys Parade Suit . .". ... 1 .00 Girl's Camp Dress .... 1 .00 Also a large,, assortment of wash suits in all good colors and patterns. Do not overlook the fact that wc have as complete a line of straw hats as you can find anywhere. ' Come in and look them over. Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats M Sox vs of Council Bluffs Game Called at 3:00 This will be one of the events of the season and every lover of the great national game should be on hand. This team is one of the strongest in that part of the state and will put up a strong game. Admission 25c ington train for Omaha, to spend the day with relatives and friends. W. F. Moore and wife from near Murray came up yesterday afternoon from their home to attend the gradu ating exercises, where their daughter, Miss Vera Moore, was a member of the class. sees Wash Suits Shades Carhart Overaslls Hansen Gloves MPENALS 111