The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 29, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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MONDAY, MAY 29, 1916.
Mrs. George E. Dovey and daugh
ter, Miss Edith, who have just re
turned home from a visit of several
months in New York, after a visit
with Mrs. Fred Truesdell and Miss
Alice Dovey, report Mrs. Truesdell as
l.einir much imnroved in health. It
- --j-i i
was feared at first that Mrs. True
dell would not recover from her ill
ness, but soon after the arrival of
Mrs. Dovey in New York it was de
cided to send her to Connecticut,
where she has spent the past few
months at the farm home of Mr. and
Mrs. Homer Mason, with whom she
was associated in "The Stubborn Cin-
drella." and with the fresh air and
farm life she is showing much im-
j rovement, and this has jxreatiy on
eouiajred her family in believing that
she will soon be restored to health.
Mrs. Dovey remained at the Truesdell
lii. me at llijrh Bridge durinjr her stay
in the east and cared for the children
while her daughter was in Connecti
cut, and reports that the two little
t'au.chters are in the best of health.
Mis Alice Dovey, who is scoring one
of her greatest successes in "Very
Good Eddie."' is playing at the Prin
cess theater, where the play has been
tunning for the past season, and the
continued success points to almost
another year at this place for the
talented young star ami her delight
ful musical comedy. Miss Alice
Dovey, in addition to carrying her
t?llar role in the musical comedy, is
also co-star of William Courtney in
moving pictures, and finds her time
almost wholly occupied as the morn
ings and afternoon are taken up with
the movies at the studios at Hoboken
and Miss Dovey is then hurried back
to New York for the evening per
formance cf '-'Very Good Eddie." She
has proven one of the most successful
stars of the season and is very popu
lar among the playgoers in the
world's greatest city. The illness of
Mrs. Truesdell prevented Mrs. Dovey
from visitng as many points of in
terest as she had hoped to on h;-r
trip and she was forced to return to
be present at the gradaution of her
son, Charles, as well as her own ill
ness, which would not permit her
remaining in the east longer. It is
hoped by the family that Miss Alice
will be able to secure a two weeks'
vacation in July and be able to spend
a few days at home with her family
in this city. While in New York Miss
Edith studied with Mr. Frank Starr,
formerly Miss Lillian Terry, who was
greatly charmed with her beautiful
This afternoon the proprietors of
the Peoples' Giocery and Meat market
on South Sixth street were fined $10
and costs, amounting to $15, for viola
tion of the mire food laws of the State
of Nebraska, on complaint of the
county attorney and W. S. Frisby,
deputy of the state food commission
er's ojTice. It seems that the gentle
men had purchased a cow for butch
ering and after the butchering had
taken the unborn calf from the cow
and offered it for sale in the meat
market of their store. The matter at
tracting the attention of the author
ities, an investigation followed and
with the result that the two young
men operating the store were brought
onto the carpet and received their fine
to discourage other violations of the
aw that protects the food stuffs of
the people of Nebraska.
I. Pearlman, the Omaha capitalist,
was in the city for a few hours to-
The marriage of Miss Pearl Caro
line Iiemis and Mr. Donald Clarence
Leonard, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. V.
Leonard of this city, took place at
four o'chvk Saturday afternoon at St.
Alban's chapel, in Lincoln. Lev.
Charles li. Tyner, officiating. Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Wo r ley and Mrs. Tyner ac
companied the bridal couple. Fol-
owing the wedding ceremony Rev.
.r.d Mrs. Tyner served light refresh
ments for the bridal party. Mrs.
J. E. Worlev served the wedding din
ner followed by the reception to the
friends at her home. Miss Rem is is
one of Lincoln's most charming young
adies and has been a factor in the up
building of the choir 'of St. Luke's
church in that city. Mr. Leonard is
manager of one cf the important de
partments the Lee Proems Co., and
is well known in this city where he
was reared to manhood and has a host
of warm fiiends. Mr. and Mrs. Leo
nard will live in Lincoln.
The J. E. Tuev home on Marble and
Eleventh sts. was the scene of a very
pleasant party when Mrs. Tuey enter
tained about sixty guests for her
daughter. Mrs. J. R. Jennings, of
Springfield, Mass., and Misses Alice
and Hazel Tuev. of Plattsmouth. The
charming hostess received the guests
at the door and they were escorted to
the dining room where they received
numbers indicating their "Helpers"
for the evening. The house was beau
tifully decorated with pink carnations,
peonies and Japanese lilies.
During the course of the evening
Mrs. Tuey in a very unique manner
announced to the guests the engage
ment of Miss Alice Tuey to Mr. A. II
I'arnette, . of Linn Grove, Iowa, the
wedding to take place June 21th at
Plattsmouth. Mr. Rarnette is a grad
uate of Drake University, and is a
member of the Kappa Lambda Fra
ternity. He is quite well known to the
cieoqle of Plattsmouth, and Miss
Alice's friends feel that her future
happiness is in safe keeping.
The evening was pleasantly spent
n games suitable for the occasion,
and the daintv refreshments were
served buffet fashion.
The out-of-town guests were Mrs.
R. Jennings, Springfield, Mass.,
Mrs. C. O. Larson. Scranton, Kansas,
Mrs. J. W. Allen, Los Angeles, Calif.,
.Mrs. Paul Morgan, Hay Springs, Neb
raska, Mrs. II. O. Filers, Omaha, Mrs.
E. Tuey, Glenwood, Iowa, and Mrs.
Will Seybolt, Murray.
The following is the present weekly
schedule for the Crystal Star rink,
which will be carried out until fur
ther notice: Tuesday evening, for
everybody; Wednesday evening, club
skate; Thursday evening, for every
body; Friday afternoon, ladies only;
Saturday afternoon and evening, ev
erybody. Electric fans will soon be
installed at the rink, and the above
day, looking after some business j schedule will be run during the sum-
interests and calling on friends. mer months. K. L. PKOrSi,
We take this method of thanking
cur menus ana neignoors ior uieir
kindness and sympathy in our time
of distress and bereavement of our
little son and brother, Willie. We
want to thank especially those who
so faithfully searched for him until
the body was recovered. We wish to
thank also our neighbors, the teach
ers ami pupils of the East Fourth
Ward school and the members of the
class of 1918 of Plattsmouth high
school for their floral tributes. Also
the members of Aerie No. 3G5, F. O.
E., for their fraternal remembrance
of us.
biMs done quickly at the
t Republican.
Miss Julia Kerr of Plattsmouth
who teaches at Wabash, visited over
Sunday at the Clarence Pool home.
Jack Philnot and Lee Brown
shipped three cars of fat cattle to
Omaha the first of the week.
Miss May Jameson returned Mon
day from Rising City, where she has
taught school the last two years.
Invitations are outannouncing the
marriatre of Miss Julia J. Ilitchman
to Oscar E. Domingo, the first part
of June.
Fred Beckman, who has proved up
on a section of Loupe county land,
came in Wednesday night to visit old
time friends in this vicinity.
Mr. A. Teegarden, who is visiting
his sons, I. W. and J. M., returned
Tuesday from Talmage, where he had
spent a week with his son, Jonas.
Mrs. Doty of Omaha was visiting
her father, from Saturday until Mon
day at the home of his brother, Dave
Jones, until Monday night, when he
teturned to his home at Denver.
Mrs. J. W. Love and little son of
Cleveland, O., arrived on Wednesday
evening for a visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jameson, and to
be present at the high school alumni.
Herman Brunkow of near Manley
was a caller at the Republican office
Saturday. When asked if he liked
the rainy weather he replied that it
suited him alright, that he had his
seventy-five acres of corn all planted
and most of it coming up.
At a meeting of the business men
Tuesday the question of whether
Weeping Water would celebrate the
Fourth of July was discussed and it
was decided to not celebrate on ac
count of the five days of thautauqua
in July and the annual fraternal pic
nic in August.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
;r": ITS
hbh m i a m m k a c a v m tr fc r a r am
6-Cylindcr 7-Passenger Touring Car $1145.00 ff. o. b- Toledo, Ohio
4- " 5- " Willys-Knight 1125.00 " " "
4- " 5- " Model 83 Overland 695.00 " " "
4 " 5- " " 75 " 615.00 " " "
4- " 2- " " 75 " 595.00 " " "
To date the Willys-Overland Company has manufactured and shipped
over 125,000 1916 Model Automobiles, which is more than double of any
automobile manufacturer with the exception of one. It is also more cars
than the Overland Co. themselves made for 1914 and 1915 combined. We
have cars of each model in stock and will be pleased to demonstrate same.
AUER, Agent
James M. Stone of Xehawka was
in town Friday visiting with his son,
Charles S. Stone.
J. G. Wundeilith and A. F. Sturm
of Xehawka were in town last Satur
day and attended Masonic lodge.
'"Grandma" Stirtz and her daugh
ter, Miss Emma, are here from Coun
cil Bluffs on a visit with relatives and
J. P. Cobb departed on Wednesday
morning for Buffalo Gap, S. I)., to
look after his ranch interests near
(hat place.
Stove Creek school, two miles east
of town, taught by Miss Nellie Lean,
closed last Wednesday with a big,
rousing picnic, in which .about sev
enty participated. There was plenty
to amuse and refreshments for all.
Miss Lean is a good teacher and we
understand that her work at Stove
Creek has been highly satisfactory.
Word comes to Elmwood friends
from Plainview, Neb., bearing the
belated news of the birth of a bounc
ing baby boy to Mr. and Mrs. Chris
Larson on February 11. Mrs. Larson
is better known here as Miss Carrie
Cromwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Cromwell, who are former
residents of this locality.
Orley Clements returned home on
Monday from Sargent Bluffs, la., for
the summer vacation, having finished
a most successful school year there.
He has been elected to head the same
school for another year, which shows
a record and prestige well established
during his first year of effort at
Miss Willa Minford, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. William Minford of this
place, who is teaching in the city
public schools of Des Moines, la., has
been elected to a similar position in
the city public schools of Hastings,
Neb. This will be good news to her
many friends in Elmwood, as the
change will bring her much closer
Henry Miller went to Lincoln lasf.
Tuesday to pay a visit to his son,
Ed., who has been laid up with a case
of blood poisoning, due to having been
scratched on the face with a rusty
nail. The doctor in charge seems to
have the case well in hand and Ed's
many Elmwood friends entertain the
hope that he will soon recover.
4- UNION. 4
J Ledger.
,, , . II ' M ) 3, JMs,-fl :v.Jii'! :v.JA. i ' Ji ?T i S.JWI .Kii ,,7LA XJkiA 'JA XtTL4 fiZLi IS
Joe Fetzer and wife were down
from the county, seat Sunday, visiting
their daughter, Mrs. J. M. Patterson.
Myron 'Lynde went to Nebraska
City Thursday, where he purchased a
registered bull. Myron says that it
a "dandy.'
of Postmaster
Brady waa. a sister
Attorney C. A. Rowls of Platts
mouth was down last Sunday and ad
dressed the Sunday school class of
men at the Methodist church.
W. 11.- Schell, who has been work
ing here for some time, was called
to Hamburg, la., Tuesday, on account
of the serious illness of his brother,
J. P. Schell. i
Miss Zola Frans, daughter of H.
M. Frans, living east of here, has the
"swell head" this week. She has. a
l ight to have, too she has the
mumps with a capital "M."
We never lived in a community
where the farmers were so prompt
with the road drags. They go into
action just as soon as the rain ceases
and keep right at it until they have
almost perfect roads all over the
Mr. Town, living east of town, re
ports the public load passing his
farm in very poor shape. The com
missioners should look after it ainT
they should meet Mr. Town half way
when it comes to paying him for
what time he puts in on the road in
his neighborhood.
A farm hand employed by George
Shrader about eight or ten days has
taken to the high weeds. When Mr.
.Shrader departed for Murray Tues
day morning on a little business
everything between him and the hired
man was lovely as could Le, seem
ingly. The" man stayed with the plow
until after he had brought the team
in for the noon hour, and had eaten
his dinner. Some of the neighbors
who had seen the man before noticed
him making good time for Union and
called up the Shrader home and asked
if the- man was leaving. The reply
was that not as they knew. He was
supposed to be out in the field, but
upon further investigation it was
found that he had gone. He never
said a word about leaving, and after
looking around over the house and
arn nothing was missing, so Mr.
Shrader it out only the hired man,
which is probably a good riddance.
is help that you cannot depend on is
worse than no help at all.
uiid It of White Pine
Whether you're going to build a home, barn.
Ngp garage, or henhouse, White Pine will give you
longest service and greatest satisfaction.
No wood equals White Pine for all exposed sur
faces. Three centuries of building experience in
America prove this. It does not warp, sag, twist
or split after years of exposure even in closest
mortises and in delicate mouldings. (
Its popularity has never waned since the Pilgrims used it,
but many people who know the desirable qualities of
White !Pine
. believe it is difficult to obtain. Such is not the case, as
the ample stocks in our yards bear witness. And its
longer service makes it most economical, even at a blightly
higher first cost.
Get our prices on this king of all structural woods and
if you don't already know it3 advantages let us tell you
more about them.
1 1 costs no more to buy your lumber at home often less
freight considered, and you can see what you get before
you pay for it. Then, too. we are "on the ground" to
serve you - always as near as your phone.
Cedar Creek Lumber
visit county seat friends. Mr. G. E.
Young was a pleasant caller at this
Madeline Green of University Place
is in the city, spending a short time
at the home of her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Doeck, and wih ner
I -; 1 , v,
' Mrs. W. R. Bryan departed Satur
day afternoon for Kii ksville,' Mo.,
where she will accompany her daugh
ter. Miss Lucille, from the Still hos
pital in that place, home.
G. W. Shrader and J. W. Yardley
drove in from their farm homes,
south of this city, Saturday, and
visited friends for a short time and
attended to some important business
Adam Ilild and wife drove in Sat
urday in company with their son, P.
A. Hild, from their home in the vicin
ity of Mynard, and spent Sunday here
with their relatives and friends, while
Philip returned home Saturday evening.
Courier. v
i-:-:-:-:- -:-:-:-:-:
Miss" Mabel Krecklow went to
Chalco last Friday for an over-Sun-
lay visit with her brother, Will
Krecklow, and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jackman and
family drove over from near Elm
wood Saturday to visit with relatives
ind to do some work at the cemetery.
Willie Ingrim, son of James In-
grim, returned trom a nospitai at
Omaha Tuesday evening, after hav
ing undergone an operation for appendicitis.
Helmer Sundstrom, foreman at one
of the sand pits of the Lyman Sand
company, is the proud daddy of a fine
baby boy tlat arrived at his home
Friday, May li).
Mrs. A. A. Jackman was called to
Eagle last Saturday by the illness of
her father, John Lockie, who is suf-
fering from Bright's disease. She
returned home Tuesday.
The many Louisville fiiends of
Mrs. James Dixon will be glad to
learn that she has so far recovered
as to be able to return nome irom
the hospital this week. '
Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Norman and
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Diers ami family
drove to Gretna . Tuesday afternoon
for a few hours' visit with the II J.
Tangeman family.
S. J. Reames, confectioner and ton-
sorial artist of Cedar Creek, came up
on the Schuyler Monday to attend
a regular meeting of the Odd Fel
lows lodge, and to look after a few
matters of business.
Mrs. E. C. Twiss was taken to the
Presbyterian hospital at Omaha on
Thursday of last week, where she un
derwent an operation Friday morn
ing. Mr. Twiss reports her getting
along as well as could be expected.
Mrs. E. G. Steele returned home
Sunday from the Lord Lister hospi
tal in Omaha, where she underwent
an operation for appendicitis. She
was accompanied by her mother, who
will remain to assist in the care of
her daughter for a few weeks. Mrs.
Steele is gaining in strength but suf
fers from nervousness.
Perfection Fireless Cooking
Oil Stoves!
fell If? I Tfi isS? tfrn?
Combines a four-burner
stove, fireless cooker,
oven, cabinet and warm
ing shelf into one com
pact yet roomy complete
cooking device.
A popular priced cabinet stylestove. Two burners under the oven
section. Jut one burner is sufficient for all oven purposes. The extra
burner is convenience when it is desired o preheat the oven quickly.
Oprn grate in bottom of oven makes it possible to use oven burners for
grate surface cooking by opening oven door and removing racks.
On wash day. for example, the boiler can be heated on the two outside
burners while the oven burners may be used to cook your mid-day meal.
Local News
F. M. Thebus, wife and little son.
arrived yesterday morning from their
home at Hannibal, Mo., and will re
main here for a short visit with rela
tives and friends.
Henry Heebner of Cedar Creek was
in the city Saturday evening for a
few hours, en route to Nehawka and
Murray, where he visited over Sunday
with "relatives in those places.
R. A. Young and son, G. E. Young,
of the vicinity of Nehawka, motored
Mrs. Susan S. Brady died last Sun- to this city Saturday to attend to
day at 9 p. m. at Milton, Ore. Mrs. .some important business matters am1
The Newest of White and
Colored Wash Fabrics!
Featuring the daintiest of the new seasons fashionable
weaves shown in generousassortments and priced on the
most reasonable basis:
Organdies and Voile These fabrics of the most sheer
and transparent construction shown here; 1 yd to 45-inches
wide, yard 15c, 20c, 25c, 35 and up to $1.00
Marquisettes plain white and colored effects, all the
newest productions here; 36-inches wide,
yard 25c, 40c and 60c
Voile, Marquisettes and Lace Cloth - in the latest col
ored stripe effects, 36-inches wide,
yard 25c, 35c, 45c and 50c
White Skirting "in Cords, Gaberdines, Economy Linen,
Linens, Oxford Cloth and Canvas Weave; I yard yide,
price 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c
Sport Stripes 2-inch stripe, white alternating with Rose,
Copen and Green; 36-inches wide, yard 50c
Multi Color Sport Stripes 36-inches wide, yard 50c
White Madras for Shirtings and Waistings 32 inches
wide, dainty stripes and figures, yard 20c and 25c
Mercerized Colored Poplins for Skirts in Navy, Copen,
Tan and Black; 36-inches wide, prices 35c and 50c
E. G. Dovey & Son