The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 29, 1916, Image 1

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    Neb Slato Historical Soc
No. 100
Willie, the 10-Year-Old Son of Alfred
Edgerton, Drowned In Merciless
"Waters tf Missouri Kiver.
From Friday's Dally.
For the first time in quite a few
years the cold, merciless waters of
the old Missouri river yesterday
claimed another victim, Willie, the
little 10-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Edgerton, the drowning oc
curring shortly after 4:30, and it was
not until nearly 5:30 that the body
of the little lad was recovered by the
searchers and brought back to shore,
stilled and lifeless.
Willie, in company with two other
boys of about the same age, had gone
swimming just ater school, going to
what is known as the first channel,
just opposite the Burlington depot,
at the head of the large sandbar.
Just how the drowning occurred is
hard to determine, as the two little
companions were shocked by the acci
dent so as to be unable to give a very
accurate account-of the events lead
ing to the death of Willie. The boys
were unable to swim very well and
the water at this point is eight or
ten feet deep, so as to make it very
dangerous for anyone who is not
versed in swimming to undertake to
go in at this place. It is thought
that the unfortunate boy on getting
in the deep water was unable to han
dle himself, nd the companions be
ing unable to aid him he perished in
a very short time. The two com
panions came to town and gave the
alarm, and a number from town
hastened to the scene -of the unfortu
nate accident in the hopes of being
able to locate the body in time per
haps to save the life of the lad, but
in vain. It was nearly 5:30. almost
an hour after the drowning, when
Robert Ames, one of the searchers,
in diving discovered- the body of the
boy, and with the assistance of se
eral others it was brought to shore,
but far too late to bring back any
signs of life, as the waters had
claimed their victim and death set
its stamp upon the features of the
boy. The father of the boy, who was
suffering greatly from the shock of
the accident, returned to the river a
few minutes after the body was
brought in and the scene was one
very trying to the auditors as the
grief of the father was most intense
and heartbreaking in its bitterness.
The body was taken by auto to the
home of the heartbroken parents on
Wintersteen hill, where it was pre
pared for burial, accompanied by the
father and older brother.
The accident is one that comes wiJ:
the greatest shock to Mr. and Mrs.
Edgerton. who without warning have
had their loved one taken from them,
and the intenseness of the blow has
been keenly felt by them as well as
all of the family, as the little lad
was held very dear in the household",
and only time, with its tender touch,
can soften the bitterness of the blow
that has fallen on the ho f behold.
The entire community will extend
to the family its deepest sympathy
in their hour of grief and sorrow.
The funeral of the little lad who
was so suddenly taken from the
midst of his family was held this
afternoon at 2:30 from the late home
on Wintersteen Hill, and was attend
ed by a large number of the friends
and neighbors. The services were
conducted by Rev. F. M. Druliner,
pastor of the Methodist church, who
in his remarks, brought to the sor
rowing family a sense of comfort in
the promise of the Master of the
dawning of a brighter- day, where
hearts and lives separated on this
earth might find a meeting where the
grief of parting would come no more
The floral tributes expressed the feel
ing of sympathy of the community
for the parents in their loss, and at
the close of the fervices the eortage
wended its way to Oa. Hill cemetery
where the burial was held in the fam
ily lot in that beautiful city of sil
ence and peace.
Services will be held on Thursday,
Ascension day, at 8 o'clock in th
From Frldav's Dally.
Wallace Philpot, residing near
Weeping Water, Wednesday evening,
shortly after 8 o'clock, experienced
quite a misfortune in the destruction
of his automobile by fire just as he
was starting from his home to Weep
ing Water. The car had only pro
ceeded about half a mile from the
home of Mr. Philpot when the gaso-
ine supply became ignited from a
eak in the exhaust pipe and in a
very few minutes the car was all
ablaze, but the occupants escaped
without injury. The car was totally
destroyed. Just a week previous
Willard Clapp experienccU a similar
accident near the same place, arl Mr.
Philpot had at that time taken out
an insurance policy for $400 on the
auto, which will save a total loss on
the car.
from Friday's Daily.
Last evening the members of the
Burlington freight car repair depart
ment and the employes of the coach
hop department gathered at the Red
Sox ball park to enjoy an exhibition
of the great national pastime, with
the result that the 'coach shop boys
proved the winners by the score of
8 to 3 in a most spirited contest and
one that was hotly fought by both
ides. For the freight car boys Pete
Ierold did the pitching, while Amie
Finder and Charley Ault acted as the
back-stopping force. For the coach
hop Yern Long was on the mound
and Cliff Burbridge did the catching
stunt. Quite a large number of the
shop employes were present to wit
ness the contest and cheer on their
espective teams, but the seasoned
players of the coach shop proved too
much for their opponents as they
numbered in their lineup Craig, Ma-
on and Fahenstock of the regular
Sox team, as well as Long and Noble
of the Athletics, which made quite a
ormidable organization to go against.
Other departments of the shops are
talking of organizing teams to settle
the question of the championship, and
the boys will at once get busy on
their plans.
From Friday's Dally.
This morning as Miss Mary Schoe-
maker of near Nehawka was motor
ing from her home to Omaha, in
company with her brother, Fred
Schoemaker, she met with a very
painful accident a few miles west of
Murray, when the car struck a bump
in the road and she was thrown
against the top of the car, cutting
her in a very painful manner about
the face and head. The party stopped
at Murray and the lady's injuries
were looked after and dressed, but it
was necessary to abandon the trip
to Omaha and she was conveyed back
to her home to recuperate from the
effects of the experience.
From Friday's Dally.
The formal opening of the Air
dome last evening attracted a large
crowd of several hundred persons to
enjoy the excellent pjyjgram that had
been arranged by Manager Charles
Peterson. Six reels of pictures, in
eluding the opening reels of "The
Strange Case of Mary Page," were
shown, and all were greatly enjoyed
by the large crowd. x The pictures
were all clear and distinct and the
show thoroughly enjoyed in the ut
most comfort.
Horses For Sale.
I still h?.ve a few horses for sale
also some farm machinery. If you
need them see me. Frank Vallery,
Murray. ,
John W. Steinhart of Nebraska City
Again Chosen President of
From Friday's Dally.
Omaha, Neb., May 25. John W.
Steinhart of Nebraska City was re
elected president of the Nebraska
State Association of Commercial
Clubs at the final meeting Thursday
afternoon. W. D. Fisher of North
Platte was re-elected secretary-treasurer.
Vice presilents, one from each con
gressional district, were elected as
follows: T. II. Pollock of Platts-
mouth, First district; Randall K.
Brown of Omaha, Second district; S.
D. Thornton, Jr., of Neligh, Third
district; II. A. Hahn of David City,
Fourth district; R. A. Blake of Hast
ings, Fifth district, and J. W. Guthrie
of Alliance, Sixth district.
Aside from the good roads resolu
tions and the public welfare appro
priation of $50,000 recommended
early in the convention, the conven
tion at the close passed a resolution
nstructing the executive committee
to seek to arrange an early meeting
of all public-spirited organizations in
the state to devise ways and means
for a good roads campaign in the
" Resolutions On Water Rights.
They passed a resolution looking
toward the securing of state water
rights on all the important rivers of
the state.
They advocated the establishment
of state, county and municipal forest
reserves, and federal aid for the con
servation of the flood waters of the
They voted $100 for Secretary
Fisher for his excellent services as
secretary-treasurer during the last
A resolution was passed pledging
the support of the association to the
movement to call a convention to
revise the constitution of the state
of Nebraska.
Some of the other resolutions
passed were those:
Endorsing the supplemental water
Thanking the Omaha Commercial
club for its hospitality.
The next convention is to be held
at Alliance, beginning February 31,
The citizens of Plattsmouth have
noticed from time to time articles
appearing in the Lincoln and Have
lock papers claiming that the Platts
mouth shops would be removed to
Havelock, and particularly the recent
article which appeared in the Lincoln
Star, claiming the management of
the Burlington system had made such
arrangements at a meeting held in
In order to ascertain if the Burl
ington management were contem
plating such a move, the directors of
the Plattsmouth Commercial club
wrote Mr. George W. Holdrege, the
general manager of the lines west of
the Missouri river, enclosing the clip
ping of the reecnt article from the
Lincoln Star, and calling his attr,,
tion to the broad statements contained
therein. The following is his reply
"Omaha, Neb., May 23, 1916.
"Mr. T. H. Pollock, Secretary Com
mercial Club, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Dear Sir: Referring to your letter
of the 16th: The article to which
your letter refers was not authorized
by anyone connected with this com
pany, and is without foundation. We
have no plans whatever under con
sideration for taking work away from
the Plattsmouth shops. Yours truly,
General Manager."
From Friday's Dalf ;
This morning the time of the
county court was taken up with the
trial of the case of Mrs. Mary Sul
livan vs. Joe Wheeler, growing out
of a dispute in settlement over the
rental of the farm of the plaintiff by
Mr. Wheeler and the division of the
crop from the faim. The case has
attracted quite a number from the
locality where both parties have re
sided. The plaintiff is represented by
Attorney C. A. Rawls and the de
fendant by Attorney D. O. Dwyer.
The amount involved is in the neigh
borhood of $300.
From Friday's Darir.
Members of the Loyal Mystic
Legion lodge held their regular meet
ing at the lodge rooms last evening.
The early hours of the evening were
devoted to a business session, after
which they adjourned and .-spent the
remainder of the evening in a most
delightful social time. Games, danc
ing and various other amusements
were indulged in by the members,
which afforded them much pleasure
and made the hours pass all too
quickly. During the evening most
delicious ice cream and cake were
served, which was likewise most thor
oughly enjoyeyd. A few moments
were devoted to a little social time,
and then the members of the Loyal
Mystic Legion departed for their
homes, declaring th;t they sure had
one good time.
From Friday's Dallv.
The session of the synod of Ne
braska of the German Evangelical
church yesterday at St. Paul's church
was taken up largely with the dis
cussion of two papers, Rev. J. H.
Steger of St. Paul's church having a
very interesting paper on "Christian
ity and Kultur," and Rev. G. Deck
inger of Talmage, Neb., a paper on
"The European War and Its Detri
mental Influence on Foreign Mis
sions." The reading of these two
very interesting papers was followed
by a general discussion of the differ
ent points of interest brought out in
their contents.
A ministerial session was called at
3 o'clock in the afternoon and in this
meeting Rev. O. Zwilling of Guide
Rock, Neb., was recommended to the
conference to be received in the mem
bership of the German Evangelical
Synod of North America. The reso
lution to this effect was adopted by
an unanimous vote-.
This morning the session was
opened with a devotional meeting in
which Rev. Maul of Lincoln led in
prayer. Following this the meeting
was called to order to take up the
business of the day. A telegram was
received by the synod announcing
that Rev. C. Nottrobt, a missionary
from India, would arrive and take
part in the sessions of the synod.
The missionary wilt be here Sunday,
and on Sunday afternoon will speak
at St. Paul's church on foreign mis
Rev. John Baltzer of St. Louis,
general president of the Synod of
North America,, arrived this morning
to attend the meetings, and was in
troduced to the conference by the
district president, H. Krueger, who
expressed the pleasure in having the
distinguished churchman present at
the conference.
There will be services at St. Paul's
church in connection with the con
ference on Sunday morning at 10
o'clock, Sunday afternoon at 2:30,
and in the evening at 7:45.
For the Simon Pure Benjamin
Franklin Lightning Rod, call on T. W
Vallerv, or write him at Murray, Neb
The Red Sox Landed On the Stars
and Stripes of Omaha and
Won, 5 to 0.
The Red Sox yesterday afternoon
succeeded in handing the Stars and
Stripes of Omaha the first shut-out
of the season, when they won a most
interesting contest by the score of
5 to 0. The game up to the sixth
inning was scoreless and both sides
played a good, fast game, with Hick
Carter of the visitors and Connors of
the locals throwing a good game, and
for the Sox some' mighty fast fielding
served to keep down the score. In
the sixth inning Fahenstock hit safe
over shortstop with a Texas leaguer
that was beyond the reach of the
Omaha players to handle, and pro
ceeded to annex second when Smith
retired on a sacrifice to Carter. Her
old and Huff both walked, and Con
nors followed with a stiff one through
shortstop that was too hot to handle,
and scored both Fahenstock and
Herold, but Connors was caught off
first base and retired, and Anderson
retired the side in trying to pilfer the
second station.
In the seventh spasm of the contest
the Sox added two more to their list
by a well-directed series of hits on
Mr. Carter, combined with a few er
rors which the Stars and Stripes
pulled off. Mason opened the inning
with a nice line drive through the
second base territory which the
Omaha players did not care to tackle,
and Beal followed with a nice little
bunt that advanced Mason and he
was safe as the fielder could not
get the ball in time to throw Beal
out at first. Parriott placed a little
bunt to Carter, which the pitcher
seemed unable to let go of, and as
a result the sacks were full and the
Stars and Stripes decidedly demoral
ized for a few minutes, as Mason at
third drew a throw from the catcher
to the base and in a few minutes
there was big doings in the way of
tossing the ball around in a reckless
manner, and while Mason was out
Beal scored and Parriott advanced to
third, from where he scored on a hit
of Fahenstock to short. Smith
closed the inning with a fly to left
The eighth dashed the hopes of the
visitors to tie up the game when an
other run was secured by the crimson
hosed warriors. Herold opened with
a two-bagger into the right garden
and was able to pilfer third. Huff
walked. Herold, in trying. to score
on a passed ball, was caught at the
plate and tagged. Huff later scored
on a wild throw.
The tabulated score of the game
is as follows:
The fielding of Fahenstock and
Parriott were features of the game
that really deserve special mention
as they accepted all chances and
made good on them. "Smithy," at
the first sack, was there and over
and played a mighty good game
throughout. Harry Craig, the first-
sacker, Was unable to be in the game,
owing to an injury to one of his eyes.
AB. H. PO. A. E.
Beal. cf 4 1 0 0 0
Parriott, 3b 4 1 4 6 1
Fahenstock, ss. . . 2 1 1 2 0
Smith, lb 3 0 1G 1 0
Herold, c 3 1 4 1 0
Huff, 2b 2 0 2 2 0
Connors, p 4 2 0 4 0
Roberts, rf 3 0 0 0 0
Mason, If 2 1 0 0 0
Totals 24 7 27 16 1
AB. II. PO. A. E.
E. Stacey, rf 3 0 1 0 0
Donovan, c 4 0 9 2 0
Collins, 2b 4 2 2 1 0
Ecteneger, lb. ... 4 1 11 0 0
Devine, 3b 4 0 0 0 2
Platz, ss 3 1 0 3 0
Howard, cf 3 1 0 0 0
R. Stacey, rf 3 0 1 0 0
Carter, p 3 0 0 2 0
Totals 31 5 24 8 2
Read the want ads in the Journal,
From Friday's Dally.
Thomas Wiles of this city has re
ceived a letter announcing the illness
of his son, Rev. L. M. Wiles, at his
home in Soldier, Kas. Rev. Wiles has
been in rather poor health for the
past few months and his condition . is
such that it has become necessary to
put him under the care of a physi
cian, but it is hoped he will soon be
restored to his usual state of good
health. Rev. Wiles is well known in
this city, where he has frequently
visited since removing to Kansas, and
his many friends will regret greatly
to learn of his sickness and trust that
he may soon recover from his indis
From Friday' Dally..
The interest in the "Home Coming"
celebration and fall festival for the
last week in August continues to
grow and the executive committee is
preparing for a very extensive cam
paign to interest the public in this
enterprise which will mean so much
to the city, and to insure its success
everyone in the city will be asked to
co-operate. Hon. R. B. Windham, one
of our oldest residents and who has
occupied a prominent place in the life
of the community since an early day,
is the chairman, and will have the
assistance of a number of energetic
gentlemen who can be depended upon
at all times to see that the ball is
kept rolling. The public schools will
be interested in the project as well
as each of the fraternal societies,
which can get in touch with a great
many of the former residents of the
city and interest them in the making
of the event a great gala occasion.
The city government has come to
the front by the appointment of a
boosting committee, which, with the
mayor, will do all in its power to
make the occasion one long to be re
membered. The literature prepared
for the purpose of boosting this
event will soon be ready, and every
one should co-operate in seeing that
it does the greatest good in assisting
the project. Get busy now and see
that your old friends are in Platts
mouth the last week in August.
Yesterday was the memorial day
service of the Grand Army of the Re
public and the Woman's Relief Corps,
preparatory to the observation of De
coration Day, when they strew flow
ers upon the graves of the soldier
dead "of the nation and the members
of the Post, now few in number,
together with the members of the Re
lief Corps, marched from their rooms
in the court houe to the First Pres
byterian church where the services
were held. The weight of years was
evident on the veterans as they march
ed on their way to divine worship, and
was a touching object lesson of the
rapidly vanishing grand army thrt
had faced death that the republic
might live, and to whom a nation owes
such a deep debt of gratitude. The
sermon delivered by Rev. C. E. Per-
lee of the Christian church, was one
cf much force and eloquence, as the
speaker paid his tribute of love and
esteem to the veterans of the nation,
who are grqwing less each year, and
will soon cease to answer the roll
call on Memorial Day, save in the
hearts of those they leave behind.
Rev. McClusky gave the scripture les
son while the prayer was offered by
Rev.' F. M. Druliner. During the ser
vice a special anthem suitable to the
event was given by the choir, as well
as two numbers by the Plattsmouth
Male quartet, composed of Rev. Mc
Clusky, R. W. Knorr, Herman Houh
and Bert Knorr, which aided greatly
in making the occasion one of great
beauty and pleasure to those in at
tendance. Office supplies at the Journal office.
Sucressful In Getting It Cashed, But
Is Captured the Same Evening
and Placed in Jail.
Saturday afternoon at about 4:30
a stranger visited the store of H. M.
Soennichsen in this city and made
the purchase of a few articles, ten
dering in pajrnent thereof a check
for $15.25, which was signed with
the name of Charles Parker and
made payable to Charles Edmunds,
being drawn on the Bank of Cass
County. Aubrey Duxbury, the clerk
taking the check, inquired of Mr.
Soennichsen as to whether or not to
cash it, and was informed that as it
was given by Mr. Parker to go ahead
and cash the check. A short time
later the check was examined and it
was easy to see that it was a forgery
as the signature was clearly not that
of Mr. Parker. The sheriff as well
as Chief Barclay were informed of
the matter and at once started ou
to look for the ma, who, it was
thought, had made his , getaway on
one of the trains leaving the city
shortly after the time he had cashed
the check. About 9:30, as Mr. Dux-
bury was standing in front of the
Soennichsen store, he saw a man
coming out of the Barclay restaurant
who answered the description of the
one who had passed the check, and
he at once informed Mr. Soennichsen,
and Officer Wilson was called, who,
proceeding up the street, placed the
stranger under arrest and conveyed
him to jail, where he stoutly denied
that he was the party desired. Chief
of Police Barclay and Sheriff Quinton
had, however, secured a great many
important links of evidence that made
the case very strong against him,
having ascertained that he secured a
blank check earlier in the afternoon
at the drug store of F. G. Fricke.
and, on being called, Mr. Fricke
identified him as the party who had
secured the check. He had also pur
chased a pair of pants and a tie and
cap at the Wescott clothing store,
and a pair of shoes of Avard & Mc
Lean, paying for them with the pro
ceeds secured from cashing the check.
The man claimed to have bought
his clothes and shoes at Glenwood,
but finally broke down and confessed
that he was the party who had cashe'J
the bad check. He gave his name as
Apperson and "claims to live on a
farm between Pacific Junction and
Glenwood, where he has a family.
The case was handed over to the
county attorney, who will prepare
the complaint against Apperson, and
he will probably receive a rather stiff
jolt 'for the rash act. Had the man
left town at once after he had passed
the check he probably would have
made good his getaway, but lingered
too long, with the result that he will
probably be given a residence at the
state penitentiary. He is a man of
about 30 or 35 years of age, and has
been a frequent visitor in this city.
From Saturday's Datiy.
Dr. G. II. Gilmore of Murray was
in the city yesterday, hearing the
Sheesley case before the board of in
sanity, and the doctor is looking fine
after his vacation of the last four
weeks in the western part of the
state, where he enjoyed a well de
served rest and visit with his friends
in that section of the state. The doc
tor is well pleased with the progres
sive little cities he visited and was
specially pleased with the condition
of affairs at York and Seward, two
of the important cities of central
Nebraska. He was accompanied to
this city by his father-in-law, James
A. Walker, who is feeling a great
deal improved in health. lie had
been ratherly poorly this spring and
his many friends here were pleased
to see him looking so well. Mrs.
Walker also accompanied the party.
Office supplies at the Journal office.