ill r PCATTSHOCfn SEMI-WEES LT JOUBNAL. THURSDAY, MAY 23, 191G. PAGE . J at fo fil f T 'i tt i L 1 C a r c t Cbe plattsmoutb journal IU III.lMIP:i SKMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMhUTH, KEflR4KA, Entered at Pustofflceat Plattsmoutb, Neb., as second-class mail matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCniPTIOX PKICEi fl.50 THOUGHT FOR TODAY No education is complete, nor, indeed, of great permanent J. value, that does not teach how I to live contentedly and to econ omize nerve energy. Mary Roberts Smith. 4 School over a week from today. -:o:- And now what are we to da with the boys? -:o: We hope the rains will cease and give the farmers a chance. :o:- Love is the greatest thing in the world. Character the grandest. :o: Don't forget to keep the dandelions down. It don't look well to see a yard full of dandelions. :o: And now we hear how last win ter's mollis played havoc with our teautiful summer furs! -:o:- Nebraska' may need a number of things, but the bid order changeth, and rain is no longer on the list. . :o: In -the good old days in order to be considered honest a man had to have hands like the back of a horned toad. -:o:- Decoration day is drawing near one week from today. All should take a hand in the decoration serv ices. The man who can master the diffi culty of keeping still part of the time can stay in public life a long time. :o: In the gladsome springtime, by some unknown process, the green grass taste gets into the oleomar garine. :o: After vhe rains are over, then's the time to drag the roads. But you Jinow this as well as we do, but will you do it? :o: No matter what kind of society or organization, it will never prosper when two or three members try to boss the whole business. -:o:- This is the time of year when the small boy proves he really has a heart, by "letting on" to the teacher that he is sorry school is out. -:o:- Ninety-five per cent of all the busi ness of the country is done on faith. Faith gives a man energy. Faith puts cement in your backbone. :o: Omaha is now holding the speed record. It has a man who went to the devil in four weeks. And he wasn't running for office, either. :o: A man might be sincere in the be lief that he could handle nitroglycer ine as he pleased, but you'd have to sweep him up with a whiskbroom and tearch for him with a spyglass. :o: peeping the lawn closely cut does more to eradicate the dandelion than any other method yet devised. ; The cut blossom may develop into a seed ball, but the seed do not produce un less permitted to mature upon their Etem. :o: Graduation day is long to be re membered by those who graduate, and to many it is the proudest day . of their lives. And the Journal's wish is that every graduate of the Platts mouth high school will prove useful citizens and competent tor any branches of business in this life. And if they possess the will power they will no doubt accomplish their objects. PE11 1EAR IN ADVANCE THE TWO COLONELS. America at the present time has two great agitators Colonel Roose velt and Colonel Bryan. They arexaa unlike as men can be, yet they are alike in one respect they can draw "capacity" houses wherever they go, says the Des Moines Register. Col onel Roosevelt has it within Jiis power to defeat any man whom' the repub licans may nominate. He is not a candidate himself in an affirmative way, yet he would accept the nomina tion if the platform suited him. Peo ple ought to be glad that there is such a man as Colonel Roosevelt. He has compelled his own party to dis card a number of men and to discard the old do-nothing plan in its plat form. When the colonel began his work for true Americanism he stood alone as a public man. His magazine nrticles were not reprinted extensive ly, except in Europe, Now he is a leader in regard to revived Amer-. icanism. The colonel insists that every man who claims to be an Amer ican, regardless of the place of his birth, must actually be what he pre tends. The American people did not know they were surrounded by so much disloyalty until the colonel tirred up things. If the next repub lican platform speaks out on present American issues which pertain to loyalty, the responsibility can be placed on the head of Theodore Roosevelt. In Iowa there are prob ably 3,000 men running for important offices within the republican party, nd not a man has opened his head in regard to American citizenship and American loyalty. They are all afraid of losing votes. This same statement could be made in regard to the situa tion in Illinois. Therefore Colonel Roosevelt is doing a work which few other republicans are willing to do. Iowa has elected its delegation to the republican national convention, con sisting of twenty-six members. Not a man on the delegation has expressed himself in regard to the doctrine of 'etting a European monarchy butt into our American politics for the purpose of telling us what to do. All of them are silent. Nobody knows who the Iowa member will be of the committee on platform. 'He may be a non-committal office seeker afraid of his shadow. This is something that ought to have been thrashed out in primary, but it did not appear as in "issue. Colonel Bryan took the democratic platform in 1896 and re built it. Then in 1900 he altered the steering gear and made other import ant changes. He told the rich men of the democratic party where to head in. In 1904 he made other im portant improvements. He brought the democratic party down to date. For twelve years it was a Bryan party. In 1908 he was still in con trol. In 1912 he bossed the party and compelled it to nominate Wood row Wilson, although Champ Clark had a majority of the convention. When Bryan ceased being an agitator and entered Wilson's cabinet he was unhappy. He had been an agitator so long he could not quit. The great anti-slavery agitator. Wendell Phil lips, could not suspend his agitation at the conclusion of the civil war, although the subjects available for ?.is use were trifling as compared with bis former endeavors. Now, Colonel Bryan being once more an agitator, must deal with lesser problems. He watches the daily newspapers for themes, and when a moment arrives when a big meeting can be held and an agitation can be pulled off, he is there for that purpose. Colonel Bryan has not been brave -enough to say a word about American citizen ship, nor American loyalty. His agi tations for peace have been of such a nature as to mafce.him popular with one of the nations at war. He lays himself open to the charge of at tempting to make friends with the opponents of the United States. Of this he may not be guilty. Agitators usually do their worlf in a hitand tniss manner. Colonel Bryan, unlike Colonel Roosevelt, is" deficient in executive ability. He does jio enjoy such work. Colonel Roosevelt can criticise and also construct. .The country is none the worse for having these two colonels. We may be thankful, however, that one of them was elected president, and that the other was three time defeated. :o: All we need now is thirty days of sunshine, -. . :o: Have you decided what to do with the boy during vacation ? r- :o; Most any joke is funny if the man for whom you are working tells it. : :o: When a man claim to be as good as anybody the chances are that he isn't. i :o: You have no doubt noticed that the aian who begins at the bottom often stays there. :o: Governor Major stands about as much chance of the nomination for vice president as Governor Morehead, and he doesn't stand any at all. . . ;q:-t Are you all talking about "Home Coming" week? Keep agitating it, and by so doing you- will get people of the county interested in the big gest event ever held in Cass county. 0 And that's just what it must be. :o: Remember, Decoration day is one week from tomorrow. And remember, also, that it is your sacred duty to turn out and assist what few old vet erans that remain pay tribute to the memory of their comrades who have gone before. :o: Visitors like to come to Platts- mouth and why? Because our peo ple always extend them a cordial greeting and make their stay as pleasant as possible. This is why Plattsmouth is noted far and near, as one of the most hospitable cities in the west. :o: Most of the democrats of Nebraska are going to stand by the party. Whiie many of them will vote for the constitutional amendment and at the same time vote their party ticket. Prohibition cannot be forced upon the party as a party measure, and any party that attempts it is going to get badly left. :o: There is going to be some pretty hard work done to harmonize the democratic party. If the leaders fail to do their duty in this direction, what can they expect of the common herd? With Lon Langhorst as chairman of the state committee and Arthur Mul- en national committeeman will make a good pair to draw to. :o: There is a man up at Lincoln by the name of Corrick who says there is no question about the nomination at Chi cago of Roosevelt. But this self-made politician, while making a grand rush to get in on the graft business, will get badly left. He thought Roosevelt would surely be elected four year ago, and he will get as badly left this year as he did then. :o: Some republican editors seem to think that the democrats would pre fer Hughes to Roosevelt as the repub lican candidate for president. Well, now, right here is one democrat that doesn't! Judge Hughes is an able man and would run like lightning, while the people of the United States have had enough Roosevelt, and he J would prove the easiest man to beat. :o; No man whose democracy is true blue can afford to bolt the democratic ticket. We know It has been done, and 'to the extent of defeating the ticket.. All parties have their differ ences, but this year we have as good. clean ticket as was ever place4 before the people for their suffrages, and no man has any cause to desert his party. friends unless for some personal griev ance which has become irreparable, and we dont believe any good demo crat should do it then. We know we wouldn't. . , THE HUGHES CAMPAIGN. The cat is let out of the bag by the Kansas City Star, a strongly pro gressive republican newspaper, which tells the plain truth about the Hughes campaign. "Hughes is . a "candidate for the nomination. He has been a candi datefor some time. He has been closely in touch with the campaign Conducted for him by some of the cleverest practical politicians in the country. His emissaries have been at work in practically every state. There will be a Hughes headquarters at Chicago in charge of Frank Hitch cock; they will be opened ten days pr two weeks before the convention meets, and Hughes knows of it. Tnis, summarized, is the story the Star prints from its Washington corre spondent, the following paragraphs of which are of special interest: "Justice Charles E. Hughes of the United States supreme court will ac cept the republican presidential nomi nation, no matter what the circum stances, whether it comes in a hurrah of the entire convention or after a contest. "Men who at this, moment are at tempting to stampede the G. O. P. gathering for Hughes are authority for that positive declaration of his position. It is further confirmed by the very apparent attitude of the justice himself toward the campaign that is being conducted in his behalf 'Justice Hughes, it is said, not only Is willing to accept, but is eager to be named as the republican standard bearer. In everything save name only he is an active candidate for the nomination. He is as much a candidate as Burton, Fairbanks, Cum mins or any of the others, who have had their hats in the presidential ring for months. 'While Justice Hughes has been screening himself behind his position on the supreme court bench from any and all embarrassing interviews, one of the best organized and most skillful campaigns in political history has been going on. in his behalf. He has been in touch with and constantly acquainted with the progress of this campaign. ... In the face of this molelike campaign for Justice Hughes the campaigns of practically, every one oi tne so-caned iavonte sons have collapsed. The positive statement is made that within the last two weeks Jus tice Hughes has given his word that he will accept the nomination if it is given him. . . . Immediately there after there was a gathering of Hughes boosters in New York. It was the sort of a gathering for which Frank Hitchcock, director general of the Hughes campaign, is famous. Held at a secret meeting place, it was three or four days later before anyone outside even had a chance to suspect such a meeting had been held. By that time Hughes' emissar ies were at work in practically every state with a convention delegation of any size." The Star is here merely putting into type a story that every intelli gent observer of republican politics had come already to realize was true. The evidences of design are writ across the political heavens in letters to large and glaring they cannot be mistaken. Who the designers were, and are, can only be conjectured. In Nebraska, we know, Victor Rose- water had a finger in the game. In New York, where headquarters are, and the big designers have their habitat, we know only that they are the class of men for whom Frank Hitchcock is usually found working when a big political scheme is to be put across an unsuspecting country. That, perhaps, is all we need to know. A part of the big plan with shame be it spoken when a justice of su preme court is to be the beneficiary -is that delegates directly elected by the people, and instructed by them in the primary, shall violate their in structions. In Nebraska, for example, the rank, and file of republicansmade it plain, ' by ! overwhelming? vote,' that they are for Cummins, for whom ths delegation is instructed, or for a peace-loving, progressive candidate like him, such as Henry Ford. But j plans are already laid, by the Hughes j managers, for , a switching of the delegation to Hughes after a per- f unctory vote or two has been cast for Cummins. Old-fashioned people, with a deep regard for the supreme court, solici tous that it should be kept forever free from partisan politics, and that its judges should never be subject to the influence of personal ambition or party welfare, can but view with apprehension the further develop ments of the situation. World-Her ald. :o:- The Fourth of July comes on Tues day this year. :o:- Stand by Plattsmouth in the way you ought to and Plattsmouth will stand by you. -:o: Now it seems that Mr. Hughes is all in the ring except his hat, and Mrs. Hughes has that. :o: Some people can't understand when their services are not needed until they are tapped on the head the sec ond time. :o:- The writer will be 74 years old a week from next Friday, June . Don't xorget the date if you desire to re member us. There were 80,000 weddings in England in 1915, and the war going on. But they don't state the number of divorces practically about as j many. -:o: They can boost all they please for 'favorite sons" for vice president but Tom Marshall will be renomi nated just the same. Mark the pre diction! A woman with good sense and ireckles go hand in hand. And a woman who whistles is pretty apt to ue able to knock her husband down if it becomes necessary. -:o: Some newspapers are trying to re vive the agitation of a "Fathers' day." Father will be contented with a pay-day now and then to support mother and the children.. :o:- Thc flies come slipping in one at a time. Keep your fly-swatter handy and you may not have so many when summer comes. So far they have not been numerous around here. It is said that while all of the spec ulative presidential states are being gone over by the G. O. P. brethren in different states, Teddy maintains a perfect silence a silence that is thought by many to be ominous. What an endurance trial the Colonel must be passing through and what ' a reverberating explosion will follow when all the pent-up force finds op portunity for exhaust! The May number of the National Alfalfa Journal contains quits a story of the development of the alfalfa in dustry in the state of Nebraska and gives a table showing how this state has climbed into second place in the production of this great money maker. Cass county is shown t6 occupy a' place among the several counties showing the largest acreage and pro duction of this plant dnd its seed. :o: There are two fears that need never enter the mind of an American citizen as long as Woodrow Wilson is president. One is that the federal government will go off half-cocked; and the other is that the national ad ministration is being controlled by a coterie of nice gentlemen with exact ideas as to what is best for them. Those fears beset many of us under the administrations of Wilson's two predecessors. . :o: Former Representative Richard i Bartholdt is not going to the repub lican convention at Chicago as a dele- trict in St. Louis. He wanted to go very badly. The leaders decided that he should stay at home after he had indicated that he would work for a plank in the platform which was designed to make more difficult the problems which President Wilson is trying to ' solve with respect to our international affairs. For years Mr. Bartholdt was the idol of the "Old Tenth." Children Cry Tlio Kind You Il.avo Always Bonglit, and which has heeri iu use iov over SO years, has homo the signature of ryP and lias heen made under his pcr- 4yr 9S.jit sonal supervision since its infancy. -rv5; S-tetCSc&bC; Allow no one to deceive you in thin. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good ' are hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of luXauts and Children Experience against Experiment What is Castoria is a harmless snbstitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Urops and Soothinjr Syriips. It is pleasant. 16 contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other i'arcotio substance. Its a?c is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms end allays Fevcrishncss. For more than thirty years it Z:as heen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething- Troubles and Diarrhea. It regulates the Stomach and EOwcls, assimilates the Food, riving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Slotiicr's Friend. GENUINE CASTORSA ALWAYS Bears the h Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THE CCNTAUH C O M f it wm im. Plattsmouth, first, last and always. -:o:- Do not attempt impossibilities. Do not, for instance, promise to make a woman happy. Of course there are going to be strong planks in the republican plat- lorm, but who will stand on them :o: Some girls become "engaged," but those having a title or money in their own names are "betrothed." :o: Vice President Marshall is going to be harder to down than you think !or. If there was anything wrong in his private or political career, then it might be different. But there isn't. :o: Some politicians ar? awful good to a newspaper man as long as they can use him, but when they have gotten through with him they can go to or some other hot place. Such men are not fit for any office, and when they step down and out they will stay out. Now, piease pin this to the wall, will you? -:o: There has been no egotism, no noise and bluster, no attacks upon honest business men from the White house in the past three years. There has oeen no junKetmg or excessive speech-making. President Wilson has handled the world-power which des tiny bestowed upon the United States at the present crucial period writh faithfulness, discretion and the re serve strength that symbolizes the nation's greatness. -:o: Great Britain complains that a re cent consignment of smoking tobacco from AV erica was heavily drugged. Simultaneously, Italy reports that a shipment of meat from Chicago con tained metal hooks, slugs and other dangerous adulterations. Very likely the "drugs" England complains of were nothing more dangerous than arsenic, and the meat Italy got prob ably contained nothing more than some scraps of wire and maybq some cinders little things we cat every day and think nothing of. The more we hear of European fastidiousness, the more we respect the iron-bound, fre quently corrugated American stomach. mm to last a 3g WRITE FOR BOOK ON PILES AND RECTAL DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIALS no. r- r. TARRY. Drs. I2ach & Mach, The Dentists The largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha Specialists in charge of all work. Lady attendant. Moderate Prices. Porcelain fillings, just Tike tooth. Instruments carefuhy sterilized alter using. Send for free sample of Sani-Pyor Pyorrhea Treatment. for Fletcher's MI It I ll V ULr 0 CASTORSA Signature of A f IV. NEW YORK CIVV 3 Make hummer. 'Home Coming" week a -:o: The people of this city arc united.' and happy. Yes, we are unanimous for 'Home Coming" week. :o: "Progress" is written on the brow of every good citizen. :o: National honor and national pros perity are safe with Wilson. :o: If you want it done .. don't send a committee, but go do it yourself. :o: A scientist in England has discov ered that potash can be manufactured out of dried banana stalks. What next? '" :o: They are having dandelion contests in many places with the boys. Offer prizes and the kids will get the dan delions. -:o: Some writer says that the wind doesn't blow as much as it did twenty years ago, but the people do a little more of it than ever. :o: The city council is after the light ing company, and from the way the lights have been working for the last month they needed "jacking up." :o: You can save a lot of argument by admitting that the whale swallowed Jonah. And the matter is one" of the least important of public contro versies. :o: Several noted republicans in Ne braska have declared for Wilson and will vote for him, no matter whom rhc republicans nominate. If it be Teddy, there will be hundreds coming our way. :o: SHE TOLD HER NEIGHBOR "I told a neighbor whose child had croup about Foley's Honcy-lnd Tar," writes Mrs. Rehkamp, 2404 Herman St., Covington, Ky, "When sh gave it a couple doses ehe was so pleased ;vith the change she didn't know what to say." This reliable remedy helps coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. Sold everywhere. FISTULA Pay Vhcn CURED All Rectal Diseases cured without a surgical operation. No Chloroform. Ether or other gen . eral aneasthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED LIFE-TIME. STejumination free. Omeha. Nebraska ' 3rd Floor Paxton Olock, OMAHA s ton avenue.