The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 25, 1916, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, MAY 25. 1316.
Cedar Creek Department
News that will be of Interest
in and near Cedar Creek
Studebaker Automobiles,
Firestone Tires
and All Kinds of Accessaries and Oils.
Get Our Quantity Price on Oils!
First Security Bank
Sound, Conservative and Progressive
We are anxious to assist the farmer in feeding and
handling his live stock for market
Deposits In This Bank
are protected by the Depositors' Guaranty Fund of the
State of Nebraska, which lias reached nearly $1,
000,000.00 It is back of us and protects you!
WM. SCHNEIDER. President
W. M. LOHNES, Vice-President T. J. SHANAHAN, Vice-President
J. F. FOREMAN, Cashier
If you have anything for sale adver
tise in the Journal.
Walter Salsburg: was a Plattsmouth
visitor last Thursday.
For good, fresh Candy, Fruit and
Nuts, see S. J. Reames.
Loyd Schneider made an automobile
trip to Omaha Wednesday.
Farm Loans, Insurance and Real
Estate. See J. F. Foreman.
When you want some pood reading
don't forget Reames, Library.
A. O. Ault was looking after some
business matters in Omaha Wednes-
Jack Tritsch shipped a load of hogs
to the South Omah market on last
John Thierolf was looking after
some matters of business in Omaha
Mrs. Robert Stiver and Mrs. Whit
acker spent Thursday with friends in
First Security Bank pays 4 per cent
cn time certificates for six months
and one jear.
Don't forget ladies' day at S. J.
Reames'. Wednesday, May 24. Ev
erybody invited.
Chi's. Dasher went down to Platts
mouth last Friday, and will work foi
Lawrence Stull in the future.
Mrs. Peter Schroeder and Mrs. Phil
ip Stoc-hr were visiting with Mrs. Au
gust Keil, near Cullom, Thursday.
Adam Meisinger was a Plattsmoutl
visitor Tuesday of this wek, spending
a few hours with county seat friends
John Albert, of Plattsmouth, was ir
Cedar Creek Monday attending th(
meeting of the Farmers Elevator Co
Philip Meisinger was looking afte:
some business matters in the count;
seat for a few hours Tuesday of this
Pete Meisinger came in from his
home east of Cedar Creek Wednesday
morning, and in company with A. O
Ault went to Omaha where he pur
chased a new buggy.
The Ladies' Aid Society met at the
church on Wednesday afternoon of
this week, and decided to hold an ice
creiin social and bazaar on Saturday.
Jure 10th. They will commence serv
ing at 2:00 p. m., continuing all after
noon and evening. Everybody is cor
dially invited to 'attend. In case you
cannot attend in the afterroon come
out in the evening.
Tt Oram
All k Orw
I have opened up my Ice Cream
Parlor and invite all who enjoy some
thing fine in the way of Ice Cream to
call and see what v.e ;.e serving rut
satisfy the hunger m th v. ay of
Harding Ice Cream
S. J. Reame?. Cedar Creek.
Miss: Franices Gauer was a Platts
mouth visitor' last Saturday.
Clarence Cusche was shopping in
Plattsmouth last Saturday.
Louis Meisinger made a business
trip to Louisville last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meisinger were
Plattsmouth visitors last Friday.
Martin Friedrich, of Plattsmouth,
was a Cedar Creek visitor Monday.
EdV Me?isiriger was visiting with
Plattsmouth"' Monday, where she will
Wnj. Keil and family were visiting
with Plattsmouth friends last Satur
day. Adam FornofF was looking after
some business matters in Plattsmouth
last Friday.
Henry Dasher went to Plattsmouth
last Saturday to visit over Sunday
with friends.
The trustees of the' Farmers Ele
vator Co., held their regular meeting
here last Monday.
Mrs. Lle went to Waco Monday
jvening for a few days visit with
friends and relatives.
John Gauer was looking after a
iumler of matters of business in the
ounty seat last Saturday.
Miss Xora Baughman- went to
Plattsmouth Mondoy, where she will
remain for a few weeks visiting with
friends..., ;t,
James. Pippitt. of Avon, Illinois,
arrived in Cedar Creek last Saturday
for a visit with his sister, Mrs.
On account of the rain the dance at
.he Sayles Hall was potponed from
last Saturday evening until Saturday
jvening of this week.
Henry Baughman went to Omaha
'ast Saturday to meet Mrs. Baugh
rtan, whe was returning home from a
isit with relatives and friends up at
.Vinside, Nebraska.
Mr. r.r.d Mrs. C. A. uauer were
?laitsmouth visitors last Saturday.
Lloyd Schneider was a countv seat
isitor last Saturday, visiting a few
hours with friends.
British Foreign Secretary Sets Aside
All Ideas Negotiations Early
"I care not how I say it, this war
could have been avoided by accepting
a confernce. Why was the conference
not accepted? Because there was no
good will.
"I only wish the German and Aus
trian governments had published the
reports of their ambassadors as to
the part Great Britain played at the
Balkan conference." Sir Edward
And For Four Years, Could Not
Stand Without Support.
Chillicothe, Ohio "Nothing pleases
me more than to speak a word of
praise for Cardui, the woman's tonic,"
says Mrs. Ed Davis, of this town,
"for I firmly believe that it snatched
me from the grave.
I have been married 14 years, and
had two children. After the youngest
was born, I was not able to walk, and
for four years, I was not strong enough
to stand on my feet five minutes at
the time, without something to support
Nothing seemed to do me any good,
until, finally, I commenced using
Cardui, the woman's tonic. I only used
about four bottles, but, today I am
well, can do my work, and walk as far
as I want to.
I can never praise Cardui enough,
and my neighbors cannot get done
wondering at the change in me."
You, too, can depend on Cardui, be
cause Cardui is a gentle, harmless,
vegetable tonic, that can do yeu noth
ing but good.
Prepared from vegetable herbs, Car
dui has a specific effect on the woman
ly constitution, and puts strength
where it is needed.
Try Card u i. - NCB e
Stewart's Phonographs, only $5.00,
at Dawson's, Plattsmouth, Neb.
' London, May 24. In an impromptu
speech in the house of commons to
night on the question of peace and
the propriety of "employing the
American press as a platform," sub
jects unexpectedly raised by Arthur
Ponsonby, liberal member of Stirling,
Scotland, in a strong address attack
ing the government for allowing
diplomatic etiquette to stand in the
way of possible peace pourpalers, Sir
Edward Grey, the British foreign sec
retary, set aside all ideas that peace
negotiations were possible at the
present stage, and plainly reiterated
that the position of the allies in no
way was changed.
Sir Edward declared that it was
impossible to consider terms of peace
without a previous agreement be
tween the entente allies. Further he
expressed the decided opinion that
the hostilites had not yet reached a
stage where it was possible to talk
of peace as the German public was
constantly being fed "with lies" by
their ministers.
Mr. Ponsonby's reference to the use
of the American press "as a plat
form" was the outgrowth of a recent
interview with Sir Edward Grey.
Would Be Mere Pedantry.
Sir Edward in replying to this at
tack, while admitting that important
disclosures of policy ought first to be
made to parliament, argued that a
crisis might arise during the war
when considerations of etiquette
should not be allowed to stand in the
way. He contended that since Ger
man statesmen constantly were giv
ing interviews and statements to the
American press, it would bs mere
pedantry which would hinder British
statesmen from countering these
statements in the interests of their
own country.
Mr. Ponsonby argued in favor of
countenancing peace possibilities and
against prolonging the war merely
for the sake of obligations to Great
! Britain's allies. The speaker said that
if the war had to be continued until
Constantinople fell or until obliga
tions to allies were fulfilled, the
country ought to be told what those
obligations are, if there was no essen
tial difference between Germany and
Great Britain, and no such obliga
tions the government ought to take
the earliest opportunity to press for
a termination of the war.
Time Not Yet Arrived.
Sir Edward Grey in replying point
ed out that the interview contained
no new declarations. He had no pre
pared speech or statement to make,
but he said that if he thought the
German government or German opin
ion had reached the point where the
allied governments could bring a
peace compatible with their desires
nearer by making speeches about
peace, he would make dozens of them.
The foreign minister added, the tim
has not yet arrived, and the allies
were bound by common obligations
not to put forward any terms of
peace except by mutual agreement.
Mr. Ponsonby attacked the govern
ment's diplomacy. He said the peace
of Europe would depend on the capa
city of statesmen for surveying the
great problems in a broad spirit. The
insularity which had characterized
British diplomacy in the past con
stituted the real danger. The gov
ernment must recognize that the war
had reached a deadlock and at the
same time the superior position of
Great Britain must be recognized.
The latter was due to the spirit and
valor of the people and not to statesmen.
One Kansas Town Already Owns ths
Nickel Theater.
Having rounded up 102 municipal
lighting plants, 17 gas plants and more
than 200 water plants, Kansas is now
after municipal ownership of Its mo
tion picture theaters. One Kansas
towu already owns Its motion picture
house and refuses to let any private
competitor come in. Three other towns
are arranging for municipally owned
and conducted movie houses.
Kausas believes in municipal owner
ship not because of any theoretical
views, but because of actual experi
ence, says the Kansas City Star. Com
munity after community has entered
the field of electric lighting, for exam
ple, and without exception they have
lowered their rates and improved their
service. Ail the publicity of utility mo
nopolists avails nothing in the face of
the concrete facts as Kansas has dis
covered them. You can't tell a Kansan
that municipal ownership is a failure
and get away with it when the city
light plant which he patronizes has cut
his bills in two and given him better
Kansas has a public utility commis
sion, but there is no "certificate of con
venience and necessity" provision, as
In Wisconsin, which gives the private
company in the field an everlasting mo
nopoly and a perpetual franchise. Cor
poration "regulations" tried to tack
such a provision on to the Kansas law
nt the last session of the Kansas legis
lature, but the municipal ownership
people in Kansas proved too much for
If he doesn't like the way the public
utility corporation does business the
Kansnn demands as an inalienable
right that he be free to tackle the busi
ness himself. The welfare of a whole
community is rore to him than the fic
titious "right" of any eastern capitalist
to bleed a people indefinitely merely
because he has an Investment made
originally for that purpose.
If the Individual capitalist can do
business on the same basis as the city
and he usually can if he is forced by
competition to do so he is welcome to
continue ia operation. If he can't he
may seek other investments in other
states, where there is greater reverence
for "widowed and orphaned" stockhold
ers and the divinity of 7 per cent.
from Tuesday Dal It.
Mike Rys, the veteran blacksmith,
who has been employed at St. Joseph,
Mo., for the past several months, has
decided to again make Cass county
his home and has leased the black
smith shop owned by R. L. Propst at
Mynard and hereafter will be found
there attending to the needs of those
desiring anything in his line. Mike
i3 one of the best blacksmiths in this
section and needs no introduction to
the people of Cass county for his
first-class work.
Choice Beeves 10-15c Higher;
Hew Recordof $10.25
Lambs About Steady, Market Pretty
Slow; Moderate Supply.
Union Stock Yards, South Omaha,
Neb., May 25, 1916. The receipts of
cattle for Wednesday were fairly lib
eral, some 240 loads or 6,000 head.
The demand for both shipping and
local dressed beef men was strong,
and the market was active and high
er for cattle of good weight, also for
the best yearlings. Prime heavy
beeves sold up to $10.25, making a
new high mark for the year, and
choice yearlings brought $10.20, also
a new high mark for yearlings. Any
thing good enough to attract compe
tition brought 1015c higher than
Tuesday. Bulk of the fair to good
1,000 to 1.350 lb. beeves went at a
spread of $9.50 9.S0. The yearlings
that were not choice and fat were
slow sale, as there was a good supply
of them on sale the prices were
around $8.75 9.75.
Quotations on cattle:
Good to choice beeves, $9.85 10.25;
fair to choice beeves, $9.50(59.80;
common to fair beeves, $8.509.40;
good to choice heifers, $8.009.00;
good to choice cows, $7.75 8.50; fair
to good cows, $6.75(5 7.75; canners
and cutters, $4.50(36.50; veal calves, '
?9.0012.00; bulls, stags, etc., $6.50
'The hog receipts for "Wednesday
showed quite a drop, against Tues
day's large run. The market was act
ive at the start, prices being about
5c higher than Tuesday. Shippers
bought a few hogs, and some of the
packers having urgent orders, hogs
went at about 5c higher figures at the
start. Sellers wanting early prices.
Bulk of the sales brought around $D.C0
519.65. Some of the heavies bringing
$9.75, the top.
The receipts for sheep and lambs
were about the same as Tuesday, es
timated supplies being 17 cars, or
about 4,000 head. Owing to the lib
eral receipts and the easier prices at
Chicago and other points, made the
local buyers somewhat bearish, al
though the run here was so moderate,
but the sellers made no concessions,
and the first lambs moved at about the.
same prices as Tuesday. The earlier
sales included more light clipped
lambs at'$10.90, yesterday's record. A
couple-decks of native spring lambs
made $13.00, some more California
nVpring lambs sold at $12.85. The sup
ply of ewes was fair, the best selling
at $8.25.
Quotations on sheep and lambs:
Lambs, wooled. fair to choice, $11.00
12.00; lambs, clipped, handy, $10.25
10.90; lambs, clipped, heavy, $9.50
1G.C0; lambs, spring, $11.0013.00;
yearlings, fair to choice, light, $10.00
11.00; yearlings, fair to choice,
heavy, $9.00 10.00; wethers, fair to
choice, $8.253.75; ewes, good to
choice, $8.759.50; ewes, fair to good,
$8.008.75; ewes, clipped, $7.008.5O.
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out the
slip, enclose with 5c to Foley & Co.,
Chicago, 111., writing your name and
address clearly. You will receive in
return a trial package containing
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for
bronchial coughs, colds and croup.
Foley Kidney Pills, and Foley Cathar
tic Tablets. Sold everywhere.
Misses Sandals!
Among the many Styles of
Misses Shoes designed to
( fit the Young Lady's foot
( correctly and comfortably,
( there is no style more pop-
ular than the one Strap
Ankle Tie or Sandal, shown
q by our illustration.
This Shoe is always right
always satisfactory.
Leather of Patent Colt and Dull.
Broad Nature Shaped toe and low
fiat heel. Some with handsome
flat bow ornaments. All sizes
$1.75 to $3.00
according to size
Fetzer Shoe Co.
All Kind of Shoe Cleaners
Home Builders
Profit by the experience of three centuries of
building in America use for all exposed surfaces
White Pine
King of structural woods. It does not shrink, swell, crack,
twist, warp or rot. Once in place, it "stays put" after
years of exposure, even in closest-fitting mitres and in
delicate mouldings and carvings.
And it takes paint perfectly.
We carry at all times a complete and carefully selected
stock of White Pine and all other desirable lumber.
The safest way to buy building material is to visit our yards
see the stock before you pay for it benefit by our
personal service on the ground and know you are getting
full value for your money. Our reputation guarantees
the quality of the goods.
Come in and talk over your building needs
with us and let us assist you to satisfaction
Cedar Creek Lumber Co
Take your pick of these
$15 $25 $40$S0
It isn't necessary for you to have one of the
more expensive Victor-Victrolas to have access to all
the wonderful variety of Victor music.
Any instrument frbm the Victor-Victrola IV at
$15 to the $200 Victor-Victrola XVI will play every
record in the Victor catalog.
Select the instrument that is best suited to your
home and start in to enjoy the music and fun.' Come in
and see us about it today. "V
i u. mmu.
Watchmaker and Jeweler
I r7 JUL-!
V s
5 Vis
If you want to sell IT Advertise IT It PAYS
In- The Journal
of not sending some good look
ins' hogs to market, but have
you everstopped to figure how-
much better they would look
and how much more money the would bring if you would have stop ed
in our store long enough to havee 200 pounds of
with a Standard Self Feeder free, sent out to your farm. It cests noth
ing to feed it because it saves three times its cost in shortening the fat
tening period, preventing runts and in saving high priced feed. A trial
will convince you. Get 200 pounds and'a feeder today. It will mean
more Ho profits with less work and worry.
UEYMCU & I1ADR0A, Exclusive Agent
Headquarters for the complete Standard Line.