The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 25, 1916, Image 1

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Historical Soc 1
Neb State
yoL. xxxiv.
No. 99
- r
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Council Placed the Remonstrances On
File for Further Action, and
Other Business "Was
From Tuesday's Daily.
The session of the city council last
evening was one of the most import
ant sessions as far as the amount of
business filed with the future devel
cpment of the city was concerned
that has been held for some time, and
the dads dispatched the various mat
ters with speed. One of the most
important of the matters taken up
was the letting of the contract for
the paving of the half blocks on
Third, Fourth and Fifth streets,
which was let to the firm of J. II.
McMaken, as well as the acceptance
of the recommendation of the park
commission for the purchase of the
city of the Coates pasture on North
Fifth street for park purposes.
Mayor Sattler also settled the ques
tion of the city attorneyship at the
meeting, presenting first the name of
D. O. Dwyer, which was rejected by
the unaimous vote of the council, and
he then sent the name of J. E. Doug
lass to th council and the same was
confirmed by an unanimous vote.
At the assembling of the council
and after the reading of the minutes
by Clerk Warga, Hon. R. B. Windham
was introduced by the mayor to ad
dress the council on the subject of
the fall festival and '"home coming"
week, and the speaker urged the city
to take an active part in the plans
that were being made by the Com
mercial club, and the committee in
harge to make it a srreat gala' occa
sion. The speaker recited a number
of the different steps that would be
taken up to secure the presence of
the former residents of the city here
during this gala occasion, and also
urged the council to appoint a com
mittee to co-operate . with the other
committee? in making the event a
success in every way. Mayor Sattler
was authorized on motion of Lushin
sky to appoint such a committee, with
himself as an ex-officio member, and
the mayor named Councilmen Patter
son, Buttery and Bajeck to assist on
behalf of the city in perfecting the
plans for the festal 'week.
The bids for the paving was then
taken up by the council as the bidders
from out of the city were desirous
of returning to Omaha, and after the
bids had been read they were referred
to the streets, alleys and bridges com
mittee, to tabulate and report, which
they did later in the session, recom
mending the awarding of the contract
to Mr. McMaken, and the paving to
be of class B brick block paving, in
the sum of $7,400. His was the low
est bid, beating that of the J. J. Parks
company of Omaha by $28 on this
class of work.
The petition of II. A. Schoemann
and M. L. Williams for a saloon li
cense was then read and referred to
the license committee, to take up and
act upon at the next meeting of the
The park commissioners, J. P. Fal
ter and C. E. Martin, presented a
statement to the council that the
Coates property could be secured for
$800, and as there was $1,200 avail
able in the park fund of the city
they recommended that the property
be purchased and the sum of 1800 be
transferred to purchare the same for
park purposes.
A petition was also presented to
the council to have the keeping? bf
bees on the property of Charles Land
be declared a nuisance, setting forth
that the bees prevented the cattle'ctf
the petitioners from drinking at the'
hydrant used for that purpose; that
the bees had stung several of the
petitioners' families and also spoiled
the fruit on the property of the peti
tioners. This was signed by W. H.
Miller, W. B. Rishel and J. W. Tulene,
all residents of Orchard Hill addition
to the cit7. The matter was referred
to the police to look after.
Complaint was also made in a peti-
tionsigned by Charles Ulrich, Henry
Hilbert, Mrs. J. A. Murray and 1. H.
Karnes, against J. F. Clugy, for keep
ing his wagons and scrapers in the
roadway, blocking it up and making
. (Continued on Page Two.)
From Tuesday' Dall r.
Gailen Rhoden, one of the enter
prising young farmers of the county,
a short time ago purchased ten tur
key eggs from Charles Mutz of this
city, and, taking the eggs home, set
rhern, with the result that out of the
ten eggs he secured nine fine little
turkeys, which is a remarkably good
showing and has greatly pleased Mr
Rhoden, who has visions of a fine,
juicy bird for the holiday dinner this
winter. He also has several hundred
fine young chickens at his home,
which are rapidly approaching the
stage when they are ripe for frying,
nd will furnish a rare treat to this
enterprising gentleman and those who
re fortunate enough to secure them.
From Tuesday's Dally.
This morning James Korec became
involved in the machinery of the law
and as a result is resting in the city
bastile. The young man has been
flirting with the jail for the past two
days, and the final break occurred
today that snapped the long-standing
patience of the police and resulted in
the arrest of James. He was involved
in quite a little disturbance last night,
but had promised to go home and
sober up. but this morning was in a
more militant mood than ever and
raided several varities of sheol in
different places before he fell into the
hands of Chief Barclay, and on the
way to jail it was necessary to jar
him "up a" little as he was still full
of war. The coolness of the city
bastile will probably have the effect
of taming him down and showing him
the error of his ways, as when he is
sober he is a perfectly peaceable and
gentlemanly young fellow.
From TueodaVn DaJlT.
Frank R. Gobelmann' departed on
Sunday afternoon for Highland, 111.,
where he was summoned by a mes-
age announcing the death at that
phice of his uncle, Jacob Gobelmann.
The deceased was quite well known in
ihis locality, as he had often visited
his brothers, Christopher Gobelmann
of this city and Val Gobelmann of
near Murray. He was a veteran of
the civil war and a gentleman held
in the highest esteem by all those
with whom he came in touch. For a
great many years he had made his
home at Highland with his sister,
having never married, and leaves
only the brothers and sister to mourn
his death. He passed away early
Sunday morning after an illness of
some duration. The funeral services
were held today at the late home.
From Tuesday"c Danr.
Tne auction sale of sewing ma
chines which was to have been held
in this city last Saturday was post
poned, owing to the rainy weather of
lastweek, until next Saturday, when
the opportunity of purchasing these
fine, high-class machines at practic
ally your own prices will be afforded.
The auction will be conducted by Rex
Young, the Cass county auctioneer.
Elsewhere in this issue will be found
the advertisement of this sale, which
should be looked into by those who
desire to purchase a sewing machine.
Horses For Sale.
I still have a few horses for sale,
also some farm machinery. If you
need them see me. Frank Vallery,
Office supplies at the Journal office.
Commencement Exercises Will Be
Held at the Parmele Theater
On Wednesday, May 31.
From Wednesdays Dally.
The seniors of 1916 have said fare
well to the old school as far as their
active school work is concerned, and
only a few more days will elapse un
til they graduate from the Platts
mouth high school and prepare to
take up their active work in other
lines, some to advance their education
in college, while others will at once
embark in the active life of the world.
The commencement exercises of
the school will be held at the Par
mele theater on Wednesday, May 31,
when the class will receive diplomas
for -faithful work of the last four
years. The program for the final
exercise of the school will be as fol
lows :
Invocation Rev. C. E. Perlee
Trio "Grand Gallop Brilliante"
Misses Seybert, Sayles, Ramge.
Salutatory "Character"
Miss Elizabeth Hall
Valedictory "Stand for Some
thing" Charles Dovey
Violin Solo
(a) "Romanze" Beethoven
(b) "The Bee" Shubert
Miss Agnes Knoflicek.
Class Address A. A. Brooks
Presentation of Scholarship
Supt. W. G. Brooks
Presentation of Diplomas
Board of Education
Benediction Rev. C. E. Perlee
The class is one of the largest in
recent years in the school, number
ing thirty-eight -eleven boys and
twenty-seven girls, who have been
trained for useful manhood and wo
manhood in the schools of this city.
The class roll of the year gives the
ist of graduates as follows: H. Floyd
Stone, Jeanette Patterson, Glenn Joy
Barker, Aubrey H. C. Duxbury, Mar
garet Pearl Dugay, Vera .Claire
Moore, Charles S. Dovey, Elizabeth
Grace W. Hall, Jennie Doris Vallery,
Arthur B. White, Eleanore Margaret
Schulhoff, Lillian LaVern Adams,
Sophie Wesch, Iva Marie Davis,
Helen Frances Morley, Jessie Edith
Whelan, Vera Mae Hatchett, Adele
Osa Fitzpatrick, Ethel Margaret Sey
bert, Major Isaac W. Hall, Harry W.
Winscot, Philip T. Campbell, Blanche
Sayles, Edith Alice Ramge, Ethel
Rose Lewis, Barbara A. Ptak, Flor
ence H. Egenberger, Mattie Gapen,
Raymond J. Larson, Howard E. Wiles,
Pauline Swoboda, Ruth L. C. Roman,
Martin G. Sporer, Margaret Ger
trude Dotson, Ina May Dalton, Alice
Barbara Weyrich and Fred V. Speck.
The class has chosen as its colors
avender and white, while the flower
is the pink rose. The motto of the
class is "Character Is the Only True
Diploma." The class officers are:
Floyd Stone, president; Miss Ethel
Seybert, vice president; Charles S.
Dovey, secretary-treasurer, and Miss
Lucille Gass, class adviser.
From Wednesdays Dally.
Last evening the members of the
Christian Endeavor society of the
Presbyterian church met at the
church about C o'clock and took a
hike, going to the vicinity of the big
Burlington bridge. Here a suitable
picnic grounds was selected and two
lively fires were kindled, over which
some weinies were roasted and coffee
prepared. The "eats" to go with the
weinies and coffee were also arranged
and as soon as the coffee and weinies
were done, supper was announced,
and the merry company, with appe
tites whetted by the outdoor life, fell
to and soon had disposed of a good
share of the "eats." A few moments
were indulged in toasting marsh-
mallows and then, after going across
to the Iowa side on the ferry and in
dulging in various other amusements,
the Endeavorers and their friends
wended their way homeward, declar
ing that they had had a most delight
ful time and hoping there will be
another weinie roast in - the near
From Wednesday Daily.
The members of Plattsmouth lodge
No. 6, Ancient Free and Accepted
Masons, last evening enjoyed a very
pleasant time at their lodge rooms in
the Masonic temple and a large num
ber of the members were present to
take part in the work of conferring
the work of the lodge as well as in
the delightful banquet which fol
lowed. The feast was served by the
lodge members in the banquet hall
and was an occasion of more than
usual enjoyment. The tables were
very prettily decorated with the early
summer flowers and made a scene of
beauty as the members of the order
gathered around the festal board and
enjoyed the good things prepared for
From Wednesday's Dally.
The Journal has received . a very
interesting letter from P. F. Rhin,
who has located at Bartlesville, Okla.,
and in this he sends a few words to
his host of friends in this city to
remind them that he has not forgot
ten them, and it is with pleasure that
we print the letter.
"To the Journal and Plattsmouth
Friends: I arrived in Bartlesville on
the 15th at 6:05 a. m., and went to
work at noon of the same day for
A. H. Kress & Company, who oper
ate 155 stores in this state. Am
rooming at a private home and tak
ing my meals out.
"I find Bartlesvilij to be a well-
kept town, has a population of about
15,000, about twenty miles of paved
streets, good business houses, two or
three zinc smelter works, supposed
to be the largest in the world since
the one in Belgium has been de
stroyed. Most every home uses natu
ral gas for heating and cooking pur
poses and a large per cent for light,
also, since it is cheaper than fuel
(such as coal and wood), the price
being 20 cents per cubic foot. There
are two oil tank farms near here,
one about ten miles north, called the
Bijou, consisting of 180 tanks, and
another about twenty miles north,
called the Ramona, .consisting of 280
tanks. These tanks hold betweoq
35;000 and 50,000 barrels of oil, and
the cost of building each tank was
$10,000, when material was cheap.
The crude oil retails for $1.15 per
barrel, containing, as nearly as I can
find, about thirty-two gallons, mak
ing the cost about 4 cents per gal-
"The company I am working for
employs at present in this store about
thirteen girls, one young man besides
myself, the manager and three extra
girls on Saturday on account of the
nine-hour law. Our hours are from
7:30 a. m. to 6 p. m. for the men, and
from 8 a. m. to G p. m. for the wo
men, with the exception of Saturday,
when we keep open until 9 o'clock.
Trusting that you will care to print
these few lines as some of my friends
requested that I drop a few lines to
let them know how I am getting
along, I remain, Your friend,
P. F. RHIN."
From Tuesday's Dallv.
Last evening the Woodman Circle
drill team held a very interesting
meeting, taking up the work of pre
paring for the unveiling of the monu
ments to two of the late sovereigns
of the order, Mrs. Mary WTiite and
Mrs. Celia Pein. Miss Dora Alex
ander, head clerk of the order, and
Mrs. Kate Remington were here from
Omaha, as they will take part in the
unveiling exercises, which will be
held in June.
The seat sale for the senior class
play will be opened at the drug store
of Weyrich & Hadraba on Friday
morning at 10 o'clock. The prices
will be 35 cents for the entire lower
floor and first two rows of the bal
cony, while the rest of the seats will
be offered at 25 cents.
While Plowing Six Miles West of
La Platte, Farmer Unearths a
Skeleton With U. S. Gen
eral's Uniform On.
One of the most interesting facts
of the early history of this section
of the state of Nebraska has been
discovered at the old mission house
of Rev. Moses Merrill, six miles west
of La Platte, where the skeleton of a
man clothed in the uniform of a gen
eral of the United States army was
unearthed while plowing a field near
the old mission. It happened that
when the discovery was made that
Frank Harrison, who is doing special
research work in the early history
of the state, was at the mission hous
looking over the ground, and he at
once hastened to the scene of the
discovery and, learning the import
ance of the find, telephoned to this
city for Father M. A. Shine, the fore
most authority in the state on the
early settlement of Nebraska, as well
as to Hon. R. B. Windham, president
of the Territorial Pioneer's associa
tion. These gentlemen motored up
to Bellevue yesterday afternoon and
were joined by Mr. Harrison, and to
gether they hastened to the old mis
sion house to investigate the find.
The body had been buried on a hill
side, not a great way from the mis
sion, and the plow, in digging into
the grave, has disarranged the skel
eton, but the many interesting relics
that would prove of value in identifi
cation remained. A large number of
small bells, which had evidently been
fastened on the uniform with thongs
of rawhide, were found, while a num
ber of bracelets of copper and brass
were lying in the grave, having evi
dently been the ornaments of the
person who was buried there, and
these bracelets were decorated with
hand filings in the copper with a
crude attempt at ornamentation. All
of the rings and bracelets found were
of very crude make and green with
the marks of time that they had lain
in the grave. There were also sev
eral strings of beads of blue and
white in the grave, denoting the im
portance of the body that had been
unearthed, while the most striking
eature of the find was the fact that
the tattered remnants of an old uni
form coat of the United States army
was found, the brass buttons and the
gold epaulets being in a very good
state of preservation, and for a short
time creating the impression that the
body was that of some army officer
who had been killed by the Indians,
but this was soon settled by Father
Shine, who, on learning the circum
stances of the find, and the articles
in the grave, identified the skeleton
as that of Chief Iotan, chief of the
Otoe tribe of Indians, whose village
had been located close to the mission
and where the Rev. Moses Merrill had
abored in an endeavor to teach Chris
tianity to the benighed savage. The
story of the death of Chief Iotan was
quite familiar to Father Shine as it
has been preserved in the records of
the pioneer Baptist missionary, and,
as related by Father Shine, leaves jjo
doubt that the grave was that of the
Otoe chief and reveals a most inter
esting story of one of the early
tragedies of the wild west. As re
lated by Rev. Merrill in his records,
this chief, Iotan, was one of the most
powerful in the west and possessed',
among other things, a large number
of wives, and from this fact grew the
tragedy. One day in the year 1837
two of the young Indians belonging
to the tribe ran away with two of the
wives of Chief Iotan. The chie?
thereupon swore vengence on the two
young bucks and threatened death to
them when they met. On April 28,
1837, a bright spring day, as Rev.
Merrill relates, the two young men
with their stolen wives returned to
the village, near the mission, and,
while the chief was absent, giving
their war songs of defiance. Shortly
after, Chief Iotan returned from a
hunting trip and, as he passed the
mission, learned of the return of the
young warriors, and announced his
intention of putting them to death.
The chief opened fire with a rifle
as soon as he' learned the location of
the two men in a wooded tract at
the edge of the village and one of
the men was killed, and in the gen
eral fight that ensued the chief as
well as the two bucks and two other
warriors were shot to death. The
chief was attired in a bright blue coat
with red facings and liberally deco
rated .with large brass buttons and
gold braid, which had been presented
to him by the great white father at
Washington and of which he was
very proud. The chief was buried
near the village and has slept there
since that fateful day until the plow
of the white man disturbed the bones
of he who had once ruled this section
of the state as chief of one of its
largest tribes.
The Merrill mission was erected
near La Platte in 1836 and is without
doubt the oldest structure in the
state, and the State Historical society
is doing its best to try and secure the
old building for preservation for the
future generation. Here Rev. Mer
rill labored in the cause of the Mas
ter from 183G until his death in 1840,
when he passed away as the result
of consumption, contracted in his
hard work and exposure to the life
of the frontier. He was buried at
old St. Mary's cemetery, on the Iowa
side of the Missouri river, just below
Council Bluffs, but the river in chang
ing its course wiped out the section
of land where he was buried and car
ried the body down the river, far
from the scene of his activities. The
find was one that will be most inter
esting in the following out of the
early history of the state, and Father
Shine is studying further the inci
dents that followed and preceded this
tragedy at the old mission to aid the
workers in tracing the history of
For some little time the police
have received complaints of the fact
that a number of young boys of the
city have the habit of congregating
at the central fire house and using
the room as a rendezvous, where they
gather and smoke their cigarettes
and enjoy themselves. The boys gain
entrance to the room by using the
key. that is left hanging iigarf. the
door to use in case it is .desired to
get the hose carts and other fire
fighting appartus out of the building
for use in time of need. It was quite
a while before the fact of the boys
hanging out in the hose room in the
city hall was ascertained, but now
the police are on the watch for them
and will nab the first offender who
is caught trying to make the place a
smoking room, and making an added
danger to the safety of the building.
It seems that this is a very strange
place to pick for this kind of a gath
ering, and those who have been
in the habit of using the fire depart
ment room would do well to cut it
out in the future.
The Plattsmouth delegation at the
State Association of Commercial
clubs in Omaha yesterday report a
most interesting session and the larg
est that has yet been recorded, as the
attendance exceeded all expectations.
The Plattsmouth crowd numbered
eight at the meeting and greatly
enjoyed the discussion of the gocvJ
roads question by P. A. Wells of the
George Washington Highway asso
ciation, and who is one strongly urg
ing the formation of laws that will
allow of state aid for the good roads.
From Tuesday's Pally,
The Daughters of the American
Revolution held their annual election
of officers last evening at the home
of Mrs. E. H. Wescott, at which time
the following officers were elected:
Miss Bernese Newell, regent; Mrs.
Mae Morgan, vice regent; Mrs. Jennie
Dodge, secretary; Miss Alice Tuey,
treasurer; Mrs. Ellen C. Miner, reg
ister; Miss Leona Brady, historian;
Miss Hermia Windham, chaplin; Mrs.
E. H. Wescott, organist.
From Wednesday's Dally.
If the weatherman can be prevailed
upon to stay the downfall of damp
ness on next Sunday afternoon the
Stars and Stripes team of Omaha will
be here to take on the-Red Sox in a
red-hot game of baseball. The Stars
and Stripes have greatly strength
ened their team since their visit here
last season and will be able to give
the fans a good run for their money
in the contest. With a long rest, due
to the wet weather, the locals are on
their mettle and will be all ready to
get into the game and carry off the
For the game Decoration day one
of the strongest teams in Omaha
the Omaha Gas company, will be on
the job, giving an exhibition of the
national pastime, and the fans will
be treated to one of the swiftest
games of the season as the Gas com
pany team has made a record that
they are proud of in the number of
games won so far this season, but
they will find they are up against
the real thing in the game here on
the 30th. This game will be called
at 4 o'clock, after the exercises at
the Parmele theater, and will give
everyone an opportunity of attending
both the exercises and the ball game
From Wednesdays Dally.
,The Woodman Circle last evening
enjoyed a very pleasant social time
at the lodge rooms in the M W A. -
building, and one which was quite
largely attended by the members.
The regular business session of the
order being disposed of, the order of
the evening was that of a grand so
cial time for the members and their '
friends, and for several hours merri
ment prevailed in the hall as the
members of the order and their fam
ilies proceeded to enjoy themselves
with social conversation as well as
in dancing to the tuneful music fur
nished by the Plattsmouth orchestra.
under the direction of Tom Svcboda,
and this served to pass the time very
pleasantly until a late hour, when
the members of the party wended
their way homeward. During tha
evening the most delicious ice cream
and cake was served by the ladies,
which added very much to the pleas
ure of the occasion.
From "Wednesday's Da-tlT.
While out assessing this year one
of our assessors met with a unique
experience that has set him wonder
ing as to the modern methods of
farming. He called at one of the
neat-lookine farms in this vicinity
and started in to list the property.
When it reached the live stock the
owner failed to list any horses or
hogs, and the only object that could
be classified as live stock was a Ford
automobile, and the assessor is won
dering if this gentleman is intending
to do his farming with a Ford, and,
while it is used for a great many pur
poses, it is wondered at how it can
be put to use in active farm work.
From Wednesdays Dally.
: This morning F. G. Egenberger
and wife returned home from Excel
sior Springs, Mo., where they have
been for the last ten days, enjoying
an outing at the famous Missouri
health resort. While there Fred took
treatment for rheumatism, and re
turns home greatly benefited from
the effects of the baths and the treat
ment and is looking fins in every way
and feeling greatly improved.
For the Simon Pore Benjamin
Franklin Lightning Rod, call on T. W.
Vallery. or write him at M array, Neb.
Bead the want ads in the Journal.