MONDAY, MAY 22, 1916 PAGE a. " pLATTSMOUTn ' SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. ri v I f - T03ACCO IS PREPARED f Vfe"''. t'V-' C FOR SMOKERS UHDERTHE 1 X''iVvX; ! : PROCESS DISCOVERED IN j- W MAKING EXPERIhCEriTS TO II! '4v A -Vv:--', ! : PRODUCE THE MOST DE- if W:- ' UGHTFl'L AND WHOLE- 4 V-? yf-iV-vC'E TOBACCO FOR CIG- ;j I; Prince Albert it mold evenrvohere in toppv red bag.. Sc.- t.jy red tin, lOc; handsome pound and half-pound tm hum.dor, -and- that clever cryttal.glas pound a wor wit h .ponve mo.stener top that keep the tobacco in much .ptend.d condition. R. J. Reynold Tobacco Co., SPRAYING FRUIT IS ESSENTIAL SO PPVO I I C"5F"?5 dHT 5 h h m f rie.rence Apple Grower Says Trees Should lie Treated In liloom. All i!i . i-i. r.- . .r t tCWS 3URRWVJ rir- eiiju CIGAPcTit . jO COOl : nt'-th spray, which is applied just j af'er the ietals fall and before the J. J. Smith. ar-T)l grower livin- ' f'a'-'"x t5o north of Florence, and regarded i-v ! l Umv Splut!Cn manv as the met scientific apple j "lh Vpovc are as fo.lows: grower in Nebraska, has written to ! Z"' u.. i..t.. i .r-ns r.f v.vter. To this add one and lilt" lieu;. ri.trtii:. tii.v uc -.av. . the codli:ir moth spray. To crow sound fruit should interest every per son who has one tree cr many. Let j us not have a repetition of last ver.r's i apple market if we can avoid it. fiet a Spra3'. '"If a persons has just a few trees committee of the Omaha Commercial j -quarter j.ounas ot ury arsenate i tlutche, of the law. Everett had club the foilowin- letter concerning I f f 1':'a'i' or nvo aml o-half pounds j t.ll;en tof) freely of the flowin- bowl the care of apple orchards: "a for"m- The latter requnes to fouM(J hg CQuld VQt hamlle tht, "As the apple trees are now in full11? A ' th"-! brand of firewater handled here with bloom, thev will soon be readv for ! T ,thc n?zes- the case he accustomed to at in the yard, pro to the seedman and if he y-epariritr to clean the eel- i from pain which it affords is alone j-et a small hand sprayer holding j lar or do an odd job of painting; j worth many times its cost. Ob tain -three -to five gallon';. If the orchard j overalls, jumper, old hat. gloves, j able everywhere. Lei Us Assist You in Planning Your 1 New Residence! eww?a ' 1 fe . J5 on are no do;bt ill the same )o.sition tliat a great many others of this city v $2 and cominnnity are in. You v. ant a new home, and if you had a little assistance J in the way of plans, cost of material and a partial estimate on the cost of your new homfc you might build now. We have ju?t received a most complete line of plans, specifications, estimate of lumber bills for each and every structure in this great volume, all of which will be of great aid to you in planning a new home, all free to you by calling at h olir l"mtHr office. This volume . also contains the plans of combination barns j and silos, garages, outbuildings of numerous kinds, which we will be glad to & O show j)rosiiective building of these sort of structures. Q Jj This is Our Line and VVc Will Be Glad to Help You! K Our Lumber and Building Line is Complete J Lumber and Building Pr.CCESS PATENTED JULY 20 1307 P.J.KYNDIDSTCBACCCCOhPASY -J Vir;ior:Sir.r..N.C.LS.A. 'iij 03fS rOTBJTE THE TOMGL'E ;:1 4 cigarette unless you get on talking-terms with Prince Albert tobacco! P. A. comes to you with a real reason for all the goodness and satisfaction it offers. It is made by a patented process that removes bite and narr.h f , You can smoke it lon and hard without a come I back! Prince Albert has always been sold without ' ' coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality! I Prince Albert affords the keenest pipe and cigarette .1 : a I A 1 1 j-i 1 r mvui: -f-iuu max navor ness is as good as that answers the universal demand for tobacco without bite, parch or kick-back! Introduction to Prince Albert isn't any harder . l . . . . , , . than to walk into the nearest place that sells .l , .i r , r . A ,, r tobacco and ask tor a supply of P. A. You pay , . -) . . t . , , out a little change, to be sure, but it s the cheer- r..1lrt , j tullest investment you ever made ! the national joy smoke 7 Y i 4 f Winston - Salem, N. C. Copyright 1916 by - n co?r.irseiTiul oik-, secure tvther j arrel sn- aye:-. hoKlintr fifty ?i.'iii n?, ! ! a cut:U. At anv rate, u.-c tirht tf t.-r-foot rods with a nozzle : h:-t vili '-.-i- f r ;iir:i v. Ti:i 'I V v:;rd t:es the operator ir.ny s a tter-L.dder to reach the top of! fw rr.ay spray f-om three to five times du: mr- tne season, ip.p person vviin a i few trees may secure i'-0 per cent to per cent sound fru't in an average : ea.- -n with a pood, thorough codlincr Add the lead the last thine, before you betrin. ''If the s dt-tion stands over nijrht, sine- b'.inc: mixed, it will most likely jburn the foliage: therefore, mix no i more j,t nnc time than vou can use. This solution is easy to apply after j J Kr.ov how. Dr-ess as a man would t Material. a i i o a., P. A. puts new joy into the sport of smoking ! YOU may live to be 110 and never feel old enough to vote; but it's certain-sure you'll not know the joy and contentment of a friendly old jimmy pipe or a hand rolled ana iragrance ana sounds. P. A. just f:.! 1-2 fcj w tss wa R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., and pro to it. Put from two to four rallons to the tree. Cover cverv calvx. ! HANDED A "LITTLE PACKAGE" IN POLICE COURT THIS fl. Everett Drookstool. pivingr hi? resi dence as Nebraska City, was in the police court this morning to answer to the ehurpre of beinjr in a state cf j intoxication, contrary to the peace j.nJ dignity of the state and city, an : i t,...-. ,-,. i i;fir o.'-.i r- n-Koio,! i'5 and costs, which he settled and was allowed to proceed on his way reion'inc: at tne reiease irora tne home, and hence his downfall. Kheumatism. If you are troubled with chronic or muscular rheumati-m jrive Chamber lain s Liniment a trial. Ine reliel V Plattsmouth, Nebraska IE GREATEST ATHLETIC EVENT HELD IN YEARS Given by the Young Ladies of T. J. Sokal Society, and Attended by Many Young Ladies of Omaha. One of the mo:it largely attended athletic events that has been held in this city for seme time was given yesterday at the T. J. Sohol hall in the west part f the city, when the young ladies cf the turning society were the 'ho.-: Losses of a large delega tion of the active turners of Omaha t nd the South Side, including several ladies' classes and a large number of the active men turners of the T. J. S. The greater part of the visitois ar rived at 10 o'clock yesterday morning i.nd were met at the IIui lington sta tion by a committee of the local or ganization and escorted to the hall on Fourteenth street, where the events were to be staged. In this delegation there weve in the neighborhood of 125, and this was later added to by ihe arrivals at 1:15, making close to 200 from the metropolis who were present to take part in the pleasant event. The morning was spent large ly in the arrangements for the drills and exhibitions, with the various teams running through their drills oefore the opening hour of the exhi bition. The visitors had to a great extent come provided with their lunches, and enjoyed a fine picnic dinner at the hall, while for those who had not brought their dinner the ladies of the local turning society served a most pleasing dinner which was enjoyed to the utmost by every one who took part. The exercises in the afternoon were thoroughly enjoyable in every way and marked the recognition of the girls' class of the Sokals as a part of the Western division of active turning classes of the society. The members of the Plattsmouth girls' class were present on the stage in the main auditorium when President James Yejvoua of the local society extended the welcome of the Sokols to the visitors, and expressed their appreciation cf the honor that had been tendered them. He then intro duced Mayor John P. Sattler, who, in behalf of the city, welcomed the visi tors and assured them of a hearty welcome to the metropolis of Cass county, and, as the mayor stated, "the best town in the United States,'' which statement was received with maiked approval by the large crowd present. Dr. Sedlock, one of the heads of the active turning department of the T. J. Sokcl society in the United States, and who has recently returned from London. England, where he wa: In touch with the leaders of the ath ietic work in Bohemia, which has been greatly affected by the war con ditions. He gave a short and very interesting address in regard to the work of the Sokols, which was re ceived with great enthusiasm by the audience as he laid out the principles of the society. President Rokuousek of the Western division of the Sokols also spoke briefly en the athletic work of the society, and urged a greater interest in the work among the voung men and womne of the Bo hemian nationality. The drills and exercises which fol flowed the speaking were all carried out in splendid shape by the different classes, and the organizations taking part deserve a great deal of praise for their skill and ability in the dif ficult and complicated exercises which they presented. The dumb bell drills by the Omaha girls proved one of the most attrac tive of the exercises which were put cn by the ladies' classes, and the members of the class proceeded to carry them out without a single bob ble to mar the beauty of the exer cises. The Plattsmouth girls' class also gave several very complicated and pleasing exercises, which were greeted with marked enthusiasm by the delighted audience. -The active men's class of the local society gave a few exorcises on the apparatus, in cluding several which were very diffi cult in the extreme. The event was one of much interest throughout and everyone in attend ance felt well repaid for their time in attending and enjoying the few hours so pleasantly. j After the close of the athletic events, dancing was enjoyed for the rest of th3 afternoon and in the even ing by the young people of the city and the visitors, the Holly orchestra furnishing the music, and the occa sion proved very entertaining in the extreme. The visitors departed for Omaha at 7:45 last evening. A want ad will bring w hat you want. FORMER PLATTSMOUTH CITI ZEN HAS LIMB AMPUTATED A former Plattsmouth man, Edwin Bates, who for the past three years has been residing at Orting, Wash., since leaving this city, is at present in a hospital at Tacoma, Wash., where he was compelled to undergo the amputation of one of his lower limbs. Mr. Bates had the misfortune to cut his foot about two months ago while chopping wood. Medical assistance was called at once, and it was not thought very serious, but later blood poisoning set in and he was taken from his home to Tacoma and placed in a hospital there. He grew steadily vvcrse in spite of all that could be done for him, and it was necessary to amputate the limb above the knee.. Mr. Bates stood the operation re markably well, considering his age and weakened condition before the 'peration was performed, and seems to be on the road to recovery. His many friends in this city will be grieved to learn of the misfortune of Mr. Bates and will join with his fam ily in the hope thaf he will soon be well ag-i'n. SHOE WEARERS MUST "PAY THE PRICE" NOW A side-effect of the far-away war that interests every man, woman and child is the announcement of the fast that shoes must this season advance in price. Tlie generally reported scarcity of leather and increased cost of tanning since the war. combined with an enor mously increased demand for leather, 11 account for the advanced cost of fottwear. Millions of pairs of shoes for the European armies have been and still are Leing made by American shoe manufacturers. On the average, these army shoes consume one and one-half as much leather as the av erage American man's shoe. Knapsacks, saddles, harnesses and other material for the armies at war and a general increase in equipment of the American army and state mi litia account for a still further demand on the supply of leather. Munition plants have called for thousands of feet of leather belting and the general picging up of business has started thousands of factories' wheels and greatly augumented the call for belting. Autoes have also made great and increasing inroads into the available leather supply for upholstering. Leather is a by-product. The sup ply cannot be increased at will as crops and metals are, but is dependent on the hide supply; and cattle are not killed, primarily, for their hides. The latest census reports show that the cattle population has decreased 29 per cent in the last ten years, and the population has increased the same percentage. Shoes, therefore, are to be more expensive It is said that the increase for the present will be about 20 per cent, but will likely be more by next fall. TWICE PROVEN If you suffer backache, sleepless nights, tired, dull days and distressing urinary disorders, don't experiment. Read this twice-told testimony. It's Plattsmouth evidence doubly proven Ben Brooks, Main street, Platts mouth, says: "As the result of a bad cold, it left me with a severe attack of kidney complaint. I had pain in my back and hips and at times it extended into my shoulder blades. I got completely past going and was laid up for two weeks. My head ached for hours at a time and I was subject to dizzy spells, during which my sight became blurred. Half a box of Doan's Kidney Pills checked these troubles, and after using two boxes, procured from Edward Rynott & Co.'s drug store, I began to regain my health." (Statement given April 10, 1912.) On February 22, 1916, Mr. Brooks said: "I couldn't speak too highly of Doan's Kidney Pills, for it was this old, reliable medicine that fixed . me up in fine shape when I was down with lumbago. I haven't had one of these attacks since." Price 50 cents, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Brooks has twice publicly recom mended. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. For Sale. My carriage and furniture wagon for sale. Can be seen at the Parmele liv ery barn. M. Hild. 1' 1 Jrrft . . , ii Home Builders Profit by the experience of three centuries of building in America use for all exposed surfaces White Pine King of structural woods. It does not shrink, swell, crack, twist, warp or rot. Once in place, it "stays put" after years of exposure, even in closest-fitting mitres and in delicate mouldings and carvings. And it takes paint perfectly. We carry at all times a complete and carefully selected stock of White Pine and all other desirable lumber. The safest way to buy building material is to visit our 3-ards see the stock before you pay for it benefit by our personal service on the ground and know you are getting full value for your money. Our reputation guarantees the quality of the goods. Come in and talk over your building needs with us and let us assist you to satisfaction Cedar Creek Lumber Co. PAUL H. ROBERTS, Manager LOUISVILLE. Courier. i . . 4 . . . A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hsssenflow of Cedar Creek on Tuesday, May 16. Gotlieb Sprieck of Stanton returned home Monday morning after a few days' visit here with relatives. We rejrret to learn that Mrs. C. B. Smith is ill at her home in the south part of town, and trust that she will soon be able to be out again. Tom Goble, who had been in a hos pital at Omaha for several weeks, where he had an operation performed for the removal of a growth on his cheek, ha returned home. Mr. and Mrs. James Masters and Mrs. Henry Schoemann were Omaha visitors Monday, groinfr up to consult a specialist, as both Mrs. Schoemann and Mrs. Masters have been in poor health for some time. Mrs. G. E. Steele "s in the Lord Lister hospital in Omaha, where she recently underwent an operation for liver trouble. She is petting: along; nicely and her friends hope she will soon be able to return home. Manager Kahler of the Kahler Pot tery company, accompanied by T. E. Parmele, one of the leading: stock holders of the company, left last Sat urday evening for Detroit to purchase additional equipment for the plant, which will increase the output. Walter Stohlman and sister, Miss Martha Stohlman, and Mrs. S. C. Keckler left last Thursday morning: in the Stohlman Studebaker for a trip to South Dakota, where they will visit Mrs. Keckler's parents, near Ipswich Mr. Keckler will keep bachelor's hall during: his wife's absence and the chil dren will visit relatives near Manley. Mrs. F. H. Ossenkop returned last Monday from Lincoln, where she was called two weeks ago on account of the illness of her sister, Miss Rose Rathbun. The latter underwent two serious operations for peritonitis, and for some time her recovery was doubt ful, but her friends will be glad to learn that she is now on the road to recovery. She is in St. Elizabeth's hospital in Lincoln. i i J V i I V I i i i V WEEPING WATER. Republican. r Jim Kinzie, who had been spending a week at the home of his sister, Mrs. T. J. Collister, returned to Kansas City last Tuesday. Dr. M. U. Thomas was sporting a cane and a good-sized limp for several days on account of his foot coming in contact with a rusty nail. Mr. and Mrs. Roe Berryman of Cozad, who had been visiting their many frisnds here since last week, 1 left for Springfield Wednesday, where they will visit before returning home. A large petition was sent to the county commissioners this week, ask ing that Jesse Domingo be appointed justice of the peace to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of R. G. Glover. Mrs. Charles Philpot and grand daughter, Miss Alvie Philpot, left on Tuesday morning for an extended visit with relatives at Cozad, ScottsblufT and other points in the western part of the state. Mrs. H. B. Wolcott and Miss Anna Ilitchrnan returned Saturday evening from a three months' visit in Cali fornia. They report a fine time, al though Miss Anna had the misfortune of getting her arm broken in a jitney accident, which marred her pleasure to some extent. One of the quarry men, a stranger, received a pretty hard bump on the head Tuesday from a flying rock from a blast. The fellow was knocked down and had a gash cut on his head, but it getting along nicely. Les Gregory and Mont Shrader left Tuesday morning for Grant, Neb., where they will run the Philpot and Gregory eight bottom breaking plow that was shipped out there the last week. The boys made the trip over land in a Maxwell roadster. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bates of Rex ford. Kas., are visiting at the home of Mr. Bates' sister since Tuesday night and will continue their visit here until after Decoration day. Mr. and Mrs. Bates were former citizens of this community, and lived on the farm southeast of town now owned by C. E. Joyce. L. G. LARSON General Carpenter and Builder. Phone 511. P. O. Box 318. Plattsmouth, Neb. All Kinds of Contracting. 5-15-1 mod Pasture For cattle and horses. Good run ning water. Two miles southeast of this city. Inquire of James Kennedy. Humphrey Murphy, of Manley was an over Sunday visitor in this city with friends returning home this morning. OfTice supples at the Journal office. $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Catarrh being preatly influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces of the System thereby destroying: the foundation of the disease, giving: the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith in the curative powers of Hall's Catarrh Medicine that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Addj-ess F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Sold by all Druggist. 75c