The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 18, 1916, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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PAG3 4.
THURSDAY, MAY 18. 1916.
tZbz plattsmouth "Journal
Entered at fostoffice at Plattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mail matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Clauds arc but tricks of na
! ture to the sun and stars v
-l seem more fair. Emilart
Decoration day two weeks from to-
:u :-
The weeds are growing nice but
cut 'em.
Sometimes a man is so indepead-
cat he can't hold a job.
When a man starts out by saying,
"I believe I am a fair man," call the
: o :
Woman hates anything that reminds
her of routine. Man hales anything
that upsets his.
As a flower the dandelion seems to
i car ils head with very little fear,
and is hard to down.
We aiways like to think that the
alarm clock says, "This hurts me
wore than it does you."
:o: :
Glen Curtis says it is easy to fly
across the Atlantic. And just at pres
ent it is no doubt safer, too.
The gentleman with his ear to the I
ground these days is likely to acquire
a fine line of confused ideas.
:o :
Why not impose an income tax on
what most folks think they earn and
pay off the national debt?
And about the tim? ,when an auto
mo! die manufacturer cuts his prices,
up gees the price cf gasoline.
It it weren't for facts life would be
much easier for everybody except
gossipers and scandal mongers.
:u :
An expert window washer may not
be a conscious optimist, but he sheds
a great deal of light in dark places.
It is out of tyle to taik about sum
mer amusements during . winter
weather, which has tarried too long
It locks more every day as though
Judge Hughes would have to actually
say no, or make the race. Now, which
will he do?
The only thing we dread from the
restoration of peace is that the block
ade will be raided and let through a
lot more mouth organs. .
:o :-
In the matter of telling which way
the wind blows, loose straws are not
r-eaily so reliable as when they are
woven into a sailor hat.
Dear old mother was remembered
in a most befitting way Sunday by old
and young alike. The man who fails
to remember the kind deeds of "dear
eld mother" certainly has a heart of
Rural credits legislation has been
started on its way through congress,
and as the senate has already passed
the measure it looks as though some
thing was surely going to be done in
that direction.
Domestic science, as it is taught in
our schools and colleges, has always
been deemed sufficient to equip the
average girl for ruling the American
home. But it has been discovered that
a Russian girl who recently acquired
a 'Russian husband is taking a course
in animal husbandry at the Univer-
sity of Missouri. We're r.ot criticis-1
ing.however. The girl probably know-.
what she needs.
Far-seeing men never close their
eyes while the war lasts to the men
ace that must come fron the read
justment that must ensue in this
country when the war comes to an
j - Preparedness for war is hardly
I more fearsome a topic wich them than
, .
nreoareuness far peace. For Amer
ican industries have been taxed to
supply the- needs of Euiopc. It has
not boen the munitions makers alone,
nor the armament makers. Into
every field of American industry has
been injected a stimulating demr.nd
for everything that enters into the
problem of life for soldier and civilian.
For instance, at Peoria, 111., men are
shuddering to think of the stress that
will be precipitated when the great
distilleries located there stop the
manufacture of alcohol for use in the
foreign war. They have been worked
to their utmost capacity for many
months. It has taxed the railroads
to carry the product, and resort was
even had to big tank cars such as are
ordinarily used in shipping oil.
All of the great canning factories
that put up articles of food have,been
just as busy, and their ranks of work
men have been swelled to meet thef
demand. So with the packing houses.
Even the farms have been drained of
their products, but uponsthe farms the
industrial excess never becomes so
threatening as in large factories and
factory towns'.
When the war ceases all of these
great supply institutions will encoun
ter the inevitable shrinkage in de
mand. Fortunate indeed will it be lor
everybody if they shall be found to
have consulted the necessity of pre
paredness for peace.
When that time comes tho.-e of us
who have been scornfully critical of
the American ambition to make the
most oi tne war m a nnanciai way
will realize that there can be worse
. i r i
things for the people of the United j
States than a great war in another
country. Lincoln Star.
:o: '
Your good thoughts won't count for
much unless you put them into prac- i
A reporter- likes to refer to it as
"gathering news," but Rome ', other
people refer to it as "butting in."
In all that has been done so far!
to combat pneumonia, nobody has yet
succeeded in knocking cut the first j
Since sparrows appear on the Ger- j the name cf Woodrow Wilson as their
man menu, Great Britain should in 'choice for the republican nomination
common decency lift the blockade till! for president.
we dispose of cur English sparrows.
Union is talking of raising $500 for :
a Fourth of July celebration. The j
Journal hopes they will raise the j
money and have a rip-roaring time in i
honor of the great national day. i
Plattsmouth has not had a celebration j
for so long the people have almost
forgotten that there is such a day
as the Fourth of July,
The fact that the good men who
battled for the perpetuation of the farmers, there is every: indication that
republic are slipping away from us probably 10,000 republican voters took
i.s more plainly visible each year, as'tne pains to write it upon their bal
we see the thinning ranks, just so lots that they preferred Wilson to any
surely as time goes on, so will the
body grow less active and its'mern-
bers diminish. Decoration day .will
soon be here, and wo wiTuId like to
; see more of Plattsmouth's younger;
men and women, not only this year, :
but for years to come, leave for the
time their own selfish thoughts and:
aims and come to do tribute to the
gallant heroes of the civil war who
are sleeping their last sleep in Oak j
Hill cemetery. We should revere
' their memory for all time to come.
I Anyhow- the president's sister is
; Mrs. Annie Howe.
National honor and national pics-
perity arc safe with Wilson.
:o: ;
There are some loafers in this town
who imagine they arr; overworked.
People who think they know about
all there is to know can be -right about I
it and still not be very, popular.
acre never could have been a coat
of many colors for Joseph long ago
if there had been a shortage in dye
stuffs. -:o:
Patriot's suggestion: One nominee,
one platform, one party the party
cf humanity, with Woodrow Wilson as
its leader.
Experts have gone to considerable
trouble to put the ban on baby talk
in the nursery. But baby talk at the
grown-up social gathering still runs
wild with scarcely a murmur of pro
test. :o:-
Now and then a person with presi
dential ambitions runs into a snag.
Besides other annoyances incidental
to a term in the White house, the
president has to serve as "great white
father" to the interned American In
dian. :o:
A medical authoiity says the oil in
the cnion is a deadly em-ray to the
germ that causer; colds. It is hoped
other doctors will tako up the sug
gestion and keep it going. We hate
to smell onions anyway, when we get
the smell second-handed.
- :o:
The new school building will prob
ably be ready for the fall term, and
we will not be grumbling about
crowded school rooms, and the tcach
cic, pupil-; and parents wi.i feel bet
ter. Besides the structure will add
tone our our surroundings.
The allies think they see in the an
swer cf-the kaiser to this country on
the submarine matter a bid for peace.
It may be, but if they think that Ger
many and its ally are so exhausted
cne wonders why they do not get a
hustle onto themselves and land on
German soil.
:n :
Despite the enormous tax upon
British shipping, due to war losses,
British merchants have ocean freight
rates to South America that are 50
to 75 per cent less than the rates
American merchants are compelled to
pay on South American shipments.
Yet the republicans in congress op
pose the administration ship purchase
-:o -
It pains us greatly, to disturb the
serenity of Dr. Victor Rose-water, but
it would , pain us even more to sup-
press the truth. Therefore we call
attention to the discovery that, in
practically every voting precinct in
Douglas county, from five to seven
republicans in the primary wrote-in
These votes were not counted or
recorded, nor vere they in other vot-
ing precincts of the state. No e.Tort
was made to induce republicans to
record their preference for Wilson
with the exception of a modest and
half - jocular suggestion ventured in
these columns. Yet, judging by what
is reported of the Douglas county pre-
cincts, and remembering that there
are 1,800 voting precincts in Nebras
ka, and that Wilson's popularity is
supposed to be strongest among the
candidate of their own .. party for
If Dr. Rosewater and his earnest'
coadjutors had made the same effort
for Wilson that-, they made for
Hughes, Wilson would easily have
carried the republican primaries.
There can be ho doubt of it. The
fact is one of the most eloquent testi
monials to the intelligence and pa-
triotism of the republican rank and
;file that has ever been brought to our;
attention. World-Herald. J
Veidun, a mighty episode in itself,
is only the prelude to the climatic
act, and probably the final act, of the
war drama. Above the grim orches-
! tration of the guns on the Meuse
there come from behind the curtain
j the vague rounds and scurryings that
t immediately precede the darkening of
; the house and the upfiaring of the
! footlights. England hurries through
! AC!viiif Inns ncc-!onc prvm nnfncc
fifteen thousand miles of land and
sea to take their place on the front.
Fresh Canadian forces come across
the Atlantic. Austrians are ferried
over to France from Egypt. Verdun,
to change the figure, is a colossal van
guard operation. The French have
been battling for nearly twelve weeks
to cover the great mobilization of the
allies for what they hope will be the
decisive attempt. The Germans have
been trying to break up this mobiliza-
lion either by smashing through the
French line, or by putting it in such
peril as to disarray the allied plan. If
the British army, for example, after
the infinite preparations which have
"be'en going on since last September,
could be compelled to rush to the
rescue of the French on the Meuse
and light along lines laid down by the
Germans, it is plain what the profit
WDu'd be for the kaiser's leaders. This
explains the continued fury of the
German onset and the heroic tenacity
of the French. At any cost the allies
must repair, the initiative, the power
to strike only when they are com
pletely prepared.
" The presence of the Russians on the
western battle front, is part of the
great mobilization; but the intended
effect is moral rather than material.
Now that we are told that the czar's
troops have come by way of the
Trans-Serbian railway and Daly, it
seems more than ever improbable that
the allies in the west attach serious
importance of the trickle of reinforce
ments which can reach them after a
three months' journey from European
Russia. The shipping tied up in the
voyage could be better employed in
the Atlantic and the Mediterranean.
And even if we suppose that in a lit
tle while the Russian troops will be
corning by the shorter Archangel
route, the number of men that the
czar can ship to France in any appre
ciable time is fairly insignificant. It
j took four transports of the size of the
j Adriatic to bring over 14,000 Cana
dians in three weeks, and Archangel
is nearly as far as Halifax. To sup
pose that the French stood in pressing
need of the one or two divisions the
czar might ultimately place at their
disposal would be to imagine them in
a dire condition; and undoubtedly the
impi-ession created by the story of the
Russians seemed to reinforce what we
know from other sources about the
strain on French resources. Yet, we
have today Major Moraht estimating
the French engaged around Verdun
at 800,000, which he takes as one-half
of their total available resources.
Well, a million and a half men, active
ly engaged as Moraht says, is no mean
army, and plainly the addition of 5,000
Russians is a trifle. The Russians are
in France primarily as a sign of
allied unity, as a moral stimulus. It
is almost as if the allies were confi
dent of the success of their great at
tempt, and have invited their Russian
friends to be in at the death.
Of the general nature of the prepa
rations which the British army has
been conducting there can be little
doubt. It is the same painful process
of minute study which preceded the
French attack in Champagne last Sep
tember and the present German at
tack around Verdun. It means the
spying out and mapping of every ditch
in the network of trenches which make
up a single "line," every bastion and
redoubt and farmhouse, every hillock
nd copse, every concealed machine
gun. It means the plotting out of all
conceivable run ranges. It means
more than anything else the most
minute preparations for .bringing up ,
the reserves after the first shock' of
battle, with the memory of the ghast
ly failure of the reserves around Loos.
It is from this vast preliminary work I
that Joffre would not let his allies
be diverted at the hottest moments'
around Verdun when British aid could
have !bcen readily brought up. It
must be assumed that as far as hu
man foresight can provide the allies
t are providing against error. But the
main reliance is on numbers; and it
j is in this respect that we must expect
the 'allied effort to surpass anything
. ths war has at yet shown. Behind
j the British lines there has been piled
j up a vast human material, in numbers
sufficient to offset errors of leader-
j ship as they may arise. We have
read of the assault in waves which
the French delivered in Champagne
and the Germans around Verdun. We
must assume that the British are pre
pared to send ahead wave after wave
regardless of cost, in the attempt to
win through by sheer sacrifice of men
If the enemy's barbed wire defenses
are not completely demolished, as
happened around Loos; if hidden Ger
man machine guns maintain thern
selves in the rear of the charging line
we must as.-tjirie that the British are
getting ready to send forward men
enough to make up for all such mis
This is the reason why the British
cabinet has been won over to con
scription. The allied effort when it
comes will piobably see three million
men throwing themselves against the
German 15a6s in the west, while sim
ultaneously we may expect the Rus
sians to strike out in the east. And
evidently the determination prevails
in the allied camp to leave no man
anil no gun and no ounce of strength
unavailable that can be put into the
final thrust. New York Post.
"High finance" ruins many, a man.
Among the other unusual sights is
a- lawyer in a hurry.
:o: :
Paint without trimmings looks like
a shirt without a collar.
If all the facts were brought out
the factories would be worked to
The "war stocks" are funny things
They slump in prices at war rumors
and at peace rumors.
"Anything to beat Wilson," will not
beat Wilson. They'll have to give
good reasons and they can't.
A legal ruling against divorces for
nagging wives may have the unex
pected effect cf booming the industry
About the time a man gets used
to looking at the new feminine fash
iens, they become old, and something
Just for variety's sake, why doesn't
some fair plaintiff in a, breach of
promise suit ask for a life annuity of,
say, $50,000?
"We love him for the enemies he
has made," was said of G rover Cleve
land. It may be said of Woodrow
Wilson, "we love him for what his
enemies say about him."
Senator Warren G. Harding of
Ohio is now looming up as a candi
date for the republican nomination
for president. Senator Harding has
been selected as temporary chairman
of the Chicago convention.
With the steadfastness of Andrew
Jackson and the patient determination
of Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson
is guiding the ship of state through
seas more storm-tossed than have
been known since the noble Lincoln's
death. Democrats' of the Jackson type
or republicans of the Lincoln type will
not permit his hand to be shaken from
the helm.
The greatest thing the government
has ever done for business men in the
history of the country was the enact
ment of the currency law. It was
something the republicans had talked
about for twenty years, but it was not
until the democrats came into power
that it went on the statute books.
Now, under the leadership of Wood-
row Wilson, congress is taking thci
final steps in establishing a rational
system of rural credits. It will do for
the farmers what the currency law
has done for the business men. Re
publicans also talked about rural
credits. But there was no action until
the democrats took hold.
B-B Mai
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Exact Copy of Wrapper.
"We want Wilson and honor!"
Flattsmouth is to really have a
A little cool yet, when overcoats are
in demand.
Corsets for men! Well, what do
you think?
Bagging a Zeppelin beats the old
fashioned sport of "snipe hunting" all
Yet the war prevents a number of
fool-hardy tourists from being killed
in the Alps.
Punturing a tank steamer with a
shell is one way to pour oil on the
troubled waters.
:o: ,
Neither T. R. nor the kaiser, the
dispatches tell us, will answer Presi
dent Wilson's note.
It's a ham against a scorched egg
that nobody who has ever camped out
will laugh at this idea of kitchen pre
paredness for war.
kP-i -. -I''
i 31
kiP. JacSimilc Signage--
pig 0 ;
Samstag den 20
Alle Deutsch von Plattsmauth und Umgegend
find eingelanden.
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cepted for treatment, and no money to be paid until cured. Write for book on
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nr's. Mach & Pwlach, The Dentists-
The lartrest and best equipped denial o.nces ,n v,mu.v. . - .
charge of all work. Lady attendant. Modern Price. Porcolam hlhn.s.
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J r- of Siini-Pvor Prorrhetv Treatment.
CeilU ro-n.n- r- -
3rd Floor
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
The only trouble with the "milk of
human kindness" is that most of us
skim off the cream and pass out the
sky-blue by-product.
It is probably true that compara
tively few soldiers know what they
are fighting for, but that little diffi
culty isn't going to end the war.
"Home Coming" week should be
made the greatest event in the history
of Plattsmouth. We should all unite
in making it so. Plattsmouth never
did things by the halves when we "all
pull together!"
If you voted for Taft in 1912, here
is a question for you: Are you ready
to vote for Roosevelt now? If you
voted for Teddy in 1912, here's a ques
tion for you: Are you ready to vote
for the Old Guard now? And this is
for both of you: Didn't things turn
out njetty well in 1912 as it was?
Single Comb Reds.
Eggs for hatching after May 1st
will be 50c per sotting, $3.00 per hun
dred. Phone Plattsmouth 4021.
W. B. Porter, Mynard, Neb.
tw n k
AfJ- Use
und Dame 25c
. - . . - 41 all I I A
Paxton mocx, yiftn