The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 18, 1916, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, MAY .18.1916.
Cedar Creek Department
Studebaker Automobiles,
Firestone Tires
and All Kinds of Accessaries and Oils.
Get Our Quantity Price on Oils!
r-a rra
MW fO)
Robert Stivers spent Thursday in
Richard Sambloom went to Omaha
Clarence Busche spent Friday in
Charles Dashe spent Saturday in
John Therolf spent Saturday in
Joseph Foreman visited in Omaha
over Sunday.
Mi?s Eva Sayles was shoping in
Omaha Friday.
Henry Therolf was in the county
seat Saturday.
If you have anything: for sale adver
tise in the Journal.
Sam Ochsinbine spent Saturday and
Sun. lay in Omaha.
Pete Core was seeing the sights in
PLutsmouth Saturday.
For good, fresh Candy, Fruit and
Nuts, pee S.; J. Reames.
There will be preaching at the
church Sunday, May 21.
John Busche attended lodge in
Louisville Monday night.
James Johnson went to the city Sat
urday to visit ever Sunday.
Farm Loans, Insurance and Real
Estate. See J. F. Foreman.
Born, to Walter Hesenflow and wife,
on May 10, a ten-pound boy.
John Gauer was attending to busi
ness in Plattsmouth Saturday.
Mrs. A. O. Ault and daughter, Ber
niece, spent Thursday in Omaha.
When you want some good reading
don't forget Reames, Library.
Mrs. J. R. C. Gregory was a pas
senger on No. -53 for Omaha Friday.
Miss Nora Baughman returned
home from Mynard Monday -evening
on No. 34.
First Security Bank pays 4 per cent
era time certificates for six months
and one year.
Miss Dora Meisinger returned home
Monday night on No. 34 from Platts
mouth, where she had been visiting
for the pat few weeks.
Frank Matzke has just finished
building a concrete mixer of his own
pattern which is a great improvement
over any of the patterns yet put out.
It mixes the concrete more thoroughly
and about four times as fast as any
of the other machines. Mr. Matzke is
new in, fhape to do concrete work as
well as carpentering, and do good
wo:k in shorter time than ixr.y other
All WUnn
I have opened up my Ice Cream
Parlor and invite all who enjoy some
thing fine in the way of Ice Cream to
call and see what we are serving rut
ro satisfy the hunger in tb way of
Harding Ice Cream
S. J. Eeame?. Cedar Creek.
oo cs-
r n n n crm
as, o U LT
Henry Thierolf spent Tuesday in
There will be a dance in Sayles hall
Saturday night, May 20.
Don't forget ladies' day at S. J.
Recmes', Wednesday, May 24. Ev
erybody invited.
On Wednesday, May 24, at Cedar
Creek, Neb., every lady in the county
is invited to come and enjoy a good
time and visit with their friends. The
;awn will be at their disposal, and I
want every lady to judge the Harding
Ice Cream for themselves. I also
have a neat little recipe book, by Eliza
Fostergill, author of "Home Econom
ist," for every lady present. "Making
a home" has many problems, but with
this little booklet in your hands it
will help you overcome some of them,
quickly and economically. Remember
the date, Wednesday, May 24, and the
place, Cedar Creek, Neb.
School Picnic.
There will be a school picnic at
Cedar Creek on Thursday, May 25th,
given in the Schneider pasture, if
weather permits. Everybody invited
to come and bring well filled baskets,
and enjoy a good time' for one day
with the children and friends.
Miss Beachell,
Miss Morris,
Rev. W. A. Reinhard will conduct
the services in the Presbyterian
church at Cedar Creek on next Sun
day, in the German language at 11
o'clock, and English language at 8
I o'clock p. m. Rev. Reinhard will give
his lecture on the "German Character,
Its Influence on the Formation of
the American Character," at Cedar
Creek, on Saturday evening, May 20,
at 8 o'clock. No admission will be
charged. Everybody welcome.
From Wednesday's Dally.
As a special attraction of the base
ball game to be given next week by
the Elks and Eagles at the Red Sox
ball park a special feature has been
added for the entertainment of the
fans, and this will be a hundred-yard
dash by two of the leading athletes
of the city, J. E. McDaniels and John
F. Gorder, and this event will rival
the ball game in interest as both of
the boys are in training and preparing
to lower the record in time in staging
this kind of an event.
The Eight Mile Grove, Oxford and
Fairvisw schools will unite in the
eighth grade commencement exercises
at the Eight Mile Grove school on
Thursday evening, May 18.
The program will begin at 8 p. m.
The public is cordially invited.
f-rm TiigflaVi TJallT.
Fred G. Egenberger has just had a
new concrete driveway constructed
around his residence on Vine street
which adds very much to the appear
ance of that handsome structure. The
driveway leads up to his garage in the
rear of his lot, and will prove a great
convenience in reaching the same with
his fine new Willys Knight car. The
twork was done by A. H. Rinker and is
a fine piece of work, one that should
, certainly prove satisfactory to the
First Security Bank
Sound, Conservative and Progressive
We are anxious to assist the farmer in feeding and
handling his live stock for market
Deposits In This Bank
are protected by the Depositors' Guaranty Fund of the
State of Nebraska, which has reached nearly $1,
000,000.00 It is back of us and protects you!
WM. SCHNEIDER. President
W. H. LOHNES, Vice-President T. J. SHANAHAN, Vice-President
J. F. FOREMAN, Cathier
Cattlo Market Steady to Strong;
Receipts Moderate
Wooled Lambs Lower, Ewes About
Steady. Good Supply of Sheep and
Union Stock Yards, South Omaha,
May 18, 1916. The cattle run for
Wednesday was moderate, 193 loads,
or about 4,500 head. Most of the re
ceipts were fat cattle of fair quality.
The best of them sold readily at
stead' to stronger prices, -while the
common grades, especially yearlings,
brought barely steady prices. The de
mand was strong for both shipping
and local account. While some of the
dealers were slow at the start, most
of the offerings were cleaned up in
short order at stronger prices. Both
heavy cattle and yearlings brought up
to $9.70, the highest figures paid so
far this year, and the good to choice
beeves brought S9.359.G5. The bulk
of the fair to good 1,000 to 1,300-lb.
beeves sold around $9.109.30. Gocd
to choice heifery stufT was very scarce
and brought as high as $9.00.
Quotations on cattle: Good to
choice beeves, $9.35 9.70; fair to good
beeves, $9.109.30; common to Jfclr
beeves, $8.0009.00; good to choice
feeders, $8.008.50; good to choice
stockers, $7.8008.49; fair to good
feeders, $7.50 7.90; common to fair
feeders, $6.75 7.50; stock heifers,
$6.758.25; stock cows, $5.757.50;
stock calves, $7.2508.75.
The hog market for Wednesday was
still on the decline, prices being about
10c lower than early market Tuesday.
The offerings were large and when the
buyers offered prices no more than
10c below yesterday's best price the
sellers got busy, as the declines
seemed greater at other points. The
trade today had a great deal better
tone, and the market was active
throughout, the closing prices being
strong with the opening. Most of
the sales were made at $9.459.C5,
many selling at $9.55, the top reaching
The sheep and lamb run for Wed
ne'sday was large, 28 cars, or about
7,000 head. Most of the light and
handy clippers went at steady prices,
sometimes even stronger, while the
weighty lambs went at about lOo
lower. Three cars of wooled Colorado
Mexicans were on sale, but the pack
ers refused to pay steady prices, and
they were not sold by noon. Spring
lambs sold at about steady figures.
Wooled ewes reached $9.50, a new
record for the yards.
Quotations on sheep and lambs:
Lambs, good to choice, heavy, $12.10
12.35; lambs,- fair to good, handy,
$11.75012.10; lambs, fair to choice,
heavy, $11.00011.75; lambs, clipped,
handy, $9.75010.55; lambs, clipped,
heavy, $9.25010.15-; lambs, spring,
Sll.0013.00; yearlings, fair to
choice, light, $10.00011.00; yearlings,
fair to choice, heavy; $9.00010.00;
wethers, fair to choice, $8.2509.75;
ewes, good to choice. $8.7509.50;
ewes, fair to good. $8.0008.75; ewes,
clipped, $6.7508.33.
The original and genuine Honey
and Tar cough syrup is Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound and because this
has given universal satisfaction and
has cured so many cases of coughs,
colds, croup and whooping cough
there are imitations and substitutes
offered to the public. Insist upon
Foley's. Sold everywhere.
For Sale.
My carriage and furniture wagon for
sale. Can be seen at the Parmele liv
ery barn. M. Hild.
News that will be of Interest
in and near Cedar Creek
Local News
Ben Dill of near Murray was in the
city yesterday afternoon for a few
hours, coming up to look after some
trading with the merchants.
C. C. Neff and wife were among
thos going to Omaha this morning to
visit for the day and attend to some
matters of business. .
Henry Voght of near Elmwood was
here yesterday attending the meeting
of the county commissioners to lodge
his complaint in the school matter.
T. J. McCullough, residing south of
this city, was attending to some busi
ness matters here Monday afternoon
and was a pleasant caller at this office.
George P. Meisinger was in the city
yesterday for a few hours, looking
after some matters at the county as
sessor's office in making his returns.
S. R. Wiles and wife and son, Ben,
were among those visiting in the
metropolis yesterday for a few hours,
looking after soms business matters,
and made the trip in their. Hupmobile
touring car.
William Wohlfarth, one of the
prominent farmers near Mynard, was
in the city today for a few hours
looking after some trading with the
Mrs. James Ptacek and two child
ren departed this afternoon for Grass
Range, Montana, where they will
visit at the home of Mrs. Ptacek 's
sister, Mrs. Rojr Boyd and family.
Mrs. Wm. Ossenkop and daughter,
of Louisville, were in the city a few
hours today visiting with county seat
friends. They came down on the train
and returned home this afternoon.
Henry Engelkemeier and wife and
little babe motored in this morning
from their home west of Murray and
departed on the early train for Oma
ha, to spend the day looking after
some business matters.
Frank Richardson, wife and family
of Omaha came down last evening on
No. 2 to attend the wedding of Miss
Robbin Richardson and Mr. L. G.
Todd,' which was held at the W. T.
Richardson home at Mynard. The
bride is a niece of Mr. Richardson.
J. C. Smith was a passenger this
morning for Omaha to bring his little
son, Chester, home from that city,
where he had been operated on for
an affection of the throat.
The Patient She Helped Makes
Interesting Statement
Madison, Wis. Mrs. Oscar Day, of
1606 Uonona Ave., Fair Oaks, this
town, says: "Before my baby was
born, I suffered terribly with womanly
troubles and nervousness, and was
living in a state of fear all the time.
One day, an old friend of mine,
who, by the way, is a nurse, and goes
around to all cases, brought me a bot
tle of Cardui, the woman's tonic, and
told me to keep on taking it right
along. I did, and felt much better
after the first bottle. I kept on tak
ing it, and had as little trouble a3
anybody could wish for. Feeling very
good now.
There never 'was a better medicine
for women than Cardui, and I will
recommend it to any one who is in
need of it. This nurse uses Cardui
with her patients, so it is well known
all around here.
I am never without a bottle of
Cardui in my home."
We urge you to try Card-u-ithe
woman's tonic, for your troubles. It
will help you over the hard places,
just as it has thousands of other
Don't delay. Begin taking Cardui
today. You won't regret it. NCB5
Local News
From Tuesday's Dally.
Emil Kokal was amcng the passen
gers this morning for Omaha, to
spend a few hours lcoking after some
business matters.
J. C. Spangler of Louisville was
attending to some business matters
in this city Monday and was a pleas
ant caller r.t this office. .
Ralph Haynie cam in this morn
ing from his farm home and departed
on the early Buriington train for
Omaha to visit for the day.
Mrs. George A. Kaffenberger was
a passenger this morning for Omaha,
where she will spend the day looking
after some matters of business.
P. A. Horn was among the visitors
to the city yesterday for a few hours
attending to some trading with the
merchants and visiting with friends.
John Fight and wife were passen
gers this morning fcr Omaha, where
they will enjoy a visit at the home of
their daughter, Mrs. Thomas Sullivan,
and family.
Mrs. William Stewart of St. Joseph,
Mo., who has been here visiting her
father. W. H. Newell, and family, for
a few days, departed this morning on
No. 4 for her home.
J. H. Meisinger and wife came in
this morning from their home near
Cedar Creek to spend the day here
looking after some matters of busi
ness and visiting with their relatives
and friends.
Mrs. W. J. White and daughter,
Miss Mable, were passengers this
morning for Omaha to visit for the
day and attend the meeting of the
Woman's auxiliary of the Episcopal
church in that city.
H. J. Meisinger drove in from his
farm home west of this city yester
day afternoon to attend to some im
portant matters and visit relatives
and friends for r. short time. He was
a pleasant caller at this office.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Will Wehrbein of near Murray came
up this morning to spend a few hours
looking after some business matters
of importance.
John D. Tutt was a visitor in Mur
ray today with his son, Ed S. Tutt,
and family, motoring down -with Mr.
and Mrs. R. A. Bates.
Creed F. Harris came up this morn
ing from his home near Union and
spent a few hours here attending to
some matters of business.
Mrs. L. D. Hiatt of Murray came
up this afternoon to spend a few
hours with relatives and friends and
attend to some business matters.
L. D. Hiatt of Murray was in the
city last evening, motoring up to look
after some business matters of im
portance and visiting with his friends.
Ft J. Hennings and son were in
yesterday from the Eight Mile Grove
neighborhood to spend a few hours
looking after some trading with the
Peter Meisinger and wife of near
Cedar Creek were in the city yester
day for a few hours and looking after
some matters of business with the
R. L. Propst motored in this morn
ing from his home at Mynard and
departed for Ralston to witness the
dedication of Rialto City, the new
moving picture establishment.
J. J. Lohnes came in this morning
from his farm home west of this city,
and departed on the easly Burlington
train for Omaha to attend to ..some
business matters for a few hours.
Orlando Tefft of Avoca motored to
this city this morning and attended to
some business matters for a short
time, and then went on to Omaha.
He was a pleasant caller at this office.
Ralph Haynia came in this morning
from his farm home west of the city
and departed on the early Burlington
train for Omaha, to look after some
matters on the live stock market
Mrs. I. T. Koontz and two little
daughters, and Mrs. John W. Chap
man and son, Sammie, departed last
evening on No. 2 for Meadiapoils, la.,
for a short visit there with relatives
and friends.
Bernard Gonsolly and Art Pribble,
two of the rustling employes of the
Glenwood Opinion, motored over for a
few hours today, and while in the city
Art dropped in to shake hands and
say "how-do."
E. G. Yoell of Gallatin, Mo.i who
has been here looking after the inter
ests of the Barton Hardware store,
was a passenger this morning for
Omaha, and tomorrow will leave for
his home at Gallatin.
Miss Gertrude Clark came up last
evening from .Nebraska City to take
part in the presentation of the banner
to the Knights and Ladies of Security
lodge of this city. Miss Clark is grand
conductor of the' order.
C. F. Weber, who was here attend
ing the funeral of Mr." William T.
Scotten, departed last evening for
Chicago, where his business interests
280 Years Old -And Stilt
A Comfortable Home
that's the remarkable record of this quaint
house built in 1636, by first settlers at Dedham,
Exposed to all sorts of weather for nearly three centuries,
the wood is still good. That is because it's
White Pine
the most economical wood for home building the one
wood that does not shrink, warp, swell, crack, twist or
rot that "stays put," even in closest -fitting mitres
and in delicate mouldings the wood that takes paint
We aiways carry a large stock, and are glad to recom
mend it because it never fails to satisfy. It is a credit to
us to sell, a saving to you to buy White Pine.
And, remember, when you buy lumber here you know
what you are getting. See us before you buy.
Cedar Creek Lumber Co
called him. Mrs. Weber will remain
for a more extended visit.
Mrs. Elmer Walker of near St.
Louis was among those going to
Omr.ha this morning to visit her
daughter, Mrs. Herman Richter, of
Murray, at the St. Joseph hospital,
where she is recovering from an oper
ation. Will Rice and family departed this
morning for Maple Creek, Canada,
where they will locate on their home
stead and complete the time necessary
to secure the farm, which is located
in one of the most fertile spots in that
section of western Canada.
Stewart's Phonographs, only $5.00,
at Dawson's, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Social dance at Murray at the
Puis and Gansemer hall Satur
day evening, May 20. Music by
the Holly orchestra. Best of
order and a good time for every
body. 5-18-2td-ltw
4 i i i
Painful, annoying bladder weak
ness usually indicates kidney trouble.
So do backache, rheumatism, sore,
swollen or stiff muscles or joints.
Such symptoms have been relieved by
Foley Kidney Pills. Henry Rudolph,
Carmi, 111 , writes: "Since taking
Foley Kidney Pills I sleep all night
without getting up." Sold every
where. Read the want ads in the Journal.
The Smith Garage
D. L. AMICK, Proprietor
Storage and General Repair Work!
Hupmobile Service Station
Batteries Tested Free!
Goodrich TDG3ES ) United States
and Carspring!
The Carspring Guaranteed for 6,000 Miles.
We Charge Storage Batteries!
Vulcanizing of All Kinds Casings and Inner Tubes
Good Seed Corn For Sale.
Iowa Silvermine 1914 crop seed
corn for sale, from $1.00 to $ 1.50 per
bushel. Sacks extra.
J. L. Shrader, Nehawka.
Shetland Pony For Sale.
Fine Shetland pony for sale cheap
at $100. Call on William Gilmour,
Plattsmouth, R. F. D. No. 1.
George W. Snyder, assessor of
Plattsmouth precinct, was in the city
today, attending to some matters at
the office of the county assessor.
C. L. Wiles and little son motored
in this morning from their farm home
and spent a few hours here looking
after some matters of business.
M-S-t-M-S-M-M 1 H I 1 l H M ! 0
Barber Shop;;
Plattsmouth, Nebraska f
First-Class Service
I Only Public Bath i
Shoe Shining and
Porter Service.
Tel. 200 three ring-
I Shellenbarger & Atkinson, t
4-1 I 11 111 i ! M-M--I-M--1M M i