The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 18, 1916, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    FAGE 2.
THURSDAY, MAY. 18. 1916.
From Tuesday s Daiiv.
Mothers' day was most appropri
ately observed at the Presbyterian
church Sunday, both at the Sunday
rchool and the morning services. The
pastor has been devoting five minutes
of the morning sei-vices to a sermon
for the children and on this day read
"A Boy's Poem to His Mother," which
had been written by a boy of 14 years,
which clearly denoted his love for his
mother. The choir rendered a special
r.nd appropriate anthem, which was
riven in a most pleasing manner.
Preceding the sermon Miss Mathilde
Vallery rendered a-' beautiful vocal
solo. The pastor, Rev. McClusky, de
livered an eloquent and pleasing ser
mon, his subject being "A Tribute to
Our Mothers.'' and which was listened
to with the closest of attention by the
large number in attendance. The
members of the congregation were
presented with white rose buds.
From Tuesday': Dany.
The conceit band of the Allman
Brothers' show gave its opening con
cert ' yesterday afternoon on Main
street, and called at the Journal of
fice where two very pleasing selections
were given which proved nvst enjoy
able. This band is under the direct
ion of Mr. Claude Meyers and is one
of the best of its kind in the business
and a musical attraction of more than
u.-ual mei it, and the leader is able
to secure some mighty good work from
his assistants. A number of the band
also assist in the fine orchestra which
is an important part of the show.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Sheiiff C. D. Quir.ton and County
Attomev- A: G. Cole were out at
Greenwood yesterday locking into a
robbery which took place there last
Saturday evening. It seems that
seme persons brcke the lock on the
beer vault of Henry Weidmaa some
time Saturday night or early Sunday
morning, and took several kegs of
beer therefrom. It has not been fully
determined just how much of the wet
good was taken, but an 'inventory is
being taken to determine the value
of the stolen property. So far it has
been impossible to locate the burglars,
but it is thought that it will be pos-
sibla to run them down and bring
them to justice.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The Commercial club will meet to
morrow evening at the rooms in the
Hotel Riley block to-take up one of
the most important questions of the
year that of the Home Coming week
and fall festival that has been pro
posed to be given in this city. . This
is a matter in which everyone is in
terested and the active work of organ
izing for the event will be taken up
at this meeting and a number of plans
discussed for making it a most gala
occasion in the history of the city
To make it the great success that it
should be there must be a hearty co
operation of everyone in the city, and
the Commercial club has started the
ball rolling in the proper direction for
assuring it a great success. Every
one who can should make it a point
to be in attendance and take part in
the suggestions that may be made for
furthering the interests of the sub
ject. It has been some time since this
city has held a celebration of any
kind and it is appropriate that such
an event be held this fall at the close
of a most successful year for the city
and county and to invite all the for
mer Plattsmoulh and Cass county
residents here fc a week of festivity
that marks the wonderful progress of
the last four years in the life of the
city. ' Come out tomorrow evening
and enjoy a few hours in the outlining
of the plan and the things needful
toward making , the. fall festival a
great, booming success.
I have 40 r.cres of farm land 00
southeast of here. What have
you to offer in exchange? Address
Box 124, Tlattsmouth, Neb.
5-10-d3t wklylt
From Wednesday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. F. R.
Gobelman Entertained a few of her
lady friends at a charming kensing
tcn at her cozy rooms over the Wes
cott store. Whenever invited to the
Gobelman home, the guests always
anticipate a genuine good time, and
their anticipations were fully realized
in the entertainment of yesterday aft
ernoon. Various amusements, music,
sitching on dainty fancy work and
social chat were all thoroughly en
joyeu, and the dainty and delicious
two-course luncheon from the prettily
decorated table in the dining room
was not the least appreciated of the
many delightful things provided by
the thoughtful hostess for Jhe enter
tainment of her guests. Each guest's
place was marked with a handsome
place card, bearing the letters of the
guest's name somewhat jumbled up,
and each guest found her particular
place at the table when she got the
letters untangled so that they spelled
her name in the proper manner. Cov
ers were laid for six: Mesdames E. H.
Wescott, -William Baird, Frank Mor
gan, C. S. Johnson, Charles Hiatt and
Mrs. Gobelman.
From Tuesday's Pally.
The members of the Women's Chris
tian Temperance Union htld a most
interesting business session yesterday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. P.
Eastwood. There was a large number
in attendance and considerable busi
ness matters were transacted, and
many plans made for the future work
of the society. The ladies made vari
ous plans for their Floral Mission
day program, which will be hold at
the home of Mrs. P. E. Ruffner, June
5. They also decided to decorate the
graves of their deceased members on
Memorial day. ladies are plan
ning to hold a musical and essay con
test, which will be held after the
close of school, and various plan
were discussed and airangements
made for this occasion. The entire
afternoon was devoted to planning for
various things and the hour for de
parture coming- so soon, the ladies
were unable to take up the program
for the afternoon.
From Wednesday's Dairv.
There was a great deal of interest
at the court house this morning when
a large number of the residents of
near Elm wood motored down to ap
pear before a meeting of the county
commissioners, County Superintendent
Eda Marquardt and County Clerk
Frank Libershal, and to enter a pro
test against the transfer of their
lands into the Elmwood school district
No. 95. Among those in the' party
were Albert Wallinger, Dave Kunz,
Jr., Richard Deles Dernier, H. L
Miller, J. N. Deles Dernier, J. W.
Mendelhall, Henry Hayes, Frank
Gustin; and D. O. Dwyer of this city
appeared as attorney for the parties
before the meeting. The residents
of school district No. 05 have applied
to the county to have their district
given the six sections of land as pro
vided by the law passed by the last
legislature, and the protectants desire
to remain in their respective districts
and not be placed in the Elmwood dis
From Wednesaaya Dally.
Cards have been received in this city
announcing the arrival at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wells in Red
Oak, la., of a fine new daughter who
tips the scales at nine and one-half
pounds. The mother and little one
are doing nicely and Ernest is feeling
as only a proud father can under the
circumstances when such a fine little
daughter has been presented to him.
He states that four queens beats a
full house any time, and is mighty
proud of the four daughters that
brighten his home, and wilh in time
learn the joys of possessing a son-in-law
to cheer him in his declining
Sales bill3 aone quickly at the
From Wednesdays Daily.
One of the most important business
changes that has been made in the
city for some tima was consummated
today when Henry mV. Schneider pur
chased the stock.,' George E. Dovey,
president of the Firet National bank,
in this city, and -will-become interest
ed in the bank, jfche . oldest financial
institution in the city. This will be
very pleasing news in that it is an
assurance that Mr. Schneider, who is
a live, wire in every way, will again
be a resident of Plattsmouth and have
an active part in the business life of
the city. 'Mr. Dovey retires from the
bank after a connection covering some
thirty-five years as the administrator
of the estate of E. G. Dovejf, his fa
ther, and during the greater part of
which time he has served as president
of the First National. He has made
a splendid official, but with other busi
ness to engage his attention finds it
best to lay down the interests in the
bank and devote his time to his mer
cantile business.
Mr. Schneider will bring a store of
energy and push into . thc banking
business and with his ability and clear
judgment will undoubtedly make a
splendid success of his new business
venture, lie has been engaged for
the past two years in the banking
business in California and Oregon.
The theme of "Th- Rose Maiden."
which will be rung by the choir and
glee club at the Mclhodkt church Fri
day evening, on 2 of spring, and is
especially appropriate at this time.
The theme is as follows: The queen
of the flower fairies prays of rprirg
that he will bestow upon her the gift
ci leve which he bestows upon man.
After waning her of the dangers in
store for her, he yields to her cr
tiectios and -changes her wlile she
3'ec-ps into the fern; cf a. lovely girl.
Under the namo of Roseblo:;sem she
wanders forth the worl.l, and is
at .length wen in love by a fe:e.cter,
with whom she lives in such perfect
happiness thr-.t she could not survive
his death. The elves bewail the fate
cf their quc?en, ar.d pronounce love as
fatal to p?ace end happiness.
The solo parts will be carried by
Messrs. York and Cloidt, Mr Mae
Morgan and M5s Hazel Tuey. Trios
and quartets and the complete chorus
of thirty-five voices will complete hc
song cycle. . ;
Mrs. E. II. Wescott will direct, and
the accompanists will be Mrs. A. O
Eggenberger and E. II. Wescott.
The music is effered without charge
to the public. , A silver offering will
be received at the cloe, th: pi-cceeds
of which will be used by the musical
department in the purchase of new
Doors open at 7:30. Program will
begin at 8:15. .No one will be seated
during rendition of any number.
Elsewhere in this issue will b2
four.d the advertisement of the auction
rale cf sewing machines which will
be held Saturday afternoon rt the
home of II. M. Stevenson, just cast
of the residence of James Sage, on
Pearl street. The auction will be con
ducted by Col. W. R. Young, the Cass
county auctioneer, and will be a line
opportunity to secure a machine at
a low price. Among the machines
that will be offered for sale will be
the famous Singer, White and Wheel
er & Wilson makes, and .11 are new
and in the best of shape. Remember,
the sale on Saturday afternopn, and be
present if you desire to secure a good
sewing machine at low cost.
240 acres well1'rmpr'-dvd land, no
waste land, school ftbu'se on one cor
ner,' two and one-half miles from
Greenwood. This is smooth land and
at bargain at $140.00 per acre for
quick sale. J. R. Earr. Write or in
quire of
Farmers State Bank,
Greenwod, Neb.
Subscribe for the Journal.
For infants and Children
En Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Yesterday was the tenth wedding
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John
Gorder, and in order that they might
have this happy event commemorated
in the proper manner a number of
their most intimate friends very
secretly planned a surprise. At 9
o'clock some forty neighbors and
friends advanced on the Gorder home
and invaded it and took Mr. and Mrs.
Gorder by complete surprise, as their
friends had not kept th'em posted on
jur.t what they were planning. How
ever, Mr. and Mrs. Gorder somewhat
recovered from their, most awful
shock and invited the invaders in and
proceeded to entertain them in their
usual most hospitable manner. This
being their t.enth wedding anniver
sary r.nd the tenth being a tin one,
Mr. mid Mrs. Gorder were presented
with beautiful bouquets, which were
fastened in tin funnels. The invaders
had come well armed with many good
things to cat and these were placed
in charge of Mrs. Mary Allison, who,
with some chic assistants, proceeded
to prepare the luncheon." Mrs. John
llatt had charge of the entertainment
of the guests and she distributed slips
of pape" bearing;! verse or rorne song
which proved to be rcmc stunt, and
which c-j.h guo.-.t was to perform.
There wore ail sorts of stunts which
afforded much merriment for this jolly
company and m:ul this occasion most
crj yr.blo to the participants. At an
nrnrortriate time Mrs. Allison and her
assistants served a rao?t tempting
Vun-hrnn. thr "tin scheme being car-
lied out in the service tin cup.3 bcin;
u.-ed for the coffee, tin plates ' fo
r.andwiches' and the !ik. As tinware
is a little out of date, the invade
presented their victims with ber.ntifu
pieces of aluminumware as a token
of the love rnd esteem in which they
are he'd by their friends and neigh
hovs, and which Avill be cherished I
them in years to come. The. remain
dor of the evening was devoted i
vt-erd and instrumental miuic, Mis
McGregrr, who in vi-iting her sister
Mrs. Fred Ma.iqi", contributing
number of excellent selection;
and little Mi.", Catherine McClusk;
rendering a little, song entitled "Don"
Forget Your DrJ." At a late.hou
the invaders ' withdrew their forces
wishing Mr. nr. 1 Mrs. Gorders' wed
ding anniversaries would come a little
Thoce in attendance were Messrs
r.nd Mssdamcs If. G. McClusky, John
Wthrbein, Will Wehrbein, J. M. Rob
ert3. Will Schrr.idtmnnn, -Henry Zuck
wei!cr, G. L. Farley, C. W. Baylor
T. M. Patterron. C. D. Quinton, Fred
Majors, John Halt, August L'ach, K
W. Kaorr, D. C; Morgan. Mcsdsme:
Allison, C. Wchlfmth, W. C. Tippens
J. W. Johnson, Olga Corscary, P
Gors; Miss Louise Gorder and Miss
Reports fiom th? bedside of Mrs
A. J. McXatt, residing hear Kenosha
? tat os that she i.; showing some im
provement, although she is suffering
greatly from the effects of the two
strokes cf paralysis which she has
been afflicted with. The lady has been
able to be up and around, but is still
suffering greatly from her malady.
Don't us 3 harsh physics. The re
action weakens the bowels, leads to
chronic con.-tination. Get Doan's
TJegulct.s. , They operate easily. 25c
rt all stores.
Pumps and Slippers
Dainty Women's Foot
wear was never made than
we are now showing in our
new creations in Pumps
and Slippers.
There are handsome Bright
Black leathers .and Dull Kid,
Bronze and White.
Some styles trimmed with ncirtr
piping, and with dainty orna
ments. Louis heels.
$2.50, $3, $3.50 and $4
Fetzer Shoe Co.
t&K '
Manhattan Shirts
Stetson Hats
. ; - .!
The friends here of Mrs. E. C. Hill
will regret greatly to learn, of lhe
death of her sistor,' Miss: Elizabeth
Spencer, which occurred yesterday
morning 'at her home at Beemery Neb.,
,aV HliV? 'result of a paralytic" stroke.
Mrs. Hill was at the bedside when
death came and was able to spend
the last few days there tenderly car
ing for the beloved sister as she slow-,
ly sank into the .dreamless-sleep of
death. Miss Spencer was well known
here,' where she had been a visitor
several times atthe home of her sis
ter, and was a "very1 talented ' and
charming lady, and to those who had
the plcasure'ef knowing1 her the news
of her death. wilj bring deep regret! '
In the Belleville" (Kas.) Telescope
of May 17 appears a sketch of the
tife of R. T. Stanfield, father of Earl
A. JStanfield of this city, and, whose
ieath occurred, quite suddenly, at-his
home in Belleville on Monday morn
ing. Mr. Stanfield had. not been. feel
ing well for ' several days previous,
but it was not thought that his condi
tion was serious until he was stricken
with a severe attack of heart'trouble
about 5 o'clock Monday morning and
died a few minutes later, before his
son was able to reach his bedside.
Mr. Stanfield was born .in Jackson
county, Indiana, January 11, 1845, and
spent his boyhood there,, enlisting
when only 19 years of age in Com
pany K, One Hundred and Twentieth
Indiana volunteer infantry, and served
during the civil war in Georgia and
Tennessee, being present at the fall
of Atlanta. He was discharged from
the army January 8, 1866, at Raleigh,
N. C. He moved to Kansas in 1863
and took up a homestead in Republic
county, Where he had since made his
home. He took part in a number of
the campaigns against the Indians in
the wrest and. was commissioned as a
captain of militia by Governor Harvey
of Kansas. He had been very active
in the public life of his county and
took an active interest in politics, be
ing a staunt republican, and served as
county treasurer of Republic county
for four years and county trustee, as
well as mayor of Republic,' and later
as mayor of Belleville. He was one
of the delegaot to the republican na
tional conventiouvyvJyOS and assisted
in the nomination. of W. II. Taft for
president. . .s io:
In his losfbPa-ikind and loving
father Mr. Stanfield will receive the
d'eepest sympathy of his friends in
this city. - '
For Sale.
Threshing -machine, steam engine
and corn sheller. Will sell reasonable
if taken at once. P. A. Hild.
5-8-1 wkd&w.
v. '
For cattle and horses. Good run
ning water. Two miles southeast of
this city. Inquire of James Kennedy;
Subscribe for the Journal.
Worth Investigating
You'd often like to drop into a store and
look over things you've seen advertised.
But you don't like to be urged to buy
and we arjrcc '.'Zi ou absolutely.
. You can come to this store any time, try
on Society Brand, Kuppenheimer or Cloth
craft Clothes and not fee! the slightest ob
ligation to purchase.
We are glad to have you visit us first to
investigate to see for yourself the result
of putting the savings of applied science
back into the clothes year after year.
We have a large variety of new models,
fabrics and patterns at prices to suit every
Suit Prices $10 to $30
Miss Itobbin Richardson United
Wedlock With Mr. L. G. Todd
of Nehawka.
A most charming home wedding
occurred last evening at the beautiful
home of Mr. and Mrs. William T.
Richardson at MvnarH. when their
daughter. Miss Robbip. was united in
marriage to Mr. L. G. Todd of Ne
hawka. The Richardson home was
arranged in a very pleasing manner
for the happy vent with artistic deco
rations of flowers, the hall and stair
case being arranged with the stately
Columbine, while the collonades bf
tween the rooms were hidden beneath
a mass of Bride's wreath. The dining
room was arranged in a color scheme
of pink and white, with pink snap
dragons and bride's roses predominat
Promptly at 8 o'clock the wedding
ceremony was performed, the mar
riage lines being read by Rev. A. E
WTachtcl of Louisville, former pastor
of the Methodist church at Mynard
and an old friend of the Richardson
family, in a most impressive manner.
The bridal party was preceded by
little Anna Mae Richardson of Omaha,
cousin of the bride, who bore the wed
ding ring concealed in a large white
rose, and as the bride and groom ad
vanced to their stations before the
minister, Miss Pheme Richardson, sis
ter of the bride, sang very sweetly
"I Love You Truly," Miss Porter pre
siding at the piano.
The wedding was a very simple one,
with only the immediate relatives of
the contracting parties being present
to witness the nuptials. Following
the wedding, ceremony '. the bridal
party and guests were treated to a
most delicious buffet luncheon in the
dining room, while the two happy
young people received the best wishes
of their relatives for their future hap
piness and success as they journey
Enjoy the Comfort
of summer underwear that is cool in material, modern in
construction and allows perfect ease with every movement
of the body. All popular styles and materials are carried
in our good stocks. Our values are worth knowing.
We buy Underwear in case lots direct from the
i mills we fit all men, stout, slim and all regular
sizes,. Fromthe boy of three years to the man
who requires a size 52 there's a garment to fit
him perfectly and it's found in our stock.
Light weight knit garments in long and short sleeves, no
sleeves, and long, short and 3A length legs, Nainsook
and dimity garments in Athletic styles too.
Munsing wear in all styles "Hatch one button Union
Suits Vassar "Extraordinary Underwear" and B. V. D.
Athletic Garments. Also Porosknit Union Suits 90c.
New Tics Every Week.
- E- ,Ul7eseott's Sons
Carhart Ovcraslls
Hansen Gloves
down life's highway as one. Among
those in attendance at the wedding
were Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Todd of Lin
coln, parents of the groom; Mr. and
Mrs. George C. Sheldon, Nehawka;
Miss Julia Todd, Manley; Mr. Harold
Todd, Nehawka; Frank S. Richardson
and family of South Omaha, and Rev.
A. E. Wachtel and family of Louis
After a few hours spent in receiv
ing the congratulations and best '
wishes of their friends, the newlyweds
motored to their future home on the
Todd homestead, near Nehawka, and
were escorted there by several auto
loads of friends, who proceeded to
give them a rousing home-coming and
spent several hours in a most pleasant
way in congratulating the young
Mrs. P. E. Ruffner met with a
rather painful accident Tuesday even
ing which occurred when she fell while
descending the steps at her home, and
sprained her right ankle in a very
severe manner. Mrs. Ruffner, with
one of her neighbors, was en route
to attend the meeting of the Knights
and Ladies of Security lodge and had
just started down the steps leading
from the terrace to the sidewalk when
her foot slipped in some way and she
was thrown several feet to the brick
walk below, turning her ankle and
suffering a few small cuts on the face
from particles of her eye glasses,
where were broken in the fall. The
accident will confine .Mrs. Ruffner to
her home for several days.
"Spring fever" is not always a joke.
If you feel dull and sluggish, tired and
worn out, suffer from bachacke or
weak back, rheumatism, sore muscles,
stiff joints or other indication of kid
ney trouble, it will pay you to investi
gate Foley Kidney Pills. They are
highly recommended as prompt and
efficient aids to health. Sold every-
Letter files at the Journal office.