The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 18, 1916, Image 1

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    ieb'Stalc Historical Soc
No. 97
TIJP m PI ft I IT Tfl II I"
inrrnPllinl I nttF
. . . .....
That and the Wage for Trainmen Is
Occupying the Attention of People
All Over the Land.
The interest of the generat public
on the situation of the freight traffic
question as well as the agitation over
the raise in wages asked for by the
trainmen on the different' lines of
railroads, has been intensified bv the
statements made by tire two contend
ing parties to the matter the train
men's organization and the executive
committees of the railways. This city
being a railroad center is probably
more interested than a great many
other cities in the state as it is one of
the important points on the Burling
ton, and the interests of the city are
largely the same as that of the rail
The executive committee of the as
sociation of Western railways has is
sued a statement covering their side
of the case which makes clear to the
public a great many points which has
not hertofore been given publicity.
The train service employes have point
ed out that if the demands for higher
wages were granted that the shippers
would be benefitted by a more expe
ditious freight service, because the
railroads would move their trains
faster, and if necessary run shorter
trains, but this argument is pointed
out as clearly falicious, as the facts
in the case do not bear out the state
ments. It is a strange logic indeed
that suggests meeting an increase in
the hourly rate of pay by abondoning
th principal means by which the rail
roads have increased" their efficiency
of their operation. As a matter of
fact, the shippers and the employes
Have profited more from the reduct
ions in operating expenses that have
been made possible by handling the
freight in larger trainloads than
have the railroads, because rates have
been steadily reduced and wages have
been steadily increased while the net
returns on the capital invested to
make the improvement has been
It has been stated frequently that
the railroads are loading their loco
motives with every car that can be
hauled, and that the cars contain
ing merchandise held at terminal
points to make up the long train.
The trains that take the longest time
to run between terminals are not the
longest and heaviest trains, but the
way freights which stop at every
station to deliver or receive freight,
and which consume so much time
because of the number of stops.
Many of these trains are lightly load
ed. The only effect of the banc eirht
hour day to this service would Le to
increase the pay of the employes in
this class of service who are no v paid
the highest wages of any in the
freight service because of the arduous
service and long hours. The' only
freight trains whose speed might oe
increased by reducing the tonnage are
a part of those in through freight
service. Many of these trains now run
at a speed of 12 1-2 miles an hour or
better. As the train employes are
paid by, the trip they would like to
have the speed of all trains increas-!
rs it would lessen the time for a day's
In most of the present day schedules
cf the railroad trainmen in freight
service appears the clause that "10
bouis or les?, 100 miles or less shal'
c constitute a day." The words "or
less" make it complsory on the rail
road to give a full day's pay at least
to every train service employe who is
"called for duty," no matter how short
a time he may actually work, whether
be runs one mile or one hundred.
The difference between the actual
mileage run or hours worked by a
train crew and the 100-mile minimum
which must be paid for is known as
"constructive mileage." In 1913 the
itivf mileaee" which was
naid amounted to 17,430,826 miles;
for this the railroads paid to .their
emnloves in train service $1,403,038,
74. Pay for the same measure of
service was xilso paid, to conductors,
baereacremen' and other
trainmen according to the' figures
submitted in the engineermen's arbi
tration -proceedings.
The railroads in their statements
made through the executive counci
iPoint out that; the shorter hours are
jnQt the chjef cause Qf the contention
but the W for 8-hours or less, the
same wages that are now paid for
10-hours or less, and that the changi
would be practically an advance in
weges of twenty-five per cent with a
further increase in the form of time
and-half for overtime of 87 per cent
more than the present rate. The.av
erage wages received by thn trainmen
from the figures of the inter-statc
commerce commission is placed at
. 1,29 3.31, an increase of 31.9 per cent
since 1904. These are the highest paid
class of railroad employes according
to the statements of the railroad com
mittees given to the public.
AND FINED $23.70
From TuesdaVs Dally-
This morning Roy Ray, a young man
who has been working in this locality
for a short time, was present in
Judge Archers court to answer to
the charge of petty larceny. It was
developed in the evidence that Ray,
with a companion, had been in the
city and had imbibed quite freely of
strarge and varied liquors so that he
was not fully aware of what he was
doing, and while in this condition he
secuied a team from the livery barn
M. E. Manspeaker and started to
drive out in the country. Reaching
their destination the team was turned
loose to return to the city, but two
lap robes were missing from the car
riage and this was the cause of the
complaint. Mr. Ray, in his condition,
had taken the robes out djf the car
rage and when the team w.s started
back to town he neglectedto place the
robes in the" carriage 'and they re
mained with Ray until yesterday
when he returned them to the owner.
The judge imposed a fine and costs
which totaled $23.70, and the amount
was arranged for settlement. The
young man seems like a very harmless
sort of a man and evidently largely
the victim of circumstances, in get
ting into the mess that he did, and in
court he presented a straightforward
appearance and his statements indi
cated that he was perfectly desirous
of settling the penalty of his escapade.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The Allman Comedy players opened
their week's engagement in this city
last evening at the tent on Oak street
and their opening performance was
greeted by quite a large audience that
was well pleased with the manner in
which the capable company presented
-The Maid of the Mystic Mine," a
most interesting comedy drama. The
members of the cast were well-fitted
for their different roles and through
out held the closest attention of the
audience. During the intermissions'
a number of high-class vaudeville
numbers, including songs and dances,
served to please everyone in the audi
ence. The company has a splendid
orchestra in connection with its show,
which served to assist in the pleasure
of those in attendance last evening.
The Allman show proved one of the
best attractions of its kind that has
visited the city, and those who attend
ed last evening felt well repaid for
their time in the delightful entertain
ment funished them. "The Editor's
Romance" will be presented tonight.
Herman Schmidt and family mo
tored in yesterday from their home
near Murdock while Mr. Schmidt
made his returns as assessor of Elm-
wood precinct. He has the distinc
tion of being the first county assessor
to complete his returns and has turned
them over to County Assessor W. R
Bryan. Mr. Schmidt is a hustler and
lost no time in getting his precinct
Horses For Sale.
-I still have a few horses for sale,
clso some farm machinery. If y6u
need them see me. Frank Vallery,
Murray. .
A Fine Banner Presented to the Order
Which It Won by Securing the
Largest Number of Mem
bers Last Quarter
From Wednesday's Dallr.
Last evening the members of the
Knights and Ladies of Security en
joyed ore of the most interesting ses
sions of several months at their lodge
rooms in the Modern Woodmen of
America building, and the occasion
was one that will long be very pleas
antly remembered by those taking
part. District Deputy Patton and
Mrs. Gertrude Clark of Nebraska
City, grand conductor of the order,
were present at the meeting, and pre
sented to the members of the council
the banner which they won as the
council securing the largest number
of members during the last quarter,
and this emblem will be .a lastiner
token of the splendid efforts of the
members of the lodge in this city in
increasing their organization by some
fifty members during the first three
months of the year and aid them in
the work of adding additional mem
bers to the list, which now numbers
in the neighborhood of 250. This is
quite an honor and the Platte council
feels very much the recognition which
has been extended to them by the
grand lodge officers.
During the evening a very pleasing
and informal program was given,
which proved most entertaining and
enjoyable. Miss Genevevie Whelan
gave a most pleasing piano number,
which was .very much enjoyed, while
Mrs. O. Sandin favored the gathering
with two very amusing readings that
won a great deal of approval from
the delighted audience and pleased
everyone. Miss Mable, Lee Copen-
haver also gave a well selected piano
number during the course of the even
ing that was' most delightful.
Short addresses were, made on the
order, its purposes and principles, by
Mr. Patton and Mrs. Clark, which
were filled with a great many good
thoughts ' and suggestions for the
members of Platte council for their
guidance, and will be an inspiration to
them in the management of the affairs
of the lodge. During the course of
the evening dainty and delicious re
freshments were served that aided
greatly in making the occasion one
filled withh much promies for many
future successes, and everyone present
elt resolved to 'make the record for
the coming year a recordrbreaker in
the way of advancing the work of the
Knights and Ladies of Security in this
The local officers have worked hard
in bringing the campaign for member
ship to such a successful close, and '
feel well pleased with the splendid re
sults secured by the lodge.
From Wednesday's ' Dally
This morning C. E. Tefft, the Weep
ing Water attorney, and wife and
babe, and Hon. Orlando Tefft of
Avoca motored in from their home to
spend a few hours while en route to
Omaha, where they spent the day.
While in the city ex-Senator Tefft was
a very pleasant caller at;the Journal
office for a visit with the-editor and
also to renew his subscription for an
other year to the Old Reliable. Sen
ator Tefft is one of the pioneer states
men of Nebraska and from an early
day has been one of the prominent
and active leaders of the republican
party in this section of the state, and
still has a keen interest in the politi
cal future of the country. Mr. Tefft
has represented Cass county in the
legislature several terms and is one
of . the -ablest men that has ever sat
in the legislative halls of the state.
Coming to Nebraska at an early day,
he has been able to have a great part
xn the formation of the great com
monWealth, and with the best of re
sults, to the citizens.
Office supplies at the Journal office.
From Tuesday Dally.
Last evening the Burlington band
held their first practice of the season
to round into form for the opening
bf . the - concert season, which is not
far distant. The band will be under
the direction of Richard Avard, who
is one of the leading musicians of the
city, and he will 'add his efforts to
making the band one of the best in
this part of the state Mr. Avard was
for a number of. years a member of
the musical department of the British
army, in service in India, and has a
complete knowledge of music. As
soon a3 weather conditions and prac
tice will allow it is expected to start
the band concerts in the park.
From Tuesday' Daily.
The Light Bearers of the Presby
terian church held a most delightful
meeting yesterday afternoon at the
Manse. This meeting was to have
been held Saturday afternoon, but had
to be postponed on account of the rain.
The members of this splendid organi
zation of little folks observed Moth
ers day by entertaining their mothers
at this meeting. All the mothers ac
cepted the invitation with the excep
tion of two, who were unable to at
tend. Mrs. L. O. Minor, who is super
intendent of this organization, took
charge of the afternoon's program
and entertainment. Many contests
between the mothers and the children
were . indulged in, which provoked
much merriment and made this after
noon's entertainment' most- delightful
to all. At a convenient time delicious
and dainty refreshments were served
by the hostess, Mrs. McClusky. A lit
tle further time devoted to various
amusements; and then the Light Bear
ers and their : mothers departed for
their homes, feeling that this was one
of the best meetings they have held
and that it is one that will long be
remembered by the mothers and the
children, and already is numbered
among the happy hours spent at the
From Tuesday Dtnv.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
ropst, near Mynard, was made hap
pier last evening when a fine little
daughter came to make her home with
them for a number of years until
someone takes her from the parental
shelter to have a home of her own.
The little one and the mother are both
doing nicely, rjid Wayne is feeling
well pleased over the addition that
has been made to his family. This is
the first child in the family and the
ittle one is the object of much ad
miration from the. proud parents.
Grandpa Charley Johnson is also feel
ing pretty well pleased with the new
distinction that has come to him and
bears it with great dignity.
From Tuesday' Daily.
The board oi education met lasi
evening to discuss a number of mat
ters in regard to the new school build
ing that is to be erected this summer,
and selected as the architect of the
new structure the firm of Burlinghoff
Davis of Lincoln, who will at once
prepare the plans for submission to
the board, from which they can select
he building they desire. The final
ballot on the selection of the archi
tect was unanimous. The board has
been very busy in the past week in
discussing the plans for the building
nd the best methods of h Gating and
Read the want ads In the JournaL
Cast of Characters for Monday Even
ing, May 28, at the Parmele
The senior class of the Plattsmouth
high school this year has selected for
its class play one of the brightest dra
ma tic offerings touching on school life
that is possible to secure, and the
whole comedv is one filled with
sparkling interest throughout. "A
Corner of the Campus," by Elizabeth
Gale, is the title of the comedy that
will bo presented at the Parmele thea
ter on Monday evening, May 29. This
comedy is full of the fun and follies
of a group of light-hearted college
girls. The heroine's devotion to a
useless young brother, a misunder
standing with her lover, and the al
most successful efforts of a deceitful
friend, lend a note of seriousness
which serves as an excellent back
ground for the abundant humor of
the fun-makers.
The cast of characters of the play
will be as follows:
Ruth Dad, just one of the girls..
Doris Vallery
Ann Short, Ruth's roommate and
an honor student. . .Ethel Seybert
Ruth Day, student Vera Hatchett
Flo Ferris, student Edith Ramge
Margaret Summers, student
Pearl Dugay
Dora Mills, student Alice Weyrich
Miss Prisam, the vigilance com
mittee Elizabeth Hall
Tilly, a maid Margaret Dotson
liram Hayman, a country boy..
. . : . v. ? . i. 'i i . . r - Charles Dovey
Mrs. Hayman, his mother. ......
. Florence Egenberger
Evelina, a colored maid. .Ethel Lewis
William Williamson, her sweet
heart. . .-. i Harry Wainscott
Billy Brown, a college youth
Arthur White
Charles Steel, Ruth's lover
, Phil Campbell
Everett Ward, his rival. . .Major Hall
The Professor.-. .Floyd Stone
The tlay is one that is well suited
to" "the clever cast of young people
presenting it, and will give them an
amnle onnortunity of displaying, their
dramatic skill in its offering. .
The following is taken from the
Osmond Republican, giving an account
of the marriage of Miss Nellie Ryan,
who has made her home in this city
or the past two years, and will be
of much interest to the many friends
of the charming bride. During her
residence in this city the bride made
many warm friends, who will extend
to her their best wishes for many
years of happiness in her new home:
"On Wednesday morning Dr. Paul
Becker and Miss Nellie Ryan of
lattsmouth were married at St.
Mary's church by Rev. F. Krings.
The witnesses of the ceremony were
the bride's brother and Eleonora
Becker. The bride was dressed in a
ovely white dress and hat, wearing
up to the altar a large bouquet of
La France roses. The parents of the
bridegroom and other members of the
familv attended jthe ceremony. After
mass a bountiful breakfast was served
the Becker hm ,The young peo
ple left for Denrasr, iColo. They, are
going to make their-.home at the for
mer Dr. Kimball place. The most
sincere felicitations of the whole com
munity - belong to Paulie and his
- -
A few days ago C. L. Herger on
going to the postoffice received
through the mail a letter which conr
tained a $2 bill with the statement
that it was due on an old account,
but did not have any signature to the
note. Mr. Herger desires , to express
to the unknown party his deepest
appreciation, and wishes that others
would show the same spirit.
From Tuesday Dally.
Earl Stanfield yesterday afternoon
received a message from Belleville
Kas., announcing that his father had
passed away at his home in that city
and Mr. Stanfield departed last even
ing for the old home, to be present at
the last sad rites. The father was
quite well advanced in years. The
news of the death came as a great
shock to Mr. Stanfield as he was not
aware of the serious illness of the
father until the death message came
to him. The friends in this city will
join in extending their sympathies to
Mr. Stanfield in his hour of grief and
From Tuesday's Dally.
Last evening Plattsmouth lodge No.
6, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons,
held its annual election of officers at
the rooms in the Masonic temple, and
the following were chosen to preside
over the lodge during the ensuing
W. M. Oliver C. Dovey.
S. W. William J. Streight.
Secretary Michael Archer.
Treasurer Carl G. Fricke.
The meeting was very largely at
tended and the session was one filled
with much interest to the members of
the fraternity.
From Tuesday' Dally.
As the attraction at the Red Sox
base ball park on next Sunday after
noon the "All College Stars" of Peru,
will be on the job of entertaining the
fans of this city at a first-class exhi
bition of the national pastime. The
Stars have the reputation of being
one of the best organizations in this
section of the state, and have made a
good reputation for themselves on the
diamond. The wet condition of the
weather last Sunday cheated the ad
mirers of this sport from witnessing
the weekly game, and they will all
sure be ready, to turn out next Sun
day and witness this fast one which
is promised by the college boys. The
management of the Red Sox have
been negotiating for a game with the
Luxus, Armours and the Brandies
teams of Omaha as soon as the weath
er conditions will improve so that they
can be assured of a good crowd to
attend the game. With the fast Oma
ha teams as an attraction it ought to
be easy to fill the seating capacity of
the grand stand and bleachers. Let
us have the attendance and the good
games will be forthcoming.
From Wednesday Daily .
Yesterday alternoon vvune uanus,
the colored man from Weeping Wa
ter, who was charged with having
broken into the room of Charles Jack-
on and William . Alden and stolen
therefrom a suitcase as well as a suit
of clothes and overcoat, was arraigned
before County Judge Beeson to an
swer to the charge of burglary, and
this charge entered a plea of guilty
and was accordingly, bound over to
the district court to await punishment
for his offense. Darius has been lin
irerinir in iail since Friday and during
that time reconsidered his former as
sertions of innocence and decided that
he would plead guilty and receive the
punishment coming to him as the re
sult of his crime. The two men, Jack
son and Alden, came over to appear
witnesses in the case if needed.
For the Simon Pare . Benjamin
Franklin Lightning Sod, call on T. W.
Vallery, or write him at Murray, Neb.
I 4-24-lmowkly
Four Ballots Taken and High Man,
Hughes, Lacks Seventy
Six Votes.
Saratoga Springs, N. Y., May 18.
Although four ballots were taken last
night, the Methodist Episcopal gen
eral conference has not been able to
elect any of the seven new bishops
determined upon by the conference
Tuesday. On the fourth ballot Rev.
M. S. Hughes of Pasadena, Cal., who
headed the list of candidates with 454
votes, lacked seventy-six of the neces
sary two-thirds majority.
Another Pacific coast clergyman,
Rev. Adna W. Leonard of Seattle,
Wash., was in second place with 439
votes. President Herbert Welch of
Ohio Wesleyan university was well
up among the leaders, as were
Charles B. Mitchell of Chicago and
Chancellor Franklin Hamilton of the
American university, Washington, D.
C. All of them had been among the
first ten of every ballot.
On the first ballot votes were cast
for 262 different individuals, or more
than half the delegates in the confer
ence. Comparatively few of this num
ber, however, received more than 100
votes. The upper ten on the first bal-
ot were: Dr. Thomas Nicholson, sec
retary of the board of education;
Charles B. Mitchell, M. S. Hughes,
Chancellor Hamilton, Adna W. Leon
ard, President Welch, President Ezra
Tipple of Drew Theological sem-
nary, Madison, M. J.; csaries r..
Locke, William F. Oldham, secretary
of the board of foreign missions, and
Joshua Stansfield of Indianapolis.
This morning John Fielen was
hauled up before Judge M. Archer to
answer to the charge of being drunk,
and to this he was forced to confess
his guilt. This is the fourth visit of
John to police court on this charge
and the judge gave him a very strong
ecture on his misdeeds which were
constantly keeping him in the public
eye in a most unfavorable manner,
and handed him a little bunch in the
form of $20 and costs, amounting to
$24, which it will take John twelve
days to work out for the city, and the
judge also informed the prisoner that
the next time the fine would be dou
bled. As it is the sentence will keep
him out of trouble for several days
at least.
Columbus, Neb., May 18. The Ne
braska Sons of Herman selected
Plattsmouth as the next biennial
meeting place in 1918, yesterday aft
ernoon. The following officers were elected:
Albert Von Der Heyd, Grand Island,
past president; William Piepenstock,
Wayne, grand president; Carl Fritz,
Fremont, first grand vice president;
A. A. Limbach, Hastings, second vice
president; Carl Rhode, Columbus,
grand secretary; Fred Volpp, Scrib
ner, grand treasurer; A. B. Young,
Nebraska City, grand trustee; Dr. L.
C. Bleick, Bloomfield, grand physician;
Fritz Deich, Omaha, grand guide; H.
G. Heyn, Pender, grand inner guard;
F. E. Neumann, Plattsmouth, grand
outer guard.
A new change in rates was effected
by an unaimous vote. The following
rates were adopted, to take effect
January 1, 1917, on all members at
the age when they joined the order:
Over 18 to 22, 40 cents; 22 to 26, 45
cents; 26 to 30, 50 cents; 30 to 33, 55
cents; 33 to 36, 60 cents; 36 to 39,
65 cents; 39 to 41, 70 cents; 41 to
43, 75 cents; 43 to 46, 80 cents; 46,
85 cents; 47 90. cents; 48, 5 cents;
49, $1. After installation of officers
the grand lodge adjourned.
Office supplies at the Journal office.