The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 11, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGR 6..
THURSDAY, MAY 11. 1916.
Now It's the Cultivator and
Two-Row Machine Season!
If any of the readers of the
Journal know of any social
fveni'or'ltein of interest Id
.this vicinity, and will mail
same to this office, it will ap--pear
under this heading'. We
want all news items Editor
Prepared inthe Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Headers
Murray Dep
1 ' ' '
ECEXT ptnfistirs show tliat the number of
women bank depositors is steadily increas
ing. It is a healthy sign of business condi
tions. There was a time when the number
of women depositors was practically nil.
With the advent in the business world of
so many women it was assured that the
number of female depositors would show an increase.
Women are inclined to be more thrifty than men.
Thrift and banking go hand in hand. Many women in
this community have bank accounts. To those who
have nt this appeal is made. Open a bank account
todav. (hue having opened it, add to it. Watch it
jrrow. You'll like the experience.
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Oar deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
Elmer Hallstrom was a Plattsmouth
visitor Monday evening.
Mrs. B. G. Watkins has been quite
pick for the past few days.
Jack Shaw was looking after some
business matters in Omaha a few days
the past week.
Wm. Puis, sr., was looking after
some business matters in Omaha on
Monday of this week.
Raymond Creamer, son of Mr. and
and Mrs. Henry Creamer, has been
quite sick for the past week.
.Mrs. Otto Puis returned home from
Omaha Wednesday evening,. . whore
she had been for the past few days
undergoing a minor operation and re
ceiving treatment for a growth in her
Frank Crauf ml family. Ed. Koh
rell and wife, Glen Campbell and wife
motored throi'g'i r!u:ray enrbi.te to
Jirnley Wednesday, v.!.er? they were
going to attend a wedding.
D. B. F. Brendel, Rex Young and
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Baker autoed to
Omaha Tuesday forning, where Mrs.
llaker entered the hospital for the
surgical operation that the surgeons
were unable to perform owing to her
sudden death from the anaesthetic.
Otto Puis shipped a car load of cat
tle to South Omaha Monday evening.
Mr. Puis went to Omaha Tuesday
morning and saw them sold on the
market. He was accompanied by Mrs.
Puis, who was placed in the hospital
for a few da$-s treatment.
Mrs. Chas. Sans, who was so ser
iously ill last week from blood posion
irtp, has been slowly gaining strength
for the past few days, and the life
that was almost despaired of last
week, every hope is ncv enterta;r:ed
for her early, recovery, froni .danger,
but will require many weeks for the
return, of her former health.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Boedeker, Ted
Barrows and Miss Ella Thomason
drove to Omaha Tuesday in the car
of Mr. Boedeker. Mr. Barrows re
turned home in his new Velie.
Judge and Mrs. H. II. Claiborne,
of Omaha, were visiting in Murray
last Sunday, being guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tutt.
Mrs. J. W. Holmes returned home
from Omaha last Saturday evening,
where been for the past week owing
where she had been for the past week
owing to the illness of her nephew.
.Lucille Benedict, of Omaha, was vis
iting with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
'n. Rice, west of Murray, for a
few days the past week, returning to
her work in Omalia YVednesda2T eve
ning. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Steiner, of Lin
coln, have been in Murray a few days
this week visiting at the home of Mrs.
Steiner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Berger. They are also making ar
rangements ' for their departure for
their new home in Wyoming..
There was a large attendance at
the social dance given at the Puis &
Gansemer. hall in Murray last Satur
day' evening. All seemed to have a
most enjoyable time. The music was
furnished , by the Holly orchestra of
Plattsmouth.- There will be another
one given by the same parties in this
hall on one week from next .Saturday
Ted Barrows is now sporting a fine
new Velie Six auto that he purchased
this week. It is one of the latest
models of this popular make and is
certainly a beautiful car. L. H. Puis,
the Murray Garage proprietor, now
has the agency for the Velie cars,
which is without a doubt one of the
best on the market. Mr. Barrows is
well pleased with the new car.
John Hobsehiedt was a Plattsmouth
visitor Saturday.
A. D. Crunk was calling on Union
me chants Friday.
Miss Ida Good spent Sunday with
Miss Etta Nickles.
Mrs. John Hendricks war. a Platts
mouth visitor Tuesday.
Miss Clara Young spent a few days
in Omaha the past week.
Searl Davis shipped a car of cattle
to South Omaha Tuesday.
O.'.car Shrader and family visited
Will Rice and wife Sunday.
Albert Young has been listed among
the sick for the past few dayss.
Mrs. F. T. Wilson and daughters
were Murray visitors Thursday.
Mrs. Walter Sans is reported as
slightly improved at this writing.
Albert Wilson and family spent Sun
day with F. T. Wilson and family.
Mrs. John Paris was transacting
business in Platismcuth Thursday.
Fred Campbell was taking in the
sights of Union Saturday evening.
Frank Lilly and family wore guests
of John Hendricks and family Sun
day. ,
B?rt Young was visiting friends
in Omaha Monday and Tuesday of this
Mrs. E. R. Queen was visiting with
friends and shopping in Piattsmouth
Albert Young and George Gibson
have been doing some carpenter work
for Oscar Gapen the past week.
Albert Young and George Gibson
are building a large new barn for
Joe Shrader this week.
Gus Minniear and family were up
from Union last Saturday visiting
with Murrav friends.
Mrs. Charles Swab had the misfor
tune to get kicked by a horse one day
last week, injuring one limb verv bad-
Wayne Lewis, the Union paper
hanger, was doing some work this
week at Frank Campbell's and Wil
liam Nickles'.
Olga O. Minford, teacher of piano
forte. Summer term of twelve weeks
beginning June 12. Telephone No.
20, Murray.
Miss Margie Walker departed Mon
day morning for Xenia, Ohio, to at
tend the Missionary Convention, nd
while on the journey she will make a(
visit with relatives and friends in J
Kentucky and other points in Ohio.
L. II. Puis has been busy this week
moving the large gasoline tank from
his farm west of Murray to his garage
here in town. He has been experienc
ing some difficulty in keeping gasoline
for his large trade with the small 250
gallon tank. The one on his farm
held 550 gallons. This will be in
stalled at the garage, and the filling of
both tanks will keep him running.
Frank Dugay and Roy Cline were
Omaha visitors Tuesday of this week.
The Applegate Players will be in
Murray on Thursday, Friday and
Saturday evenings of this week, ap
pearing each night at the Puis & Gan
semer Opera House in one of their
favorite plays. This is the same com
pany that have played Murray on sev
eral other occasions, and gave such
splendid satisfaction. You will do
well to secure your seats early, as
they will no doubt be greeted with
crowded houses each and every night
during their stay.
i i
That's the name of the Union Suit for men
that has-the. quality $1.00
Children's Porosknit 1 .00
Hatch, a Union Suit with only one button on
the garment for men 1.00
B. V. D. Unions v .50
Mesco Union Suits : .50
Boys', Misses' and Children's 50c Unions every
garment standard makes.
IBIiatt& Twit,
For Sale.
The Hotel Berger, of Murray, Neb
raska, is offered for sale, and a price
that is right, if taken soon. For full
particulars and terms see Mrs. J. W.
Berger at the hotel.
Horses For Sale.
I still have a few horses for sale,
also some farm machinery. If you
need them see me. Frank Vallery,
that oldv lawn mower. Take it down
to the Western Machine and Foundry
and see what that new Automatic
Grinder will do to it. There is a
RIGHT way, even to put the push in
lawn mowers. 4-288-lwkd
"Spring fever" is not always a joke.
If you feel dull and sluggish, ti.ed and
worn out, suffer from bachacke or
weak back, rheumatism, sore muscles,
stiff joints or other indication of kid
ney trouble, it will pay you to investi
gate Foley Kidney Pills. They are
highly recommended as prompt and
efficient aids to health. Sold every
where. .. v . -
Vivian C, oldest daughter of Mi
ami Mis. George E. Fitzpatrick, was
married at her parents home three
miles southeast of Imperial, Thurs
day, April 27, 191C, at 8 p. m. to
Edward J. Boedeker of Nehawka,
Cass county, Nebraska, Rev. II. II
Miles of the M. E. church of Imperial,
Both the contracting partis are
strangers to this community, except
the bride who has been here only since
March, moving here with her parents
from Cass county. In so short a time
she has made many friends who are
sorry to see her go away so soon, but
are confident she will make a comfort
able home for the one who has chosen
her to be his home maker. A ycai
prior to her coming here she had been
emplojed as a stenographer in Oma
ha. She was born in Virginia, but
has spent the last twelve years in Ca.v
county, and is now returning to con
ti'iue her stay theiv. Her chr:ctian
graces speak much for J. or future vo
The groom was born and raised in
Cass county, near Xhawka. He
ccrres from a stock of ""Industrious
paientage and is h'.iTislf veil equipped
to take unto himself a rife. Being a
successful farmer, a good provider
a man of clean habits. we anticipate
fo-: them success a'li happiness. Mr Mrs. Boedeker will be;.'in house
keeping and farmir. near Nehawkii,
Nebraska. Imperial Republican.
The Journal joins with the Repub
lican and the many friends of these
excellent young people in wishing
them much joy and happiness and a
long and prosperous married life. We
have been personally acquainted with
the Fitzpatrick and Baedeker families
for a great manv years, and we know
we speak the truth when we say they
are among the very best in this great
land of ours.
A Pleasant Surprise.
The beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Urish was the scene of a very
pleasant gathering last Sunday, the
affair being a surprise dinned given
by the children in honor of their par
ents. The jolly crowd came with well
filled baskets of good things to eat, and
at the usual hour a delicious lunch
was served on the lawn.
The afternoon was spent in instru
mental and vocal music, and the mer
riment for all continued until a late
hour, when the relatives and friends
took their departure for their homes,
all joining in wishing Mr. and Mrs
Urish many more such pleasant sur
prises. Those in attendance were:
.Mrs. Mary Schafer, Mr. and Mrs
William Sporer, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Schafer, Mr. and Mrs. Nick. Friedrich,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Urish, Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Schafer, Misses Rosa
Schafer, Coennia Handley, Lucial
Urish, Terrace Schafer, Geneva Ur
ish, Messrs. Fhilip Horn, Martin Wil
liams, Herman Wohlfarth, Martin
Sporer, Virgil Urish, Chester Sporer
Albert Schafer, Richland Friedrich
and Charles Sporer.
Mrs. Gansemei- Celebrates Birthday.
There was a very pleasant surprise
birthday gathering at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Alf Gansemer last Sunday,
the occasion being given in honor of
Mrs. Gansemer's twenty-seventh birth
day anniversary. There were quite
a number of relatives and friends that
gathered in to spend the day and as
sist Mrs. Gansemer in duly celebrat
ing the occasion. ' Well filled baskets
were with the visitors, and at the
noon hour an excellent dinner was
spread, which was one of the most
enjoyable occasions of the gathering.
The entire day was spent at the Gan
semer home, and at the departing time
all .wished Mrs. Gansemer many more
suceh happy occasions.
Meets With An Accident.
From "Wednesday's taTlv.
Yesterday Harry Deal was released
from a five weeks' quarantine for
scarlet fever and allowed to have his
liberty which ho had been deprived of
by sickness, and the young man was
allowed to enjoy his release but a
short time. Last evening while skat
ing at the rollor rink he fell to the
floor and in doing so his left wrist
struck the skate of some one and in
flicted two very severe gashes whicT
it was necessary to have dressed by a
surgeon. .
From "Wednesday's Pally.
It was a profound shock to the com
munity last evening when it was
learned that Mrs. Arthur L. Baker of!
Murray had been taken by death al
most without warning, and to many it
seemed almost impossible that this
lady, who but a few days ago they had
in their midst had been suddenly call
ed from her earthly life by the Mas
ter's touch.
Mrs. Baker motored to Omaha yes
terday morning and entered the Pres
byterian hospital there for an opera
tic but as the anesthetic was being
nistered the heart of the lady was
r.rong enough for the ordeal and
came to her without the slight
arning shortly efter 10 o'clock.
The death comes as a great shock to
the bereaved husband and daughter,
who are left to mourn the departure
cf this estimable lady. The unexpect
edness of the blow has made itself
most stunning to the relatives and
friends and only time can soften the
intenseness of the sting of death.
' Miss Ida Parr was born on a farm
near Sheridan, Indiana, February 13,
1872, and there grew to womanhood
and receiving her education in that
community where her family was
among the most prominent in that
portion of the rtr.te. In 1890 she
came to Murray, Nebraska, where her
sister, Mrs. B. F. Brendel, was living,
and for a number of years made her
home with her sister and family until
her marriage on June 13, 1807, to Ar
thur L. Baker. To this union there was
born one daughter, Miss Opha, who is
left behind with the father and hus
band to share his grief. One sister,
Mrs. B. F. Brendel, resides at Mur
ray, while two sister, one half-sister,
four brothers, one half-brother and
the aged mother of the deceased re
side near the old home in Indiana.
The funeral of Mrs. Baker will be
held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the Christian cTiurch in Murray,
of which she was a member for sev
eral years, and the body will be laid
to rest in the Horning cemetery, just
south of Plattsmouth.
To the husband and daughter the
deepest sympathy of the entire com
munity will be extended in their hour
of grief and separation from their
wife and mother.
Mrs. Henry Engclkemeier and babe,
Misses Sophia Kracger and Emma
Eikenbary were among those going to
Omaha this morning where they wil
visit for the day, going on the early
Burlington train.
Glen Boedeker, cashier of the Slur
ray State bank, was in the city last
evening for a few hours looking after
some matters of business and visiting
with his friends.
C. F. Harris of near Union was in
the city today for a few hours looking
after some matters of business at th
court house as well as calling on hi
Mrs. Bennett Chriswisser was an
Omaha passenger this morning to
spend a few hours in that city look
ing after some matters of business.
Now She Feels Well.
Mrs. Elizabeth Jakab was quite ill
stomach weak, digestion very poor,
stool once in 4-5 days and with hem
orrhage at that. Not knowing what
to do any more, sheVrdered Triner's
American Elixir of Bitter Wine and
now she cays: "So I am writing to
you to let you know that I am feeling
well, that it is an excellent remedy.
felt better as soon as I began to use
it. Elizabeth Jakab, Box 58, Alicia
Mich." Most of our ailments have
their origin in the stomach not work
ing properly. As soon as some irreg
ularity appears, headache, dizziness
depression, nervousness, loss of appe
tite follow. Do not wait any longer
when any'of these signs are apparent
but take Triner's American Elixir of
Bitter Wine. It will set you"' right
again, improve the functions of the di
g'estive apparatus, remove the cause
of your trouble and you will feel again
like a new being. At drug stores
Price, $1.00. .Jos. Trincr, Manufac
turer, 1333-1339 S. Ashland Ave., Chi
cago, 111.
Shetland Pony For Sale.
Fine Shetland pony for sale cheap
at $100. Call on William Gilmour,
Plattsmouth, R. F. D. No. 1.
Triner' Liniment is ' praised by
erybody that had the good fortune
nave it handy when in need of it.
is Unequalled for sprains, contu
sions, swellings and all sorts of local
pains. Price 2.c and ouc; postpaiu,
35c and 60c.
Single Comb Reds.
Eggs for hatching after May 1st
will be 50c per setting, $3.00 per hun
dred. Phone Plattsmouth 4021.
W. B. Porter, Mynard, Neb.
We have them in the John Deere and Rockland Two
row, and the Jenny Lynde,, New Departure, John
Deere and the Old Reliable Badger cultivators, which
you can buy now at the same old price, all of which
machinery has advanced 10 per cent. This price ap
plies only to what we have on hand. Place your or
ders early and save ten per cent or more.
Hardware and implement Go.
and looks over into the Hog Yard and see the Hogs lined up in front of
the Standard Self Feeder, he will sav:
I know now
why Bill
gets such
good prices
for his hogs
when he
takes them
to market.
It's because
he gives
them the
proper care
by placing
in his yard
a self-feeder
The old reliable Hor, Regulator based on the Government Formula.
Not an ounce of tiller m ton. It was the first strictly Hog Prepara
tion made. It pays for itself many times by improving thrift, regulat
ing the bowels, expelling worms and by doing these tilings helping to
prevent disease. It does the four things you want done to increase your
profits. Complete list of ingredients on every package. Come in today
and 1 will tell von how to get a feeder free.'
WEYRIGII S IIADRBA, Exclusive Agents
Headquarters for the complete Standard Line.
Men's Light Eik Shoes
Also a complete line of Sandals for Misses,
Boys and Children
A Complete Line of IVorli Gloves
Highest Price Paid for Farm Products!
Puis & Gansemer,
Old Parts Made New
New Parts Made Too
i !
CAN FIX IT and Fix It Right!
One of the Best Equipped Welding Outfits
Firestone Tires!
Vacuum Oils!
Auto Livery!
The Best Equipped Garage In Cass County
L- H. PULS. Prop.,
Murray, Nebraska