L ' 1 - ... ii PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAC TACE 5. THURSDAY, MAY 11. If J 4& S8S& 1 ST T ft You ia Planning Your I Mew You are no doubt in the same position that a great many others of-this city and community are in. You want a new home, and if you had a little assistance in the way of plans, cost of material and a partial estimate on the cost of your new home you might build now. We have just-received a most complete line of plans, specifications, estimate of lumber bills for each and every structure in this great volume, all of v which will be of great aid to you in planning a new home, all free to you by calling at our lumber oflice. This volume also contains the plans of combination .barns and silos, garages, outbuildings of numerous kinds, which we will be glad to show prospective building of these Sort of structures. This is Cur Line and We Will Be Glad to Help You! - Our Lumber and Building Line is Complete Lumber and Building Material. Plattsmouth, Nebraska THE GOUKTY CdlSSHEBS PROCEEDiHGS I'Jatt.-mouth, Ndbva?ka, Mr.y 2, 1916. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present, C. E. Ileebr.er, lien) y Sn,ke and Julius A. Pitz, county com missioners, Frrnk .7. Liherchal, eoumy clerk. ' Minutes cf previous .sessions read and approved, when the foilow- t re act e m rega in" u"incjs wa ar form: County Judge Alien J. Bee.-on filed i-.n.ordor with the clerk directing the amount of 15.00 per month be paid Mrs. Emma C. Miller for the care and maintenance of her three dependent chiluicr, for a period not exceeding six m:i;h?. On motion., the hoard allow ed said amount to Lj paid as per or der.; of the court. The following claims were allowed r.n the fl en oral Fund cf the county: For judge:; and clerks of pri mary clectio?i and returns.. Tipton precinct S 42.95 For judges and clerks of pri mary election and returns. Greenwood precinct 35.50 For judges and clcrkr, of pri marv election and returns, Salt Creek precinct For judges and clerks cf pri mary election and returns Stove Creek precinct For judges and clerks of pri mary election and returns Elmwood precinct 37.70 For judges and clerks of pri mary election and returns South Bend precinct 30.10 For judges and clerks of pri mary election and returns Weeping Water precinct . . . 32.10 Fcr judges and clerks of pri mary election and returns Center precinct . . 37.50 For judges and clerks of pri mary election and returns Louisville precinct 33.90 For judges and clerks of pri mary election and returns Avoca precinct '37.00 For judges and clerks of pri mary' election and returns Mt. Pleasant precinct 32.30 For judges and clerks of pri mary election and returns Eight Mile Grove precinct . . 3G.00 For judges and clerks of pri mary election and returns Nehawka precinct 36.80 For judges and clerks of pri mary election and returns Liberty precinct 36.70 For judges and clerks of pri mary election and returns 1st Rock duffs precinct . . . For judges and clerks of pri-' nary election and returns 2nd Rock-Bluffs precinct .. For judges and clerks of pri mary election and returns Plattsmouth precinct For judges and clerks of pri mary "election and returns Irt Ward, Weeping Wapter. SC.. 00 i For judges and clerks of pri mary election and returns 2nd Ward, Weeping Water. 33.60 For judges and clerks of pri mary election and returns 55.80 34.20 38.60 31.80 43.4-1 1$ - ..... VX & tv li-V Are You Wasting The Price Of a Titan Engine? HpITAN engines run. on kerosene. ; A Average cost of gasoline so far this year,. i zS.g cents per gallon. Average cost of kerosene 7. 7 cents per gallon. Gasoline costs over 100 per cent more than kero- sene. Gasoline is going up steadily. Kerosene is not. r At present fuel prices Titan engines, using kero sene, save their owners about 1. 1 cents per horse power per hour. Arc you running a gasoline engine ? What horse power is ; it? Figure what you'd behaving if you had a Titan kerosene engine. Rather surprisincr, isn't it? How long would it take that saving: to pa' for a Titan engine of the same size ? International Harvester Company of America ? (Imrorji orated) Titen ksne engines ar sold hj JQHH P. GOOBER, Plaiismcuth, Nebraska 3rd Ward, Weeping Water. . 31.80 For judges and clerks of pri mary election and returns 1st Ward, Plattsmouth 35.00 For judges and clerks of pri mary election and returns 2nd Ward, Plattsmouth 44.00 For judges and clerks of pri . mary election and returns 3rd Ward, Plattsmouth .... 44.00 For judges and clerks of pri mary election and returns 4th Ward. Plattsmouth 32.0M For judges and clerks of pri mary election and returns 5th Ward, Plattsmouth 30.50 C. D. Quinton, posting election proclamations 49.60 Wm. Latrom, mgr., room for primary election Tipton pre cinct 5.00 Louisville Village Treasurer, room for primary election, Louisville precinct 5.00 W. E. Hand, room for primary election, Salt Creek precinct 5.00 H. A. Tool, mgr., room for pri rnarj; election, Elmwood precinct 5.00 Treasurer S. D. No. 83, room for primary election, Weep ing Water precinct 5.00 Edw. Kelly, room for primary election, Center precinct . . . 5.00 Adolph Mogensen, rcom for primary election, Third Ward, Weeping Water 5.C0 Geo. Schanz, room for pri mary election, Fifth ward, Plattsmouth 6.00 C. F. Vallery, care of booths and room for primary elec tion, Plattsmouth precinct. . 8.00 P. B. Ebersole, financier, room for primary election, Third Ward, Plattsmouth 9.00 The Union Social Club, room for primary election, Liber ty precinct 8.00 Avoca Town Hall Co., room for primary election, Avoca pre cinct G.00" Platts Turn Verein, room for primary election, . second ward, Plattsmouth 9.00 Aug. Tartsch, care of primary election booths, all five wards 6.00 Lute Crawford, making ballot bo?:. Liberty prscinct 3.50 Hans Silvers, trustee, room for primary election, 4th Ward, Pkittnmouth 6.00 Nels Anderson, room for pri mary election, Nehaw-ka precinct 7.00 Charles Campbell, room for election and care of booths, South Bend 7.00 Henry Hcil, jr., room for elec tion, Eight Mile Grove pre cinct 5.50 B. G. Wurl, member of can vassing board 5.' James W. Burnie, member of canvassing board 5.40 Frank J. Libcrshal, posting primary election notices and delivering supplies 38.30 Frank Lanhing, livery for Commissioner Snoks 7.50 Plattsmouth Journal, printing and election supplies 378.31 Carl Sergun, shelling corn at farm 9.09 J. H. Tams, trees, etc., to county farm 4. Hotel Riley, meals to jury . 6.50 Eda Marquardt, salary and ex pense 149.91 C. W. Baylor & Co., coal and wood Mrs. Worden 4.75 O. D. Harford, Jurial of Wil liam Everett 50.8 E. G. Dovcy, merchandise to farm 27.64 A. W. White, merchandise to Mrs. Mcpherson 5.00 Plattsmouth Ice and Cold Storage Co., ice to court house 4.00 C. W. Baylor & Co., coal to jail 15.30 Reece Printing Co., tax lists.. 51.30 W. H. Wade, assgd. A. G. -Cole, damages, account loss of mule ..... 40.00 Geo. Thomas & Co., meats to farm 8.50 F. G. Fricke & Co., merchan dise to farm and court house 42.40 John N. Schwartz, painting at farm 46.80 Plattsmouth Water Co., water to jail and court house 9.87 Frank J. Libershal, salary and expense 210.20 Lincoln Telephone & Tele graph Co., rents and tolls.. 28.02 J. M. Jirousek, merchandise to -Svatek; March, $5.00; April, $5.00 10.00 B. C. Marquardt & Co., mer chandise Mrs. Cottingham.. 10.00 Crozier Bros., merchandise Miss McGinnis 5.00 W. R. Egenberger, coal to Hobson, $6; Rinker, $G 12.00 Waterman Lumber & Coal Co., coal to court house, $28.25, and Kushingsky, $2.75 31.00 C. D. Quinton, jailer fees 13.50 C. D. Quinton, salary 145.83 D. Quinton, boarding county prisoners 4.50 C. Marquardt, mdse. to Mrs. Cottingham 10.00 E. Hartford, coal to Brissey, $3.25; Brandt, $6.50 9.75 H. Thrasher, bailiff cert... 8.00 Hans Sievers, salary and laun dry 78.00 B. H. Clark, M. D., medical at tention to William Everett. . 30.00 C. W. Baylor & Co., coal to poor farm 12.00 A. G. Cole, salary and expense 112.60 R. R. Dukes, helpingsurveyor 2.00 Wm. Hassler, blacksmith work for court house .75 F. Brendel, coroner's inquest A. Childers 12.35 Frank H. Smith, jury, inquest A. Childers 1.50 G. H. Manners, jury, inquest A. Childers 1.50 P. E. Ruffner, jury, inquest A. Childers 1.50 W. M. Barclay, jury, inquest A. Childers 1,50 H. H. Leficr, jury, inquest A. Childers . 1.50 Geo. L. Farley, jury, inquest A. Childers 1.50 J. F. Brendel, coroner's in quest Lawrence Smith 12.95 Mr. Marsh, coroner's inquest Lawrence Smith 2.00 C. D. Quinton, coroner s in quest Lawrence Smith 2.00 L. D. Hiatt, jury, inquest Law rence Smith 1.00 G. E. Nickles, jury, inquest Lawrence Smith 1.00 W. A. Scott, jury, inquest Law rence Smith 1.00 A. A. Young, jurjv inquest Lawrence Smith 1.00 E. Hatchett, jury, inquest . Lawrence Smith '. 1.00 E. R. Quinn, jury, inquest Lawrence Smith 1.00 A. F. Eoedeker, witness, in quest Lawrence Smith 1.00 J. A. Ford, witness, inquest Lawrence Smith 1.00 J. E. Mason, livery, coroner s inauest L. Smith 3.50 W. J. Rau, freight and dray- aere election booths .45 Western Foundry & Machine Co.. repairs to lawn mower. 2.25 Arthur Stander, report of births and deaths 3.75 W. E. Hand, report of births and deaths 6.50 D. Jones, report of births and deaths 1.75 Geo. Reitter, report of births and deaths .75 B. I. Clements, report of births and deaths 3.25 Wm. R. Lyman, report of births and deaths 8.75 L- R. Upton, report of births and deaths 2.75 G. D. Maseman, report of births and deaths 5fct0 It. Muir, report of births and deaths z.zo E. Sturzennegger, report of births and deaths --" H. F. Kropp, report of births nnd deaths .50 John F. Gorder, engine and ; supplies to farm 124.00 Mrs. Stella Persinger, care of dependent children, May .. 25.00; Mrs. Clara Matzke, care of de pendent children, May .... 25.00 Mrs. Margaret Leland, care of dependent children, May ... 20.00, Mrs. Edith Duckworth, care of dependent children; May ; . . 25.00 Mrs. Ella Huston, care of de pendent children, May . . . 15.00 Mrs. Ida Schlieska, care of de- -pendent children, May 25.00 Mrs. Dora Dencon, care of de pendent children, May ..... 25.00 Mrs. Edna Denson, care of de pendent children, May ..... 30.00 Mrs. Lillian B. Baker, care of dependent children, May .. 20.00 Mrs. Charlotte Moore, care of dependent children, May ... 10. Co H. M. Soennichscn, merchan dise to county, 65 cents; Brissey, $3; Brandt, $5; Swoboda, $3; Meisel, $3; Kushinsky, $3; Rinker, $5; Collins, $5; Worden, $5; Chambers, $10. Total 46.65 Fred Noltingf seed corn to farm 3.20 J. H. Tams, salary and ex pense 98.78 Hatt & Son, merchandise to Lambert, $20; Svoboda, $2.. 22.00 Clinton Oil Co., oil to county farm 12.90 Western Foundry and Machine Co., shafting to county farm 1.60 Wm. Richards, care of Wil liam Everett 16.00 The following claims were allowed on the Road Fund of the county: Walter Bj-ers, road work, Road District 27 58.00 Fred Clark, road work, Road District 1' 74.40 C. F. Vallary, road work, Road District 11 23.60 John P. Meisineer, road work, John H. Busche, E. F. Brunkow, Road District 6 J. L. Barton & C Road District 1 A. A. Wallinger, road work, road work, road work, 3., nardware, road work, road work, 156.30 "2.15 3.20 .20 2.00 2.00 2.00 30.58 Road District 16 26.80 Wm. H. Rush, road work, Road District 7 56.75 W. H. Hardnock, road work. Road District 16 66.60 Fred Spahnle, road work, Road District 16 Wm. Caddy, road work, Road District 16 Ed J. Burns, road work, Road District 16 R. E. Brunell, road work, Road District 16 H. C. Creamer, road work. Road District 116 Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank Co., culverts for Road Dis trict No. 27 J. L. Barton & Co., Ax to Road District No. 27 1.25 R. B. Leffler, road workt Road District 9 62.60 Joseph H. Seacat, road work, Road District 14 24.65 Lisle Horton, road work, Road District 15 152.20 W. J. Partridge, road work, Road District 13 Keystone Pipe Co., cement pipe, Road District 10 W. J. Althouse, road work, Road District 6 Wm. Ash, grading, Road Dis trict 8 F. W. Nolting, road work, Road District 1 Math Sulser, road work, Road District 1 Walter J. Clouse, road work, Road District 4 Joseph H. Seacat, road work, Road District 14 Johnson Hardware and Imple ment Co., merchandise to Road District 14 Joseph H. Seacat, road work, Road District 14 Joseph H. Seacat, road work, Koaa district n .... .. tsz.io Joseph H. Seacat, road work, Road District 14 25.70 W'm. Leddy, road work, Road District 4 37.50 Brandon Bros. Lumber Co., Lumber to Road District 11. 29.16 The following claims were allowed on the Dragging Fund: August Kercklow, dragging, District 8 $ 25.50 Walter Sans, dragging, district 27 Wm. H. Rush, dragging, Dis trict 7 John H. Busche, dragging, Dis trict 2 C.- F. Vallery, dragging, Dis trict 1 ,C. L. Wiles, dragging, District 1 Eddie Todd, dragging, District 1 John Meisinger, dragging. Dis trict 1 .'. R. A. Troop, dragging, District 1 W. J. Partridge, dragging, Diss trict 13 ... i V. D. Harris, dragging, District 5 Walter J. Clouse, dragging, District 4 The following claim was allowed on the Commissioners' Road Fund: R. E. Clymer, ditching commis sioner District 3 $ 5.00 ' On motion, the board adjourned to jneet Wednesday May 3, 1916. FRANK J. LIBERSHAL, CJounty Clerk. 60.00 48.00 16.40 50.00 18.40 3.20 83.90 30.00 7.21 8.40 3.75 17.10 14.40 regular form: C. D. Quinton, sheriff, filed report of fees earned first quarter, 1916; amount of $65.80. The following claims were allowed on the General Fund: Mrs. Emma C. Miller, care of dependent children, May ... 15.00 The University Publishing Co., Examination questions to county superintendent 7.68 Julius A. Pitz, salary and mile age 64.75 Henry Snoke, salary, and mile age 61.80 C. E. Heebner, salary and mile age 73.10 K. & B. Printing Co., supplies to county, Clr.im No. 18 291. dI Myrtle Stock, settlement in damage casa 107.45 Albert Stock, settlement in damage case . . 107.45 Plattsmouth Steam Laundry, laundry to jail 4.40 Fred Patterson, office work .. 33.00 Allen J. Beeson, recs in re-ap plication of mothers' pen sions 32.85 James Robertson, fees Myrtle Stock vs. Cass county 1.00 James Robertson, feas Myrtle Stock vs. Cass county 1.00 Wm. Holly, clothing to Lam berts 2.00 Wm. Dunn, livery to commis sioners 3.00 The following claims were allowed on the Bridge Fund: Tool, Nauman & Murtey, bridge lumber 30.24 Avoca Lumber Co., bridge lum ber 1C7.17 J. L. Barton & Co., spikes for bridges 3.25 John H. Busche, bridge woik 5.2o Brandon Bros. Lumber Co., bridge material 8-40 The following calims were allowed on the Dragging Fund: E. P. Betts, dragging, District 16 20.G0 Commissioner Fund: Lehmer Bros., grading in Plattsmouth Precinct Com missioner District 1 :C'92.46 The following claims were allowed on the Road Fund cf the county: Lehmer Bros., grading, Road District 11 $135.00 Theo. Davis, road work, Road District 14 Chris Johnson, road work, Road District 14 G. L. Heneger, road work, Road District 14 Geo. W. Towh, read work, Road District 14 . Earl Towle, road work. Road District 14 Paul Gerard, road wcrk, Road District 14 Bestor & Swat:ik, powder to Road District 1 Good Road Machinery Co., drag scrapers to Read Dis trict 16 T. F. Stroud & Co.; scrapers for District 7 Murray Hardware & Imple ment Co., spikes to Road Dis trict 10 Village "Treasurer Avoca, pro portion Road Fund, Road District 23 300.00 Avoca Lumber Co., lumber for Road Districtl 3 Avoca Lumber Co., lumber for Road District 14 E. Sturzenegger, dynamite, etc., for Road District 4 . . . . Yates Lumber & Coal Co., merchandist to Road District 8 Keystone Pipe Co., cement pipe to Road District 12 The board having decided to jour ney into the county to inspect bridge work, adjourned to meet Thursday, May 4, 1916.- FRANK J. LIBERSHAL, County Clerk. 1S8.94 10.00 6.00 3.20 12.00 8X0 S.S0 .70 42.30 13.00 3.50 tion 4, township 10, range 0, taken from School District 84 and put into School District No. 300. The south one-half of northeast one-quarter of section 3, and south one-half of section 3, and south one half of northwest or.e-quhrter an 1 southwest enc-quarter of fection 2, all township 10, range 9, taken from School District No. :2 and put into School District No. 100. The northeast one-quarter of sec tion 2, and north one-half of section 1, all township 10, range 1, taken from School District No. 54 and put into School District No. 100. County treasurer thic day instruct ed to transfer $500 from County Gen eral Fund to County Soldiers' Relief Fund. The following claims were allowed on the Bridge Fund: Monarch Engineering Co., bridge repairs, Greenwood precinct $ Monarch Engineering Co., bridge repairs, Liberty and Nchawka precincts Monarch Engineering Co., bridge work, Weeping Wa ter precinct 3 Monarch Engineering Co., bridge repairs, Greenwood precinct Monarch Engineering Co., bridge repairs Nehawka prccirct Monarch Engineering Co., bridge work, precinct Monaich Engineering Co., bridge work, Salt Creek precinct Monarch Engineering Co., bridge work, Weeping Wa ter precinct Monarch Engineering Cc, bridge work, Greenwood precinct Monarch Engineering Cc, brides work, We.rt Rock Bluff pracinct Monarch Enginwimr Co., bridge repairs, Nehawka precinct Monarch Engine-ring bridge work, Avoca. cir.ct Monarch Engineering bridge work, Rod: precinct Monarch Engiiieci in z bridge repairs, Greenwood precinct Monarch Engineering C)., bridge repair:-;, Elmwood precinct Monarch Engineering Cu., bridge work, -Stove Creak precinct The following claims v.-ijiv on. the General Fund o-' ih" comity: C. D. Qniton, bor.ru ;g county prismc-rc., March. 1!16 Cudahy Packing Co., sonp" U countv court house . 87(5.67 24.00 1,559.00 421.62 461.56 '493.61 Co., pic- Cj., Diu!!- Co., 2CS.72 1,000.00 93.61 464.67 74 1.5 6 Ho wed 21.00 9.00 ;(iotr and :..;vl 5.90 8.20 12.00 7.30 3.00 1.88 4.50 21.00 15.82? Plattsmouth, Nebraska, May 3, i916. Board met pursuant to adjournment with all members present, when the following business was transacted in Plattsmouth, Nebraska, May 4, 1916. Board met pursuant to adjournment with all members present, when the following business was transacted in regular form: The matter of the petition of the officers of School District No. 100 for a readjustment of the school district boundaries according to Section 30 A, Paragraph 6729 of Article 1 of Chap ter 771 of the school laws of Nebras ka, was taken up and thoroughly dis cussed, all members, being present ex cept County Superintendent Eda Mar quardt. After "spending one-half day in drawing plats and deliberating over said readjustment, the following changes in boundaries were unani mously agreed 'on, viz: The southwest one-quarter of sec tion 26; north one-half of section Zp and southeast one-quarter of section 35, and southwest one-quarter of sec tion 36, all in, town 11, range 9, taken from School District No. 90 and put into School District No. 100. The southeast one-quarter of sec tion 27; the east one-half of section 32 and the south one-half of northeast one-quarter and southwest one-quarter and southeast one-quarter, all of section 33, and northeast one-quarter, northwest one-quarter and southwest one-quarter of section 34, all in town ship 11, rango 9, and northeast of sec S. G. Coglizcr, cave ot Weeping Water city . . . Nebrrrka Lighting Co., gu i electricity to court house jail K. & B. Printing Co., el'-ction supplies, etc.. Claim Nc . 19. Alice Tuey, clerk hire county attorney and county superin tendent s Zuckweibr & Lutz, mc-vchan-dise to Mrs. Bakes, March. Mrs. Belle Grarsman, cu.ro of dependent children. May ... The following claims were allowed on the Commissioner Fund: Monr.rch Engineering Co., culvert, Tipton pre cinct, Commissioner District 3.... 195.57 Monarch Engineering Co., culvert, Plattsmouth pre-. circt, Commissioner District 1 191.5S On motion the bos.rd adjourned to meet Tuesday, June 6, 1916. FRANK J. LIBERSHAL, County Clerk. 1.50 20.71 :97.62 40.00 20.00 10.00 Shop Men Receive a Raise. From Tuesday's Dally. The" Burlington shop employes have received some very pleasant news in the fact that the wages of all those working by the hour will be raised from one cent to two and a half cents per hour, dating from.31ay 1. This notice has been sent from headquar ters and will mean quite a difference in shop time to the different classes of laborers employed in the shops, but does not apply to the price of the piece work. Stewart's Phonographs, only $5.00, at Dawson's, Plattsmouth, Neb. 5-4-tfwkly W anted Slock lo Pasture. Good blu2 grass, plenty of shade and running water. Inquir? of Howard Graves, Plattsmouth, Nebraska, or call phone No. 1605, Murray ex change. 5-11-lmowk i i. mi. i CASTOR I For Infants and Children. In Use For Over 30 Yesrs Always bear a the Signature of 17