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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1916)
MONDAY, MAY 8, 1916. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 5. THE NEW . CLARION 'By... WILL N. HARDEN Copyright. 1914. by Harper G 'Brothers CHAPTER XIV. The Murder of Craig. i I I Uiorniu?r d-rove out to Trum- I I lilcy's. Mrs. Trunibley had been zLj in the store the day before, and as he Mith his own hands cut off and wrapped up the few yards of calico she? h:id bought she had chided hinffor not cominc out ro see them as often as had heexi his habit He had pleaded overwork as the reason he had not visited them, so she had reminded him that Sunday was a jrood day for town peopln to come to the country and end ed ly inviting him to dinner the next d::y. She had not told Mary of this at once, for she feared her daughter's displeasure. Mary was not informed of the an ti -Hinted visit till the next morning at breakfast. She was an oledient girl cud said nothing, though her lips were Ir;:wu firmly and there was a cold gleam in her eyes. When the merchant arrived he and she attended service at the little meeting house half n mile down the mnlu road, and "when they returned they found that dinner was ready. Abuer Daniel 'was seated with her father on the porch, and Abuer rose to shake hands "with Tarp as the couple came up the steps. After dinner Tarp asked Mary to take a ride with him in his buggy, and, fearing her mother's displeasure, she accepted. They drove along a delight fully shaded mountain road. Mary had noted her companion's peculiar manner. "There is no use beating the devil about the bush. Miss Mary," he began when he had reseated himself by her sidj and taken up the reins. "I've got to get a wife, and yoa are the sort of a girl I like." Mary was fairly pale. She was si lent for a moment, then faltered: "The trouble is that I really do not feci as you do. I look at marriage dif ferently. I must love the the man 1 marry. If I should marry. I admire you. but yon must never mention this subject to me again." "Well, you know best," the merchant slowly answered. "I must now give my attention to Miss Bessie Williams, my new milliner, whom you have met. I should rather have you. but your at titude compels me to leave the matter slide." I?sp:te the strong efforts made by Aimer Uanlel and Pole F.aker to pre vent a meeting between Howard Tins ley and Fred Craig, the thing came about sooner than expected. One mbrmn'rr as Howard was entering the postofiice he encountered Craig coming out. As usual, the farmer was flushed w:th drink. His eyes flashed with fury ?s they met those of the younger man. and he grunted in contempt. Stepping up to him. noward demanded He Drew Back His Right Hand to Strike. t an a polony. With an oath Craig re fused. Instead, he drew back his right bund to strike. Howard caught it, twisted it sharply downward and hit him on the cheek. For an instant they stood apart, then rushed together, and several powerful blows were given and taken before the town marshal and deputy reached the scene and, aided by the bjstnnders, separated the two by sheer force. Craig was struggling wild ly and was wiping tue blood irom a gashed lip. trying to draw his revolver from his hip pocket and growling like an infuriated brute. Frank Iteytaond among Howard's friends who seized him and led him toward his loom in the hotel that he might wash his bruised face and arrange his dress, his shirt and necktie being torn. 'You must have common sense and rot fisht.. ndranken fool like that." Frank said soothingly. Howard drew back on the edge of the lnivcuVertL "Common sense!" be panted, betide himself wHh rae as The curious crowd gathered and press ed cloie about them. "There is only one sort of common sense I'll have, and that is this. Listen, all of you. I'll kill that puppy as sure as God let's me get at him. - Walt and see if 1 flon't You may pull us apart novr. but I cm not through with hint." "Don't listen to him," Frank said to the crowd. "He's mad and excited. He doesn't mean that.4 "Mean It'. You don't know me," Howard cried. "The world is not big enough for us both. I'll settle him. I swear I will. I'll kill him like a dog. Some of you heard -what he called me. If you think I'll take it you are no friends of mine." At this moment Abner Daniel pushed his way through the throng to How ard's side. "Come up to your room and get your clothes straight," he said, his face pale with excitement and sym pathy. "We've got some important work to do at the office." 'I've got Important work to do out side of the office," Howard fumed, but he allowed his old friend to lead him by the arm up to his room, where he left him. At the door of the office Abuer found Pole Baker waiting for him. Pole had beard the news, and Abuer had never seen him look so grave. "Meddling folks have been totin tales N twixt the two," he remarked. "I got onto several nasty squibs, floating alout- Thar are men who had rather keep bad blood stirred up than make a fortune in money, and a good many are jealous of Howard's rise. This has Just begun. Uncle Ab; nothin but gun shots will satisfy them two. I can't blame Howard, fer the boy simply was born with a pride and a temper that nothin' kin check in a mess like this." "Howard said too much before that crowd just now," Abner answered. "If if he did happen to harm that skunk he'd have a hard case in court to fight, after the positive way he spoke before so many witnesses. What's to be done I don't know, I'm sure. We can't put the boy under restraint, fer he is his cwn boss free, white, an' twenty-one. They say Craig used an awful word to im; but the courts won't be influ enced by that If anything deliberate Is done, an' ef they meet again it would be after deliberation." Half an hour after the fight Howard visited Higgins, the gunsmith, and ask ed if his revolver were fixed. "Yes, it is ready, Howard, but" The old man hesitated. "The truth is, Howard, that I don't want to return it to you just now." "Give it to me!" Howard demanded sharply. "It's my proierty,rand I will have it. "Pardon me for being rough, Mr. Higgins," he said sharply, "but Craig Is armed, and I've got to be also.' With the weapon In his pocket. How ard left the shop and went down to the office. Abner, unable to work through sheer worry, was waiting for him. "There is a thing you mustn't for get," Abner remarked,. with the inten tion of taking his young friend's mind from the dangerous theme, "and that is you hare an engagement to call on Mary this evening. I heard you make it, you know, and I told her I would fetch you back with me in my busgy and make you take supper there. You could spend the night at her house or walk back to town afterward, just as you see fit." "I will walk back," Howard answer ed. "I like to get to work early. I hadn't forgotten my engagement." From a jassing farmer Tobias Trum bley had heard of the encounter. He had brought the news home before sundown, and Mary was quite upset, thoujrh she endeavored to conceal her emotions from the family. , After supper Abner and the others left the young couple under the tree in the moonlight. Nothing had been sail at the table on the all imiortant subject, and it looked as if Mary scarce ly dared to touch on it. However, as he was rising to leave she ventured to sieak of it "I'm awfully sorry and worried," she faltered, "and not alone for myself, as your best friend, Howard, but for your mother. When she hears of this, as she is sure to do, it will almost break her heart. She heard about the dispute you had with Craig not long ago, and she, along with many of us, has been dreading the outcome." !Ioward smiled in a forced sort of a way. He had taken Mary's hand and he now stroked it soothingly. "I can't talk to a girl about a thing of this na ture. Mary," he said gently. "You women do not understand." "We understand a great deal more than you give us credit for." Mary gave him her eyes steadily. "We un derstand those of us who read and thfkdot at.leiasjr-thawjiat rou cajl defending your honor and the like is simply a relic of ancient barbarism. There is no doubt about It A bad man, habitually insane from whisky drinking. In his stuior Insults a high tempered moral man in his right senses. Now, one Intellectually is full grown, and the other is a child. Ancient bar barism whispers to the sober man that he must resent what the other the child has said, so he arms himself and stands ready to, shoot the child on sight But that is not all. Howard, I am sorry to speak so pointedly, but I know that I am right, even if it hurts your feelings. The whole thing is ab solute selfishness at the bottom of It JTou would not say a word that would iain your mother, but under this mistaken idea of what your rights are you would torture her and others who love you more than If you beat them with a club. Howard, we are here to conquer flesh. I admire you very much, but I'd admire you more if you could crush out the rage in your heart to night You are on the brink of a preci pice. One step and your whole life may be ruined." "You are right, I suppose," Howard faltered. "I -wish t could e as you are. but I cm not Men eari't be like women. We are closer to the' primi- f tive fighting period. You are the nat ural peacemakers." "Won't you promise me. noward." Mary urged as she took his hand and dung to it "won't you promise me not to you know what I mean, Howard not to meet Craig?" Howard pressed her hand. He smiled gently. "Don't bother," he said. "I may not see Craig again for a long time. I won't look him up. I prom ise that I won't put myself in his way, so don't worry any more." Leaving her mute and slUI at the gate, Howard walked toward the town in the clear moonlight Something iu Mary's talk had lifted him higher than he had ever been lifted before. He was beginning to realize what she had been and was to him. Ahead of him, outlined in the moon light, was the roof of Craig's farm house. The house was unlighted. Craig lived there alone, attended by a negro woman who occupied a cabin some distance in the rear. Howard paused at the gate. What better op portunity to demand satisfaction could he have? Craig was in the house doubtlessly asleep. Why not rap on the door, call him out and demand an apology? But he had promised Mary i that he would not intentionally meet the man. and he must keep his word. He heard a step down the road. Some one approached and passed on the oth er side. It was a man carrying a plow stock on his shoulder. In the dark ness Howard did not recognize him. For a few moments he stood in sharp struggle with himself, through which Mary's face, eyes and words were with him. A rugged hill, deeply wooded, rose in the moonlight near by. He had read! of philosophers seeking such places in! spiritual stress, and it seemed to beckon ' to him. Suddenly and by sheer strength ; of resolution he turned sharply awayj and, plunging into the wood, began the ascent of the steep hillside. Higher and higher he climbed among the stately! pines, plunging through retarding vines, thorn bushes and briers, till the valley! in which the village nestled lay before' him. Only here and there lights show-1 ed, for the hour was late. The night1 was oppressively warm. A vast sense! of dissatisfaction and unrest lay on: him like a weight. Throwing himself; down on a heap of sweet scented pine needles, Howard gave himself up to keen, even "morbid, introspection. Nev-! er had he felt so discontented. Onoj moment he would be filled with rage at Ihe memory of Craig's bloated face; and snarling insults, and the next Mary's suffering appeal would sweep, over him like a cooling breeze from; infinity itself. Presently he grew calm-! er, and a drowsy fecliug stole upon! him. As he was drifting into uncon-j sciousness the thought -came to him; that he might as well spend the re-j mainder of the night there as in his stuffy room at the hotel, and so he al-j lowed himself to sleep. ! He had many turbulent dreams. One thit seemed to stand out more vividly than the others was this: lie fancied he heard a horse trotting along the road from Darley to Craig's house. It seemed to be Craig returning home. lie thought he heard Craig call out at, the gate in a drunken tone to some one. A surly voice seemed to respond.! and then there was a sound like t lie i sharp slamining of a door or. the re-j port Ui U ;uu. i; i' """1' j the beating hoofs of a riderless horse, as it galloped off down the road. With a broom in his hand Sutrart was sweeping out the office the next morning, and as Howard suddenly ap peared before him he shrank back as if alarmed. Indeed, he turned pale and leaned on the counter, dropping his bioom to the floor and awkwardly bending down to recover it. "What is the matter?" Howard ask ed, with a smile. "Do I look as tough as all that?" "Why why" Sugcrt stammered as he continued to stare open eyed "1 thought we , all thought that you Some said you'd left on the midnight train." "Left? Where to?" Howard asked, his astonishment growing. "I don't know." Sugart was still pale and wore the disturbed air of i man unable to meet a delicate situa tion. "But the report is out that the sheriff said you'd left. Him and the town marshal was down here together when I got up half an hour ago. They they asked me if you slept here last night, and when I went up and looked to satisfy them and found that your bed hadn't been used and told them so they said you must have taken a train hereat midnight, or gonethroughthc woods and inounfains to get to the oth er road." Howard's indignation was rising. "Did they think that I would actually leave the country?" he demanded. "Is there a man in this town fool enough to think that I would do all that to avoid meeting Fred Craig? I refuse to ltelieve it. Tom, I'm not a coward. I've never been accused of it" "I don't know anything about it." Sugart was still quite bewildered, and in angry impatience Howard ascended the stairs to his room. Entering it. he was about to bathe his face and hands when a colored chambermaid suddenly entered, and, seeing him in the light from the window, she uttered a sharp scream and beat a hasty retreat down the corridor. What could it all m?an; he asked himself as he changed his clothing. Surely they were acting queerly. Going down to breakfast at the first sound of the gong, he was met by oth er surprises. He saw Mrs. Langham in agitated conversation with Sugart at the dining-room door. Seeing him face to face, she started, bowed has tily and turned away as if anxious to avoid him. At the table, as he sat waiting for his breakfast to tx? brought, he noticed that the three wr'.ters. with their heads together on one side of the room, seemed to be deliberating as to which should take his order, and when finally one of them came he seemed to act more stiffly and awkwardly than was a waiter's habit. And when the food was being brought in Howard no ticed that the cook and a couple of dish washers were peering in at him curi ously, but on catching his eyes they at once disappeared. Further perpiexities were before him. for when he had eaten his breakfast and was going out he saw Abuer Dan iel talking to Sugart in the office. There was no mistaking the fact that Abner was disturbed. Howard had never seen such a woebegone expres sion on the cheerful old countenance as his friend turned upon him. "I beard you'd come back, an' thought I'd stop by to see you." Ab ner's voice shook. "Of course, at a time like this" "At a time like what:" noward ask ed, fixing Abner with an impatient stare. "Why, why, you see" Abner jcgan. but he went no further, for several drummers, leaving the dining room, had gathered around and were gazing boldly and curiously at Howard. "Let's go down to the office," Abner suggest ed, laying his hand on his friend's arm. "Our talk must be more private. I don't know how much time we've got either, and the sooner we understand what is best to do the better it will be. Time is valuable." "You seem to be crazy like all the rest," Howard said impatiently as thoy went out into the street and started down to the office. Just then they saw Pole Baker on horseback, and he rein ed in at the sidewalk. "I had started down to see you." Un cle Ab," he said grimly. "I didn't know Howard was here. So many false reports are in the wind hun dreds of lies mixed up wfth it I'll put up my boss an' come down. Y'ou kin both count on me. What's done is done, and thar ain't no use cryin" over spilt milk. We got to git to work an' face the thing." "Another fool!" Howard said an grily. "For God's sake, what is the matter with you all?" Abner was in such deep thought that he failed to hear what Howard had said. However, when they had reach ed the office and found themselves alone Howard demanded, fiercely: "Tell me what is the matter? Why are you all acting this way?" Abner bent a startled gaze on him. Without a wordhe stared steadily for a moment, then he faltered: "We must understand each other. Howard. Do you intend to to deny all knowledge of it? Have you reflected and decided to to take that course?'' "Good God, what is the matter with you?" Howard repeated. "Come to the point I'm tired of all this blasted tomfoolery. Y'ou all act as if I were a wild boast escaped from a cage." For another moment Abner continued to stare, then he suddenly took a deep breath, and his eyes lighted up as from faint hope. "Howard, my boy. didn't you know that Fred Craig w-as shot and ki'led on his boss at bis own grrte last night?" "Killed shot?" Howard gasped. Daniel laid his hand on Howard's shoulder. He bore down on it affec tionately and hopefully. "Look me in the eyes, my loy," he said, with emo tion, his lips quivering. "I know you won't keep back anything from me. and the truth is important. Did you do it? Forgive me, but so many things point that way." (To Be Continued.) Subscribe for the Journal. .r'v 1 V L KOPRIX will make the season of 1016, after April 10, as follows: On Monday and Tuesday on the Henry Urish farm, 4z miles east of Weep in p Wstcr; cn Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday on the John Urish farm; on Thursday and Friday on the John Lohnes, sr., farm, 1 mile west of the German Lutheran church. KOPRIN is a black imported Per chcron stallion, weighing 1,900 pounds. He is licensed and inspected and pro nounced sound. We hereby certify that the Per cheron stallion Koprin (93646), im ported September, 1912, by E. J. Hei r.el, Fremont, Iowa, is recorded by the Percheron Society of America, and that his recorded number is 91043. Terms: To insure colt to stand and suck, Slo.OO. If marcs change owner ship, service fee becomes due at once. Care will be taken to avoid accidents, but will not be responsible should any occur. ' JOHN UKISII, Owner. !i ... . - 'i Local Sews From FridflVB Dailv. P. A. Hild drove in this afternoon from his homo near Murray to spend a bhert time here looking after mat ters of business. Mrs. Lee Cotner was at Avoca this week, being called there by the death of her uncle, J?cob Conrad, who died there Tuesday morning. Ed Leach and Ed S. Tutt motored up thLj morning from their home at luunay to look, after some business matters for a few hours. Jchn Ti.c;he came in this aftci noon from his home at Manley to spend a few hours looking after some matters cf business at the court home. Sirs. S. A. Wiles was among those going to Omaha thin morning where she will spend the day looking after business matter? and visiting friends. Ivliss Etta Nickels of near Murray was here yesterday afternoon for a few hours looking after some business matters and calling cn her many friends. Creed Hrrrris, one of the prominent residents of near Union, was in the city yesterday afternoon attending to som.1 matters of business and visiting with his friends. George P. Mdfingcr of near Cedar Creek was in the city today for a few hours looking after some matters at the court house and visiting with rel atives and friends. Hor.. William Deles Dernier and sons, Harry and Lloyd, motored over from Eimwood last evening and spent the day here attending to some mat ters r.t the court hours. Y7. G. - lei-ing'T. wife arid children we-e in th-j cify for a few hours to day looking after some matters of bus-'nes? and spending a short time with relatives and friends. Mrs. Fred Pczner came in yester day afternoon f; cm Omaha for a short visit here twith her parents, Superin tendent and Mrs. G. H. Tarns, at the county farm west of the city. Edwin Scotten arrived last evening from Albuquerque, X. M., and will ;').-'m' a short time here visiting with his fr.thcr. W. T. Scotten, who has ben very ill for the past few days. E. A ?.orcn2. returned home last evenirg from O'Deil, Nebraska, where he was in attendance at the funeral of his sister-in-law, Mrs. W. J. Lo :en, which was held there Wednes day. Miss Bertha Nathan came in this afteToon from Lincoln to take part in the entertainment at the high schcel this evening and while here will be a gue?t of her aunt, Mrs. Levi Golciing. Mrs. T. X. Julian departed this moi riirrr on No. 6 for Glenwood, Iowa, who:e rhe will enjoy a visit at the hem? cf h2r s;r-ter, Mrs. Albce, and family fer a few days. Mrs. Julian has been here visiting at the home of her mother. Mrs. J. W. Barwick. From Faturdav's Dailv. L. A. Meisincer and wife and chil Jr-n departed this afternoon for the metropolis to visit ever Sunday there. P. A. Horn was a visitor in the city today for a few hours looking after sera-; matters of business with the merchants. John II. Hennings of near Louisville was in the city yesterday for a few hours attending to some matters of business and visiting with friends. C. A. Gaucr of near Cedar Creek was in the city for a few hours today looking after some trading with the merchants and visiting with friends. Frank P. Sh'eldon, the Nehawka merchant, was a visitor in the city to day fer a few hours looking after matters of business in the coun ty .-".at. Paul Keil came down from Omaha this afternoon to spend Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Keil, at their farm home in Eight Mile Grove" precinct. Mrs. M. A. Hail and daughter, Miss Elizabeth, motored in this morning from their country home and departed cn the early Burlington train to spend a few hours in Omaha. Mrs. L. F. Vroman and daughter, Mrs. Con Grebe, who have been vis iting a son and brother at Yutan. Ne braska, for the past few days, return ed home last evening. Frank Salsberg drove in from his farm home west of this city yester day afternoon to attend to some busi ness matters and visit friends for a shoit time. He was a pleasant caller at this office. W. Fk Gillespie, the Mynard grain man. was in thecity for a few hours yesterday afternoon while enroutc to his home from Omaha, where he was called-to look after some matters on the stock market. W. D. Wheeler came up this morn irg from his home south of this city and in company with-fcis son, Albert Whe?ler, was a passenger this morn ing for Omaha to secure some repairs GOO D AUTO ROADS TO OMAHA The cost of Bridge Tolls for Round Trip using our Commutation Books Auto and Driver, round Trip 50c Extra Passengers, each, 5c $10.00 Book, $5.00 $5.00 Book, $2.50 Commutation Books Good any time and Transferable. PLATTSMOUTH Auto & IHE ATHLETICS DEFEATED AT NEHAWKA YESTERDAY The Athletic base ball team, under the leadership of Vcrn Long, journey ed down to Nehawka yesterday to take on the team representing that thriving little city and returned home last evening after a defeat by a score of G to 5. The game is reported as be ing one filled with some mighty good playing by both sides and the pitching of Long was especially effective in heading off the runs of the Nehawka lads. With the excellent showing made the boys feel greatly encouraged in their work and will oon engage a number of other games with teams in the nearby towns and hope to make a mighty good record on the diamond before the season is over. The Ath letics play a good, clean game and may be classed as a pretty fast bunch of. young ball players with plenty of :kill and pep in '.heir playing. there for his farm machinery. W. G. Meisinger wife and children drove in yesterday from their farm home and spent a few hours here where Mrs. Meisinger visited with her sister. Mrs. S. D. McCool, of Lincoln, who was here for a few days. Henry Horn came in this morning from his country home near Cedar Creek to spend a few hours in this city and departed on the early Bur lington train for Omaha where he was called on some matters of importance. W. A. Ercwn, editor of the Union Ledger, and wife were here yesterday afternoon for a few hours, visiting r.nd looking after some matters of business. Mr. and Mrs. Brown mo tored up in their trusty Ford and en joyed a very pleasant trip. Nicholas Yolk and wife of Renfrow, Oklahoma, who have been here visit ing with their relatives and frierids in this city and county, departed this morning for Tierce county to visit for a time before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. George Friedrich, who have been visiting in this county for a short time, also returned to Pierce county. While here the visitors were guests at the M. L. Ffiedrich and Jacob Tritsch homes. Letter files at the Journal office. SHOES for LIEN Practical Styles for V the Practia! Man! . For cvervday wear you f.-:feel the need of a shoe V- which, while supremely, 'it' comfortable? is correct in' & style and pleasing in apjvi pearance. s!v.- :;" You'll fini exactly what you wish in our line of ltal :' ston Shoes $4.00 to 6.00 'Si let us show them to you. V Comfortable plus 'Stnle. .v multiplyed by AVear, that't lialstons. Try them! , 1?- ATl, J I - 1-7, -r nrw -I m Felzer Shoe Company!! "-' "; ..( !Ci ;. Wagon Bridge Go. Rheumatism. If you are troubled with chronic or muscular rheumatism give Chamber lain's Liniment a trial. The relief from pain which it affords is alone worth many times its cost. Obtain able everywhere. WANTED Stock to pasture. John A. Koukal. Thone 2922. 4-29-3tdlyltw XOTK'E TO CliKDITOKS. In Comity Court. PTATE OF NEliRASIv'A, C";is-s Oountv. fH. In the iiier of the K-tate of A Jim. Kurtz, pfi-eased: Notice is hereby trivon to the credit ors of naid deceased that heatings will be had upon claims tiled auainst kIJ estate, before me. County Judgx of Cass County. Nebraska, at the County court room in l'lattsmoutb. in saiu county, on the first day of May. 191(1, and on the .lift day of Ortober, 1S1. at 10 o'c lock a. in., each day for examination, adjustment and allowance. All claims muKt le filer! in said court on or before ald last hour of hearinsr. Witness my hand and peal of said Countv Court, at I'lattsmouth, Nebras ka, this 1st day of April. 11. (rieal) ALLEN J. BEESON, County JudKe. 4-3-4wks I Til 1-1 IH3TIUCT COt HT OK Til 12 C4I15T1 OK CA, KHHAKA. Joanna Baxter, Plaintiff, vs. Clara K. Youns, also known as Clara Kllen Younp. et. al. defendants NOT1CK OF SUIT TO (Jl'IKT TITl.i: To the defendants Clara K. Youiik. also known as Clara nilen YoutiE": John Ijoe YoiitiR. first real name unknown, husband or widower of Clara K. Youns. also known as Clara Kllen Youn; Clara K. Young loe, real name other than Clara K. Young- unknown: John loe. first and reeal name unknown, husband or widower of Clara Tl. Youns l)oe;the unknown heirs, devisees, lega tees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Clara K. Youne. also known as Clara Ellen Youns, otherwise desrri ns Clara K. Yountr I oe, real name other than Clara K. YounK unknown, deceas ed: the unknown heirs, devisees, leg atees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of John Ioe Youn?;, first real name un known, deceased: the unknown heirs, devisees, leeratees. personal represen tatives and ail other persons interested in the estate of John Ioe, first real name unknown, dec-eased; Samuel II. Jones, also known sh S. II. Joaen, Airs. Samuel 11. Jones, first real name un unknown; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons Interested In the es tate of Samuel H. Jones, also known as S. II. Jones, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, lepatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested In the estate of Mrs. Samuel II. Jones, first real name unknown, de ceased; Packard & Miller, a partner ship composed of Spencer Packard and Jason G. Miller: Spencer Packard, Kl ecta Packard: the unknown heirs, de visees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons Interested in the estate of Spencer Packard, de ceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives und all other persons interested In the es tate of Electa Packard, deceased; Ja.-wn C. Miller. Mary J'. Miller, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, person:-! rep resentatives and all other persons In terested In the estate of Jason C Mil ler, deceased: the unknown heirs, de visees, legatees, personal representa tives nnd all other persons Interested in the estate of Mary I. Miller, de ceased: John K. Clark: Amelia B. Clark: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of John 11. Clark, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal represen tatives and all other persons Interested, in the estate of Amelia 11. Clark, deceas ed: the unknown heirs, devisees, lega tees, personal representatives and all otht-r persons interested in the staio f'f Susanah irake, deceased: Louis 1 Cole, also Lewis F. Coif; Clara K. Cole; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Louis F. Cole, also known as Lewis F. Cole, deceased; the unknown heirs, de visees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons interested in the estate of Clara K. Cole, deceased; William L. Gray, Mary L Moore, 1sr lielle Moore and the unknown owner.-; and the unknown claimants of frac tional lots six I6 and seven 7), In th'i northeast ouarter ' N. K. 1-4 of the northwest cjuarter (N.W. l-4, of section twenty-four (24k township eleven (11), north range thirteen (13), east of the ith 1. M., in the County of Cass, Ne braska. You are hereby notified that on April lDth. A. I).. 1S16. plaintiff filed her suit in the District Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska, to iuiet plaintiff's title to the above described lands, to-wit: fractional lots six , and seven (7. In the northeast quarter (N. K. 1-4) of the northwest quarter (N. .W. 1-4) vt section twenty-four (24). township ele ven (11), north range thirteen (13 . east of the 6th I. M.. In the County of Cass. Nebraska, because of her adverse pos session by herself and her grantors for more than ten years prior to tb commencement of said suit and to tti join each and all of you from having or claiming any right, title, lein or interest, either legal or equitable, in cr to said lands or any part thereof; to require you to set forth your right, title, claim, lein or interest therem. if any. either legal or equitable, and to l ave the same adjudged inferior to the title of plaintiff and for general equit able relief. This notice is made pur suant to the order of the Court. You are required to arswtr said pe- a. l.. luiti. duly entered or your default wj'u be therein. JOANNA BAXTHit. Plaintiff. A. ROBERTSON, Attorney. W.