IIIIHB Wl I II I mm II J " : ' - I I I THURSDAY, APRIL fi. WKi PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. pace 6. DC DC BuDsInel n a Another Car of Red River ,arlv Ohio Potatoes arrived and will be sold at 5f1 .00 per bushel E 0 u n 1 S gallon keg of ICraut 2.25 12 pounds 1.00 12 pounds fanch dried peaches $1.00 n H. M. SOENNICHS: The Daylight Store, : : : : : : : ;n, rs o Phone 52 and 53 DC The Reliable FORD! gwft srrry vry rs.vi JL. , rtg Wr TVtf2rT? j-syji KvfJO Runabout at $390 Touring Car t $440 Prices F. O. B. Detroit W. W. WASLEY, Agent Headquarters Wetenkamp Building, Opposite Court House. We invite our friends in to look over our cars. FOR SALE Blue Grass sod in any quantity. Vacant lots to rent for garden purposes. Inquire at the of fice of R. R. Windham. 4-4-tfd Fight the Enemy With a Cinch Gopher Trap. Sold by W. T. RICHARDSON. 4td2twkswkly OUNCE AT THE- n N ext Saturday Evening, APRIL 8th Everybody Cordially Incited L1USIC BY PLATTSF'iQUTH O.ICHESTRA Attention, Veterans! For thirty days I will made a photo FREE of all soldiers of the Civil War, who will come to the studio. Right Face, March! Leonard's Studio TORPEDOES SINK FOUR ME ship; Resided Here Nineteen Years Ago. British, Spanish, Norwegians and Dutch Suffer in Last Twentj--four Hours. THERE IS ONLY ONE LIFE LOST London, April C. Four more ves sels, three of them neutral ships, have been sunk in the past twenty-four hours with the loss of one life. The British steamer Bendew from Mrs. P. Ellingson is visiting her mar.y friends in this city for a few days. Mrs. Ellingson and family re sided in this city about nineteen years about, the family removing to Phoenix, Arizona At the present time Mrs. Ellington is making her home at Salt Lake City, Utah, but during the past wintoi- months and on account of 1 poor health has been visiting relatives and friends throughout the eastern and western part of Nebraska. After a few days' visit here Mrs. Ellingson wili go to Minnesota for an extended visit with relatives and will then re turn to this city for a more extended visit. TAKEN WITH CROUP "A few nights ago one of my pa tions had a child taken with croup," writes M. T. Davis, mpvc-h.-.nt.. T?p;irs- Liverpool was sunk with the loss of , , w v "About midnight he one life. I .i i i i.i The Spanish steamer Viga was tor- , of Folov-S Honov am. Tar Comnound. pedoed in the Kay of Biscay, after the T;,f0!t. mornimr tho c-hild was oi.tii-.dv crew had been allowed to take to the ; 1 ecovered." Maav such letters have boats. The Spanish sailors were i ,..,.: Pni I i nuiu i vi rtm i: Li u uvit;. picked up by a British steamer twen THAT GROW Rakes, Hoes, Spades, Wheelbarrowsand other garden tools on display at our store, are the things that makes your garden and reduces the cost of living. ty-four hours later and taken into Gibraltar. The Norwegian steamer Arena was sunk in the Cattegat. Her crew was saved. The Dutch schooner Elzina Helena was-torpedoed in the North sea. The crew was landed at Noordhinder. 1,000 FARMS 100 ACRES :ach WHEN IN Or.lHrK VittST THE v'lfcan. C'sif Ent- rtr'Ti:it. Eve-""-"'? -m'; As nilMrtJ:. LC5S' tlvC V"T: iZ .JAtLY DON'T CS HO.if r .: iisfis1 Main Street, Plattsmouth, Neb. Six Nebraska Railroads Own Much Land in the Right of Ways. I. H, F0LL00 leal Estate Red Jiver Early Ohio CO TO THE DEMOCRATS: There will be a meeting of the Wil son and Marshall club at the Council Chamber tonight (Thursday) at 8 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of mak ing arrangements for the Bryan meet ing here on the evening of April 12. By Order of the President. INFORMATION FOR WOMEN Housework i3 trying on health and , strength. Women are as' inclined to kidney and bladder trouble as men. Aching back, stiff, sore joints and muscles, blurred vision, puffiness un der eyes, should be given prompt at tention. Foley Kidney Pills restore healthy action to irritated kidneys and bladder. For sale everywhere. Epworth League Notice. There will be a business and social meeting of the Epworth League in the parlors of the M. E. church Thursday evening at 7:30. Social Dance Saturday. The Social club will give another of their old fashioned dances on Satur day evening at Coats hall where all the old time dances and old time mu sic will be given. Everyone invited to attend. I sell lots of Pratt's Chick Food and stock remedies. C. E. Hartford. How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty five years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on the Mucous, surf aces, expelling the Pol son from the Blood and healing the dis eased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will see a great improvement In your general health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medi cine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. p. J. cheRet St CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists. 76c. If all the land used by six Nebras a railroads for right of way pur poses were put into a single strip one mile wide, it would reach from Lin coln to Omaha in one direction and rom Lincoln to Hastings in the other, a total distance of 1G5 miles. This would make 1.C00 farms of 00 acres each and have enough left over for half a dozen big ranches, it it were all farmed to wheat and th' average production were 25 bushels to an acre, it would yield enough of that cereal to fill 2,040 freight cars with a capacity of 1,000 bushels each. If alfalfa were raised on this acre age devoted to right of way purposes, it would produce, at the rate of three tons per acre, a yearly crop of 310,000 tons. Two contending armies using all the modern paraphernalia of war could maintain trench systems ex tending for a distance of over 100 miles and keep several' millian soldiers busy within the area which represents the total right of way acreage of the six railroad companies referred to. These ideas are suggested by fig ures in the possession of Secretary Bernacker of the state board of equal ization, taken from reports filed by the Burlington, Union Pacific, North western, M. & O., Rock Island and Grand Island roads. The Missouri Pa cific is not included because its fig ures are not complete. Altogether, the right of way area for the six roads amounts to 105.591 acres, or approximately ICS square miles. This is equal to one-half the total area of Sarpy county and about 29 per cent of the acreage of Lancas ter county. It is divided as follows: Burlington, 45.976 acres; Union Pa cific, 30,544; Northwestern, 19,210; M. & O., 4,191; Rock Island, 3,r10; Grand Island, 2,054. The figures were secured from the railroads in order to compare them with reports furnished by county as sessors in making up the railroad tax valuations for the current year. nsiirance Farm Loans uick -Deal Office and Salesroom SLEY SLOCK Tel. No. 1. Plattsmouth i p fl Per Bushel Fancy Dried Peaches 7c a ponud; 4 cans corn 25c; 3 large cans Tomatoes 25c; Corn Flakes 5c pack ages. Granulated Sugar, 100 lbs for $7.45, at 2 i tJT'Tiii J-Ti-:.'.rt,.y.'.7l n .T.- ..-j .,.,,.,i,i,l.T..iil ,n..,fili i ilamir mmn I l I I 11 mif h .Hi nun n g Th e Hugro Be Luxe Combination LATE REPORTS INSIST VILLA WAS INJURED El Paso, Tex., April 6. The fol lowing statement by General Gavira, who claims it i3 a telegram fr om Ltir ranza, confirms the report that Villa has been injured. "I have confirmed from witnesses, among others, one of my own soldiers who was made prisoner at Namiquipa, that the bandit. Villa, was wounded in the knee so that he was unable to mount his horse." Another message to Gavira from Luis Gutierrez, Carranza's field com mander, says: "Villa is fleeing, seri ously wounded, and he has divided his main body into several small bands." Make your dates to attend the dance at the German Home on next Satur day evening as this will be one of the pleasant dancing events of the season. 5 7 ciram dweeoen is Ten reasons why you should buy this sweeper in preference to any other: 1st Height only six inches, sweeps and cleans successfully under all modern furniture. 2nd Finished in beautiful mahogany; 3 coats baked on. 3rd Nozzle hinged to the body of the sweeper. Impossible to take off or put back wrong. 4lJi Vacuum box made of steel air tight and no warping or cracking. 5th Dust bag heavy mercerized cloth mounted on steel frame with thick rubber gas ket and wide opening at frame; easily emptied. 6th- Litter pans -wide and deep and made of steel. Both dump with one push of lever. 7th - Nozzle shoe made of steel and nickle plated. Running machine over tacks and door sills will not dent this shoe. 8th - Bearings sturdy auto rollers that wear a lifetime and assures machine operating smoothly and easily all the time. 9th Design of machine is novel and particularly attractive, (covered by patent) 10th The big feature Wonder Worker Automatic Brush adjustment. This brush which is 9 inches in length is located between and operated by four small rub ber tired driving wheels and is equipped with an automatic spring, made of gen uine piano wire. This spring tension on the brush, which is entirely independent of the four driving wheels, gently holds the brush in position for perfect sweep ing on long, short or medium nap rugs or carpets. This brush movement is en tirely automatic and there are no levers to be moved or adjustments to be made on any part of the machine to do perfect sweeping. This is positively the only combination vacuum sweeper ever invented having a brush which automatically adjusts itself to sweep perfectly on all kinds of floor coverings. Corne in any day we'll be glad to demonstrate. Model Y sells for $7.50 Mode! T sells for $6.00 Just received another large ship ment of new patterns in Wall Paper, v! Same old price. At the Wall Paper i? ond Paint Store, Hotel Riley Block. Frank Gobelman. El SaSM I Al 53 a 6 nni SERVICE QUALITY VALUE r i 1 I: V i I x i V A) t v.