PLATTS. OUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, M.ARCII 30, 1916. PAf.E C. Murray Department JL Pre; areJ in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers If ar.y of the readers of the Journal know of any soriul event or item of interest in tliis vicinity, and will mall same to 1 liis office. It will ai Xear uinler this lieadlnp. We want all news items-EDJTOH THIS MERCHANT BASICS WITH US AND HELPS HIS BUSINESS GOW r JL n !tjl iL!f op ,1 lll.lllTllltllll IJI'H 1 I 1 I 1 .1 I 1 I I I I MK-r..? tt 1 1 1 1 1 nr. yjrrasg mm "Tl II JJULLLliii LiXXd A T IT to Hake Giiicc Trade Dealer Four per cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the StatP Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BAFSK W. R. YOUNQ, AUCTIONEER Auction Sales a Specialty. Five Years Experience. If you have anything to sell at auction, write us for dates. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Phone Platts. 2412. V. R. YOUNG, Maynard, Neb. Mrs Wa ll lAte'V. Porter ha.- been r.UilQ ill Iv.k e ver the Iliatt fc Tutt harsrain Mrs. Jakt ei with the Smith r.a been number . : k for the pa.-t few Mr: has : hi:. been spending Bert, in the 1 Mrs. Mr?. Kiiedrkh Iu! wete Nebraska City visitors WYdr.e.-day of this week. Louie on Mi.- Jessie Irwin, rc-iding eatt of Munay, has uite sick for the pa.t few uays with pneumonia fever. Mr. James Brown spent a few days the latter part of la-t week in Omaha, remair.irjr with her si.-tcr, Mrs. Stein er. for the week-end, at the hospital. Fred Condon was an Omaha visitor here last Saturday. J. D. Shrader .spent a couple of days in South Omaha this we:k. Have you read the Iliatt & Tut ad this week? It will interest you. Born: To Mr. and Mrs. John Eaton, near Union, a girl, on Tuesday April 4. Mrs. Tom Wilson, who has been numbered with the sick for the past few weeks, is improving at this time Mrs. L. Rusterholtz and daughter, Mrs. William PaUe.son, were attend ing to some business matters in Piattsmouth Wednesday aft ?rnoon. Harry Long of South Bend was in Murray Monday, coming down for his automobile that has been here in the Puis garage being overhauled. He was well pleased with the work. DON'T FORGET that we are headquarters at all times for General Merchandis AT ALL TINES! e liatt Tutt, MURRAY, NEBRASKA Dr. Gilmorc is sporting a fine new Ford car this week. Green Piggott was a Piattsmouth visitor last. Saturday evening. Be sure and attend the coffee at the library next Saturday afternoon. John Bauer and M. Ilild were Mur iny visitors Wednesday of this week. Miss Isabc-lle Shrader was visiting with friends in Union last Saturday. L. 1. Iliatt was looking after busi ness matters in Piattsmouth Tuesday. Mr. ami ?Jrs. Will Spoier anil son Ma! tin were in Omaha last Saturday. George Nickels and Miss Gertrude Long were in Union last Saturday evening. W. H. Puis and Cameron Cathey were Piattsmouth visitors Tuesday evening. Mrs. Janes Blown and daughter, Miss Elv.ora, were Omaha visitors last Saturday. Cash Ellington. f:om Plainview, Ne braska, was viiting at the Young home in Murray last week. Miss Villa Gapen spent last Satur day evening and Sunday with home folks. Mrs. Capen met her in Omaha. Frank Dugay and Henrietta Cream er were visiting at the home of Mrs. A.K'.ie Stokes down near Union last Sunday. Miss Olga M in ford came home last Fi iday evening from Lincoln and spent the week-end with her parents and friends. Mrs. Or.a Lawton and little son re turned home from their extendid visit with friends and relatives in Illinois last Sunday. I am carrying a full line of up-to-date Spiralla Corsets. See me for the new r.a.-ter bargains. Etta M. Nickels. There was the usual large attend ance at the coffee given at the library last Saturday. There will b? service of this sort at the library on next Sat urday afternoon. March farrowing added 132 head of Ouroc pig-; to the Oldham herd, all of which are doing well and most of them large enough to be out on rye and blue grass pasture. James Holmes has sold his fifty acre piece of land over east of Mur ray, a deal being completed this week whereby it passes into the possession of R. W. Propst. It brought ? 150.00 per acre. D. C. Rhoden received quite a pain ful injury, but nothing serious, Mon day, at which tims he was crowded against th? stall in the barn by one of his horses. He was somewhat bruised but no bones were broken. Reiba. the three year eld daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Farris. was taken to Omaha last Thursday where she had adenoids removed. Mr. and Mrs. Farris and Dr. Gilmore went up with her. and the little lady returned home in the evening Farmers in this locality have been making an effort to get into the fields, and most of them are real busy, but they complain of the soil being in no condition to work on account of being so dry. Some of the work will have to be abandoned until we have a rain, so they claim. Mrs. E. M. Steiner, who was oper ated upon at the Presbyterian hospital in Omaha last Thursday morning, is improving at the present time and all indications lead to her permanent re covery in the near future. This will be news well received by the many friends of Mrs. Steiner in Murray. J. W. Pittman and O. G. Davis drove to Piattsmouth Thursday morn ing to attend to some important busi ess matters and visit county seat friends and while here took time to call and the Journal and renewed the subscriptions of the papers going to Mr. Pittman at Union and the one to his son, C. L. Pittman, at Kimberly, Idaho. John Westlake of Milwaukee, Wis consin, has bought the J. D. Shrader barber shop, in Murray, arriving this week and taking possession. Mr. West- lake simply buys the fixtures. We un derstand that Mr. Westlake is a good barber and comes to Murray well rec ommended. Mr. Shrader will accept a position on the road in the near fu ture. Vance Todd Married. Cards have been received in Murray announcing the marriage of Mr. Vance Todd to Miss Nellie Rusher of Rolette, N. D., the marriage ceremony taking place on March 28 at the home of the bride. The cards also announce that Mr. and Mrs. Todd will be at home on and after April 10 in Alber ta, Canada, where Mr Todd has farm ing interests. The acquaintance and friendship that led up to this happy marriage was made at the time Mr. Todd made his trip to California .some time ago, when these young people first met. The groom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Todd, re siding south of Murray, and has made his home for the past few years in Al berta lie is a young man of sterling worth and comes from a family who for generations back have always suc ceeded in all their undertakings. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Rusher, who for years have made their home in North Dakota. The Journal joino with the many friends at Mr. Todd's old home in Ne braska in wishing the happy young couple success all through life. TIRED OF LIFE Constant Backache and Rheumatism Foley Kidney Pills fixed up Texas brakeinan o he's good e iter. Almost down anil out with kidney trouble. I:tieumatism so tad he eould scarcely set tip when he sat down. Hack ached all the time. No wonder Mr. F. A. Wooley, brake man on the ra! from Dallas to Jack son, Texas, "was tireil of living." "I saw Foley Kidney Pills adver tised," he said, "I took some and after a short time I was thoroughly cured and am havinjj no more trouble. Your kidney Ills will disappear and with them tbo backache and rheu matism, by the use of Foley's Kidney J 'ills. Once your kidneys become strong and active, aihes anil pain; will disappear like majie. There's nothing to equal the genu ine. ' Will help any oasu of kidney or bladder trouble not beyond the reach of mediciuef. Coutiiiu i-u harmful drus. Try them. Sold Everywhere. Very Serious Accident. Fixing Up the School Bonds. The higher grades of the Murray schools have been doing a very excel lent and commendable work for the past few days in the way of feature beauty and pleasure for the grounds of the school. The whole south half of !he entire front of the grounds has been plowed up by the pupils and the hnnrd h:is til-in1l it into. Viliif urn1;? i.atcr the various classes will install a tennis court and other lines of outdoor games for their amusement during the recess hours, .since the election ot the new school building the Murray schools have undergone a complete svstem of reorganization; greater in terest has been manifested by the pu pil and teacher, and they are in far better condition now than ever before. They are among the best in the land for their class, and the present board is to be commended upon its accom olishmenls during their terms of of ficc. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ronne, aged five years, met with a very serious accident last Sat urday when she was thrown from a horse and both the bones of her right leg broken The fracture was one of a very serious nature, just above the ankle, and one bone protruded through the Mesh, making it very painful. The little girl was playing with one of the horses in the barn yard at the time she was thrown off. Mr. and Mrs. Ronne reside eight miles west and one mile north of Murray. t ow V t -:- that we handle as complete a line of Oil Stoves as can be found anywhere? We handle the Clark-Jewel, New Perfection and Bon-Ami in all sizes and styles, with or without avenus, at prices that are absolutely RIGHT! Now is the time to buy your galvanized chicken coops and brooders. We have a supply on hand at a very low price as long as they last. A Few Extra Bargains in Heavy Work Harness and Collars. COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER! Murray Hardware and Implement Co. MURRAY, NEBRASKA FOR SALE Good twin Indian Motorcycle. For sale or trade. D. C. Rhoden. For Sale. Single Comb Rhode Island Red eggs. $1.00 per 15; $5.00 per 100. Baby chicks, 15c each. A. O. Ramge, Platts. 'Phone 3513. i Barber Shop 4- t HOTEL RILEY s t Piattsmouth, Nebraska First-Class Service Only Public Bath IN THE CITY Shoe Shining and Porter Service. Hilly Puis All Smiles. Have you noticed that broad smile on "Billy" Puis' face for the past few days? While in Murray Wednesday we saw him and supposed that the hardware firm had sold a large new heating plant to some one or that they bad got in a car xf bindertwine long before all advances in the price; but I the smile was even too great for that, and during the rounds of the day we learned that a fine 8'i pound baby boy had arrived to remain with him for tjhe next twenty-one years, and the best of all he was happy, wore the smile and looked just like his dad. Doth the mother and little one are do ing nicely. Tel. 200 three rlngfs SheSIenbarger & Atkinson, PROPRIETORS PLEASANT MEETING OF THE W. C, T. U, AT THE TROOP HOME c AND . LOOK OVER onr new line of Men's. Boy's. Misses' and Children's Bag u atb mm Also a complete line of Men's Work "Gloves. If in need of anything in our line of goods drop in and we will prove to you that our prices are right. A full and complete line of new Jewelry and Queensvare ready for your inspection. Highest Price Paid for Farm Products! Puis & Gansemer, Murray, Nebraska. Mrs. Ed Egenberger Better were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holmes visiting in Omaha Tuesday. Albert Wheeler was looking after some business matters in Piatts mouth Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bodeker. son. rnoutrh to be nresent I M From Woflnesasy Dally. Mrs. Charles Troop very pleasantly entertained the members of the W. C. T. U. and their friends at her pretty home on Chicago avenue Monday aft ernoon, it proving one of the most de lightful social meetings the ladies of that society have held in some time. A very pleasing program had been ar ranged for the afternoon, which was greatly enjoyed by those fortunate Responses to From Wednesday Dally. Reports from the Clarkson hospital in Omaha last evening stated that Mrs. Ed Egenberger, who is there re covering from an operation on her throat, is somewhat better, although still feeling the effects of her suffer ing a great deal. Her many friends will be pleased to note her improve ment and trust it may continue. Our Sunday dinners are constantly growing in favor. Reserve your ta bles. Hotel Riley. , Charles, and Miss Beulah Sans were roll call consisted of naming the dry Piattsmouth visitors Tuesday even- states and Mrs. Joe Wiles was the nff- champion of the company as she was James Delesdernier is riding in a able to name every one of the nine- fine new Overland car these days, hav- teen dry states. After roll call Mrs. ing purchased one from the Banning- E. C. Hill told the story of Esther in DuIJois agencv at Union last a most interesting manner. The dis- The Piattsmouth orchestra will fur nish the music at the German Home m next Saturday evening and the best of times is assured to all. Please Call and Settle. Please call and settle your account now, either by cash or note, or we will be compelled to place the same in other hands for collection. Baker & Nickels. Good Seed Corn For Sale. Iowa Silvermine 1914 crop seed corn for sale, from $1.00 to $1.50 per bushel. J. L. Shrader, Nehawka J. L. SHRADER, Nehawka, Neb. Light Brahma Eggs for hatching, renewed strains from best blood. Mrs. Wm. Gilmour, Piattsmouth, Neb. Read the want ads in the Journal. The Celebrated Percheron and Shire Stallion day. The basket ball team, under the di rection of Reverend Robb, gave a very entertaining evening at the Puis & Gansemer hall last Saturday night. In addition to the numerous games that were on the program, Miss May Loughridge sang and Miss Minford gave a number of instrumental solos. Miss Clara Young gave a number of readings. The evening was a very wholesome one for the young people .uinioru creamer snipped a car load of hogs to the South Omaha mar ket Monday evening. Mr. Creamer went up and was on the market at the time the hogs were sold. Lee Kniss, the Murray rural route man. made his first trip in his new Ford auto Wednesday of this week, and was back in Murray long before 11 o'clock. The car was purchased through the Tlattsmouth agency. Miss Isabelle Shrader and Kutn Hamilton gave a chicken pie supper at the home of Miss Shrader Tuesday evening that was indeed a very enjoyable affair for all those in attendance as well as a financial sue cess. The proceeds go for the benefit luncheon was provided by the hostess, of the tennis club for the purpose of to which all did ample justice. A few . M . 1 cussion lor the alternoon was men taken ud. the subject being "The Work That Is Most Needed in This City" and a new school house, work for boys and girls, beautifying the streets and the dry campaign were . ... . , i, some ot the work outnneu as Dauiy needed in this city and some very cood suco-estions and dans were OCT made for putting this work into ef fect. Misses Genevieve Whelan and Grace Beeson then favored the ladies with some beautiful violin selections, Miss I which were very much appreciated as the selections rendered by these young r,rpnnrfltion on the nart of both in- will make the season of 1915 at my home, 2 miles east and X. structor and pupil. During the course 3 miles south of Murray; xz mile east and 4 miles north of of the afternoon a most tempting .. . uuiuu. COLONEL is a rich bay, weighing 1800 pounds. He equipping their grounds for the sum- moments devoted to social conversa- an extra sure foal getter, and his many COltS 111 this lo- t nn anri thpn tnt lAOieS OI ine . vi. i ... Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith and son, I T. U. and their friends departed for callty Will speak lor tlldr excellency. Barney, were in Omaha this week their homes, extending their warmest where the X-ray was applied to the thanks to Mrs. Troop for her kina injuries Barney received at the time hospitality and declaring her to be a I a tree lelled him in the winter. The most excellent enwrwm. young man was injured in the arm and shoulder and had completely lost the use of his arm since the accident. They still have hopes that the X-ray will reveal some means of restoring the arm and bringing it back to nor- ardson at Mynard TERMS: $8.00 to insure a mare with foal; $12.00 to insure a colt to stand and suck. Mares sold or removed from the community, service fee becomes due and payable immediately. Care will be taken to prevent any accidents, By having a Hayrack in time for hay- but owner of horse will not be responsible should any occur. . . -nr 'I1 w. silt ing, fnone ZIlJ. or see . . - Be Prepared F. L. CSHODERI V t z t t v in attendance. mat condition. 4-5-4td2wkswkIy UUV 'jlUlO an J KJllSi Ul MAW (IVUI