The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 30, 1916, Page PAGE 3, Image 3
PLATTSMOUTn SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. p.r.r it. TITTR-DaY. MAKCH 30, 1916. ; THE NEW CLARON WILL N. H ARBEN Copyright. 1914. by Harper & Brothers CHAPTER III. Negotiations. r.NT.n moved along the street t.II he- reached the corner. Here he pausod 11H4.1 looked ba.-i; almost stealthily. "I uCpe hewon't come to the oaVe for a -v Kiiiiiitex anyway," he mused. i. ill HiliIioue i i:p tliar at work, an" m;i-t ee "im niohe. The whole thing s!.p up. He's so cranky he don't : lis mind from one minute to the : xz." .lu-t then Aimer paw Howard going Vvi: t!i" street toward the cotton com p:v and Hour mill. ".Vow's the lie faid. and he walked rapidly to :l.e i:" i f the Clarion and asceud vi :!. stairs. He found the editor In '.. main room, a reset nt shaped i r shade tied above his eyes. i iiKimiii". old boss," Abner ; : i ;i':itly. "I was passin' an' ::..''.;!it I'd run up an" ax ef I was due ; i ;.!.;. t::i::c n lay subscription. I'm . terrible hand to forget dates. I can't 1-er exactly when I paid you the t tin:-." ..) Tt sr.y you dou't owe me nny t r . i i . r ' IIi:;'.i--use answered gloomily. My of delinquents is long enough. ; 1. : kii"vs. but ou are not on it. i ..u red what I said last week a i;!. that won't pay for their I think I hit 'em a few v.:;. i-s that they won't forget soon. i'i: meanest type of a man on earth as the one that won't pay for n weekly j ; r. Folks expect you to print long ::- ants of their births, deuth-s. wed t':n and descriptions of their prize f'-.:::i!'kins a nd watermelons, but jest I- them that their subscription U C:w :.n l that you i:-ed the bare neees-si:':-s .,f Hfe an J they ?et hopples n. ...." "I've always thought it was a pow erful ?. business." Abner walked to ru-ty. upright stove in the center f Ti e r..ra. opened the door and spat :he rubbish it contained. "'An' I'. v. ..Tigered often wlmt yon fel'ers "O" in the game to hold you so tigh:." I'o te;i you." said, with i:k weariness. -We got our money Ti-1 up in a plant of this sort, an' we j ..x. t- ..,. n .;ii!'e to set it nut. "io'i know, my daddy owned the Chir U f-Te me. It was his pride. He j-.iv it through the war. issued it in in :.t!ily installments while we were r-fi::eeirg farther south and paper w;-s :s senr'-e as coffee. I hate to Pee :'. iking die a natural death, but it la .!u;:;!y on the down trade." A L n r brvshed away a tly which was :lvt; for lood on his brow and glanc ed about the untn'.v room. Hi s eyes li-iiied on a biz bale of white sheets of paper. "Is that w hat you print on':'' he inquired carelessly. "Vis. that's our patent insile sheets," Hihhoue exi ""We pet "em by trt i-'ht. One si le is already printed, the stuff is good enough consider i: z its 1 w -0.;t. There is a lot of pictures, too, and we can't fret u; pictures to do ar.y good here in the Mountains. There is still another la bor savinir method, and that is to buy the stereotype piate matter by the col t::ijn. but that costs more than the she. ts." Ai'inr's fa'-e lit up with shrewd de-!-in. "I understand somethins now was a puzzle to rue." he said. i'e heard l"ts o" folks ax why it was o::e side o' the Clarion always io ke 1 so clean ai." neat. Moreover. I was m lower Alabama last win- r I was havin you send me my pa- 3K W v cel! You offered the Clarion fcr sale." i.,.r. you reiiiember. an down tliar I Led up th - C'ounty Record, that had oil ftr wonl the same iu it that inius diil. Kveti the same old medicine ads. were the same and in the same posi ijon. 1 belt "em side by tdde au" coni p.irel "era bne fer line. At fust I "Ijwi-J tLtf editor iu Alabama was steal- "nl I LU1 in' yore thunder au' started to write w you to Institute suit, but the two pa pers hud the same date, an so I let the matter drop." "You can't help that if you use pat ent." Hillhouse said. "Now and then a subscriber jrets on to It an comes Pi to usk atwjut It. but we et out of it some way." "Seems to me I heard you. say you offered the Clarion for sale awhile back, offered to trade it fer land or a house an' lot somers." Abner had nev er spoken so carelessly. He went to the stove itjrain, this time returnlns without his exhausted quid. "Yes. I ran a little notice at the head of the editorial pape." Hillhouse re moved the shade from his eyes and wiped his spectacles on a piece of pa per. "Hut nobody took the trouble to write me or come in to ask my terms. At that time I had a notion that I'd like to settle down on land of my own. A man of my aire doesn't want to ad mit that he is pettins too old to do a paper fn'l justice those rapid times, but the fact is that 1 am not the edi tor 1 once was by a Ions shot." "Couldn't you fax it so you could have both the inside an' out of that patent process':" If Abner was jestius no hiitt of it occurred to Hillhouse. "It l .,ks like it wouldn't cost a powerful lot more to sit the whole business struck off at once. You see. you buy the sheets anyway an' pay freight au dray a s on "?m. In that case yon wouldn't have to pay fer typesetter here at nil. an' that must be quite an item." "You don't understand, Ab. You've never run a paper or you wouldn't ask such a question. That would uever do. You see. we simply must have space left to till with local matter. Our coun try contributors must be heard from. Some of them write mishty brisht stuff. Besides, folks are dying and beins bora and want it recordd. Men are runnins for oihee and are willins to pay somethins toward a paper's sup port. The youns folks here in town want an orsan for all their doins. Oh. no. we must jnve at least half the pa per to orisinal matter from our own town." "Then you need a brisht youns man to take the load off your shoulders. Thar is Howard Tin!ey, thoush I hear he's off fer Texas, an' I reckon you couldn't sit him." Hillhouse frowned as he replaced his S'asses and lesaii to adjust the shade over bis eyes. "I couldn't afford to pay him as much as he thinks heousht to have, and there was another bis trouble. I had to cut out nearly half of what he wrote, an he was always mad alout it. His hot temper will set hi:u down some day. I'm too old a newspaper man for a youns strip like that to arsue with. He has his notions and I have mine and they are wide apart. "It serms to me" Abner took a piece of a tobacco plus from his pocktt and iesan to cut off a corner with the blade of his pocket knife "it seems to me that the only sensible thins fer you to d", then, is to sell out an' quit. Thar's just you an' yore wife to make a livin' fer. on' surely you could do letter than to stick here till you are both under Sround. Hillhouse sished freely. "I've nver wanted to set loose, Ab, as bad iu all my life as 1 do now, but I can't man age It. I may as well tell the truth and be done with it. I reckon all married men more or less have their domestic problems, but my wife is an odd hu man being if there ever was one. The trouble is she don't think the same thing one minute ttat she does the next. I've worked up a scheme sever al times to unload this plant, aud she has iK-en with me clean alons to the actual sisniug of the papers, and then flopped risht over and swore she nev er once said she was in favor of let ting go. The best deal I ever had a wha'-k at was when a fellow from Walker county came and offered his loo acre farm for an even swap. She was so ti klcd over it that I had to hire a rig an drive right over to look at the property. The house on it pleased her. the land was all right an on the way back home she was chock full of plans as to what we were go ing to do in the new home. She was even afraid the fellow would change his mind and hardly slept. a wink that night. The next day I told the fellow i'd swap, an' he come around with a lawyer to fix It ell up. My wife was on hand, and all was smooth sailing till she happened to ask the fellow what kind of water was iu the well near the kitchen. He told her it was the coldest, purest spurt of limestone that ever shot from virsiu rock, an what do you think she done? She tore up the document the lawyer had work ed on and said she couldn't drink lime stone water. She said folks said it gave people that drank it all kinds of trouble and wouldn't let a cupful of It go down her throat for any money. The fellow told her she wouldn't have to touch it, as there was a spring of fine freestone within 200 yards of the house, but she shook her head. She wanted well water and wouldn't have no other sort.' Abner was now staring gravely, a look of genuine concern on his lined face. "So even I say even ef you did get a sood chance to unload yore wife would be apt to act that way ag'in?" "That's exactly the point I was com ing to." Hillhouse said wearily. "The truth Is. things have taken a big turn in my favor. No announcement has been made in my columns of it be cause I don't think It looks well for an editor to plaster his own private affairs over a sheet he's running for the public at large, but my brother Joe. who. you may know, is in the ware bouse business in Augusta, made me a bang up proposition by mail a week ago." "Oh. he did. eh?" Abner" s eyes twin kled bhrewdlr. "I was down thar not long ago an' seed "im." VYes; makiu' money hand over fist, an he needs a man of ability to help him out. Naturally he thought of me. He suid he would pay me a tine sal aryI needn't say exactly how much and that I'd stand a rattling good chance of working into a iermaneut Interest, especially if I had a few hun dred to invest, which I would have if I was lucky enough to sell out here for cash." "I see." Abner crossed his long legs, swung one of his feet up and down Indifferently" and scratched himself un der the arm. "It is u great pity you are tied so tight, ain't it?" "Oh. what Is the use?" Hillhouses face flared with incipient wrath. "1 get so mad. Ab. at women in general, and my wife in particular, that 1 feel like kicking the whole thins into flinders. Why. when she first read that letter she mighty nigh had a spasm of pure joy. She run around to ail the neighbors showing it und talking about what a tony town Augusta was with its telephones, street cars and electric lhzht. "1 thought the thing surely would be all right and somebody would buy me out. In fact, two young men here in town were hoping they could raise the money, and I wrote my brother a fa vorable letter tellins him to wait on me a few days. I'.ut what do you think happened? You might make a million guesses and not hit on it. My wife and I were on the back porch of our house. I'd run in to tell her that I thought the chances were fairly good for the young men to lorrow the money to buy me out when a thing no more important than a common hen actually interfered. She came cluckinu up to the step to be fed with some crumbs my wife usually threw out. She went in the dining room 1 mean my wife did. not the hen and picked up the tablecloth and shook out some watermelon seeds and scraps of bread and the like, and while the hen wa eatius it she said my wife said she had heard Joe's wife say that Augusta was too big a town to keep chicken in and that she really would hate to move to a town where folks were so cramped they couldn't keep chickens. That floored me. Ab. I turned off without a word, for I knew that the very old Nick had got in her again. It happened to be chickens then, but it would be something else the next time." Abner hung his head thoughtfully. A rim look of determination was settling around his kindly eyes. "1 hain't nev er been yoked up myself." he said, "but ef I was I'd wear the pants. Women are too broad at the hips to look well in that kind o garb, anyway. 1 never knowed a man to prosper that run to his wife for advice. It hain't any of my business. Hillhouse. but ef you don't act for yorese'f in this matter you'll Ik? the bisgest fool the sun ever shed light on." "Do you think so. Ab?" "I don't think nothin about it. 1 know it. What you ort to do is to sell out whether she's willin' or not. Then I'd advise you to offer "er 1x1 an' board in Augusta an' tell 'er she was welcome to go or stay." "I believe you are richt. I do. On my soul I do. She would raise a pow erful rumpus, but she might come around in time. I believe 111 simply 2D ahead and see those young men to day, aad" "Who are they ef thar ain't no harm in axin?" Abner broke in. 'Why. Alf Lowry and Tete Sebas tian!" "Oh, them fellers:" Abner sniffed. "Why do you say that, Ab?' 'Because they was tryin' to borrow money from me." Abner replied "They'd been all around everywhere, even to one pore old widow close to in farm. The trouble is they hain't nt security to offer, an' the'r own dad dies wouldn't sign a note. They an too wild an" harum sea rum to make s thing like this go." "I was afraid there would be a hitch somewhere." Hillhouse showed hi despair in his face. "It is just like m luck nothing seems to come my way.' 'now much did you offer 'em th plant fer?" Abner went to the stovt again, opened the loose hinged door, spat and carefully closed it. "Win don't you strike a match to this stu9 some wet day an' burn up all this rub bish? It is powerful dirty. How much did you say you was axin'?' "Fifteen hundred even," nillhouse sighed. 'To "R Continued. ' Eggs for Hatching. Light Brahma eggs at 50c per set ting, setting. Inquire of Mrs. George Reynolds, Iioute 1, Flatts mouth, Neb. 3-20-lmo-w Aitention, Veterans! For thirty days I will made a photo FREE of all soldiers of the Civil War, who will come to the tudio. Right face, March! Leonard's Studio NURSE RELIEVES MUCHJUFFERIN6 The Patient Slie Helped Makes Interesting Statement. Madison, Wis. Mrs. Oscar Day, of 1C0G L?onor.a Ave., Fair Oaks, 'this town, says: "Before my baby was born, I suffered terribly with womanly troubles and nervousness, and was living in a state of fear all the time. One day, an old friend of mine, who, by the way, is a nur.e, and goes around to all caes, brought me a bot tle of Cardui, the woman's tonic, and told me to keep on taking' it right along. I did, and felt much better a'fter the first bott'e. I kept on tak ing it. and had as little trouble cs anybody could wish for. Feeling very good now. There never vras a better medicine for women than Cardui, and I vr'Il recommend it to any one who in need of it. This nurse uses Cr.rJai with her patients, so it is well known all around here. I am never without a bottle of Cardui in my home." We urge you to try Card-u-i, the woman's tonic, for yur troubles. It will help you over the hr.rd places, just as it has thousands of otlnr women. Don't delay. Begin taking Cardui today. You won't regret it. NC35 ALVO NEWS STEMS Mrs. J. A. Shuffcr was ir Lincoln Friday. Art Hires has purchasc-d n r.t v. Metz car. Miss Marjorie Hall returned home Wednesday. P.oy Bennett was in Lincoln Mon Jay and Tuesday. Mrs. C. M. Jordan was shopping in Lincoln Friday. Ed Carr of Eagle was in towr Wednesday morr ir..f. Miss Stella Sheesloy spent Friday n Lincoln wi-.h friends. J. A. Shaffer wa.- in South. V.ezd Wednesday on business. 'Av. and Mrs. Charles Godbey were shopping in Lincoln i ue.-:!;.y. Mrs. I.;.da Howe and children re turned from Lincoln Tuesday. Bt ron Foieman ro'.urrrd Satur,"j.. o his home at Niobivr:., A'tb. Dr. E. B. Finney cf c nivc-rsit;, ?lace was in town Wednesday. Mr. Doty of Avooa was vi.-itirg Mr. md Mrs. Mickle the f'rst or' the week. Mr. Earl .jonkins movec o Iowa Monday, where they will hvc jn a farm. Mr. aud .-lrs. John Murtey went tc ?!ay Center Fiiday to visit relatives ver Sunday. . J. G. Wunderlkh of Xenawka was circulating among his friends hen Wednesday. Miss Ethel nee.', of St ration, Nd.. .ame in Tuesday to visit lu r aunt Mrs. A. I. Bird. Will Sutton and brother. Charier button, were in South Bend ar.d da.i.ley Wednesday. The Misses Emily GitTen and LoU 7arr spent Saturday and Sunday i' heir respective homes. E. R. Douglas, D. G. M. W.. wa ll town last week rustling new menv ers for the .... (. c W. M:s. Paui Thuresson and daughtei dsited Saturday and with Mr. nd Mrs. Frank Thureson al Uni versity Place. The Misses Vera arc! Marie Proutj md orother, Lee Prouty. were Sun lay guests at the home of Mr. ant Mrs. Sam Mrs. Henry Thomas returned Wcd esday from Almena, Kansas, where -he visited her daughter, Mrs. rheeley. who is not very well. A mass meeting was held in the Stewart hall March L'T. The following candidate? were nominated: S. C. 3oles, R. W. Stewart, J. A. Shaffer, Charles Rosenow, P. J. Linch and "ler.ry Roelofs::, three of which are to je elected April 4th as trustees for a period of two years. Terrible Croup Jitzzck Quickly Repulse J. By Old ReUcblc Rxxedy Well known Cecrsia . r Lac ri7.:- tered croup and co'cb for Lis fami.y cf c wlah Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. The minute that bocrse tcrrifyirr croupj couyh ir. heard in the lnmo u T. J. Barber, of JcrTersoa, Ci., out comes Foley's Jlorey Tr Com pound there's always a bottle rea'.c. Here's what he says: "Two of my children, or.e boy tr.d c jri:I, t-grtd cifrht and sii: years re PT?ciivoly, haj terrible attacks of cro-i; lst winter nd I completely cured tt.;m with Foley's Honey ar.d Tar Common: J. J have ten in faK.iljr rr.d for yc:.v. I'v- used Foley's lioncy r.ivl lj .'tii;-Dur-J and it never fails." Fanish worry ar.-l rau c:t ior Y-AZs keep Foley's Honey t.:-.'l Tar Con pound always on hor.d, i.i r h:rr. . One bottle lass a l-fi tit" it's rc.!:Hb:2 Fafe and the la. t dos i as cooi as the first. Get the re-',:-e. Sold Everywhere. Local FJews From Tuesday's Dally. Attorney C. E. Te-fft of Weeping Water was in the city for a few hours today looking after some lejral mat ters. S. C. Boyles of Alvo was in the city today for a short time attending to some matters at the court house in which hi was interested. Mrs. William Fahlson and son, Axen, departed this morninjr for their home at Davy, Nebraska, after a short visit here with Mr. Fahlson. C. R. Franz departed this afternoon for Guernsey, Wyominpr, where he is enpajred in carpenter work there for the Burlington on their new Wyoming1 line. Gailen Rhoden was a passenger this morning for Omaha where he will se cure his automobile, which lias been in that city undergoing, repairs for some time. Mirs Gladvs McMaken, who has been enjoying a week end visit with j her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mc Maken. departed last evening on No. J for her school work at Peru. Attorney Byron Clark and Attorney Tyler of the legal department of the Burlington were in the city today for a few hours looking after some mat ters of importance for the railroad company. Misses Edna Shopp, Marie Hiber ar.d Elsie Gapc-n. who have been spending their vacation here with rel atives and friends, departed last ee ning for Peru to resume their school work there. Mrs. Guy McMaken and children .'.epaited this afternoon for Kimball, Nebraska, near where they will make their home on a large ranch where Mr. McMaken has a cozy home await ing their coming. Mrs. Dent Hiles and babe of Hast ings. Iowa, who have been here for several days visiting at the home of Mrs. tin Lies' mother, Mrs. Charles Spangkr, and at the Fred Spangler heme, departed yesterday on No. 2 for their home. Dr. G. H. Gilman and wife, Mrs. Mrs. Ed Steiner of Lincoln, who have j h:s morning in the car of Dr. Gil- more and all departed on the early j Burlington train for Omaha to spend ihe day. Sam Windham came in this morn ing from the military academy at Highland Falls, New York, where he has been for the past several months taking up hi preparatory work for the examinations to West Point to the United States military acadamy to which he was appointed by Congress man Frank Reavis. W. H. Lohnes and wife and John Lchnes, jr., were in the city today for a short time looking after some busi ness affairs and visited with their friends. While here Mr. W. II. Lohnes called at thi Journal office and renewed his subscription to the semi weekly while Mr. Lohnes, sr., enjoyed a short visit with the editor, and it was certainly a pleasure to meet our old friend again, even if only fcr a few minutes. From Wednesdays r.HH. Ed Leach and wife from near Mur ray were here today for a few hours, motoring up from their farm home. Tom Ruby of near Mynard was in the city for a few hours today looking after some trading with the mer chants. C. F. Vallery, road overseer of the precinct, was here today for a few hours attc-nding to some matters at the court house. William Rice of near Murray was rmong those visiting in the city yes terday for a few hours attending to Lome matters of business. Mark Whito and wife motored up yesterday afternoon from their home near Rock Bluffs and spent a few hour j here visiting with their friends. Frank Gorton of Dunbar, Nebraska, was in the e;i.y yesterday for a few hours meeting with his old friends and looking after some business mat ters. Adam Meisinger and wife and son. Rudolph, of near Cedar Creek, were in the city today for a few hours look ing after some trading with the mer chants. Den Dill and wife? from the vicinity of Murray were here yesterday after noon for a few hours attending to some matters of business with the merchants. Con Gillespie, the section foreman of the Burlington, departed last eve ning for Nebraska City, where he was called to testify in the Stull lawsuit in irmi. e-iiv. i t- i r;: u;, blisses imma arm t-uwut" and Mrs. Philip Hirz departed this mnminf for the metropolis where they will spend the day visiting and attending to some business matters. John Weber, residing near Plain view, Nebraska, is in the city enjoy- ing a visit here at the home of his sis ter. Mrs. J. P. Falter, and family, and with his many old friends in this lo cality. W. S. Smith and Don Rhoden of Murray came in this afternoon from their hom2 and departed on the after noon Burlington train for Omaha, where Mr. Rhoden is taking treatment from Dr. Gifford. Attorney D. O. Dwyer was among those going to Nebraska City yester day to appear there as attorney for C. Lawrance Stull in his suit against the Burlington. lie was accompanied by Mr. Stull and Charles Dasher. Henry Hoffert, one of the promi nent farmers from near Plainvbw, Ne hraaka, was in the city over night to visit with his relatives and friends. Mr. Hoffert is a brother of Mrs. Ber- nai-d Wurl, Mrs. George Born and Mrs. Will Rummell as well as a cousin of J. P. Falter. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Wiles of Murray and Mr. Wiles mother, Mrs. John Wiles, were in this city yesterday. Mr. Wiles was a pleasant caller at tnis office and while here subscribed for the Plattsmouth Journal in order that he might be kept posted on hap penings throughout the county. Mrs. E. O. Steihm and little daugh ter, who have been hr?re enjoying a short visit at the home of Mrs. Steihm's parents, Judge and Mrs. J. E. Douglass, departed last evening for Bloomington, Indiana, where they ex. pect to make their home in the future ar.d where Mr. Steihm will have charge of the athletic work of the University of Indiana. OUT OF THE RACE. When one wakes with stiff back, pains in muscles, aches in joints, or rheumatic twinges, he cannot do his best. If you feel out of the race, tired, languid, or have symptoms of kidney trouble, act promptly. Foley Kidneys Pills help the kidneys get rid of poisonous waste matter that causes trouble. Sold everywhere. 'iVi 1 i -.- - . W. A. ROBERTSON. i. Lawyer. i r -i- East cf Riley Hotel. . Coates' Block, 4 Jt. Second Floor. 4 9 -1 'I" 1 XIITICJI OF M IT TO QIIET TIT1.K. In the MiNtriet Court of the Count of Ciimm. N Siilonie Heanies, 1'laintiiT, vs. Ceorjre Maekle. et al.. I -fen'3a nts. To the ilel'. n.lunts. Ceo! -'e Muckle. Mrs. C.eorKe Maekle. tirst real name un known: tiie unknown ht-i:.-. devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of C.eorye Maekle, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other per sons interested in the estate of Mrs. ieorsre Maekle. first real name un known, dee-eased; Charles tftoll, Mrs. Charles Stoil. tirst real name unknown; ti e unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Ci ar'.es Stoll. defeased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal tep iesentatives and all other persons in tiersted in the estate of Mrs Charles Stoll. tirst real name unknown, de ceased; the unknown owners and the unknown claimants of lot three 3). in block five :. in the Village of Cedar Cheek, Cass County, Nebraska. You and each of you are hereby notified that on the :N!rd day of Feb ruarv. A. 1 . 1H16. plaintiff filed her suit "in the District Court of the County of Cass. Nebraska, to quiet plaintiff's title to the following described land. to-w;t: Lot three Ci). in block live i"l, in the Village of Cedar Creek, in the eountv of Cass. Nebraska, because of her adverse possession by herself and her grantors for more than ten years prior to the commencement of said suit, to enjoin each and all of you from hav ing or claiming any right, title, lien or interest, either legal or equitable, in or to said land or any part thereof, to require vou to set forth your right, title, lien or interest therein, if any. either legal or equitable, and to have the same adjudged inferior to the title of plaintiff and for general equitable relief. This notice is made puruant to the order of the Court. . Vou are required to an.wer said petition on or before Monday, April 10, A. 1. lylG. or your default will be duly entered therein. . . . , , r, . Plaintiff. W. A. TIOBERTSOX. Attorney. . . 2-28-4 wk XOTICK. Iu the District Court of the County of ( aim, ! rlirniUn. William A. Wood, Plaintiff, vs. Charles F. Wiley and Leona Peirl Wilev, Defendants. CHARLES E. WILEY AND LEONA PEAR WILEY. Defendants, will take notice that on the 11th day of March. 1 il 6. William A. Wood, plaintift here in, filed his petitior in the District Court of Cass County. Nebraska, i'trainst said defendants, the object and praver of which ore to secure judgment upon three several causes t action based upon promissory notes made ex ecuted and delivered by the defendants to the plaintiff, and to secure the pay ment of suc h judgment by attachment upon real estate in Cass Ciunty, Ne-t-ii ska, owned hv said defendants You are required to answer paid petition on or before the day of Mav A. D. lKlfi. ' WILLIAM A. WOOD Plaintift. C. A. RAWLS, Attorney. 3-27-4wks XOTim OF ADMINISTRATION. In the Count j- Court of Cann County, Nehrankn. In the Matter of the Estate of Adam Kurtz. Deceased. AH persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that a petition lias been riled in said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will, and praying for administration upon his estate, and that a hearing will be on said petition oeiore saiu eoun on the Tw ent v-eisrhth d'Sth) day of mU., inn n.i that if thev Mo-,.i. f nml that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said ;th uay of March. iyi. at 9 o'clock v, tft'mrtpsi sniil i-etition. the Court jma Kurtz or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. ALLEN J. BEESON. (Seal) County Judge. 3-6-3 wks mm Absolutely Pure Made from Cream of Tartar HO ALUQ-HO PHOSPHATE J. H. Thrasher, George L. Farley and C. C. Despain departed this morn ing via automooile for Union, where they will put in a few hours apprais ing some of the Cheney land near that place for road purposes. DUCK EGGS FOR SALE Inquire of Mrs. Fred Spangler or call fchone No. 2104. 3-23-d&w-2wks Read Hiatt & Tutt's ad in this i.ue of the Journal. BILLY T. 76142 'e-i . -er"-. - .. Ldly T. is a sure foal getter, and can show over fifty colts from la.-t season's service. He has been in spected for li'lb, and found perfectly sound in every way. PEDIGREE That the Pert-heron Stallion IUllie T.. is recorded by the Perche-ron So ciety of America, and that his rec orded number is H42. Color and Description: Black; StLr; Right hind foot white. Foaled March Cth U10. Bred and owned by Clyde Hcyhurst, Shelby. Nebraska. SIRE:, 70141. by Nerveaux, by Picador, by Brutus ty Germanicus. by Aid El Kadcr. " Passe Partout, by, by French Monarch, by, by Vu.entin. by Vieux Chaslhi. by Coco. b Migr.on, by Jean Le Blanc. DAM: Nora .V.r"Uf by Pedro, by Invincible, by by En'.'iant, by Coco, by Vieuv. Chaslin. by Ca.o, by Mignon, by Jean Le Blanc. 2nd Dam: Lavina iTb'J'J. "d Dam, Letitia 23360. ith Dam, PlMck Nell, by Pravo 1021; imported 18S1. 5th dam. Bay Tib by Monarch 1701; imported 1S80. 6th Dam, Vance by Tempest 4"38; imported 1875. 7th Darn, Nellie; imported 1873. In witness whereof we have here unto affixed the sea! of the Soc:- ty. Dated at Chicago, Illinois, April 3d, 1911. II. E. McWilliams, Pres. Wayne "Dinsmore, Secy. The Celebre.ted Jack Spanish Warrior, 20412 SPANISH WARRIOR is jet black, mealy nose and belly, was foaled Ni vember 17, 1911, and was bred by J. H. Hardin, at Ninevah, Ind. ; wi'l weigh at the present time 975 pounds, but when fully matured will make a I, 0o0-pound jack. He stands 161 hands high, and has an excellent reputation as a quick performer and foal getter. Billy T. and Spanish Warrior will make the season of 1910 as follows: Every day in the week at Nehawka. Phone me at Sheldon's store. If t am not there leave our name and I will call you up or call at your place. TERMS The service fee for bc4h Billy T. and Spanish Warrior will bo ?15 to insure standing colt. Mor.ev becomes due at once if mare is parted with or leaves the community, and when so parted with , my guarantee ceases. Care will be taken to prevent accidents, but I will not be responsi ble should any occur. JULIUS RUHMAIill, Owner !L?F