The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 30, 1916, Page PAGE 2, Image 2
TAGS 1. PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, MARCH 19 Hi. 30, A VERY TAME SESSION OF THE GITY COUNCIL The Meeting Was As Peaceful and Calm As a Summer Morn Just Before a Storm. The netting of the city council last was as peaceful as a summer . ..y, featureless with speeches t , a;unt.-.;5 which might tend to t.c-ck the whet Is of progress in any ...y or form. Every member was tve;.t at the meeting when the gavel f M.iy.r Kichey fell, and at once the members proceeded to get busy with .l.c transaction of the city's financial -r A petition was read to the council n; Mrs. II. i. Straight and three ..;.vr in to the smoke nui u e. whi:h they claim has greatly : !.... ;.. ! tium in their present rooms . . the Beck building and asking that -. '.e eity council take some steps to ;he sir. ike abated. This matter, e i iirnig juumiik "'to, i to th-? lire and water ar.d look into hkh is nfi-r mrr.iife who will ti ; r.e m kc ,: what bj t. t e:v. 7 ... . :.lYy Wi:::. v: v. -lion and determine m:o to relieve the pcti- r.d.ven. the city ra ted a report covering .-i.vilr.g controversy over the g al joining the property of il....-ki- :.r.l William n ar.d the rcpoit of the cn- t- the '-.TcL-t that the pav ;iVi'ti c- in peaces and this lie pinion of the engineers, plaocd in proper shapa be- V." i'rw. C . 1:: .u kl be considered as l.r rticv.lar piece of g i! r t:". -.(.- wiy.cti :-;.bU- :vo: given the in the h trimmed up and placed in proper shape. ouncilman Buttery of the second ward asked that board of county com missioners be notified to finish the cul vert on West Locust street which was not completed last summer owing to lack of funds at the time. The finance committee of the coun cil reported the following claims which were allowed and warrants or dered drawn for the different amounts: Nebraska Lighting Co., street lights, $212.34; Don Seviers, work at cemetery, $2.40; J. W. Tu lane, work at cemetery, $7; J. N. Cummings, hauling one drunk and one dog, 81; W. P. Cook, burying one dog, 50c; Guy Clossen, secretary of fire department, salary, $6.25; Max Pries, salary foreman fire department, 0.25; Emil Stenik, same, ?G.25; Frank Sabatka, same $6.25; Joe Se- batka, same, $G.25 Henry Lahoda, same, $0.25; C. M. Forbes, same, ?G.25; A. F. Braun, fire chief, $12.50; Mike Lutz, street work, S3G.S0; Dan Headley, street work, $13.20; John Fieler, same, $4; Albert Funk, same, ?S; Jess Green, same, $20; C. E. Mc Bride, same, $1S; Merle Farmele, same, $35.00; Mike Carnes, same, $4S; Catherine Green, inspecting nurse, 537.07; Klopp & Bartlett, election sup plies, $10.83; J. E. Xemetz, expenses, $2.85; Q. K. Farmele, livery for po lice, $7.75; Nelson Jean, coal at city hall. $3.25. After the allowing of a number of orders for street work the city fathers adjourned and wended their way homeward. UCil i c f cer tne t v. U ' V:-" co'-..-t vuc'.ed in the v.T'.er .-lards on it .ii ..: .g m; ar.d the owners rty have refu-ed to ac i'"g and the city as we!' o' lie p: to ro.lch rty have et t lenient . i" r. I.:e. h o i; u -ed e department to the. council c;i v.-.--t Main d wh :i ret a it. - 7h:-T! ( r b..-ked he into. v r v: : tn. creating -1: let to include a F .urlii and Fifth brought up by the d bridge-; committee is first reading i.rd ;:i:".imous vote placed third reading by its age and by a unan-c-r,urcil wa."; passed ft j i rt :h " t . . l!r:;. ': f. c : r. Iv-t created. Thi act was f t--r-t c mmer.dable that the c jid do for the improvement 1".!-i'-es flection of the city and ...- a '-rg standing eyeore in .w.ith.-r, t!';;,t of thio muddy - v.hirh it :s wholly imprac e o hck afti-r properly and keep - travel. Thi- new district will j le the half block? leading off of .-tnct to where the THE BASE BALL FANS EMERGE FROM WINTfflQUARTERS The ba.-? ball fans a id beginning to v.arm up and come out of winter quar ters with the breath of spring time and already nil manner of ''dope'' as to the possibilities of the Red Sox for the coming summer are being dis- e;:ssed with interest by the "bugs" V-ho are longing for the firit warm day when they can decorate the bleachers at the So:; park ami cheer on thiir favorites to victory. Bill Ma ::.n. Bal, llerold and Parrictt, the vcti ran.-, are all rta '.y to begin sv. ing i:.g the big stick ar.d each is figuring en his playing his best during the coming .summer down 027 the old lot. There is the prospects of new players that can bo a-ed in several badly need.e 1 places to strengthen the lire up. Mar.pge" Smith has not given c ut his pi'opood line a , to the season's work but it can br depended on that there will be something doing about the middle of April on the diamond and the fans will be given the benefit of the opening of the reason they have all been looking forward to. IMPROVEMENT SEASON READY TO BEGIN Many Cities Are Paving, Building New School Houses, Hotels and Churches, and No Bonds For School Houses Defeated. OEATH OF AN UNCLE OF DR. E. W. COOK 1 Dr. E. W. Cook this morning re ceived a message conveying the sad news of the death of his uncle, Dr. E. L. Cook, at his home in Harlan, Iowa, yesterday. The news came as a se vere blow to Dr. Cook, as he was un aware of the illness of his uncle, and the message failed to reach here in time to permit him to reach Harlan for the funeral which was held in that city this afternoon. The uncle of Dr. Cook was some seventy-two years of The summer program of public im- ae a tne time 01 his deatn and lor t - 1 1 11: 1 I Trfnrs linn1 Kpon rna rf tlna lrnlinrr provements wnicn nas Decn ouumuu .. here by the city government is one Physicians of that section of Iowa. It ihnt will po far towards Duttine this Ps in m-e 01 vr. Lt. ook hn i-.TL-e it tha nvrt(rroccivi I ' - vjwn. 111.11. onivntu unu- cities of the state and should be aided lcine and the ncle was held in the in every tho rommunitv in nu . ...... 1. j- iu c I rected to the familv in this ritv cessiui conclusion oeiore me ciuse ui 1 - - the summer. The largest single un dertaking is that of extending the paving of the streets to include' of Washington avenue and Elm street from Seventh street to the Missouri Pacific depot. This will add immense ly to the value of the property inter ests of those residing along this high way that is one of the points of entry to the city and connecting with the railroad line as well as being a pa: t of the automobile highway between j this ciiv and Omaha. While the wori t tne state anu snouiu ue mueu - y way by the good people of deepest affection by his nephew nmunity in pushing to a sue- the news of his death was most v and unex THE DISTRICT SUNDAY SCHOOL . ASSOCIATION The plans for the district conven tion of the Cass County Sunday School association which will be held in this city on Tuesday, April 4, are may seem costly it will be made at the beinpr thoroughly arranged with the lowest possible cost and when com- view to making the meeting one that pieced will more than repay the out- will bo most pieasant to all those who lay in the saving on street woik aro abe to attend. The meetings of which is constantly having to be done lhe first district will be held at the 1 i 1 i. . - . over time anu time again iu Keep u.-- yirst Presbyterian church in this city .-treet in proper shape, and then often both afternoon and evening and the unsuccessfully as the conditions are pr0gram will be one of exceptional such that the work can only be tern- worth to the teachers and members porary ami money expended is lost asi0f tjle casses.. The organized classes there is nothing permanent to show of t!le city are preparing to attend the for it. Otner cities in the state as meetings in a body and take part in well as m cur neignooring siaie 01 t le discussions and eniov the SDecial Icwa are launching their plans for the features. The opening session will coming year and these are being car- be lcd at 2 o'clock Tuesdav and will ied out to a successful end by the cit- commence with a musical service fol- - . , C . 1 J A. I . ies wiinout any iear 01 xne com as it ;0wed by a devotional period. Attor- is realized mat tne placing 01 perma- ney A L T,dd will speak on "The rent work cn the streets is saving the Adult Class Up to Date" at this ses 111 Mienan- cion At trip pvpnintr mpptino1 nt S S23I23 You'll revel in the new ties we show this week! Are Yon G oisig to join the "Dress Up" crowd and help advertise Platts mouth as the best dressed, most prosperous looking com munity in the state? The germ of improvement seems to be in the air. Let it take effect in your personal appearance. Be among the first to lay aside the sombre and heavy garb of winter for the bright new attire of Spring. It adds to your own self respect, quickens your spirit and enhances your prospects of success. Come, join the gay and happy crowd that finds here the best place to indulge the "Dress-Un" feelincr. We are adding to the prestige of this store by the splendid values we show this season in STYLEPLUS CLOTHES $17 and QUALITY CLOTHES $20, $22, $25 and up to $30. A beautiful silk lined velvet serge, fine weave for $22. HlRSH-WICKWIRE-CO'S CLCTHCl Knox Hats Stetson Hats C. E W escott s Everybody's Store." 0I1S Beautiful Silk Shirts money ot the taxpayers THE FUNERAL OF MRS, KISSLING YES TERDAY AFTERNOON ANNUAL CONGREGATION AL KEETISG OF THE PRES BYTERiAN CKUHCH paving wil "i lie' a:;e y paving, making it : o .-"ble t' get into the business "r.i cs without having to wade in ir.ud. Ct-unc'dman Harris of the cemetery committee called the attention of the nv n b( -r r f the council to need for r-t rmanr-r.t markers in the cemetery at fach lo in order that the lots might 1 o e:i: i'y dininoruif-hed. This is some that has long been needed and mot ion was adopted unanimously i y tbe coureil. The riatt.-mouth water company t-e-ertcd a communication asking : -.a tn?y l.e given permission to l:i-v th. ir metho.1 of charging for "ai.r ratos to eliminate the charging . y gallon rate- and substituting the haru-e f"- water by the hundred feet, :, ; it would make the office work easier ;-r the water company and not affect the i-en.-umer. The rate as proposed would 1 as follows: Kat s for home?, stores and offices I"rrt 400 cubic feet per month, 22c rcr 100 feet; all excess of 400 feet per, le pc- 100 feet. Kates for hotel, stables and sa- I'iri-t 4.000 cubic feet per month. 2'c per 100 feet; second 4.000 to I'M'OO feet, IT.c per 100 feet; third 30.0. i to 1-V'OO cubic feet per month, J'V j cr 100 ftct. TIi" park ar.d improvement com mittee u'o recommended that the city park commission be instructed to take i p the matter of improving the land -vned by the city at the foot of Win tciMn hill and having it made into n small park as well as to look after ihe irr.m'overr.ent of the parking along :h- ct::b nr.d guttrr leading up High Last evening the annual congrega tional meeting of the Firrt Presbyte rian church was held at the. church ouikling on Granite street and the meeting was attended by some fifty members of the congregation. The report.- from the various societies and organizations of the church were read rnd showed that all were in the most flourishing condition and that the work cf the church was progressing in all departments which was most pleas ing to the membership. In the selec tion or tne otlieers lor the ensuing year to carry on the work, the follow ing were elected: Eiders, C. A. Rawls J. M. Roberts, James Robertson; trus tees, D. C. Morgan, T. H. Pollock; su perintendent of Sunday school, G. L. Farley; assistant superintendent, R Glenn Rawls; secretary, Miss Mar garet Ilodgcrt; organist, Miss Blanche Sayles; librarian, Miss Estelle Ilaird; church treasurer, L. O. Minor. Miss Margaret Ilodgert, who was elected as secretary of the Sunday school, has held this position for the past twenty years continuously and has filled it in i no most ciiicient manner in every way. doah, Iowa, a city of 5.000 population, there will be laid forty blocks of pav ing this year to place their streets in first class diapo and the conditions there are not more favorable thr.n here. In North Platte, a city not much larger than ours and where the industrial conditions are almost sim ilar, it being a railroad shop town as Plattsmouth is, there will be public improvements made this year aggre gating s5O0,O0O, and of this $100,000 is for street paving and the other im provements include a $50,000 hotel, a $50. C00 junior high school building, J $20,000 Knights of olumbus club house, $15,000 addition to the Elks' home, and a $25,000 Catholic school building. The recognition of the value of per rnanent work or. the streets is shown every day in the cities throughout the country and the smaller cities and towns are rapidly getting away from the policy of having a lot of expen sive work put on the streets which all will have to be done over at a future time, when by a little more money ex pended tho work can be put iu to last for all time and save al lthis leakage of the public funds. o'clock Attorney C. A. Rawls of this city and G. G. Wallace of Omaha will speak. MATTER OF VOTING FOR OR AGAINST THE HIGH SCHOOL BONDS Normal Color. Tree Trimming Time. This is the season for trimming up your fruit trees. This is my line and all work guaranteed. Prices reason able. Drop card to P. T. Murphy, Plattsmouth, or phone this office. 3-30-2twkly IMPORTANT NOTICE;! All parties knowing themselves in debted to the firm of G. P. Easwood are requested to call at the store as soon as possible and settle their ac counts, as we are selling our stock of goods and desire to have all accounts closed. We thank our friends for their patronage and bespeak their continued kool hid and to see that the trees i patronage for our successor, ;lGi-.g the streets of tho city were G. P. EASTWOOD. Everybody knows that at times it seems to him as if his complexion was The funeral of the late Mrs. Louis Kissling was held yesterday afternoon from the German St. Paul's Evangel ical church and was attended by a large number of the friends who had known this lady during her residence in this city and shared with the mem bers of the family their grief at her uca;u i uc - ci vnvTo v.cic i:unuuiivu byr Rev. J. II. Steger, pastor of the church, who celebrated the burial service of the church as well as The board of education and those in- preached the sermon. There were terested in advancing the work of the several numbers given by the choir of rchools have prepared the follow- the church which brought to the be ing figures dealing with the school reaved family a feeling of peace in the bond proposition which will be of in- knowledge of the uprightChristian life tcrest to every one: which the departed wife and mother The total valuation of the taxable had led and softened their grief at . i property at one-fifth of the actual I her going from their side. The floral value in the school district for the tributes were beautiful and numerous year 1915 was $570,993. and atested the feeling of grief felt by At five per cent interest per annum j the friends at the death of Mrs. Kiss the interest on the bonds would be ling. At the close of the service the $2,500. body was tenderly borne to Oak Hill A five mill levy would raise in cemetery where it was laid to rest in round numbers the sum of $2,500, (the family lot there which would be sufficient to pay the The death of Mrs. Kissling has been interest on $50,000. greatly regretted by the many friends A five mill levy would raise $2,500 throughout the city and in their loss annually to be applied on the payment the family have the deepest sympathy of the bonds. By dividing $50,000, the of these friends to bear them up in amount of the bonds, by $2,500, the their hour of trial and grief, as well amount to be paid annually on the as the memory of the pure and un- bonds, would give exactly 20 years! selfish life of this good woman, who not of the right color, as if he was and the building would be paid for, was devoted to her home and family turning yellow, or pale or grayish, and during all of this time the boys second only to her belief in her faith Then it is imperative to undertake and girls of our city would have the in her church. some steps immediately so that the benefit of the use of this building. condition would not be aggravated. This means, if a man owns $1,000 A Menace to Health. The cause is evidently the stomach worth of property, the asscsed value not doing its works as it should. First would be $200, which at 10 mill levy Who would have thought that the of all take Triner's American Elixir would cost him $2.00 per year for his tin can is a menace to the public of Bitter Wine and keep on using it sdiare of the taxes to furnish the health? The expert malaria investi- rcgularly. That will bring everything school boys and girls this building gators of the United States public again to a normal state. The stom- now, and have it all paid for in 20 health service have found that dis- rch and the digestive organs begin years. I carded tin cans containing rain water functioning regularly. The appetite returns, everything is digested prop- J ill Wih ' Clothes That Keep You "DRESSED-UP" V7i 4,r t t i . .i iviciivc your Lress w Time last throimhnnt - - m V- k. I 1 I I . year -I ..1 .t r- i t 7- , . . Is not the housing of your boys and rae breeding places for the mosquito witn Society rirand or rvuppenheimer Clothes. And vou will irio in a moacrn scnooi uuuunig, wuiui is iub suit; a-iu. m n-'"s Slav ureSSea UD 111 One Ot tllftSP snif! Vicif- I ! .1 m-l7 nnil ihn cnmnlnvinn rnifiini! ile .....l.. Vinnt. I rviolo .!o A J.T. In li linttnm nf 1 Vir I 1 - .1, 11 1 liJV W1111C III'. - ...jv...,. ivfemni, 11 j iniivii v vi ttii, iik" " "' vnv,... Hiries arc fuill unbroken and select vour now i f f l q normal color. At drugstores. Priei ed. and sanitarv. worth $2.00 nor year emotv tin can might have resulted in ..r-k i t -r-i i , y r new SUlt lor the OprillU $1.00. Jos. Triner, Manufacturer, 1222- to you? The health, welfare and ed- the saving of a human life. Certain- jefeS P- l nese ClOtnes are made in such a variety oi 1339 S. Ashland avenue, Chicago. ucation of our boys and girls ought to My it would have assisted in prevent- biyie anu textures mat your taste surely vlll be met bv soni( be worth $2.00 per vear to every man ing a debilitating illness. Empty tin Or them. Bemember that there is not a bet- in the city. cans have no business about the prem ier remedy to relieve pains than An improperly lighted school build- ises anyway, but if we must so deco Triner's Liniment. Try to steam the ing injures every boy'3 and girl's eyes rate our back yards let's see to it that aching place and then rub well with more or less. the can has a hole in the bottom. Triner's Liniment and note the result. An improperly heated and ventilat- Price 25c and 50c, postpaid 35c and ed school building endangers every Changeable Weather Brings Sickness. COc. bov's and girl's health more or less. Improperly provided toilets and sur- The changeable weather of March Mrs. J. R. Murray came in this aft- foundings in school building endan- causes coughs, colds, croup and grippe. ernoon on No. 24 to enjoy a short visit cers every boy's and girl s moral char- There is no such thing as a "light Also a full furnishings. line of Spring "Dress Up" hats Suits $10 to $30 and men 3 here at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Parker, and family. Mrs. ccters more or less. I cold" none that a person can safely 1 w Improperly provided and overly neglect. Foley's Honey and Tar is a Murray has made her home in Omaha crowded school rooms stunts and safe and reliable family medicine that for the past few years. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears , r- Stetson Hats dwarfs every boy's and girl's mind heals inflamed, congested air passages, more or less. stons coughs and eases breathing. Sold everywhere. Chris Beil and wife from near Ke nosha were in the city yesterday for Mrs. C. L. Martin was a passenger .,.. or . , a few hours looking after some trad- this morning for Omaha to visit for a ing with the merchants and enjoying few hours with her daughter, Mrs. Ed a visit in the county seat. Egenberger, at the Clarkson hospital Mrs. Egenberger is reported as not Letter files at the Journal office. feeling as well as she has been. Car hart Ozrnrs!' Hansen iAto I f 11 -a,, iiWIU,.1. J5" I 4 , ... . . . v ',;-.n', :',-.'Vi.'-v i- Signatureof 6iCUA