The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 27, 1916, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    MONDAY, MARCH 27, lHlfi.
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Ithe funeral of
Democracy's Favorite for Governor
A ?teriirpr democrat. Nebraska born and bred, a brainy young
r.-r.n o: courage, education and ability; a citizen of exemplary char-:.c:.-r.
ai.d a successful business man of proved experience.
Ik- is his own boss, running on his own platform, and a more
e:.r.-cui siatenicnt was never given to the public by a candidate,
ikiv :uv salitrni points:
"I am for President Wilson without apology or explanation; my
.-..r:irt f-him is actual, not nominal."
"I do not subscribe to the issue that every candidate must
evolve some startling and unheard of theory."
"I am unused to the enactment of impractical, experiments,':
r.r.d :u-edks kgi.-iation." t
"I have ;:o hubbies, but I would have good roads; would aid ir
: n ;vr:s':ati n. ard would establish a publicity bureau tc herald
lo the wurid Nebraska's wonderful resources."
Kerv votr should road Mr. Neville's platform.
Dut Not So Dad If You Know How to
Kcach the Cause.
r r r
J ... , '' "
1 '
Dtmocratic Candidate for Goernor
M. I'.".. :"..v-rs the ie-eiection
cl Pic-idcs:: v'. ;:, ::. w'. Ldmlrii.-iruticn of
Govtn 'II !.-"'. ad.
.'-!.. i r II:;. :.n i- uri.njr a reduc
;: ,r. t'. !c i. :v.: e ! . ;cv. ile defeated
;irc inut"i.nce c-:r.i.:r.e l.i'l iii last
it .'i.-Iatur.'. .-a', ii-r Hie Jui icy-holders
j.-'i-'J1y .: -''.' iM-!.. u rir.-jally, and
u '.! c'.:ntir.Ui. t :':iv,r eoriiptttitfon in
;..-. Iic!s .-i-.-i".t.:',e --(Otl roads
t u.. :i: ur.'!er ".;j-ervii-,n or fctate
! . !.'.!:.:y ravers rural
.: i. fin 1'ur fainters. Favors
s-.i.c ' - ii irui ance. Urzes public
tk". . j of watt-r i.-ver to fur
l.i. ?; c; ".n .!jt:ic current to liht
)".rr.e a:vl operate machines on farms
in: in ia-.iories .Jj'ply and
tc rule imerurl-an rail vva:"s.
"i"i -.--e practical ard constructive
ir.c vi.-Uiv- i; re in opt-ra'J.jn in other
j-. t- lie c-ur.try, hit impossible
i:: Nv'.'ii -.a a ecu ant of interference
!" .-..ii ir.tjrest- and t;u ir lobbyists,
ii-.-ip drive them out a: id legislate for
X.'. i" :k.t pc-p:v di .--atne as h:s been
(. ,: t'"i" Lirco'n j'ople. Five the
:i-;y a' d p: :ty r;fhir.ery from in
te! fcrencj of the -pecial ir.terer.ts. and
e'ect ail c.'.in'.y and state oiocers un
the leader!. ip tf Mayor i5ryan
iu .-ai.tiidLe for governor, w'no has
h:d . : p-i ience in executive a!rairtt
i i d w i.D fu.a a record of i cliievenient
i.i Lii!c-iii. ' rii.i'i via Arii 16.
Nothing more discouraging than a
constant backache. Lame when you
awaken, pains pierce you when you
bend or lift. It's hard to work or to
rest. Backache often indicate bad
kidneys. Plaitsmouth people recom
mend Doan's Kidney Pills. Read this
case :
Mrs. Adam Kurtz, 818 Avenue C,
Piattsmouth, says: "I was suffering
intensely from my back and kidneys
and couldn't stoop or stand erect.
When I was on my feet, there was a
dull, napping ache through the small
of my back which robbed me of my
energy. My sight became affected
and dark spots appeared before my
eyes. Doan's Kidney Pills, procured
from the Cerscent Pharmacy, relieved
meo f all these troubles in a short
time." (Statement given April 19,
On February 23, 191(5, Mrs. Kurtz
said: "I couldn't recommend any
thing equal to Doans Kidney Pills for
kidney trouble. Whenever I need a
kidney medicine, I take Doan's Kid
ney Pills for they always do me
Price oOc. at all dealers. Don't
imply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Kurtz has twice publicly recom
mended. Foster-Milburn Co.. Prons..
Ruffaol, X. Y.
Arrival of a New Daughter.
V- t..-i );;y afternoon the stork vis
j'.ed the homo of Mr. and Mrs. F. S.
hvitzman in the s ulh part of the city
:;!:i left in their care a ;ine new
(iau rhicr who will gladden their home
ir the future. Roth the mother and
!e ore are doing ricelv and Frank
is very proud of the r.e
't of t-r -pw d.Tiohtov.
A want ad will brLu what you want.
Rank Foolishness.
You occasionally see it stated that
colds do not result from cold weather.
That is rank foolishness. Were it
true colds would be as prevalent in
midsumemr as in midwinter. The
microbe that causes colds flourishes in
damp, cold weather. To get rid of a
cold take Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy. It is effectual and is hiirhiv rec
ommended by people who have used it
for many years as occasion required,
and know its real value. Obtainable
When to Take Chamberlain's Tablets.
When you feel dull and stupid after
When constipated or bilious.
When you have a sick headache.
When you have a sour stomach.
When you belch after eating.
Vhen you have indigestion.
When nervous or despondent.
When you have no relish for your
When your liver is torpid.
Obtainable everywhere.
The funeral services of the late Mrs.
J. M. Johns was held yesterday after
noon from the family residence on
Main street but owing to the fact that
several members of the family were
quarantined for scarlet fever it was
necessary to have the services at the
giave instead of the home. A large
number of the old friends of the fam
ily as well as members of the Wood
man Circle assembled on the lawn at
the residence and were permitted to
take a last farewell of the friend gone
from them for all time. At the Oak
Hill cemetery, Father W. S. Leete of
St. Luke's church celebrated the beau
tiful and impressive funeral service of
the Episcopal church as the body was
consigned to its last earthly resting
place in the family lot. The death of
Mrs. Johns has been a severe shock to
her host of friends as it was unexpect
ed and the unfortunate circumstance
cf the family being in quarantine pre
vented them from joining in the grief
of the family and performing the lit
tle acts of kindness which might
soften the harshness of the blow that
had taken wife anil mother from the
home. At the services at the cem
etery a large number of old friends
were present.
Mary Frances Morten, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Morton, was born
at Morristown, Illinois, August 19,
1857, and resided there until three
years of age, when her parents re
moved to Huntington, Indiana, where
the family resided in 1873 when they
moved to Lincoln, Xebiaska. to make
their future home and resided there
until the death of the parents, the
mother passing away forty years ago
and Mr. Morten twenty years ago at
Lincoln. The subject of our sketch re
.'ided at Lincoln with her parents un
til her marriage to J. M. Johns which
was celebrated at Maxburg, la., on
August IS. 1S78. Mr. and Mrs. Johns
made their home at Maxburg for two
years following their marriage, later
moving to Red Oak, la., where they
re-ided for three years and then came
to riattsmouth, where they have made
their home for the past thirty years.
Those who were here from out of
the city to attend the funeral were
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Stennat of Red
Oak, Iowa, Mrs. Stennat being a sis
ter of Mrs. Johns; .Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry Rowe, sister and brother-in-law of
Mr. Johns, Maxburg, Iowa; Mr. and
Mrs. Horace Reardsley, Red Oak; Mr.
and Mrs. Jesse Elliott, Red Oak.
To the many kind friends who so
generously offered their aid and sym
pathy in the hour of trouble and
Local PJews
row as well as thore who gave
beautiful floral remembrances.
the the
familv desire to exuress their grati
tude and appreciation anil will ever
retain the remembrance of these kind-
as long as life lasts.
Purchases New Automobile.
Charles Mehering of this city is the
proud possessor of a fine new five-passenger
Paige touring car which he
purchased last week in Lincoln and
this summer will b? able to enjoy
many a spin over the hills and valleys
of this locality with his family and
friends. The new car is a beauty in
every respect.
Eggs fcr Hatching.
Light Rrahma eggs at ouc per set
ting, setting. Inquire of Mrs.
George Reynolds, Route 1, Piatts
mouth, Xeb. 3-20-lmo-w
Attention, Farmers
Gold Roilsd Disc
Sharp&nsrs ai
Blacksmith Shop,
3rd and Pearl St., Piattsmouth
From Friday's Daily.
A. A. Wetenkamp of near Mynard
was in the city today attending to
seme matters of business and visiting
with friends.
George R. Rhoden and son, Gailen,
were in the city today for a few hours
looking after some trading with the
Will Wehrbein of near Murray was
in the city yesterday afternoon for a
few hours .attending, to some trad my
with the merchants.
I.. A. Meisinger v. as among the
visitors in the city ytsterday after
noon attending to .some matters of
business with the merchants.
ML5 Lda Marouardt was among
those going to Omaha this morning.
to spend a few hours in that city look
ing after some matters of business.
J. R. Xoyes and Chester Mehi-ng
cf I ouisville were in the city yester
day for a short tinr.e looking after
some matters cf busings at the court
Ren Beckman was in the city yes
terday for a few hours, driving in
from his farm heme, south of this
city, to look after soaie tradirg v itli
the merchants.
Mrs. Charles L. Freese and son, who
have been here visiting with relatives
and friends for a few days, departed,
this afternoon for their home at
Scott's Bluffs.
C. L. Martin and wife were pas
sengeis this morning for Omaha,
wheie they will visit their daughter.
Mrs. Ed Egenberger, at the hospital
for a few hours.
Miss Helen Gass returned home this
afternoon from Monticello, Ilinois,
where she has been attending college
for the past few months, and will en
joy a visit here with her mother, Mrs.
A. E. Gass.
Will Rummell, John Wehrbein and
W. A. Robertson were passengers this
afternon for Omaha to visit for a few
hours, looking after some matters of
business and attending the meeting
cf the Shriner:-.
A. W. PZdgerton, who has been
spending the winter at Hugo, Okla
homa, returned home yesterday morn
ing and will visit here for the sum
mer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Edgerton.
G. P. !Meisinger, one of the promin
ent residents of Cedar Creek, came in
this morning to spend a few hours
visiting with relatives and friends, as
well as to look after some trading
with the merchants.
Mark Furlong was a passenger yes
terday for Omaha, where h2 visited
with his brother, E. O. Furlong, of
i-'todmboat Springs, Colorado, who has
Lcen at the hospital in that city un
drgcing an operation.
Louis Leiner was among those go
ng to Omaha this morning, where he
expects to visit with his daugh er.
Miss Caroline, and if possible bring
ir-i home from the hospital, v. h x
.he lias been for the past few weeks.
f.'Simrx ; St
V v-.
Try it yourself
if ycu want personal and positive infor
mation as to how delightful Prince Albert
realljr is, smoked in a jimmy pipe or rolled into
the best makin's cigarette you ever set-fire-to !
For, Prince Albert has a wonderful message
of pipe-peace and makin's peace for every
man. It will revolutionize your smoke ideas
and ideals. The patented process fixes
that and cuts out bite and parch I
s. V
Bring in your Discs and have them
relied. Don't have them cut away
when you can have them rolled at the
same price.
Demonstration Saturday
From Saturday's Dally.
P. A. Horn was in the city today for
a few hours, driving in from his farm
home to attend to the week end
Adam Stoehr of near Cullom was in
the city today for a few hours, motor
ing in to attend to some matters of
business with the merchants.
J. D. Shrader of Murray was in the
city yesterday for a few hours look
ing after some business matters of
importance, motoring up from his
Mark White and wife of near Rock
Bluffs were in the city yesterday for
a few hours looking after some trad
ing with the merchants and visiting
their friends.
Miss Mattie Larson, who is teach
ing at Hastings this season, came in
this afternoon to enjoy a short visit
here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
L. G. Larson.
Attorney C. E. TcfTt of Weeping
Water was here yesterday afternoon
for a ?hort time attending to several
matters in the district court in which
he was interested.
Henry Horn was in the city for a
thort time today enroute from his
home near Cedar Creek to Omaha,
where he visited with his son, Harry,
at the Immanuel hospital, and will if
possible arrange to have him brought
back home.
A. C. Bartlett, one of the leading
farmers residing west of the city, was
in yesterday looking after some mat
ters of business for a few hours and
while in the city called at the Journal
oflice and enrolled his name as a
W. H. Seybert, wife and daughter,
Honor, and son, Jennings, motored in
yesterday afternoon from their home
noar Cullom to spend a few hours in
this city with relatives and friends.
John McXurlin, who has been visiting
at the Seybert home for a few days,
accompanied them here.
Frank P. Sheldon, the Xehawka
S&t: 4f k
IV-.- . . VV. :
- .... - x ViS .
lnic by
W. J.
V';" r
Oa ihe rerrne t'.&e of l? tiJr rei fia
you will rad : " Process Patented July
2Hh. 1907." wbicb has made three nt
nuke pipes wkere one smoked beicre 1
, - Jr. J w... KS I- - I I A
III'' " T A iltmt T 4 '-
the national joy smoke
is so friendly to your tongue and taste that
it is mighty easy to get acquainted with.
You'll like every pipeful or cigarette better
than the last because it is so cool and
fragrant and long-burning. You'll just sit
back and ponder why you have kept away
from such joy 'us smokings for so long a time I
Men, we tell you Prince Albert is all we claim
for it. You'll understand just how different
our patented process makes Prince Albert
quick as you smoke it !
Eny Prince Albert everywhere tobacco im .. in
toppy red bag. 5c; tidy red tint, 10c; handtnme
pound and half pound tin humidors and in pound
c-ytal-glatt humidors with wpor. ge-moittener tope
thai keep the tobacco in uch prime condition.
R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salen, N. C.
merchant, was in the city yesterday
afternoon for a few hours attending to
seme matters of importance and call
ing on his many friends in the county
seat, and while h de the Jour-, a very pleasant visit for a few
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Keil and little
son John of Cedar Creek came down
to this city on the morning train and
spent the day visiting friends and at
tending to some important business
matters. While here Mr. Keil and
little son took time to call at this
office and renew their subscription to
this paper.
From Monday's i-any.
Hans Tarns departed this morning
for Gibson where he will look after
some carpenter work there for the
C. L. Creamer drove in Saturday
from his home south cf the city and
spent a few hours here attending to
some trading with the merchants.
W. A. Heil was among the visitors
in the city Saturday, driving in to
look after some matters of importance
and calling on his many friends.
W. G. Giller-pie, the genial Mynard
grain dealer, was in town Saturday
for a few hours visiting with friends
and attending to some business mat
ters. Harvey Ileneger departed this
morning on the early Burlington train
for Lincoln, where he was called to
look after some business matters for
the day.
Xicholas Halmcs of Weeping Water
was in the city today for a few hours
looking after some matters of busi
ness and calling on his many friends
in this city.
P. H. Meisinger was among the vis
itors in the city Saturday for a few
hours, looking after some trading
with the merchants and visiting with
his many friends ;n the city.
Paul Heil came in this morning
from his home in Eight Mile Grove
precinct and departed on the early
Burlington train for Omaha, where he
is attending business college in that
Mrs. J. L. MayfielJ and little daugh
ter, Irma, who have been here visiting
at the home of Mrs. Mayfield's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Peterson, de
parted this morning on the early Bur
lington train for their home at Crof
ton, Xebraska.
Frank H. Johnson came up Satur
day evening from his home near
Weeping Water to enjoy a short visit
with his father, J. W. Johnson, who
has been feeling rather poorly for the
past few days.
W. A. Heil of the vicinity of My
nard drove to this city Saturday to
attend to some important business
matters and visit friends and while
here took time to call at this office
and had his name enrolled on our
daily li?t in order that he might be
kept posted on happenings through
cut the county every day.
, " V !
.,- f k -4
State Regulation of Brewers.
Tax all LUacrs by Revenui Stamps issued tj csn-
Higher Tax on Whiskey to gi in G0C3 F.Si:s fjni
Balance cf money to bi tf.itntid p'ojortstjti y
arcong ALL public scr.sois.
Nebraska's Democratic Candidate
Calvin Bra Ishaw of Farnam, Xe
braska, was a visitor here over San
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Troop, departing this morning for
a trip over into Iowa for a few days.
Mr. Bradshaw has been postmaster at
Farnam for the past nineteen years
and has just resigned his position
Albert Thierolf of Star, Xebraska,
who has been on a short business trip
to Missouri and Kansas for a few
days, stopped off here yesterday to
visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Morgan, departing this morning
on the early Missouri Pacific train for
Omaha from where he will return to
his home.
1H0 acres, Deing the S. E. quarter
of Section 9-11-13, located one mile
west and one mile north of Murray,
known as the T. V. Davis farm. Fine
farm and well imporved. Location the
best. Price for a short time at $25,
000.00. Write or call on
John Colbert,
Weeping Water.
Left town.
Had a fire,
Sold a farm.
Had a baby.
Been arrested,
Come to town.
Bought a home.
Cracked a safe,
Robbed a house.
Killed a;i officer.
Been assassinate 1,
Fallen from an ru i cplur.c,
Telephone the Journal.
For Sale.
Single Comb Rhode 1-Iar.d Re-I
eggs. $1.00 per $."i.(j pt. r
Baby chicks, 15c each.
A. O. Ram go.
Piatt s. 'Phone S513.
The cost of Bridge Tolls for Round
Trip using our Commutation Books
Auto and Driver, round Trip 50c
Extra Passengers, each, 5c
$10.00 Book, $5.00
$5.00 Book, $2.50
Commutation Books Good any time
and Transferable.
Auto & wapn Bridge Go.