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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1916)
PAGE t PLATTSMOUTn SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, 31 A If ('If 27. 19 10. YOUNG OLD MAN. Cbc plattsmouth journal ri BLISIIKD SKMMVEKKLY AT PLATTSMOl TH, KKURASKA. Entered at rostoflJceat riattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mail matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher tnscKimox phicei 9ixo pem veah in adva.nck 4 THOUGHT FOR TODAY. The vare m heart snail see m - - Gt.d. for inspiration and happi- v l- r.css is their by divine right. Err.ilart. :o:- Corr.e en. Mis? Spring:, we need you -ur business. :o: l:"s a k-r.g. kr.g way to Villaville, 1 u: we v ill get there. :o: Hyj ..h. lay themselves open to .':covery by overacting. :o;- Iij:.. up wur hoe and rake and get to work. LK :."t L-t your wife do it all. :o: When a; begin to compliment jcu or. your sujess look out. lie v. t .-v':I r.n automobile. :o : The TAvcr::-r has issued a "clean P pri lamation, r.r.d the week be April 10, is the date to begin the I :o: Miry pvopk' are reconciled to a ;- l hard c M, as they appreciate a j-erft-ctly goo: excuse for an old-fa.-hicre-d Hot Scotch. :o: Jim I.ih' is a source of much v.. cry : ire Rrvans. Jim is not a I r. r.. In-'.: -:. but they want him to o-ir.e out ar. i .-ay t'iat he is. :o: "Safety first" is nothing more than common sense. :o: Yes, of course, if you are a sensible parent, you want a new school house. :o: A student who recently entered the University of Virginia has reached the lipe age of eighty-three years. He graduated from the same institution in the year 18G3, and now, more than a half century later, he is again a student. He is as enthusiastis over his work as if he was a young man of twenty, and he still draws on the dreams of youth for inspiration and for the renewal of courage and of Swat the fly early and keep him swatted. :o: If you "get down in the mouth,' sing "Tiperary." ANNOUNCEMENTS. For State Senator. I will be a candidate for the demo cratic re-nomination for state senator from the district composed of Cass and Otoe counties, subject to the will Mr. Bryan is 56 years old. Not an of the voters, at the primaries on Ajril :o :-- old man by any means. :o: Villa overplayed his hand, with Uncle Sam's card exposed. :o: 1 18th. JOHN MATTES, Nebraska City. For County Sheriff. We are authorized to announce the candidacy of John Wunderlich for re It will soon be time for politics to n omination for the office of sheriff of hope. It will be said that a man who J be warming up in earnest all over the I Cass county, subject to the will of the l i: l r 1 l ' i , I vntprs nt flip nvimnriea rn A nri 1 1 RtVi L. "t -.-.. Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Height, ami avIiL u lias Jkt:i iu t:se for over 0 s cars, lias lorx:e tlio td.maftiri f aim lias ween mado xnitltT Lis jut- has lived four score years has long since run his course and that in the economy of nature he ought to take his place on the grim monster's wait ing list and make ready to die. At least it will be said that a man who :o:- Mr. Bryan is willing to work for permanent peace, or any other easy I I 1 I Li x job which won't interfere too much uai,Rl' luur slwe JMr! uugul lu with the Chautauqua circuit program. rest and not give any thouSht to the world s worries or the world s cares that he sit around entertaining him self with thoughts of death and cf the dreary grave. It has been said a man is just as old as he feels, and it's a good saying. A man's life is not measured by years, but by his vision of the future and by dreams that he keeps fresh and enc'ianting. Many a man of fifty retires from bus ne.-s, thinking that his lues work is done and that the remainder of hs years must be given to rest and recreation. He wants to pez out of the game and become a mere tlrone dying of old age, but he is already as dead as an Egptian mummy so far as the passing show is concerned. The nio-t miserable and the most worth less man in the world is the man who has nothing to do. How often do we see the retired farmer or the retired A Lousiana woman 112 years old died the other day. It is said that this remarkable woman did not smoke nor drink, and worried as much as she liked. :o: Wnile it is claimed that almost everyone will soon be buying auto mobiles, it is hoped they don't discon tinue sidewalks for foot passengers just yet. land. -3 :o: For State Senator. . . . l l resident w nson s Mexican policy I hereby announce myself as a can- is still watchful, but it's no longer didate for state senator on the repub- waiting. :o:- lican ticket from Cass and Otoe coun ties, subject to the will of the voters at the primary election. ANDREW P. MORAN. Why doesn't Roosevelt go to Mex ico? One fierce gleam of those deadly teeth are worth a thousand men. :o: Good school buildings are the pride of any town or city. Let Plattsmouth pick up some pride in this direction. 18th :o: A man may itch for fame, but Pres- or ounty Attorney. I . . . ... ulont Wile k,, u4. u wisn to announce to the voters oi I PJC iAnnftT fnif T Vio 41-1 s v-i 4-Vr -"'"""" w democratic ticket for the office of For County Sheriff. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for sheriff of Cass county on the democratic ticket, subject to the will of the voters at the primary April G. H. MANNERS. s- sonal supervision jsinro lis i;;.rai:' v- All ('ountcrfeits, ImiJaiions and ''.Just-as-jjood " arc KxiH-riineids that trifle Avith and end an ?.:'! t!:c; l.i'alL'i at Infants and Cliildreu 2ij)criciice against iIii;rimciiU Wfcat is CASTOR! A Casforia is fi lmrinloss pnbslitutc for Castor "Oil, Iarr frori. Drops and .Soothing .Syrups. It is plf-a.-n fit. It contains neither Opium, 3Iorphino rsor other N '.r'-u','i: Fulistiinw. Its ago is its jjiiaraiiti. JL Iestroy Vor:;i ; ami aliays l'everishness. J'or more than thirty years It lias hern in constant ne for the relhd of Co::- l;ati' ri, 1 latulency, AYind Colit', all Teething Tr;::llrs a:;d Diarrluea. It regulates the Stoma h and Jiov.el-, assimilates the Food, givintf healthy ami natural bleep. The Children's Panacea Tho JlotIicr'c; rritx;. CASTOFHA alwa Bears the Signature of there. :o: If we are to believe the advertise ments the president's wedding cake contained about forty different kind; of taking powder, and we are still wondering why it didn't explode. :o: Although the state of Utah gives condemned murderers the choice to be :o:- The city election seems to be creat ing but very little excitement at pres ent, and Tuesday, April 4, is not far distant. county attorney. I will appreciate your support and if elected will do my best to fill the office faithfully. J. A. CAPWELL. hanged or shot, there are probably LU5inoss man wandering up and down some fussy people who are disappoint ed because they can't be electrocuted. :o: ihe streets like a lost child looking for fri ndly faces men of robust healtl and faculties unimpaired, with noth ing to do? Miserable because thev aie Thvrc are enough candi-oav- for rt-pieser.tative. Cass i"-rty Las four and Otoe county j Evvry ere f tiiem have their friends, r.i u'.l g'Xd citn. :o:- Ti v i c-r r.mi r. of the anti-prepared- i 'c ir.ilit prctitably 1-e direct fact that it is straining this mw.tarj- resources to Mexican ban-Jit. When a girl is first engaged she can r.o more help looking important than letting their mind, their muscle and sne can help breathing, lhats the able manhood go to waste, and miser reason why none of the girls in Tlatts- ;dle indeed. Just a few day.; ago mouth are looking important. Henry G. Davis of West Virginia d ed :o: at the age of ninety-three. Up to We would like to see the primary within a few days of his death he vrs law done away with, simply because it active manager of an immense coal J gives us some candidates that we don't and railroad business. In 1901, at the want, and, in many instances, men Lr.e of eighty-one, he was the vice who are not qualified for the offices presidential candidate on the demo if they are nominated and elected. An- cratic ticket with Judge Alton Parker. ether thing, the primary encourages Lolting. :o: An inventor of a new submarine Tr-!.:, :r. :he At.hi- :uchl:r V.v'1 I l L r y- u t work on from fli :-: Why does a wom-'-. r to marry off her .::.k thL r.o girl hi the J tr.jJLn fcr h?r son? :o: m j -t l e admitted, can ;s !:.?ht. Its explanation Ct-rrr...r y, write as wdl ef the si1, marine order is very clearly iir l cleverly stitei, and ur.question k aroused eon-iderable German f yrr.jiathy. :o. S4ii.i.-h war vvtciar.s are ready for service at a moment's notice and it is tlrr;ate 1 that Cj,'00 volunteers could 1-e had i.-.-:.:e of ten days. Tut will e i;nfdV0.' able to any ci ?r pre pared: an.or.g them' :o: Ar. i .-ti'd a.e-ti:tr candidate for float 1 1 p.v-e:.'-aliv.s tr.e demucralic tick t Mr. C. J. Muliis. ot Dunbar. Otoe ce-inly. We aie not personally ac .2 sir. led with the gentleman, but cur Irivr.'' down t Nei.raska City reeom rr.cdcd him a- a fir.-t-clas citizen, i.nd well qutlii'ed for the position. :o: It wouM .-eem th: t George IJerge's fri-r.-l; are dctermir ed that he shall r-u-. for Ftmething; ? they have pit ted him against Attorney General Wil lis Reed. They will find out they arc barking up the wrong tree" be fore they get through with their ef forts. P. S. But George has with drawn. :o:- II. I). Estabrook had better pack his grip ar.d go Lack to New York. He hasn't, s-o far, received very much en couragtmcnt in his presidential a;; t: rat ion.. I-a P'ollettee put it over New York candidate 3 to 1 in North I? I:?. nnd -3t'3 the waJ" il h-. hef: in all the republican pri-E-.aric-i in west. sends this paper a circular explaining the merits of the new boat, probably under the impression that owing to the conditions that prevailed in many fields in the corn belt last summer, a submarine may prove practical yet in plowing corn. :o: John Wunderlich, for sheriff, should be kept in the minds of every demo crat until the date of the primary, Tuesday, April 18, and then they should march in one solid phalanx to the polls and vote for him. John Wunderlich is a good man, and no one will ever regret voting for him. :o: There are not nearly so many op pored to school bonds as there were two years ago. Since the parents have become familiar with the condi tions of the old High school building they have wisely concluded that we need a school house and need it badly. The bonds ought to carry this time by a large vote. :o: Perhaps editorial opinion doesn't re-i licet the opinion of the people of a nation, and in some cases it doesn't try, but, if you want to know how the editors feel about preparedness, the Literary Digest has questioned five hundred of them scattered over every state in the union, and learns that the editors are for this preparedness strong. In the army, the average figure is for a regular army of 285,078 and a reserve of 1,215,'J50, which is a big increase over present figures. And they are even stronger for a large ravy; forty per cent think a navy of second rank will do, but sixty per c-nt want a navy equal to Great Brit ain's. And, whether these editorial opinions reflect the sentiment of the nation, the nation is going to vote for them, for both big political parties will be for preparedness, differing only in degree and methods to biing it about. lie used up his life till the thread ian out. If Mfe is worth living at all, it is worth living to the end. Th2 plans of the Civator do not provide fov any waste in the world. Growth to the end is the natural order of things, and when things stop growing they die. A man may continue growing mentally and spiritually although he may have reached four score or four score and ten, unless, of course, he is broken in health. A man of eighty three entering college as a student is an example worth keeping con stantly before us. :o : Securities valued at 2,000,000 pounds and suspected as being of Ger man ownership, seized from mails in transit, now are in possession of the English prize court, according to an announcement by the foreign office. Securities have not yet been declared absolute contrabrand, but it is possible they soon will be placed on the contra brand list. Meanwhile seizures will be continued on the ground that under the orders in council these securities establish credit for hostile belligerents and therefore can be legally held up. The authorities in London declare that innocent ownership "can be easily proved by reference to the banks which hold any of the detained securities and that therefore nothing in the nature of a hardship beyond a slight delay is liable to be suffered by innocent own ers. The American government has not yet protested against the seizure of securities, but Ambassador Page has transmitted numerous inquiries to the British office on the subject of such detentions. These inquiries have been made mainly at the request of American banks to which detained securities were addressed. :o: Whenever a officer is refused per mission to quarantine any house which is deemed necessary by the author ities, the same should be reported to the proper officers and the parents who refuse such permission arrested and fined. It is not a pleasant duty for any officer to quarantine anyone, but he is compelled to do his duty. For State Senator. I hereby announce that I will be a :o: candidate for the office of state sen- Suggested war plans: Drive the ator at the primaries held on April Mexicans into the cactus country, and 18th, subject to the will of the repub- l a f x i . i i then declare an embargo on shoe "can '0lt ri OI ine ulsxncr' composeu . leather. in use ror wer ou sears The Kind You Have Always Bought THE CENTAUR COMPANY. HEW YORK CITY. tJU .ill ; -m-L -m. ..-,: : . . --CJ I iV to i i.- -fH., of Cass and Otoe counties. A. F. STURM, :o:- They are talking of making Keith Neville's nomination unanimous up at Lincoln, the same as everywhere else in the state. :o: Don't worry, my friend, because you want the earth. You'll get every inch that belongs to you when the under taker gets you. :o: If Mexico had anything to do with the introduction of chili con carne in this country, let's mobilize the navy, too, while we are at it. -n If you are a loyal citizen, and be lieve in having n comfortable place in which to educate your children, you must necessarily support the school bond proposition. :o: When the Journal publisher fails to receive more than one letter a day telling him of a rise in the price of paper he is convinced something is wrong with the mail service. :o: Mr. Bryan is.a great big man when it comes to oratory, but a very little man when it comes to politics. Con sidering Mr. Bryan's former standing among the big men of his nation, it illy becomes him to meddle with the local politics of his home state if Nebraska can be considered his home state. :o: There is no doubt that the race for the democratic nomination for gov ernor is between Keith Neville and Charles W. Bryan. After the people have seen and heard these gentlemen, it will not take but a few minutes to decide which is the proper person to preside over the destinies of Ne braska. :o: We've been so busy veeyifying Villa the last week or so that we've almost forgotten our regular business of in- sultin' the sultan. We are not sure which front he is on today, but we hope he sticks his head up over one of the parapets at Trebizond some time before it gets dark. :o: It is pretty thin argument to say that the voting of bonds for a new school building will retard emigration to our city. It will be hard to find a city or town in the state that is not in debt for a school or some other public building. And a man who is looking for a new location, will always prefer a town that has up-to-date sciiool buildings as well as good schools. Such a newcomer wants a desirable place to educate his children, and wants to pay for same, and never in quires as to the bonded indebtedness of the school district. Nehawka, Nebraska. For County Treasurer. For State Representative. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of state representative sub ject to the will of the democratic vot ers at the general primary on April 18. Your support will be appreciated. JOHN MURTEY, Alvo, Nebraska. To the democratic voters of Cass county, I desire to state that I will be a candidate at the nrimaiics on A:ril 18th for the oiH-.e of county treasurer and would appreciate their support. W. R. Bryan. For County Treasurer. I hereby announce my candidacy for re-nomination to the office of county treasurer on the republican ticket, subject to the will oi: the voters at the primaries on April 18th. The support of the voters will be ap preciated. MAJOR A. HALL. MOTHER iQWA 5ESr PAY S THE PENALTY Funeral of Marvin E. Tjltr. The body of the late Marvin E. Tyler arrived this afternoon from his home in Omaha and was taken to the home of his parents on West Rock street where it will rest until the hour for the funeral. The funeral services will be held Monday afternoon at 2:00 from the home of his parents. Saturday evening a stranger giving the name of Hanson and stating that his home was in the state of Iowa was at her, :d in by the police for having For County Treasurer. I desire to announce my candidacy for the office of county treasurer on the republican ticket, subject to the wishes of the voters at the primaries April 18th. I will appreciate the votes of my friends. ARTHUR L. BAKER. For Float Representative. I will be a candidate for the office of float representative from the dis trict composed of Cass and Otoe coun ties, subject to the will of the demo cratic voters at the primary on April! came not and his coin was turned over 18th. The support of the voters will to the city strong box to swell the accumulated an overload of Nebraska corn juice which his sy-tem could. not assimilate propeily and caused him to he rather unsteady in hi.; actions and IT -.. - T- caused uowniau tneie v. lie was escorted to the city bn.-tile to rest and recuperate from his skate and yester day morning expressed a desire to re turn to his native Ian 1 over anil be yond the gr-t-at muddy river and in to ken of his de-ire deposited a cash bond of Jo with the chief, that being the amount necessary to satisfy the law for his experience with John Barley corn. This morning in the police court when the case was called Hanson See the kinds cf fancy stationery, the latest up-to-date, and sure to pleae, at the Journal office. t'-J: i '"'y-,'-.--4r .' : .' ; be appreciated. L. G. TODD, Union, Nebraska. funds of the tieasury. For Float Representative. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of float representative for Cass and Otoe counties at the pri maries on April ISth. Subject to the will of the democratic voters. M. G. KIME, Nehawka. Andrewr Carnegie is said to have only $20,000,000 left, but it is believed that by strict economy he can avoid having to ask his neighbors for help. :o: .March came in lion and is evidently going out the same way. '.' & : ft'.; "i-v.: A -. . - ' ' .-: '? ir ,:'s X? A GEORGE J. HUNT A Lawyer of Wide Experience For Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Twenty-five years in Omaha, ten years in Bridgeport, western Nebraska, hss made George J. Hunt a most de sirable candidate for the State Su preme Court. Those who know him call him "A ycung man with a ripe legal experience." Float Representative. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of float representative from the district composed of Cass and Otoe counties, subject to the democratic voters at the primaries on April 18th. A. E. FAILING. Ft STUL APay When CURED AH Rectal Diseases cured without a surgical, operation. No Chloroform. Ether or other ttcn- t eral aneasthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED to last a Lit' K-TI ME. ('examination fkee. WRITE FOIt BOOK OM PILES ANU KtC-lAt, li-rt-t. WITH 'ltbUHOMALS r ir if TfiRBY. Omaha. Nebraska F. For District Clerk. I hereby announce to the voters that I will be a candidate for the fice of clerk of the district court the April primaries, subject to the wishes of the republican voters. JAMES ROBERTSON rL- 7XS3CSSSSSZSZE1 SlJltUCS. ?Lli "March Bulletin of lief a Attractions For Float Representative. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Float Representative, be tween Otoe and Cass counties, sub ject to the will of the democrats at the primaries on April 18th. C. J. Mullis. For County Assessor. I will be a candidate for the nomi nation for the office subject to the wishes of the democratic voters at the primary April 18th. The support of my friends will be appreciated. P. E. Kufrner. For County Assessor. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of county assessor on the democratic ticket at the forthcoming primary election on April ISth. Your support will be appreciated. Al. D. Despain. LOW OXK-WAY FARES TO PACIFIC COAST: The Spring season of low one-way fares to California, Washington. Oregon, Utah, Idaho, Montana, will last only from March 1". to April 14, inclusive. $32.o0 one-way to the Coast, and $27.50 to Utah, Salt Lake, Idaho. Cen tral 3Iontana, Untie District, etc. Apply early for through tourist sleeper accommodations in the r.i;t!in-.-ton's through 'service routes via Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake, to Califor nia or over the direct northwest main line through lulling, to Seattle. ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARKS : The coining season will bring the greatest: volume, of Eastern tourist into Rocky Mountain National Eestes Park, Yellowstone P.itk. (.!.wi. r National Park, yet recorded. Special tours will be arran-od by re operation between the railroads and the Government., t. n . and routes will be greatly extended, and the R vky Mountain National Parks Tour is going to be mado more att r.ict i e t h:. 1 ever. Such a vacation tour will pay you a trenn-i -dou.s health dividend, besides being the scenic ad venture of a life time. It is none too early to l" thinking over such a possible trip and a .-king nio how it can best be made. R. V. CLEMENT, Ticket Atent L. W. WAKELEY.General Passerificr Agent, 1004 Farnam St.. Ornaho.Neb. lis i4!flTliiiM JL----".