The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 27, 1916, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    MmVIHY, MaRCTI 27, 191G.
Copyright, 1914, by
Abner's Decision.
trrOTTAni ami Cora bad reached
I the vt-raii'hi in the rear ami
I I xvt-re iuite alone and tinob-str-tl.
nlievin a sudden iin-
!.,.'-. lu t..-k her lave ltween hN two
1 ai.ds. His tine -.vt-s were full Ias-
1. raiel her lips inwanl his.
S .;udfi.'.y !.t paiiM-d. dii'l'lfl hi;
l.uiiJ-. atid Lis lips jirew lirni, his jaw
ft. "1 shall nut kiss you," he said
I'.un'.'y "Other men have kissed you.
Y-.j admitted it once, and you had no
id. -a Ir.fW it stabled my dream to the
rvrc. If 1 were to kiss you, Cora, I'd
. er leave you.'
u-'.deiJy she iut her arms about his
v- k. -Veu ve ;ot to," she said, rais
ii,' her face to his.
I'irJly he caught her hands and
drew them down and held them. "You
a:- a Hirt," he said bitterly. "You
dot like the word, but that is what
:: ale. 1 know I eould love you,
i :y. heart and soul, but I won't let
thyself do it. You are rich, while I
Lje scarcely a dollar to my name. I
Law-n't even a position in which to
earn a b;ire livinir. Out west I shall
little- better than a tramp at the
start, anyway. I may have to work as
a nnim'U servant for some family like
y..i;r. l nave beam mat you reruseu
to marry a very wealthy man."
"St only one. but several," she an
swered. "I didn't love them. They
were n't like you. Howard. You are
stroiiir, manly and proud. You have
in-. -re pride than any man I ever met."
"Let's talk of something eNe." he
said. Lis face darkening, as he turned
from her and stood at the balustrade.
"Why";" she asked, drawing near to
him atrain, her appealing eyes fixed on
r.eaue it is doing neither of us a
bit of jrd." he replied firmly. "You
wo::M never let yourself care deeply
for a man like me even if you had the
in- ligation. All you people with money
are bound down to money and all that
w with it. The p- or young mar.
who marries an heiress these days i:
a l-.rii fool that i, if he meets an
Lei res s fool enough to marry him. The
woman of that sort is not born whc
vvi'l not sooner or later throw it in hi-
That nii:ht after the dance was over
Cora went up to her rooni. Her moth
er, in the adjoining chamber, heard
ht-r and came in and sat down. She
wore a light biue dressing gown and
was a blond who quite resembled her
daughter in features and physique.
"1 thought you ail would never get
through down there," she said wearily.
"I wish. I could get out of the habit
of lying awake till you come in. Well,
did you have a good time';"
"Yes," Cora said, slowly, without
looking at her mother, and beginning
to take down her abundant hair.
"I don't believe it." Mrs. Langham
said firmly. "I d. n't believe it be
au-e you are d wn in the mouth as
you have been for the last week. What
is the matter with you":"
"Nothing." Cora's tone was sharp
and full of irritation. "Nothing,
The older woman rose and stood at
h r daughter's side. '"There is some
thing wrong, and 1 think I know what
it L. You Lave allowed yourself to
get interested in Howard Tinsley. Y'ou
know well enough that he is out of the
question. Y'ou are sentimental, as I
Used to be. but you have too much
common sense to think of marrying
such a man. Still, that is all the more
reason for you to imagine you care for
him. Cora, I want to know one thing,
and I want to know it before I go to
"What is it, mother?" Cora sighed
as she met her mother's stare.
"I want to know if Howard Tinsley
really is going away';"
"Yes, the day after tomorrow."
"It is settled?"
lias h- had the cheek to ask you
have jcu engaged yourself to him?"
"No. mother; he has never made any
proposal. We inay not even correspond,
lie is not an ordinary man. He Is
different from all the rest. Oh. don't
talk to me any more tonight. I'm tired.
I don't know what I am saying."
"Well." Mrs. Langham replied sharp
ly. "I'm glad he's going. Y'ou are In
a dangerous mood. I've known girls
to make themselves miserable over
such things. I promised your father
to watch over you carefully, and here
in this poky, sleepy town you are on
the verge of making a goose of your
self. You are like most other girls
you want what is out of your reach.
You know you can't marry that moun
tain boy. and for that very reason you
think you love him. Yes, I certainly
shall be glad when he is gone. Surely
yon will come to your senses then."
Alone before her mirror Cora finish
es! undressing. She blew out bet
liht ud lay down on the bis, cool
Harper & Brothers
bed before a wide cieu window. "I
wonder." she mused, "if I do love
I him? I don't know, and yet and
After breakfast the next day How
ard sauntered out on the street and
looked about him. Several white hood
ed wagons from the mountains were
standing near to the sidewalk, their
owners passing from store to store
with samples of produce. Clerks were
sweeping out the stores and display
ing their wares. It was a busy, at
tractive scene. With a fresh pang at
heart Howard realized that there was
only one other day before him and all
this would be out of his life. In a
group of farmers and clerks in front
of Tarp's widely advertised "empori
um" he noticed a tall, brawnv farmer
shaking hands with everybody that
passed. It was Pole Baker, who. with
a valise in hand, had Just alighted
from the south bound train. ITe had
laughing brown eyes, a great shock of
stiff chestnut hair and a bushy mus
tache. "Seeing Howard, " he came to
him with his bronzed hand extended
cordially. "How are you, Howard,
old boy?" he said. "Didn't look for
me home so quick, did you after our
long talks about Texas? Here I am
back on the old stompin' ground, an'
they tell me, by gum. that you are
jest gettin ready to go."
You have come back after your
wife and children, I suppose," Howard
said. "Have you selected a location?"
"Have 1?" Baker wiped his facile
lips with his big hand and smiled and
winked. "I was tellin these fellers 1
had to let myself down easy, but I
hain't a-goin' to lie to you, Howard.
Io you know w hat I'm a-goin" to do,
my friend? I'm goin to settle down
over thar in them mountains an eat
hog an hominy like a white man an'
a free, God fearin' citizen of America
to the end o' my days. I've had my
belly full o' prospectiu' to try to better
my condition.
"I've come to the conclusion that a
body can't Improve Lis condition by
draggin it across a continent. I reck
on 1 acted sorter bullheaded. My
second wife you know her well, she
was lorn an' brought up in this coun
try, an' she was agin goin' to Texas
tooth an' nail. We had it up an' down,
me an her did. Every night after
we'd git the children In bed we'd set
out in front o' the house an" jower,
jower, jower. She's five year older'n
I am an got a head like a horse. It's
"I shan't tell you all I think about
her," Mary answered.
the longest one the Lord ever made
from the chin to the little knot she
wears on top, an' I begin to think It's
got sense in it. She contended that
Texas wasn't a bit better fer a man
with a wife an -whole raft o' children
than this section. "Well, that went on
till she finally agreed to let me go see
what it was like. 1 had a mule an a
horse both, an' I sold the mule for
enough to buy a round trip prospector's
ticket. Then I bought a new suit o'
clothes this un I got on from Tarp
in thar on a credit an' started off, an"
I had rotten luck from the start-"
When Baker left him Howard's mor
bid discomfiture increased. The man's
account had quite completed his disil
lusionment over his project. His bet
ter judgment told him that he had been
wrong in making such an Important
decision in anger, and yet be had too
much pride to admit his error. He did
not want to leave home now, but he
saw no way out of it-
On the corner of the street he sud
denly: met Marr Trumblej. She flosh-
.' ed slightly, dropped her eyes and then
smiled sweetly.
"Early for me to get in, Isn't It?"
she asked. "Uncle Ab was coming and
brought me along in his buggy. 1 have
some things to buy for mother."
lie took her hand and experienced a.
certain reluctance to releasing it. She
had often comforted him in trouble,
and he yearned now to open his heart
to the boundless sympathy he knew
she would have for him.
"I looked for you at the dance last
night," he said, turning and walking
along with her. "I thought you were
to be there."
"Mr. Tarp asked me, but I was too
tired to go." she said. "I had worked
hard all day making a dress for my
mother. At the last minute I sent him
word not to come for me. I was com
pletely fagged out. The ride would
have finished me. I could not have
danced a step. I did not know till
today that it was given partly in your
honor or else I should have come. I
thought it was intended wholly for
that Atlanta girl."
"Whom jou never liked," he smiled
"I hardly know her." Mary averted
her eyes. Her tone was cold and her
pretty lips were set sensitively. "The
day I dined with you at the ho'.i 1
heard her saj' she had no use for wom
en that she liked only men. I am
not finding fault, but I can't get on
with a girl who talks like that. She
had an eyt. for everything I had on
and seemed to me to be sneering at
my poor ciotbes."
"Oh. you girls, you girls!" Howard
laughed. "Y'ou don't want to under
stand one another. Cora Langham is
not a bit like that, and I've no doubt
that she may misjudge you also."
"I shan't tell you all I about
her." Mary answered. "It '.vould do
no good, anyway, since you are going
"I know you think she is a flirt."
Howard returned half tentatively.
You hinted at something of the sort
when she first ime to larley."
Mary shrugged her shoulders, and her
lip curled slightly. "Why are we al
ways discussing her?" she demanded
coldly. "Is there nothing else for us
to talk about the day before you leave?
Y'ou are coming out to see your mother
before you go, aren't you. Howard?"
"Yes; oh, yes." he said, with a frown,
"and my father too. I am not going
to part with him in anger if 1 can
help it."
"Oh, I'm so glad to hear you say
that." Mary's eyes shone as if from
rising tears. "After all, he is your fa
ther and cannot help feeling as be
does. He belongs to an earlier age
than ours, Howard."
They were now at the door of Tarp's
lively establishment. The young pro
prietor, a man of medium height and
weight, was directing two clerks in ar
ranging great stacks of dress goods on
the sidewalks. He was partly bald,
wore a brown mustache and had a
merry, active air. Seeing the two
friends, he greeted, them smilingly,
shaking hands with Mary with a slight
touch of awkwardness.
"I cut that dance out, Miss Mary,"
he said. "When 1 got your message I
kept on my working clothes and spent
the time checking off the invoice of a
big shipment of notions that had just
come from New Y'ork. I closed the
front door and kept hard at it till after
midnight. I could hear the sawing of
the fiddles and that negro calling the
figures, but it didn't bother me. A live
business man can't keep pace with
these nimble toed society chaps. I've
got to make this thing go." He waved
his hand toward the interior of the
store. "I'm waking this sleepy old
town up with modern business meth
ods. I hold that the best field for en
ergy is In the slow places. Y'ou see.
every move you make and every ad.
you put out attracts attention. If I
was Howard, now, I'd think twice be
fore 1 quit old Darley. If I was him
I'd rake up the scads and start me a
sheet of my own that would make the
Clarion take a back seat and quit al
together." "That's what I've often told him."
Mary answered, with a timid glance at
Howard,'"but he has made up his mind
to go."
Leaving Mary to make her pur
chases, Howard turned away. At the
postoffice he met Abner Daniel with
some papers ami letters in his hands.
Abner touched him on the arm and
drew him to one side. "Have "you
bought yore ticket yet?"' he asked.
"No, not yet," Howard answered.
"It is ready for me. though. I can get
it at any moment."
Abner seemed to hesitate. He rolled
his quid of tobacco between his short,
yellow teeth and said: "I want to ax
you a favor, Howard. Y'ou many think
it peculiar an I ain't quite ready to
explain, but would you mind not buy
in' yore ticket till I see you?"
"Ah. you are thinking of going with
me. Good!" the young man exclaim
ed gladly.
"No. that hain't it," Abner said. "I
won't say now why I want you to
wait, but will you do it? I'll see you
ag in today."
"Of course I will," noward prom
ised. "I was not going to get my tick
et till tomorrow anyway."
"All right. I'll see you after awhile,'"
Abner said in a tone of relief, and he
turned away.
'(To Be Continued.)
I desire to inform my patrons and
friends that I have disposed of ray
undertaking business to Mr. J. P. Sat
tler and take this means of thanking
all my friends for their patronage and
trust that they will give Mr. Sattler
the same treatment in the future that
was given to me. M. IIILD.
F. L. Nutzman left Tuesday after
noon for a business trip in western
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. George Bates,
Wednesday, March 12, a daughter.
G. E. Young; went to Kansas City
Tuesday afternoon, where he will re
ceive medical treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Stone came
down from Elmwood Saturday to
spend a short time at the home of D.
C. West.
Mrs. Stuart Hough was a passenger
to Falls City Saturday to spend a few
days with her daughters, Ethel and
Ginevera Hough.
Mrs. S. M. Cox returned to. her
home in Lincoln Monday after a
week's visit with her son, Allen Cox,
and familly, taking Geraldine with
11. Kettlehut took his small son.
Vilas, to Omaha Tuesday in his car,
where Yi-as ur dervcnt an operation.
Herbert Opp accompanied them.
A bouncing baby giil arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Alien Cox early
Monday morning. The little miss
weighed seven pounds and will be
known as Iluhy Gert:ude. Mother and
daughter are doing nicely.
Last Wednesday afternoon occurred
the marriage of Chester Bashford and
Miss Karin Kindblom at the office of
County Judge Bishof in Nebraska
City. They were acocmpanied by Miss
Fae Fulton and Harold Kimdblom.
hi other of
the bride, who were wit-
Joseph Childester and family of
Fort Crook came clown last Sunday
and spent the day visiting with Union
relatives and friends.
Matt McQuinn departed last Friday
afternoon for the northern part of the
state to visit relatives anJ attend to
some business matters.
Mrs. K. D. Clark c.'.me down from
Weeping Water last Sunday to spend
the day with relatives and friends in
and near this villatre.
Mrs. Cecil Finalyson and children
came down from Lincoln last Sunday
rnd made a short visit wtih her par
ents, A. II. Chidester and wife.
D. B. Chapman departed last Friday
for Lincoln to spend a few days visit
ing, after whic hhe will go to Ashland
to make a visit with his son and fam
ily. Will Reynolds, who is employed in
Omaha as auditor for the American
Telephone & Telegraph company, came
down last Saturday and visited ever
Sunday with his parents, J. T. Rey
nolds and wife.
Mrs. Harry Thomas and children
came down from Plattsmouth last
Saturday to make a visit with Mrs.
Nancy Garrison. Harry took a few
hours off Saturday evening and came
down to make a short visit here, and
was a caller at the Ledger office.
Earl Ross of Lyons, Neb., died at
his home last Monday after an illness
of only a short duration. Earl was
well known here, and was a son of
John Ross and wife, former residents
of Union, but now living at Walthill,
Neb. He leaves a wife and two chil
dren to mourn his loss.
J. P. Becker of Wichita, Kansas, a
brother of our "Honest Abe," and well
known here, suffered a stroke of ap
poplexy on Wednesday night of last
week, and for a time his condition was
very serious, but at last reports re
ceived irom there he was recovering
-lowly, and some hopes were enter
tained for his recovery.
i i 4
William Lehnhoff came down from
Lincoln Tuesday morning to visit the
old farm south of town and call on
old-time friends.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stander drove
to Greenwood Sunday to spend the
lay with the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Berger.
A. L. Gash of Elmwood drove over
Thursday. He has bought a home in
Elmwood, and reports all kinds of
business in that vicinity flourishing.
Judge J. W. Brobst returned Wed
nesday from a nine days' stay at the
hospital in Omaha, where he was
treated for heart trouble. He is
much improved in health.
Scott McGraw has purchased two
lots east of the school house and is
having a five-room boungalow erected
into which he expected to move his
family within the next six weeks.
T. E. Parmele has just received
word from his niece, Miss Marjorie
Agnew, of Lincoln, that she is in
Honolulu for a short stay, having gone
there a few weeks ago with a party of
friends from Lincoln.
Charles A. Hoover, who has been
in the employ of the Missouri Pacific
as bridge carpenter, for the past six
years, has resigned and accepted a
position with the Minneapolis Thresh
ing company at Lincoln.
Charles Urwin was at Omaha last
week where he underwent an opera
tion on his nose for the removal of a
growth. This is about the fifth
operation for the same trouble, as the
operations have never proven perman
ent. We note by the Plattsmouth Jour
nal that County Commissioner Julius.
A. Pitz and bridge have returned from
their wedding trip, which included an
extensive southern trip. The Courier
extends heartiest congratulations and
best wishes.
Charley Meyers shipped a car of
fat cattle t.o the South Omaha mar
ket Tuesday that sold for $t.20 and
brought SIUH.TS per head.
Mr. and Mrs. George Vandenburg
of Murdock, spent Saturday and Sun
day with their daughter, Mrs. Arthur
Jones, and family.
Dr. W. O. Colburn and wife came
down from Lincoln in their auto Sun
day and spent the day at the home of
the doctor's aunt, Mrg. Henry Hub
bard. Mrs. E. W. Leavitt and little daugh
ter Lois of Bethany, who had been vis
iting her sister, Mrs. R. C. Lyle, re
turned home Tuesday morning.
Miss Maude McNamee was visiting
her brothers. Clyde and Arthur, at
Falls City, from Friday until Sunday
evening. She was accompanied home
by her brother Clyde and his wife,
who will spend the week here.
Mrs. P. S. Barnes and her daughter,
Mrs. Lena Ralston, returned Friday
morning from an extended visit in
California and the coast country. Mrs.
Barnes had been gone five months;
her daughter was not gone so long.
Harold Marshall and James Miller
left Saturday for the northwest in
cearch of homesteads. Their first stop
will be in Alliance and if they don't
find one of Uncle Sam's free farms to
suit they will journey on to Wyoming,
Montana and possibly Dakota.
Fred Wildrkk and family, who we
reported as moving to the country last
week have moved back to town. The
country climate or atmosphere was
not agreeable. We understand sev
eral other families have tried the
same altitude this spring with the
same result.
Cecil Davis received a broken collar-bone
last Thursday while helping
Dan Switzer load hogs. One fat pork
er tripped Cecil and he fell so hard
his collar bone was broken. Cecil has
played foot ball and has had many a
hard fall, but it seems os though no
foot ball player ever tripped him so
hard as that porker.
Mrs. Fred Schaefer was operated
cn at a Lincoln hospital Wednesday.
Attorney Deles Dernier went to
Lincoln Wednesday to attend Masonic
grand lodge, and also to look after
some legal business.
W. C. Bartlett left Thursday morn
ing for New Sharon, la., in answer to
a message announcing the serious ill
ness of his mother from pneumonia.
George Penterman and E. J. Jeary
made a business trip to Chase county
Wednesday of last week. They re
turned home on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion McCrory re
ceived word from Houston, Tex., last
week announcing the birth of a nine
pound daughter to Mr. and Mrs. W. IL
Willcocksen on March 12.
B. I. Clements is at work this week
wrecking the old building west of the
American Exchange bank where he
will build a nice brick structure. He is
being assisted by Dennis Sharpless.
W. R. Ryan, county assessor, was
here Tuesday looking after matters
pertaining to the real estate assess
ment. He was also greeting his
friends in the interest of his candidacy
for county treasurer on the demo
cratic ticket at the coming primary
The school board met Monday eve
ning at the school house and received
the signatures of teachers who con
tract to teach during the next school
term. They are Prof. Parm inter, and
Misses Ethel McAfee, Louise McNer
ney, Madeline Clayson, Gladys Mar
shall and Eva Pickwell.
J. G. Wrunderlich, of Nehawka, was
in Elmwood last Saturday in the in
terest of his candidacy for sheriff of
Cass county at the coming primary
election. John is an all round clean
fellow, and is capable of filling with
credit the office to which he aspires. A
vote for him is a vote for a good and
efficient sheriff. He is a pleasant gen
tleman and will appeal to the people,
and from the present indications will
receive good support throughout the
The undersigned will offer for sale
at Public Auction at the Propst home
in Mynard, commencing at 1 :30 P. M.
The following described property, to
wit: One black mare, 12 years old,
weight 1,300.
One black horse, 12 years old,
weight 1,2X10.
One black team, G years old, weight
Three cows with calves at side.
Two yearling steers.
Two heifers, coming two years old.
Three steers, coming two years old.
Seven heifers, coming yearlings.
One bull, coming two years old.
One pure bred gilt, eligible to regis
ter, bred for May farrow.
Farm Implements.
One Kingman two-row machine.
Two J. I. Case riding listers.
One tongue Avery cultivator.
One New Departure cultivator.
One sod disc.
One new J. I. Case disc.
One new Kingman corn planter.
One top buggy.
One new top buggy.
One overhead pump jack.
One new buggy pole.
Three pairs new buggy shafts.
One set l1 inch harness, brass
Two sets l1 inch harness.
All sums of $10 and under, cash in
hand; on sums over 310, a credit of
eight months will be given, purchaser
giving good bankable paper bearing
eight per cent interest from date. All
property must be settled for before
being removed from the premises.
W. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer.
R. L. PROPST, Clerk.
The further particulars of the acci
dent which befell James Higley, jr.. a
few days ago at Muskogee, Oklahoma,
have been received here by the rela
tives of the young man. It seems that
he was engaged in painting a box car
in the railroad yards at Muskogee and
while a very high wind was blowing
which dislodged a large timber from
the pile on the car and this was blown
over the side where James was work
ing and in falling struck him a severe
glancing blow on the head, which ren
dered him unconscious as well as in
flicting a bad laceration of the scalp
The injured man was placed on a
train and hurried to Sedalia, Missouri,
where he was placed in the railroad
hospital in that city. It required sev
eral stitches to close the wound but
the patient is reported as doing nicely
at the present time and it is not
thought that the injury will prove at
all serious.
H..H-I-H 'X'I"M"M"I 'I-I-H
East of Riley HoteL
Coates' Block,
Second Floor.
X-I..X..X. i..x..i..i..i.,i..i..i..,I..I..xix-ii.
Office supplies at the Journal office.
lu the Dlxtriot Courl of the- County of
'fiM. Nrlirnkn.
William A. Wood. I'lainlilT.
Charles K. Wilev and Leona I'earl
W'ilev. 1 efendantR.
l'KAII WILEY. Defendants, will take
notice that on the Uth day of March.
1 : 1 6. William A. Wood, plaintiff here
in, tiled his petition in the District
Court of Cass County, Nebraska,
r.g-ainst said defendants, the object and
prayer of which are to secure judgment
mon three several causes of action
based upon promissory notes made ex
ecuted and delivered by tue aeienciams
to the plaintiff, and to secure the pay
ment of such judgment by attachment
upon real estate in Cass County, Ne
braska, owned by said defendants.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the lLih day of
ilav, A. D. 191C.
C. A. IIAWLP, Attorney.
lu ih County Court of a County,
In the Matter of the Estate of Adam
Kurtz, Deceased.
All persons interested in said estate
are hereby notified that a petition has
been filed in paid Court allesinsf that
said deceased died leaving no last will.
and praying lor administration upon
his estate, and that a hearing will be
had on said petition before said Court
on the Twenty-eighth (28th) day of
March. A. IX 191G. and that if they rail
to appear at said Court on the Bald
25th uay of March, llli, at 9 o'cIock
a. m. to contest said petition, the Court
may grant the same and grant admin
istration of said estate to Adam M.
Kurtz or some other suitable person
and proceed to a settlement thereof.
(Seal) County Judge.
3-6-3 wks
xoTirn or tio port
i. iui on i.h i:i:.
Notice is hereby piven in Mil frfr.i
interested and to tbe public that t f
undersigned, J. K. McT'oriel. ha fil.d
his petition and appU-atii in the ofri.--of
tt.o city clerk or the City of l'iutl
mouth. County of Cass, und Stai- -f
Nebraska, as required by Jaw, inri-.i
hy the required nurrt.f-i of resnir,:
free-holders of the said city, settirv-r
forth tla the applicant is u man f
respectable hura tT and landing ar.-l
a resident of the State of Nebraska ar.-l
praying that a license may bi
to the said J. V.. Mclani-l for th su
of malt, spirituous urid ;rnjs liquor
for the period of one y-ar from t !
date of the hearing of j-aid application
in a building situated on lot six (", in
block thirty-three :::;, : n th Kourtu
ward of the said Cltv of I'iattm., jf ;.,
Nebraska. J. JI. .MvDAMKU
Maich 1C, 1S1C Applicant
-notici: or Ai-i'Mt niox run
Mtti oit i.k i:ni:.
Notice is hereby Riven to all persons
i rae rested ;md to the pubi.e thai W.
undersigned, J. L. Kunl, ha flUd
his petition and application, in th offi
of li. e city c-.erk of tr.e Cltv of I'lutt--rnoulh.
County of Cas. and Slate ,f
Nebraska, as required t ;,- law, nne.l
by the required number of rejUerf
f r ee-bolder. of the- saiU ity, sett.r.n
loitu that the applicant Is a mar. .f
respectable character and standing ar..l
a resident of the State of Nebraska arid
pravibK that a license ir.av be 1mj d
to the said J. L. Kusell tor tf " sale .f
malt, spirituous arid iri-ij" liquors fur
the period of or.e year lrom tbe
of the of said :ipp:iatlon i'i
a building situated cri the west Unit
(wi,x) of lot Jive tZt. ir. block tMrM
four C. 4), in the Court i ward ..f tr.e
sa id City of I'la It s mo-it r. Nebruskn.
.1. I.. KI SSKl.U
March lfi, IMC Appii- .ir.t.
1. lilt OK l.K
Notice is hereby piver to all person
interested and to the public that the
i.ndersinned W'm. Henrn Usen. has fiie,i
his petition and applicai on in the office
of the city clerk of the Cty of I'latts
mouth. County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by Jaw, signed
by the required number of resident
f ree-holderx of the said city, frettmj;
forth that the applicant is u man of
respectable character ar.d standing ar.J
a resident of the State of Nebraska arid
praying- that a license may be issued
to the said Wm. Henrlchsen for the
sale of malt. spirtiuou and lnou
liquors for the period ot one year from
the dale of the hearing of said applica
tion in a building situated on the west
half (w'.,,) of lot one in Mock
thirty-four C.4). in th l.urth ward
of the said Citv of IMnttsmouth. Ne
braska, wm. iii:m:kiisi:s
March 1C, 1 9 1 ti Applicant.
Notice is hereby given to all person
interested and to the public that Hi
undersigned. Ed. Epenterger, has filed
his petition and application in the office
of the city clerk of the City of 1'latte
mouth. County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, setting
forth that the applicant Is a man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the State of Nebraska and
praying that a license may t-e ISMiett
to the said Ed. Egenberger for th tial
cf malt, spirituous atin vinous liquors
for the period of on year from tie
date of the hearing of said application
in a building situated on the east balf
(e1) of lot twelve til , in blO( k twen-tv-eight
(I'M, In the Kirst ward of the
said City of I'lattsmoi th. NVbraka.
ed. i:;i:niu:k;i:i:.
March 1C. J S 1 Applicant.
i.i at on license.
Notice Is hereby given to all person
interested and to the public that the
undersigned, Ed. Hcrrt, has f.t -I
his petition and application in the office
of the city clerk of the City of I'latts
moulli, County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, .len-.l
by the required number of re.-ideiit
free-holders of the stlJ city, setting
forth that the applicant is a man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska Mtid
praying that a license may te lu' J
to the said Ed. Donat for the Kale of
malt, spirituous and vinous liquors f.r
the period of one year from tie date c-f
the heading of said application In a
building situated on the east half (ei
of lot twelve (K'. in block twent
nine (29 . in the First w ard of the tai
City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
March 16. 1?16 Applicant.
Notice is hereby glvtn to all persons
interested and to the public that th
undersigned, Adolph (ilese. has filed
his petition and application In the offl'-e
of the city clerk of f.e City of I'iatt
mouth. County of Ca , anJ State of
Nebraska, as required by law. signed
by the required number of resiJer.t
free-holders of the s.iid city, setting
forth that the applicant Is a man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the State of Nebraska and
praying that a licence may be Issued
to the said Adolph tliese for the sale
of Dialt. spirituous ard vinous liquors
for the period of oin year from th
date of the hearing of said application
in a building situated on the west ha!f
w) of lot six fc). In blovk tMftv
four f 3 4 . In the Fourth ward of the
said City of riattsraouth. Netraka.
March 16, lflC Applicant.
In the Dlntrlrt Court of Ibr (ohiI; of
Can. Nrhrnaka.
Sidonie Eeariies. Plaintiff,
George Mackle. et a... Defendants.
To the defendants. George Muckle.
Mrs. George Mackle, rirst real name un
known; the unknown heir, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the
estate of George Mackle, deceased; trie
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other per
sons interested in the estate of Mrs.
George Mackle. first real name un
known, deceased; Charles Stoll, Mrs.
Charles Stoll. first real name unknown,
the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representat: ves and all other
persons interested In the estate of
Charles Stoll. deceased; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons ln
teersted in the estate of Mrs. Charles
Stoll. first real name unknown, de
ceased; the unknown owners and the
unknown claimants of lot three 3i. lu
block five (5). In the Village of Cedar
Creek, Cass County. Nebraska.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 23rd day of Feb
ruary. A. D. 1916. plaintiff filed her
suit in the District Court of the Count v
of Cass, Nebraska, to quiet plaintirr
title to the following described land,
to-wit: Lot three (3). In block five tii,
in the Village of Cedar Creek, in the
county of Cass, Nebraska, because of
her adverse possession by herself and
her grantors for moio than ten years
prior to the commence .nent of said' suit.
to enjoin each and all f you from hav
ing or claiming any right, title. lien
or interest, either legal or equitable, in
or to said land or any part thereof, t
require you to set rorth your right,
title, lien or Interest therein, if nv.
either legal or equitable, and to have
the same adjudged inferior to the title
of plaintiff and for general equitaM
relier. This notice is made puruant t
the order of the Court.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before Monday, April
10. A. D. 1916. or your default will le
duly entered therein.
If you have anythins for sale adver
tise in the Journal.