Platte Neb State tt omn VOL. XXXIV. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, MARCH 27, 1916. NO. 2. WHAT ABOUT THE SCHOOL BOND PROPOSITION? Only a Question of Time When We Will lie Compelled to Have a New School Building, and Why Not Now? From Friday's Dally. The matter of the school bonds is grtatiy interesting the citizens of the t!i.-.:iit at the present ti'.ie and the f.trt i . gradually being brought out of the absolute necessity of having some stejs taken to provide a nev bui'dintr for our nublic schools if we expect to beep in the educational pro cession. The irreat majority of the j are getting aware of the con ditions which prevail there and it ha; stir led a feeling that justice to the future men and women of our com munity requires that there be some thing did to relieve the present crmdi i ion. The strongest advocates of the school building ar numbered among the heaviest taxpayers and in a grsat many eases are parties who them-s-e!c- will derive no direct benefit from the schools, as their children have finished their school work and are starting cut in life, but they recognize the need from the viewpoint of the citizen who is looking for the welfare of the town which he calls home and are therefore supporting the measures that will bring to the over crowded public school system the de sired relief which cannot possibly be hoped for under any other way thrn by a new building. There is no one who desires to add other urdens to the taxpayers, but the necesitj of the case seems to offer no other 50I0 i ion that will be in the least satis factory. Too much money has been spent in rttempting to temporize with the situation, which if applied to a new building might have brought relief and further steps in this direction will only put off temporarily the cry ing need of the boys and gills for a .-uitabie place where their minds may 1-e trained to assist them in the bat tle of life. The situation is one that is filed with vital importance to tue "om munity and should be weighed :y the people carefully if they expect to realize their hopes in their sovs and t-'-iu;1 hters whose education must be :.'p. ired in the grade and high schools of the city, and there is a very large majority of thos attending school who v. :1 probab y never take up university or college work, and it certainly seems thct they snould receive all th ad vantages possible in their common i-chool education which will fit them for the;r work in the years to come. SECURE PARMELE THEATER FOR DECORA TION DAYEXERCISES From Friday's Daily. The commercial club of this city, in compliance with the custom of the past few years, has decided to secure the Parmele theater for the use of the old soldiers on Decoration day, Tues day, May 30th, and at which time the members of McConihie post. Grand Army of the Republic, together with the assistance of the children of the schools, will give the program in keeping with the spirit of the day that has been set aside by a grateful nation to pay tribute to the soldiers who braved the horrors of war that the republic might live. Each year the ranks of the boys in blue grows less and less as life's sunset overtakes them and they pass away to join the thousands who have gone before, and it is fitting and just that we give them the tribute justly due to brave men. The committee of the grand army post is now busy in arranging the program for the day and one of exceptional worth is to be offered to the people of this community that will inspire them with a love of country and the American institution of lib erty and freedom which endured the fire test of the great civil war. Moore's " Noh-Leakable Fountain Pens for sale at the Journal office. Application for Citizenship. From Frldav's Dally. Application for citizenship papers has been made in the office of Clerk of the District Court James Robert son, by Otto Paul Herman Finder of this city, who states that he was born in Germany and arrived at the port of New York June 27, 18S4. while a minor child and asks that he be given his full citizenship papers that will entitle him to all the rights and priv iieges of the citizens of this great re public. Alfred Alexen, a resident of Louisville, was also an applicant for citizenship, stating that he was born in Sweden and arrived in the United States June 2, 11)10, and has since made his home in this country. MARVIN EDWARD TYLER PASSED AWAY LAST EVENING From Friday's Dally. Last evening in Omaha, where for the past few years he has made his home, Marvin Edward Tyler passed away, after a short illness from pneu monia fever. Mr. Tyler is a Platts- mouth young man, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Claiborne Tyler, and the news of his death came as a great shock to the relatives and many friends in this city. The young man had only been confined to his bed for the last three days, but the ravages of the malady were too great for his strength and he gradually grew worse until death came to his relief. Mr. Tyler was 34 years of age and unmarried and leaves to mourn his death, besides the father and mother in this city, several broth ers and sister as follows: Sidney Tyler. Omaha; Noah Tyler, Manchest er, Iowa; Mrs. T. B. Line, Reedspoint, Montana; Mrs. Stella Delaney, Omaha, and Mrs. C. E. Mc Bride, of this city. The deceased young man was of a nature that made and retained friends of all whom he met and his death comes to these with a grievous blow, as it takes from their circle one whom they will long miss. For the past few years Mr. Tyler has been employed in Omaha by one of the large clothes cleaning establishments and was held in the very highest esteem by those with whom he was associated. To his sorrow-stricken relatives will be ex tended the sympathy of the entire community. No funeral arrangement have been made as yet, awaiting word from the sister in Montana, but the services and interment will be held in this city. HARD WORK IN CHECKING SCARLET FEVER IN TOWN From Friday's Dallv. The work of the two trained nurses employed to assist in the work of handling the scarlet fever situation in this city seems to be most effective tnd the ladies are taking every step possible to check the disease and to clean up all cases that may exist. The ladies have been busy, both in the schools and a large number of the homes have been visited on the tour of inspection and in almost every case the ladies have been treated with the utmost courtesy and permitted to ex amine the children and general condi tions of the homes. In the schools as soon as a child shows signs of sickness of any kind they are promptly sent home to wait for medical examination to determine whether or not they are suffering from any contagious disease, and it requires a certificate from the attending physi cian before they are allowed back into school again. So far there has not been any very serious cases reported, and it seems a very light form in the nature of scarletina, but it is well to take all possible safeguards, both in the schools and the homes, and the citizens in general are co-operating with the health authorities in seeing that all cases are reported and the quarantine kept when placed on a house by the police. Cases of quaran tine violation should be reported in crder that the police may look after the matters for the protection of others who are exposed in this way. H. P. Long of South Bend was in the city a few hours today attending to some matters at the court house. THE GOVERNOR GALLS ON PEOPLE TO CLEAN UP Sets Dav for General Overhauling of Debris at April 10 This Year. Lincoln, Neb., March 23. Follow ing the pure food week which Gover nor Morehead called attention to re cently he has asked that "Clean Up' week be observed by the people of the state. The executive calls attention to the fire protection side. The proc lamation contains this warning to the people of the state: "Again, as governor of the state, 1 feel impelled to call the attention of the people of Nebraska to the neces sity of guarding against the destruc tion of property by fire. Destructive fires have been prevalent throughout the different states during the past few days, and at this writing a con flagration, destroying millions of dol lars' worth of property is raging in Paris, Texas; homes and business houses are being wiped out and over $5,000,000 damage sustained by a pop ulation of 20,000. Five thousand peo ple are without food or shelter and will be dependent upon others for im mediate help. "During the winter months, rubbish and all kinds of inflammable sub stance has been accumulating and the dry winds of March will prepare this for the lighted match or stub of cigar and other means of ignition. The time to clean away everything that makes it easy for a fire to start is at hand. "I therefore urge the week, begin ning April 10, be observed as 'Clean Up' week, during which time let there be united action in regard to this business, each individual joining his neighbor in the good work. Don't wait, begin now. 'Safety first.' " KITCHEN SHOWER IN HONOR OF MISS FRANCES KOUBEK Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Mollie Hanson entertained a number of friends at her home in the south part of the citv at a kitchen shower in honor of Miss Frances Koubek, whose marriage to Mr. Floyd McCart will occur in a short time. The afternoon was one of the rarest pleasure to the members of the party and enjoyed to the utmost. Mrs. E. F. Setz and Mrs. Frank Sivey gave two very delightful vocal numbers as the members of the party gathered, which were enjoyed very much, and the the bride-to-be was requested to follow up the clues offered by a large number of pieces of string and by these was guided to where the different useful articles for the kitchen had been hid by the mem bers of the jolly party, and much pleasure, as well as amusement, was had as the guest of honor discovered the articles which her friends had re membered her with. Following the "shower" the guests staged a mock wedding, which was enjoyed thorough ly by everyone and was very realistic indeed, Mrs. Albert Murray taking the part of the bride, while the groom was represented by Mrs. Ed Cotner, and the mother of the bride by Mrs. Albert Stokes. The "wedding ring" was borne by little Miss Florence Hanscon, while the role of the minister was carried out in a very realistic manner by Mrs. Frank Sivey, who saw that the bride and groom were properly tied up." After the wedding the jolly crowd of ladies marched to the dining room, where a very enjoyable three course luncheon was served, which ad ded greatly to the delight of the happy occasion, and in honor of the event the "preacher" gave a very en tertaining talk for the benefit of the bride-to-be. At a late hour the guests departed, wishing the bride-to-be many happy years in the future in her wedded life. Those who were present to enjoy the occasion were: Mesdames Albert Stokes, George Stone, J. W. Hale, E. F. Setz, George Perry, J. B. Cotner, Ed Cotner, Mollie Hanson, Frank Sivey, Albert Murray, Misses Frances Koubek, Florence Hanson and Aubrey Lowther. Now Getting Along Nicely. From Friday's Dallv. The many friends of Mrs. Edward Egenberger will be pleased to learn that she is doing nicely at the Clark son hospital in Omaha, where she was operated on yesterday morning for an anection ot tne tnroat. At last re ports Mrs. Egenberger was getting along nicely and it is thought that the operation was in every way successful anl that in a short time s.he would be able to return home to this city, and this fact will be the source of much pleasure to her relatives and friends in this city and vicinity. TWO NEBRASKANS FOR NITRATE PLANT FOR GOVERNMENT Washington, March 25. Congress men Reavis, Lobeck, Kinkaid and Sloan yesterday voted against the provision in the Hay military bill for the establishment of a government ni trate plant. The proviso was defeated by a vote of 224 to 180. Congressmen Stephens and Shallenberger were in favor of the establishment of the plant, which would make the Ameri can government independent of the supply of nitrates for the manufac ture of explosives which now comes from Chile. The only Nebraskan in congress to vote for the Kahn amendment author izing a standing army of 220,000 in stead of 140,000 as provided by the Hay bill was C. F. Reavis. Earlier in the week he had joined with the state delegation in voting against it as a committee on the whole. In explaining his change in views Congressman Reavis pointed out that the amendment was not mandatory, and that, in view of the Mexican sit uation, the president ought to have the power to raise an adequate force on short notice without having to ask a special session of congress. In voting on the Gardner amend ment for a six year enlistment the Nebraska delegation voted strictly by party the republicans for and the democrats against it. To replace Floyd Seyboldt. Federal bank examiner of Nebraska who has recentlyl been transferred to a Penn sylvania district, E.'N. Van Horn of Pawnee county, has been appointed. PIE SOCIAL GIVEN AT THE HOME OF MR, AND MRS. E. M. GODWIN From Saturday's Daily. Last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Godwin on South ave nue, the Loyal Volunteers of the Christian church gave a pie social, which proved a most delightful affair and was most thoroughly enjoyed by the large number in attendance. For the occasion the cozy rooms of the Godwin home had been very prettily decorated in the class colors, green and gold. A pleasing feature of the evening's entertainment was a splen did program of vocal and instrumen tal music, to which Fay Crook and Thelma Hudson contributed an instru mental duet, Grettal Hackenberg a recitation, the Loyal Volunteers class c song, Esther Godwin and Una Crook a dialogue, Eva and Una Crook a piano duet, and a piano duet by Es ther Godwin and Una Crook. This program was most highly appreciated y those fortunate enough to be pres ent to hear it. After the program va rious games were introduced which were entered into with much interest and enthusiasm and afforded the large company much pleasure. The first game introduced was a peanut race in which Leroy Winscott was awarded first prize, consisting of a box of candy. A pie contest followed in which prizes were to be given for the best pie crust recipe written by the boys. Harry Winscott won the first prize in this contest, Albert Godwin the second prize, while Phil Rihn car ried off the booby prize. The selling of the pies followed, Phil Rihn being the auctioneer. A neat sum was re alized, which will be used for building r.n addition to the Christian church building. J. M. Holmes of Murray was here today for a few hours looking after some business matters and visiting with his friends. VERY SUDDEN DEATH OF MRS. J. M. JOHNS This Most Estimable Lady Passed Away at Very Early Hour This Morning. From Saturday's Dally. Nothing has so shocked this com munity as the news of the death of Mrs. J. M. Johns did this morning when it was first reported, and to the friends of this lady it seemed unbe lievable, so sudden was the blow in its intensity. Mrs. Johns had been in ap parently good health and it was only last evening that she complained of suffering from what was thought to be a slight cold but did not think seri ously of the matter on retiring for the night. This morning, shortly before 2 o'clock, Mr. Johns was aroused by the apparent difficult breathing of his wife and hurriedly turning on the electric light found her apparently in a dying condition. At once medical assistance was summoned but dwpite all the aid that the members of the family could render, Mrs. Johns passed away with out further arousing herself. The death is supposed to have re sulted from a sudden attack of heart failure brought on by the work of car ing for her sick family and looking after the work of the household. The blow is a most severe one to the fam ily, who are all under quarantine at the home on High school hill and it is impossible for any of the friends to render them any assistance in their hour of grief as both Mrs. Roy Bur dick, the daughter, and Edith Burdick, the grand-daughter of Mrs. Johns, are still under the quarantine regulations, and Mr. Johns, the husband, is in very bad shape, having been quite sick for the past four months. There is a world of sympathy ex tended to the members of the family in their hour of grief, who, being con fined to their home, must suffer their grief alone without the kindly assist ance and sympathy from the anxious friends who long to assist and comfort them as best they could and this makes the death even more sorrow ful. Those who have known Mrs. Johns in her long years of residence in this city feel keenly the loss that has been visited upon the bereaved family and on the community in the taking away of their friend and realize howr much the heartbroken husband and the members of the family will miss the loving hands which ministered to their every want and need and which are now folded in eternal rest. Mrs. Johns was fifty-eight years of age and a greater part of the last twenty-five years has been spent in Plattsmouth, where she made many friends by her pleasant ways and genial manner in meeting with those whom she called bv the name of friend. Devoted to her family and to her friends, Mrs. Johns spent the best of her years in striving to aid those who she loved the best and it is to these that the blow of her death will be felt the keenest. LOYAL MYSTIC LEGION ENJOY FINE MEETING From Saturday' Danv Thursday evening the members of the Loyal Mystic Legion lodge held their regular meeting at their nw odge rooms, the M. W. A. hall, which was very largely attended. The reg ular business session was held, after which the remainder of the evening was devoted to a social time. Card games, dancing ana various otner amusements were indulged in by the members, which made the hours pass all too quickly and which made this occasion most enjoyable to the par ticipants. In the meantime a most tempting luncheon was being prepar ed, which was served at a suitable hour, which materially added to the pleasuies of the evening. It was a late hour when the members of the Loyal Legion wended their way home ward, declaring this meeting to be one of the best they have held in some time. Stock to Pasture. Will be ready to take in stock the first of April. John A. Koukal, phone No. 2922. 3-27-4td2twkly J. W. JOHNSON IS SUDDENLY TAKEN ILL From Saturdavf nalir. Yesterday afternoon while Judge J. W. Johnson was at the court house looking alter several matters con nected with his work as a member of the soldier's relief commission he was taken with a sudden sinking spell and for several minutes was quite ill and found it necessary to be assisted into one of the offices whe.e he rested for a few minutes until he partiallly re covered and started for home, stating that he felt greatly improved. Judge Johnson has not been in his accus tomed rugged health for the past year and this probably accounts for his sudden illness. This morning Judge Johnson was reported as feeling much better, but will be compelled to remain quiet for a time until he grows stronger. A SURPRISE AT THE SETZ HOME IN HONOR OF MISS KOUBEK From Saturday Dally. A very pleasant social gathering was enjoyed Thursday evening at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene F. Setz, being in the nature of a surprise party in honor of Miss Frances Koubek, soon to be one of the season's brides. The party was ar ranged by Mrs. Mollie Hanson and Mrs. Ed Cotner and was given with out the guest of honor being the wiser until the jolly party of friends came in to share the pleasures of the even ing with her. During the evening sev eral very pleasing vocal numbers were given by Mrs. Setz and Mrs. Frank Sivey which added very much to the general delight of the jolly party. Mrs. Setz and Miss Minnie Klinger also contributed several instrumental numbers to the evening's entertain ment, and Mr. Setz, not to be outdone by the ladies, put on a number of vaudeville turns which were received with great pleasure by the guests and his efforts were warmly encored. At a suitable hour dainty refreshments of ice cream and cake were served, which was done ample justice to by the members of the party, and at a late hour they departed homeward wish ing the bride and groom to be many years of happiness. Those composing the party were Misses Pearl Barker, Nettie Meisinger, Ella Cotner, Mable Murray, Tillie Meisinger, Frances Koubeck, Florence Hanson, Lucille Hale, Mrs. Mollie Hanson, Mrs. Frank Sivey, Mrs. J. B. Cotner, Miss Minnie Klinger, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Setz, Mr. and Mrs Ed Cotner. Messrs. J. V. Hale, Albert Murray, Charles Tarn of Johnson, Neb., Floyd McCart, Nelson Beckner, Lester Beckner. THOSE WHO WILL SERVE ON PETIT JURY AT DISTRICT COURT From Saturday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon District Clerk Robertson and Sheriff Quinton select ed by drawing the names of those who will compose the panel of petit jurors for the coming term of the district court which will convene April 19th and the following were picked to fur nish the panel: F. H. Stander, Cen ter precinct; L. H. Peterson, Fiatts mouth, fifth ward; Lloyd Gapen, Rock Bluffs, first; G. L. Sheldon, Nehawka; H. Chilcott, Nehawka; Martin Nelson, Plattsmouth precinct; John Svoboda, Plattsmouth, second ward; C. E. Mockenhaupt, Center precinct; George Oberle, jr., Tipton precinct; James Griffin, Plattsmouth precinct; Ed Ma son, Plattsmouth, third ward; E. G. Young, Nehawka precinct; J. L. Wall, Tipton precinct; John Hirz, Platts mouth, third ward; Dan Miller, Avoca precinct; Ed Gustin, Stove Creek. pre cinct; John N. Fowler, Weeping Wa ter, third ward; Ernest Pautsch, Louisville precinct; Henry Jess, Plattsmouth, third ward; Guy Clem ents, Stove Creek precinct; William Wagner, Louisville precinct; W. H. Heil, Eight Mild Grove precinct; J. M. Parkhurst, Liberty precinct; J. P. Falter, Flattsmouth, first ward. IN MEMORY OF THE LATE MRS. J. H. THRASHER The Woman Relief Corps Met Satur day Afternoon to la Tribute to Their Deceased Sister. Saturday afternoon the member'; of the Woman's Relief Corps of this city gathered at their lodge rooms ji the court house to pay their tribute of love and esteem to the memory of Mrs. Laura Thrashe:-. one of their most faithful member.-;, who has been called from the scene or" her activities in the order to her reward in the Hereafter. There was quite a large attendance of the members of the or der and friends of tie departed lady present to enjoy the splendid program which had been arranged for. The meetitrg was presided over by the president of the corps. Mrs. Anna Egenberger, and the rr.ual service of the order was carried out in a very effective manner by the different offi cers. During the course of the serv ices the entire membership joined in the singing of two of the favorite hymns of the departed. "Nearer, My God, to Thee," and "Blist Be the Tie That Binds," whose weet melody filled the hearts of every one present with the recollection of the many acts of kindness which ha J characterized the life of Mrs. Thrasher during hr years of association with them. The tribute of the Belief Corps to their departed member was giveiv by Mrs. Val Burkle in tie following short address: ''We have just listened t the secretary read the record of mem bership of our beloved sister. I.auru Thrasher. Her record as a member shows a long and loving service, she having filled all the cflVes from guawd to that of president. She has always been considered an authority upon all questions of law and upon the rules of the order. Her whole lift was filled with those noble qualities which make true greatness. How many acts and loving words still linger in our hearts and will ever k?ep her in our memory. No woman ran follow the teachings of the Woman's 111 ir-f Corps without gaining a broader view of life. Let us this afternoon renew our obligation to the Grand Army of the Republic in the noble work of caring for their afflicted comrades, helping to bring a little sunshine into their lives that their last days may be their bet days. As we pay our fir.ul tribute to our beloved sister, Laura Thrasher, may her sweet and gracious presence brood over this gathering like a peaceful benediction. So we come to our last words, shall they be words of sorrow. Ah, no, let there be words of joy; let us think of her a waiting, waiting just a little longer and we, too, will join her there." Hon. R. B. Windham, representing the Grand Army, gave a very touch ing and eloquent tribute to the mem ory of Mrs. Thrasher which brought to the minds of those fathered thete the many acts of kindness which they had known her for as well as the loss which they had sustained in her beiag taken from their midst. FLOWERS TO HIS GUESTS ON HIS BIRTHDAY Yesterday the Hotel Riley enjoyed a very pleasing business at their Sun day dinner, there being a large num ber of the residents of the city pres ent to enjoy the excellent menu ar ranged for the occasion. The tables were very prettily arranged for the dinner with handsome floral decora tions as yesterday happ-ened to be the birthday of Manager J. E. Grippen of the Riley and he distributed the flow ers to the guests as souvenirs of the event. Mr. Grippen states it was his fifty-fourth anniversary but we have our suspicions that he is attemptirg to add several years to those which he carries so well. The dinner was most enjoyable and was served in the usual pleasing manner which the Riley makes a part of their excellent serv ice. DUCK EGGS FOR SALE Iniydre of Mrs. Fred Spangler or calKj$y)e No. 2104. 3-23-d&Hf-2wk