The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 23, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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TirfTPrilY MARCH 23. IIG.
Dies at the Soldier's Home.
. . rr 4TronrTti orxri trrrri v inrivT
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If any of U. readers of tlie
Journal kmw of any -i&l
ereni ir iinu i.f ii.i-resi in
this i.-iijity. and will mail
same n t liis otljre. ii ill ap-l-ar
uiil-r lliis lieadint.'. X e
w a&t all LieV3 ilf ms-Eimtoh
t h
'Ul II I
;eji ilt
Hir Check Book AicZr him
to flake Quck Trade Dealer
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
Auction Sales a Specialty. Five Years Experience.
!f you have anything to sell at
auction, write us for dates.
Phone Platts. 2412. W. R. YOUNG, Maynard, Neb.
Mrs. Tom Tulson has' been on the
sick list for the past fexv day.-.
lie sure and attend the coffee at the
libraiy next Saturday afternoon.
Mir.foid X- Creamer shipped a car
.f sioili t. the South Omaha market'
I.. If. Puis ami family spent Sun
day at the home of Mr. and .Mrs.
;,'uk Fried rich.
Frank Vallery ami Elmer Nali-.-.trm
Wtie Platt.-ir-'-uth visitors
Tue.-day evening.
Dr. J. F. Prendcl was looking after
some professional business in Platts
mouth Moniay evening.
Hoy Spangler has Ik-cm confined to
his home for the past few days with
a seige of the measles.
A If. Ganymer and W
were 1 ''!. in-r after some
matters in Omaha Monday.
The two sons of Mr. ami Mrs. C.
II. Harris have been numbered with
the sick for the pa.-t few days.
Curtis, the little s n of Mr. and
Mrs. John Farris, has been numbered
with the sick for the past few days.
Wesley Copenhaver, who was oper
ated upon a few weeks ao for pyemia,
was taken to the hospital this week,
for treatment.
I am carrying a full lino o up-to-date
Spiralla Corsets. See me for the
new Easter bargains.
Etta M. Nickels.
Mr--. John IF bsc-heitlt. who has been
numbered with the sick for the past
few weeks, remains in about the same
II. Pub
condition. She does rot gain strength
very rapidly.
II. C Creamer went to Plattsmouth
Tuesday evening, from where he took
the train to Omaha to look after the
car of stock that the firm had on the
market Wednesday morning.
Mj.-. H. G. Todd, who has been in
tile' in Omaha for the past
i four weeks. xviilWreturn h -me Fruiav.
leased to
: proved in
The many friends will be
return erreatlv i-
Look over the Hiatt & Tutt bargain j
i. I this week. j
Make irrantremer.ts to attend ti t i
c. :Te-e Saturdav. ;
P-e ure and spend the afternoon
:,r.d cvenir-u Saturday -it the library.
AU fit Y' umr and George Gibsoi'
;.rt building a barn for Lloyd G?p;i
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Deck and family
were viitinir with relatives i". Eim
v.ood Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Georire Ray and Mr.
i.nd Mrs. Thomp.-en were the guests
t.f Lloyd Gpen and family lat Sun
day. Oldham's have added another sow
of the Duroc Illustrator breeding to
treir herd. This hog was bought
from Georjro Brig;rs fc Son, of Clay
Certc-r, and is a tried sow.
Have you lead the Hiatt & Tutt
ad this week? It will interest you.
(Juy McCiiil was a I'lattsmoutii vis-
. ror hundav.
! Ik:t I'.oot was a I'lattrmouih vis
liter Tuesday ever.inir.
O. V. Virgin and family of Dunbar
v.cre visiting with Murray relatives
Mrs. Lambert has; returned heme
after a few weeks' viit with her
daughter in Omaha.
Mrs. James Holmes, Miss Walker
and Mrs. Shrader entertained at the
library last Saturday afternoon. A
larjre crowd was present.
"Col. Seybolt was a Plattsmouth vis
itor Tuesday evening. lie returned
to Plattsmouth with his sister, Mr.-.
A. C. Mutz, who had been here visit-
in? for a few davs.
-ee lei
Chris Miller of h was in
Murray Wednesday of this veek
i itii tr with old friends. Chris re
ir.ntly sold his Plattsmouth pr(pei iv,
has not yet made up his mird
just where he will locate.
Mi.-;s Henrietta Crear;er has bee 1
on the sick list for the past week.
Mrs. Henna Tennat of Clear Lake.
Iowa, his been in Murray for the
past fw-w days visitinjr at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carroll.
Mr. and Mrs. Kirkendall departed
last Saturday for Eddyville, Neb.,
where they will make their future
home. They have not moved their
household jj-oods from here yet
expect to in the near future.
Hoy Green was looking after some
bii-iness matters in the county seat
last Saturday.
Jan es Dele-Dernier was attending
to s.-:ne bu.-ins ir.aiters in Platts
iv.ojth Thursday.
Ed Cansemer w;is home from Oma
ha over Sunday, returning to that
ci-.y M nday iiHii nin..
Omar Schlichteineier shipped three
cars of cattle to the South Omaha
;r.aike. .Monday of this week.
Mrs. Ctoorire Mclleynolds went to
the Presbyterian hospital in Omaha,
this week, where she will take treat -merit.
Mr. anl Mrs. Hairy Creamer and
family .ve'e er.ests at the home of
Mr. and .Vi is. T. J. p.ruidel last Sun-d-;.
" D'ck Ji received the prize in
school this week for bavin? th.e best
deportment in his roam. Good for
A. L. P.aker went to Plattsmouth
Tuesday ever.inv. where he was shown
the mysteries of the Elks' lod.ue in
that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Schafer were
county seat visitors last Saturday,
diivin? up for a visit with county seat
f 1 ie'als.
Greer. P.i??ott ard Ed Xil! were
in Plattsmouth last Saturday evening.
While in the city Green paid the Jour
nal office a brief i.-it.
W. H. Puis v.
attending the Elk
bulge meeting and looking after some
business matters in Plattsmouth
Tut dr.y evening.
Miss Isabelle Shrader went to
Plattsmouth Tuesday evening, where
she remains oxer ni?ht visiting at the
home of Mis Anna Cist.
Mrs. D. A. Voang. Mrs. E. S. Tint
ard .Mrs. O. A. Davis will serve the
coffee at the library Saturday after
noon. Everyone is irx-ited.
Mr-;. Edith Taney went down to
Weepim' Water this week, xvhere sh
expects to accent a position at the
telephone switchboard in that city.
J. L. Shrailer m;vie a business trip
to Plattsmouth lat Saturday and
xxldle in the county reat he xvas a
pleasant caller at the Journal office.
Miss Ogki ?lmfoid. who cam. hon.?
to spend Sunday xvith her parents,
t)wing to illness, xvr.s unable to re
turn to her studies at Lincoln until
Wed n es d a v m o ruing.
Mrs. Jake Taylor
Xe'o., accompanied by
Miss Margie, weie in
days the jast xveek
friends and relatives.
Mrs. W. G. F.oedeker returned home
from the hospital in Omaha last Fri
but ; day evening. She has greatly im
The proved and is gaming strength very
Mrs. Clara Campbell died at the
Soldier's Home at Grand Island on V
Maich loth, after an illness of a fexv
months, at the advanced age of 81 .
years, death occurring on her eighty- 'V
first birthday She xvas laid to rest
be.-ide her hi-sliand, xvho died last fall :
at Plair, Xeb., their home for the past '.K
thirty ye'ars. The deveased is survived j
by one daughter and one son, both of
xvhom are residents of PJair. Miss'IC
Clara Young xvas married to Matthias V
Campbell in Denver. Colo., in lSo.",
and for many years thereafter made ! .
Cass county their home, and in ISTOj:
they resided on the farm that is y
known as the 0,-c-:ir Capen jdace, then
belonging to Little Frank Young. At i X
a late'- date they moved westward and
afteixvard located at IJlair. There
xvere fourteen children born to this
family, the Charles Young family, and
from the tlate of the first born child
up to the death of th.e last of the fam
ily of fourteen, which xvas Mrs. Camp
bell, their lives will extend over a pe
l iod of 104 years. Mrs. Young xvas
the last member of the family but xvas
neither the oldest nor the youngest.
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell have been
making their home at the Saldier's
Home in Grand Island for some time,
xvhere both deaths occurred.
n n
Entertains in Honor of Vance Todd.
Miss Leora Ann P.rown cnt-rtained
a number of her your? friends al the
home of her parents. .Mr. and Mr.-.
James Hrown, last Saturday over in?:
in honor of Vane Todd, xvlto depart
ed t'.e fore part of the xvtek for his
i'.o-.'j ." Stra.t mor". Cana-da.. '! 'he eve
ning xvas ( r.e oi ; great dea" of pleas
ure f r all th'se in attendance, and
at 'ho :isual hour u f re-hments xve'e
svivaI Folhiwing .vere those presto-
: Og!a Min-'i -!1, Ida Peynolds of
Fi ion. Clara Young. Helen Todd.
Varce Totld of Stratmore. Canada,
("!en Todd, of Omaha, John Chrisu-i-sen,
Cecil Pettit, Leora Ann l.r. xvr.
and Catherine Drown.
We would like to call your attention this
time to our line of Farm Implements.
We have in stock the John Deere and
Rock Island Disc; John Deere Plan ters
soft ground lister, single and double row
lister cultivators; John Deere, Jennylind,
New Departure, Pattee and Badger Cul
tivators. Also some J. I. Case Cultiva
tors that we are closing out at cost. Apax
& Ripe Lever Harrows; John Deere and
McCormick Binders, Mowers and Hay
Rakes; Velie and Reliance Buggies. We
think we have a pretty complete line
come in and let us show it to you, then
tell us what you think.
Murray Hardware and Implement Go.
Warning to the Public!
From this day on. all people com
ing on my place after night, must
make themselves known, and als
their business, for if they do not I
will not be responsible for xvhat hap
pens. JOHN V. LLOYD,
Murray, Xeb.
100 Subscriptions
of Plainv'exv,
her elaughter, j
Murray a fjv
visiting wit
for the Ladies Home Journal, $1.."0;
The Country Gentleman, $1.00; the
Saturday Evening Post, $1.50. See me
for full particulars about any maga
zine in snecii d club offers. Francis
Cook, Agent, Murray, X'e'b.
Journal joins with the many friends raojdlv. and her many friemls were
in wishing those excellent people sue- pleased to learn that she will soon be
cess in their nexv location. I in her former health.
Get Up!
-Take our word for it you can't over sleep
with one of our Alarm Clocks in the house.
55c, 90c, $1.45 and a Big One $2.00.
Work Gloves!
In spite of steady advances in this line we have
a big variety of band and gauntlet gloves at $1.00,
$1.25, $1.50 and $2.00.
Work Gloves! Dress Gloves! Auto Gloves!
Hiatt & Tutt
.Mrs. Fred Schafer, xvho has been
in an Omaha hospital for the past fexv
xveeks recovering from an operation,
xv.-.s ablo to leave the hospital Tuesday
of this week, but has not arrived hon e
a- she is spending a few days xvith
frimds and relatives out at Person.
Gjs Hollemberg .shipped a car of
cattle to the South Omaha market
Miss May Lough ridge gave a num
ber of her friends a most highly en
joyed exen ing's entertainment at the
home of Dr. and Mrs. .G. II. Gilmorc
last Saturday evening. The evening
xvas spent i na most enjoyable man
ner in games and music, and at the
usual time an excellent several
course luncheon xvas served. Quite
a number of her young friends were
L. H. Puis sells another one of his
very successful and practical farm
lighting plants this week, the Alamo
Electric Plant, one of the best on the
market. This one goes to the fine
farm home of Charles Engelkemeier,
near Weeping Water, and will be in
stalled next week. The nexv plant will
be one of the large type and will
co-er the entire residence and all out
buildings on the Engelkemeier farm.
It will be a good one and among the
best put out by the Alamo people.
Silas Patterson, xvho has been here
for the past fexv weeks from his home
in Texas, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Long of South Bend xvere visiting in
Murray with friends' a fexv days this
week, being guests at the Dr. and
Mrs. Gilmore home and Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Walker. Dr. Gilmore and Mrs.
Margie Walker took them to Platts
mouth Wednesday afternoon, where
over the Uurlington, they returned
home. Mr. Patterson will take his
departure Thursday for bis old home
in Pennsylvania, where he will make
few weeks' visit before returning
I- rank Schilchtemeier xvent to
OV.aha a few days ago, xvhere he went
for the purpose of taking a fexv
medicated baths, and while there xvas
taken doxvn xvith inflammatory rheu-
. : ... i i i
nuiu.Mii, anu is iiox' I'onnneu 10 nts
bed at the Presbyterian Medical hos
W. J. Philpot and Will Obernalte
from xvest of Murray, xvere looking
after some business matters in the
county seat Tuesday of this xveek
diiving up from the Philpot home. Mr
Philpot xvas a pleasant caller at the
Journal office, xvhere he is alxx-ays one
of the most welcome visitors.
J. I). Shrader is in receipt of a let
ter from Al Iiartlett, xvho left here for
Texas a fexv xveeks ago, in xvhich he
states that if he xvas back in old Cass
county he would surely staw He
says that he does not knoxv just hoxv
long he can hold out in that almost
forsaken country, but he is going to
try and "stick."
The Maple Grove Threshing M
enine company completed a deal this
xveek whereby they sell their complete
threshing outfit to Henry Thierolf of
Cedar Creek. We are informed that
the outfit will be kept in this locality
lor the handling of the grain, Lut
xvill be oxvnrd and operated in the
future by Mr. Thierolf.
Mrs. I). A. Young returned horn.?
from Missouri last Sunday evening.
The sister xvho xvas seriously ill, xva?
improving rapidly at the time Mrs.
Young returned home. Mrs. Wol
liver, of Ioxva, sister, xvho accom
panied Mrs. Young on the journey,
remained in Murray last Sunday eve
ning, and returned to her home Mon
day morning.
For Sale.
Gordon, Deuel, Keith and Perkins
county land. Very good terms.
Bert Root, Murray, Neb.
For Sale.
A good second-hand threshing out
fit; xvill take a good driving team in
exchange in the deal. The outfit con
sists of one 20-horse International
gasoline engine, one 28x50 Case steel
seperator, xvith feeder, wind stacker
and clover attachment: 10S feet of
1-ply belt. Will be sold right. M. E
Manspeaker, Plattsmouth, Xeb.
Please Call and Settle.
Please call and settle your account
now, either by cash or note, or xve
xvill be compelled to place the same
in other hands for collection.
Baker & Nickels.
Many sick and tired women, xvith
aches and pains, sore1 muscles and stiff
joints, do not know that their kidneys
are out of order. Mrs. A. G. Wells,
Box 00, Route 5, Rocky Mount, N. C.,
writes: "I am taking Foley Kidney
Pills, and cannot praise them enough
for the wonderful benefit I derived in
such a short while." Sold everywhere.
A healthy man is a king in his oxvn
right; an unhealthy man an unhappy
slax-e. For impure blood and sluggish
lix-er, use Burdock Blood Bitters. On
the market 33 years. $1.00 a bottle.
I Barber Shop f
J First-Class Service
! Only Public Bath i
Shoe Shining and '.
Porter Service. , -
me bod
our new line of Men's. Boy's. Misses5 aii'I Children's
1 &)Hll
Also a e-oinplete line of Men's Work Gloves. If in
need of anything in our line of goods dro in and we
will prove to you that our prices are rig; t.
A full and complete line of new
ieweSry and Que&nsware
readv for vnur inspection.
Highest Price Paid for Farm Products!
uIs & Gansemer
Read Hiatt & Tutt's ad in this issue
of the Journal.
FOR SALE Good txvin Indian
Motorcycle. Tor sale or trade.
D. C. Rhoden.
Coed Seed Corn For Sale.
Ioxx-a Silvermine 11)14 crop seed
corn for sale, from $1.00 to ?1.50 per
bushel. J. L. Shrader, Nehawka
J. L. SHRADER. Nehawka, Neb.
-Mrs. Il.nrv K
r.r.c-eiKimon-r and lit
tle child from near Murray, and Mis?
Sophia Kraeger of
among the passengers
for Omaha, xvhere thov
Mynard xvero
this morning
xvill visit for
the day. Mr. Engelkemeier r.utored
up xvith the Indies from their hemes.
Eggs for Hatching.
Light Brahma eggs at 50c per set
ting, setting. Inquire of Mrs.
George Reynolds, Route 1, Tlatts
mouth. Neb. 3-20-1 ma-xv
Mrs. . W. Shrader xvas a passeng
er this mornimr for Omaha, where she
xvill visit her daughter, Mrs. Grace
Rhoden. at the hospital, xvhere the is
recovering from a x-ery severe op"m
tin for gall stones and abcess. xv tb
veie caused by an injury several year
Fre-d Campbell from the vicinity of
Murray was visiting in this city a
fexv days this xx-eek xvith his friends.
The Celebrated Percheron and Shire Stallion
M r. A
will make the season of 1915 at my home, 2 milea east and
3 miles south of Murray; 1 K lllile east an(1 4 miles north of
COLONEL is a rich bay, weighing 1 SOU pounds, lie
is an extra sure foal getter, and his many colts in this lo
cality will speak for their excellency.
Tel. 200 throe ring
ShsIIenbarger & Atkinson,
-S8.00 to insure a mare with foal; Si L'.OO
to insure a colt to stand and suck. Mares sold or removed
from the community, service fee becomes due and payable
immediately. Care will be taken to prevent any accidents,
but owner of horse will not be responsible should any occur.
1 7
i I
A. A
m w
to his home.