The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 23, 1916, Image 1
omnu Neb State Historical Soc VOL. XXXIV. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1916. NO. HI. RURAL HIGH SCHOOL BECOM ING POPULAR Why Not Have a Rural High School Or One With Tart of the Higher Grades Every So Far in the Country? From Tuesday's Dally. Those ready for higher prudes can make the trip by themselves, while the younger ones are kept in their own school under the supervision of the parents and very likely to their own advantage, as more time could be given to them. Would not this plan be better than consolidation? The long trips night and morning, with perhaps waiting for the wagon in bad weather, is too much for our smaller ones. Decidedly, something should be done. We can't or should not send our children to town for higher education. They are finishing: the eighth grade entirely too young to be sent from heme. They are just at the age where they need the influence of that home, father and mother. They also need the influence of the cornfields, apple orchards and all of God's grow ing things much more than they need the movies, loitering on the streets, not knowing how to get the recreation and exercise to which they have been accustomed. We trv to teach our children to withstand temptation, try to teach them they will meet evil and make them strong enough to overcome it. but I leave it to you. do you not know men and women past the age of the ninth graders who make a mistake now and then ? What, then, can we expect of a child? You voters have made laws to care for the fish, to protect the birds, to investigate the horse disease, to send out advice to make poultry pay and to protect the hogs. Can't you do some thing for our most valuable product, our boys and girls, to make them pay bigger dividends in finer men and women ? God never started bovs and girls under better conditions than out here j en the farm. He also gave men the! minds with which to reason and the Lower to keep those conditions what thev should be. I w.i ,.f a,i,. J.V ' - noiil i 1IVI Vili ViiU J L I nit is not one or two occasionally from a district but a big majority all the time to go go farther than the eighth grade. Why can't we have rural high schools and instead of nreachir"- hack to the farm" our children will . i never get weaned away from it. I would like to hear from other mothers on this subiect a subiect that is being discussed in almost every rural home. A Country Mother. LITTLE MABLE SHEL DON CELEBRATES HER FIFTH BIRTHDAY From Tuesday Daily Last Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sheldon occurred a very pleasant surprise party in honor of their daughter, Mable, being her fifth birthday anniversary. A large number of the little friends of the young lady gathered to assist her in the celebration of the happy event. The little folks played the many games of childhood, which were enjoy ed to the utmost until a suitable hour, when a dainty and delicious luncheon was served to the merry party by Mrs. Claude Gouchenour and Miss Bertha Ileldon, which was much enjoyed. In honor of the occasion Miss Mable re ceived many handsome presents to re mind her of the little friends who had enjoyed the event with her. At a late hour they all departed homeward, wishing the little lady many happy returns of the day. Those present were: Misses Froma Strucklin, Vir ginia Gouchenour. Blanche Leland, Viola Ferguson, Tressa Ferguson, Helen Mason, Edith Kephart, Lucille Mason, Gladys Sheldon, Mable Shel don, Earl Renner, Jesse Blunt, Glenn Mason, Willard Leland, Mart Sheldon, Howard Mason, Glenn Ferguson, Floide Mason, Ralph Sheldon, Charlie Renner, Donie Renner, Mrs. Eugene Mason and Miss Doris Mason. Called to Brother's Bedside. From Tuesday's Dally. Last evening Mrs. William Barclay received a message stating that her brother, James Welsh, residing at j Fairmont, Nebraska, had been seri- ousiy if not fatally injured in an auto mobile accident and was not expected to survive the accident, and this morn mg iirs. i.arciay departed lor Jair- mont to be at his bedside. The mes sage did not give any of the partic ulars of the accident. P. P. VALLERY OF BELLE FOUCHE, S, D VISITS RELATIVES From Tuesday' Dalir. I'. I'. Vallery came in last evening to vi.;it over night at the home of his brother, 1 . W. Vallery, and during the short time afforded him to look over the once familiar scenes where he spent hi boyhood and early man hoc d. Mr. Vallery has resided in South Dakota for over forty yc.irs and located in that state when it was still a part cf the wild west with all the jdanycrs rnd perils of the frontier life from the Indians and the wild and iicviess characters who made the frontier towns their headqvarters. When he located in Dakota, Deadwood was just springing into existence, and be assisted in the erection of a great many of the houses in th?l town, as weli i.s in Custer and other s,pai!er towns .learbv. He was hv owner for a short t-me of h.n been built the stockade which there bv General I.ioo!. uiiu ins jorce oi so.uers u I guard against the invasion ol the i . l L j ? iwar-Kkc ti ibes of Indians, and it was just about the time Mr. Vallery. lo cated in that country that the famous battle of General Custom occurred, which resulted in the death cf that brave officer and his force of men. Mr. Vrdlery, in remarking on the many changes that had occurred here fince he was a resident, related the story of the moving of the fiist dirt on the Burlington, which was made at this point and which was a most gala occasion in the town and nearby coun try, as it cemented the ties that bound Nebraska to the rest of the world and made travel by rail possible between the different towns of the state. While ?I r. Vallery resided here tho I i i r i i a in;ei means OI l""ei anu " tK'n for Krain was made across the . . a . i a i r ,i rier oy sieamooais anu jerries anu he states that many a time he has t,een Psent wren great streams o, wagons from the nearby country were here waiting for an opportunity i j. . I l . i i . r umoau ineir wneat or corn iur shipment to the east. It was a pleas jant occasion for the brothers to en- ,i.v lhe visit if fcVen for onlv a feW 1 1,cur5' and the took advantage cf very minute to spend with each other. GUY M'MAKEN CHANGES BASE, AND WILL TILL THE SOIL Our city is soon to lose one of its lamilies which will be greatly re gretted by their many friends, as in a few days the Guy McMaken family leave for Kimball, Nebraska, where they will locate on a large C40 acre ranch near that place and take up the tilling of the soil. Mr. McMaken has already departed with the household goods and farming implements, which will be arranged before the family leaves to take up their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott and son, Glenn, will also locate on the ranch and as sist in looking after the work and management of this extensive piece of land. The friends of this estimable family will regret very much to lose them from their circle but trust that they will have the greatest of success in their new home in every way and that happiness and prosperity may be their lot in the coming years. To Preach Here Sunday. On next Sunday morning Rev. N. A. Martin of Lincoln will occupy the pul pit at the First Methodist church in place of Rev. F. M. Druliner, who on account of sickness in his family will rot be able to be present at the serv ices. Dr. Martin is one of the able clergymen of the church and will min ister to the spiritual needs of the membership. COUNTY COMMIS SIONERS ENJOY A BUSY DAY'S WORK From Tuesday's DaKr The board of county commissioners wass in session at the court house today looking after the county's business af fairs, and a full attendance of the members were on hand to start the ball to rolling at the call of the gavel of Chairman Heebner. One of the chief matters to claim the attention of the board was the application of sev eral of the residents of the eastern portion of Liberty precinct to have that precinct divided for the road work into four districts so that it could be cared for in better shape. The board decided that it was not practical to divide the precinct into separate dis tricts, but decided to appoint two deputy road supervisors to work un der Fred Clark, the road overseer of the precinct, in caring for the roads Bert Everett was apopinted for the northeastern part of the precinct and I). A. Eaton for the southeastern part. If the precinct was divided the eastern part of the precinct would not receive any of the money lrom the railroad tax of the Missouri Pacific, which runs through the western part of the pre cinct, and as the land in the eastern portion is not taxed as heavily as the other land it would not raise sufficient revenue to carry on the work. There was a large number present at the meeting from that section of the coun ty, including Joe Dare, D. A. Eaton, James Edminston, Bert Everett, George Eaton, George Everett, D. E. Eaton and William Rakes. AN INFORMATION SCHOOL ESTABLISHED AT LONG BEACH, GAL from Tuesdays Daily The Long Beach, California, Daily Teelgram of Saturday, March 4th, tells of the formation out in that state of a new line of educational work which it is thought will be taken up quite extensively by those who are seeking to fit themselves for useful careers. Among those who have as sumed a very active part in this work is our former friend. Senator S. L. Thomas, who of late years has made his home on the coast, and the friends of the genial senator will be pleased to learn that he still has a keen inter est in the welfare of his community, as the following would indicate: As forecasted in Thursday's Tel egran, the establishment of an Inter national School for Domestic Arts and Science is an established fact, and the new enterprise is practically ready to open for business. At a meeting of several local business men and capi talists Friday at the temporary offices in room 313, Marine Bank building, a complete organization was effected by the election of the following officers: President, Hon. S. L. Thomas. First Vice President and General Manager, A. C. Hoff. Second Vice President, E. J. Gil lette. Secretary-treasurer, W. B. Mc Queen. The new officials are well known in Long Beach and their practical activi ties in business lines before they came to this city indicates that the school will have all the push and energy be hind it of which these boosters are capable. President Thomas, formerly state senator of Nebraska, is now a retired capitalist of Long Beach. First Vice President and General Manager A. C. Hoff was founder of the Inter-State Schools of Cedar Rap ids, Iowa, the most successful school in the United States, on civil service preparation. Visiting Here Sunday. From Tuesday's Dally. J. E. Johnson and wife came down from Omaha last Sunday to spend the day here at the home of Mr. Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson and family, and made the trip in the new Studebaker touring car which Mr. Johnson has just purchased, and ha acn now spend his spare time when not looking after the running of trains "on this division of the Burlington, in enjoying real joy rides in the new machine. Down Town Again. Our eld friend, Jacob Meisinger, who for the past few weeks has been confined to his home suffering from a severe attack of rheumatism, was down town yesterday for a short time visiting with his many friends and enjoying his first trip down to the business part of town since being taken sick. Mr. Meisinger is still suf fering a great deal from his malady which has settled in his lower limbs and he is compelled to use a crutch to get around, but is showing the most favorable signs of recovering from the malady. THE FUNERAL OF MRS. JOSEPH NEJED- LEY YESTERDAY From Tuesdays Dally. The funeral of the late Mrs. Joseph Nejedley was held yesterday after noon from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buttery on Elm street and was attended by a large number of those who had known her best in life and who shared with the bereaved husband and children the grief of the taking away of this good woman. The serv ices were conducted by Rev. Father W. S. Leete of St. Luke's Episcopal church, using the beautiful and im pressive burial service of that church. The choir of the church gave a num ber of the beautiful hymns which served to soften the grief of the fam ily and friends. At the close of the service the body was conveyed to Oak Hill cemetery, where it was laid to rest besides that of the little daugh ter, who had preceded her in death. The pali-bearers were: Andrew Kroehler, II. M. Soennichsen, Edward Donat, Emmons Ptak, John Bajeck, Mike Bajeck, old friends of the fam ily during the residence in tms city. Card of Thanks. To our friends in Plattsmouth, who by their kindness and sympathy soft ened the bitterness of our loss of a beloved wife and mother, we desire to express our most heartfelt apprecia tion and pray that these kind friends may be treated with equal sympathy in their hour of sorrow. Joseph Nejedley and Family. A, L. TODD SUR PRISED ON HIS FORTY SIXTH BIRTHDAY From Wednesday's Dally. One of the most pleasant social gatherings in the country districts oc curred Saturday evening at the cozy farm home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Todd, west of this city, when a large number of the friends and neighbors of this highly esteemed gentleman gathered to asisst him in celebrating his forty-sixth birthday anniversary. Mr. Todd was not aware of the inten tions of his friends to assist him in the celebration of the occasion and was taken completely by surprise when the jolly party made its appear ance at the Todd home. The evening was spent delightfully in visiting and having a general social time for sev eral hours and games of all sorts as well as several very pleasing musical numbers that were given to add to the delights of the event. At a suitable hour a very dainty and delicious luncheon was served which added very much to the enjoyment of the event as the guests had all been pro vided with well filled baskets of good things to eat which added a very pleasing part to the evening's enter tainment. At a late hour the guests departed wishing Mr. Todd many more happy birthdays in the future and years of success and happiness. Call on the Journal. From Tuesday s Daily. Dave Eaton, George Everett, George Eaton and William Raker of the vi cinity of Union motored to this city this morning to attend to some im portant business matters and visit county seat friends. While here Mr. Everett and Mr. Dave Eaton were pleasant callers at this office, and Mr. Everett had his his subscription ex tended for another year and Mr. Dave Eaton had the subscription of the pa per ?roing to his father, Eli Eaton, ex tended for another year. DAHLMAN MYS TERY AT LINCOLN GROWS DEEPER Why Omaha's Mayor Did Not Attend Bryan Birthday Affair Has Not Vet ISeen Explained. From "Wednesday's Dally. Lincoln, Neb., March 22. The mys-J tery of the failure of Mayor Dahlman of Omaha to keep his appointment as I a speaker at the Bryan meeting here last night deepened today. There were reach St. Louis in time to get connec many who attended the affair who tions for the north and will probably said they did not see the mayor throughout the evening and there were some Lincoln citizens who de clared that he was in this very city at the very hour the banquet was tak ing place. Two men who know the mayor well asserted that he was a guest of friends at a local club at the time he was expected and had promised to be a speaker on the same platform with Mr. Bryan. Laurie J. Quinby, a Douglas county enmnatrint nf th mavnr 5 eid tn have inquired for him just before go- . - I ing over to the Bryan meeting and to have stated that the mayor had ar- rived in the city during the evening, Mr. Quinby was so quoted by a local democrat. Mavor Charles Bryan of this city expected to sit by the mavor of the metropolis at the gathering. When the atter did not show up he was consid- erably exercised over the matter and discussed it nervously with Thomas S. Allen while a portion of the speaking was going on. "He promised to be here," said Mayor Bryan, and I know Jim's word is good.? William Stoecker of Omaha, one of the three democratic candidates for covernor. was a visitor in the citv last night. He mingled freely with the men who were here for the Brvan meet-1 ing. He passed his literature, "The New Governor," to most of those he 1 met. The booklet gave a resume of his plan to regulate saloons by com- mission form, and to keep prohibition - i away from the door. One of his conferees during the eve- ning was Mayor unaries uryan, one of his opponents for the nomination. le and Mr. Bryan talked apart by themselves for several minutes and when one curious democrat went over in their direction ceased their conver- sation until he finally retreated. Mr. Stoecker was not at all back- ward about pushing his doctrine atjEd McCuIlough. those present, although most of those here for the affair did not agree with his stand in any particular. Mr. Stoecker was not down on the pro-'p. gram for a speech. DEATH OF JAS. WELSH, BROTHER-IN-LAW OF CHIEF BARCLAY From Wednesday's Dally. This morning Chief of Police Bar clay received a message from Mrs Barclay, who was called to Fairmont yesterday morning by the serious con dition of her brother, James Welsh, announcing the sad news that her brother had passed away after suf fering for several hours as the result of his injuries which occurred in an automobile accident. From what can be learned of the accident here it seems that Mr. Welsh was crossing the street in Fairmont and an auto mobile was coming toward him at .i high rate of speed and he did not dis cover the car until it was only a few feet away and he then jumped hack to escape the danger, only to step in to the path of another car coming from the opposite direction, and M Welsh was hurled several feet by xi.e auto, and striking on the curbing in such a manner as to crush his sv'..!l in a terrible manner. He ivas at one; removed to a hospital, but his in junes were of such a nature that death was only the matter of a few hours, and he did this morning at 7 o'clock. Mr. Barclay will leave in the morning for Fairmort to be present at the funeral, which will be held there tomorrow afternoon. In her grief Mrs. Barclay will receive the deepest rympathy of the entire community. Funeral of Riley Frady. From Wednesdays Dallv. Yesterday morning the funeral the late Riley Frady was held from the home of Clarence Forbes in th south part of the city and was attend ed by a large number of the friend and neighbors. The services were in charge of Rev. II. G. McClusky of the Presbyterian church. After the serv ice at the home the body was gently borne to Oak Hill cemetery, where it was laid to rest. lhe pan-Dearers were selected from the former as sociates of Mr. Frady in the Burling ton plaining mill in this city. The wife and children of Mr. Fradv could not reach here in time for the funeral, as they reside some distance from the railroad in Arkansas and could not not be able to reach here until Satur day. JURYMEN FOR THE ENSUING TERM OF DISTRICT COURT lhe board oi county commission- ers at their session yesterday pre pared the following list of names from which will be selected the members of the jury panel for the ensuing term of the district court: Tipton Precinct H. G. Caddy, George Oberle, jr.. J. L. Wall Greenwood Precinct m. Doud, 11 W. Stwrt, P. J. Lynch Salt Creek Precinct J. C. Lemon, F. N. Goodfellow, Roy Armstrong Stove Creek Precinct Ed Gustin Guy Clements, E. T. Comer I Elmwood Precinct Wm. Bourke, Frank Mclvin, Henry Meiergurgen South Bend Precinct Tom Eager, Martin Zaar. Weeping Water Precinct A. 1!. Box, H. A. Ruhga, Andrew Olson Center Precinct C. E. Mocken- jhaupt, F. H. Stander. Louisville Precinct Ernest Paut- sch, William Wagner, James Alloway. Avoca Precinct R. A. Nutzman, Dan Miller. Mt. Pleasant Precinct Z. W Shrader, L. H. Young. Eight Mile Grove Precinct W. H Heil. Henrv Thierolf. W. G. Mei singer. Nehawka Precinct E. G. Young, G. L. fcneldon. Liberty Precinct J. M. Batkhurst, H. Chilcott, A. Beckei Rock Bluffs First Lloyd Gapen, Jacob Bengen, Ed Slocum. Rock Bluffs Second Frank Grauf, Plattsmouth Precinct James Grif- fin, Martin Nelson, M. G. Stava. Plattsmouth, Firts Ward Jacob Falter, George Thomas. Plattsmouth, Second Ward James Newasek, A. F. Seybert, John Svo boda. Plattsmouth, Third Ward Henry Jess, Ed Mason, John Hirz, John Bauer, jr. Plattsmouth, Fourth Ward C. E. Hartford, H. T. Batton, P. H. Fields. Plattsmouth, Fifth Ward Jasper Young, L. H. Peterson. Weeping Water, First Ward H. E. Ratnour. WTeeping Water, Second Ward John R. Josephson. Weeping Water, Third Ward John N. Fowler. The names have been certified ..o the clerk of the district court and thii official, with the sheriff, will proceed to draw the twenty-four men who will be given the opportunity to st on the cases to be tried in the district court at the June term. OTOE COUNTY CANDIDATE FOR FLOAT REPRESENTATIVE Among the candidates who will seek the favor of the voters at the coming April primaries appears the name of C. J. Mullis of Dunbar, Otoe county, who filed Saturday in Nebras ka City for the office of float repre sentative for Cass and Otoe counties. Mr. Mulis is a democrat and while we do net have the pleasure of knowing him personally he is spoken of very highly in Nebraska City and in the portion of Otoe county where he makes his home, as a gentleman well qualified in every way for the position to which he aspires. AUTO SPEED ERS ARE ONTO THEIR OLD JOB Ak Soon as Spring Opens They It Rin Speeding Through the Stre-t. And It Must Ceae. The auto speeders in this city are becoming quite active aain after the long winter rest, judging from the re ports which have been made to the police and the mayor in regard to the matter. The city authorities in the last two years have hut! this problem brought more and more to their atten tion as the number of automobiles are increasing and the darj-ers and com plications of regulating- traffic be come more trying. The authorities have tried to preserve an attitude of moderation in regard to the enforce ment of a strict speed regulation ordi nance, hoping that the automonih.ts would get in line and do their part in not only observing the speed regula tions but also in the following of the rules of the road in driving on the streets of the city, which would tend to make more for the safety of the automobilist as well as the pedestri ans, who are more or le.s anected ov the laws providing for he regulation of traffic. The police ha ve had numer ous complaints in regard to the driv ers of cars in turning the corners at a high rate of speed, as well as hav ing the drivers of machines cut acro.-s the street in the middle of a block in plain disregard of the safety of tho.-e who might be traveling along the street or other machine i which might be injured in some mznner by such actions. A genuine effort to obey the law on the part of the automobile owners of the city and county wculd go a long way in making everybody feel better n every way. The rights of the pedestrians on the treets must be considered by the officers of the law and the different aws which have been enacted for their safety and protection as well as hat of the automobile drivers will have to be enforced if the present fast driving is indulged in on the princi pal streets of the city. The residents along the avenues have lodged a vig- rous protest with the police in re gard to the practice ard several par ies on Main street have complained of the rate of speed at which the ma- hines turn the intersections at Sixth nd Main streets, all of which could e avoided it a little more care was exercised by the driver s. Of course the drivers of horse pro pelled vehicles have i.lso occasioneJ not a little trouble by their disregard of the rules of the road and these also should be looked after as several times they have come near causing a serious accident by attempting to cut across the street in fiont of a pa.s- ng automobile, which was dangerous to both parties. The law governing the rights of the road was made equally for the driver of a team or horse as it was for the auto driver arid hould be regarded as such. a AND MRS. JULIUS PITZ RE TURN HOME From Tuesday's Dallv. County Commissioner Julius A. itz and bride have returned from their honeymoon trip to the south land, and while the trip through that portion of the country was most de lightful, they are glad to be back home in old Cass county. Mr. and Mrs. Pitz on their trip visited at Evansville, Indiana, Chattanooga, Tennessee; Birmingham, Alabama, and New Orleans, where they spent several days enjoying the sights of this beautiful southern city. 'J he fi iends of this estimable couple Pl extend a hearty welcome to them oi their return and e press the wish that many years of happiness are awaiting them in the future. They will make their home on he farm of Mr. Pitz, south of this city. Lee Cole of MynarJ was in the city yesterday for a few hours visiting with his friends f.nd looking after some business matters.