The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 20, 1916, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    :.IOIY. MARCn 20, 1916.
On.- of the Mof Successful Banquets
That We Eer Attended, and the
Otoe County Democrats Are
to He Congratulated.
From Saturday's Dal?y.
O'.e of the big jtolitical gatherings
: the eaon was the banquet held by
the .i-m-K-rats of Otoe county at Ne-
. :.-ka City on Thursday evening, and
;t which almost every loader of the
t t y irathered to enjoy the splendid
e-:.t a::d the strong, forceful speeches
r-.ade i y the liiffeerr.t orators cf the
. t-..r,g. The F.ev. W. W. Lames of
. . Mary's Episcopal church presided
i:-- : ..a-tmaster, an ! was a most pleas
presiding office with his clever in
' rliKTir;- cf the speakers. The vis-;?.-
Wi'-c welcomed vy Senator John
M;.tte in a pleasing speech.
The main address of the evening
v. made by Senator William V. AI-
'?: of Madison, who took as his sub
j (. "Preparedress," and a most elo-
u.-r.t address was given, which filled
the i.jditors with enthusiasm for the
) tlaz and the principals which
Wo d:ov Wil: on is carrying out.
Si: addresses were also given by
K-hh Neville of North Platte. C. W.
r.ryan of Lincoln and W. F. Stoecker
f Omaha, candidates for the nomina
tor, for governor, as well as Mayor
I'ah' of Omaha and W. B. Ban
? . i r cr of Union, candiadte for lieuten
::r : governor.
One of the pleasing talks of the
( was that of our friend. Wil
.! I. Eaken. private secretary of
SVr.;it.r Hitchcock, and we are glad
of the opportunity cf reproducing this
:.!i:tss filled with so many interest
i:.T facts. The address of Mr. Eaken
v.;i- as follows:
M.. Young warned mc thr.t if I
ame down here I would 1d expected
t- represent Senator Hitehock in a
f. peech He said that he
i i .-w I couldn't fill vhe bill, but that
you would let me fill the time.
I realize the presumption of my
speaking to a gathering of democratic
war horses who were veterans in the
tat: e before I had cut ipy eye-teeth,
1 u my strength is not in myself, but
i.i him whose ;-boe I am to rattle
. round in.
1 Ititve had the good fortune of be
ing associated with Senator Hitchcock
:u: ir.g e ight years of the most active
p-ri-d of progresshe congressional
k-irislation that this country has
l:?iov.-r.. so while I have not lived long,
I have lived intensely in the sphere of
Tnis period has seen two revisions
rf the tariff one up. one down. The
l ri. the republican levision, was an
cx parte proceeding, thep rotected in
te rests being represented by abie and
corpulent counsel, while the ultimate
cor.-umcr was not even served with a
summons. The second, the demo
tratic downward revision, was accom
plished with entire freedom from the
vr.due influence of the insidious lobby
ist, while he was being entertained at
-r4 yc"J!!' jar?
Old Taylor, full quarts $1.23
Yellowstone, full quarts 1.23
Greenbrier, full quarts 1.23
Cedar Brook, full quarts 1.23
T. W. Samuels, full quarts 1.25
Oscar Pepper, full quarts 1.25
Bond & Lillard, full quarts 1.25
Sunny Brook, full quarts 1.25
Green River, full quarts 1.25
Hill & Hill, full quarts 1.25
Guckenheimer Rye, full quarts. . 1.23
Schenby Rye, full quarts 1.25
Old Elk, full quarts 1.25
Old Bridgeport Rye, full quarts.. 1.25
Finch Golden Wedding Rye, full
quarts 1.23
Large Rye, full quarts 1.25
Clarke's Pure Rye, full quarts.. 1.00
Golden Sheaf, full quarts 1.00
Hers Pure Rye, full quarts.... 1.00
White Corn Whiskey, full quarts 1.00
Old Ciow, short quarts 1.25
Old Hermitage, short quarts... 1.25
Four Quarts Shipped Prepaid.
the other end of the capitol with an
investigation in his honor.
The first part of this period saw re
peated attempts by Senator Hitchcock
and others to secure thee nactment of
an income tax law, but it was not un
til the second half, vnder democratic
rule, that their efforts became suc
cessful. Postal savings banks, advocated by
Senator Hitchcock from the beginning
of his public service, are now an ac
complished fact.
In the first part of this period, with
the greatest difficulty and only after a
sensational speech in the house, Sen
ator Hitchcock forced from the Can
rionized committee on rules his resolu
tion to investigate the Ballinger land
frauds in Alaska, which investigation
took from the Guggenheim interests
the key to that great public treasure
house. In the second part, under the
democrats, that storehouse is being
opened to the people of the United
States, to whom it belongs.
During the republican regime he
helped secure an appropriation for
a government powder plant, which has
reduced the cost of Uncle Sam's
powder by nearly half, and under the
democrats this move will be extended
to the government manufacture of
ether munitions of war and the con
sequent busting of the war trust.
The period which I refer to began
with a monetary panic which was the
natural fruit of a patched-up currency
system, which the republicans knew
was wrong, but did not have the
courage to change. In the democratic
days those things came to pass that
the republicans had failed to attend
to, and panics have gone out of
Senator Hitchcock secured the in
sertion in the currency bill of a pro
vision that the six-months agricultural
paper of the western farmer shall be
accepted as federal reserve security
on a par with the I. O. U. of the east
ern business man. The prospect is
that the law will soon be improved by
the adoption of two other provisions
fought for by him and demanded by
subsequent experience, namely, the
guaranty of national bank deposits to
protect the depositor and keep mem
ber banks from leaving the system,
and such reduction of the number of
federal reserve banks that each will
be big enough to pay its own expenses
and be a going concern.
The republican administration be
queathed to the democrats the Mexi
can problem which, after many days,
is abotu to reach its final solution,
without war.
The republican administration,
through the boasted "taking of the t
Isthmus" by the Terrible Teddy, and
similar flourishes of the big stick, be
queathed to the democrats a precari
cus friendship with our Latin-American
neighbors, but through the Colom
bian and Nicaraguan treaties and a
neighborly exchange of common
counsel, concerning the recognition of
the de facto government in Mexico
and other Pan-American problems,
that republican bequest of hatred and
suspicion is being transformed into
mutual respect and confidence by the
administration of Woodrow Wilson.
Another republican bequest was a
state of unpreparedness such that, in
spite of the large military appropria
tions that were continued over many
years, when we go to chase a bunch
of bandits there are but six or eight
Pay the RIGHT
Green River
Cedar Brook
Old Taylor
Sunny Brook
Bond & Lillard . . .
Spring Hill ,
T. W. Samuels
Old Crow
Hill & Hill
Guckenheimer Rye
Schenley Rye
Sherwood Rye
Clarke's Rye
Old Overholt Rye
Six Quarts
One Full Gallon Old Federal Reserve Whiskey, 100 Proof $2.00
'Free Imported China Coupons With Each Sale!
regiments left at their regular posts.
One of the first measures initiated by
the democratic house of representa
tives was the preparedness meas
ure of 1912 which provided for an
army reserve by making the term of
enlistment seven years, with the last
three years spent in the reserve. Then
when the senate also bcame demo
cratic, one of the first enactments of
the present administration was the
preparedness measure which provides
for the prompt mobilization and trans
fer into the federal service of the
militia of the several states in time of
actual or threatened war. In these
two small steps the democrats did
more in the first three years of their
majority than the republicans had
done in twenty years to correct the
state of unpreparedness which they
now admit.
The republican party also bequeth
ed to us the Philippine problem, but
under the leadership of Senator
Hitchcock, as chairman of the Philip
pine committee, the administration's
Philippine bill has passed the senate
and one of our greatest war clouds
in passing from our horizon.
I could go on with this enumeration
of democratic achievements, but time
does not perrait. I will simply close
with the observation that the repub
lican finger is shaken with the ague
as it tries to point to a single instance
wherein the democratic party has fail
ed to measure up nobly to the con
fidence placed in it by the voters of
this country.
From Friday's Dally.
Fred Rezner, who for a number of
vears was employed by the Burling
ton in the shops in this city, has just
received another recognition of his
ability by the company by being sent
from Alilance, where he was foreman
of the car repair work, to Omaha,
where he will have charge of the work
in Gibson, South Omaha and Omaha
for the Burlington. Mr. Rezner was
sent from the shops here, where he
was acting sub-foreman, to Edgmont,
South Dakota, where he spent four
years in charge of the car repair de
partment. Two years ago he was
sent to Alliance by the company and
has since been there until his trans
fer to Omaha. Mr. Rezner is one of
the reliable men in the employ of the
Burlington and it is pleasing to his
old friends here to learn of this well
deserved recognition of his services
and they are hopeful thai he may be
able to advance even higher on the
ladder in rank in his chosen field of
Teddy Clifford Out.
From Saturday's Dally.
After an illness covering several
weeks, T. S. Clifford is able to be out
of the house for a short time each
day and is gradually gaining back his
.strength, which was undermined by
his illness of the past few weeks. Mr.
Clifford was suffering from an infect
ed arm and also from a very severe
case of the grippe and for several
weeks was in a most critical condition.
His friends are mighty well pleased
to see him able to beu p and around.
Our Own Bottling, 10J PROOF WHIS
KIES, 8 and 10 Years Old.
Per Gallon
Glass Jar
Glass Jar
Full Quart
or Two Gallons of Our Own
No Better Wine Can Be Had.
Gal. Gal. Full Qt.
Port $1.75 $0.90 $0.50
Sherry 1.75 .90 .50
Angelica 1.75 .90 .50
Muscatel 1.75 .90 .50
nnflC 16th and Capital
All Mail Orders Given Prompt and
Attention. Address Department
No. 5
Local f3ews
From Friday's Daily.
Senator J. M. Gates and wife of
Fort Crook are here today to attend
the birthday celebration of Mrs. Kate
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Eades and fam
ily of Omaha are here today attend
ing the birthday celebration of Mrs.
Kate Oliver.
Ed S. Tutt of Murray was in the
city today for a short time visiting
with friends and looking after some
matters of business.
F. J. Hennings and wife were
among the visitors in this city today,
driving in from their home in Eight
Mile Grove precinct.
W. D. Wheeler was among those go
ing to Omaha this morning, where he
will visit for the day, looking after
some matters of business.
Mrs. Monte Franks and little daugh
ter returned home this afternoon from
Hamburg, Iowa, where she has been
visiting for a few hours with rela
tives. Miss Stella Gooding departed this
morning on the early Burlington train
for Rosiiie, Neb., where she will visit
for a short time with relatives in that
Walter Sans departed this morning
for Lincoln, where he was called on
some business matters of importance,
going to that city on the early Bur
lington train this morning.
A. J. McNatt, wife and little daugh
ted drove up this morning from their
home at Kenosha to spend a few
hours visiting and to look after some
trading with the merchants.
Miss Margaret Jess, who has been
here enjoying a visit at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jess
and family .departed this, morning for
Denver, where she will resume her
duties in that city.
Leonard Pfeiffer, wife and little son.
who have been spending the winter in
California, stopped ofF here en route
to their home at Cedar Falls, Iowa, to
visit at the Gering home, depatring
this afternoon for Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kaufmann
and family are enjoying a visit from
their foster daughter, Mrs. John Wal
ler, of Billings, Montana, who is
spending a short time with the home
folks for the first timei n six years.
Lig B. Brown, who has been visiting
down at Kenosha with his old friend.
A. J. McNatt and family, for the past
week, came up this morning and feels
he has had a big time down in the old
home with his friends, and is looking
hale and hearty.
From Saturdavs Pally
Adam Stoehr was amonpr the visit
ors today in this city, driving: in to
look after some trading: with the mer
chants for a few hours.
Addison Johnson of near Avoca and
J. C. Roddy of Union were in the city
today attending: to some matters of
business for a few hours.
P. A. Horn was in the city today
for a few hours looking after some
tradin.c: with the merchants and visit with his many friends.
W. M. Pohlman of Nebraska City,
who has been here visiting1 with his
friends for a few days, departed this
atfernoon for Omaha for a short
W. II. Rainey and little son depart
ed last evening for Peru in response
to a message announcing the death of
the mother of Mrs. Rainey, Mrs. Par
riott. W. J. Yallery, wife and little son
came in this afternoon from Havelock
to visit over Sunday here at the
home of Mr. Vallery's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. P. J. Yallery.
George P. Ileil and wife and daugh
ter, Miss Katie, came in this morning
from their country home and departed
on the early Burlington train for
Omaha to consult Dr. Gifford for a
few hours.
Mrs. George Bruhl and two little
sons, who have been here visiting
with relatives and friends for a short
time, departed this morning on the
early Burlington train for their home
in Omaha.
James McCuIlough came in this
morning from his home rear Murray
and departed on the early Burlington
train for Omaha, where he will visit
for the day looking after some mat
ters of business.
A. F. Vroman and wife of Alilance,
who have been here visiting with the
parents of Mr. Vroman and other rela
tives and friends, departed this morn
ing on the early Burlington train for
their home in the west.
James A. Walker of Murray was
in the city for a short time today
visiting with his many old friends and
enjoying the sights of the county seat.
This is the first opportunity for some
time that the friends have had a
chance to meet Mr. Walker.
J. L. Smith of Nehawka was in the
city today visiting with relatives and
friends. This is the first visit of Mr.
Smith here since'fall, as he has beenj
Farmers are
The New Stroughfon tVlanure Spreader
The endless apron is driven by the simplest and most efficient driver ever invented.
The apron is driven direct from the hind axle by two rollers which revolve en six indited plans on the
hind axle. A simpler or better feed cannot be imagined.
The apron drive wheel is geared down twice as much as on other makes. This makes the feed abso
lutely uniform and positive. The feed is not only positive, but takes so little pitwerthatvou c&nhardlv tell
from the horses when the apron is running. This also absolutely prevents from sliding when going up hill.
The s;iuie lever which first throws the beater intooperation engages one notch after the otter as it de
scends: the apron moves so slowly at the first notch as to give only a thin top dressing. When the lever
engages the lowest notch, five times as much is spread as in the first notch. There are live changes of feed.
The simplicity and beauty of this positive ratchet feed is so apparent that no further explanation or com
ment is necessary.
The Double Row J. I. CASE STALK CUTTER, large wheel, dust proof caps,
dust proof bearings, with hard oilers, on all main cutting cylinder bearings.
Pressure Springs in front of axle, so there is no neckweight, main axle clear
through the frame, bail entirely around the cylinder, spring to take the jar from
the horses shoulders. In fact this is the very best cutter on the market today.
If you need one let us tell you about it.
Press DriSIs We have the Keystone, Dempster and Hoosier.
Disc Harrows We have the Osborne, Keystone, Budlong and the John
Deere, from 34 to S.. Complete with tongue trucks and weight boxes.
Cultivators The Jennie Lynde and New Departure.
Harrows Peg Tooth or Drag Harrows. Also the Keystone, Lever Har
row, which is so constructed that it will not catch on your woven wire fences or
fence posts. Prices range from $15.75 to 17.75, for three sections.
Riding Cultivators We have the Badger, New Departure. Also have
on hand a few John Deere that we will close out at $20.00 as long as they last.
Planters J. I. Case Planters and Listers, with the most accurate drop on
the market.
We have just received three car loads of up-to-date and
Bright New Farm Machinery!
7 f i 4
1-4 J
Genera! Line of Harness.
'.aid up with a combination of the
grippe and stomach trouble, which has
made him quite ill for the last few
Henry Horn came in this morning
from his home in Eight Mile Grove
precinct and departed on the early
Burlinsrton train for Omaha to visit j
with his son, Harry, at the Immanuel j
hospital, liarry is geiung uiung inl
and expetcs to bea ble to return home
in a short time.
Suffers a Painful Accident.
from Saturday's DalU1.
Ed McCully, one of the employes at
the Burlington shops, this morning
suffered a very painful accident while
engaged in mounting some air hose
at the shops. His" right hand was
caught in the machinery and the
thumb and second and third fingers
were mashed badly, necessitating a
few davs' layoff.
Returns From the Hospital.
From Saturday's Dally.
This afternoon Max Preis, who was
operated on at the Presbyterian hos
pital in Omaha three weeks ago for
appendicitis, was able to return to his
home in this city. He is feeling much
better and has come through the
operation in fine shape, although his
case was a very severe one.
Taken to Omaha Hospital.
From Saturday's Dallv.
Mrs. Sophia Wrilcoxen was taken to
Omaha Thursday, where she will
enter the Immanuel hospital for treat
ment and an operation. Mrs. Wilcox
en has been here keeping house for
her brother, Henry Hirz, jr., and for
the past few weeks has not been in
the best of health and it was thought
best that she be operated on to give
her relief.
W. II. Seybert and daughters,
Misses Honor and Frances, were in
the city today for a short time visit
ing with relatives and friends, en
route home from Omaha, where they
spent a few hours.
Remember that the German Home
will give another of their pleasant
social dances on next Saturday even
ing and the public is cordially invited
to be present.
you needing these
-Ow STouGrifDN Lowlift Spreader TVCX2!3ioV'
of levin fo1au. o'io wr a, , A J Y . rh, , . 1
-SSTfe'tl STttL S.CE jj STEEL FR AWL f Si
A Very Happy Event.
From Saturday's Dally.
At an early hour this morning the
stork paid a visit to the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Herman Hough and left in
their care a fine new daughter who
tipped the scales at nine pounds and
is one of the sweetest and handsomest
little ladies in the land. Mr. Hough
is just about the happiest man in the
city and is delivering the mail with a
joyful heart on route No. 1 and his
friends along this route will be pleas
ed to learn of his good fortune. Tne
mother and little one are both doing
From Saturday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon a petition was
being circulated in this city among
the republican voters in behalf of John
A. Davies of Butte, Nebraska, who is
being urged for the republican nom
ination for attorney general on that
ticket. Mr. Davies is a former resi
dent of this county, where he was
quite prominent in republican politics,
and his friends here were rather sur
prised to learn that he was seeking
this office from the voters. It will be
mighty hard sledding, however, for
anyone to beat Hon. Willis Reed out
of a re-election to the office he has
filled so well in the past two years, as
there is a general sentiment all over
the state for his re-election.
When to Take Chamberlain's Tablets.
When you feel dull and stupid after
When constipated or bilious.
When you have a sick headache.
When you have a sour stomach.
When you belch after eating.
When you have indigestion.
WTien nervous or despondent.
When you have no relish for your
When your liver is torpid.
Obtainable everywhere.
t Moore's Non-Leakable Fountain
Pens for sale at the Journal office.
? c
Dodge Brothers Automobiles.
The Statements of PLattsmouth Resi
dents Are Surely More Reliable
Than Those of Utter Stranger.
Home testimony is real proof.
Public statements of Plattsmouth
people carry real weight.
What a friend or neighbor says
compels respect.
The word of one rhose home is far
away invites your doubts.
Here's a Plattsmovth man's state
ment. And it's for Flattsmouth people's
Such evidence is convincing.
That's the kind of proof that backs
Doan's Kidney Pills.
Theo. Starkjohn, retired farmer.
Locust and Ninth streets, Platts
mouth, says: "For several years
Doan's Kidney Pills have been used in
our family for bacl:ache and kidney
troubel and they have always proved
to be all that is claimed of them.
Whenever my back lels a little lame
and my kidneys are not acting as they
should, I take Doan's Kidney Pills a
few days and they never fail to do roe
good. They can't be equaled and any
one having kidney trouble should u
Frice 50c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Starkjohn had. Foster-Milturn
Co., Props, Buffalo, N. Y,
Accepts Position in Omaha.
Miss Seva Johnson, who for the
past few months has been looking af
ter the office work for the Olson Photo
company in this city, has resigned her
position and will take up a position in
the court house at Omaha as stenog
rapher in one of the offices. Miss
Johnson is a very accomplished younc
lady in this line of work tad was em
ployed in the court house at Omaha
until compelled to return to ber hots
here on account cf her health, and r
turns to take vp ber fonper jywteijm.
Read the want aids in the Journal.