The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 20, 1916, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1916.
A Prominent Old Lady Whose Friends
Are Proud to Help Her Cele
brate Each Year.
Yesterday was the 77th anniversary
of Mr.-. Kate Oliver of this city, and
:n kfvpir.g with the custom of several
year- the .h:hi:c:i gathered with her
:o .!.! rate the occasion in a most
I ? T ? riatc manner and to remind the
ir.;her and gi ar.dmother of the spirit
of arfictio.i in which she is held by
tht-m As the anniversary falls on
S:. Patrick's tiny the general plan of
the -y was laid along the line of an in" this occasion.
Fr m ar!y morning till the close of
the :.v Mis. Oliver was the recipient
i f c i'.:. :.s will as messages from her
rr.a-.y fiiends. and fram all parts of
:hf i- ::.tiy mes.-ages were received,
i ' c- i: 1 c a telegram from Tom Body,
: .V.Iar.ta, Georgia, manager of
the t-.l;ihv interests in that city, ex
ti c-rratulations to the aged
!.,.: w:th whom he had boarded years
Ti.e Oliver hi-me v,a; filled with the
r. -T U ;u:::ful f.overs that could be
i ;.!.yvr.ore ar.d the roses, both
Ar:i'-..-i I'.tauiv and Killarney, ad
K '. their t-.;:.-h to the general dec
craiiw plan, together with the golden
z. -:-t ; : : . 1 green roses and lilies.
The table where the members of the
p..r:y v. re entertained at dinner, was
w with the emblems of St. Pat-
ri.l.'s day ar.d tir.y pets of real sham-
n-cK f..u:. 1 a place in the decorations
-:" th" tab'.''. A large birthday cake
v, ith the ir.s-.-iptie.n "lp-l HC. Mrs.
Kate nllr. Tipperary-I'lattsmoath."
vi ! a place of honor on the fes
tal :-. rd.
V r. O'.ivi" wa- bo! :i in Tipperary
rr.ary ujis a'. and although the
ei-.a'ir part f her lifetime has been
i:: Arr.- ila'a --till .-he feels the '-t fvela-.c :-r the little green
.:". , .'.- the oa. and each St. Pat
l :ek' .: y I - Ir c- back fond memories
f h r yi u;ii in that country, which
ha- river. - great men and
u..r. -. to the Ur.itcd States.
Tr...-o t reseat v.vre: Mrf. Anna
r ;..:d .-. Harry, and daughter,
er; Mr. and Mrs. Roy
i son. Glen; Hon. J. M.
Gat- s
a ! wa't ar.d Mrs. Delia Trum
If'.!, a'l ,.f Firt ("rook: C. D. Fades
avd wife. O'laht: Mrs. A. W. Ilallam
ar..i Oliver. Omaha; James Mit
chell a!..' w::V. Council Bluffs; Miss
Carrie O'ivcr, D. C Morgan and wife
r.r. I ila. iatcr. Miss Gertrude, and
M:- t'atht-: ii e- Sehraek, all of this
e;'e. Ore daughter. Mrs. Aylesworth,
f Kan-;- City, was not able to be
;e-ir.'. All those present, as well
a- the a:. - fiieads. sent Mr?. Oliver
h ti.t'.t h.M might enjoy many
- :.h r-.oa.-ion.s and the beautiful
rift - f.-i-m the children and friend:
v--ie crc-ntiy appreciated by the gues
:" l:r: r.
From Saturday's Daily.
. very interesting program was
j-iven at the Central building yester
day morning by the pupils of the room
of Mr. Frans, which was enjoyed not
! ly by the young people attending
this room, but also by the pupils of
the room of Miss Anna Ileisel, who
were invited to take part in the pleas-
unable occasion. The program was
fponoi by a very pleasing violin solo
ty Miss Cracv Deeson, which was
much enjoyed. One of the pleasing
rumlnrs w:;s the dialogue given by
ly C-bb, Dorothy Mehering, Lillian
I'alack, Clyde CIau. John Sattler,
Jiococ Hill, Malcolm Howe, Mable
I Copcr.huvcr and Isabel Iiaincy
Mi-.s (Itnevive Whelan ahso made a
hxt" with her humorous recitations,
describing when the teacher is angry.
There was a great deal of applause
given the young people. The second
number. of the program consisted of
.several numbers on the school Vic
trola under the direction of Mr. Frans
Lnd Mrs- Mae Morgan, which was also
miich enjoyed. While this program
was being given the scholars of Miss
.Staats and Mrs. Mae Morgan's
looms v,eie given a pleasant treat by
a short concei t on the school Victrola
under the direction of Mrs. Morgan
s.r.d Miss Staats.
II. E. Lloyd, who has been enjoying
u vi.-it here with his wife and other
xtTativ-s" at.d ffiends, departed this
morning for Cedar Rapids, Iowa,
where he was called cn some import
art bucinei matters.
From Saturday Daily.
Two new divorce cases have been
filed in the district court in which the
parties seek to have the bonds of
matrimony dissolved by the court and
be restored to the state of single
Hettie Cummings has filed a peti
tion for divorce from Isaac N. Cum
mings, stating that they were mar
ried May 2t', 1910, at Hiawatha, Kan
sas, and alleging that they are unable
to live in peace and rest and asking
that as the defendant is possessed of
real estate to the value of $950, that
the court direct the sum of $450 in
alimony be paid to plaintiff.
Sadie E. Reese has filed a suit
against Emmor K. Reese, asking for
a divorce and stating that they were
married August 20, 1913, at Green
wood and have since made their home
there. Financial troubles over their
property has caused a great deal of
jarring in the family and destroyed
the peace of the household. The
plaintiff also asks that her maiden
name of Sadie E. Fulmer be restored.
From Saturdays rallr.
A message was received here this
afternoon shortly after 1 o'clock by
Frank F. Buttery announcing the
death of Mrs. Joseph Ncjedley at her
home at Creighton, Nebraska, this
morning. The message did net state
the cause of the death and came as
a great shock to the relatives here,
who were not a.vare of the illness of
Mrs, Nejedley. She leaves a husband
and five children to mourn her death
The departed lady possessed a large
circle of friends in this city, where
ofr a great many years the family
made their home, who will learn with
the greatest regret of her death. Mr
and Mrs. Nejedley left this city some
seven vears ago and have since that
time made their heme cn a farm near
Creighton. The body will be brought
to this city for burial, arriving tomor--ow
evening, and the funeral will be
held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the home of Mr. Buttery on Elm
From KrMay's Dally.
From the press dispatches it is
learned that Mrs. Mary Swanback,
the aged wife of II. F. Swanback, the
oldest Odd Fellow in the United
States, has passed away at the state
Odd Fellows' Home at York, Nebras
ka, where they have been making
their home for the past year. Mrs
Swanback was 70 years of age at the
time of her death and leaves her hus
band, who has reached the age of
101, to mourn her death. The funera
of Mrs. Swanback was held Wednes
day at Greenwood in this county,
where for years the Swanback family
made their home and where they arc
universally loved and respected. The
death of the helpmate comes as a
severe blow to Mr. Swanback, who
will miss her greatly. Mr. Swanbatk
himself recently sustained a bad fall,
but is now somewhat better.
From Saturday's Daily.
John Lutz, who was nominated as
Ihe democratic member of the school
board at the recent city convention
of the party, has withdrawn from the
race and the committee has filled thf
vacancy by the selection of Mr. I'hilip
Thierolf, one of the leading business
men of the city, for the position. Mr.
Thierolf is a splendid man in every
way and amply capable of making one
of the best men that the board of
education has had in its membership.
a careful business man, he will cer
tainly c one who will look after the
best interests of the schools.
Henry Sanders of Cedar Creek was
in the city Saturday looking after
some trading for a few hours with the
merchants, and while here called at
the Journal office to renew his sub
scription to the Old Reliable.
For Infants and Children
En Use For Over 30 Years
Always bean
7 -
No. 1914
At Plattsmouth, in the State of Ne
braska, at the close of business
March 7th, 1916.
Loans and discounts (except those
wtmivn 1 1. 1 It 1 . ......
99 Sri 58
Overdrafts, secured none; unse
U. S. bonds deposited to secure cir
culation (par value).
llonds otkirr than U. S.
1 054 M
50 000 00
, bonds pledged to se
cure uostal savinirs ? t" 000 00
Securities other than I.
bonds (not including
stocks o w n i' 11 uu
nledired .
5 036 50 11 030 50
Suliserlption to
stock of I-cd-eral
lie serve
Ban k ft 500 00
Lt'ss amount
unpaid 2 2.")0 00
Value of banking house (if unen-
2 250 00
rurnlture and fixtures.
Kealestateoivued other than hanW-
itur liomii"
11 000 00
4 410 OH
7 M7 cS
Net amount due from IVderal lCe-
serve It.-ink.
5 IVti 44
Net amount due from
a pproved reserve
agents in New York.
Cliicujo and St.
Net amount, due from
3 r V2
approved reserve
acents in other re
si.rn cities -1 0."S Ho
Net amount due from hanks and
hankers (other than included in
lit anil 11)
is 59
Outside checks and other
cash items 1!.
fractional currency.
nickels and cents l.' t'.'i
Nole of ot her n at ion hanks
Coin and certificates
Leal-teniii-r notes
Kedeinpt ion fund with I. S. Treas
urer (not more than 5 tier cent
on circulation
3J4 :.;
:i ;0l Hi
12 7e4 0
2 IKIO 00
2 5iX) 00
410 sn t5
Capital stock paidin
. 000 00
. 25 00C 00
Surplus riintl
I'ndivided protits s 7;H) 44
Less current cpenses.
interest and taxes
paid 3 rttV; .15
Circulating notes outstanding
Individual deposits
subject tocheok - - ? s" 3-4 3
Certificates of deposit in
Jess than :0d:i.s 2-"i 2i'.0 i".9
Postal Savinjr deMsit! 2 022 i
Total demand lieposits. Items 32.
:::. 3. :;.'. :. nr. 3 and :c
Time certificates of de
posits 17: 7'.if 03
Total of time deposits. Items 40. 41.
and 4..
Hills payable, including obliga
tions representing money bor
rowed 5 4:3
0 WH) 00
113 iV7 73
170 7.5 03
20 CO.) CO
State of Nebraska
fount v of f
44" ss; tv;,
SS T If V Tl.,r .o.l.ln.
of the above-named hank, do solemnly swear
thfit the alMive statement is true to the best of
mi" knowledge and belief.
11. N. Dovft. Cashier.
Correct Attest: tir.o. V.. Hovtr.
K. W. Cook.
In rectors.
SulsTiled ar.i sworn to before me this
l-.thdayof Yiaivh. ll.h.
A. L. Tipp.
Seall I Notary l'ublic.
.My commission expl res October 10. li2l.
From Saturday's Dally.
The news has been received here of
the wedding o?i March 16th at Coun
cil HlutTs, Iowa, of Mr. A. G. Palmer
of Lyons, Nebraska, and Miss Emma
Kaufmann of this city. The wedding
was a very quiet one and came as a
great surprise to the friends of the
young people in this city. The
groom was a resident here for some
lime as one of the managers of the
Barclay restaurant, and is a most
genial and popular young man. He is
at present employed as foreman of a
bridge gang of the Burlington and is
located at Lvons, Nebraska. Miss
Kaufmann is a daughter of William
Kaufmann, one of the leading farmers
of this locality, and has been reared
to womanhood in this community. The
friends of the young people will ex
tent! their best wishes for their fut
ure happiness.
Death of Riley Frady.
From FrMay's Dally.
This morning Riley Frady passed
away at the home of his brother-in
law, Clarence Forbes, after an illness
of some duration, and the news of
his death will be greatly regretted by
the many friends who have known
him during his long residence in this
city. He leaves a wife and several
children to mourn his death, who are
residing in Arkansas and were not
able to reach his side before his death.
Little Girl Fractures Right Wrist.
From Saturday's Dally.
Thursday afternoon Elizabeth, the
little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
V. Hatt, was so unfortunate as to
fracture her right wrist while playing
with a number of little friends near
her home. Thjc little girl was riding
in a small wagon along the concrete
walk in front of the county jail when
she was thrown out of the wagon, and
in falling struck her arm in such a
manner as to cause a fracture of the
wrist. Elizabeth was so unfortunate
as to break this same wrist last sum
mer and will be forced to spend sev
eral weeks carrying the arm in a cast
before she can use it again.
WANTED to hear from owner of good
faim for sale. Send cash price and
description. D. F. Bush, Min
neapolis, Minn. 3-16-2tw?
Fro;n Friday's Dally.
Denver, March 1G. The application
of Frank Shercliffe for a release from
the penitentiary, where he is serv
ing a twenty-five-year term for the
murder in 1908 of John W. Walsh, a
miner, of Leadville, was to be con
sidered at a meeting today of the
Colorado state board of pardons.
Three times in six years the pardon
board has passed upon Shercliffe's ap
plication for freedom, but in each in
stance, it is said, his release was op
posed by the governor.
Counsel for Shercliffe has contended
that the trial and conviction was the
result of a "frame up" and actuated
by motives for revenge.
Tom Dennison, political leader of
Omaha, formerly close friend of the
orisoner, has been mentioned promi
nently in connection with the prosecu
tion of Shercliffe.
From Friday'? Dalir.
Another change in the business
establishments of the city was con
summated yesterday when John P.
Sattle purchased the interest of M
IJild in the undertaking business in
which they have been interested for
the past few months since the sale of
the furniture stock of Mr. Hild. Mr.
Sattler was associated with Mr. Hild
for the last few years in the under
taking department of the store, and
now will have the exclusive manage
ment of the business. John P. Sat
tler has been engaged in this line of
work in Plattsmouth for the past
thirty years and has had a great deal
of experience, which hts him as one
of the best undertakers and funeral
directors in this part of the state. Mr
Sattler will continue to occupy the
present location for the present at
least until he can secure other quar
ters, and is ready to look after a
calls that may be desired at any time
From Saturday's Dny.
Another filing was made at th
court house yesterday afternoon
which completes the list as far as th
democratic ticket is concerned and
kives them at least one candidate for
every office to be voted for at th
coming eletcion. L. G. Todd of Lib
erty precinct entered the race as
candidate for the nomination for float
representative on the democratic tic
ket from the district consisting of
Cass and Otoe counties. Mr. Todd is
one of the leading farmers in south
em Cass county and a man who is
well able to represent the district with
?rreat credit to himself, as well as hi
constituents. Mr. Todd is a son o
L. G. Todd, for years one of the prom
inent political leaders in this section
of the state and one of the founders
of the greenback and populist parties
in which he was very active for years,
Mr. Todd, who now enters the race for
float representative, has a large ac
quaintance in Otoe county, as well as
in his own locality, which will be
strong for him in the coming race.
County Judge Beeson also made his
formal entrance into the entrees for
the April primaries by filing for coun
ty judge under the non-partisan judi
ciary election law, and filed his peti
tion containing 1,000 names, in the of
fice of the county clerk. The judge
has held this office for the past nine
years and if elected will start on his
fifth term in this office, which he has
filled to the satisfaction of everyone
So far this is the only filing for coun
ty judge.
Frm Saturday's raii
Lincoln, Neb., March 17. Petitions
from Grand Island, Holdrege and
Aurora, signed by prominent repub-
icans, were filed with the secretary of
state in behalf of Attorney General
Reed yesterday. The petitions asked
that Mr. Reed's name be placed on the
republican ballot as a candidate for
renomination. Reed is a democrat.
le said the filing would be good with
out acceptance under a ruling of form
er Attorney General Grant Martin. ' j
j-j. H-H-I 'M-H-l'
Born, Sunday, March 12, to Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. Capron of Manley,
a girl, and to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Reed
a boy.
Jchn Wade returned last week from
Mississippi, v.'Ivro he and his brother
Jim had been handling horses duiing
the winter.
Mrs. George Stoner was down town
Mondey for the first time since in
December. She has had a protracted
rasp of rrirjnp
Mr. Roland, landlord of the Hotel
- -i i
Gibbon, who has had a serious time I
witn rheumatism tor some time is
out again and makes his regular trips
to the depot.
Mrs. Jane Mullen is considered
very sick for one of her age. Her
granddaughter, Mrs. Clyde Jenkjnj,
of Manley, has been down this week
helping care for her.
Miss Maren Rasmussen who has
been teaching school in Blain county,
returned home Friday. She had five
weeks more to teach to finish her
school were closed in Blain county on
account of the scarlet fever.
Mrs. Jane Colbert was surprised
Tuesday evening when her half broth
er, Judson Van Every, of Idaho,
whom she has not seen for 48 years
walked in on her. Mr. Van Every had
spent the winter in Texas with his
1. A l. J j. i i;
uiuuneis auu sisitr aim wniie on ji:s
way home stopped off here to visit
his half sister.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bish and
daughter left Wednesday Yiight for
San Diego, Calif. They were accom
panied by Miss Margaret Donelan, of
Plattsmouth, who was over Monday
and made arrangements to meet them
at Union. They will be routed over
the Santa Fe, with a stop off at Grand
Canyon of Arizona.
Kurd Cunningham of Elmwood, who
drives the medicine wagon was struck
by the Omaha passenger train Wed
nesday morning at a crossing at Sey
mour Park. He was not seriously in
jured although his wagon was wreck
ed, and the team was freed from the
rig and not injured. Mr. Cunning
ham i3 an old resident of Cass county
and of Elmwood.
-M l-I-I1 'M-I-I'
1-H-I-I1 I"M"I"I- -I-I-I I
Miss Esther Hart left for her home
n Gresham, Nebraska.. Monday, after
an extended visit in town with her
unt, Mr. W. F. Diers anl family.
Jim Terryberry says he was out of
uck Monday. While in town a lar je
ock of geese lit in a pond on h.
farm and he was not at home to greet
We are glad to learn that Mrs. C.I
Good style in clothes
VOU appreciate the import
ance of correct style in your
clothes; but you probably
couldn't say just what correct
style is.
Style means so many things
that very few men can describe it; two suits, for exam
ple, might differ very decidedly in detail, and yet both
be correct in style.
Style isn't any one thing; its a general "air" but
whatever it is, you want it.
Please take notice of the model we show here. It's
graceful form fitting lines, the peaked lapel, the close
fitting sleeve head and shoulders, and the trim fitting
This is only one of many models you have to choose
in here and all the newest fabrics.
It will be good news to you to know that we have not
as yet raised the price on a single suit or spring coat.
We are offering you the genuine Oswego serge, guaran
teed color, at $ 1 7 and other styles in proportion. In
the face of high prices you need not worry about your
clothes costing you any more if you come here for them
the present season.
New ties
this week? yes.
C. E. W escott's Sons
Every body Store"
H. Phelps, who has been very ill with
a severe attack of grippe has recove -ed,
and is able to be up and around
again, after being bed fast several
Mrs. J. R. Mayfield returned home
from Omaha Saturday where she was
called early in the week because of
the serious illness of her father, who
is suffering from a prolonged attack
of the grippe.
Bert Jacobsen, a former Louisville
boy, but who has been with the Bell
Telephone Company recently, has ac
cepted a position with a large whip
manufacturing concern in Illinois, and
is well pleased with his prospects.
C. J. Pankonin and Charles Sack
went to Omaha Monday to purchase
, . , , , . .
wme Iarm imPiemenis lo De sn,PPeti
t. I "A i. t . 1
Driage oeing out ,ur. aacK couia not
be supplied from Mr. Pankonin's local
We learn that M. A. Sams, a for
mer superintendent of the Louisville
schoolh, but who has not been in school
f-?:Xr'& Vf in
You Are as Big as Your Hands
The world takes your measure by the work you do. Your hand3
are your tools are you treating them fairly? There in no more
economy in a makeshift glove than a rusty plow or an as with shaky handle.
mean help, comfort, fit and style. For
semi-dress wear ask to bee tlie Amsni
bill Washable. For motoring ask to see
Hansen "Double-Up" Pocket Gauntlet. For
SUtson Hats
Hansen Gloves
Knox and Stetson
hats latest Spring blocks
work for several years, has accepted
the position of superintendent of the
schools at Valley, at a salary of $150
per month.
C. Sprieck, Mr. and Mrs. Julius
Sprieck, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Sprieck, all of Stanton, Nebraska, ar
rived last week to attend the funeral
of Ernest Sprieck, the ten year old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Sprieck,
whose funeral occurred Sunday.
Judge James W. Brobst went to
Omaha the first of the week and en
tered the Methodist hospital to un
dergo treatment for heart trouble.
He was taken with an attack of the
grippe several weeks ago and it left
his heart in a weakened condition,
and he found it necessary to go to the
hispital and .take treatment from a
specialist. His many Louisville
friends hope for his speedy recovery.
Ben Young came in Saturday after
noon to spend a few hours here look
ing after some trading with the mer
chants. driving and Reneral wear ask to sen
Harnett Dan 'att h. Hansen styles include
gloves (or women and children. Come
in and see the Hansen buill tor you.
Manhattan Shirts
Carhart Overalls