The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 16, 1916, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    PAGE 3.
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The High Cost of Living-
"Diplomat" Sliced Peaches, in heavy syrup, per can 20c
"Pasadena" Peaches, 30c value, per can 20c
"Golden Spike" Egg Plums, per can 15c
"Golden Spike" Apricots, per can 15c
"Golden Spike" Peaches, extra standard per can 20c
Hugo Pineapples, 25c value, 5 cans for $1.00
"Goddess" Red Raspberries, extra standard, per can 15c
"Goddess" Black Raspberries, extra standard, per can 1 5c
"Monticello" Eastern Pears, per can .. 25c
"Golden Spike" White Cherries, per can . 25c
"Golden Glow" Preserves, all flavors, 20 ounce jar 25c
Did you get one of those Aluminum Double Boilers? It costs you
Dnly 50c with trade marks from Quaker Oats Packages. Order that
Quaker Oats now.
We have an unusually good assortment of children's gingham
dresses, sizes ranging from 2 to 14, prices from 65c to $1.25
Phone 53 and 54
We Like to Serve
Patrons of Knights and Dunlap Signet Stars
t. h. poilook
Real Estate
Farm Loans
Office and Salesroom
TeL No. 1. Plattsmouth
For Sale.
One Ford car; one
10-horse power motor boat, and one 3
horse, power stationery gasoline en
pine. J. E. Mason.
. vS-..y
l FT U-- "-Y '
A Few Days in Cass County.
Democratic Candidate for Governor
Born and reared in Nebraska.
Stands for a constructive rather
than an experimental program.
His election will mean a con
tinuance of clean, business-like
and efficient executive administration.
Come to The Journal for fine stationery.
M. P. Meisinger of Madison, Neb.,
arrived in Plattsmouth last Saturday
evening to attend the funeral of the
12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Sprieck, which was held Sunday after
noon at the Wairadt church and inter
ment was made in the Wairadt ceme
tery, the services being conducted by
Rev. Schwartz. There were others
from that locality who came on the
same sad mission, being G. Sprieck,
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sprieck and Mr.
and Mrs.-Ed Sprieck, all from and
near Stanton, Neb. They all returned
home the-fore part of the week. Mr.
Meisinger spent' a few hours visiting
with friends and relative.-? in and near
Plattsmouth, being a guest at the
home of his parents in this city. Owing
to his suffering with a seige of the
grippe .most . of the winter, he was
not feeling well, and was compelled
to return home Tuesday.
Degree of Ilonor, Notice!
The Degree of Honor lodge will
meet in regular' session tomorrow
(Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock at
their lodge rooms. All members are
requested to be present, and the cap
tains of the team especially urge the
members of the team to be present;
An extensive improvement which
will be received with great pleasure
by the residents of this city as a token
of the material prosperity of the city
imd one of its leading industries, has
just been commenced by A. L. Tidd
Mr. Tidd is starting the remodeling
of his three-story building at the cor
ner of Third and Main streets and
will place it in the best of shape for
the use of the Olson Photograph com
pany, which company occupies the two
upper floors of the building.
Mr. Tidd's improvements will con
sist in the entire remodeling of the
first floor of the structure, which will
make it one that will be ideal for the
purpose which it is intended. One of
the chief changes made in the build
ing will be the placing of a modern
plate glass front in the building. The
new front will have the entry way in
the center of the building with large
plate glass windows on either side of
the entry way and the upper portion
of the front will be equipped with
prism glass which will aid in the giv
ing of better light into the room. On
the west of the building a large plate
glass window will also be placed which
will aid in the better lighting facilities
tnd make the room ery bright and
attractive. The old floor has been
taken up and a new one will be put
down, which will fill a long-felt want
and make the building one that will
be as neat as any in the city. The
room will be entirely replastered ami
decorated to aid in the good work of
improvement and when completed will
make the building of Mr. Tidd's one
of the best in the city.
This room will be occupied as soon
as completed by the oilices of the
Olson company, as well as the adver
tising and mailing departments of the
company, which in the past two years
has grown to a great extent and which
now is in touch with almost 70.000
persons constantly, having grown in
the last three years from a mailing
ist of a few hundred.
The fact that this building, for
years so badly neglected, is to bo put
in first-class condition is a source of
gratification and pride to the people
of Plattsmouth and they are also well
pleased to learn that the business of
the Olson companj' has so expanded
as to demand a further increase in
the room of the concern, which will
have complete use of the entire three
floors of the Tidd building.
Those who have believed that a
home enterprise cannot succeed have
only to review the history of the
Olson company to realize what pos
sibilities exist where push and energy
are put into the work, and it is safe
to predict that this concern will grow
a great deal more in the coming year
than it has in the past.
New Arrivals!
Ribbons Just a fine line in Plain
Taffeta, Watered Taffetas, Fancy
Taffetas, Messalines and a full stock
of Plains. We offer a special assort
ment at, per yard, 19c.
Another loc, much wider, just the
thing for hair bows, at, per yard, 29c.
New arrivals in Curtain Draperies
A full stock of Marqusets, in white,
ivory and ecru.
Colonial Draperies and Over Drapes.
Scrims, Swisses, Curtain Nets.
A full stock of Lace in
white, ivory and ecru.
New arrivals in thn seasor's Wash
Goods, a full stock to select from
Voiles, Organdies, Batistes, Flora
Printed Silks, Silk Striped Chiffons
Crepe Oechenes, Georgette Crepe?
Silk Poplins, fussy Willow Taffetas
Tub Silks, Silk Muslins.
Embrodieries A full stock o
Flouncing Edges Allovers. These are
of the latest creations.
ftUliUUO UUi
Villistas Attack Ranches of Texas and
Carranzistas Fire Upon
El Paso, Tex., March 15. An iron
clad censorship that even refuses
confirmation or denial of a report
that llachita, i. M., ras been cap
tuied by Carranza troop. gave rise to
the belief today that the American ex
pedition after Villa was to start this
Iiiiadler General J. J. Peiihing's
orders were to cro:;s into Mexico
when he was ready. It is reported
that 3,000 cavalry under Perishing
wil lmake up the "flying" column to
chase Villa, and that no infantry will
be used in the expedition.
Trcops will be in Mexico many
hours before "war correspondents"
:cd to send details of the
Are you going to
make a garden
If you do see us about your Seed and all kinds of
Garden Tools.
Main Street, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Carranza publication, declared that
the Mexican eagle would eat the
stars out of the American flag.
Fernando Ganiochi, its editor, was
arrested on a charge of attempting to
incite riot.
Motorcycles are replacing horses
for the service of orderlies in the
Columbus camp.
Small detachments of infantry
broke camp there last night and left
town, but the infantry did not cross
the border.
A Mexican railorad bridge, ten miles
south of Juarez, has been burned.
Cananza officials were unable to ac
count for it. American military men
believe the bridge was burned to pre
vent the units J States expedition
using the railroad line on its advance
iato the interior.
War Department Has No Word.
Washintgon, D. C, March 15. Sec
retary of War Baker said at 9 o'clock
today that he had received no word
of the reported crossing of the bor
der by American trowps Jind had no
advice regarding the'reported capture
of Hachita, N. M., by Carranzistas.
The American expedition., will not
be called eff or delayed to await the
results of the Carranzista campaign
against Villa,, it was indicated.
Reports from all parts of the border
indicated that anti-American senti
ment had been greatly allayed by the
Army officers, state department
agents and justice department secret
service agents all reported that ill
feeling among Carranzistas has jjreat
lv subsided. . ' " t
Journal ' Want ids P&y
$1020 F. O. B. Factory
Touring Cars and Roadsters
$950 to $1485 f. o. b. Factory
P rv Jl
The New BUICK is Here!
We are now in a position to show you the New Buick Model D-6-45, which has been the one real sensation in the
automobile world since January first.
See for yourself how really wonderful this model is, with its six cylinder Buick valve-in-head motor; its Buick
cantilever springs; its cellular radiator; its silk mohair one-man top; its genuine leather upholstering; its new style elec
tric headlamps, and many other superiorities as compared with other cars.
With its crown fenders and 34x4 inch wheels and tires, this model is truly the superior of any car in its class,
and the equal of any car in any class in appearance and performance.
Thousands were disappointed last fall by not being able to get a Buick, and the demand for early spring delivery
i5 even now greater than experienced last fall. Make sure of your Buick before it is too late. We are now in posi
tion to make deliveries.
Tel. Ho. I
TT IT Tf TThrTT 7T ViOlTf" TTv TJ ( Office and Salesroom
will be alio
Border raids west of El Paso were
repoited again. Villistas looted sev
eral ranches. An American train east
of El Paso was fired on by Carranza
sympathizers. The attitude of Car
lanza oflicers was reported to be
more threatening, following the fail
ure of General Gutherrez to get Gen
eral Perishing to consent to a post
ponement of the American expedition.
Troops Expect Year's Campaign.
It was expected that the advance
guard will dash for Guzman, Mexico,
rnd establish the first base of opera
tions against Villa.
Villa is reported near Galeana.
moving toward the American Mor
mon colonies.
A spirit almost of pessimism was
reported from Columbus, where the
main division to take up the Villa
hunt was being outfitted. The sol
diers were counting on possibly a
year's work or two if Carranza troops
oppose the American invasion.
Terrazas to Sell Cattle to Army.
Trainloads of provisions and equ
ment have been moving through
Paso from eastern points for Colum
bus. General Luis Terrazas, the Chi
huahua millionaire cattleman, has
contracted to provide the United
States forces with fresh beef from his
Mexican ranges.
American cowboys were to accom
pany the expedition to round up and
kill the Terrazas cattle. The army
will keep account of the number of
head slaughtered for the troops.
Similar contracts were made with
the Palomas and the Corralitos com
panies, American-owned cattle ranches
in Mexico.
Mexicans Sneer at Refugees.
Fifty American refugees from
Chihuahua told of an anti-American
demonstration. John Murray, headjW
of the Y. M. C. A. there, said he was
insulted and that the entire party;
was sent off with sneers and threats. J
They heard that the Mexican peon
class would flock to Villa's standard.
General Luis Gutierrez was to
leave Jurez today, for Chihuahua
to lead the Carranzista pursuit of j
Villa. He admitted ins earner state
ment that he had only 1,000 men on
Villa's heels.
Tjirranzistas have not given up
hope that their military activity to- '
ward capturing Villa will prevent or i
postpone the American expedition.
. Mexican Papers Suppressed.
Mexican newspapers in El Paso
became so belligerent that three were
' ; : ; t T,
The cost of Bridge Tolls for Round
Trip using our Commutation Books
Auto and Driver, round Trip. ...50o
Extra Passengers, each,'. . .......... .1. 5c v
$10.00 Book, $5.00-
$5.00 Book, $2.50
Commutation Books Good any time
and Transferable.
Auto &
Wagon Bridge Co,
--------- Jrra J ' -f .J A"
Ladies' Silk and Fibre Hose, 4
thread heel and toe, all the new shades in stock now in
all sizes, Maize, Gold, Violet, Sand, Suede, Pearl Gray,
Pongee, Navy, Pink, Sky, White and Black.
Gordon Round Ticket hard to wear out quality, CA
Price pair
)0 suppressed by police. "Del Norte,'
Ladies' pure thread Silk Hose
full fashioned, perfect fitting, new shades, Bronze, Alumi
num, Violet, Field Mouse, Canary, Putty, Pongee, White
and Black.
Famous Gordon H-300 quality, d1 A A
Price pair