The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 16, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1916.
PACn 6.
In Honor nf .Miss Verna Irwin.
Murray Department
Prej-areJ in the Interest of the People, of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Headers
TOT p.
A Bsik Edk -C tmP1
K- A'amc - - jfl
' oi Address
I i " w v " - i n
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Ojr deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
Auction Sales a Specialty. Five Years Experience.
If you have anything to sell at
auction, write us for dates.
Phone Plaits. 2412. W. R.
lxk over the Hiatt & Tutt bargain
ad this week.
F. I Rhcden va transacting bu?i-r-s
in PlaTtsmouth Moniay.
Mrs. E. S. Tutt was visiting friends
:r, Plattsmouth Thursday and Friday.
H. C. Creamer an 1 family spent
Sunday with Walter Sans and family.
The ladies of the K. N. K. met with ;
Miss liertha Nickels last Thursday
fer a quilting bet.
Mrs. A. D. Crunk drove to Platts
tr.outh Weinesiay. where she was
having some dental work done.
Lee Nickels and John Hobscheidt
tver.t to Union Thursday, where they
invested in a new manure spreader.
Murray was well represented at
-The Birth of a Nation" in Platts
mouth during the engagement in that
The Market
on silks, owing to shortages of dye and materials,
has almost doubled in price. We anticipated the
condition and have bought the most beautiful line
of men's neckties ever stocked outside city stores.
More than three hundred pretty styles to select from
25 and 50c
New Spring Shirts, Hats, Caps, Shoes and Gloves
everything to outfit the man, including
Tailor-made Clothes
$10.00 to $35.00
"Business and
"Banking Account
YOUNG, Maynard, Neb.
ad this week? It will interest you.
Jasper Queen was looking after
business in Nebraska City Saturday.
Charles Ilerren was looking after
some business matters in Plattsmouth
Albert Schafer was looking after
pome business matters in Murray
George Nickels and Frank Dugay
were calling on Plattsmouth friends
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shrader were
looking after some business matters
in Plattsmouth Tuesday.
Charles Boedeker, W. G. Doedeker
and son, Charles, Charles Sans and
Miss Beulah Sans went to Omaha
Sunday to visit for a few hours with
Mrs Boedeker at the hospital.
E. R. Queen was a Union visitor
last Friday.
James Iliown was an Omaha visitor
last Sunday.
Mrs. Ed Shoemaker has been on the
sick list this week.
J. D. Tinner was meeting friends at
Lewiston the past few days.
Mi s. Lulu I.oughridge is home for a
few days en account of sickness.
Guy ?icGill is now in the employ of
I). C lihoden on the tl.-ay wagon.
Po Kure, and attend the coffee at the
library next Saturday afternoon.
Anderson Davis has been numbered
with the sick for the past few days.
Pobert Good and wife were Platts
mouth visitors Saturday afternoon.
Arthur Crunk is recovering nicely
from a severe attack of the measels.
Charles Sans shipped a car of cat
tle to the South Omaha market Tues
day. Walter Mead has been suffering
with pneumonia fever for the pa.-t
Thomas Hansen and family moved
this week to the Dull farm ca cf
Alex E imistoii, down near Union,
has bei n quite sic!; fur the pa.-t
few day.
Lee Nickel and, Miss Etta,
were looking after b;!.-iuess in Pla;ts
m o u t h Wed no.- day.
The bjys at Lewiston greeted Will
Wi!es and bride with an oid-fa.-hioneu
charivari Tuesday evening.
Mrs. John Hcndiicks and son.
Verne, spent Saturday with Mrs. Hat
tie Seyho'.t, we.-t of Murray.
V,. II. Young l-.a- bought a hi-hly
regi-iered HoNtein bull from a breed
er near P.'attsmouth. Anothe.- farmer
en.hai king in the Hon-teia line.
Philip Hi!.!, from near Myr.ard, has
betn in "Mi:riav for a couide of liavs
this week a
ting m tlr. e::c;
vat: on
for the row residence :f V. II
I am can-vine a full line of
o! un-:o-
Spiral la Cerst ts. See rite
or lite
new E
gain ;-.
E'ta M. Nickels
. L S. Tutt went
i Plattsmouth last Sunday morning ar.d
spent the day at the home e f Mr. and
i Mrs. Ro!,o:t Have:-.
H. G. Todd returned home from I he
hospital in Omaha last week, and is
feeling greatly improved. Mrs. Todd
.v ill be compelled to remain for a f jw
days. She is getting along nicely.
W. G. Boedeker went to Omaha
Wednesday evening, where he visited
for a few hours with Mrs. Boedeker
at the-hospital. Mrs. Boedeker is still
improving and will bo able to return I
home in about a week. j
Fred Schafer returned home from
Omaha Monday, where he had been at
the hospital with Mrs. Schafer since j
the surgical operation of a few -days i
ago. Mrs. Schafer is getting alon--i
nicely and will in a short time be able!
to return home
Charles Warner, from near Platts
mouth, was in Murray a few days this
week looking after the erection of a
fine large new bain on the place he
bought from Sam Pitman last fall.
Albert Young and stafF of carpenters
are doing the work.
Robert Fitch, who has been in
Plattsmouth for the past year in the
employ of the Burlington, has moved
his family to the country again and
will make his home near that of Mr.
and Mrs. Elbert Queen, and he will
assist Mr. Queen in his farm work this
A. L. Raker, republican candidate
for county treasurer, from Murray,
has been out in the western part of
the county this week in the interests
of his candidacy. Art is making a gen
uine fight for the office, and if he does
not win he cannot be credited with
not having made the fight. He is a
goou lellow and making lots of
Mrs. D. A. Young, in company with
her sister, Mrs. Woolever, of Iowa.
cieparteu last Saturday evening on the
midnight train for Missouri, where
they were called owing to the illness
cf their sister. Mrs. Young had been
to Plattsmouth to attend the play, and
in returning home met her sister on
the train by accident, and took up the
journey to the home of their sick
Walter Sans motored to Omaha
Monday of this week.' He reports the
roads in very bad condition on both
sides of the Platte river. These roads
certainly need some work done on
them. This is the only bridge cross
ing the Platte river in this locality,
and the roads leading to it should cer
tainly have some attention that would
open the highway between Platts
mouth and Oamha.
If any of the ialrs of tle
Journal kituw of any swlal
e nl or it mi of int'M't in
this vicinity, and will mail
same to t his otlice. it will ai-IH-ur
liTuier this h'atiiir. We
want all news items Kditok
Kead Hiatt & Tutt's ad in this issue
of the Journal.
Joe Shrader shipped a car of cattle
to South Omaha Monday evening.
Omar Schlichtemeier shipped a ear
of cattle to South Omaha Monday
II. (I. Todd was looking after some
business matters in Nebraska City
'.. W. Shrader shipped a car of cat
tle from this station to South Omaha
Monday evening.
Charles and William Troop shipped
two cars of cattle to South Omaha
Monday evening.
Min ford &. Creamer shipped a car
of stock to the South Omaha market
Tuesday evtnlng.
I'. L. Rhoden was looking after
some business m". tiers in I'latt.-moiith
Wednesday of this week.
Mrs. Henry Walker of Missouri is
here vbitiir at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mis. March.
Lloyd (lapen is prcpaiations
for the building of a
addition to his
farm home north of
Cu Hollenb'M-g has been
the lumber this week tor the erection
of a new cattle .-hed . ini hay barn on
his piac", south of Murray.
Mrs. Shiadcr, Mrs. Holmes and Miss
Margie Walker will give the coffee at
t'r-. iilor.'-y nevt Saturday afternoon
'Pi' evening. I-e sure arc! attend.
Cha--. Can oil v. er.i down to Wecp-
i'-g Water this w:
k to locate near
Ins son, Ern
rented some
and wife, where he La
land and will farm this
st ft -on.
Jim Tigrer has trailed h-s Ford Mr
for an Overland. He was in P'atts
tnouth and made the trip to
the county seat with James Holmes
; nd J. D. Shra.ier.
A!ie: Young ar llnNhed the Scott
p!a?e. isnd "Sr-otty" is now comfort
; bly Io:-ptr.d in his own heme. The
restaurant will be in the front pari
of the hciiM' and he will live in the
I rear.
L. II. Young nr.:! wife and son. Parr
Vnirr and wife, v.-?: e m Piattsntouth
last Saturday event nr in attrnda-ice
at the pit'tuie iay, "Tlai Pirth of a
Nation." While i:t the countv sc-at
the senior Mr. Young
a pleasant call.
Uncle Sam Latta and family and
Earl Larger and son motored to Lin
coin one day last week, where they
had some business matters t.) look
v ft or. The round trip was made in
the one day, but they met with some
very bad roads in places, that made
the Journey a rather difficult one.
There is sure another line residence
in store for Munay in the very r.ear
future. It will be that of W. H.
rui""' aml lhe excavation work was
start"'1 thi Wi'-'k- This will be about
l'"est home in Munay. built on
al,out th KamL' I'la:1 a-s th:it of L- H.
Iul-S 1,IJt will be one room larger. W.
W. Hamilton will lock after the work
Mr. and Mrs. C. I). Spangler arrived
in Murray on Tuesday of last week,
leturning heme from their visit of
about a year in California. They
leport a very pleasant time in the
coast country, but are well pleased,
as well, to get back to their old Nc
1. - V 1. rrtl j. ,
orasKa nome. ine many menus are
glael to see them at the old home
Thomas Hansen, who met with the
accident of turning a wagon of corn
ever, under which he was injured in
tf:e ,)ack and otherwise bruised, a few
days ago, is getting along nicely and
is again able to look after some of
his farm work. Mr. Hansen has fin
ished moving his family to the Dull
farm east of Murray, where they will
make their future home.
Mrs. Mm ford and Mrs. Long, with
the help of several others, took the
place of Mrs. Tutt last Saturday af
ternoon and served the coffee at the
library; $8..r0 was the amount of the
proceeds. It is needless to say that
the lunch was excellent. The associa
tion has bought a new cook stove and
this adds a great deal toward making
these afternoons a success
For Sale.
A good second-hand threshing out
fit; will take a good driving team in
exchange in the deal. The outfit con
sists of one 20-horse International
gasoline engine, one 28x50 Case steel
sepevator, with feeder, wind stacker
and clover attachment; 10S feet of
4-ply belt. Will be sold right. M. E.
Manspeaker, Tlattsmouth, Neb.
For Sale.
Gordon, Deuel, Keith and Perkins
county land. Very good terms.
Eert Root, Murray, Neb.
A very pleasant birthday party w.n
given Miss Verna Irwin Saturday
evening at her home, when a laij;
number of her friends canio in to belj
her celebrate her sixteenth biithday
anniversary. The occasion waa a vei y
pleasant one for the company. The
jolly crowd enjoyed them.elvea in
vaiious games and musii until a late
hour, when they were treated to an
oyster supper, which served to bring
to a clo.-e a most happy event, and
the guests, on departing, wished Mi ;s
Verna many more such happy birth
days in the future. Tim guests pres
ent were: Misses Versa Albin. Ethel
Hathaway, Crace Kakes, Pertha
Irwin, Mabel Pakes, Verna Irwin,
Luck Pakes, Violet Iye, Hazel Irwin,
Leo mi Eaton. Jessie Irwin, Mildred
Eaton, Pay Pakes and wife, l)ao
Eaton and wife, Cuy Muiray and
wife, Pobert Eaton and wife, Will
Pakes and wife, Isaac Dye and wife,
Mrs. Emery Hathaway, Mrs. Laura
Irwin, Albert Rakes, Peter Oobelman,
Reuben Eaton, Eli Yonker, Willis
Eaton, Dick Raker, Roy Dye, Meri
man Petty, Jim Hamilton, John
Rakes and Tom Hamilton.
Alf. ("ian-vcnu-r lias Close Call.
Aif. d'ansemer, of t!ie firm of Puis
& Oansemer, came near meeting with
a vei y stiiuiis aecideiit Tuesilay even
ing of this week when lighting the
gasoline li.uht system in their store.
Wood alcohol is used for the generat
ing of these lamps, and not a sutiieient
amount of the alcohol had Let n placed
en the generator at this tim to make
the desired amount of gas. Mr.
(Jansemer has ahvuys u?ed a small
M)ui:t oil can fo this purpose, but
this was the fatal time, and the flames
from the generator ran into the can,
causing an exp-o--5o:i of the mall can
e ot-.tairdng the woo l .dct'hc!, the con
tents f which were thrown Mr.
(lanserner's face, and he was quite
jainfully burted about the face and
la ud. It is rot th -ue-hL that the burns
are ocep ;n d ;i
free from scars.
healing will be-
Here From Creijihton.
.Mr. and. Mrs. R. W. Porter, who
have been making their home near
Crjigliton, Nebraska, for the past few
Ve:ns. were visiting o!d friends and
relatives here last week, and on Fri
day Mr. Porter,, in company with W.
T. Yallety. were Plnttsmouth visitors.
They paid this ojr.ce a brief call. Mr
Peiter is well please ! with Ids pres
ent home and ha been very success
ful, tip to the third, day of March,
when lie met with the misfortune of
having his house burned down and
most all of his household goods de
Mroyed. Wade returned home last
Sunday, and Mrs. Porter will remain
lieie at the home of her parents until
a new home can be erected on their
place, which will require a few weeks.
United Presbyterian Church Notes.
the nomons Mis.-ionary society
meeting was held at the manse Friday
of last week. There were about thirty
present. Frequently at these meet
ings the mothers are accompanied by
children. Last month when the so
ciety met at the Viigin heme four lit
tle boys were present, all under school
age. What nobler wish than that
these boys may all grow up to be
Christian men, perhaps missionaries.
There will be no preaching the re
maining two Sabbaths of this month,
but the Sabbath school will meet as
usual. On the first Sabbath of April
the Rev. J. A. Remvick, D. D.. will be
present to conduct the services.
Threshing Machine for Sale.
What has been known as the Maple
Grove Thresher Co. have decided to
dispose of their outfit, consisting of
20 II. P. Compound Aultman & Tay
lor thresher and water tank and truck
This machine is all in running order
for the field. The only reason for
selling is that half of the members
have left the community and wish to
dispose of their interests, and th re
maining members, realizing the situa
tlnii Widt?d to sell the outfit. For
prices and particulars, 'phone or call
on Fred Lutz, 'Phone No. 2214; L. II
Vonnir or Tills & Gansemer store,
Murray, Neb.
100 Subscriptions
for the Ladies Home Journal, $1.50
The Country Gentleman, $1.00; the
Saturday Evening Tost, $1.50. See me
for full particulars about any maga- in snpeial club offers. Francis
Cook, Agent, Murray, Neb.
Warning to the Public!
From this clay on. all people com-
1 vJrVi4- TYllief
ing on my piace anci " wuou
make themselves known, and also
their business, for if they do not I
will not be responsible for what hap
pens. JOHN W. LLOYD,
Murray, Neb. i
Aixl the Hot yu ever snw at prices that are a1.lutcly Ki;lit.
All l.ituN ct Collars and Tads and Harness Re-pairs.
Try oik- of our Kcx Valueless Hoo; Oilers; nothing bet
ter )'r ynir Hos. sell the Kc n my Hn and Cattle
iWders tuilcr a positive guarantee. Come in and sec -ur
Tower W'adiers and Rock Island Cas Knines. We carry a
full line at all times. Lot ns know your needs and we will
do our be-t to serve voit.
Miirray Hardware
, , . . , ,, ,.T.
A Serious Matter.
Loss of appetite is always a serious
matter which should command im
mediate attention, because it is al
ways a symptom of some disorder of
the digestive organs. You should
:ake at once Triner's American Elixir
of Hitter Wine, like Rud. Karafiat.
who wrote us the following: "I was
not quite sick, but lost all my ap
petite and could not cige-t anything.
I was full of ga.-es from which I suf
fered greatly i.ntil I started using
Triner's American Eii::ir of Bitter
Wine. Thi.- is a good medicine which
helped me promptly. I feel perfectly
well now." It should be recommended
in weakness, nervousness, constipa
tion, indigestion. Price $1.00. At
drug stores. .fos. Triner, Manu
facturer, 1 333-1 33! S. Ashland Ave.,
Ihukache is usually very painful.
Try Triner's Liniment. First put on
the painful spot a 'not, wet cloth and
then apply the liniment. Price 25 and
"0e, prepaid 35 and GOc.
Please Call and Settle.
Phae call and settle your account
now, either bv cash or note, or we
will be compelled to place the same
in other hands for collection.
Raker & Nickels.
1 UK
r CATV r?.-.l 4u-i'n Tndnn
Motorcycle. For sale or trade.
D. C. Rhoden.
Attention, Veterans!
For thirty days I will
made a photo FREE
of all soldiers of the
Civil War, who will
come to the studio.
Right Face, March!
Gome on
our new line of Men's, Boy's, Misses' and Children's
.mm 14 wmu I 11 Tw T- M at b v m m-.m
Also a complete line of Men's Work Gloves. If in
neetl of anything in our line of goods drop in and we
will prove to you that our prices are right.
A full and complete line of new
Jewelry and Quoensvare
ready for your inspection.
Highest Price Paid for Farm Products!
Pols & Gansemer,
end Implement Go.
Help for Bronchial
Trouble and Cough
"Tc'iey'B Koney end Tar Compound
acta more like a loua than a mediciiie."
Tvfr. Will O. ll'.i y.. , Ir.j,'lewi.O'1.
Calit.. s.:ys: "1 vi! t-j recommend
Foley's IIo:.fv T -.r C.jinpound it it
h:;s tre itly !.-;:-r.; v.- lor hroiu-liil
'.rouble t ou;-h. It ,(!. kj well i:i
hrrr-!cny v5h i..:ti:Te r'-i.t it. is more
I'Aif n l'ocl than a i . :'!... e."
Foley'.-- Ho!i-y ;n..l T.-r Ccnpour.! has
a woTi-i'rrl'u;;.1.' iH'ii ' ..y e-i' sootlnnpr
r.t!i: t-. r: .- t: -Kir.'::? surface of
the threat p.iid I ro:.c!.;. 1 ti:b-s. It
e.i?ep the tipr!;tr.e-.--.- fir Xhc ilif-t.
raises the r-nlecm t-:.-iiy, .':d fc !! the
stubl'orn r.-.c5-.hi toi.--h U...I is o ex
ha us arid w.-r.kT
It is the mfdk'i!' you can bny,
pr.d Letter th "l a ny t h iti t; ou can j: .
for rout' hs. cotds. spar-modi- roup,
whoopiriy: cough, h trrij'i'e a:ui ! r(. i
chial coUfhs, Loa rv ---s, ta
throat and .-tnffy x - !-- Lr-al hi?:tr.
It or. tains r.c a'ai .s a t-p;.i Llo
to the -:. --Stive :-to:i!.i-ii.
Lvery user i a friend.
Sold Everywhere.
Fiank L. Rhoden, from south of
Murray, was in the city yesterday af
ternoon for a few hours lookir.jr after
some matters of business and arrunjr
injr for the spring work of his fine
Tei-cheon stallion. Colonel.
Woman loves a clear, rosy com
plexion. Burdock Blood Bitters is
splendid for purifying1 the blood, clear
ing the skin, restoring sound diges
tion.. All druggists sell it. Price
S 1 .00.
Barber Shop
? Plattsmouth, Nebraska r
First-Class Service
Only Public Bath
Shoe Shining and
Porter Service.
Tel. 200 three ring-s
Siiellenbarger & Atkinson,