The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 13, 1916, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1916.
"Che plattsmouth journal
Entered at I'ustofflce at riattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mail matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
When ycu find a man a little
better than his word, a little
V more liberal than his promise, a
little more than borne out in his
statement by his facts, a little J
V larger in deeds than in speech,
you recognize a kind of elo- J
J- in that man's utterances l-
V not laid down in Blair and y
Campbell. Oliver Wendell
V Holmes.
The sweet harbingers of spring are
Wait a minute. Prejudice is not an
Do people end they will soon be
dene with you.
Too many glasses make a tumbler
out of a man.
The frogs are alive and croaking.
Spring is here.
- f) ;
The people can talk garden, even
if they can't make it.
A peeved church pillar can often do
more harm than forty devils.
Another jji'jw Wednesday night,
li'tw many more this month?
: :
li is hard to convince the average
ciitic that he i.- not a knocker.
Iir your neighbor is generous and
supplied with a liberal sized wad, love
A widow can no longer find fault
with her hu.-band. unless she is a
grass widow.
The champion trouble borrower is
the man who is worrying over the
logical candidate for 1020.
:o .
Socialism would grow faster but for
the fact that moi;-t men hope to land
on Easy Street some day.
Doubtless you are far from being
hypocritical, but how would you like
to be a Kiebobbad oyster?
It is net always best to "count your
chickens before they are hatched," in
running for office especially.
Until somebody tries, it will prob
ably never be known whether a motor
cycle will run without all that noise.
Don't forget the city conventions
tomorrow night, if you are interested
in the officers to be elected Tuesday,
April 7.
When a man is eternally wanting
an office it is not a very good indica
tion, and that is the opinion of the
voters in general.
It is not possible for every boy to
get on the foot ball team, but captur
:rg the hiirh scholarship honors should
five him some small crumb of com
fort. :o:
Remember the city election come.)
r n Tuesday, April 4, this year. You
ere all interested in the selection of
competent men for city officials and
:o :
The progressives are growing bold
er cverj" daJ" n their demand that the
republicans nominate Roosevelt for
president- At the progressive dinner
in St. Louis the other day Arthur S.
Segur declared that "unless the repub
licans come to our terms the g. o. p.
in the nation ill be doomed forever."
Ever since the war broke out in
Europe we have been hearing about
the scarcity of articles that wc have
been depending upon Europe to fur
r.ish us, and which are not produced
in this country. Some of these arti
cles are as common as flics in dog
days, and we were very much sur
prised when the war brought to our
knowledge the fact that they were
of foreign manufacture, and were not
produced in our own country. We
have often heard the boast that the
United States was self-supporting and
that we could build a fence around
cur patch of ground and live happily
ever after making and producing
everything that enters into our
economic life. But in making this
boast we don't know what we were
talking about. This boast was twin
brother of that other boast that '
'America could whip the world"" a
pair of twins that have made lots of
ncise in times past, but now only an
embarrassing memory.
The latest addition to the list of
foreign-made articles that we do not
produce but can get along without,
is that of drugs. We are told that the
supply of certain very common drugs
is getting low and that the price of
such drugs is getting high. It is said
that these drugs arc not produced in
this country although they are used
in almost every household. The news
is a surprise to most of us and we
wonder what the brains and the capi
tal of this country have been doing all
these years why the foreigner has
been permitted to mix our physic and
roll our pills. Next in importance to
the lack of preparedness for war in
this country, is the lack of prepared
ness for pexice. There are many im
portant industries in the United
States at this time that are sorely
crippled because they have been de
pendent upon European products in
the manufacture of their wares. And
tbese industries will not suffer alone.
The American people must suffer also,
either in paying exorbitant prices or
being denied the use of the articles
affected. The suffering, however, will
not be without its compensation. The
expsrience will be worth all that it
will cost. It is worth as much to the
American people to know their weak
ness as it i.s to know their strength.
It is worth something to acquire an
education in the school of experience.
Such an education is not soon forgot
ten. And the higher the cost of such
an education the more likely we are
to profit by it.
This country should be forced by
its needs to make good its boast that
it is self-supporting. Whether it is
dolls, or drugs, or dyestuffs that are
needed, there should be brains and
capital somewhere in this country
that could make them.
However, a republican congressman
can't be expected to deport himself,
light off, as though he had had a
congressional bringing up.
There is profound dissatisfaction
among some parents because in the
eight minutes which the teacher can
give to each pupil, she does not give
them all a liberal education.
It would seem that the surprise at
tacks indulged in by the various com
batants are almost as annoying as the
old-fashioned surprise parties with
which we used to be inflicted.
The New York Evening Post prints
a black and white map showing the
states which have presidential pri
maries. It i3 uncertain whether the
map was made before or since presi
dential primaries were invented, for
it gives Indian Territory among those
states which do not have them.
Hurry is a habit; but a good one
many times.
Judge Gary will now be more op
posed to the Sherman act than ever.
The congressmen made a greater
impression on Mr. Marsalis than he
did on them.
An exchange says:
For a pain in
the head read poetry." Rut who wants
a pain in the head?
The fellow who discovered "that
one good turn deserves another,"
had an ax he wanted to
The coal barons have acceded to
the demands of their coal diggers for
higher wages to meet the high cost
of living. This means to pass the
buck to the consumer. Also that next
winter will be a cold one.
If Judge Sutton and Charley Bryan
are permitted to make the race at the
general election, the result will be an
even break. But no such catastrophe
will ever be allowed to overtake the,
voters of Nebraska, so don't worry.
Is Governor Morchead running a
matiimonial and divorce bureau? A
Lincoln woman called on the governor
the other day and asked him if her
daughter had been legally divorced
We haven't heard as to the governor's
One writer on the philosophy of
thrift facetiously writes that dollars
are like ducks they glide in steadily
on the waters of labor. "We might
also add that with too many a poor
feliow, they slip out as fast or faster
than they glide in.
hen everything is coming your
way look out for trouble. New finan
cial and industrial records are being
made by the United States. She holds
a record amount of gold; her banks
are carrying a large amount of sur
plus reserve; her agrictultural prod
ucts have been of record value; her
railroad earnings are reaching new
high records; her iron and steel output
is at record level; her industries are
announcing new records; her army of
workmen is receiving record-breaking
wages. But don't expect these con
ditions to continue indefinitely. We'll
have war or hard times or something
in time. In the meantime lay up for
a rainy day.
About this time of year the news
papers abound in Leap Year jokes.
One would imagine a general epidemic
of so-called "popping the question"
in the feminine world. Whether any
thing of the kind exists further than
invitations to attend Leap Year
dances and other functions may well
be questioned. The old tradition that
the initiative in marriage must be
taken by the male sex is one of the
most striking curiosities of every-day
custom. It would not be easy to ex
plain it fully. No doubt there are
isolated cases where it is boldly
ignored without regard to the calen
dar by women of resolute purpose.
But as a whole it is deeply ingrained
in the female mind. In no other de
partment of life's activities is the in
itiative so closely confined to one side.
As between the buyers and sellers of
merchandise, it is held to be legiti
mate for either one to take the first
step without prejudice to his position.
Also it is equally appropriate for the
person who is employed to seek a
position, and for the employer to seek
someone to fill it. It is hardly likely
that the masculine mind imposed any
such law. Woman may be deeply in
love, but she keenly realizes that she
must not hold herself too cheap. She
must somehow give the impression
that she is elusive and hard to cap
ture if she would stimulate interest.
Of course the old rule is rather
technical. A woman has a thousand
silent ways of asking the fateful
question with her eyes, while the man
is lamely halting and hesitating. The
old tradition may give the man a
sense of power, but it is an illusory
President Wilson is obliged to turn
nis tirea eyes irom Europe to tne
Mexican border. Of the sorely tried
and much harrassed man at the head
of our government it can truly be
said, "One woe dotn tread upon an
other's heels, so fast they follow."
Persumably under the personal
leadership of Villa, a thousand Mexi
can bandits have invaded American
son. They have slain American sol-
diers in the uniform of their country,
as well as citizens peacefully asleep
in their homes and entitled to their
country's protection. They have fired And now some democrats want all
on women and little children, and one candidates for vice president to with
woman, at least, they have murdered, draw in favor of Col. House. Why
"Death to Americans!" was the
slogan on the lips of this cut-throat
band and the villainous chieftain.
What is the president to do? What
will congress do?
This newspaper has sufficient trust
in the persident and congress of our
country to wait and see.
There is a point at which patience
ceases to be a virtue. That point has
j been reached with Mexico. There is a
point at which the love of peace is
overriden: a noint at which altruism
must give way to the impulse of en-
lightened self-interest. These points,
too, have apparently been reached.
Should I'resident Wilson ask of con -
gress authority to dispatch the army
into whatever hidden fastness of
Mexico Villa may penetrate, and to
drag him forth alive or dead, congress,
we cannot doubt, would give its ready
sancition and the citizenship of this
long-suffering and patient republic
would breathe a fervent amen.
If. then, it mieht onlv be nossible
for the strong arm of the American
government to reach out and drag to
licrht that American interest, what-
ever it may be, that is inspiring Villa,
that is financing him, that is using
him as a bloodv catsnaw with which
to bring about American intervention,
that expects, from such intervention,
to reap luscious harvests if this, too,
were possible, the fervency of our
amens would be redoubled.
Few, from the beginning, have be-
lieved that Villa was his own master!
! Yil- 1 1 I
nis own creator, nas long oeen i
a matter of common knowledge that I
conflicting coteries of financiers and I
exploiters, in this country and in
Europe, have been struggling for an I
unprecedented prize control oi tne
unlimited wealth of Mexico. It is
these selfish interests, playing to the
limit the game of dynastic politics,
that have been responsible for no one
can guess how much of the bloodshed
and the ruin wrought in the now
ucouiaicu icinu iu tut; suuiii ui us. t
is possible that there is none of them
now maKing use oi tne iouiest oi au
Mexican "leaders" to force such action
i mi ii
oy our government as wm save uieir
stakes. It is possible, we say. But
appearances are more than suspicoius.
These surmises, weil or ill founded, J
are oi course merely incidental to tne i
1. a it.
main question. Whatever and who
ever backs Villa, he cannot be permit
ted to flour the sovereignty of the
American government on its own soil.
He cannot be permitted to seek out
our citizens in their homes, kill them,
and then retreat across the Rio Grande
to safety. Apparently the Carranza
government is little better than an
opera bouffe contrivance. The soil of
Mexico is still warm with the blood of
eighteen American miners callously
slain by Villa bandits, whose ap
prehension and punishment was
promised by Carrenza. The promise
has not been fulfilled, and there is no
sign of any reasonably efficient effort
ever having been made to fulfill it.
To the Carranza government, it
seems, we look in vain for a redress
of grievances.
Such is the situation with which
President Wilson and congress have
now to deal. World-Herald.
There are plenty of entrances to the
theatre of war, but thus far no one
. . ., . I
nas oeen auie to discover an exit mat
will work.
With the price of such necessaries
as gasoline and tires rising, it is ex
pected that the luxuries like church j
pews and hospital contributions will
fall off.
There is also the man with more
dignity than anything else.
while we desire to preserve the
peace as onff as possible, we have no
intention of embalming it.
- The filing time closes a week from
today. So if you fail to get in the
running it will be your own fault.
- :o;
A Plattsmouth man is such a per
feet ladies' man that other men don't
want to be found alone in his office, j
for fear town talk would spring up.
should they?
This scarcity of blue dyes will an-
I noy the men who are not satisfied un-
til they have blue shirts to go with
their pink neckties,
There is nothing the matter with
President Wilson now. lie has three j
houses on his side the senate, the
I house and Col. House.
The merchant who sends out of
town for his printing has no kick
coming when he sees people who buy
I from mail order houses.
j :o:-
Dr. Neff of Philadelphia says only
one person out of 23,000 can think,
but he may not get anything more
done than any of the others,
The pictures you se? of the women's
full and flowing skirts are not bor-
rowed from Godey's Lady Book of the
I year 1850, but merely the 1816
An English astronomer claims he
has actually counted more than 50,-
000,000 stars. Why not engage him
to conduct our straw election vote this
If the United States troops capture
villa there should be no undue delay
. . ...
in hanging him to the tallest tree they
Iran find, and then make a pepper box
of nis hide.
. . . . . i
r I
An embossed letter head cannot be
made in the home town. But the
printed letter head can be. The lat-
ler is just as good as the embossed
article, and it costs a durn-site less.
When all Europe is engaged in the
strenuous occupation of shooting one
anothers' soldiers down, America is
doing all she can to furnish food and
clothing for those that are allowed to
u nitv nf fhp mpmi)0rs nf
the house spoke before they had seen
Senator Sutherland's speech showing
how tnere js more involved than the
ht f :nfi,viflnaU tn rid? around on I
.n . i
In the old days they improved a
town's appearance by going out and
planting trees. Now they work for
the same end by calling up the public
officials and knocking because they
A' ,ln if out of fho nnhl?. fund.
" x I
.n. I
'There is a rank due to the United
States among nations which will be
withheld, if not absolutely lost, by the
reputation of weakness. If we desire
to avoid insult, we must be able to
repel it; if we desire to secure peace,
one of the most powerful instruments
of our rising prosperity, it must be
known that we are at all turns ready
for war. To be prepared for war is
one of the most effectual means of
preserving peace. A free people ought
not only to be armed, but disciplined;
to which end a uniform and well di
gested plan is requisite." George
$100 Reward, $100
,Pl1Iir,aSr.V.t Won7ire.dSS Xm"
that science has Ix-cn nUle t euro in au hi
tar'H, and that 1st Catarrh. Hail s t nmrrn i urn
is the only positive cure nw known to the med
ical fraternitr. Catarrh belnjr a constitutional
tlUenHC, requires a constitutional treatment.
Hall a Catarrh Cure la taken internally. iK-tinff
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, and giving the patient strenK
by building np the constitution ami assisting
ture In doing Its work. The proprietors
eo much faith In lt curative powers that
offer One Hundred Dollars for any case th
falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address t J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists. 75c.
Tike HU' FamJl puis for constipation, j
j.. -1 -
Net Ccr-tcats IS Flail Dractmri
faff Hill
AVe& talkFrepoiaticalbrAs-
tindlfcc Stcajachs and Bjxlsdj
' Promotes Diycsticiu.flicci 1
jicss rjidEtet-CcmlmnsBcma
Not Nakcotic.
jii.xSml fit mi Sfl
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
The climate is all light, if one is
young enough.
Sam Ilinkle has hen confirmed as
postmaster at Haveloek.
:o :
St. Patrick's day comes next Fri
day. e all wear tlu green then.
:o :
Otue county democrats hold their
banquet at Nebraska City Thursday
evening, March 10.
:o :
An old man doesn't marry a young
irl for her money, although it is true
,jlat mcst Gf tilc ruie3 vork j0tn
j vvays.
i ;o:
J A Now York paper uses the head-
I line: "Rockefeller Out of Oil." At
j present prices many housekeepers are
J also out of it.
I :o:-
It is reported that a perfectly hon-
e?t man has b-en fouml in Chicago,
but the name of the cemetery is not
Luther Uurbank may have been
able to produce a stoneless prune, but
can he produce a pruneless boarding
The Ohio grand jury is fairly cer-
tai that the steel corporations didn't
raise their war babies to be benevolent
iNoan L.uruly, a farmer living near
Decatur, Illinois, is mourning the loss
of ?2,(;50 in United States currency
Lundy had hidden these bills in a mail
order catalogue and while away from
I - . ..a t 1
home Jus wile burned the booK along
with other wraste papers. Moral: Bar
I 1 1 :i i ii .
inv mau "luer li"u-
Inarch Bulletin of
The Spring season of low one-way fares to California, Washington.
Oregon, Utah, Idaho, Montana, will last only from March 2 to Apr:!
14, inclusive.
32.50 one-way to the Coast, and $27.50 to Utah, Salt Lake, Idaho, Cen
tral Montana. Butte District, etc.
Apply early for through tourist sleeper accommodations in ti e B-riin-ton's
through service routes via Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake, to Califor
nia or over the direct northwest main line thiough Billings to Seatt! .
The coming season will bring tne greatest volume of Eastern touii.-t;
into Rocky Mountain National Eestes Park, Yellowstone Park, Gluci r
National Park, yet recorded. Special tours will be arranged by en
operation between the railroads and the Government. Automobile tour;
and routes will br; greatly extended, and the Reky Mountain Nation- 1
L. W. WAK LEY.General Passengc r
at It i'lSJLculJLi5
fi..,.i i ...tmrn
u-m h m lifts
i For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
or Over
Thirty Years
saw g & a e aft
m 1 mm
1 1 iP
It ought to be reasonably plain who
is running the American foreign
policy right now.
What has become of the old
fashioned man who studied the script
ures to be better able to argue with
the preacher?
Now watch the anti-preparcdnr.-s
advocates point out that thirty-five
American soldiers chased a thousand
Mexican bandits.
England has called another class of
married men to the front, which seme
call the second emancipation procla
mation of the vear.
It is pretty hard for Bryan to be
satisfactory. Five or six years ago
people said he was ahead of the times,
nd now that preparedness has become
r.n issue they say he is an old granny
and behind the times.
The New York Times admits that
"the horse is a noble animal, but he
has so far outlived his usefulness that
he is rapidly becoming a nuisnce."
Perhaps the Times will change its
mind some day when it tries to make
a meal of motor car meat.
The Plattsmouth board of educa
tion have decided to put the matter
of the question as to whether the tax
payers are ready to ote the appro
priation of Sr0,000 for a new school
building. The question will be sub
mitted at the city election Tuesday.
April 4. When a comparison is made
of our present High school building
and those in other cities of our size,
it causes the public-spirited citizen to
blush with shame.
Rate Attractions
ft .sv
Parks Tour is going to be made more attractive than
ever. Such a vacation tour will pay you a tremen
dous health dividend, besides being the scenic ad
venture of a life time. It is none too eaily to bo
thinking over such a possible trip and asking ma
how it can best be made.
R. W. CLEPJENT, Ticket Agent
Afient, IOC4 Farnam St , 0.tii;, Neb.