The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 09, 1916, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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Tiirrsn.vv. MARCH 0.
l'or 7.
1 1 Oil O
Hi kwV'' Vft A Tv"T 5fw?F,,T?"s.
:EW.A 3 12 sac
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Ambros; Pcale.
KALI' took up the refrnin next
iil t nlkfl to Mr. Martin about
"But nowadays it isut only
people h!m !:.uo stoves t soil r tooth
1 i-i!!ii's 1 1 . : t ;iri- spi-mlim; money on
p'lldi. iiy," lie bewail. '"Hanks tire :id-
rt i-in-; fi'i" money, nations for iinnii
.,m;:!s. oI!.- s f.r students, cities for
a:i 1 elntielies f"i"
ti-:i. a Ml you sit there thinking it
.lo.-i.'t pay to advertise."
"Six iiiui ilrr'l ami sixteen million 1"1-lar-s
ut'i'.' spent li-t year in magazine-
aial newspapers. 1 1 1! i-i!s and eli't
trie si-.i.s." re-itoil Mary.
"Briimiri"' i-iluati"n and comfort and
fun an I luxury to the people of tin?
I'mtnl Slates." said Uoilm-y. "It's l'o
r.iaia . father, the rmiiMiuv of priming
,r....s,.st ,.f steel raiN. of the wireless,
.if r:iins and roiiiju-tilioi:. tin roiuaip o
:f i.mderu bu-:ness. and it's all Naili
u ad t-ni-iiiir. Why. advt-rt i'un: is
;!:o I'iiru. st thing in this country, uu.l
it's oi:!y ju.t boun."
-i!.'' said Mr. Martin, "whon you
;..-; g.-t Jhrouuh talking and ynu'iv
ilat hroko and do'vn and out roine
ra.d and sco iuo. I'll show you an
0. d bv.sinos that has a lot of r.inoy.
:iiit i-n't radi.-d and that in.-.nagos to
ki t i g..;;r' without wasting a f"ituno
i-i fool ad oil ising."
"Thou you won't lot us got nuy
pV" a-kod Hodnoy.
'Hid; my lrasino-s reputation on a
i!Iy homo liko d tl'.ar so;.pV I should
iy not. You may bo c razy, but I'm
1. "'."
Yes. you are." sai.l Mary, beginning
r- e her temper.
h. ro:o on." said l'eah? impa
i '. -nt'y. "What's tlie u-o ef talking t)
:i man whose bi'ain i-: deaf':"
The old s-iap king only laughed.
And to tla jie--.-i::paniiuent of his
r-romful ln, klos the three dejeetedly
;,'.;el out. I'o-T Mary's mission had
f .iioil. In the street outride s!ie could
l.' t he!: iiouiin ' a little. espe-in'.ly for
J;, i'iu'v's b. n lit. and she si-olded
I'.-aio outrii;ht. She was sure she
. ii.I hae ir.aiia'ed the old gent Ionian
i." -lit- h id b- en allowed t do it in her
own n-tn tie v.-. .; ...n s way. ar.i sue
; 1 I. ..lit t?... !,--. t'-oMv Vt.:f TT:K i
!i .. . .-i .i " .. .n ' 1 04 ?.!. ill li!ls.- M .1 1 -l 13 ; I
' I
Wi -t they wanted was 4 ."". :ti' eakos
o" r- ..i.. not ."..mi wonls of advertising
r -'l;. Wliat iinp:esii :i had they made
0:1 t'.o s : p '.Ii u: Not the slightest.
"Nov.. d es'f you be too sure." inter-r-!;.t,..l
Arnbr-we. "Jut lt It sink in
1 rank'" a bir and we'll see."
"on-i :. '(:" : i 1 Mary ene slr.
I'oer Aiabro-e! lie wouldn't have
admitted it to anybody in the world,
but for on. e in hi life he was down-ea-r
and diseonra -ed. His unfailing
irood nature w;
loaked and veiled a
3i-t'o ami no mistake. He was blue.
Wh-:t wii- worse his Hues lasted, off
and on. t'd- time for rdiin-st two weeks.
As the T iaiinal r tun s to the seene
of hi : in o ;o Atnbros.-'s spirit was
d-av. ii i. k l" h:s old haunts of the
aOW Wo; M M'.'.liil.
"Hi :;... .Vr. re-e-eler
He tune d to see the "eounless." They
were in ffeiit of the City Square hoie!.
and she was b.d-d for the revolving
doors on Forty-seeimd street. IVale
gravitated at op. e to her side and
lumped into the whirling compartment
behind her.
"Well, c v.tie." he said as they drop
ped down together on a lounge in the
. rowde-1 c-orri h .r. "what are you up
"You're a grand l;itl - guy." said the
eolintess alt eab!; ; "I you."
!h;t all the time her eyes roved about
th" i hi'-p a if s!ie v.ere looking for
aifther man.
"ibv are y'i -"tting along now':"
he word on. "As far as I'm eoni erned.
trim eerybody you -;m. You're there,
,!:il you're th"iv."
Ibit we're on tlie !-vel," Teale as-.-:red
"So am I." i-aid i!:e eountess.
"If ;.ou were I'd give you a job,"
I:OV'hed I Vale.
"Me work on a jo'.'" ,. tho eount-e-s.
"Tliere's no ji, nient in that.
AYhy. now every th ie I meet a eof) 1
g.-t a thrill."
"I know I I ii . v
'.i:l!." I'e.-il? a--' in 1.
uught to marry ;.o:-
".No, A mbi-o-'e." -l'!iie
.vlie'ere!;.-; "I '
thing to yoi; .is :..
lai.i to you ;il,r ; .
tile dull life Is
I wonder if I
I reform ycuV"
I i'.:1 eon;,; ess
ih.'t d ) r:'.: h a
y ; o,i. I eo::l 1
; 1 - e
g a lov
in,-, l'ahhfu! wi
and ma.he
you d.
at that. j:t.t trouiiic wi:!
n sue i-?
I'd rather trim a guy out of a hundred
th in o iin :i tl; "i.aud. .s leave me
1 ki 1. leave n:e lay" -
At this i.i'n H-nt 1'ta! '. fiulowin--; h' r
;;.--e. s.r.v what she v. as looking for.
in 1 apparently "it" v.r.s i-Uiery riark.
IU'eiy. in full evening war :i:it. was
vanie; iug up and down evident !y loou
li.g for her.
"Shall I bring him over';" ashed
"No." i-aid t!;e eot;ntcss; "wait a n-o.
it ::t. I want to talk to you a s-eeond
;d -out Ei;ery lie's kind of stuck on
iie." she tddeJ shj !y.
Novelized by Samuel Field
From the Successful Plsy by
Roi Cooper Megrue and Walter Hackett
"Say. I'm for you." broke in IVale,
"but if you'iv aiming to trim Klloty 1
j can't Iiolp you thoro; it'd bo too easy."
"Kasy! You l.n't know Kllery! lie's
wise all rirht," she rotesh d.
"Say, I doat like EI lory," said IValo
quickly, "but if you're planning to
V.J i,'
.J !
i.'r2 it.
"Do tell him I'm a real French dame.
niaxixe down th.o bridal path with hirn
I won't stand for it."
"Oh. I wouldn't hit'-h up. Xn, Am
brose, you got me wrong." said the
countess plaintively.
"What is the graft, then':"
The countess looked at him with a
great show of diglnity.
"Say. Mr. lVa'o." she -said, "don't
you think I got s vne souse of de. en "yV
And. anvhow. I wouldn't go after KI- !
h ry. He'd be wise in a minute. No. sir.
I stark up against men of ray owi:
size ducks who think they're wise
guys, like you and your young part
ner." "Well, what is the idea with K'.Iety.
thtn':" IVale asked uncomfortably.
"You may not like him," the coun
tess began. "He does seem kind of a
stu k up chap, but when you get t-
klloW lliln lie's .'1 lik e kid
He's got :
1 . . f .
ir, I.e loves to go to siriws, no sop-
tho head waiter .S.", says. 'IJring us :i
goid dinner and tv. o ! ottie- or' 1 hi;' h
:n sign -ho--ks ;, ii ;. lid . an i lie's ;
gu nd litth; comp.-Miion fer n lor."!;,
dame like me. lie looks forward t
seeing me. lie phonis me c-vr;
l morning and ju-t sti'-ks a!oun !. lb
don't even try to hold my hand."
"Well, where do I come in":" I'eil
"You're going to see Mm now." tin
connte-s said. "Just don't slip it t
him I'm a grafter, will you': I I'd bus
up the whole thing. I'll play straight
with him just pals. You don't know
how hard it is for girls like me. :
never hid a show. I ran away froai
home when I was a kid. I've been
prttty up against it sometimes, an i
now this boy conies along and treats
me line. Is what I've done to other
guys to butt in and queer me? Oh don't bowl me out with Ki
"Nix. nix!" said IVale, pulling out
his handkerchief.
"Hive me a chance to be on the
square." went on the countess. "It
ain't, easy fr a girl to fight it out just
Iy herself, when she's all alone, no
nvney, i,o friends and she's got to live
live on jv. a week in a b:n-k room look
in' out on a brick wall and cool; over
the gas. Food and clothes and live on
.?" per! You got a b t for a good time,
haven't you? That's what I had to do.
Say. I was lonely sometimes. You've
got to be pretty smart to steer straight, j
But I've? done it I ve done it!"
With that she broke down and be
gan to snivel.
"Now. see here, countess." said
IVale kindly, patting her on the back.
"Don't do that-dou't, don't" Then
after a pause he added:
"Oh. quit it. Keep it for some poor
boob who'll fall for it."
"Oh. Ambrose, don't talk like that."
said the countess tearfully.
"Say. honest, it's foolish wasting it
n tee. kid." said IVale.
"Well, it's always wonh trying once,"
said the girl, completely changing to a
radiant smile.
"Sure it is" said IVale genially.
"Why, yea had me winging ft,r a min
ute. Kut w!i.-n you pulled that live
a week gag I kne w it was the antique
phoney stuff."
"I learned it from a play. ;reat.
isn't it? it always goes. Itut at that
I'm n the level abotp I'd lery. l jUvt
couldn't keep from drifting into dra-niatii-s.
!., tell him I'm a real 1'ivneli
"Absolutely." said IVale. "Hello. IV
ter Piccadilly." he added, as Kllery at
last discovered them: "what brings you
to the haunts of pleasure":"
He didn't wait for Kllery's answer,
but promptly vacated the place at the
girl's side and left them to each other
and their fates.
Pi Vk' ' : ?'vv
I M - V': ; -' f 7,7
Xo ' nN
Iii his prcf-cut nax d the nie; -ting and
the talk for all his ckail only strength
ened the wings of his b!a-k hi:tUTliies.
The- sipht of I'.ilory t'lark eompleted
his distaste with the Ahole sorry
si.hcaie of things, making ban itch to
remold it nonivr to his heart's desire.
Kllery (.'lark, that plnliead. went round
with girls who trimmed him like the
"eoiTutess." supplied with plenry of
money by his doting father, while Ibd
ney ami Mary had to slave and worry.
(To Be Continued.
IVor'. W. X. Dclzvl! was in Falls
City Friday where he made a short
talk before the Richardson County
Teachers' nsscciat ion.
Mr. Ciddeon Ar.dc r.--on of Hold re pre
was called home Saturday by the ser
ious illness of a sister. He will not
t eturn.
The ba.-ket hall team left Monday
r i ... il
iney piayect at university l iac-e .vioa-
day 7ii;.'ht where they were defeated
with r. score of l!-" S-. They played
Crdn.-r Tucaday night; York College.
Wedrivsday night, arid will play at
(I'.an I Island nr.d Kearney. The boys
have hst only tv,-. games this year
one with the San Frap.cis;" and
c-re v'th Wcsleyan University.
Tdiss Huida Feter-cn, ex-cou:uy su
i)trir..eii,Ient of Phelps county, who is
a specialist in the organization of boys
nd girls' club was in Peru Thursday
in the ir.tere.-t of this line of work. She
spoke in the afternoon to the boys
and girls of the high school and in
the evenin.g to patrons and Normal
Mrs. Crawford of the training de
oni tmnt was in Franklin county la?t
week, where she vh-Ped schools with
Mrs. Erf man. the county superintend
nt. She brought home an enthusias
ie report of the work being dene in
hat county.
Prof. F. C. Srahh, head of the de
pa; tmc :;t of nar.uel training, is con-
d acting a
class in practical automobile
. The mechanism of the en-
lire iiir-chine
studied. Much interest
is rn mifested by the class and it is
hoped that this is o;dy the beginning
of a more complete course in this
line of woik.
Daring tho chapel period Monday
a short service was held in memory
)f the late Henry James. Students
frrm the English department gave a
-hort vevitw of his life and some ex
cerpt"; from his. novels.
Mi-- Josie Kiscr of Platt-mouth has
'egistered for weak in the domestic
science department.
' When one wakes with stitF back,
r.ains in mu-clea, aches in joints, or
rheumatic twinges, he cannot do his
best. If you feel out of the race,
tiled, languid, or have symptoms ef
kidney trouble, act promptly. Foley
Kidneys Pills help the kidneys get rid
of poisonous waste matter that causes
trouble. Sold everywhere.
Purchases Rarher Shop.
from Tuesflay'p OailT.
Harry H. Kuhney has decided to
embank in the barber business in this
city again and ha.- purchased the shop
of William Miiler in the IVrikns hotel
builuin.g, wheie he will be on hand to
look after the needs of his friend?; tnd
patrons. Mr. Ktthn.oy has been en
gaged iu the barber business in this
city for a great many years and is
well known to almost everyone.
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with fie to Foley Sc Co.,
Chicago, 111., v.ritng your name and
address clearly. You will receive in
return a trial package containing
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for
lagrippc, coughs, colds and croup,
Foley Kidney Fills, and Foley Cath
artic Tablets. Sold everywhere.
Hives, eczema, itch or salt rheum
Gets you crazy. Can't bear the touch
of your clothing. Doan's Ointment is
fine for skin itching. All druggists
sell it, 50c a box.
. . "?e
i ii i i i i i i i
Jchn Hirz to W. H. Tritsch,
north half SE quarter
I- 12-12. Consideration ?S,500.00
II. C. Wolf to Mrs. Caroline
Wolf, lots 4, 5 and 0, block
1), Murdoch. Consideration COO. 00
Milton McMaken to Mrs.
Eva Reece, lot 7, block 22,
Plattsmouth. Considera
tion 1.00
Charles Bornemeier to
Henry Schlaphof, north
half, NE quarter, east half
NW quarter 19-11-10. Con
sideration 21,500.00
Frederick Huge to A. M.
Seiker, et ah, part NE
quarter 9-10-10. Considera
tion 10,500.00
Frederick Ruge to Baibara
M. Seiker, north half NE
quarter 9-10-10. Con
sideration 13,900.00
E. N. (.iustin to Charles
Bornemeier, NE quarter
15-tfMO. Consideration. ..22,200.00
Joseph Ronnfeldt to E. X.
Gus.tin, NW quarter 34-
II- 10. Consideration 17,000.00
William DelesDernier to
Oliver Bothwell, south
half NW quarter 2d-10-10.
Consideration 14,000 . 00
Martin Shafer to Waldo Wil
lett, west half NW quarter
23-10-10. Consideration. ..11,050.00
C. E. Young to Thomas Mur
ray, part SE quarter
27-10-13. Consideration. . .21,000.00
J. H. Becker to II. E. Beck
er, north half NE quarter
11-12-12. Consideration.. 1.00
P. P. Meisinger to R. V.
Long, part NE quarter
31-12-13. Consideration. . .11,00. 00
Herbert Cooper to N. H.
Meeker, lots 213 and 214,
Greenwood. Consideration 500.00
P. J. Vallery to S. Ray
Smith, part south half SW
quarter 21-12-13; part
NW quarter 2S-12-13. Con
sideration 18,000.00
Elizabeth S. Baker to Will
S. Jean, south half SYv'
quarter 35-13-12. Con
H. M. Wilcox to Emil Find
er, lots 8, 9 and 10. block
2, Thompson's addition to
city. Consideration
W. E. Rosencrans to B. A.
Rosencrans, part NE quar
ter. SE quarter 24-12-13.
W. T. Adams, et ah, to Ru
dolph Spahni, part north
half NW quarter 29-12-14.
Ivai C. McCrory to H. F.
Schlater, west half NE
quatter 29-11-10. Con
sideration 12,400.00
C. E. Pool to H. F. Leutchen.
east half SW quarter,
west half SE quarter 2 1-11-10.
Consideration 25,G00.00
Fred Barteil to W. C. Jones,
NW quarter 19-10-11. Con
sideration 1S,000.00
Isaac Wiles to Leo Switzer,
north half NE quarter 1-10-12.
Consideration 11,000.00
FOR SALE Houses and lots on easy
terms. Will take in exchange other
property for first payments. Vac
ant lots for sale. Several places for
exchange for grazing land.
Windham Loan and Investment Co.
1P r TIJK IM.TrtOM' Ii:tM. A.
Se'-X I ii'IIim! Ahl, jniir 'Irajjlsi i', t A
v I I., lu n-lcr n lnun;"iri;ri.i,ayVs
;.'ViA ruu in if-t .-.nil iia vtr,Jlyy
Tl. o other. Hm- rf voiir
!-iirr:t.t- A k f'T III-VM Ks.TETI
l'A'j;M l'.K.l f r j I test, Sa(et, Always Kfli .1;. a
East of Riley Hotel.
Coates' Block,
Second Floor.
JJJ- J..ToJ. JT.?.
JWaa MS I'd Sim fL5 li H i. y
18 to 20 years experience is
worth somethine: to those who
have property for sale.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
I am always after the High
Dollar for Your Goods.
So Everyone Thought, But Is Now
Well And Stronger Than Ever.
Newton, Mo. "I can certainly
speak a good word fcr Cardui, the
woman's tonic," says Mrs. Jay
Rhoades, of this town. "I suffered for
12 years with my right side, and the
last three years, I would have a' bad
spell with it about every three months.
I would get so bad off, every ono
would think I could not live.
, The first of July, I began taking
Cardui, the woman's tonic, and I
haven't had a bad spell since soon
after I began taking it.
Defore taking Cardui, I was so ir
regular, and, at times, I could hardly
stand on my feet. Now, I can clean
house, and do any kind of work with
out its hurting me in the least.
Cardui will surely do for other
women, what it did for me. I am tell
ing ail my neighbors about it."
Cardui is r. mild and effective tonic
for women, that has been found, by
actual use, during more than 50 years,
to relieve the ailments to which all
women are peculiarly liable.
Card-u-i has helped thousands.
Why not you? Try it. NCB2
Local P3ews
From Tuesday's Dally.
I). W. Livingston of Nebraska City
was here for a few hours yesterday
attending to some matters in the dis
trict court.
Frank Blotzer came in this after
noon from his home hi the vicinity of
Cullom to attend to some trading with
the merchants.
C. F. Vallery, road supervisor of
Plattsmouth precinct, was in the city
today holding forth with the board
of county commissioners.
Will Rammell came in this morning
from his farm home to attend the
meeting of the board of county com
missioners at the court house.
II. A. Funke, the Louisville lumber
dealer, was in the city yesterday af
tcmocn for a short time looking after
ome matters in the district court.
Palmer Wetencamp came in this
morning from his home to spend a
few hours looking after some matters
cf business and visiting with friends.
Mrs. John Fight was a passenger
this morning for Omaha, where she
goes to visit her daughter, Mrs.
Thomas Sullivan and family, for the
Mrs. E. C. Hill returned home last
evening from Graybull, Wyoming,
where she has been visiting for a few
days with relatives and friends in that
Welter J. Clause, road overseer of
South Bend precinct, was in the city
today attending the meeting of the
county commissioners at the court
Nicholas Opp of near Nehawka was
in the city for the day visiting with
his friends and attending to some
ters with the board of county commis
sioners. O. W. Zaar, one of the prominent
residents of South Bend precinct, is
in the city today attending the meeti
ing of the board of county commis
sioners. Mis. Katie McIIugn of Falls City,
who has been here viriting for a short
time at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Walling, departed today for
her home.
Mrs. Anthony Howard of Ravenna,
Neb., who has been visiting her three
sisters in this vicinity for the past
two weeks, departed for her home this
Chris Mockcnhaupt of near Louis
ville was among the visitors in the
city today for a few hours attending
to some matteis of business at the
court house.
Don't use harsh physics. The re
action weakens the bowels, leads to
chronic constipation. Get Doan's
Regulets. They operate easily. 25c
at all stores.
Claude S. Wilson of Lincoln, one
of the prominent attorneys of that
city, was here yesterday for a few
hours locking after rome matters in
the district court.
Herbert Ransome departed this
morning on the early Burlington train
fcr Tama, Iowa, where he will spend
the next few months working on a
faim near that place.
August Krecklow and August
Pautsch of Center precinct were in
the city today visiting and discussing
business with the board of commis
sioners for a few houis.
John Busche, road overseer of Eight
Mile Grove precinct, was in the city
for a few hours today to look over
the road work of his district with the
board of commissioners.
George W. Snyder of Plattsmouth
precinct was in the city today attend
ing to some business matters and look
ing in cn the county commissioners'
meeting at the court house.
George P. Meisinger, jr., came in
this morning from his home west of
the city to look after some matters
cf business for a few hours and visit
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mei
singer. Mrs. Grace Miller cf Los Angeles,
Cab, who has been visiting relatives
at Omaha for the past few days, has
returned to this city for a more ex
tended visit and is the guest of Mrs.
T. M. Patterson.
William II. Rush of Murdoch, road
overseer of Elmvvood precinct, was :
among the visitors in the city today
coming in to attend the meeting of
the county board and discuss road,
work with the commissioners.
Milton McMaken of Sheridan, Wyo.,
arrived in this city last evening to
enjoy a short vicit here with his
uncles, J. II. and Guy McMaken an 1
families. He has just returned from
an extended tour of the Pacific coiut
Frank Beeson of Minitare, Nebras
ka, who has been at Sidney, Iowa, for
a few days visiting with relatives and
friends, is in the city to spend a short
time with his mother, Mrs. Allen Bee
son. Mrs. Frank Bceson and mother,
Mrs. G. C. Hicks, is expected hoe to
morrow for a visit before going on to
From Weflnesdav's Dally.
W. II. Mark of Union was in the
city f r a few hours today looking af
ter some matters at the court house.
Adam Kraeger of Cedar Creek was
a business visitor in this city yester
day and while here gave this office
a pleasant call.
W. II. Rush of Murdoch was attend
ing to some business matters in this
city yesterday and while here was a
pleasant caller at this office.
P. A. Horn ari.1 daughter drove in
this morning from their farm home
west of this city to look after some
business matters with the merchants.
Harry Smith and family departed
this afternoon for- Gretna, Neb., near
where they expect to make their home
during the coming summer on the
J. W. Propst, justice of the peace
of Louisville, and L. J. Mayfield, ed
itor of the Courier, were in the city
vesterdav for a few hours attending
the meeting of the board of county
Raymond Larson, Arthur White,
Fred Speck and George Dovey depart
ed this morning for Lincoln, where
they will take part in the state basket
bail tournament that is being held
there this week.
Mont Robb of Union was among
those attending the Commercial club
banquet last evening, coming in on
No. 2 from Omaha, where he was
visitinar fcr the day locking after
: oir.c matter:; ef b'.isir.cs.;.
Will Kehne drove in from his farm
home west cf this city yesterday to
attend to some business matters, and
while here called at this office and
had his name placed on our daily list
in order that he might be kept posted
on happenings throughout the county
each day.
lion. William DelesDernier of Elm
wood was in the city for a few hour:
today looking after some legal mat
ters and calling en his many friends
in the countv seat, coming in this
morning from the home of his daugh
ter in Iowa, where he had visited a
short time.
Asbury Jacks drove in from his
farm home south of this city this
morning to attend to some business
matters, and while here called at this
office and ordered the Plattsmouth
Journal sent to his address in order
that he might be kept posted on hap
penings throughout the county.
Val Gobeiman and daughter, Miss
Alice, of Union, drove to this city this
morning and spent the day visiting
friends and attending to some busi
ness matters. Mr. Gobeiman was a
pleasant caller at this office and while
here had his subscription to the
Plattsmouth Journal extended for
another year.
Ben Eeckman came in yesterday
from his home near Murray to spend
a few hours and was accompanied to
this city by his granddaughter. While
in the city Mr. Beckman called at the
Journal office and renewed his sub
scription to the Evening Journal for
another year as well as the subscrip
tion of his daughter, Mrs. Augustine,
to the Semi-Weekly Journal.
Sales bi'ls done quickly at the
OTII i: OK AinilMS ! u VI ION.
In Coiinlv Mir. of iiiiJ,
tn t!ie Mall'T nf the J'.st.ite of Ail.iin
Kin tz. I feeiift-o.
All iH'iyins Imc -r-stf'il in -st;il-
ai;c l.i-ielv nit itW'il that a nrlition 1 .as
itron filt'il in saiI o'.irt alii'mris; that
sai-1 ilfct'iisfd ilied leaving n will.
inil pi-Hvinir for mini i n isti a t ion mon
his estate, and tl:at a h'riiiir will l'
hal on sai'l petition Im-Coic sai1 Court
on the Twent v-eiichtli (Stlil lay of
.March. A. I . 1!1. an. I that if they fail
to appear at sahl 'onrt on t hf- said
L'Sth day of Man-It. at ! oCloi k
fi. rn. to conlpst said petition, ...e I'omi t
may jrrant the same and fiianl admin
istration of said estate to Aditn M.
Kurts or some other suitable person
and proceed to a settlement th-ieot.
(Seal) County Judge.
3-6-3 wks
m:; i. .Mint i;.
-'i'ti e to N on - I i,!. ,i t I . i . .
'i'lieir Heirs, I - ; . I., e. it. . .. r
soial I to es.-i' t a t i s - :.n. .: 1 . -sons
I til : f-i.-.l i i Ti ir I ; ' : t :
To ."lis. i an'e M hi i,. i, i -1 !.'.
nnknov n, v. if., .if I .!;. ! .' : '' .. .
t i.e uiikn. v.- n i.iii. , i . . i :
.i i s. n a 1 1 1 ; - i , - . i t .i I i . . .-, ;j i ! I ! i . . -sons
int -t-it in t.n '.ii : . . . -ham
T. M.-'"oin. .!..., ..i. . -
liiltti 1 1. L.r.Vsoii. i . :. ! ... t:i. i ;
knov.Ti. v. ii'.- ni i ' 1 1 . . i i ir I...-.- ,
W:!liaii. I". I! -i ; i. i: :
dead, tie n ,!. -. 1 1 . '. , - .
leJJUteej.. e r v , . I : , ! . . . -. . , ' , i , .
all J ' IS ill - ,lie; ,-; ., ; i I i
of V.' i I ' ia m I '. I .- i ' ! .
Yen a'd i !' ;. i u ; . . . i . :
(ii'tilie.! n .it SI ii .1 i. . j .
1 ; :T. on '. 1 7 in o.i . i. ; . .
1 ! l :. ne i ; . : . i : : ... t ( .
I'ulllt ol l "ass '. . - i n t . .'.-! : :i;., ,. : . -
in y mi a t;. I k!I i I' . I. ! : . - .
t I.e ii 1 ale! i " ., . i . i -..... . . ! . -
I i.iti : 1 1 1 a i i i . e i i ; .
lit!.; a.nd int. -" .... .i..-. . . ..
of yi. I ! ') :. . l ( I i.e
Kast I ail ti - I ! . ...
ter a nd tie V . - : . :i : , . r T ' .- .
east i i.i . ? i i . :. i ! : . V .,
tile Si hi : i v.-.- t i;narl. I, I ..
H i ( 1 i , Ton ii i 1 ! . v v . i ! . i
I in ii . ! . i ii ( 1 I I I . . : . . ; t : . . ,
M. . "a - f I '. . r.e i .i i- .
i.e !.:. 1 1 . ! niciiiid , . , :
el't'ei-t ; I a 1 tie I ) !- i.f . .,;.! .....
a nd to v.i et i .i I . .-1 .. ; . ..ii ...
t ! I i.r lie "I .1 !.(.-. I .; . ,i ,. i
a ' I . and i . . : . . . ... I
a -iy ji n i a ' 1 i I . , : . 1 1 - ... ...
"... a a.-., n- ; l i . . , : : ...
. !1 f ai. . p. : sot! . . .. i . n i, .
1 1. !. ;r ! . 1 v ; . .. .: t
.ie.! . .. ,. , , ... ,i .,1 . . !
nf V o i . m - . a ! : . ; .
i .i
for e. if I : , i ..-. a. i.. i . '
iirVI.-i'i". i : .. I . . ,
rose I! I a t A i .- .: '.. 1 . . t ' i ;
e.l : ii . t: ! ; ..I ..
of vim. 1 1 : i ' . 1 1 1 1 i : .
i n I i i -1 in ei to ... i ; i ..,
I .til tie! .'!. a t .-.
s;i id def. nda at , 1 ie . . ?. .
I. t
! a ' ! !
whose l::il:n .- ill" .... r ...
s t a ' I'd. I.e 1 in i . i i .,i i . . . i i . . ,
r a I t i ii an. i i - . t , t . i
state in a 1 1 1 i to .- i 1 i i ', , .
I a I t t !e !' of. ami t " .. .
f i: vt I ir r. 1 1 -I ;. - to l ' i ' i
stem i n .-1 a i.i I ; i . ' i ,
Si.M aid ea -h ..: - '
tint i thai y.e.i i : i , - ..
sai l j et it io'i on r ' '
1'itl: t!a of Api tl. A I ! 1 .
sTKni v:: .! i ; i m. i :., .
C. A. JIAWL.S. Afm (. . .
- ' .
. t
m:; i. . i m i:.
ii- i"e I i Nn;i- ; i i ,. ! t i
'i'll. i r I , . i . S, I I. . I .
son:: I . .- ?.!ati. - . . 1
si ni - ) :i t e i ; . in 'r , . , t :
I I '
I o t I i ' 1 . U ! I I I ' . . i
1' .t t s. p.-; .- "i i I.,
i :id ;. I ! 1 . i - - " t . i - . i
'S t a t ot W i , ' n ' 1 1 'I", .'.i
. .!: n I i i . 1 : , . ,
I f Oea. I. the i ' '. . la ' a I . i -. .
legatees, I e ! .- . Ii.l I 1 i : I
i! tld all J e I so .- i t 1. . t . i
I'.-tn e of S. t I. I 'a : i .! :. . i
I'.'tts. if !n in:., i : .. .!!. t
l.eil S. .l.-V,.-
- i
l'e -1 1. 1 a t i a-
d in II.. I - I '
'. 1'ot t s. : i it.::, r
noi ii In n s, i
sona i r. ; ! s. n t t 1 1
SO. i II t l- I . t 1 , I 1 t
'". I'ofs; Mrs. I .
I , 1 1 " ii k i e. n.
M 'nun : V. i: . I :. I. a . -lul,
t I u n k
.e: a t ees. pi 1 .- till 1 . . n
;i : I I r - 1 1 n - i . t . . . i
!. Ii
i . 11
! : t
iii u n:. i .. j i s ' : i .
Yon and !!: f i
not I lli ni y : .' :.
.: the 1 7 I 1 1 v . 1 '
i:1-;. Iii. d I. is
a I
. . il rt of "a ss ". . .. . . t . -. .i
in y i m u !i-l a ! I t . ; a t !! . .
tl ot..;. t and i : i ! . . . , . . -t
i T i is that t I.e : i ; : l . ji i . -1 . i .
tit! a 1 1 1 ' i 1 1 . i . I t i . :.!. . . i . .
ni on in a mi to t i , .
est I a'f of the .-'oi ' u.--r i ; .1.
of .-.-it 1 1 m f . . 'i'ii .-! . . t
till. No I t I:. i.U !,. t . . I . . i . .. i . .i
of i ! i;t '. r. ;.l . i ' i - i .
l i a.- ka, llMil t i .a t ' a . t
Son t l.. :i s t i i ii , t . ,i . , . , . , ;
ToU'l.Si.ip ele . el, . 1 1 . I '. I . . , .
i 1 1 i . i-:a -1 ..: 1 1 .. 1. 1 : I . .: . . i .,
County. N'el'i a.-ka.
he dee l.i I e. ': i:!i,!i i .. el of ...... ... '
t T. t : t !..-1 ti-- tit; ,,. , .
ill a 1 1 1 to s ; ; i . I r ai -in' a . ...
1.1 ft t hereof I ' j I. : : I : - a - a . -
and ciii Ii and . i em- ..( , . .,
a'-rair-t a:i and :;!i akns : . ... . . '
all of i on. ; te! -t ! . 7
e. ii ! i a : . 1 a ' 1 of a ' pet , ' .
elide,, t i ' i i. : ! i : . . . , i i
it I ad ..!.;;. .1 at,. : e I t i ., t .... .
an.', ad of ... . !... :
s .t fort 1 1 . it i i . : i. . ,'iei i :' . . . :
i . ei rs. de , is. . s, I . i . -. . ;.:..! ; . , i
t pr. .-ti t a t i i s a '. i j i : , -t-'-l
-1 e-1 i :i the e.- '. ; : of a i at i ... i
one of "ni:, i : i : . : i t . t ' . . .',..(
or intetesi in or to .-a.. ;,ai .-!.. i.-.
a :-. v a . I 1 1 . ..of. .. d t 1 ; .i . I
a '1 of sa id d.-f. :ii . t - , 1 .... ,
'. i . e e V hose ti i;l'i . : I i , ,. . . i , . ...
t ot ta t en. he !' 'I ', . t-.i : i . I : ..' i
i la i :i; i ii e; it - t c a . t i . t . ' ,
interest or ..-t. ; i n ; to - . i t . '
estate or any pa i t t ! i . f , ,u.. r i - . i
t her a nd f n i t 1 r t : i. f a - t . t ". . j i t
l.ia ' se.-m ; ml . i ,t a '.
Yoti ami a . . . . i .... ' . t ' '
j.rtt iried t In-1 yon at.- . ; 1 1 1 I to ., ,i . -said
pi t it ion :. ! ;:!. M..;, ;., , . :,.
1 Ot i, llil v of A IT: I. I 1 ' ! i
h::ni;y i:!:;ixi;. i-t.
C. A. IIA V.'I.S, At:.. ii I.. ...
M)TI( i: l" MIT 'l 4111171 'till Ik
In I lie DIslrNl (t.i.rt il lin- imj.iI of
n. e Iirn 1 a.
.-i.ionie lit H in. s. i " : . i i : . i . r .
i N orve M;ii .1 : ;.. I ';.::.
To the .; ; n i i -i .-. ,:. -
Mi s. h 1. 1 .Ma. 1 , . -I i .
no''. 1 1 : t . ' : a. I w n I . , . - .
i: .1 t ees, pi .' ..till i I '.. . V . t
all o -! . p. - i i ! '
of ' ;..: he . ; .
itiliii'in i. ;.. i. :-. .,. i .
-iimil i , p i i - t ' a t i - a i : . i .
.'lis int. t t. I . n t : - i a '. i e
' ieoi'e Ma I; ;'. ii. s. ... i
known, il iM'il: ' ' .-: .. '. M -
i ..arli .- :-i.-!i. :. i -1 i .. ' i..-1..- . '. .
tie II nk ao . n . . : . .!.,,. . ..
pe I son ,i 1 I'.-pi i .i ; iv . . ., : ; i ., . i '
p e r - 1 1 1 s 1 1 1 1 1 I - t m , n t ' . -1 , '
I ":.a I les Si ! k .1 . . I ! .- i i i. , ... a
In i Is. . ie i i s. Iii-.i l.i -, ; m a t . :
res . ii I a t i s j. ,.d all . t I i i . .
i i eri-1 ! in t I -;.! ' l Mis i ' t ,
St oi 1, .i : - l I ' 1 li.i .if t . : . i ; . .
i i ; si d : t k e ni i. i.ow ii i v . : . . . ! i , t
unknown I . , i n t . 1 1 1 1 .- of i . I t i . , . . . ,
Mix ii live i.i. in t e i , ' a . .. t '. i ,
Creek, Cass I'm...!;., ."si 'aa-i a
Yo n a ml i of v i a t I . i . i
not tin d thai on t : .. ! :
riiii i ;. . A . I . 1 ' k pi . . s. ' t ; . i
suit 1 11 t 1 ,e i . i - f i i 1 i " , . : ; . j t ' . , . .
OT C.l.-S. XehlllsU.I. to Oil.! 1...I,.,'
title to tie t .1 1 . a . I. .1. i,l, i
lo-i it : I I i i ; i. m a. . n .
ill t ke 'i ' la v. e i .i i .-iai '.:.. . . t '
rnt;:i'v . . i Ci t - - . ' 1 . i a k a . : - . i .
pel' a-i'.-.M'.-'e ,os- - i .;; i : . . r
i er : r.: t: ! i O" f 1: 1 : I ' n i . , ,
I.I 1 1 I to I i e i -1 . 1 1 1 ' - : .ei,. ,, f , i .
to en.join ei-'!i and . ! i of ...i ti. f, .
iii.r or rliiiiin'u hi.' t i.i : t. t ;. ;
or in'i :st. i it. i-r ! - ti "r
or o .aid I i l , i or ..... i : : : I . . .
1 "I'a i re O I to sit i i, . . o I .
title. : r i .' i . i .. t7
eitke.'' 1 't.-li ol I., t.l ide. . V I t . ', .
t iie s I !:." a !.! ' .1 d i n ' : . o f o t ... :
if plaintiff ami p i l. :, :.i! .
lelj. f. Tin's Tlolt. . f- i , ,ii i..-.t : .
the oi der of t : "'.' I t.
V- ii a i i -on r. ,! to a : . . t ,
I t i t loll I) tl .. I .. , 1,1 Me..;.;. ,
la, a. I), l'lii, ...,,i -i. r.. ,, ; t ' v. : .' i ...
duly i tl et n.
si I ' M i; m i ;-
W. A. I: tl'.IOKTS'j.V.
roll KENT Twelve acres, close i-;.
eight-room house, largo ,,,n. A'.-.,
A o-rooni cottage. K. B. Windhr.m