The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 09, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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MARCH 9, 1916.
7v urrav JjeDarrmenr
Pit ared In tte Interest of the People
' 5 if
i wan y n
ism vi w fj p
i l .i
mmmw d r-3li V "f7
T?-JL fri,i!r-i S". :Jv 7 7
I Fizz i ioii -
Four rer cent interest on time deposits.
()'ir deposits are protected by the StatP Guaranty Law.
Auction Sales a Specialty. Five Years Experience.
If you have anything to sell at
auction, write us for dates.
F!:one Plaits. 2112. W.
L-.k over the
ad thi week.
s i f-.vt:..-t
T , -T i 7 - -! I:..-? .it!l!il 1 h":r.i- in Tex:..-.
l.i.- l.i:Vlt Vvfi'.t ". iU-,l
.-.t- S
f .r:th-i
lu.-t -.v-etk. whi.-,-'.' she w
n.:k i, : i-it ' ih friends. j
?.Ir-. i:::e Iihoden wa f lf-rn j
OmJ-.a Fur,.!;
.-pt ':iin- the i.iy wit-:
J"hn Kr.ris and faniily spt-nt
Saturday and Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Fri d i kh.
1 1 s
Sniith and
. .J OS.
ty f o r
:cr at
?.;rs went to Omaha la.-t Sui:
a visit with Mrs. W. G. Uoe
the h..pit.d
J. A. Scotton has his new Murray
ome almost completed, it hvinjr all
ready for the plaster r. It v ill not
-f many days until he can move in.
of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially fcr the Journal Readers
Ii fo
R. YOUNG, Maynard, Neb.
Have voa rend the Hiatt & Tutt
. this week? It v.Til interest you.
( It
y .,,r.l,.
1 1
! in a car i"..:
of c.'ilvos
; ' fiom South
1 '.11 :! Your.- lvtunu-.I fror.t
jLinc-ciii Sunday eM-ninjr. wluiv l.c h:n
been vi.-;t;nfc -A'iL!i j rierms ii:t- )a.-:
few da vs.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gapen and Ar
thur Younir were vi-itinir a few day-
last wee iv witn .Miss ina ija.iien ut
Avoca, wrere .M.-s i!la is tc:an ir.'r
school this season.
Mrs. II. C. Lonr was ealied tr
.South Omaha la.-t Saturday owin'.r t'
the serious illness of her daughter.
Mrs. Iloht. Shradcr. Mrs. Sh radon-'
improvement o: tne ast lew !ays
permitted Mrs. Lor.jj to return lioir.e
Lots of Pep in Our Spring
Line of
r v
500 Patterns to select from
$10 to $35
We guarantee to fit and
please you. Why not? We
have got the goods.
Murray, Nebraska
r.r.roiiT or Tin: condition
Murray State Bank
of Murray, Nebr2ska
Charter No. ,s
I ii.'nrii.'vi aH'ii in tlie StMf of N-l-i a-Ka. at t)i
rliisi' nf Oii!ni-,s I ' i ; i r. '. '. !'. !'.
i vinli al'l.
I '.k i r. ti. !-. 1 ii i ii i :uil ti : u n s
C'.M !-!; i l( Kim s IiIkI ii;ti ii -I
I'tie fn-m n:au'ii;l uiki ta'.
Chrrli - itfl-i-s if -
.i..'.r ..
('lit fcli.W
.o! . i .- ii!
Silvt i. i : It-U. Is ami i
l.i '.v. i i
.".! :m.
l.t.MMi.n ir-
Capital s!ivk paiil in fli'.f' i' n
uip!ii finiii ''' '
1' i!iiivn!'i iniiis .".." .:;
1 1 liin M.lij' i-l lo
!i.-.-k T.V...M.; r.
Tiiix-i-ci t iti.'a't1-1 .f tli'iM k! t . . -t .'.li.
( a-hift r!iii'i, out ainl .r. I ' -! . r 7 4
I fl.c)-iloi ' j-'iiai unly f '.unl I'1
"I'oi al...
STATKItf N K B It A K A . ' .
County ! t a-.-. N I . W. i. I '.' u'lii l. it.
.al.iT I li- at o nuii!-l liunk. .lo lu-M-l-y
-wi urlha: tin alnivi- Mali-iiiri '. i a fciiii-t
i' :.l i nit- '; v of tli'- rri t rt inai.i- lo 1 1 Mali"
t.-..i!kii;r 1 &! I. W. t.. UoKin k k t. faiut i.
M HAS ". I'.MtMKl K. I'll. i t. C.
x'" ' l i;Ki I. Nii'i v, 1 rvi .r.
S;i1i-jm it-d a ii I mi ci ii to , f, .i , M. tliU:inl
ilavi.r :ar.-li. IVli-. M I'mmk::.
IsKAi-i .Noiaiy I'ul'p..
Head. Hiatt & Tutt's ad in this issue
of thj Journal.
Il.-mer Vardly is listed with th,--ii-k
this wevk.
;.u-i: s.- in I'latt-niovith Friday.
Al. Ijaitlett left Saturday forenoon
l"er T-xas. where he will ! fai
,I.!:n Hob-iieidt
a:..I ly with .diss
K. F. I.eaeh was
uiac-s rv.tters
'."e:nesi!: v.
ar.u :
iin:;v sn.n'.
Ftta. Nu
ai u ndinir to some
ia l'lattsmoi'dl;
'-!.-' i
C- . d w
is lo ihin- :ilt.
in tne cur.
!(!.i.v evetir.y.
Fd .I.j'.;
of Platt.-rr.outh was
Thur-aiav isit'.ntr at
'durrnv la.-t
ne rom:
of her
I .. P.
Mrs. (In--. Tracy of Piairviev,
Neb., arrivtd Wednesday aad v.;:l do
irv-s.:ial:i! amend M .trray for the
irst week.
MP's dace Jameson of Weepirar
Water was her .' visiti'.'r with her s: -t:r,
Mrs. J. F. Prer.del, tlio latter pa-t
i : last week.
A . t ? m Willi.! vill ii ii-ir
ek lor ..lontan:
w.iero lie t
vi!l take ta a !.on;i
ais futuie i.ome.
Miss Maiy Wt sr.
ad and
bee n '
visitir.ti" at the home of her mother in
Piattsmouth for the past few days, re
."urne 1 home Tuesday.
Mrs. Henry Lontr roturrel from
Omaha Wednesday. She '-sports Mis. Sh roller, who is se". ioiisly ii!,
s s!iLrh:t!y i:r;jr"ved.
O. V. Yirjnu was up this week for
h.e hit load .f his liousthoid foot's.
Ir. and Mrs. Yirjrin are now com
.'ortably located in their new home.
Olen Thfirep'so!! ar.d wife and little
;on. (ieortre William, arrived Thurs
lay for a few weeks visit with Mrs.
Thompson's parents, G. S. Pay and
Miss Margie Walker went to Piatts
mouth Tuesday evening, where ihe at
tended a social ratheiintr given jit the
Guthman home in that city, returning
home Wednesday morning.
Mrs. (Hen Perry, who has been in
the hospital in Omaha for the past
three weeks, recovering from a
surgical operation for appendicitis, re
turned home last Saturday.
John Connelly arrived in Murray
this week for a few days' visit at
the home of his mother. John looks
about the .same as of old, and says
things in his locality are looking
Mrs. Jake Ilild went to Omaha last
Friday for a brief visit with her
brother, Julius Duck, who is in the
hospital in that city recovering from a
surgical operation performed a few
days ago.
Mrs. Sarah Young, who has been
so seriously ill for the past few
months, has been gairing strength
very rapidly for the past few tlays,
and feels almost as well as before
the illness came upon her.
Jim Brown went down to Kansas
City last Sunday evening, where he
met Geo. Berger, who was coming in
from their farm out in Ness City,
Kansas, with a load of cattle. Mr.
Brown and Mr. Berger are feeding
quite a number of cattle this win--
ter, and will have several loads on
the market in the near future.
If any of tlie readers of thf
Journal know of any social
event or item of interest in
tills vieinity. atui will mail
same to i his oilier, il will nw
j' :ir n nilc r t liis h-aiirur. We
waut all news i ten. s Km to k
I). C Iihoden was an ()m:d.: t visitor
Arth.ur Crunk is listed amor.jr the
: -ick this week.
?d John 1 ioV-cdi: edt i- numbered
with the siv-k this week.
Iiss Nettie Cennelly was an Oma
ha visitor last Friday.
Mis. Chas. Sehwah was transacting
ledav-s in Oraiha Tuesday.
T. U. Ni-lvle:t wr looking after
l.u.-ir:fss in riatlsnnvi'.h Frilay.
I'e sui-e and attend the coffee at the
1'hraiy next Saturday afternoon.
Mont Shiader was visiting with
Wtt-pinsr V::tc-r friends Tuesiiay.
..i -' .
F. K. Otieen was a business
n I'lattsnv) uh Saturday.
!.la (lo.xi pont S-ttrrd.iy rr.d
with rdiss lii'rthia NiciIcs.
ForscJ-edt aid Ia-e N'ickle.-
J. !:n
were callim
:i l'i!i'..n friends Tues-
Harry Ht.r.toi and family are mov
i i r t- the Ilrir.khw farm this week.
Mr. Silas rtie's..:i h is been visi'.
old friend at l.ewistou t!ie jKi.t.
iV .v . days.
Mi-s Ftta Nickl-s- ar.d M is Ftta
i'riii!: .-pent V 'cdnosday with Mrs.
Yah C ! -ic-m in.
The ii tie c'ldld of Mv. and V .
Homer Siiia.ii r h.v.s ',.- i .-ick for the
pat few d:-y-
Mrs. On a I.awtou and little sea ile-naitt-I
!a.-t Saturday for a few days
visit in I!!it'oi-.
Mi.-s Ftta Nic-kJs was vi.-itintr with
l iriel'
;v : ml Wdnes-
i. ay oi tPis wee iv.
Mi.s I. "aa F.i'.'relketnc ier i- vihitir.r
hi ?luriav thi- wi-.-k. tl'.e truest of
' Miss Lain a Puis.-
FOR SAI.HCood twin Indian
i Moteityclc. l-'er
! or trade.
D. C. Iihoden.
Carrod and Mrs. IJ. F.
Mrs. Clu;rk-s
! V.: r A -'. jvc
! ' "
u;h visitors ,
Mr..:ind Mrs. I
S. Tutt were visit -
in Nebrask:
t i:y I uesaay una
r-. t 1
av ol tins wee::.
or-re Jenkins departed
ATondav ! '
or iCe.-aiie, w n a-e lie will
i i -1
iaake a fr'W tlay visit with relatives.
Mis. G. M. Mini'or.l went to Lincoln
.tu: day
to spem
1 Sutaiay with
her dauaht :r, MPs Ogki, returning
home Munday.
Tom Smith., of Murray, and George
Ifa'.-nhman, from near Avoca, were
I-okbrr after M.;ne business matter.
in county Taoday ewning
of thi ; week.
Pert Jameson. near Weeping
Wale!-, v.:s in Murray Wedr.t-day,
eriving up to see Dr. Giknore for meet-
Jicv.I aid a d attention to a fine. fuU
jgrewn carbumklc that lias appeared
' on h is ri; !it cheek, ar.d is just simph
I eav-ing him a wnoie lot of trouble.
! lb-rt say:? they are a genuine nui
sance, and he can prove it.
Herman Smith, from west of Maria;-,
was a Piattsmouth visitor last
Saturday, and while in the county seat
I'e paid the Journal od ice a pleasant
call. We were sorry to learn that his
father, J. L. Smith, has been on the
sic"; most of the winter, suffer
ing with an attack of the grippe that
h.e seems to be unable to get
A Sp!end:d Meeting.
Tl.o Viivmv Pommevcial chib held !
their regular meeting Tuesday even
ing of this week. The attendance, was
good and quite a number of important
matters came before this meeting, and
all were properly taken care of, the
greatest of which was the corning big
meeting and social time for everybody
and their families, a genuine good old
fashioned social time like was given
in Murray when the club was or-
1. This occasion will be given
on the evening of April 0th, and S. IL
McKelvie, of Lincoln, will be here to
deliver a community interest talk;
there will also be a big feed in store
for vou: also an excellent musical pro-
,r,..m It tee-. v.-Pre annointed as
follows: Entertainment Dr. Gilmore,
Elmer Dallstrom and O. A. Davis.
gUpper W. G. Boedeker, James
Holmes, Ted Barrows and G. M. Min
ford. Publicity W. V. Hamilton,
Alf. Gansemer and W. H. Puis It was j
also decided at this meeting to plow
and grade the road leading up to the
school house, one of the roads in Mur
ray that certainly needs attention at
For Sale.
An extra good team of registered
Percheron mares, both with foal.
Also a stallion, 3 years old. Call or
address, Chas. Countryman, Murray,
Henry Crewiner went to Omaha
re( 1 nesd ay e v n i n e;.
A. L. I'aker wa.s a IMattsmcuth v;.s
iter Wednesday evenir.rr.
AI is Isabelle Shrader was visitintr
the Union schools Friday.
31 r. Anderson Davis has been num
bered with the sick this week.
Mrs. James Hdmiston, who ha;: been
oiiite sick, remains about the same.
Minford X- Crea.mei- shijped a car
.f I ocs to the South Omaha market
Wednesday evenintr.
The little baby of Mr. an 1 Airs.
Henry Creamer has been quite sick
;'or the past few days.
W. C. lloedeker went to Omaha
".Vedrcsday eveniiej' to make a visit
villi Mrs. lk(ikk:v at the hospital.
The Murray eiils jcave a vc?-;.- m
terestiier ba-ketbali eame at he I'uls
c (i:ii;--emer lu.ll Wedre.-!ay e"en-
Mrs. Mi:a Mci?-;;udd and Mrs. Mai--
Lrarct Ureadel entertained at the li-'
.... . l
orary last Saturday, ami an n aa-ual
U'ood crowd was present.
There will be an afternoon coifee at
Lh.e libra rv Saturday. .Mrs. Tutt and Y
i-Ciper will be l'.ostess for the after- !
i.. n. The public n:ited. I1'.
Miss Gertrude I.onir spent several'..
daws the past week with her sister.
Mrs. Kobt. Siirader. who has been
uiite sick at her iiome in iSoulh
t )ma"n i.
J. J. (Jrabou, a cattle man from
Omaha, .-pent one day this week r.t
the Oldham place. Mr. CJrabou is the
1 m. ha man that deals exclusively in
eahes, handling some two hundred a
Lloyd d'apen is making arrari'.e-
r?.cn;s tor tr.e erection ol a new baru
cm his farm nertii of Murray,
wo; k v. i;l berin in a few days.
Albo.t Voting will, do the worl:
.- '.-t.d bv his sti'.tf i f .r.eii.
Kr.ji-y Deli iiU l'ul Birthday Tarty,
I. i-t
aft-rno(.n there w
a delightful birthday Kirty jriven at
lite home of Mr. and Mrs. deorire
Park, when the friends and scl.oo!-.nat-.'S
of their daughter, Wma. ualii
eied to help her celebrate her thir-
U'-n.h birthdav
The afternoon was
ar.d such tilings :is
i.-p.t;t in yraii
o to acap
ircn. ?v i
mar.o :i ;:ood time lur
s Willa leceived mai.y
arui presents to help her
her t iurle'-aiia birthday.
,,: . cn.i.
. , i
i c member
At 1 o'clock .Mrs. Park, agisted by
I kos ! Pe al and Marv Park, served
i a two-c ir-e pink luncheon which
was enjevtal by eacli one present, an
other hour was spent, when the guests
d"partod for their homes declaiing
;hcv h: d spent a delightful afternoon
and wishing Miss Will:; many more
-teh happy ....days. Those pres
ent were: Grace, Marie and Septra
W igm-r; Mt iv, Alice and Will ('rea
mer; Yio'.et Kiel, Jessie Bird, Yictor
and Dorothy Wehibein, Helen and
!I..e Lead. Alice Niekles, Clara and
IFarl Marasek; Sarah, Fliiabcth and
j .Margaret May; Wiley, Nancy ar.d
Car! Park; Mrs. .Mary L. Wiley and
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wilev.
Departs for Imperial.
George Fitzpatrick loaded his
household goods Tuesday at this sta
tion and they were shipped to the new
Fitzpati ick home near Imperial, Neb
The two boys went with the car of
goods and Mr. and Mrs. Fitzpatrick
and the balance of the family depart
ed Wednesday evening. Mr. Fitzpat
rick has purchased a farm near Im
perial and they expect to make Chase
county their future home. The Fitz-
patrick family have resided in this
locality for several years and have
made a great many friends, who re
" 'l - '
nave maue tne nest oi neignoors, tne
best of citizens, and are the kind that
we would all rather see remain in our
midst. Success to them in their new
i home.
Injured While Chopping Wood.
Last Thursday there was a Fort of
a chopping bee held at the Otterbein
church, where some eighteen or twen
ty men and young men had gathered
to assist in chopping a supply of wood
for the church. During the day sev
eral men were engaged in chopping a;
'" "ee, anu in ieiung it to tne
!'' ound, the tree struck on the left
shoulder of Barney Smith, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Smith, quite seriously
injuring that member, and the young
man's arm has been completely par-
i lyzcd since the injury, and up to the
present time medical aid has been
unable to determine whether or not
it will be permanent. The young man
is about eighteen years of age, and
the accident will indeed be a veiy de
plorable one should the injury prove
a permanent one.
For Sale.
Gordon, Deuel, Keith and Perkins
county land. Very good terms.
Bert Root, Murray, Neb.
Ami the Mot yu ever saw at prices that are absolutely li,rht.
All kituls (,f ('i. liars ami Pads ami Harness Repairs.
'I "ry one r our Rex "alueless, Hov; Oilers: nnthin Let
ter fur your lln, W'e sell the I -"con on n- ih and Cattle
Powders tinier a positive guarantee. Come in and see our
Power Washers and Rock Inland (ias I-ji.tjines. We carry a
full line at all times. Let tis know your needs and we will
do iih" Le-t to serve vou.
Murray Hardware
Movintr to .Murrav.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Younjr are mov
ing to Murray this week, and will be
comfortably located in the new home
within a few days, and their son, Rex,
is taking up his home on the old
i ouplt homestead east of Murray.
; I n ere are but lew owl pioneers u ;u
1 1 tan boast of residing on one p'a-e as
lontr as Mr. Youm,-. The place 1
moved from was the old Yountr hoirte
tead. trie place his father
from the uovernment, and Mr. "icunj:
las resided on this place continuous
ly for sixty-one years, with the ex
ception of three years, that he was
in the western part of the state. Tr:s
is sure some time on one farm.
From Near Union.
Jack Chalfant. one of the Journal'-,
mighty good young f i iends, from near
Union, was Poking after some bu -iness
matters in the county seat last
Friday evening, and of course did not
fail to pay this office a brief visit,
Jack is one of our valued readers
Liberty precinct and is always a wel
come visitor around the Journal of-
ii . .
Threshing Machine for Sale.
What has been known as the Maple
Grove Thresher Co. have decided to
dispose of their outfit, consisting of
20 II. P. Compound Aultman & Tay
lor thresher and water tank and truck.
This machine is all in running order
for the field. The only reason for
selling is that half of the members
have left the community and wish to
dispose of their interests, and the re
maining members, realizing the situa
tion, decided to sell the outfit. For
prices and particulars, 'phone or call
on Fred Lutz, 'Phone No. 2214; L. II.
Young or Puis & Gansemer store,
Murray, Neb.
Warning to the Public!
From this day on. all people com
ing on my place after night, must
nake themselves known, and also
their business, for if they do not I
wiH not be &?S?Jat hap"
Murray, Neb.
Immense Stock of
pring Goods are
Watch this space for your future needs
Come in and try a pair of U. S. Patent Process
Rubber Boots.
& Gansemer,
and Implement Co.
Lands a Pair of Kubber IJots.
L. D. Hiatt, of the firm of Iliatt &
Tutt, attended the meeting of the
Omaha Commercial club in that city
on last Wednesday evening, at which
meeting there were quite a large num
ber of out-of-the-city merchants, and
during the evening a drawing was
held, at Which all the visitors were
given a prize. The prizes weie awarel
ed by the number placed in the pos
session of visitors. Mr. Hiatt suc
ceeded in landing a fine pair of boys'
rubber boots, an article that would
have been very valuable to Mr. Hiatt
many years ago.
Married at Plainview.
Mr. Roy K. Fryer and Miss Yerna
Tracy, -oth of Plainview, Neb., were
married in that place on .vlarch 1.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. ar.d
Mrs. Chas. Tracy and were old resi
dents of Cass county. The bride is
'ouite well and favorably known in
this locality, and has a great many
friends who join in extending con
gratulations. Mrs. W. G. Boedeker Improving.
Mrs. W. G. Boedeker, who was oper
ated upon in the hospital in Omaha
last Thursday morning, is improving
at this time, and while her operation
was more serious than first anticipat
ed, she is getting along nicely, and
every present indication is that she
will soon be restored to her former
good health. Mr. Boedeker returned
home Sunday evening.
100 Subscriptions
for the Ladies Home Journal, $1.50;
The Country Gentleman, $1.00; the
Saturday Evening Post, $1.50. See me
for full particulars about any maga
zine in special club offers. Francis
Cook, Agent, Murray, Neb.
Please Call and Settle.
riease call and settle your account
now, either by cash or note, or we
will be compelled to place the same
in other hands for collection.
Baker & Nickels.