The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 06, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    MONDAY, MAfcCH..' 6,-1916.
O c
on slightly soiled AMERICAN LADY Corsets. These are all good
models taken out of our regular stock.
Italian Steamer Giava Lost No
Americans Were Reported to
Be Aboard.
plattsmoiITh srvii-wrEKxt iotmAL.
Japanese Baskets!
This is your opportunity to procure one of these artistic and useful baskets at
bargain prices. A variety of sizes and shapes at 10 and 25c each.
House Dresses and Kimonas 98c
These are our regular $1.25 Dresses and Kimonas. Just a few of them
at this price.
Phone 53 and 54 We Like to Serve
Patrons of Knights and Dunlap Signet Stars
Real Estate
Office and Salesroom
Tel. No. 1.
; !!! i -::-:-ix:::::::ix-:m
L. G.
n n
W El N
4 tt
Garpsnier ant!
General Builder
George L. Farley, former county su
perintendent, and for a number of
years editor of the Evening News in
this city, today filed his name as a
candidate for the republican nomina
tion to the office of county assessor
at the primaries on April 18th. Mr.
Farley is engaged in the real estate
and insurance business at present and
is in a position to give the office the
proper attention, and with his knowl
edge of real estate values should, if
elected, prove well qualified for the
position. This is the third filing for
this office, as Homer McKay of this
city is a candidate for the republican
nomination, uhile A. D. Depain is
seeking the nomination at the hands
of the democratic party.
Mrs. George Brinklow and son,
George, arrived yesterday from their
home at San Antonio, Texas., to at
tend the wedding of Miss Ruth God
win and Mr. Harry Buffington which
will be held Wednesday evening.
Per Capita Value on Crops, Swine
and Cattle Surpassed Only
by Dakotas.
IC Repairs. Additions and ?
'S. New Construction
- of All Kinds. X
- P O BOX 348- V
- Plattsmouth, Nebraska V
A. II. IJametti of Lynn Grove.
Iowa, v.a- in the city over Sunday
iitinc with frit-nds in this city and
Chris Parkenirg came in Saturday
afternoon from his home west of this
city to visit for a few hours attend
ing to some trading with the merchants.
County Commissioner Henry Snoke
came in this morning from hi3 home
at Eagle and will attend a meeting of
the county commissioners tomorrow,
as well as look after a few matters in
the county coutr.
William J. O'Brien, superintendent
of the state fisheries at Gretna, came
in this afternoon on No. 21 to spend
a short time looking after the repair
of his car at the local Burlington
Henry Horn and wife, from near
Cedar Creek, were in the city Satur
day for a few hours doing the week
end shopping, and report their son,
Harry, who is at the Immanuel hos
pital in Omaha, as doing nicely and
well on the way to recovery.
George P. Hcil of near Cedar
Creek was among the visitors in the
city Saturday for a few hours looking
after the week-end shopping with the
r57 f .v
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The Primrose is Built for Service
BOTH the reasons why you buy a cream separator
are met fully by the Primrose. The first is to get
all the cream with the least work; the second, to buy a
machine that you or your wife can easily keep in operating
condition, and that will skim closely for years.
You know that there is nothing about a Primrose to get
out of order. You know, too, that it has a splash oiling
nYtm that takes care of every bearing, and that it is a clean machine no
oil in the milk, and no milk in the oiL
But the Primrote has some other exclusive features you ought to know
tefore you buy any separator. For instance, at any position, the handle
takes hold the instant pressure is applied, and lets gothe instant the pressure
is taVen off. The spindle stays in the separator, where it belongs. When
you place the bowl on the spindle, it centers itself automatically without any
pounding and without trying more than once that saves the lower spindle
bearing and prevents dangerous springing of the spindle itself.
N j matter what separator question you bring up, you will find it fully
answered by the rnnroc v, in ana taice a good look at it before you buy.
The Nebraska state board of agri
culture has prepared a statement
showing the rank of twenty states
having more than $100,000,000 value
in four leading1 agricultural crops.
The statement also includes the value
of the cattle, horses and swine in
these states.
The total of the four principal crops
and the value of the live stock is used
as a basis of arriving at the percapi
ta value of these agricultural prod
ucts, considering " only the rural
- North Dakota First.
Nebraska with a per capita of $573
ranks third in the list of twenty
states. North Dakota comes first with
$633, and South Dakota second with
$G12. Next below Nebraska comes
Iowa with $472 and Kansas with $423.
The other states in the list and
their order follows: Minnesota, Il
linois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Missouri,
Texas, Oklahoma, Ohio, Michigan,
Kentucky, Georgia, Pennsylvania,
Mississippi, North Carolina and Ala
bama. Sixth in Horses.
Nebraska ranks sixth in the value
of horses, having $96,632,000, and
twelfth in the value of milch cows
with $39,000,000.
The state is third in the value of
cattle other than milch cows, having
$90,598,000. Only Iowa with $104,827,
000, and Texas with $179,667,000,
have more.
Nebraska is fourth in the value of
swine with $40,100,000, being excelled
only by Iowa and Ilinois.
But four states in the twenty com
prising the list have a greater total
valeu of all products, Texas, Illinois,
Iowa and Kansas. The toal value for
Nebraska is $505,655,000. Kansas has
a value of $506,370,000.
The same four states are slightly
ahead of Nebraska! n the total value
of the four leading agricultural crops,
Thev alue of the Nebraska crops is
The Total Value.
The value of the different Nebraska
corps are: Corn, $100,110,000; wheat,
$60,609)00; oats, $21,824,000; hay,
Only Pennsylvania and Iowa of
those states in the list produce more
hay than Nebraska; only Kansas and
North Dakota mox-e wheat.
HarnesK Oiled.
Now is the time to have your har
ness oiled. - $1.00 per set.
John F. Gorder.
Watch for our
Opening Announcement
To -Morrow.
emma pease
Only Dependable Goods
) o O (
The Light Bearers of the Presby
terian church held a delightful meet
ing at the home of Mrs. F. B. Shopp
Saturday afternoon. , There was quite
a number of the children in attend
ance and a very pleasant afternoon
was spent in their studying of their
book of travels through non-Christian
lands, and at this meeting visited
Calcutta and the mission fields in that
vicinity and learning of some of the
work being done by the missionaries
located there, which proved very in
teresting and was very much enjoyed
by the children. After their study
the remainder of the afternoon was
devoted to various games and amuse
ments, which brought to a close an
other very pleasant meeting of the
Light Bearers.
Secures Four Wolves.
The wolf hunt which was held in
the vicinity of Mynard today was suc
cessful in securing four wolves as a
result of their efforts in the country
surrounding that place. This morning
when the hunters began pouring into
Mynard for the hunt it was at first
feared that war had been declared
but it was soon learned that the pesky
wolves were the only foes to be attacked.
D. A. R., Notice!
The D. A. R. w'il meet with Miss
Bernece Newell this (Monday) even
ing at 7:30.
London, March 5. The Italian
steamer Giava, torpedoed and sunk in
the the Mediterranean, is believed to
have been the first passenger-carrying
victim of the new Austro-German sub
marine campaign against armed mer
chantmen. The Giava, an old steamer displac
ing 2,631 tons, was owned by a Naples
ship company and sailed from Leg
horn, Italy, only a few hours before
the new submarine decree went into
effect, carrying several passengers. It
is no secret that practically all Ital
ian steamers, under orders from the
naval authorities, carry armament to
resist attacks by submarines. Athens
dispatches tonight said the passengers
and crew were rescued by British
ships after spending twenty-four
hours in open boats. Athens reported
no Americans were aboard.
Saturday was the fifty-fourth birth
day anniversary of Mrs. J. B. Higley,
and in honor of the event she was
made the happy recipient of a very
pleasant surprise in the evening by a
number. of her friends and children.
When the jolly company of surprisers
entered her home and announced that
they'Viad come to assist her in cele
brating her birthday, she was sure
some surprised, but was soon herself
again and proceeded to make her
guests feel at home after she had dis
coveied who they were. This oc
casion was in the nature of a mas
querade, which made it very hard for
Mrs. Higley to tell just who her
guests were. Various games and
amusements were introduced and
entered into with much interest and
enthusiasm by the guests, and which
afforded them much pleasure and
made the evening pass all too quick
ly. At the proper time the merry
company was invited to partake of a
delicious birthday luncheon, which
was most thoroughly enjoyed and to
which all did ample justice. One of
the features of this luncheon was a
birthday cake, with the candle decora
tions, which had been made by Mrs.
Higley's oldest granddaughter, Miss
Mable Cotner, of Omaha, and which
was highly prized by Mrs. Higley. It
was a most delightful surprise to Mrs.
Higley and this happy event will not
soon be forgotten, by her. At a late
hour the guests, after wishing Mrs.
Higley many happy returns of the
day, departed for their homes, declar
ing this birthday surprise to be a suc
cess and that they had had a fine time.
The out-of-towli guests were her son,
Jack Elledge and family, of Council
Bluffs, and her daughter, Mrs. Rhoda
Homan and three daughters, Mabel,
Hazel and Nellie Cotner, of Omaha.
Her youngest grandchild, Baby Ell
edge, was also present.
Iron, Metals and Junk. 'Phone 434.
II. Hankinson.
Wagner's is where yen get every
thing good to eat.
For Infants and Children
In Uso For Over 30 Years
Prompt Service,
Fair Dealings 4le
Excellent Quality
is the basis of our claim on your consideration
V V Fluttrvthinir Clnnd to Eat.
We have moved inso our new location in the old
Fanger Department Store Building, on Main Street,
and have on hand a splendid line of Stoves, and all
kinds of Hardware. Come in and visit the new store
and thoroughly inspect our stock.
.v. n
U 10 7 WWW
Main Street, Plattsmouth, Neb.
k. AW M m K
Miss Mary Foster Here.
This morning Miss Mary E. Foster
of Union was in the city for a few
hours looking after some matters at
the county scat, and while in the city
called at the Journal editorial rooms
for a short visit, which was enjoyed
very much. Miss Foster is now en
gaged in handling a line of teachers'
insurance and has been very success
ful in her work in different sections of
the state.
Junior Guild Notice.
The Junior Guild of St. Luke's
church will meet at the home of Mrs.
R. F. Patterson Tuesday afternoon at
5 o'clock, at which time they will be
entertained at a "Waffle supper." All
members are invited to be present.
We offer a large lot of Odd Curtains,
r.n accumulation of many different
patterns, in Cable Nets, Nottingham?,
Ruffled Swiss Curtains, at a clearance
price. We start these at from 19c,
29c, 39c, 49c, 69c to 98c each.
If you are needing an odd Curtain
or an odd pair of Curtains, this is a
rare opportunity.
We have a special Ruffled Swiss
Curtain at, per pair, 69c.
You cannot get the material in them
for $1.00.
Special Display
of Spring Merchandise
Now Ready!
"- J- j c:rL-....r,.:.--J
We thought it wise months ago to contract liber
ally for Spring Goods at the old prices; a great many of
these goods have already arrived and many are coming
daily. We are glad to be able to assure our patrons of
the same quality at the same price in spite of present
market conditions.
Wash Goods and White Goods
27 and 30-inch Ginghams yd., 10c
30-inch Shirtings yd., 10c
32-inch Ginghams, stripes and checks yd., 122C
32-inch Kiddie Cloth, warranted colors, ex
cellent patterns, suitable for boys' wash
suits, children's dresses and house
dresses yd., 18c
20c Serpentine Crepe Kimona patterns, 32
inches wide yd., 15c
32-inch Zephyrs, fast colors, plain colors,
stripes and plaids yd., 25c
20-yd. pieces of Nainsook, 36 inches wide, piece $1.60
40-inch plain Flaxons yd., 15c to 40c
36 and 40-inch plain Voiles yd., 15c to 50c
40 and 45-inch Organdies yd., 25c to 60c
27-inch Dimities yd., 10c to 25c
Fancy Waistings
Seed Voiles, Striped Voiles, Barred Flaxons and Mar
quisettes . . . 20c to $1.00 yard
Gaberdines, Poplins and Basket Weaves, all
white, all 40 inches wide, make good look
ing skirts yd., 35c
Heavy Skirting Materials
27- inch Poplins, all colors . 25c
36-inch Poplins, all colors 35c
40-inch Mercerized Gaberdines, in white, Co
pen, navy yd., 50c
Sheer Summer Fabric
Beautiful Colorings and Patterns, 30-inch wov
en Flaxons yd., 25c
27, 32 and 36-inch Voiles yd., 19c, 25c and 35c
28- inch Tissues 15c and 25c
Always bean
- - the
Signature of
The Implement Man