The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 06, 1916, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    2JONDAY. MARCH fi. 1P1S.
ru;r r,
w- i : '.f in r ra 11 it v-jw
fcV&-A 3 E DOC
V . , - fx"
7; t .:. .lAiiii.. v-.ii see you. miss !
,;::o:.." said Jnbnsou. com-i
V? in,-'back, and she followed '
1 hi:.: in.ta.irs with beating
li! see you. Miss
it r ho
r e
is :n:v time in the day when
'. iill-.l.f-S Ib;ih tlloUld bo al
v. t
t. t-ii ' y Int.
A. lil v u inn I
n way. it is the i
si:. i
I :. This hour ' be-
:i.d the daylight" was i
. ;.-, ..-- i, ... f. t..t!v i
... i . . i ii' 'u, .'ii. .iai i u ,
frr p-ood and suiii' ient re isons.
'y x'li huvinc bt-en east fX and
i .: ii- Is tyet any way.
: was it a o-ioek tea li"ur. for
rtin ii.'Vr had te anv more i
,;.:rv Gravsun had aonv. lie !:aJ i
:-n l-r:i:z it in for
in the old days, to feed h. r
::t n t i;ov. i:vw secretary
ir:. lie packed h--r ofT. and
J ;.!. 'I s.rjc letters to oT'cu with
r I.-
i.-ls p d::v. v.hi. h s. euied te !
Ii-uru:.t!...-iit still ?way- '
r..- ;-jrt-r::ai neart v.-nen ne i:rv::it
: 11 tl'.-'v. He was t m lK-tween 1 ve
.-:. 1 KTlMtien where that boy was con
-t ri:: I.
He tun.e.l t-- the papers fr cono!a
ti' :. ar'i held one sheet i:p to scrutinize
h"il"ines. As !:e did so he display-'
cd ? th" i:ipty room a full iiai'e ad---.
r:!-i :: . -it of l?. Scr.j- the hand of
A !:!:. e. in fa- t whivh by some oc
':.'.r i: flsieii'.e presently impeilod him
t.- f:ri: the Jiper over and irlatu e at f he
:t pi'.e nv't. The hiatal;? sprawlius
ad taued him a isuig of rccret auu
Ui-u:. and he tlu:.' ii down, ile took
o; ; paper and had the saLJe ei
! i .eiive. then turned angrily to some
ieit .i.iy to be rewarded by the
s;-;.i of ap circulars liutiering t
iLv ii. " r v. ken he oi-tned tl:e envelope
li. e hand vi Ainb:-oe attain, in fact.
A:."".ker "icttt-r" and ;.no;Uer they had
i a l-eas-ii.v v. a' lhw of addressing
ti.' ll- iii i r.:.i.d female hands, on good
'1 ry. s y . u'd think they were
k." ia lioii- lol.oUid the lirst ii.lo ihc
. te ai'cr Lakeu
i. a rekei" when Johnson pret-
t.;. . '. ui'i'i'iiivu ai..i -aacea u e;ii:ei,
. . ,
to a grout surprise to hear the
, , , .- name. Marv oravsoul 2ow,
v. u..: v. as Ilk-. Si.v ius.s after".' ne spec- ,
... . ;
u..; .-. a, i.e oaue Jonnson snow ner ;
V 1 L ' V . Ill . U1U JUU kjiitx9 lit 1
; --L-d. Weil, she could have it at
.J salary. He said this last aloud
er as she came into the room look- j
. ei v -.ect, Le must admit. The
.-en exprosion she wore was not;
at all ui. .'' to her pretty lace, i
ii:-- 1 1 i m i"'i ju.-t as ii wseu io
(Ii. and the recoiiectioii took Mary back
in spite of kcr ei: grossing er The diamond pendulum was
sti i .-wkj'.-.r "ii the inantelple'-e. Mr.
i.-.rTln hlia-elf wound all the clocks
in i
t :.a
.;e U.
ev ery Sunday imn-ning at
p::t - v.hcn the hands
.'ere with the keyholes.
. : want it," said Mary in
i v.:.'.:Ta':ious lu-opositi-m.
K 'l::ty has sent you to
s-;--ested Mr. Martin.
P. I
ri -
t :
. sir.
aid Mary.
lie doesn't
I'm h'-n
"Tiieu wh.:t
d'-mainb-d. really
"T' n
ti :.." said Mary 1
"Whv l.eii't I
yru here
;ri' us.
i business
for?" he
In- y make it him
o ; ;r:.e,i ui- i .-. ; .
"II" ih'C n't know
wliat it i. cx-
,i::"d Mary.
." .ai's j-omeibk.g in his favor,"
j Ci-nc-eoej. i can t see mucu
w cji.ii tyiiig up in men's Lusi
Sojn. l ov I l-.vo the scallawag,
j:. I i:iJs- i.iia around here:"
iwolo-i at ISiary curiously as he
! .
sr. i this, v.-omlerii'-g h-w she and Hod
i. ; v., -re g"tii:ig :sh tl oc days and
v iiat le r errand really was. though he
.1. t propos" to give away Lis mter
: ia it. She had betraved the true
? rure f ihlnzs to him once. What
. she giitm to ti.i now?
ill.- retleeiions and M;-. ry"s business
v-r- interrupted. hi'Wever. by John
s' ' iiteiini: a seaond time and an
l -.jii' : iir the h.'st. tv.o j.ooplo in the
a t thiit Ma;y ha 1 counted on.
latn.el;,. Mr. Ihidnv
Martin and Mr.
Aral i ;-o- I;-a!r.
ah. th- wl'..!e firm, eh?"
said Mr.
Martin. e;el!;r Mary sh.;;rply.
Mary started guiltily. I'or a moment
!'; feared that; K djjoy miht
dt.ey miht hark
. h to that. :;..'-' cheek his father
;i ''p. ei! her and urow jahnis ;igain.
:e c uldn't pretend to be pleased to
sco him. do-; ite her sentimental r
fie- tio'.s .1 i:-r now downstairs. She bad
wanted t liaudhi this iLterview in her
own way. She i t It as if she could have I
( ore ii i imii. co: v 1001.11.4 . jiisi a
! afar f't ls within i:ir self that lie can
(;.:,r tlie Imr.'de that ! onis ahead.
No., ! ere were Iiodney aid Ambrose
to intcl'-M e with her, and Ambrose of j
eoi;r.-e v.c:ild interrupt and sv iich Lior
o.T and pel Laps irritate the old gentle
man with kla advertising talk. lie
couldn't help i. And, rose would p ;p
out of hh- jm !: u. ine Las in-tanter
vrui sprang the subject of soap and
advertising. -
5 tik, : - Ft 1
Novelized by Samuel Field
From the Successful Play by
Roi Cooper Megrue and Walter
j Old Mr. Martin surveyed all throe of
them jrriruly. just !n enouch to let
embarrassment set in on all their faces.
Ul ts ro
u,Ild k,11""s
lhnn - t'
rested ou Mary last of all.
st. A fairly perceptible
pt round his firm old
mouth as 1m? did so. lie was satisfied
the little minx had told him the truth
.-.bout Rodney's not knowing anything
as to her mission here, and indeed,
when the boy came in and saw her
there, he exclaimed in genuine sur-
1 " ,
uy. -iary, v. uai are you uoics
here V"
Mary thought fast a moment, and evi-
vifiiiiji uiiiuiu unit liitr nusi j'JIIl Ui
di:Iomaey this time was the truth.
"I came to tell your father about
CruWU "V she said frankly.
1 liouiiey looKeu relievjHl.
"That's why we re here too," he said.
"Absolutely." added I'eale.
"Weil, what is it about Drown &
James?" blustered Martin. "I,et me
11 a "'u I1J 1 "uut uat- au-
1uke uipany."
"iiut we re not a lake any longer,"
protested Iiodney.
"We've actually sold some soap,"
v-hinied in I'eale.
,I'ifty thousand cakes," Mary ex
plaitteJ impressively.
"To Brwwii & James." said Kodney.
"Then : why did yotl send "em only
3vei tliJusxuld' .ttxkctj''" imiuired old
.IWdnfrVejoc&ed astonished, but aii-
s wej'od prompt 'y j .
tVlierttJiaw after' we'd pot that much
fi.ora oue of yocr branch factories yon
shut off our supply."
"And we couldn't get any more soap
anywhere." said I'eale plaintively.
"And you knew it very well."' Mary
aid accusingly. '
"We've still got 45.000 cakes to do- I
liver if ve can get "em from you."
went on Iiodney. "Why let all that
money get out of the family he plead
ed. "It's a business proposition."
"Xo. it isn't." said the father.
"I'on't fool yourself. I sent that tele
gram." "What tleram?" asked Po Jney.
"The telegram from Drown & .lames
ordering the DO.00O cakes." grunted
. , , , .
Marv plumped down on a chai
lair in nr sbe aspea
Mr. Martin decided to amplify a lit
a hat uy at the oll.- e you were
prc-tty game, son," ho said, "and, to
tell the truth, 1 felt so sorry for you
I k..d to do something, so I sent that
v. ire"
"So that success is all a bluff, too?"
signed Iiodney.
"Weil." said his father, "I figured an
order like that would stall off your
creditors, aud when I had fixed it with
one of our factories to let you have
5.(kjo cakes at Ii cents a cake I knew it
would mean some ready cash for yon
from Iirowii & James."
"Put how did you square Iirown &
James?" inquired Peal?, stiil hoping it
was his ads.
"Oh. I just wired 'em I'd be respon
sible." said Mr. Martin. "And say."
'no ii'.iued. turning to Iiodney. "you had
a nerve to charge 'cm Gj cents a cake.
I had to pay the bilk That shipment
cost me ?.". x o for $15X worth of soap."
I'eale laughed.
"That isn't funny, young man," said
Mr. Martin, glaring at him.
"Xo. it isn't." admitted Rodney. "I
thought we'd really made good, and all
the time it was you behind r.s"
"You see, my boy," said Martin
senior, "even if j ou did nearly trim me,
I've got a sort of sneaking fondness
for you. Look here. son. why not quit?
There's no market for dollar soap."
"Put how do you know?'' Iiodney ob
jected bravely.
"IIow do I know?" asked his father.
"Because I had a letter from Drown &
James a few days ago asking me what
to do with the soap. They hadnt sold
a cake. I told 'em to dump It in the
Chicago river. It might help the drain
age canal."
"Put you didn't give our advertising
a chance," objected Iiodney.
"Yes," said I'eale eagerly. "We only
finished a great big advertising cam
paign in Chicago two days tgo."
"I know the soap would have made
good." insisted Rodney, "with that
"If your trademark was so marvel
ous," said Martin, "somebody besides
your poor old father would have bought
your soap."
Ir the meantime Peale bad grown
more and more discouraged.
"Ob, whpt's the use? He doesn't
bi-Ue.r :n aiTertlsIa," lis said pa that-
' Oh. 7zz
cc," Lr. Martin objected;
..:ti-i,l cor-iTstivj aiTcrtisk:g. but
; t?;. " irr -.7, stuff ycu go
-'. r.
.M'j rw c.zz.2zZ z'z "would tij another
'"'Or, ro"'rc 2'zt ccc'.'dsi the
; tz'izz -lidj. i tlLak cf 13 Soap it-:--lf."
l if.. htil! i3ki-o1ls!y.
"t7, 'v 3 " CUld t tcuct c fcol tticg
lij-jl tiiat.'- caid Air. Vn-rs-n "jr y0Q
liver the goods your goods will adver
tise you; that's always been our jkjI
icy." This was an unfortunate lead for t lie
old si::p king to have made. To doubt
the etii'-ieiicy c f L;s a ls. was to strike
at the vitals of Ambrose I'eale. to chal
lenge him and draw his (ire every time.
And now Itodney was his enthusiastic
sijuire and second.
I'oth boys drew good lon breaths
and began on their favorite themes.
Poor Mary felt that she. too. was be
ing r-vrv t along with them in the Hood
of I'eale's enthusiasm.
"I'm sorry, father," Rodney led off.
"but you are too old fashioned to know
the modern way of advertising. Why.
do you know the Federal Hisvuit com
pany was on the verge of failing until
they hit ou a catchy name for crack
ers ;"
Mary took n hand too.
"And since then they have had over
J 00 lawsuits to protect it." quoted
"Their trademark made "era." Iiodney
went on. "They value that trademark
now r.s ST..O:0.H0."
Peale had listened with grim satis
faction. "Great stuff." he echoed.
"And did yon ever hear of th FTi!
k!ns safety razor?" asked Mary. -Tell
him about it. Iiodney."
It costs you
said Iiodney.
"I'on't you know there's a mighty good
safety razor for a quarter ai;d dozens
at a dollar? Hut yu use the Wlkins
be ause Wilkius was there first. You
buy his razor at a h:Lr!i prk'e simply
because of its trademark."
"Advertisim:." said Mary, with a
gesture she bad learned from Podney.
"Absnlmely." said Iiodney. with a
word he had learned from I'eale.
Peale himself went on:
"And Andover sonp in the maga
zines alone used $-l."0.OijO worth of
? " A
... ;
4 ::
J y al-
r A
t k ti'
"And we couldn't get any more soap."
sp.. e in ll'l.'l. and at " eei:ts a c;d:c
wholesale that represents l.".i:H.()U
cakes for magazine articles alone."
"1. don't believe it." old Martin in
terrain ed.
"Yes," said Peale irreven-nily. "and.
a lot of other guys didn't In lieve hat
iron ships would or t hat machines
heavier than air would ily. or thatyor.
could talk to Chicago on a wire, o;
send a me.-sage across the Atlantic
without a wire. Pardon me. rir. but
you want to get on to yourself."
"Yes, father, you certainly do." said
i Iiodney.
I " T-miV1 linttfr Ihittv uri " fiililoil
Mr. Martin laughed grim'y.
"You've got a line 1 t of theories, but
what have you done for those .".000
cakes of IV, Soap out at Iirown i
"Why, we haven't really spent enough
money advertising." said Peale. true
to his faith. "That's the trouble."
"That's true." Iiodney :i greed. "Ev
ery time the Miller Tobaaco company
puts out .a new cigarette they start off
by appropriating k'OO.Oit') to boom it."
"And I suppose they are a lot of
boobs." put in I'eale.
"And think what other firms spend."
said Podney. "I've gone into this
thing, father. Think what national ad
ertising is accomplishing. It sells au
tomobiles, vacuum cleaners, talking
machines, rubber heels, cameras, wash
ing machines, food:-;, clothes, shoes,
paints, houses, plumbing, electric irons,
tireless cooker.;, inostiy to a lot of peo
ple who'd never even hear of 'em if
it weren't for advertisements."
(To Be Continued.
Sales bills
done quickly at the
Local Plews
from Friday's Daily.
Ed Steppat of Elair, Neb., arrived
in this city Tuesday for a few days'
visit with relatives and friends in this
W. G. Meisinger was among the
visitors in the city today driving in
to attend to some trading with the
merchants for a few hour;;.
Mrs. Edward Donat was a passeng
er this morning for Omaha, where she
will visit at the Immanuel hospital
with Mrs. Matt Sedlock for the day.
Wililam Wehrbein came up this
moaning from his home near Murray
spending a few hours looking after
some business matters with the mer
chants. Adam Meisinger was in the city yes
terday from the vicinity of Cedar
Creek, attending to some trading with
the merchants and visiting with his
A. A. Wetenkamp drove in yester
day from his farm home near Mynard
and spent a short time in this city
looking after some trading with the
City Clerk John Nemetz was a pas
senger this morning for Omaha to
spend a few hours looking after some
matters of business with the whole
sale houses.
Philip II. Tritsch and wife came in
thk. morning from their home west of
tnis city and tic-parted on the early
Piurlington train f"a Omaha, where
they will visit for the day.
Charles L. Giaves came up last
evening from his home at Union and
spent a few hour:; here vi.-iting with
his son, Harry, who came down from
Omaha to spend a short time looking
after some mutters of business.
?.Irs. Harriet A. Sharp, who had a
very dangerous fall about two months
go and who has been confined to her
heme ever since, is slowly improving,
which her many friends in this city
r.nd Omaha will be pleased to learn.
S. II. Smith came up yesterday from
his home at Weeping Water and de
pa: ted this morning for Omaha where
he will spend the day and meet Mrs.
Smith who is coming up from their
home, am! they will enjoy a visit here
over Sunday.
T. C. Setz of Xickcrson, Neb., who
has been here visiting with his broth
er, ivjgfcne s-ctz, and wne lor a snort
time while en route home from Tal
muge, where he has been visiting hi?
mother, departed this morning on the
early Burlington train for his home.
Mrs. Joseph Sedlock, sr., and daugh
ter, Mrs. Tom A. Gradoville, were
among those going to Omaha this
morning, where they will visit for
the day with Mrs. Matt Sedlock at
the lmmanel hospital, where she is re
covering from an attack of ap
pendicitis. W. G. Meisinger drove in from his
farm home west of this city this
morning and spent the day visiting
relatives and friends and attending to
business matters. While here Mr.
Meisinger took time to call at this of
fice and have his subscription to the
Daily Journal extended for another
August KafTenberger and Clarence
Meisinger of Cedar Creek drove to
this city this morning for a short visit
with county scat friends and to attend
to some important business matters.
While here Mr. KafTenberger called
at this office and ordered the Platts
mouth Journal sent to his address in
order that he might be kept posted
on the happenings throughout the
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Tritsch came
over from Thurnun, Iowa, yesterday
at noon to attend to some important
business matters and visit relatives
and friends for a short time. Mr. and
Mrs. Tritsch removed from this vi
cinity a week or so ago and will make
their home in the future on a farm
near Thurman. We are sorry to lose
i Lawyer.
East of Riley Hotel.
Coates' Block,
Second Floor.
OBL Wlfl. Mh
18 to 20 years experience is
worth something to those who
have property for sale.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
I am always after the High
Dollar for Your Goods.
the Tritsch family from our midst,
but wish them happiness and pros
perity in their new home.
From Saturday's Dally.
Ben Dill of near Murray was in the
city today attending to some matters
of business and visiting with friends.
James W. Holmes of Murray was
in the city visiting with his friends
and looking after some matters of
Tom Ruby came in from his country
home today to visit for a few hours
attending to some trading with the
Frank Vallery of Murray was in the
city for a few hours today calling on
his many friends, having motored up
from his home.
A. B. FornofT of near Cullom was in
this city tcniay looking after some
trading with the merchants and visit
ing with friends.
George P. Meisinger was in this
city today from the vicinity of Cedar
Creek, looking after some trading
with the merchants.
Paul Heil came down this afternoon
from Omaha to spend Sunday at the
home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Heil, in Eight Mile Grove.
Mrs. Georgia Creamer came up this
morning from her home south of this
city and spent a few hours here look
ing after seme trading with the mer
chants. Will Rummell came in yesLerday
from his faim home near this city
and spent a few hours looking after
seme matters of business with the
Mrs. J. M. Palmer came up last
evening from her home at Nehawka
to visit for a short time at the home
of her brother, Sheriff C. D. Quir.ton,
and family.
Paul Roberts, the Cedar Creek lum
ber dealer, was in the city yesterday
for a short time visiting wih be
friends and looking after some mat
ters of business.
Ben Beckman came up yesterday
afternoon from his home near Mur
ray to spend a few hours looking al
ter some matters of business and call
ing on his friends.
William Puis of Murray and P. A.
Hild. one of the prominent young
farmers of that locality, were in tht,
city Saturday attending to some mat
ters of business and visiting with
their many friends.
Misses Nellie Brown and sister,
Miss Delia Brown, were among those
going to Omaha this afternoon to
visit their father, Dr. Brown, at the
Nicholas Senn hospital, where he was
cne rated on last Monday.
George Smith came up this morn
ing from his home south of this city
and departed on the early on
tiain in company with his daughter.
Miss Nettie Smith, for the metropolis
where they will spend the day.
A. W. Leonard of the vicinity of
Murray was a passenger this morn
ing for Omaha where hf goes to ac
company his wife home from the Pres
byterian hospital whore she has been
for some time recovering from an
Philip Fornoff of Cedar Creek drove
to this city this morning and spent
the day visiting friends and attending
to some business matters. He was a
pleasant caller at this office and while
here renewed John Meisinger's sub
scription to the Plattsmouth Journal.
Charles L. Freese, wife and little
son departed this morning for their
home at Scottsbluff, Neb., after a two
weeks' visit here with the parents of
Mr. Freese. They were accompanied
to Omaha by Mr. and Mrs. D. C. York,
Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Copenhaver and
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Freese.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horn of Ce
dar Creek drove to this city this morn
ing for a visit with county seat
friends and to attend vo some business
matters. While here Mr. Horn took
time to call at this office and have his
subscription to the Daily Journal ex
tended for another year and renewed
the subscriptions of Mrs. George Nick
el at Pekin, 111., George W. Horn at
Plainview, Neb., and J. J. Horn at
Creighton, Neb., who are taking the
riattsmouth Journal.
Sawing Native Lumber.
R. L. Propst has his saw mill in
operation at Mynard. All desiring
any lumber sawed, bring in your logs
at once, as the mill will be moved as
soon as the yard is cleared of saw-
2-28-1 wk-d&w
xrnri: ok imnivTiivn:'..
ii the Count Court of i hn o:i:it,
In the Matter of the i;!i.'te of Ao.nn
Kurtz. ! i eeascil.
A I! txTsoiiK inlei estel in huW -! a
Bit' betel.y notified li.n :i nct.aa:;.
leen filel in s:ii.l C'Hiri aie-uin.; ti. i
-!::! ib''itsci! di' Laviat; no
and o'-avhiET f'r mint i n 1st r. t im ;!'Mn
Ins estate, ami that liea;ii'.. v.'i'l lie
li;ol on said ;eliti'M! Injoie said I'net-i
fin the Twent v-eiurht'i il'SH.i day .f
Marc!:. A. J . lM'i. and t!:at if t! f it 1
to appear at s-afd oo-t on ttie sa o
JMli day of March, t !l 1 . al ' e i k
a. ni. to contest said petition. 1 !e ('"-i
tnay irrant the same and siant admiv
istration of said estate to Attain 31.
Kurtz or some other suitable r 'isoa.
and proceed to p s'jt ilemt-nt r o-reof.
(Sjeal) Count j- Jude.
3-6-3 wks
or the
Plattsmouth State Bank
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Charter No. TSi;
Incorporated 5n the si ale of Nebraska, at the
close of business, February i'iili, i'JUi.
Loans and discounts f
lvt rdruits . "
Il.nus. s , u rit ies. j u urt' :im-ii i s. claims
ll:.ti k :ntr bo'is'-.f u i-ni' r. ie and fi ' -, j t tt
Ileal estate other man b n n ' i !!
Current expe uses, taxes ami in'en'st
Cash items .......
line froni national and sixle banks. .
On rr'-ney
io!d cum
silver, nickels and cents
I 'i
! :
' ;;,!
i,i i,i i in-
1 i
Cnii! al stock in . -u l" film:
I'ndiv hi.- i in ofds
.1.1.1 ,! t
:: !: ' 1
iiKiirhlnal ! posh sabje.-i to ciieck ;n a-
l'-manu certificates of n i-.'sit. . :!. i -'
Time certi'icaies of des.s!t b;.' ia ...
f'eriiti"d checks - 1 1
Nitt e ;-.i:d bi 1 1 re-(liscotiiited !.
Itills pn.vabie None
1 eposiioi' guaranty fund !.. -'
Total ;J-i.'..cL'
STATF. OF Nlbkaska. ' . .
-..r--v-T v in ( ss s T. .1 V Il.tiw rt.
caselt r ot th ' a!it.e nan-ed n-iT.i . no
ir'i eoy s wt-ai- l hat the above s' ;.l en i--i a is a
i-ir:i'' t itini inn i'':y of liic lonort i: t.
the .-slate i:aui:i!V Jloarii. J. M Il( imiits.
,,, .. i V. H. Xrivru.. let'-i-t n.
Atits. -( t) H u-
Subc'iii.-d and sworn to bet' -re n.- this -;h
day of .Mar h. I-.Hj. il. K. U
Nou.ry I'ui.'lc.
Seat M.VCo:i:n:i.s.siou - f, ma. I'.'. I'.C!
of the
Sank of Murdoch
Of Murdock, Neb., Incorporated in the
State of Nebraska, at tht close of
business, l-'ebruary 2i:li. lll'l.
Loans and discounts
I, 'hi 4 'i' '.A
tiverii ratts ;-
Jtani-tin' bo-j.-e. furniture and
1 1. "es i. i I
Curn-ia cx;;':-.s-.-. ta. an-.i it-tctcst
!.-: :-'-;
hi'i- 'rnni iiat"! :.! st.-.o-
nacks . : .
Ciseci.s and i'i"i!- of -
ii..': . ..... . 7 i
t'urreii.-.- -I '-
-old ci;;i 14 i
Silver, nlckt-is a.-iJ tent s. i 1...
'I'm al
o-h.s ;
LI A 111 LIT! Ks
Can:;::! fiid in ''
n: ro' ! lo. ! : .' "
r t..ii .aiis...: ; .: u; ; .,
In b h: :a! w , s ' - ,n
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Time ct rt i'i -a-t - of 1. i -a s .;,''' '
C asbic's cle-.-k-. ii'.i!st;i:iii;;a: '.''a nl-la'. ! i"
I'eiusiijr.s t'n.tran'y fun I I.aa;;,.
Total -ia;.-;.- ;
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.-.tnt.v ofl ass
1. 11. A. 'uminant:. ' ':is!.iei- ;.f t! :,'Mtr
named ban!., tlo her. M'.vur i !.al t he
a'-txe ''atnni'li' i- a "i..-; : nd ; r . i;i. of
the iej'i! I made to tne Mao.- U.m k tioi'-rd.
11. A. ( : . Ca-ka r.
ienr.v . di:-.-.-t,,v.
.1. K (imiimann. tii:-ei
ubs -:-1 lien and nnni to bi-'oi-e ivi- this 1
uay of a'.ar -t.. 1 ; 1 : : .
.Itttitv L. .M. HaoH. Notary l'tib::,
sea! My commission expires Match J.". i :':
Far State Senator.
I will be a candidate for tlie demo
cratic re-nomination for st.te senator
from the district composed of Cass
rr. J Otoe counties, subjeat to the will i
cf the voters, at the primaries on Ajril
Nebraska City.
For County Sheriff.
We arc authorized tc announce the
candidacy of John Yv'uueriich for xa
i omlnation foj- the oiiice cf s-he riff of
Cass county, subject to the will of the
voters at the primaries on April ISth.
For State Senator.
I hereby announce rr.ya.elf as a can
didate for state senator en the repub
lican ticket from Cass and Otoe coun
ties, subject to the will of the voters
at the primary election.
For County Sheriff.
I hereby announce myself a? a can
didate for i-heriff of Cass county on
the democratic ticket, subject to the
will of the voters at the primary April
13th. G. H. MANNERS.
For County Attorney.
I wish to announce to the voters of
Cass county that 1 have filed cn the
democratic ticket for the oluce of
county attorney. I will appreciate
your support and if elected will Jo my
best to fill the office faithfully.
For State Senator.
I hereby announce that I will be a
candidate for the office of state sen
ator at the primaries held cn April
Itith, subject to the will of the repub
lican voters of the district, composed
of Cass and Otoe counties.
Nehawka, Nebraska.
For State Representative.
1 hereby announce my candidacy for
the office of state representative sub
ject to the will cf tlie democratic voter.-;
al the perioral primary on April
18. Your support, will be appreciated.
AIvo, Nebraska.
Read the want ads in the Journal.
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ckrht-room :use. lare-e b-i-;;. Al i
A 5-ioor:: coUi-'e. R. Ik Vii..ih
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