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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1916)
PLATTSMOUTn SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1916. ,1 0c plattsmouth journal imi'i.isiikd si:mhvi:i:klv at i'i.a ttsjioi tii, kkuhamca. Entered at IMattsmoutfc. Neb., as second-class mail matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher M U!CllII'l ! ritici:: IF I -H l'KK IX AUVAMK . thought for today. L .. to a. a t,:- is jiiit us tr.ougats wore visi- v jc;:t us. Real char- v ; t CUt', HOG-TYING THE BUNCH. it jrain. thank you. We over. The ; :e bu ;-.'.! clad winter is about take on r.ew life, and h.::. w. While the Bryan representatives in Nebraska are pretesting their fidelity tj the president, while trying: to de feat his policies, and while indulging in occasional prcfidious shots at the conduct. j chiof executive for whose re-election in thinking. Henry -j they are vocally clamorous, and are occasionally intimating that nobody can be for Wilson who is anti-Bryan in Nebraska, there is a very simple way in which the sincerity of any democrat's favor for Wilson may be tented. It is a wav that can be maneuvered by the party organization in the state. Alt that need be done is to ''hog-tie" the delgates to the next national con vention. , All that a candidate for delegate r.eeds to do toward pledging himself now is to file a statement that he will, if elected, abide by the result of the primary. Everybody will readily re tall how far that pledge v ent at Bal timore. It went just thirteen ballots cu: of forty-six. Now let the democratic state con vention construe that provision to mean that the instructed delegate is bound to the candidate for whom he may be instructed until the candidate leleases him. If that be done by the state convention, it will hold any lake-warm Wilson man in lir.e as long as Presk!.?nt Wilson finds it to his ad vantage to have delegates tied up fo-- No one has filed yet for surveyor. :o: The blizzard has passed without trouble. :o : "St. Patrick's Day in the Morning" next. :o: There will be no coroner to elect any more. :o: The winter holds on fairly well, thank you. I MOST ELABORATE PRE-LENTEH SOCIAL EVENTS OF SEASON :o:- -:o: head is a era in urged i to m.'.Ai' ncial end is , s a town or city so . i; contained a few :n v. r. i r.g stone bumps h is better than :o:- rv.av enter the Ne cr governor cm In a long distance tight the pen has the best of the sword. :o: There seems to be a great demand for Morehead at this critical moment. :o : The Commercial club will give a banquet at Coates' hall next Tuesday right. Of course we will all go. :o : To date there are sixteen candidates for governor, and the returns are not all in yet. The beauty of primary lections. :o: Billy Sunday has picked up another $30,000. The democratic administra tion certainly has not brought on a business stagnation in the Lord's vinyard. :o: Congress should stand by President uson. "Uur country, right or wrong," in such a crisis should be the battle cry of every man who claims to be an American citizen. Will the Panama canal prove as much of a white elephant to this country as the Philippine islands? In the first place it won't work. Be ing dug through the mountains it is subject to slides and cave-ins. Of course these are conditions which may be overcome. The channel may be come so wide eventually that a cave- in or slide will not interfere with traffic. The cost of the canal is many millions more than the estimated cost and the government estimators are From Saturday's raliy. , .. 4 , .: One of the most elaborate of the iitun miuwu 10 ie stingy in usumai- i I ni-n-T .r.n-n -m'i:ll CM :"t-- WU5 the 1 ing costs. The government of Colom- , , , , , ., , i v , ... i I o'clock luncheon given by -Vis., j. lua is to he paul $2;,00D,U0O lor the Donciun :u,i daughter, Miss Margaret strip of land now known as the Re- Donelan, at the Hotel Riley today and j public of Panama. Hush money. In the event was one ot .no most ueugm.- i addition individual owners of the land111 lV. 1V-'T , - given tins winter. 22J Mrs. J. A. Doiu'lan and Daughter, Miss Margaret. Entertain Sixty-five of Their Friends. jret Cnteats 15 Fluid Drac: n. (PUS) urn m rr 3 r . ' - -j M 6 8 ,11 have presented a claim amounting to ?1(,000,000 to $17,000,000, which will likely be paid, although Col. Goethals, governor of Panama, says it is out rageous; that the land was worth not more than a million dollars before the Thy dining room was transformed for the occasion into a bower of beauty i:i which the color scheme of pink and gicen was used in the dfooi in the room and on the tables which, were laid for sixty- live guests. The: center pieces of the tables, larire baskets ot pinic roses : :- ARMAMENT OF MERCHANT SHIPS. :c:- i ;. ttution toward W-rdrn is that it neve toward .:!; it !::: iv-!:t-? cct hot in : :. IjM in ih-j N .v Y :i: to return, It is inside history that just be fore Bryan swung the NVbiasl-a dele j.:'.;ion away from Champ Clark, for v ' tii ' was instri:ctec:. Wicdrow Wi'son, frrm his home in New Jersey, called up his representatives in Balti more, conceded the nomination of ( iaik and asked that the Wilson dele gates bo released. Thereupon he was advi-ed of the course that Mr. Bryan was about to take and induced is tot-to reconsider his relinquishment of : -r- : cm: "Na:irhtv. :o:- ir.-: 1 v.; .- I ; clo-cly .h her first .other with : cr r .- i:l CJ .u.-eu "r.: : tar ! at the tele- y.or.e U o rk s- that rcterrc -t - his mouth ! to as the he makes people sore, ke a kite scar." -o: rran who can o wr.-cn cut to dinner and k-t.!. tk' 1 ;.ts i.: i cf :. ve: .- ''1 oil m T'ling oierat:cns. :o: trf v.,' M...t v to fig!.: Ti the ri the anti-prcpared- -;-y i.- tl at just when ecc.nom-:".!ii-i d?mr ,-ntratir.g that !e the r.aticns went 1 -jv a r.i w tire. ro: g from bad to worse faimer as well as It .y.-.v takes about g'-od alfalfa .cced to ' y the cu.vtcrp of giving In th Congressional :i ;k of a'l the time it If it wa -n't 1 r.vo to i,-ir. Ileccrl jj.-t t' voul ; take to hear thos speeches on the clt-ctl. n ot ir seriators and 435 rtprt'.-cr.eativr ate rjw sending out. :o: A Kan.-as City woman doctor :-ays the c n'v" possible objection men can have to th"2 rr. Jern shcrt skirt is that me of the koe displayed is in bad -r.. is vf 1 kn.Avn. the average Iran i f-uch p. stickler for good taste that h-- wi'-l i- cvcr! if V" r lo 0 xv.'.hiii the enlightening influence cf .-hort ikirt. his delegations. Tliose who are sincere in their al legiance to the president will not ob ject to the sort of resolution of the state convention here suggested. Any who are shamming friendship for the president, for their own ends, will ob ject to that sort of n construction of their obligation. Lincoln Star. :o: Paving of the streets will be an improvement in which all the principal towns in Nebraska will indulge in this stason, and most of Ihcm to a con siderable extent. Plattsrr.outh should not lag in the rear in this improvement. :o: We regret to learn that Attorney General Willis Heed, who was attack ed with the grippe some two weeks ago, and was thought to be improving, is suffering from a relapse, and is quite ill at his apartment at the Lin coln hotel. General Reed has many friends in Plattsmouth, who join the Journal in the hope that he will soon let-over. Willis Reed i.? a gentleman that the people can illy afford to lose at this time. :o.- One of the last things Elbert Hub bard wrote: ''Seven wonders of the world are: The man who will work without being watched. A salesman-;r-?r who doesn't think he pays th; old man's salary. A salesman who thinks that perhaps the quality of the material may have something to do with his making those large contracts. A stenographer who knows punctua tion, and will look in the dictionary whan fd;e is uncertain about spelling. A purchasing ajrent who doesn't think he does you a favor when he asks you to quote. A new superintendent who will wait a week before installing a much better system than his prede cessor. A boss who acts as if he wasn't." It seems probable that the discus sion of the question of armed mer chan ships will center upon the dis tinction between offensive and de- defensive armament upon such ships If, as Germany asserts, British mer- chantment, whiel armed ostensibly for defense, carry guns for the special puipose of attacking submarines, the kaiser's government is undoubtedly correct in its contention that this is a violation of international law. The United States bases its position specifically upon defensive arn ament, and it has never held, cither during this war or at any time previously, that a merchant ship was privileged to attack. In its circular of Septem ber 1014, the state department ruled that "a merchant vessel of bel ligerent nationality may carry an armament and ammunition for the sole of defense without ac quiring the character of a ship of war," and it directs the port r.fficials to examine each ship leaving a har bor of the United States for evidences of armament of an offensive charac ter, denning the defensive limitations with minute detail. If, therrtore, the Getmans should sink a British mer chant ship carrying American pas sengers and could prove that it was ifTensivcly armed, the Unite 1 States would have no recourse. But how, it may be asked, can that be proven? The British vouYi cer tainly deny the allegation of the Ger mans, and the ship would be at the bottom of the sea. It would be a question of veracity between two sovereign government, and would no doubt wear itself out in diplomatic correspondence. The German notice that it will consider any armed mer chant vessel of the enemy a ship of war from and after March 1, would, it is true, be a strong point against that government, but still the United States would have to have satisfactory evidence of the purely defensive char acter of the armament of the sunken ship before it could establish a claim. And there being ro international agreement as to what constitutes de fensive armament endless discussion would no doubt ensue over this defini tion, even if the number, size and position of the guns could be clearly proven. We have already called at tention to ths fact that no British or French merchant ships touching at our ports carry any arms, and that the probability of loss of American lives in the sinking of merchant, ships by German submarines is, therefore, very remote. The legal difficulties we have here suggested render it yet more improbable that any serious crisis is likely to develop from Ger many's notification. Panama canal was dug and the own- Lidded to the general beautiful appear- crs should be paid on that basis rather ance of the room while the candles than on the present value of the land. But politicians, whose bank accounts are never effected when the approp riate public money, are liable to over ride the recommendation of Col. Goethals who really knows what he is talking about. -: in pink and green shades added a touch most pleasing to the sc. 'lie. Long i streamers of smikix and ferns were used in the decorative scheme of the tables most effectively. The luncheon was served in six courses and was most dainty and enjoyable in every wav and reived under the direct su pervision of Mr. J. Ik Grippcn, man- r.ger ot tne Motel, vvniie me enjo.,a- JLH' - c i ; a ! i , r. :r i : j ! ! r ku-J ami iWula i nzss tirv-1 2foT Narcotic. j-rnrl'n 'Sect j!.:.tM.:t ' J'-f i. mint r h-.-rr !"--' ' If there is anything in the adage I hie luncheon was in progress a de- concerning March the month will go Hatful musical proam was given out like a lamb, all right enough. , i . 1 IIO aHl U II." ;:e:.e;ai eiiju;. i, the delightful occasion. The out of There is not much show for a short J town guests pre-ent were Mrs. J. C. primary ballot this year from the way liiygescn ot -emasua luj a.m -u.s. , , .l 1. L. White oi Uiaana. iwe iiuiiiuh ui laiiu'iuiita im uum irtate and county offices are filing. o: That drop of seven cents a bushel in the price of wheat one day last week spoiled many an air castle throughout the country among the plungers. It acted about the same as though a 42-centimeter shell had struck them. :o: ''"fj 'vt-s X - - hi t R 3 K: For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of 1 r,ir n I I- l r l l Exact Co--' c" Wr: In Use or Over Thirty Years id M 'er. TMt CENT J CO, MEW YOKH CtTT. tf.m jm.'u 3 PROF. GDHGRA, OHE OF NEBRASKA'S BIG MEN IH EDUCATIONAL WOHX eEsicn & mm, hard ware DEALERS, READY FOR BUSINESS AT SEW STAND From Saturaav's Danv. The splendid oppoi tunity which awaits the people of Plattsmouth at the Commercial club banouet next Tuesday evei.i;ur is tliowi; by the fol- revolution is practically over; that lowing letter reo-ived by Chairman the bandit bands are being lun down I Roberton of the bar.quet committee. It is just too bad that the Mexican ''. .re i' s by Carranza soldiers; that business is rapidly resuming normal conditions in that war-torn country, and that the patient Wilson policy is prevailing. :o: T. li. having the progressive party nomination in his pocket, is swinging the big stick over the republican party the University o In addition to the other speakers. J. V. Gamble, former superintendent of .schools of this city, '.ill be en the list Plattsmot:ti Moi ch C, liPk Mr. W. A. Kobertsor, Cnairman Ik.n- quct Cotnmitti o. Ciy: Iear Jm-- lo'v.gnts Journal an- nounces tnat your committee nas si ure Dr. Giorire Everett Ccndra of .'.:rasKa as one The fiim of Jlostor & Swat ok, hard .ac deah-rs, have moved from their Id sio:v on Sixth street into their new location on wain street in the 'u.l'!i::-- forme i-'iy occupied bv the i .: the patrons of the Tins is jui ideal location and vita a laru'e ant wt a eoamr-ed store a.e- iiio going alter tneir snare ot he business. The room has been ar- inrgeil esr.eciaily lor this lirm and evei-y thing that could add to the ease n.'i'.ii IT- ii':-e stock ot "ckiiU as bee? arranged. The firm invites ail their frieiiJs to call in and visit them in the new location. H iun to Take Chamberlain's Tablets. When you feel dull and stupid after of the principal speakers at the Com mercial club banquet next Tuesday evening, leu nro to oe cor.graiuiaievi Wheii constipated or Lilious. Wo shall see what we to .!.!rp it i-itWons. T ?onlit !f l.en you have a sick lieadaclie. theie is a man in the country who is better acquainted with Nebraska s re sources and tehir possibilities than is Dr. Condra. He has a nation-wide and saying, "You've got to take me." Will the republican party surrender and become the side show to the bull moose circus? hall see, :o: There is no possible show for I. J. It I niillTlLI; ! Ul UI1 J'Jtl AND COMPANY EXCELLENT From Saturday's Dally. The performance given last evening at the Grand theater by Chiquata, the human doll, and her excellent com pany was very pleasing to those who had had the privilege of witnessing the performance. There are a number of excellent artists in the company which is assisting this little lady and their vaudeville offerings are excel lent. Eckard and Eckard present a very clever sketch, ''The Lady and the Dutchman," while Miss Minnie Alis- paw. the talented prima donna gives number of very pleasing vocal num- uers. me snow is given in connection with the usual program of moving pic tures and is well worth attending. The performance will be given this evening for the last time. TOLD IN PLATTSMOUTH Dunn to slip into the senate on the I i eputation as an authority uponq ues Bryan band-wagon. To make a show tions relating to conservation ot our natural they simply had to have someone against Senator Hitchcock, so they put up poor Ig. But tools of the Bryans will not fare as well in the future as they have in the past. :o: A woman 77 years old charges her son-in-law with tricking her out of her $8,500 farm, taking advantage of her inability to read writin'. From which it is clear that illiterate mothers with resource..-. lie is a lorcetui and entertaining speaker. Those healing him next Tuesday will not be disappointed. Yours respectfully, W. G. Brooks. L. F. LAH6H0RST WILL BE STRONGLY SUPPORTED from S:iturclay'r Daiiv. L. F. Langhorst, the present effi- 1 . . n .1 1 . property should never allow their cient county chairman lor tne uemo- crats, is m line for democratic nat daughters to keep company with f mart j-oung fellers who can read and write. :o: Congressman Keavis, he who wants tional committeeman. Mr. Langhorst has gained a distinction as county chairman by his untiring labors and efficient methods that is not only well L-nnwn in the First district. but throughout the state. He is the man to do something great, and doesn't h . th (Iemocrats ,hould see gets know how, has gotten himself into important position, for he will trouble by charges on the floor of the use the same methods and business. house that the postoffice department ability that has characterized his sue- ,. ,. . . cess m irns coum.v. n-- is disregarding the convenience of , , lirri, .vi1i SOt, JU1 l liu j;i.i-i;, emu f . rural mail patrons for the sake of that he gets there. Eimwood Leader- making a record of economy. Assist- I Echo, ant Tostmaster General Blakesley re sents the charge and says Reavis must retract or take the consequences. :o: From McKee's Kocks, Pa., comes the shops, that I will sell cheap. Terms L , .,, made right. See or write I-rami v rti- llouse for Sale. I have a good three room bouse in Plattsmouth. south of Burlington cober statement that a white leghorn hen belonging to James Francis of No. 711 Frederick street has laid an egg on which appear, in plain relief, these Words: "The nd of 'time 191G." If we were sure of that but granting that there is such an egg, what reason have we for supposing that the hen who laid it knows any more about the purposes of Providence than the other war prophets? Guess we'll just wait and see. made right. lery, Murray, Nth. Tel. 46. Murray. For Sale. Single Comb Rhode Island Red .... 1 - . ifr.OA nnf 1 00 eggs. $i.uu per io, j.w Baby chicks, 15c each. A. O. Kamge, Tlatts. Thone 3513. When you have a sour stomach. When you belch after eating. When you have indigestion. When nervous or despondent. When you have no relish for your meal-. When yeur liver is torpid. O b t a i n ; d ; e e v e r y w i e r e . A Resident Known to All Our Readers Relates an Experience. FINE FARM FOR SALE. lf'.O acres, being the S. E. quarter of Section 9-11-13, located one mile west and one mile north of Murray, .consider Doan's Kidney Tills a very known as the T. V. Davis farm. Fine Readers of the Journal have been told again and again of the merits of that reliable, time-proved kidney rem edy Doan's Kidney Pills. The ex periences told are not those of un known persons, living far away. The cases are Plattsmouth cases, told by Plattsmouth people. Jonathan Hatt, general storekeeper, 414 Main St., Plattsmouth. says: "I farm and well imporved. Location the ber.t. Trice for a short time at ?25, 000.00. Write or call on John Colbert, Weeping Water. For Sale. Sixdiolo Corn Shcller and 12 II. P. Gasoline Engine. In good shape. In ouire at this office. 2-24-2wks-w P. A. Horn was among the visitors in the city Saturday, coming in to at tend to tlie week-end shopping for a short time. good medicine for backache and other kidney troubles. They have proven their value to me. Others of my fami ly have also tried Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at the Crescent Pharmacy. They think just as much of them as I do." Trice 50c at all dealers. Don't simp ly ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills ihe same that Mr. Hatt had. Fostcr-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Jacob Bengen of Mynard was at tending to some business matters and visiting friends in this city Saturday, and gave this office a pleasant call. Adam Mcisinger of Cedar Creek was in tne eiry mu ; n.m.- ......... looking after some matters of busi ness with the merchants. OPENING OF VALUABLE GOVERNMENT IRRIGATED HOMESTEAD LANDS LOCATION' AND CHARACTER OF THESE LANDS: From three t ten miler North of C, B. & Q. R. R., nearest Bayard and Minatare. Neb., in the North Platte Valley. They are well adapted for alfalfa, small grain, corn, sugar beets, live stock and dairying. TERMS: Land is free. Permanent iiovernment water right costs $u. per acre, 20 years' time, payable $2.75 per acre down, no further payments for five years, no interest charged. HOW TO OBTAIN A FARM: If you are interested in the method of opening these farms between March 19 and 24, or the location of 41 additional Government-irrigated farms now open to entry, write me at once. .There is no time to lose, if you would become the owner of one of these very valuable farms. Our publication, "the North J'lalte alley, lree on request, will give one an excellent, idea of this desirable locality. S. B. HOWARD, Immigration Agent, 1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. V)-.- .v 4 -i I ii mm ii ii n iiii I If