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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1916)
PAGZ 1. PLATTSMOUTn SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, MARCH (5, 19K5. i I I A ; T sC ra '. fr r COMMUNITY ORET LY SHOCKS 111 DEATH OF MRS. HARRY WM The community was greatly grieved ar..l shoehed yesterday morning to ka:n that the angc! of death had rttka intot he city a:iJ taken ficm th; mil-it of her family Mrs. Hairy Craig, who hail beer, in a very critical rendition for the part week. The blow that falls -n the heart-broken hus 1 and ard motherless little ones 13 such :. - u bring to them the deepest syrn : J:y the r.tire community in their i .era: aide loss. The death cf Mrs. C:a:g removes one of the highest :. :.v.-.d la.iit . who since her resi de in this city has won many warm I'rUr.ds by her many pleasing ways an-i kin.ily dealing with all those wh m .-he came in contact with. iV-mir.g here two years ago to make this city their home, Mr. and Mrs. I'laij: have formed many warm fiLndshirr- and the death of the esti mate lady cannot lu, bring to these a .-en.'e of the deepest sorrow i-r.d grief in the loss that they have i her passing. While death i-; r.hvays a time of greatest grief it is ra; ticularly .-o in this case, as the lit t'e chlMrtr f tender years and the lit'.'.o 1 li'e war.: the ! i . . - e e only r week old must r care v. hich a mother's vir re can give. Such a bereave - this 1. lings the greatest re-eve:yo:-.. in the city and the will .-hare their sorrow with e who ha 1 the pelasure of rr l .". l eve. Vi-! k:.Mvi:: thi- estimable lady. THE DEMOCRATIC CITY CCilVENTiGK SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 11TH .k moo tats of Plattsmouth City i e ca:.e: to meet in delegate conven- S-.turday evening. March 11. : c.V'.ock p. m., at the council : 1:. .-dd city. The convention n; the fctlowir.g olliccrs: myor for the teim of one ..rr.. y- !. . e city treasurer for the teim .i t r.e yea'-, one city clerk for the t-.v n : e". year, one city engineer for tile t.::n of one year, two members of th-- b .:: d of fdacativ!i for the term of thrte ye:s each. There will also I e i op-!' uted re rotincilman for the Fir.-". w.rd fcr the term cf two ytars, I'll-: "ur.cdrr.i.n from ihcs Second ward i" .r the term of xvro ys-rr, cn.e coun cilman for the- Third ward fcr the .-iri of two year.":, en; ccuncilrran fcr ihe I oji th v.t.: 'tars, :-nd c::?!r.-.a:t for tin Fi.'ih wani for the t?:r.i of two ycarr. r, -;m thc Fi -3t ward at the cry .:'. ( -." her; f?cc.-.J ward. Turner T rd; Third ward. Man speaker's ham; I rth ward. Journal o:nce; Fifth v.. !. inch's -tore. Th primaries ;h 11 P.- held at o'clock p. ni. on Sat- uiday. Maich 11th. The of rrnrcscntaticn in the cenvtntion will or.o dee'gate for each tn otcs for John Xcmetz for city c!e:k at the 1015 election, a3 ff.l!.,ws: I"i .-t ward . . ce nd ward 15 Third waid I oi 'th ward Fifth ward l: The convention will trarsact such other business as mav come before it J. P. FALTER, Chairman Taken to Omaha Today. This afternoon Mrs. J. H. Thrasher was taken to Omaha where she wil enter the Immanuel hospital to take ticatmtnt and consult the specialists Mrs. Thra.-her has not been well for the pat few weeks and it is thought best to have her taken to the hospi tal where the specialists will deter mine what is best to be done to relieve he- sickness. It is to be hoped that th? will find the needed relief and scc.:i be able to return home to her family restored to her accustomed good health. Another Ilig Wolf Hunt. Another big wolf hunt has been pro jected for next Wednesday, March 8, wt-st of this city. The limitations set for the hunt are the east line at Cul lorn, the west line at Cedar Creek, south to Louisvilla road and casl to the Decker school house. The meeting places for hunters to assemble will be as follows: East line at August Keil's and Ed. Decker's farms, north line, Hugh Alexander; south line, John Meisinger's and Henry Horn's farm and west line at Cedar Creek. There will he a shoot and hot lunch served at the establishment of S. J. Reames at Cedar Creek. . . . .' Office supplies at the Journal oilice. MRS. HENRY LAHODA RE TURNS HOME FROM HOS PITAL MUCH IMPROVED Yesterday Mrs. Henry Lahoda, who for the p.ast several weeks has been at St. JcscphV, hospital in Omaha re covc; ing from the effects of an opera lien, was able to return home to her family in this city feeling a great deal improved since the operation. Mr. Lahoda was a visitor in Omaha yes terday mid accompanied his wife heme fror. the hospital. It will be .e:y pier: ing to the many friends of this est:. viable lady to learn that she is showing such improvement and it will be their sincere wish that she may continue to show a gain for the better. Mrs. Lahoda has not been in the best of health for some time and it is a pleasure to learn she has benefited som uch by her treatment. ENJOYABLE PROGRAM IN MISS HEISEL'S ROD in AT CENTRAL BUILDIN6 From Saturday's Daitv. I-hiday morning the pupils of Miss Anna Heisel at the Central building of the schools gave a mo.t enjoyable piogiam which they had prepared for the occasion anil invited the pupils of Mr. Elmer Frans to join them in the pleasures of the gathering. The program was one that was enjoyed throughout by everyone of the young people and included several exception ally clever number;-. Miss Marie Wil-.-on gave a very pleasing leading, "Kentucky Bll,'' which va received with mmked favor. A "u:l! given by Henrietta Wamtr uii.. Kuth Hall, Myi-i tie Peterson, Lillian Carstens ar..i j Rose Eclahlovy, was one of the pleas ing features of the program and re flected great credit upon the young ladies taking part. Miss Ruth Hall as Evurgeiir.e and Marjciie Chambers as! 'an Indian maid tell of the exile of J tli Aicadian. During the ;:econd ; rart of the program a very pleasing time was spent in listening to the ma-' ?ic of the victrola under the direction ! of Mr. Fran.'-, while Miles Altmun contributed a most annrenriate violin' rulo which was verv much eii ic-cd : an.l ihoweil the abilitv of this vou;g ! man. The pupils of the room cf Mi.-s i TVnrl Sfn-K- ;.U., vo n v.irv hrt rilf-i i i- t nrn T'.!Pi ftr- tHn T-iiTir! cf the room ot Mrs. Mae Morgan, who were their gue;;ts. FGHTY-nVO GEtslS TO 00 OVER THE DuFiliK3- TC?i TQ OMAHA HQWi f'rum Saturday's The travelers Curlington will Iailv. to Omaha over th he: .:.f te-r h co ni peiled to pay forty-two cents instead cf thirty-eight cents for one fare, un der th: new tariff sent out by the cornprny. This rate is a straight' two cents a mile, as it is twenty-one miles over the Burlington, to the metropolis from this city, but heretofore the Bur iington has met the rate over the Mis souri Pacific of thirty-eight cents, but iince that road had rahed to thue cents a mile the Burlington will oper ate under the straight two-cent fare. This is still consideiably lower than the rate on the Missouri Pacific which is fifty-seven cents from Plattsmouth to Omaha. LEONARD MEISIfiGER WINS PRIZE FOR WINDOW DRESSING From Saturday's Dally. ine rjiyiepiur. clothing company held a nation-wide window dressing contest in which prbrcs were given for the most attractive and tasteful win clow displays made of the famous Styleplus clothes, and in the class of cities from 2,000 to 5,000 population Plattsmouth has captured the first prize, ine window display was made by the firm of C. E. Wcstcott's Sons, the local representatives of the Style- plus company and the window was ar ranged and decorated by Leonard Meisinger, the artistic window dresser of the firm, and it is a worthy recog nition of his excellent work in the awarding of the first prize of 25 to this window. Mr. Meisinger has splen did ability in this line and has several times received most flattering com- medation for his window dressing which he well deserves. Farm Position Wanted. ..Man with family wants poistion on farm, - with: residence.. . Lifetime ex perience in work. Inquire of II. M. Gentry, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. SURPRISE LEAP YEAR PARTY AT THE SATTLER HOME From Friday's Daily. Tuesday evening on the odd day of the year the S. S. club wended their way over to a boy friend's home and escorted him to the Sattler home on High School hill where they enter tained at a leap year party. On their ariival the guests proceed ed to make merry and indulged in var ious games until at length the boys were requested to write a recipe for a cake and in this contest Hilt Martin was successful, capturing the favor from his opponents. Music was fur nished, other games were played and later they all adjourned to the dining room which was beautifully decorated in the club colors of pink and green, bows flowing from the chandelier an:! the place cards were in the cohr scheme of pink and green, while niir: ca: nations and ferns ail-jined. After the refreshments had been served a prophecy was read which pi edict;: J good for ail and portrayed the ambi tions of many of those piesent. A hut trimming contest was held and in this the favor v. as awarded to Harold Hull. Then more games v.tvj continued ?.r.d it was a very hue hour when the party brvke up whiio the girls as hostesses received many thanks from the guests for the pleasant evening that they had derived from the paity. V?UULfi-?L. ?fc9H ILL. THURSDAY EYENIH8 From Fridays lai!y. I..:, t even! John Albert, ttv :Oio: e o o ci act; 14 1 1 ic of the prominent re- Kknts ot ine csiv ar.-i c!;e oi uit? ue krrown men in this .-ection if the coun ty, was sudderdy taken very ill whilj in the loluy of the postt it'ice and for some time w;is i'; a set mlngly v.nco!: rcio condition, and making it neces sary to have a cab convey h'm to hi-; home or; Pearl street. Mr. Albert wns -tandlr.g in the lobby of the jio.-tefi'iee waiiir-.g ai:til th j mail was ditribt.t etl and was appaivp.lly in the hesc of M-nvits Wl -l l'-';i :e cenvv.rsea with a number 1 ri e : i I1- wn .v., v : . j t wa : - i . ; g. lie san: to the li"or .-uiterir.g iiom intiag rpxdl which grerxily a la it : th-O.-C Who WO! O I !1 tit'.. Wi . f i in I : iit'tiii'-i . Fii ii ........... , - vtr; until a c. i V .tS Cldy a 1 CV. niiK. j ai 1 I into whi'-h the s:ck man wa. p;af. o ai!i taken to his home where j medical a.-sista; e 'as summoned aid ii : r re v : : t. : nours tielore r e t was ! ';!.. g.'it out oi !:nger -i-. r.,i- ..r a war. able to egxin con. cior -:.e-r i r. ir still in a very .'-eriou coiii'.itioii, and his family and friends are very an.v-iou-; as lo ttie of tile iilne--' which seems to . in the nature of i n attaek oJ heart trouble. It is to he hope.! that our old friend will soon tally froin the attack and be to c ,' i e ;;i) again as usual a.; his ab. ence will he keenly felt by his friends and associates. BASKET BALL TEAM MEETS DEFEA' From Saturday's Daily. The Plattsmouth high school basket ball team with all kinds of handicaps to mar their effectiveness last evening staged a senrational game at Elrn wood with the team representing that school, and while defeated by the icovc of V) to 11 played a most bril liant game throughout and this in view of the fact that Larson an.. Ma: shall, two of the experienced mci of the team, were not in the game me oattie was one mat held the clos est attention of the spectators from the stait to the finish when a luc! f t n .i . oariK irom the wall won the muen needed basket for the Llniwood boys. The team of the local school has been operating in hard luck in the last few weeks, owing to the loss of their reg u!ar center, but are gradually getting back in form with the new players and new plays, which they are using, While not in the hopes of being able to carry oil the game at Elmwood, the boys put uj) a game that will long be discussed and their showing is ore they can well alford to feel proud of. The team will go to Lincoln on Wednesday morning to enter the state tournament and are scheduled to play the High school team of Friend tn Wednesday afternoon. There will likely b'j quite a number of the Plattsmouth f.tns accompany the boys to see their showing against the fart teams out in the state. Mrs. Earl R. Travis wa3 a passeng er this morning for Omaha, where she will visit for the day with relatives and friends. Files for County Assessor. From Friday's Dally. Yesterday another filing was made in the political race, when Homer Mc Kay of this city filed for the repub lican nomination for the office of coun ty assessor, subject to the wishes of the voters at the primaries on April ISth. Mr. McKay has been a resident of this city for years ami has never heretofore been engaged actively in political life. ANOTHER GASS COUNTY in iVJ Ml NOTORIETY IN LINCOLN From Saturday's Dally. In the university circles in Lincoln there is a young man who comes of one of the foremost families of Cass ctnr.ty who is making his mark in the musical woild through his composi tions and understanding of music. This young man, C. LeRoy Meisinger, has taken a very prominent part in the annual production of the Kosmet Klub, the dramatic organization of the university, as he composed the greater part cf the witching music of the operetta. 'A Knight of the ymphs" which was given by the stu dent . at the Oliver theater on Friday evening, February 13. The critics present at the operetta speak very h'ghly of the delightful music of the offering, a greater part of which came from the pen cf Mr. Meisinger, and its tuneful strains was of a very high standard and the composer was in per ioral charge of the orchestra during th? performance of the operetta. Mr. rdeh-increr is a son of John I). Mcisin ger, who resides at Lincoln where h is engaged in the lumber business, an. the young man is a grandson of the late Pals Meisinger one of the pio r.eors of Cass countv. It is with great p-easure that t!v re'atives and friend o" the v in -this count: learn of the wondrrful progress of Mr. Mcis ir ger at the university, and it is safe to say that a brilliant future await him in th v.r:l 1 of music for which he has such a talent. The program of the operetta has a handsome half-tone c: the composer in its pages. Still Very Sick. From 5:i tn rl a Vo pal'v. Clans Iloetel, who was taken sick f-evcial days ago hy a severe attack of the ;rrippe is reported as showing very little si.ns of improvement ami nis co'untion is stun as to cause his 'Y.mily much apprehension of an at tack of pneumonia which in his weak o.ned condition and aovancetl age makes it very serious. Mrs. Doete i aho suffering from a very had case of the grippe. CALLED TO BROKEN BOW m ACCOUNT OF ILL- NESS OF SISTER r'rom Saturday's Dally. This morning C. H. Vallery ani Walter Vallery departed on the early Iluvlington train for Uroken Bow Neb., where they were called by the seiious illness of their sister, Mrs. Carl Seiglcr. The message was re coived yesterday afternoon too late of the Messrs. Vallery to leave on the evening train and they were compelled to wait until this morning before leav ing for the bedside of the sister. An ether brother, J. R. Vallery, is out in the state on his ranch and all efforts (o reach him by t?!phone faild, as it was desired that he join his brothers in their journey to the sister's bedside It will be the source of great regret to the many friends of Mrs. Seigler in this county to learn of her serious condition. School Teachers Visit Shops. From Saturday's Pall. . This morning a large number of the fair young school teachers of the county who were attending the special leading circle made a visit to the Bur lington shops where they spent an hcur locking over the different sights cf this great establishment which is operating in full blast turning out material and cars for use on the sys tem. The only drawback of the oc casion was the illness of one of the young men clerl:3 in the repair de partment, which prevented him acting as guide for the party. $100 Reward, $100 The n-uil.-rs of this ihtt will ho nlf',l to I'-aru tlmt tlicrc Is at l'-iist ont dreaded dls.'a- that si'lfiiPi lias liceti able to rur In all lt Mairos, and that N Cutarrti. llall a Catarrh Cure 1 tho only positive cure uiw kuonn tu the nied-l'-al fraternity. Catarrh lieinif a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Halls Catarrh Cure Inkcn Ini.rnulu- m.tli.i, directly nixin the and mucous Mirfnre of the nvHteiii. tLcrebr desf riirliin- Din f.,,n f't the disease, and pIvliiR the patient strenKtb hy buildiiiK up the constitution and assisting na- rn much faith In It ciirativn min-xru thnt- th ui- in uoiiiir irs wr. 'i no nronnorora nnva offer One Hundred I)o!ar for any case that It tans it cure. M'Dd ror list or testimonials. Address F. J. criEXEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists. 75c. Take Hail' Family FUls fox conaUpatloo. New ties every week the hard io get colors The "Pace 5 and other S3. 50 to jEGREE of honor en joy PLEASANT MEET ING LAST EVENING From Friday'? Daily. Last evening the members of the Degree of Honor enjoyed a very pleasant meeting at their lodge rooms in the A. O. U. V. building, which was cjuite largely attended by a large number of the membership of the order. Mrs. Mayme Cleaver of Lin coln, grand chief of honor of tho De gree of Honor, was a visitor with the lodge and gave a short address to the membership which was much enjoyed and added greatly to the pleasures of the evening. The evening was also j made very pleasant by a most ele lightful program, which had been pre pared in honor of th.e event. The De gree of Honor is one of the leading , fraternal orders of the city and its meeting last evening was one of the rarest pleasure as well as interest to! nil of the members present, who, de spite the stoimy weather conditions, had jrathcred to irreet their chief of honor and enjoy the gathering that had been arranged lor their benefit. The musical program given was one of exceptional worth and every one of the young people taking part ac quitted themselves in fine shape and their efforts were appreciated to the utmost. Piano numbers were given by Catherine Waddick, Bajeck and Ruth Moffett, which demonstrated the talent of these yovng ladies, while Robert Kroehler gave a very delight ful violin solo, the accompaniment be ing played by Miss Elizabeth Bajeck, and this added very much to the pleasures of the evening. Dainty and delicious refreshments were served at a suitable hour, adding a great deal to the enjoyment of those in attend ancc. LADIES MEET IN A KENSING TON AT HENRY OFE HOME From Saturday's Dally. The ladies on Wintersteen Hill held a most delightful afternoon party and kensington yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Henry Ofe. The ladies brought their fancy work and spent the afternoon in a most delightful manner, plying the busy needle while sociability reisrnetl . supreme. At a suitable time a most delicious and dainty luncheon was provided by the hostess, which was likewise most thoroughly enioved. An hour or so devoted to a little further social time and then the guests departed for their homes, very much indebted to the hostess for the delightful afternoon they had spent. Those in attendance were Mesdames A. T. Fitt, John Schulhof, Fred Kiss ing, John Weyrich, Altman, Mattie lerold, Percy Fieldo and Henry Ofe. Hank Foolishness. You occasionally see it stated that colds do not result from cold weather, That is rank foolishness. Were it true colds would be as prevalent in miusumemr as in mmwineei. , T I microbe that causes colds flourishes in lamp cold weather. To get rid of a ml.? fnkfi Chamberlain's Cough Rem- edv. It is effectual and is highly rec- ommended by people who have used it ing of each day and gives ample op for many years as occasion reciuired, portunity to everyone to attend. and know its real value. Obtainable everywhere. P. H. Meisinger, jr., was in the city Saturday for a few hours attending to some trading with the merchants and visiting with friends and relatives. The Hat that This Seasons Most Successful Model made by Jno. B. Stetson Co. for this Store. The new Spring Stetsons are here and among them one special model made specially for us. This model is the "Angle so named because it looks good from any angle. It has distinctive style and character and is adapted to all ages from I 7 to 70. A dozen different men can wear it in as many different ways the col lege fellow with a bit of a care free air the young business man with as smart a dent as you please, or the more sedate with a"just so" crease. It comes in pearl, seal, moselle, glen gray, marine and black with band to harmonize or match. It is becoming to 90 men in 100. It is the hat of the season. Standard Stetson Quality in all sizes at $4. maker' new models S5, C. E. Wescott's Sons REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ft WW E. A. Lorenz, et ah, to C. H. Fuller, part NE quarter 14-12-13. Consideration . .?(J,000.00 John Uerggann to T. E. Todd, part NE quarter 3- 12-13. Consideration .... 8,750.00 Mrs. V. L. Pickett to J. W. Elliott, part SW quarter 3H-13-13. Consideration .. 8,000.00 J. II. Be'cker to Mary A. Kaffenberger, south half NYV quarter 24-12-12. Consideration 1.00 R. M. Wiles to T. L. Wiles, noith half NE quarter, 20-11-13; part NW quar ter 20-11-13. Considera tion 29,500.00 William Sheehan to Charles Ward, SW quarter, part west half SE quarter 18- 11-12. Consideration 2(3,950.00 I. N. Woodruff to C. F. Pool, et ah, NW quarter, part SW quarters, NE quarter, part NE quarter, SW quarter 35-11-11. Con- is;leration 2o000.00 William Edgar to B. W. Gib son, SW quarter 13-11-11. Consideration 18,000.00 P. E. Hay to G. A. Bird. NW quaiier SW quarter 1G-10-11. Consideration 0,000,00 Sarah A. McCroi y to A. H. Waltz, lots 1, 2 and 3, block 1), Elmwood. Con sideration 2,550.00 Henry Bickert, et ah, to C. P. Hall, S7 quarter, ST quarter, 20-10-10. Con sideration 4.S00.00 Dr. J. M. Neeloy to Emil Bornemeier, ea?t half NW quarter, 7-10-10. Consid eration 13,200.00 C. J. Sack to George Ruff, part SW quarter 5-10-9. Consideration 0,115.00 !THE FORTHCOMING CASS COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION The committee having in charge the management of the forthcoming dis trict conventions of the Cass County Sunday School association are very busy arranging for the meetings, which will be held on April 4, 5 and G in this county. The first district, com posed of the Sunday schools of Platts- mouth. Cedar Creek, Mynard, Murray and Union, will meet at Plattsmouth I .i -i ii.. i On April -lin, wuue ins seeeuiu uisuau will hold their session on April 5th at j Weeping Water, and the third district j on April 6th at Wabash. The program committee is arrang ing to have splendid meetings at each of these places and speakers and teachers whose thoughts cannot but be an inspiration io tne memners oi the Sunday schools will be present to irniA i ma v.'nrmrs tno npnpnr. nr inp r - experience and thought on the ques- tions that pertain to the advancement of this line of work. Ine meetings will be held in the afternoon and even- Methods ot improving ana auvanc- I. . a. a I Ml I mg the organization work win oe taken up, as well as the discussion ot the Cass county work in attaining the i desired goal in increase in member- (ship by the time of the assembling I of the state convention at alls City makes a Hit! See our hat window. "EVERYBODY'S STORE. 19 in June, when the different Sun jay schools of the state will review their work of gaining the increa.-e which was determined cn at the last siata convention. The Plattsmouth Sunday 5-chools and teachers are getting ready to tak an active part in the district meeiir.g which will be held in this city, and will he well represented at all ses sions. How to Prevent Croup. When the child is subject to attack-; of croup, see to it tha: he eats a light evening meal, as an overloaded stom ach may bring on an attack, also watch for the first symptom hoarse ness and give Chamberlain's Ceujzh Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse. Obtainable evei vwhere. Card of Thanks. We desire to vpress our thc'.rk and appreciation for the beautif;.! flowers sent by the Degree of Hor." lodge. I am up and feeling much bet ter, but am not very rpry yet. MRS. JOHN MAURER. ' Route 1, Plattsmouth, Neb. Sign of Gocd Digestion. When you see a cheerful and happy old lady you may know that she ha gootl digestion. If your digestion is impaired or if you do not relish your meals take a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets. They strengthen the stom ach, improve the digestion and cause- gentle movement of the bowels. Obtainable everywhere. STETSON Hats Have Become a Part of Literature Great writers make atmos phere for their characters bv having them Wear 51LI b(Jl Hats. fJ , .Harold rSfll Vvnuhf envc - - "I use Stetson in my stories because the public associates Stetson with Genuineness and Quality. "The idea of Stetson strength ens the reader's conception of the character of the man who wears the hat." CpDJMP STFTSONS - - are here, bright and cheery as Spring itself. Our service is prompt your choice will bo quick and satisfactory. Manhattan Shirts Cariart Ovcraslls Stetson Hats Hansen Glozes 7" J 0 X I T : I