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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1916)
PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PACE S. NEW SUBMAR1NI IT "," W -I DC U u n UMivirHiiiN Dtumd i ry Plattsmouth First rl r on slightly soiled AMERICAN LADY Corsets. These are all good models taken out of our regular stock. IN THE WAR ZONE Japanese Baskets! This is your opportunity to procure one of these artistic and useful baskets at bargain prices. A variety of sizes and shapes at 10 and 25c each. Germany and Austria Now Will Sink Armed Ships Without Warning. NO VICTIMS REPORTED YET House Dresses and Kimonas 98c These are our regular $1.25 Dresses and Kimonas. Just a few of them at this price. rmu 12 .J& CORSETS JCa For ease and grar e of figure, good wear and satitfuo tion. Let us fit you with an Alberta-SJ.OO up. H NNICHSEN, n Fhonc 53 end 54 We Like to Serve Patrons of Knights and Dunlap Signet Stars London, March 1. Germany's new submarine decree, sanctioning attacks Albert Leo Corsets without warning: on belligerent armed merchant ships, went into effect at We guarantee their ht, style and midnight, but no reports of torpedo- seruice. Models for the stout ings under the new decree are expect- firYiiY-e . i i r a r r a . . i I eu ueiure iweiiiy-iuur or luriy-eigm DC ,J3 pans a xnmfl 5 N B K HP TO BE GIVEN AT TH! T HAS 2sa L Saturday Night, March 4 A Grand Good Time Assured ADMISSION 25c Music by Holly's Orchestra IMPRESSIVE WEDDING SERVICE AT PARSONAGE OF ST. PAUL'S CHURCH A very simple and impressive wed ding occurred yesterday afternoon at the parsonage of the St. Paul's Evan gelical church when Rev. J. II. Steger united in the bonds of holy wedlock Mr. William Kehne and Miss Elizabeth True, both of whom resided near this city. The beautiful ceremony of the church was used in the uniting of these the most estimable young peo ple and the wedding was witnessed by Miss Louise Kehne, a sister of the groom, and Mr. Fred Beuchler, as bridesmaid and best man. After the ceremony the young people departed for their home on the farm west of the city where they will reside in the future. Both of the contracting par ties are among the best known and most popular young people in this sec- hours. Twelve hours after the decree be came effective, word reachetl London of the sinking of the West Hartlepool steamer Tornaby, all of whose crew was killed or drowned, but there was nothing to indicate that she was a victim of the new campaign. The Thornaby displaced 1,782 tons and was 258 feet long. She was built in 1882. The 1,222-ton Swedish steamer Tor- borg has been sunk in the Mediter ranean by an Austrian submarine. The crew took to boats and was land ed at Leghorn, Italy. Offer to Ket Liners Will Be Warned. Some shipping men regard the new order as a bluff and offer to bet large sums that no passenger liner, armed or not, will oe torpeuoeu witnout warning, utners, made uneasy by re ports that the Germans have turned loose a great fleet of U boats for a spectacular campaign, expressed con cern for the safety of merchantmen crews anu lor passengers aboard liners. The first great tragedy is expected in the Mediterranean, where the num ber of Austrian and German submar- sibles has been greatly increased re cently. Through this zone are passing armed Italian passenger-carrying liners. Here Are British Instructions. To meet the German charge that British merchantmen have been in structed to attack submarines on $3.50 to $5.00 Special front lace for slender figure $2.50. The new summer eirdle, $2.50 We Fit Them' One must be comfortable to look well. and it will .surprise you how good you will feel, with your corset on, when it is properly fitted. Come in tomorrow and let us explain the merits of a model suited to your figure. No charge for fittinir. J! t li f r Hair Goods First quality human hair switches. We of fer these high grade goods at very reas onable prices. Gray switches, 22 inches long, price See us about your wire now before prices get too high. We have in stock a large quantity of the American wire, at the RIGHT prices. Sunra MM V.. " CLEARANCE SALE ON LACE OORTAiNS! A NNO UXCEM EXTS. We offer a large lot of Odd Curtains, an accumulation of many different patterns-, in Cuble Nets, Nottinghams, I Ruffled Swiss Curtains, at a clearance pi ice. We start these at from 19c, For State Senator. I will be a candidate for the demo cratic re-nomination for state senator from the district composed of Cass end Otoe counties, subject to the will i of the voters, at the primaries on Ajril JOHN MATTES, Nebraska City. .'.fit $9 Ash to see them mm 29c. 39c, 49c. 69c to 9Sc each. If" you are needing an odd Curtain or an odd pair of Curtains, this is a rare opportunity. We have a special Ruffled Swiss Curtain at, per pair, 69c. You cannot get the material in them for SI. 00. ZUCKWEILEH & LUTZ. OFT OF THE U ACE. tion and their friends all join in wish- sight, the British government is con- Only Dependable Goods THE FIRST M ARRIVES AT THE ALBERT WHEELER MM UNIQUE BULLETIN BOARD Irl WINDOW OF PLATTS MOUTH STATE BANK The rr.ary friends of Mr. and Mrs. A": e: t Wheer throughout the coun ty will it-Vice to learn that they ar ? the proud parents cf a fine new .- r; and heir wh;ch arrived at their !.. rr.e in Muiray or. Fiiday. February l!". The little son is as fine a little rr.ap as tan Lc? found anywhere in the v-i,?!d. i.r.J Lcir. ihf first boy in the f.T-.i!y is certainly the boss of every- ri-. frm Grandpa W. D. Wheeler t'-iwr. to the auls and uncles of the y r.jr man. The friends will extend j :h :r t urratu'ation.s and best wishes' t!:e happy pr.rer.ts for the future v.;-;faro f the voung heir of the Whether family. Farm Position Wanted. Man with family wants pcistion on fa:m. with residence. Lifetime ex perience :n work. Inquire of II. M. Cfrr.ry. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. The Presbyterian Light Bearers' society has a unique bulletin board displayed in the window of the Platts- mouth State bank. Tnis organization cf children under 15 years of age is a missionary organization. Their motto is, "For Others." They are studying a book of travel through non-Christian lands, and each meeting is an nounced as a boat trip leaving the dock at 3 o'clock on the first Saturday cf each month. So their bulletin board is a steamship time table. The dec orative work represents the countries and people they have seen on the way. Two of their own number are the artists, Miss Alice Pollock and Carl Wurl. The bulletin board is attract ing a great deal of attention. It is a veiv neat little niece of advertising. Read the Evening Journal, rer.ts a week. Only 10 ing'them. a long and happy married life and one free from care and trou bles that might come to them. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John True, residing northwest of this city, and a most charming young lady, while the groom is the son of Fred Kehne, one of the prominent farmers of Plattsmouth precinct, and he is a young man that is held in high regard for his many splendid traits of charac ter. Such an estimable couple- cer tainly deserves all the hapiness possi ble and their friends will rejoice to learn that in the future they will take up life's journey together. At the Kehne home last evening the bridal couple were serenaded by a large number of their friends and out of the three different delegations vis iting there the first one composed of ladies proved to be the most pleasing in their demonstrations. It's only the paper line that will be found at the Journal office, but this line will be found complete. Come in and see. MISS RUTH MELEURN OF PLATTSMOUTH MARRIED IN OMAHA YESTERDAY Saturday Evening, March 4th GIVEN AT THE SMI Last Dance Before Lent Music by PLATTSMOUTH ORCHESTRA EVERYBODY CORDIALLY INVITED Yesterday in Omaha occurred the marriage of Miss Ruth Melburn and Mr. Daniel Weyenberg, both of this city. The wedding was a very quiet one and attended only by Mrs. W. T. Melburn, mother of the bride, who, following the ceremony, returned home to this city. Mr. and Mrs. Weyenberg ' enjoyed a short visit in Omaha and ! will depart tomorrow for Norfolk, where they will visit for a short time before leaving for Chicago where they j will make their home in the future. The wedding came as quite a surprise , to the friends of the young people in I this city, but they will take with them in their new home the hearty best wishes for their future happiness. The groom has been making his home in this city for the past year and during this time has made many warm friends by his splendid traits of char acter. The bride is the only daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Melburn and is a young lady of more than us ual charm of personality who will be greatly missed by a large circle of acquaintances in this city. Woman's Auxiliary, Notice! The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Luke's parish will meet with Mrs. E. . W. Cook on Thursday evening, March 2, at 8 o'clock. Miss Thraite, a mis sionary from Africa, will talk on her J country, and a full attendance of the ! members of the parish, especially the I men, is requested. templating making known the exact contents of admiralty instructions to merchantmen. Lord Robert Cecil, new minister of blockade, declares that the German statement is false. British instructions direct that the commander of a merchantman ap proached by a submarine shall re strain his tire until the submarine is within 800 yards. Germans assert this is proof of merchantmen's aggres- ive intentions. The British govern ment contends that this passage, when read in connection with another para graph, shows clearly that armed trading ships are to act only on the defensive. The submarine's approach to within 800 yards, it was held, clearly creates a presumption that it is about to attack. 54 Torpedoed Without Warning. The admiralty has announced that, up to this year, forty British and four teen neutral ships have been tor pedoed without warning, and that several others doubtless were victims of submarines. O ALLIES ANSWER U. S. IN ITS PROTEST ON SEIZURES OF MAIL When cue wakes with stiff back, pains in muscle;;, aches in joints, or rheumatic twinges, he cannot do his be. t. If you feel out of the race, ti:cd. languid, or have symptoms of kidney trouble, act promptly. Foley Kidneys Pills help the kidneys get rid of poisonous waste matter that causes trouble. Sold everywhere. For County Sheriff. We are authorized to announce the candidacy of John. Wunderlich for re 1 omination for the office of sheriff of Cass county, subject to the will of the voters at the primaries on April 18th. For Stale Senator. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for state senator on the repub lican ticket from Cass and Otoe coun ties, subject to the will of the voters c,t the primary election. ANDREW P. MORAN. Fancy stationery in different vari eties at the Journal office. Come and fr us when you want stationery. B3G HflTGHES! On One Gallon of Oil One Filling of Tank! t li V VO ! Mcnli'itir; nt'i "! iit'i liiu'lio-t uveiM;:t' iiati'ln-. Li- k T . i - - London, March 1. The Anglo French answer to ths protest of the canst' rciilcr lifiit oven t';ijn'r:it lire- llint: i -'!as ii j.Mts f't'i's. tlu r piom et-r ami in ilaii siirlit . s:tvi lit; lain ;r. Oil tan). lltfMf! lull (kll.. fillilur f.ifi.ri United States regarding the seizure of tire hati-h. i-'iair.i' rT.-rulator .... .... . . . s:i vc .'5 t i 'a I ii nis u I ititv mails in transit between America and hat. !i. llati-iiin-.-..-, t ami n.nncy makine I In ink on ifitii-t. Writ'- for llu-m ami new ' i-at a'.otr. (.'all o:i or :illrfss S3 9 For County Sheriff. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for sheriff of Cass county on the democratic ticket, subject to the will of the voters at the primary April 18th. G. H. MANNERS. For County Attorney. I wish to announce to the voters of Cass county that I have filed on the democratic ticket for the office of county attorney. I will appreciate your support and if elected will do my best to fill the office faithfully. J. A. CAPWELL. Europe will be delivered in the imme diate future, according to official an nouncement last night. The reply will take the form of a French memorandum in which Great Britain has concurred. It will be com municated to the United States by both the French and British ambas sadois at Washington. An identical memorandum will be sent to all other neutral countries. OSCAR tfiLSOtf, Piatfsmoii!!i, Neb. For State Senator. I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the office of state sen ator at the primaries held on April 18th, subject to the will of the repub lican voters of the district, composed of Cass and Otoe counties. A. F. STURM, Nehawka, Nebraska. K. S. Dance Saturday. Big Wolf Hunt. Saturday evening the K. S. society will give a very pleasant social dance at their hall on west Locust street and extend to the public a cordial invita tion to be present. The dance will be the last one given before Lent com mences and there will be no more un til after Easter. Remember the oc casion and be present without fail. The Plattsmouth orchestra will fur nish the music .for the dance and everyone who enjoys a good dance should be present to take part in this the last dance before Lent. T. C3. POLLOCK Real Estate Insurance Farm Loans Buick-Dealer Office and Salesroom RILEY BLOCK Tel. No. 1. - Plattsmouth o 13 mbroicteries- Next Monday, March Gth, there will be a big wolf hunt in Eight Mile Grove neighborhood, commencing at the lit- j tie brick school house west of Mynard, j running five miles south and five miles j west, taking in twenty-five sections; the west line will be on the road I where the German Lutheran church is; the south line will be one mile south j of the Murray road. We expect to round up on the Charles Beverage farm. Everybody is urged to take a hand in this hunt and to be vt the meeting places at 0:30 sharp so as to get our men lined up and be ready to start with the signal at 10 o'clock. Bring your shotguns, but be sure and leave your rifles at home, as they are strictly forbidden. For further in formation call James Terryberry, Adam Schafer, Ern Young, Jim Hill, Nick Friedrich, Albert Young, Her man Wohlfarth or Philip Hild. A Rare Dancing Treat. On next Saturday night the old timers will gather at the T. J. Sokol hall for their annual ball, and one of the biggest times of the dancing sea son is being looked forward to by all the lovers of dancing. The dance, however, will not be confined to the old-timers, as there will be all of the latest dances played and everyone can have the time of their lives. To the older persons the occasion will furnish the opportunity of appoaring in the costumes of old Bohemia. Read the want ads in the Journal. t Tims now to begin Spring sewing, and muslin under wear will make a good starter for the list, we are pre pared to show you a complete line of new embroi deries in a wide range of choice patterns, featuring open effects and convent edges. : i El One special lot of fine Nainsook embroideries in a good showing of open patterns, yard 10c 9 and 12-inch fine Nainsook embroideries, yard 15c 18-inch flouncings attractive styles. Prices range yard 25c, 30c, 35c, 50c and 60c Corset Cover Embroideries, yard 20c, 25c, 30c and 35c Dainty Allover Embroideries for infant's yokes and dresses, yard 40c, 75c and $1.00 Organdie Embroideries, suitable for collar and cuff patterns, yard 15c and 25c Organdie Flouncings in a really wonderful collection of rare and beautiful patterns, 18-inches wide 40c yard -1 27-inches wide $1.00 yard 45-inches wide for 75c up to $2.25 yard See west window embroidery display DOVEY Value! Quality! Service!