The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 02, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 191 fi.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If any of tlie readers of the
Journal know of any soeial
fvciuor Item of im'r!t In
this vicinity, and will mail
same to i his oflii-e. It will ap
pear under this headintr. We
waut all ncwsiteois Editoh
U I i I I I M 'I t i'
E ? j fiJ
? aiirnrnnnnn U
-g . I II b&&fl fi n ,
i ' i i
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
Read Hintt & Tutt's ad in this issue
of the Journal.
Have you read the Iliatt & Tutt
ad this wo?k? It will interest you.
II. C. Crtamtr made a business trip
to South. Omaha Wednesday morning.
Al. Rartlett was- looking after suns
business- matters in Omaha Wednes
day. I 'at Campbell is moving this week
to the John Campbell farm west cf
M in ford & Creamer shipped a iar
ioid f cattle to South Omaha Tues
day ever.inir.
Uncle Gtorge Shrader was looking
after seme business matters in iv'e
l.;aa Cii" Wednesday.
Enoch Meorelar.d departed last Sat
urday for his old home in Missouri
wh?re he was called owing to the
death of hs father.
John Edmunds and nephew, C!ia.
Ferguson, of Wv'viilmr were looking
-Tier some business matters in the
county seat Monday of this veo'.
Moving seems to be the order of the
day in .Murray at the present, time.
.March first sees all that are making a
change for the season pretty bu .".
Ed. Gansemer came down from
Auction Sales a Specialty. Five Years Experience.
If you have anything to sell at
auction, vnle us fcr dates.
Phone Platts. 212. W. R. YOUNG, Msynard, Neb.
Omaha last Friday and after spend
ing Saturday and Sunday with home
folks he returned to Omaha Monday
I. M. Davis is now the ofner f
the oh! Iavis homestead, consisting of
120 aeies. Meek having purchased the
remain!!!!.- eighty acres of the heirs
i tiie l as' few davs.
Mr. and Mrs. W. (I. Ilacdeker wvnt
to Omaha Wednesday morniiir, where
Mrs. I'cedeker was placed in Ce hos
pital for a surgical operation that
be performed on Thur--day morning.
(Ins Minnear ami family mov d to
their new home down rear Un u on
Wednesday of this week. It is with
regrets that the Murray people so
Look over the Iliatt & Tutt bargain
ad this week.
Services at Lewis-ton chtrrch Sun
lay, March T, al 3 p. in.
Arnold Nims spent Saturday and
Sunday with Lee Nickels.
Mrs. E. R. (uten was looking after
business in Plattsmouth Friday.
C. W. Tinner was looking after
business in Plattsmouth Monday.
Pe sure and attend the coifee at the
library next Saturday afternoon.
Oscar McDonald of M unlock was in
Muriay Wednesday of this week.
Jce Marcsak had a very sick horse
this week at the Rhoden barn in Mur
ray. Mrs. Levi Rusterholtz has been
slumbered with the sick for the past
this excellent fa mi
leave their
Mi-s Opha Raker was
irouth visitor la Sr.turda-
ls still
! Mrs. John LVbseheidt,
numbered with r n sLk.
Miss Esther Rice was a Piatts-! The little child of Mr- and
2.-..u:h visitor last Saturday. Gh'n 1tri'-v llas bte;i Hite sick for the
: past few da s.
M-.nt Shrader and Aicx Camnbdl I , ., , . ...
f. . - - i.e..-' I T'ie l'tle cmld of Mr. and Mrs.
v.cre Omaha visitors lart Satin n.-.v. .. , ....
Jllari-y ( re-.wner lu'.s een ski: lor the
Ii. II. I. Hrt-ndcl and -JanvM L a---h- past few da-s.
i.-:e v ere m:.ha v:s:t.i s riKMiav
I D. Iliait was lookinjr aft
business matters in IMattsm tli and
Cnriha edr.ediy of this wet!:.
Nick Klaurens, iro.o near NVhawka,
-R is in Muriay .Nbmd.iy (,f this wrcl ,
l ''.Tiz on to I'latts'.. ...ill. where i.e
liad some busine-s matters u 1 oh
Uncle Abe Mast. residing1 four m ies
west of Murray, has been very sick
for the past few days, and at this
time his condition is quite serious.
Owing to his advanced years, but lit
tle hopes are entertained for his re-if'Verv.
The little s-n of Mr. ard Mrs.
Cornelius Her: no n has beer: tjuile .sick
far the rast few days.
Krr.eft Ahrens and daughter. Miss
Elsie, and two nephews from Iowa,
carre t;n from the Ahrens h' nie near
Nh:.w!.a Tuesday for a ?r:c:' viit
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Louis Puis and family finished
moving into their fine new heme in
Murray on Monday of this week, and
are now comfortably located in one
of the most modern homes in town.
Fred Meisinger, who will farm the
Puis place this year, moved Monday
Look your feet over
If you don't need them right now you will
soon, and don't forget we handle your kind of
a shoe Mayer Barn Yard and many other
good work shoes,
$2.75 to $4.00
Shedding time
is almost here, and . you will soon shed that
winter cap for a hat. Any old price, color,
shape or style. Stetson and other good ones.
TTTT0 j i
h ma "Hi i
Al. Bartlett sold hi; team, bu.y;-;y
and hari:e. s to Lute Hall, and he will
de part '(. fore part of next woe'e for
C.dy. Texas, where he will lake
,-liargt" of an S iO-acre farm be!-.i!.i.!r...r
to hi- father.
O. V. Virgin and family departed
Tuesday morning for Dunbar, wheie
ihey wi!i makr their future home, hav
ing rented a farm in that locality.
Chas. Read and George Gibson rssi '.
cl Mr. Virgin ia moving his goods.
Murray will saoa have a genuine
full-fledged basket bali team. They
have hehl one meeting for the r
pose of organizing, and another v. d1
be held on ncx1- Saturday evening t
c--m?'.3ite the orgiaiization, and then
they will be looking for games.
V rank Mrasek and familv moved! day to the Ciu;-.. J!eedeker farm
vest of Murray, where- they will
make their future heme. Ernest
Klehter and family, f : ra near My-
'".ai.J, moved to on- of -.he Doedeker
pl-H-es in the same locality, the latier
pare of last week.
Jake Smith ar.d Poy Gregg arrived
from Minnesota with their car of
goods last Saturday, their families
having arrived several days before.
They think they will make Cass co-jn-ty
their home for the coming sum
no r at least. They say they have
enough of Minnesota.
H. C. Ci earner . hipped a car of
stoclc to the Soath Omaha market
K. L. Kiss was looking after busi
ness matters ia I'lattsmouth Wednes
day evening.
Tlie Pica Urothers of P!attmouth
were doing seme plastering in Murray
FOR SALE Good twin Indian
Motorcycle. For sal-? or trade.
D. C. IlhoJen.
Mrs. E. Kniss has been quite sick
lor the past few days, suffering with
the grippe and neuralgia.
Nick Friedrich went to Omaha last
Saturday for a biief visit with Mr.
and .Mrs. Fred Schafer at the? hospital.
Miss Sophie Ulrich. teacher of the
To id district school, has been sick for
the past week and. was compelled to
ltturn to her home in I'latt.-mouth.
James Hill, who accidentally hot
one tf his toes orF some weeks ago,
has almost entirely recovered anil i
i:r.w looking after his work around the
D. C. Rhoden went to Omaha Wed
nesday, where he consulted D. Gif
fortl in regard to his eyes, which have
been troubling him for the past few
Chris T.-cherrin was in Murray
Moralay of this week, c.-ming !o,n ta
make a visit of a few hours with
and .Mrs. Albert Wheeler.
Mrs. Cha. ?Iutz, whr went to Oma
ha lat week with Mrs. Allie Leon
r.rd, who was operated upon I'riday,
returr.ed lu-me Saturday. The pa
tient is reported as getting along
nicely at this time, ami will no doult
scon be restored to her former health.
The Applegate players, one of the
'excellent theatrical aggregations on
!t!:e v..d loJay, will hold a three
ni -Jits' engagement at the I'uls ti
(ianserner hall, in .Murray, on Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday nights of
(this week. The Anideeate idavers
have been in Murray before, and have
always given the very best of satis
faction, and will no doubt be greeted
with good houses on this return en
gagement. There will be a social
dance given after the Sat unlay even
ing performance. The company car
ry an excellent orchestra that will
furnish the music for the dance.
Jasper Queen is enjoying a Keige of
the mumps.
Pe sure and attend the coffee at the
library Saturday.
Frank Dugay spent. Sunday with
Guy Stokes near Union'.
Warren Wiley was transacting busi
ness in Plattsmouth Tuesday.
OMhams .--hipped another Duroc
gilt Tuesday to Wellfleet, Neb.
Will Oliver and wife were guests of
John Hendricks and wife Sunday.
Nick Klaurens of Nehawku was
visiting Murray friends Monday.
A. D. Clink and family spent Sun
day with F. T. Wilson and family.
A. I. Crunk and wife were Platts
mouth visitors the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith were
Plattsmouth visitors Thursday even-
i ii-;:.
Mildred, the infant daughter of
Harry Creamer and wife, is among the
sick this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Farris were vis
iting with Plattsmouth friends last
Sat u : day evening.
Martin Spoier, who is attending
chool in Plattsmouth, has. been at
home sick for the pa.-t few days.
Adam Ilild, frm near Mynard, was
in Muriay Monday of this week visit
ing with his daughter, Mrs. Louie
W. A. Scott is repapering the build
ing he recently bought from Col.
Jenkins. Albert Young i--? doing the
wo i k.
Mrs. O. A. Davis and Mrs. Harriett
Pitman were Onaha visitors Fi'ulay;
also visiting with Mrs. Perry at the
Gallant Rakes and wife went to
Omaha Tut -day, where their son wi'.l
undergo an operation at one of the
Mr. Swatek, of the firm of Pestor
Swatek, was looking after some
business matters in Murray Wednes
day of this week.
Al Darth'tt drove tr Union Monday,
wheie he dispo-e:l of his line driving
team and buggy. Al leaves for Texas
in tin near future.
Mrs. Margaret P.rendel and Mrs.
Mira McDonald will give the coffee
at the library next Saturday, March
4th. Re sure and attend.
y.: and Mrs. II. G. Todd, both o
whom are ia the ho pital in Oniah
recovering from surgical operations
a:e getting along nicelv and will soon
be aide to return home.
Philip Keil says he has finally fm
i.-hed tiie butchering task for this lo
the I Jest van ever saw at jrir-. lliaf arc al lntt-ly
All kinds .if ( ollars and PaK aid -I lani'--.-. Ic;-airs.
.' int" mj iur
vuur li'N
k'c-x Val'ide-, II-," Oiler-: noiliin bc-i-
I'aw'fk'i's uiilcr a paoitivc jnat an!'
I'owcr Washers ami IJm.1: viand a
full lint at ail times. Let us I,ti' v
mm (tur !et tM serve Mti.
l a miimiiiv 1 14 and
miik- in and
I .urines. c
Mnr need- and
carry a
we will
Murray Hardware and Implement Go.
Another Rig Wolf Hunt.
'Jhreshing Machine for Sale.
Philip is the boss bu teller c
Mrs. Glen Perry, who is still in the
hospital at Omaha recovering from
an operation for appendicitis, is get
ting along nicely and from all pres
ent indications .she will be able to re
turn home within the next week or
ten days. This will be well received
tidings to her many friends.
Ern Carroll and family arrived in
Murray from Plainview, last Si.nda
evening, and are preparing to take on
their future home down near Weep
mg Water. C. E. Can oil is assistiag
his son in tran.sfii-;.g his goods to
the new home, wh e Mrs. Carroil
remaining in .uurray until they get
located in the new quarters.
Chas. McReynolds is the man that
has been doing the great big business
in the wolf line. While it took scv
eral men with a lot of shotguns and
plenty of ammunition to run down
iour woives, cnarley remained at
home with his trusty old traps, and
has succeeded in catehinjr the same
number in them.
The Roya! Highlanders are making
quite a gain in this locality through
the work of Deputy Bailey, who has
been here in the interests of said or
der for the past few weeks. Another
class will be taken into the order on
next Tuesday evening at the regular
meeting of the lodge at the SI. W. A.
Hall. All members are requested to
be present.
these parts, and is usvally kept pretty
busy during the winter months.
Mrs. Fred Schafer. who was taken
to Omaha- Wednesday of last week
was operated upon Jhursuay lor ap
pend'ciLis. She is getting along very
nicely and all indications point to her
speedy re-eovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Patterson of
Alma, Neb., and Mr. and. Mrs. Harry
Long of South Rend were in Murray
last Saturday and Sunday visiting at
the homes of Dr. and Mrs. Gilmore
and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walker.
Oliver Lloyd has commenced work
with hi sawmill, beginning in the big
timber on the Dr. Hall place east of
Murray. Heie is some of the finest
looking lumber in Cass countv, and
of course it will make some very line
native lumber.
The afternoon coffee at the library
last Saturday afternoon, given by Mrs.
D. C. Rhoden and Mrs. Ted Barrows,
There were quite a number of was well attended. The attendance
friends and relatives gathered at the f ferns to be growing each Saturday.
home of Mr. and .Mrs. T. W. Vailerv and people are beginning to know-
last Saturday evening to assist Mr. "-ore about it, and find that the lunch
Vallery in appropriately celebrating -s al that one could wish for supper,
his oo'th birthday anniversary. The at aso furnishes a place to meet your
evening was spent in a most enjoya- friends and enjoy a social afternoon,
i i . . . .'. I
oie m tnner, me guests interesting P. R. Smith of PdoomfieM, Neb., ar
memseives in games, music and con- vivcci in Cass countv last Thursday
eisuion up to tlie Hour that all were for a few davs' visit with old friends
called to partake of a delicious oyster ;m,i relatives around the old home in
supper. Those present to enjoy the Murray and Plattsmouth. Pete says
evening wit.i Mr., and Mrs. allcry everything is looking pretty fair in
were: l.dward krugar, Galen Rho- his nart of the country. He is well
den, Glen Rhoden, Frank Vallery, , v.-ith th. north nnrf of the
Frank Ilogue, Will Seybolt, Mr. and Ftate. where he has made his home for
.Mrs. (,lcn Vallery, Mr. and Mrs. Tom tlie cast five or six years, and has
Tilson, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rhoden. been meeting with very good success.
Jake Smith. Misses Ei- u ,-ntvro.i lmino Thui-dn v nf ibis
week. The Journal acknowledges a
pleasant call from him.
There is another big wolf hunt
scheduled for this part of the county
to take place on next Monday. This
hunt is planned to take in a radius
of fve square miles, surroundine
Murray; commencing juc south of
Mynard on the north. It is desired
if possible to have o'iO men out n
this hunt, all with shotguns only, ar.d
make the grand round-up a genuine
winner. The wolves are becoming
.'lite numerous in the country, and
'ht-se voluntary hunts are about the
best way to get rid cf them. T'e.eie
was a hunt held out in the Sth.t"cr
neighborhood Tuesday that res i be 1
in the killing of four, ard many o .'il- s
were seen. Let every one that pa. -a-1
ly can join in one this occasion. ;a .l
see that a wholesale slaughter U made!
of the covotes.
What has been known as the Maple
Grove Thresher Co. have decided to
dispose of their outfit, consisting of
20 H. P. Compound Aultman & Tay
lor thresher and water tank and truck.
This machine is all in running order
for the field. The only reason for
selling is that half of the members
have left the community and wish to
dispose of their interests, and the re
maining members, realizing the situa
tion, decided to sell the outfit. For
pi ices and particulars, 'phone or call
en Fred Lutz, 'Phone No. 2214; L. II.
Young or Puis & Gansemer store,
Murray, Neb.
Please Call and Settle.
To Return From California.
Please call and settle your account
new, either by cash or note, or we
will he compelled to place the same
in other hands for collection.
Baker it Nickels.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spangler, who !
have been living in California for the
rast year, write that they will be
home the fore part of next week, and
will return to their old home near
Murray. This year of vacating and
pleasant time on the western coast has
no doubt been a great benefit to Mr.
and Mrs. Spangler and the many
frie nils in Murray and vicinity will
be pleased to see them home once
For Sale.
An extra good team of registered
Percheron. mares, both with foal.
Also a sta'lion, 3 years old. Call or
address, Chas. Countryman, Murray,
For Sale.
100 Subscriptions
for the Ladies Home Journal, $l.o0;
The Country Gentleman, 1.00; the
Saturday Evening Post, ?l.o0. See me
for full particulars about any maga
xino in special club offers. Francis
Cock, Agent, Murray, Neb.
Gordon, Deuel, Keith and Perkins
county land. Very good terms.
Bert Root, Murray, Neb.
Sawing Native Lumber.
For Sale.
100 acres of land, 1 miles east of
Murray; two sets of improvements;
all good farm land, except six acres
of timber. Lots of fruit on both the
places: 20 acres is in fall wheat; all
well fenced. Want to move to west-
rn Nebraska in the spring reason for
elling. Price and terms right. See
"rank Vallery, Murray, Neb. Tel 46,
Murray exchange.
R. L. Propst has his saw mill in
operation at Mynard. All desiring
any lumber sawed, bring in your logs
at once, as the mill will be moved as
soon as the yard is cleared of saw
logs. 2-2S-lwk-d&w
Letter files at the Journal office-
Many sick and tired women, with
aches and pains, sore muscles and stiff
joints, do not know that their kidneys
are out of order. Mrs. A. G. Wells,
Box 00, Route 5, Rocky Mount, N. C,
writes: I am taking l oley iviuney
Pills, and cannot praise them enough
for the wonderful benefit I derived in
such a short while." Sold everywhere.
Mr. and Mrs
la Lohnes, Elsia Lohnc.-, Fern Dill,
Effie Smith, Marjorie Vallery, My ill
ltice, Miss Rys, Messrs. John Rice,
Hershel Petty, Bill Petty, Clint Lane..
Robt. Troop, Barney Smith, Lester
Dill, Guy McGill, Chas. Vallery.
Leslie Hall Visits Murray Friends.
Immense Stock of
pring Goods are
Watch this space for your future needs
Celebrates Forty-sixth Birthday.
Lesslie Hall, formerly assistant
cashier to Chas. S. Stone in the Mur
ray State Bank, but for the past
Last Monday was our excellent eight or more years, interested in the
friend. Harmon Beck's fortv-sivth banking business down in UKianoma.
birthday anniversary, and in honor of was in Murray over Tuesday night
the occasion Mrs. Beck invited a few of this week. He has disposed of his
of the friends and neighbors to their banking interests in Oklahoma, and
home to assist Mr. Beck in dulv cele- was enroute to the home of his par-
brating the occasion. It was a most ents, in Stromsburg, Neb., where he
enjoyable occasion for all that were will make a brief visit. He expects
in attendance, and at the usual hour Mo locate in the same line ot ousmess
nn pvrpllpnt hmehpon th.ot. bnd Wn in Kansas within the near future.
- I . , , - ii i r :
prepared by Mrs. Beck was served. Those who met Leslie on mib une ,
The Journal joins with the many visit say that he is the same jovial
friends of Mr. Beck in wishing that good fellow of years ago, and his vis-
he may live to enjoy at least his it was a very
ninety-sixth anniversary. (whom he met.
Come in and try a pair of U. S. Patent Process
Rubber Boots.
tils & Gansemer,
4 6
I 1