The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 02, 1916, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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I 4
rAr.n z.
1 I
The Housekeeper's
A Universal Bread Mixer
makes Saturday's work a pleasure. The men are getting
everything possible to make
Try one of these mixers and be convinced of their superior
ity and time saving. We also have a good line of individ
ual Baking and Serving Cups. Prices right.
Our Motto: "Quality Not Quantity
Local News
From TuesJav's Dallv.
James Loughridge of Murray was
hero a few hours today en route from
III 3 home to Omaha to spend the day.
IVter Meisinger and wife from near
Cedar Creek were in the city today at
tending to some trading with the mer
chants. C. V. Valleiy, the road overseer of
Plattsmouth precinct, was in the city
Saturday attending to a few matters
t'f business.
Adam Meisinger of near Mynard
was in the city yesterday spending a
few hours looking after some matters
of business.
Theodore Amick came in this after
noon from his farm home in the vi
cinity of Mynard to visit with friends
for a few hours.
Meek Davis and wife of Murray
were in the city today for a few hours
looking after some trading and visit
ir.g with firends.
Arthur Troop was among those go
ing to Omaha this morning to visit
lor a few hours and look after some
matters of business.
Mrs. J. M. jirousok was a passeng
er this morning for Omaha, where she
will visit for the day with friends and
look after some matters of business.
F. G. Hull, wife and children re
turned home last evening from Maiy
ville. Missouri, wheie they have been
visiting for a few days with relatives
and friends.
John Edmunds of Murray was in
the city yesterday afternoon for a few
hours looking after some matters of
business at the court house and visit
ing with friends.
James Newasek was a passenger
this afternoon for Omaha where he
goes to take treatment there for rheu
matism from which he has been a
sufferer for some time.
C. C. Xeff and wife departed last
e vening on Xo. 2 for Purlington, Iowa,
where they were called by the serious
illness of Mrs. Mike I itzputi ick, a
sister of Mrs. XcfF.
Dr. E. D. Cummins departed this
afternoon for Lincoln where he will
join his family and expects to make
his home there in the future taking up
OH Taylor, full quarts $1.2.
Yellowstone, full quarts 1.2."
Greenbrier, full quarts 1.2.
Cedar Brook, full quaits 1.2."
T. W. Samuels, full quarts..'... 1.2.1
Oscar Pepper, full quarts 1.23
Bon.d & Lillard, full quarts 1.2-
Sunny Brook, full quarts 1.2.1
Green River, full quarts 1.2.1
Hill & Hill, full quaits 1.23
Guckenheimer Rye, full quarts.. 1.23
Schonk-y Rye, full quarts 1.2.1
Old Elk, full quarts 1.23
Old Bridgeport Rye, full quarts.. 1.23
Finch Golden Wedding Rye, full
quarts 1.2.1
Large Rye, full quarts- 1.2.1
Clarke's Pure Rye, full quarts.. 1.C0
Golden Sheaf, full quarts 1.00
Her's Pure Rye. full quarts 1.00
White Corn Whiskey, full quarts 1.00
Old Crow, short quarts 1.23
Old Hermitage, short quarts... 1.2.1
l our Quarts Shipped Prepaid.
r - A
One Full Gallon Old Federal Reserve Whiskey, 100 Proof $2.00
JjFree Imported China Coupons With Each Sale!
and Universal Cake Mixer
work easy, why not the women?
the practice of medicine.
County Commissioner C. E. Heeb
ner of Xehawka was here for a few
hours today en route to his home from
Omaha, where he has been looking
after some matters of business.
Mrs. E. M. Buttery departed this
morning for Omaha, accompanying
her sister, Mrs. Adair, that far on her
journey back to her home at Spring
field. Xeb., after a short visit here at
the Buttery home.
William CI. Pankonin and wife of
Louisville were in this city today
spending the day and Mrs. Pankonin
departed on Xo. 2 for the east, where
s-he will visit with relatives at Kala
mazoo, Michigan, for a short time.
From Wednesdays Dally.
Arthur B. Zimmerman of Omaha
was here today visiting his relatives
and looking after the interests of his
j insurance business.
Fred Kaffenberger was in the city
today from near Cedar Creek assist
ing in moving his father's household
goods in from the farm.
Adam Meisinger of near Mynard
was in the city today for a few hours
looking after some matters of busi
ness with the merchants.
John Fight was among those going
to Omaha this afternoon to spend a
few h-vjsr there with his daughter,
Mrs. Thomas Si.!!:vin and family.
L. D. Hiatt, tin Murray merchant,
was in the citv for a few hcurs today
en route to Omaha where he .'pent the
day looking after matters with the
wholesale houses.
Jack Pries and wife and Arthur
Parsons departed this morning for
Eddyville. Ia., to attend the funeral
of the late Mrs. Mary Parsons which
will le held tomorrow.
Creed Harris of near Union was in
the city for a short time today attend
ing to some matters of business and
departed on the early Burlington train
for Omaha to spend the day.
Glen Perry came in this morning
from his home near Murray and de
pa! ted on the early Burlington train
for Omaha, where h will spend the
day with his wife at the Presbyterian
M. (I. McQuinn of Union came up
to this city on the morning train and
Pay the
Green River
Cedar Brook
Old Taylor
Sunny Brook
Bond & Lillard . . .
Spring Hill
T. W. Samuels
Old Crow
Hill & Iliil
Guckenheimer Rye
Schenley Rye
Sherwood Rye
Clarke's Rye
Old Overholt Rye
Six Quarts
spent the day attending to various
busines matters and visiting with
county .seat friends. Mr. McQuinn
was a pleasant caller at this office and
while here had his subscription extend
ed for another year.
Any skin itching is a temper teaser
The more you scratch the worse it
itches. Doan's Ointment is for piles,
eczema any skin itching. 50e at all
drug stores.
George P. Stoehr of near Cedar
Crek was in the city today assisting
in moving Adam Kaffenberger's
household good into his residence on
Elm street, which he purchased re
cently, and will give up farming. Mr
Stoehr while in the city called at the
Journal oflice and renewed bis sub
scription to the Old Reliable.
For dyspepsia, our national ailment,
use Burdock Blood Bitters. Recom
mended for strengthening digestion,
purifying the blood. At all drug
stores. $1.00 a bottle.
John A. Ilennings was in the city
yesterday for a few hours from the
vicinity of Cedar Creek looking after
t'dinj matters of business.
C. E. Tvifft cf Weeping Water came
over to this city last evening to at
tend to some business matters, and
while here was a pleasant caller at
this oflice.
County Commissioner Julius Titz
and Fred Xolting came in this morn
ing from their country home and de
parted on Xo. " for Glenwood, where
they spent the day looking after some
matters of business.
George W. Snyder wa?, a visitor in
Omaha yesterday for a short time
looking after some matters of busi
ness, while en route homo from
South Omaha, where he had been
looking after some matters of busi
ness on the stock market.
It gives me pleasure to introduce
to you Doctor P. J. Flynn, who has
moved to Plattsmouth and will im
mediately take charge of my
In introducing Doctor Flynn, I pre
sent to you a gentlemm well qualified
in his rrofession. He has been prac
ticing medicine for 17 -years and
comes here highly recommended by
those with whom he has been as
sociated. Asic'e from Doctor Flynn's piofes
sional qualifications, you will find him
a pleasant gentleman socially and a
man whom you will be pleased to wel
come to Plattsmouth.
I will leave for my new home in
Lincoln Tuesday p. m. and to those
of you whom I cannot personally meet
and say "good-bye," please accept this
as a personal greeting.
To one and all, I thank you once
more for all kindness shown to me
and my family while residents of
Plattsmouth, and cordially invite you
to call and see me when in Lincoln.
Dr. E. D. Cummins.
Read the want ads in the Journal.
Our Own Bottling, 10J PROOF WIIIS
K1ES, 8 and 10 Years Old-
Per Gallon
Glass Jar
It Gallon
Glass Jar
Full Quart
or Two Gallons of Our Own
No Better Wine Can Be Had.
Ga!. Gal. Full Qt.
Poit $1.73 $0.90 $0.50
Sherry 1.73 .1)0 .50
Angelica 1.73 .90 .50
Muscatel 1.73 .90 .50
B HftO 16th and Capital Ave.,
All Mail Orders Given Prompt and Careful
Attention. Address Department No. 5
Tlie Pepper 'Raised tie with stitched
toe cap a" different"" style for pr s-i
young tnen tan vr black ... pj. I U
the Wear
in a pair of $5
shoes the
style and fit
less will not buy
certain comfort and
satisfactory service.
Full value from
your investment in The
Florsheim Shoe and
our assurance of a
careful fitting.
Fetzer Shoe Co.
P. M. Jorpcnsou to B. M.
Mohr, north half, NE
quarter 18-10-12. Con
sideration $8,000.00
C. L. Hanson to F. J. Davis,
NK quarter, NE quarter
3.3-11-11. Consideration.. 1.00
V. J. Davis to C. L. Hanson,
part SE quarter, part SE
quarter, SV quarter 121-11-11
John S. Livingston to R. M.
Wiles, part SE quarter
28-12-1:1; part north half,
NE quarter 2-12-13. Con
sideration 28,421.00
Harry Smith to C. H. Fuller,
part SV quarter, SE
quarter 11-12-13; part NV
quarter, NE quarter 14-12-13.
Consideration 0,000.00
C. H. Fuller to A. J. Beeson,
part SVV quarter, SE
quarter 11-12-13; part NW
quarter, NE quarter 14-
12-13. Consideration ('.,225. 00
Mary Hassler, et al., to W.
II. Rainey, part SW (uar
ter, part SE quarter, part
south half NE quarter,
and part south half NW
quarter 33-13-13. Con
sideration 29,000.00
S. O. Pitman to C. II. Warner
east half SW quarter 21-
11-13. Consideration 10,800.00
Nicholas Klaurens to Ewald
Ulrich, cast half SW quar
ter 29-11-14. Considera
tion 10,000.00
For Sale.
Single Comb Rhode Island Red
eggs. $1.00 per lo; $i.00 per lou.
Baby chicks, lCc each.
A. O. Ramge,
Platts. 'Phone 3313.
House for Sale.
I have a cood three room house in
Plattsmouth, south of Burlington
shops, that I will sell cheap.. Terms
made right. See or write Frank al
Iery, Murray, Neb. Tel. 46. Murray.
Changeable Weather Brings Sickness.
The changeable weather of March
causes coughs, colds, croup and grippe.
There is no such thing as a "light
cold" none that a person can safely
neglect. Foley's Honey and Tar is a
safe and reliable family medicine lhat
heals inflamed, congested air passages,
stops coughs and eases breathing.
Sold everywhere.
North Platte Daily and Weekly
Telegraph Commends Demo
cratic Candidate.
Editor of Semi-Weekly Tribune Also
Declares for Him, Regardless
of Politics.
North Platte, Neb., March 1. Un
der the heading, "A True Index," the
North Platte Daily and Weekly Tele
graph, published today an editorial
announcing its intention to support
Keith Neville for governor.
The Telegraph is x republican pa
per, but r-uitor Kelly declares his in
tention to break party bonds ''when
a man of the stamp of Mr. Neville
seeks election to the highest office in
the state."
J. L. Bare, editor of the Semi-Week
ly Tribune, also a republican, like
wise favors Neville's candidacy.
''We know Mr. Neville and we ai'e
proud of him," he said. "ve know
that the people of Nebraska will have
reason to be proud of him" if they elect
him governor. I intend to support
him in every way that I can."
Following is the Telegraph edi
torial :
"The declaration of principles made
public by Keith Neville, North Platte
candidate for the democratic nomina
tion for governor, ..'ill unquesionably
go down in the history of the state
as one of the shoiiost, nost concise,
:lear-cut statements ever given by a
candidate in placng his v"evs before
the voters.
"The statement offers itself as the
very best possio'e index to the char
acter of the man who i.; seeking the
democratic nomination for the office
of chief executive. It is short, sharp
and to the point. There is no beating
around the bush, iii equivocation or
reservation in the short, plain sen
tences in which he makes known his
stand on the var questions con
fronting the state Nebraska. And
as the statement is plain spoken, so is
the candidate. Mr. Nev'lle a man
who takes a stand on a question and
then is ready to go to t'ie front and
fight for his principles. What he be-
ieves is right he will do battle for
until his cause is crowned by victory
or has gone down to irievocable de
"Mr. Neville is not a radical, but
progressive democrat. He believes
in the principles propounded by the
eaders of the democratic party. But
he is in no sense a hidebound party
man and is as readv to voi : his dif
ferences if differences there be with
the democratic platform makers as
with the leaders of the opposition
party. He is not a politician seeking
. , i , t i
o;i ice, nut a piam, scraigntiorwaru
business man ask'ng the support of
lis party in gaining a place where he
can be of the most assistance to his
fellow Nebraskans. Mr. Neville is a
western man of the west and for the
west. He un lei stands the problems
that confront the farmer of western
Nebraska, and if he is elected to of
fice will unquestionably do all within
his power to place upen the statute
book those laws which will be of the
most assistance to the western farm-
er, rancher ana uusiness man.
"The Telegraph, has in the main be
lieved in and advocated Ibe princi
ples enunciated in the doctrine of the
republican party. Mr. Nev'lle is a
democrat. But when a man of the
stamp of Mr. Nevill i seeks election to
the highest olfice in the state, we are
willing to eliminate party distinctions
nd bring to bear whatever influences
we may exercise to obtain his nomina
tion and election."
S. C. Rhode Island Red eggs for
hatching, 75c per setting at the house,
by express $1.00 per setting, by the
100 $4.00 at the house. The very best
A few hundred "Progressive" and
Superba Everbearing Strawberry
plants for sale at $1.00 per 100.
W. B. Porter,
Mynard, Neb. 'Phone Platts.4021.
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with 5c to Foley & Co.,
Chicago, 111., writng your name and
address clearly. You will receive in
return a trial package containing
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, 'for
lagrippe, coughs, colds and croup,
Foley Kidnev Pilis, and Foley Cath
artic Tablets. Sold everywhere.
Mrs. George Dodge and Mrs. W. C.
Tinrens were passengers this after
noon for Omaha to visit for the day
with friends in that city.
Yesterday afternoon the ladies of
the St. John's Altar society with a
number of their friends wrere enter
tained in a most hospitable manner at
the beautiful home of Mrs. L. W.
Lorenz by Mrs. Lorenz and Miss Ter
esa Hemple, and the occasion proved
one of the most delightful that this
society has enjoyed for some time.
The ladies enjoyed the afternoon in
visiting and enjoying a pleasant social
time as well as in the pleasures of a
program of exceptional worth. Mrs
Eugene Setz favored the ladies with
several vocal and instrumental num
bers as well as a reading which, given
in the usual pleasing way, captivated
her auditors. Miss Agnes Knoflicek,
the talented violinist, favored the com
pany with a beautiful number which
was much appreciated. Her sister,
Miss Mary, acted as accompanist for
this pleasing selection. Misses Verna
Cole and Mildred Schlater gave two
very delightful piano numbers, as did
Miss Alice Lorenz, and these three
talented ladies in their offerings
proved most delightful. Miss Gene
vieve Whelan added to the worth of
the program with a violin number
which aided in making the program
one of the rarest enjoyment. During
the afternoon the serving of dainty
refreshments added to the pleasures
of those in attendance. As a result of
the entertainment the society realized
the sum of $13.15.
ALBINA leader con
Rome, Feb. 28. (Via Paris, Feb. 29.
Delayed.) Essad Pasha, who has
come to Rome on a brief visit to dis
cuss plans for the campaign to be un
dertaken against the Austrian and
Bulgarian forces in northern Albania,
said in an interview today that he is
decidedly optimistic regarding the
final outcome of the struggle in Alba
nia. "The partial occupation of Albania
by Austria should she attempt to
continue it, is bound to result in mili
tary and moral disaster to her," he
said. "She will have an army oper
ating in a region which offers no re
sources and where that army will be
constantly threatened by the Italian
and Albanian forces which from the
formidable base of Avlona will under
take to envelope the Austrians and to
cut off the retreat of General Koevess'
Essad Pasha concluded the inter
view by saying that the Adriatic must
become an Italo-Albania sea.
Those who have made trips along
ihe streets where the curb and gutter
work has been completed have all re
marked on the posibilities that lay
in making these streets an object of
beauty by a little effort, such as set
ting out trees and planting grass
plots along in the spaces between the
curb and the sidewalk. This is par
ticularly true of the High School Hill,
where such a plan of decorative land
scape gardening would be more ef
fective in adding to the beauty of the
city. One of the handicaps that has
confronted the property owners on
Main street is the fact that the elec
tric light poles and wires run along
the street in a fashion that tends to
mar the evenness and general contour
of the appearance of the street. Those
who reside in that section of the city
feel that if the poles and wires were
placed in the alleyways it would add
very much to the efforts of the citi
bensto make the street one of beauty.
District Court Here Monday.
From "Wednesday's Dally.
Judge James 1. Begley nas notmea
Clerk of the District Court Robert
son that he will be here on next Mon
day, March Gth, to hold a session of
the district court and take up such
matters as may be demanding his at
Mrs; P. Rehkamp, 2404 Herman St.,
Covington, Ky., writes: "I have
been using Foley's Honey and Tar for
nearly two years and can find no bet
ter cough syrup. I have eight children
and give it to all of them. They were
subject to croup from babies on." It
is a safe and reliable medicine. Sold
everywhere. '
in iilft m
was prepared by M r.
Marian Colt I"ih r
and Miss I a n - v
Bowen, both of wbum
ari known through
out the I'nitrd Stairs
as i-x ports in Donu-.-t
ic s i o n c e work.
TK is Wilson - Cialt
Wedding Cake w.i
worthy of the occa
sion in e-vcry rrspfft.
C;il u M t I'.ikii.g
Powder w:is iwd in
its pi 'j;i rat ion arid
both thi';iio naiiM-il
1 a d i e s har! i '. y i -commend
' a 1 u ::i t
Baking I'mvd.-r for
its purity, 'v In !-sonii-ru'-.-.
and nevcr-faiiing re
sults. Tb-sc lade'.,
iis Calumet -ci
sively in 1 1 tl.eir
Received Highest Award
World's Pure Food Ex
position, Chicago; Paris
Exposition, France,
March, 1912.
On March Hh, Mr. 1.. T. kii.:u r
of the Agricultural Extension Service
of the University of Nebra-ka and
the United States Department of Ag
riculture with the' Suik rin-
tendent will vNit son.e f tl.e .-cii"i-
around Ea;le. Mr. Skinner i!l t.1
to the children about the woik of Ibe
Boys and Gills" Club, -1 -wing -.n.f
of the results in :iyricu:tM!-e .-ecinc I
bv the boys and girl of Nebraska.
On .Monday evening ;tt s o'clock at
the Tipton school lioue Mr. Skinnei
will give an address to ti e childicn
illustrating his talk with lantern
slides. The parents ate cordially ii -
vited to be there, as the cluldren wi ii
need their co-operation. Tii. unit
ing is for all surrounding di-i ri-t-. in
cluding Eagle.
On Tuesday evinirir tin -ame ki; I
of meeting will .e held at the Pr.iiii-
Home school near Mauley, to which
all surrounding districts aie invited.
including MamVy.
On Wednesday evening the nutt
ing will be held at 'he Pleasant Ki-L:e
school house near Plat'sinouth, to
which all ar eeordiallv invited.
County S uprrintendent.
The Rest Witnc
A person's own expedience i his
best witness. We received the follow
ing letter about it: "I mu. t say that
Timer's American Elixir of Hitter
Wine is the best and mo.-t colcient
remedy for the stomach. I have my
own experience, because I sutTiiid
over two years with my stomach a., i
tried many medicines without relief,
until I started with Trincr's American
Elixir of Ritter Wine. I have used
only a few bottles a. id feel now per
fectly well. I wish to recommend it
to everybody. Mat. Yojda. HaIeton,
Ta." Triner's American Elixir of Rit
ter Wine is certainly a good prepara
tion in stomach ami bowel pains due
to gas, colic, constipation, loss of ap
petite. Price $1.00. At drug stoics.
Jos. Triner, Manufacturer, Y.V-V.l-1'Y.YJ
S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, III.
Stiffness of mtucles and joints duo
to cold, hard work or rheumatism will
be relieved by Timer's Liniment.
Price 25 and T0c, prepaid, Zo and 00c.
For Sale.
, Six-hole Corn Sheller and Z H. P.
Gasoline Engine. In good shape. In
ouire at this oflice. 2-'2 ks-w
ool m. on,
18 -to" 20 years experience is
worth something to those who
have property for sale.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
I am always after the High
Dollar for Your Goods.