The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 02, 1916, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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O. e plattsmoistb Journal
n liLi.ur.n m:ii-hkkki.y at im.atts. ioi tii, isinu aska.
Entered at I'ostofflce at Piatt, mouth. Nelv, as s t-co nd-dnss mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
mbchiptki rititi:i i.r.o ri:u t:n i
V- Measure is a foundling ami
her K-r.cfactor m Labor. With-
V out Toil to receiver her, Pleas
V u:c wouM die on the thre-t- I"
h-ld of de. rair. Emi'art.
Only eighteen more days for filing,
:o :
Those who want in the race hail
hotter get busy.
:o :
It is easy to pay your debts if you
have the money.
Unless you thoroughly ventilate it,
go.sip is short-lived.
Ar.other .now to record.
St. Patiick's day will soon be here.
To talk is human to listen, divine.
:o :
The la.t day of February. Now
Devon 1 the Alps lies Italy, still, or
almost still.
Much of the New Thought is old
!:. hr.e.- revised.
Sorr.-. ikir.g to wony about:
are tcr cent water."
Mo-t of
thir.kir g 'ir
other fellow's.
the mistake of
,5 as bad as the
tl.e egg market will soon
take a drop thil will compensate for
the co.-t of gasoline.
A"-.:t nine t.rr.e out of t:i when
a man a.-ks you to be fair, he wants
y. - t agree v, i.h him.
:o :
I -nttic . c it rce is respon. ible for
.:rr.!.r tf di-hes look far
"To shoot or not to shoot'
ducks? That's the question.
It would be a line thing if grafting
cculd be confined to horticulture.
If you are really entitled to them,
take the consequences without whin
ing. :o:
The fellow too moc.est to blow his
own horn seldom becomes leader of
the band.
:o .
A man who doe.n't hate himself
occasionally, doesn't look himself over
very often.
One cf those 31-hour and 37-mir.-ute
days on Mars would make a fine
Ernest M. Pollard of Nchawka has
withdrawn his candidacy for the re
publican nomination for governor. He
has withdrawn, not because he no
longer desires the office, not because
anyone inside or outside his party has
disputed his qualifications, but be
cause the politicians of the Anti-
Saloon league found him in the way
of their plan to put r.cne but prohibi
tion. :t.- on guard.
Ik-re is a specif-.- i.-n .:-.nce that goes
far tcward answering one or two very
interesting politic n qjcsticns; as, for
The get-to-gether spirit suffers a
puncture every time it is "cranked"
If rag time must pervade the Sun
day school song books, for heaven's
sake let it be good, seasonable rag
The democrats can carry Nebraska
this year if they so deisre. All they
need is a thorough organization. Will
they organize?
Sur.dav on earth.
better than they taste.
Most of us think our cold is worse
than the other fellow's, but nine
times out of ten it isn't.
If highway robberies continues in
Omaha the citizens will be compelled
in self defense to go out and hold up
the footpads. the best evidence of the
popularity of the
movement is the fact that those who
were reared there are perfectly wild a: d corn pro.-rects are ! lo r,et hack
t?: . . ra::;. l-;t a not he-r large crop of
vir.u'. e:i-ls i as.--;:n ed.
It i -.k- as though J hn McCarty
"U"uM have no ; o.-i.iop. for the nom
inal inr. for coj-.g:-es. on the democratic
: o :
The Rryan schemers are certainly
pretty hard presed for a candidate to
rj.p ,.e Srrator Hitchcock when they
o nter c n I. G. Dunn of Omaha as the
Dnt ask too much credit for do-i-.g
your duty; generally speaking, it
moans a more pleasant career than
riotous living or shiftle. sness, besides
jayir.g better wages.
Keith Neville look like a goer for
governor, and if he is as good as he
looks he will make Charley Rryan
hunt his hold and puil the hole in af
ter him. So be it!
Mr. Midgeit of Hastings, repub
lican candidate for governor, may
follow E. M. Pollard in withdrawing,
but we don't think it matters much
whether he does or not.
What has become of the old
fashioned open-faced, gentleman who
carried his wife's picture in the back
of his watch where only the watch
maker could ever .ee it?
The celebrated William Raines, of
New York, one time boss of the re-
O.a ii. Chaplin is now willing to!
k fcr ?o:.0.000 per year. Oh, well, , pub:ican partyf Taffc
if r.o .?.. else has a place for the poor
fellow, he can come here and dub
i.rojni th until something bet
ter turns up.
:mple little half-hour task, mere
child play for almost any capable
I'.-oidc-.l: Senator Jones' resolution
elected as delegates to the republican
national convention. It is safe to say
Mr. Raines is not going to have his
way in this matter.
The Auburn Herald, in its last is
sue, published thirty announcements
for county offices. Evidently the
example, why do not more men of ,. , . , ... ,
candidates down there want the vot
character and ability take a promi
nent part in political affairs, and why
is not government more ably admin
istered ?
JMr. I ollaru is a man in some' im
portant respects peculiarly qualified
for the office of governor. lie is not
a professional office holder, nor a
.ack politician, nor a "farmer of the
farmers." He has other and visable
means of support, lie is extensively
nterested in farming and horticulture,
the state's leading industries. A well
educated man, an earnest student of
cientific methods as applied to these
industries, he is active in their ad
vancement. He is a mon of means
and character. Among his loyal sup
porters were a good many of the most
prominent anil successful farmers in
Nebraska, who were for him not only
because he was a republican but be
cause they believed he would make a
rood governor a governor who would
advance Nebraska's interests. Unques
tionably he is better equipped for the
cilice than is Judge Sutton of Omaha,
in whose favor he withdraws
Rut superior equipment to serve
the state is found to be a considera
tion of minor importance. As to one
particular "ism" Pollard is deemed
y the active politicians who manage
these things, a less available candi
date than Sutton. Though both are
for prohibition. Sutton, it is conclud
ed, wouid appeal more to the prohibi
lien sentiment. Should both remain
in the field it was feared that Mayor
Miles of Hastings, or Walter George
ers to know they are in the running.
That was a grand speech President
Wilson delivered before the bridiron
club dinner Saturday night. We
printed the speech of the president in
yesterday's issue that every reader of
the Journal might know how our noble
president is working to keep American
cut of the war.
We have heard over and over again
the story of Miss Edith Kitching, the
New York working girl who spurned
the $40,000 legacy, because it was
her uncle's tainted money." Rut
somehow, no one has been able to find
out how many proposals of marriage
she has received since the story first
began. Maybe not any.
The gang that is working the pro
hibition question into the democratic
party are a set of fellows who couldn't
stand duce high in the way of pop
ularity. Rut they think that if they
can instill the prohibition question in
to the minds of a sufficient number of
democrats to carry the primaries, they
will be on top in their efforts to rule
the destiny of the party. The general
election is the place where those sel
fish rule or ruin fellows will get a
center shot right square in the neck.
Our friend, L. F. Langhorst, is a
There is only one irreparable loss
the loss of courage.
; :
Every house should contain as many
bathrooms as it does women.
candidate for delegate to the demo
cratic national convention and should
receive the support of all the Cass
of Omaha, the one opposed to prohi- county democracy. Lou is a good
bition and the ether seemingly half- mrn' and as a delegate will retlect
:nd-half, might win the nomination. credit uPon not ony Cass county, but
Again, with repaid to these two, it entire First congressional district,
vould matter not at all with the po- also- II?S name v 5,1 PPear vioon the
litical bosses if both of them wpio primary Laiiot. Lou has done good
men of character and ability, fitted to work for the democrats of this coun
make a good governor. Neither is in the capacity of chairman of the
light" on this ism, so both must be county committee, and is truly de-
. ....
defeated, so Pollard must. 1p with, serving ot the honor.
Sutton pushed to the
drawn, and
Sutton is a clever practical poli
tician. He knows, better than most Every national holiday, such as the
how to play the game. Ambitious for Washinffton anniversary, directs at-
ofiice, and concluding some time ago tention to the neglect of patriotic
that the prohibition hobby would be observances in America. Few persons
a good horse to ride into office on, he take any 1art in celebrations of these
getiing our best men into public life
The Otoe county democratic ban
luet on Thursday, March 1(1, promises
I to be a great success. We hone the
Mr. Wilson not to break off diplo- j !)oys down there wm h .
t:ors with any country and j time as our ft.ji0u,-K had. ami w I t,lat of the particulnr hobby or fad
nothing to prevent it, if the fellows
will all "pull together."
r.iic re.
r't t place the cou.try in a po ition
where it could not without honor avoid
It is always wLe fr.r the voters to
compare candidates for nomination,
t,rd examine into their records. Some
times these opposing candidates are
r.'.t out so much for themselves as
they are to help an oppo-ing candidate
s.t the general election. Political plots
iiTV rife.
. :o:
We think E. M. Poiiard should have
!emined in the race for the repub
lican nomination for governor. Unless
button's friends can prevail upon all
the other candidates to withdraw, Sut
ton will stand a poor shew, for Walt
George is a very popular man in the
i-;tr Pvl
- - -. i f 1 ' -
couil have defeated Ernest Pollard.
national days. We take patriotism
for granted.
Rut n is essential that the teaching
oi patriotism and its responsibilities
shall not be ignored. If Americans
are to preserve the traditional spirit
1-4 V II 1
the cause of the 01 AKiec lliey musi occasionally as
themselves what that spirit is
declared for the ism and went to it.
Plainly, he is finding the going good,
up to the present time at least.
And so there you have it. A good
man is crucified. An inferior man, in
point of fitness for the office, is ex
alte 1. And thus
hobby is advanced.
Rut the cause of good government 1 ne new "Americanization move
is not advanced. The interests of the ment" is takinff Part of the Problem
state are not furthered. The need of in hand- !t is voting itself to the
Americanization of the millions of
Charley Rryan should withdraw,
while the withdrawing is good.
Are the pacifists doing things for
fun or do they expect to save money
by it?
March is a good long month, and
may it skip along pleasantly without j
blustery weather.
We shudder to contemplate the
predicament of the girl who is called
upon to flag a train with her petticoat
this year.
Edgar Howard wdl run for lieuten
ant governor on th-.- Tlrji-.u ticKet
Well. Howard wont st-engthen 'ne
ticket in the least.
The cornerstone of civilization is)
. .. I
mans dependence ior protection on
the state which he has reared for his
own safety and support.
. :
Does your hair stand on end in your
horror of becoming bald?" asks a New-
York scientist. Oh, why go over all
those boyhood experiences again ?
You want to be on your guard in
shooting migratory birds. The
authorities are giving warning that
the law will be strictly enforced.
When the returns are all in it will
be found that the withdrawal of Hon.
E. M. Pollard will help McKelvie a
great deal more than at will Sutton.
:o :
There is really no use in writing
down the terms of an election bet. If
Childress Ca-y for Fletchers
iA VA by.
The Kind Yotr Have Always Uotujlit, and ivliiclk Iir.s ljceri
iii use ior over I0 yc.irs, lias borne tlie s:uture cf
and lias noon iiiatlo tmtlor 1:1 j per
sonal supervision sinoc lis i::fa::c v.
Allow no one to dccci e you in t !:!.-,.
All Counterfeits, Imitations a::d " .Tust-as-jroocl " tire hut
Ixperiuionts tliat trifle with and endanger t!:a lu ;;Ii:i
Infants and Children Experience against Hrpcriuient-.
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, ?rorphino nor oilier 2.":;rcoilo
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Y.'cm::;
:id allays rVverishncss. l'or more than tliiriy years ii
lias been in constant use for tins relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething- Troubles mul
Diarrhu'a. It regulates the Stomach and IJowels,
assimilates the Food, giving" healthy and natural fclcep.
The Children's Panacea Tho 3IotLer's Friend.
(Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
March c.ime
in, 'ii.'ntr'in another
Billy Thomp.o'i i.-; a rroilv srooii
::ian, but r.ot muc-i if a chairman.
When a younjr mail appears in his
overcoat and oxfords he gets a rakinjr
from mother. But sister seems to be
"g-ettin;? by' very v.ell with her spring
straw hat and her Christmas furs.
The United States, which invented
you lose the other fellow won't let flying machines, is twentieth in aerial
you forget it, and if you win you will strength,
remember it yourself. ;o:
o: I As we understand it the IT-Im.-it !lTnmt tViinrr
Henry Ford is spending millions in
fighting preparedness. It is feared,
however, that before he gets his peace
machine properly cranked up the
will slip out of his
The republicans can't find anything win sinfir armed merchantmcnt per- hands and flip up into a tree top.
else to fire at President Wilson, they Urnptorily. Unarmed merchant ves-
w i" ' feis win noL oe torpedoea until alter Life is not all laughter, but on the
when there was no such pledge in the lhe commander of the submarine has other hand, it is quite possible for a
piatiorm. inesc papers are evident- Ptood un and yelled "Look out!"
ly hard up for campaign dope. Boss , :o.
Hammond is eternally talking about "Bryan is for Wilson," says Mr
the one-term, and ask him to produce Bryan's right-hand man, W. II
the proof that there was any such Thompson, who has ju.-:t returned to
pledge. his home in Grand Island from a visit
io: to Bryan's other home in Florida.
No democrat should stand in the Well, it may be, but he lias a d d
way of party harmony, and we believe poor way of showing it.
it can be easily attained if Governor
Morehead will consent to become a That man Neville is cominc riirht to
serious young man to make an ass of
himself by becoming too serious when
he is in company with several good
Icoking and charming young ladies.
If John Muitey is elected as a mem
ber of the legislature from Cass coun
ty, his constituents will know ho is
there. There is no question about him
fighting for the interests of his peo
ple. John is a scrapper from away
candidate for re-election. The party the front in his race for the democratic
is getting in no better shape as time nomination for governor. Business
rolls on, and right today it is in a men are for him because he is a busi-
most deplorable condition, and Govcr- ness man and because he proposes to
nor Morehead is the man of the hour, carry on the affairs of the state in a
Will he prove the savior? He will if businesslike manner. He is well known
he will consent to act. as a thorouirh business man. while
.0: Charley Bryan is trying to break
It doesn't seem to us that the rush through the lines on the plea of pro-
for office is as great as in former hibition, and nothing else to recom-
years, except for governor. The rush mend him. Mr. Neville is not a "wet" j 25 lbs of granulated SUgar
You Can't Beat
ess THIS! 1
f'fcat Suiri s'.ngle-v.-p
'o r:ot brieve h'.-
Down at Auburn the committees for
a Fourth of July celebration have
been selected. Last Fourth they had
the biggest celebration in eastern Ne
braska, all because they took "time
time by the forelock" and had their
committees at work four months
;n ;
While New York state will send an
uninstructed delegation to the nation
al republican convention at Chicago,
it looks as though it was named to
smoke Judges Hughes off the bench
to make the race. Some democrats
claim that to them it looks as though
Boosevelt had a hand in the deal i.nd
that he is to fall heir to the delegation
at the right time. That might bo a
good democratic move.
is not only ignored but doused with 'murrains wno are in process 01 De-
coM water. Xo intent 3 R,rvp,l h,,f c )min- crtixcns. Thty are learning
what the Fourth of July means
ibat h ippens, for the time being, to sometimes some Americans have tor
be uppermost, and perhaps, if the kotten- Thcy ai einff taught that
Medicine mixers but knew it, not even citizenship has its responsibilities as
ibf M.i;.. Tv,f r,i well as its advantages. The new
I A t A . ll
constitutes oidy one of many public movemenc mtenus, too, to maKc tnose
questions that are important to the advantages more available for them
state and its people. It is a question to teach them En&lish to instruct
that will be already settled, one way them industrially so that they will be
lit j 1 1
or another, when the r.ext governor i.. aDie 10 earn a oeuer nving ana to
n.talled in office. Yet o irs altar the bnnff the man and the Job toffethei--
I T j. ii 1 . 1 1 ; 1
smoking .arvifices li thoughtful citi- "ut ointrs ueblue- immigrants n..u
lens grow sick at heart, and mon who Americanization. All of us need it.
might give their state splendid service There is a preat opportunity for corn-
are encouraged to stay at home and
leave polities to the politicians.
Thc national council of education
sr.ys that only 103 out of every ona
thousand Americans save any money.
munities to make more of the great
patriotic days. They should be more
than mere holidays. They should be
occasions when every citizen faces the
meaning of citizenship, considers its
obligations and pledges a renewed de
votion to his nation.
The new America calls for a recon
secration of the days dedicated to the
Inte-vstirrg, but useless. Why doesn't
the c.uncil go ahead and name the I spirit of democracy and justice. Kan
108? (sas City Star. '
for county officers is not so great, man, neither is he "dry," but in either I
Formerly there were nearly as many way it is settled he will enforce the ,
candidates in Cass county as there law.
were voters at the primaries, but this :o:
year, for some cause or other, the There is a gentleman living out at
for $1.00
10 lbs Langhorst's Special
Blend Coffee $2.50
In order to introduce this
usual number have failed to show up, Aurora who has always been very
and it is only seventeen days to the modest in his political demands. He j
expiration date for filing. is able, honest and will make a splen- speciaI blend coffee we make
:a: did candidate for governor on the the vejy liberaj offer above
For every 100 million dollars ad- democratic ticket. It is a wonder his p q R 3Q D A YS C ASH
ded to the budget congress must get fiends have not gotten out a petition WJTH ORDER An nbnlut
rbout $4 from the average American for Hon. W. L. Stark ere this. Here Wl I UK UiK. An absolute
family, a mutually painful operation, is one of the best men in Nebraska, guarantee of atlSiaclion or
tovo,. ffi.H hwt popular with all who know him, and money refunded. Mail your
......1,1 if i;fr..if mir,m. we believe he is the ideal candidate order to
ically and it is difficult politically, for the democrats to nominate. A
The best tax, politically, is one which grand, noble, clean man and in the
is not felt as such by the taxed, but state executive office would carefully
, .,-. x ; o-uard the interests of the people of
where publicity is so extensive as it is uaru
i 1
ill tiic: umicu oiaico u cii ....
possible to fool the people in this way.
It is not a question as to who was
for Wood row Wilson for president
four years ago, but who are for Presi
dent Wilson today? We know a lot
of democrats who went to the Balti
more convention four years ago from
Nebraska pledged to support Champ
Clark, but when it looked favorable
for the speaker's nomination they
threw their instructions to the four
winds and helped nominate Wilson.
Nebraska democrats will not stand
for any such actions again.
Elmwood, Nebraska
All Kectal Diseases cured without a surgical
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DR. E. Ft. TARRY, Omaha. Nebraska
Drs. Mach & Wlaoh, The Dentists ,
The larst snul In'st ejuippe 1 U-ntal olliccs in Omalia. Experts in I
cliarge of all work. Lady attendant. M derate Prices. Porcelain 1
fillings jr.t liki' t! . 1 n-1 ru niii! t firiiI'i!!y sterilized ater usiiiir. I