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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1916)
i i ' THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 191. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOUKNAL. PAGE Cedar News that will be of Interest in and near Cedar Creek epartment S. i jiiimbp i in mn i.i n i m iwn mail i ri in -m nnrn iij I " j j y- K i . - w'i?Wirrt " -i-'i -' - '- - - -tiy.rtMnir -- ': " Creek D i i hi implement 4b Wakens and Harness! rar With a lurije crop of corn to market many farmers a:-eJn neefi of a nt-w wpou, extra 1 ox or harness, v.-liu-h we have in stork and invite your inspection before yon buy. We pride ourselves in handling t lie "IJirdseli"" wagons and 'Birdseir' extra boxes, built from genuine yellow poplar and hand painted with lead and oil. which insures your watron against crack inir and r"!;n when exposed to the elements. The Hardsell" has many distinctive feature? not found in any other wagon and the boxes are ihe only lv!low p plar" so'd in this territory. We carry a full line of Farm Machinery in our new i'4x;r building and are prepared to till your requirements for the Spring work. Call a;id give us a chalice to demonstrate this f,:ct to you. We'll appreciate the favor. Our Har ness. Collars, Pads and Extra Parts to put your old harness in shape. "Eureka" Harness Oils. Curry Combs and lirushes are all ready for your inspection. "STUDE BAKER AGEKCY" WOLFF If 4 STOCK PRICES AT SOUTH OMAHA Csef Trade Active and Strong to 10s Kipjier. Local News L. A. Meisinger came in this after noon from his farm homo to spend a few hours looking after pome matters of business. HOGS STEADY TO 10C OFF. George S til nder drove in yesterday afternoon f i om his farm home to spend a short time looking after some trading. Fred Kehne was among those go ing to Omaha this afternoon to visit ' ofr a few hours, looking; after some Lamb Values Just About Steady ! matters cf business. Similar Deal In Ewe Trade Tcp ! Ewes $7.55 Is $10.80. -High Mark For Lambs C.ivi.ival Caps at S. J. Ileames ' i v.-. ist i on this 7 ore was in Platt-mouth Sat .Ichnsor went to Orr.uha V.'cd- : Meisinger is down with the has a fine lir.e of Val- i.r.-.c: , j. v. I : '. .. !: rr.t a.-el- .c -T. (T..;:.t-. .'h:.rle- Ib;hcr win' Mo-lay. I.cuis Meyt : s wa TKu;hiV. A. C). Au'.l's ehihhe the rr.eascU. Clarence sr I';;..:;.OT(.t::!-.. l v j; I Virion Stock Yards. South Omaha, IC '.. Feb. 1'4. c'attle redpts eoiuin- liberal, ai out K,',. heud arriiiig je:trrday. making a'ound'U head lor the three days. The fat tattle trade was ery acme yervrday autl I rices wer- strong to a big dime I.:;-her than Tuesday. Trices yoster- , :!a were right around a quarter high er than they wer towards the cJoa cf last week, and there has teen an advance of fuliv half a dollar as com- iared with the low time ten days or two weeks ago. the improvement be ing more on the common to fair grades than on the "choice beeves, as the former meet with more competi- Ition fro nn he feeder buyers. There jvas the same scramble for cows and heifers that characterized Tuesday's I market and a good share of the over lings sold at prices that were about a 'dime higher. Country demand for i stock cattle and C eding steers is S. C. Hathaway cf Union was in this city Wednesday for a short time looking after a few matters of busi ness and calling on his friends. Mrs. Lirnest Porter and little son were amonp: those goine: to Omaha this morning to spend the day there look ing after some matters of business. Mrs. C. A. Marshall was amonp; those going to Omahu this moininp;, where she will visit for a few hours looking: after some business matters: mm mi lli oid Gauer has the meastls. G. P. Mcisir.p-er visited in Platts moinh Thursday. Tarm Loans. Insurance and Real Estate. See J. F. Foreman. F(.r p-ood. f re.h Candv, Fruit and i keeping up well, and there has been a Nuts, see S. J. Rcames.' upward trend to values and the ! market is fully a quarter higher than The high water is causing a little I ias?t week. Good to choice fair to good William Hunter was among those going to Omaha this morning, where he was called to spend a few hours looking after some matters of busi ness. excitement along the river this week, j Cattle quotations: Tfcow. vs. vo nrtrh'nv r.t ih ! fcec-ves, $S.M'(fi 8.50; church Sunday to riattsmouth I ness. o i 1 . . . T. C fn i . .r.Tntn Atl Tn 1 Li '. T" choice Pint ISHK :th :rc down with -.t Saturday in tv.e rrease ha- gct iucr" children are on '. 1iAM rt r T LT 1 1- I beeves. IT.CMfz . ..0: good to 'hpiti s. Su.Z"((i 7.2j: rood to cr.otce Carl Pocssler of Plattmouth came cows. $tl.2:.y U.T5; fair to good cows, out to spend Sunday with Clarence $5 5"fi G.2.": canners and cutters. 54.25 1;u,tjiC ir.25; veal calves. 7.l0j t' 75 ; l,u!!s. ' , , , i stags, etc.. $r..(ii.T: f. r.u; good to choice jonr.uie hi'ii, wno nas r.een iiowni ,,., tj,.t. tv.- -n...i tn chobe Will Richardson, Arthur Weten kamp, Harley Wiles and George Dovey weie among those going to Omaha this afternoon attend the basket ball game. G. H. Manners and Dr. O. Sandin were among those going to Omaha this morning to spend a few hours in that city taking in the automobile show. d will soon be cut. ers. ?7.0 '7. vsters at S. J. ! trcv vour o Always f h. .V.!S. P. II. KCjL.j (.'ay m: Omaha. V"; !ke: Schnozd?: s two c ( the sick list. j !".: '.ii-i H-M'r.:m's. jr., was m Piatt?-i T-V.utn Thut-sdf.V. I Tl... u-i Jnnf Tr1rn1ir- n i rrVi i Ki'ivvppn Cr here and the National quarry caused quite a delay in the trains Tuesday. Henry Keil loaded cars here Thurs day with his stock. i rousehi.ld goods to ship them to South ; stock Da ;ota. -nent il-irer. are f A Special Advertising Rate of 1 1 2 I per cent paid by First Security Hank ' during the morth of February on I Time Deposits for Ope Year. r visited ir. Platts-; G.-.soli?u FJnginc. In p-ood sh-pe. In- childrer. a:e 0:1 the 1 Vi pent Mon-:i? ;1 her H 'e:la Schnei mo.r.h Thursday. Andy Thr.m-tr.' : i.i' list thi-- .jel:. Mi.-s Myrtie Ii?r. c:ay i:i I'i: ttsm ,uih. M-.-rr.a WolrT is confhi&.l home with the mcas-vls. ?Ii.- Mabl" Mei-unp-tr vj; riatt.-rn -uth M:s. Fle ar.d so::. Everei, spetit Faturday ir. Flattsmouth. Fcr the Delta Electric Lanterns soe S. J. nsamc.s. The best out. Hugh Alex" ri'1:--- -awed wood for William Schneider Tfe.-day. Mi-.-. Mary Schrf:.ier went to Cullom It' vi-it her lister Thursday. The ice in tne :iver ber-an 1 uT in g'!-d 1J .-tyle Mor.dav. MX -hop For Sale. Co? n Sheller and 12 II. P. nuire at this ofhee. L!-24-2wks-w ;1 in t5 it :J S. J. REAMES I Tonsorial Parlor - DEALER IN - Cigars, Candies and Books r caking jj Vv hen ou want .-onie good reading d don't forget Reanies. Librz' rv. Plti'.ip Thiero'.f w, r t with Htr.ry 9 Fell to South Dakota Thursdi.y. ! Mr.. I'ete Schroder spent a few days K Ice Cream and Oysters - IN SEASON Albert A. Wetenkamp of near My r.ard was in the city yesterday after noon for a few hours looking after some matters of business with the merchants. Fritz Vallery was among those go ing to Omaha this morning, ho 11 visit for the dry, looking after w with the measels. is getting along fine feeders. $7.25i 7X5; 'air to good feed- l -ti 1 . i f.A l 0:11 riitiii 1 u ian ' oir; stock heifers. i.i'ra (cws. $5.25SC50; stock calves. 5k5f'vT S.f'O. Hog receipts wer large yesterday, some 21. head arriving. Shippers machinery and i bought their hogs ai prices about steady, tops again reaching oi't packers were bearish and finally made their purchases at 57tHe lower T.rires. liulk sold at $7J5'CfS.10. . : iu: Sheep and lamb receipts amounteu j among the Umana passengers im to fi.Stio head. While the market was ' m0rning, where they will vbit for the a little siow , prices uh iaiuun looking over the automoruie snow some business matters and attending the auto show. G. W. Hirz and brother. Fred, were ay the RIGHT Prices! BOTTLED IX BOND. Old Taylor, full quarts SI. 25 Yellowstone, full quarts 1.23 Greenbrier, full quarts 1.23 Cedar Brook, full quarts 1.23 T. W. Samuels, full quarts 1.25 Oscar Pepper, full quarts 1.23 Bond z Lillard. full quarts 1.23 Tunny Brook, full quarts 1.23 Green River, full quarts 1.23 Hiil & Hill, full quarts 1.25 Gucker.heimer Rye, full quartr. . 1.25 Schenky Rye, full quarts 1.25 Old Elk, full quarts." 1.23 Old Bridgeport Rye, full quarts.. 1 .23 Fi Golden Wedding Rye, full I quarts 1 .25 Large Rye, full quart0 1.23 Clarke's Pure Rye, full quart;-:.. 1.00 Golden Sheaf, full quarts 1.00 Ilev's Pure Rye, full quarts 1.00 White Corn Whiskey, full quarts 1.00 Old Crow, short quirts 1.23 Old Hermitage, short quarts... 1.23 Four Quarts Shipped Prepaid. GOLDEN WEST WHISKEY, BOT TLED IX BOM), FOUR QUARTS, 53.20 CHARGES PREPAID. 1 Our Own Bottling. 10J PROOF WHIS KIES. 8 and 10 Years Old. Green River Cedar Brook Old Taylor Greenbrier Yellowstone Sunny Brook Bond & Lillard . . . Spring J I ill T. W. Samuels Old Crow Hill & Hill Guckenheimer Rye Schenky Rye Sherwood Rye Clarke's Rye Old Overholt Rye . ' Six Quarts or To Galions of Our Own Bottling SHIPPED PREPAID. t $3.50 Per Gallon Glass Jar $1.85 z Gallon Glass Jar $1.00 Full Quart SUXKIST CALIFORNIA WINE 6 YEARS OLD. No Better Wine Can Be Had. Gal. i Gal. Full Q Port 51.73 .SO. 90 Sherry 13 .i0 Angelica 1.75 .0 Muscatel 1.73 .i0 0.50 .50 .50 .50 One Full Gallon Old Federal Reserve Whiskey, 1 00 Proof $2.00 -r- Free Imported China Coupons With Each Sale! 3 XT 8 RRfttt 16th and Capital Ave., n m sv I 1 r fvl r r- All Mail Orders Given Prompt n d Careful Attention. Address Department No. 5 home from Greenwood, where he was in attendance at the school meeting there Monday night. George P. Meisinger, jr., and wife drove in this morning from their faim home to spend a few hours with Mr. Meisinger's father, Jacob Mei singer, who has been suffering from iheumatism for the past week. RUSH FOR GOOD ROADS. The year will witness an un exampled extension in the building of firm roads in the United States. Not one state, but all states are interested in what, by common consent, has be come a country-wide movement. A county and state bond issues for the substantial betterment of ordinary highways, and these are the ones that have been most neglected or ineffi ciently handled. The Hollanders have a proverb that paint costs nothing. They do not mean that the materials for painting W. A. Brown, editor of the Union Ledger, was in the city today for a lew hours'" attending to some matters : jn tyie enjt aid not remotely, they r.t thf eourt house and enjoying as short rest from his work in the ''shop," having ist issued nis purer icr the leading reason for this welcome fact j (r th? Uhor requireJ COj,ts nothmjr. but is the practical realization of the I that lhe pre!.ervative ,,ro,.crtb-s truth that permanent common high ways are a giit-edged investment. aving jList wee-k. j bring to a whoie community, more ! money than they cos:t. Anyone who i has seen the manner in which they just about steady wun u. xu . h cit Bulk of the decent to cood lamns apain sold at $10. 50 10.15. and others reached $10. 80. There was a good outlet for a?ed 'stock and priees looked fully steady. Real good Mex ican ewes brought $7.55. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice. $10. 70(5 10.S5; lambs, fair to pood. $10.4051 10.7": lambs, clipped. S9."(W J.75 : yearlings, fair to choice light. $9,253 9.73: year lings, fair to choice heavy, $8 001 9.25: wethers, fair to choice. $7.25 (fr f oO; ewes, good to choice. $7.25 ".5?,; ewes, fair to good. $i;.75(fi 7.33. IT EM AS N EWAMBAS S AD 0 R Washington, D. C, Feb. 23. Presi dent Wilson will nominate David R. Fiancis, former governor of Missouri, to be ambassador to Russia, as soon Arthur L. Baker, republican candi date for the office of county treasurer, came up last evening from his home jf i as it can be ascertained whether he is J at Murray to spend a short time in visiting with his many- Mrs. John R. Picrson of Table Rock, Neb., who has been here visiting with her mother, Mis. Mary B. Allison and family, for a hort time, departed this morning for Omaha. George W. Shrader came up this morning from his horns near Murray to spend a short time here visiting with old friends and looking after some matters cf business. Louis Baumgart came in this morn ing from his country home and de parted on the early Burlington train for Omaha, where he will spend the day at the automobile show. Mar.ic-v visiting at Jake'. The Place for a Lunch 3 or a Cool Drink acceptable to the Russian government. Mr. Francis' acceptance of the post became known following his confer ence with the president yesterday. He will succeed George T. Harye, resigned. this city friends. County Commissioner C. E. Heebner of Nehawka was in the city last even ing for a few hours, being en route I F7: tm- CEDAR CREEK. NEBR. si Sound, Conservative and Progressive THE BANK OF THE PEOPLE THE BANK BY THE PEOPLE THE BANK FOR THE PEOPLE We are anxious to assist the fanner in feeding and handling his live stock for market Deposits la This Bank are protected by the Depositors' Guaranty Fund of the .State of Nebraska, which lias reached nearly $1, 000,000.00 It is back of us and protects you! OFFICERS:- General Merchandise The Store of Quality Goods At the Right Prices AH the Time! TELL US YOUR WANTS Ruth N. Thompsen, C01N Or FLETCHER rvnrmr n LAiTUICU j wake up a neighborhood, stimulating : its activities in all directions, know that the result is too plain to be denied and thai it is of an immediate nature. The r.ew prospect for good roads is fortunately based on a popular con- 1 T. , viction that tney pay. and that to Le without them is to b-i on the retired list with the unenterprisirg. It is now comparatively easy in most of the paint are more than an off.-et for the expense. Many are the items of ad vantage on the side of good load-. Probably the increase in land vu1jv alone would be a sufficient return to put th? balance on the right side. I5jt this advantage is scarcely more valua ble than more economic transportation, the saving of time, and the reduction of wear and tear. G.-od loads co.-t nothing in the eventual accour.tirir. read.' are a constant leak and hardship. Subscribe for the Journal. "Neiiawka's Best" BEATS ALL THE REST! Not oiily our opinion but the verdict of a host of sat isfied customers. If you are not using Nehawka Flour take a sack home with you today and try it. Every sack guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. For sale by every mer chant in Nehawka, all the leading dealers in Platts mouth and Hiatt &. Tutt, of Murray. Nehawka Milling COMPANY, Nehawka, - - Nebraska 1A I I i VA i .. 1 7A VA Washington. D. C, Feb. Henry Prather Fletcher's nomination as am baf.sador to Mexico was taken up for consideration today by the senate 1 forty-eight states to put foreign relations committee. Pros j ects were that a prompt report would be made to the senate recommending coiifirmntion. Pending Mr. Fletcher's confirmation, James Linn Rogers, consul general at Havana, will act as special agent of the state department before the Car ranza government. Several months will elapse before Mr. Fletcher, now minister to Chile, can assume his new duties, even if he is confirmed at once, as he prob ably will come here for conferences with President Wilson and state de partment officials and take a short vacation. View the fine line of fancy station ery at the Journal. We can fill the through ; till. 1 7- Without such a road we cannot pt oleel California and our Pacific possessions against invasion." Pres. Buchanan. 1S57. TF we should have a war the Union Pacific Railroad next to the Navy and the Panama Canal will be the greatest single material factor in a successful defense of our Western Coast. I 'A 'AA m I '.'A 1 Double track, perfect roadbed, low grades, slight curves, automatic block signal system and the finest physical equip ment on the western roads will prove invalu able for the expeditious passage of troops and munitions. This road built for a military purpose for tunately never has had a military test, but it is ready for such a test. All of the factors which will make the Union Pacific efficient in war are just asusefulin times of peace. Travelers and shippers are acquainted with the facts which make this "The Stand ard Road of the West." UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Joins East and West with a Boulevard of Steel W. S. BASINGER, General Passenger Aeent, Omaha, Nebraska. (291) 7 A WM. SCHNEIDER. President W. H. LOHNES. Vice-President F. FOREMAN, Cashier Cedar Creek Nebraska V. W'A WM M VtiA '