The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 24, 1916, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Krcta Tuesday' Dal'r.
Tr.v ix jK-il given last
lie i::o: ium of th
lie mgn scnooi
- 1 T - 1
-.rot-i ere f the mot delightful af-
: i-: S
the so. u.I life of the school and was
. iittt-r.iUd
a large number of
1 - ll. . ..4 . - tli i
... .... i .
rcian prepaieu ien
. cc--i.-r.. a well as the delights of
:;.c jtt:- :i : the boxes of danties
; n-raiu! f r il e iei-ajion by the young
la ::v - if the school.
I-i th,- i::tvi---tir.g program a great
rr.r.'.y lU-'.htfLd anl piling numbers
vtif ltiv .:-,. v. huh were enjoyed very
i..vh ty tvtryo::c. Miss Blanche
S. ;.. -i g..e a most charming instru r.r.Vtr in the beautiful "A
Fv Arr.i." which was very much en
. w-s followed by Miss Agnes
K.. flak v. ::h i.te of her usual pleas-
ar.d V
later re
i : i w ;h
v". rra-t- liy
ar. other of her classic
: er.uitior..-? on the violin.
,j K!i-'.a:,. ih
liall afforded much
program by one of
:.j!0 to t.'.e i re
- ; :e;:s;::g rea-i'ings. "Who Wears
f lain Upon His Brow
this y lady a splendid
f di.-p'.ayirg her talent
::i.-t. aid this selection
i:v.iiii to the? interest of
: v
: . i
r.e in.n scnooi mixc.i
rr.'od of Messrs. Floyd
.- I Fill. Lillian Adams and
fav :cd the gathering
1 -.
. r.
I 1
r.umoe-rs, one oi
. e-i by the quartet in
which proved most
;!: y ;ur,g people were
of a grii-.t deal of gen
I from tile delighted
i r.'...i.che Sayles and
...i-o gave a piano duet
:ch e::j ye.!, taking as
V.iVr of the Ocean."
.o i o.';im the leal fun
the auctioning of the
a-- ! -ought out a gieat
iti'-n firm the young
v t,, the favor of
i: r"-
. . -
Tu stay's
:e :.! ::ft
n. (:! tn-. lnends aia
iv alc Jac.-! Wend
hite hnic- t-j rev their
c s( - m and ropect t
i.tlvma.'i, who at th.
. r, y
'. ...
r.d useful life had been
r. e to ro.-i. ir.e services were
iri:e f Kc-v. II. (i. McClusky, who
a .rutiful sermon tilled with
'i i Terce to the sorrovin
:-!; ,:-,s
of the ninetv-fir
: --i n. l- ;i.e . crvices a quartet
' rrp-.-e i f Mis. i:. II. Wescctt, Mi?
Ma'? iid.- Vailc ry, Lynn Minor and I
II. W. -f. tt. gave tluee of the we
.o(.. .rymns. wmcn i-ervea to linnjr
o ;he fii-.'is a feeling of hopefulnc?
;vi ptac-. The floml remembrance
wo.e ery profuse and silently attest
c : t'r.e fttling of esteem in which the
.i'p;;rted had been held in the com
T-urity. The pall-bearcrs were the
four gian -!-r.s of the departed, Oar
. C!:fTo;d, George and Harry
. t
e. and two nephews, Charles and
Vc,!ey Tilt-
Tiit- Helpers of the Christian church
I.'-! I a very piea-ant meeting at the
iv-roe 4,f Mr. V. F. I'rissey, in the
i-uth part of the city, yesterday af
it-moon. The re gular business .session
wa he'd, at which time various plans
were made for the future work of the
.--.. ;;-ty, and at which time Lev. C. E
For Lee. pastor of the church, gave a
mo.-t excellent talk, which was preat
ly erj3-ed Ly those fortunate enough
to be present. After the business ses-
.d.ii the remainder of the afternoon
was f pent in sewing, social conversa
tion and other amusements.
Tor Sale.
ltr) acres of land, 4 miles east of
Murray; two sets of improvements;
all go.l farm land, except six acres
timber. Lots of fruit on both the
plices: acres is in fall wheat; all
wc'l rer;cd. Want to move to west
ern Nebraska in the spring reason for
-,::irrz. Price cr.d terms right. See
Fr. nk A'allery, Murray, Neb. Tel 4G,
Murrav exchange.
Last evening Mrs. Allen J. Beeson
returned home from the Immanuel
hospital in Omaha, where for the past
five weeks she has been taking treat
ment, as well as recovering from an
operation which was necessitated by
a gathering in her side. Mrs. Beeson
has stood the sickness in fine shape
and returns home feeling very much
improved in health and will, in the
rcstfulness of home, regain her
strength. Judge Beeson accompanied
his wife home from the hospital, and
it is needless to say that the occasion
was a most pleasant one for the en
tire family to have the wife and
mother back home again. The host
of friends of Mrs. Beeson will be de
lighted to learn that she has improved
so nicely and will soon be able to be
around with them.
ii r.
FINED $25.00 BY
This morning before Justice M.
Archer complaint was filed against
William P. Cook, charging him with
intent to wound AHo McClaren in this
city on Monday, February 21st, while
engaged in a dispute over possession
of the residence property of Mr.
Cook. To this charge the defendant,
Mr. Cook, entered a plea of guilty,
and va lined ?25 and costs, amount
ing to .30, and was allowed to go on
his way after settlement of the fine.
The man McClaren is getting along
very nicely from the fieh wound in
the small of his back which was caus
ed by the discharge of a shMgun in
the hands of Mr. Cook, and is being
cared for in the hospital ward at the
county jail.
This case was one that was quite
complicated and has been ended in a
nannor that shouM be satisfactory to
all concerned. Both pai ties were
partly at fault in the ease in the
methods taken in settling the differ
ences between themselves over the
rent of the house belonging to Mr.
Cr-ok, which was several months in
:. rears and for which McClaren had
rot made any effort to settle and Mr.
Cook, feeling that he could not afford
the hiring of an attorney, hr-d laken
the means of ejecting hi tenants by
force, and McClaren later committed
an error- of judgment by bieaking in
the dor.r of Mr. Cook's home, as a re
mit of which, in tho rni-up between
the Uvi men. he had the misfortune to
receive a gunshot wound in the back.
J he case has been a gres
deal of attention and the friends of
Mr. Cook are well pleased with the
outcome of the matter.
ine situation m the I'latte river
north of this city appears to be very
satisfactory in the way of the break
ing up of the ice and it seems as
though the ice will go out without do
Sng any particular damage unless
rush of flood water from the streams
emptying into the Platte that
stream to become overtaxed and finest
the lowlands. The cold weather has
had a tendency to check the rising
stream somewhat, allowing the water
and ice to move off gradually and not
cause the river to overflow, as wouh
have been the case had the warm
weather of last week continued for a
few more days. Farther west the
Platte is causing a great deal of ap
prehension and worry for fear of the
destruction of property, owing to a
flood and ice gorge. The Elkhorn has
been making a great deal of trouble
along its course by overtaxing the
capacity of the stream, and at its
mouth has flooded a considerable area
of land and farmers residing along
the stream have suffered quite a loss
; a i erult.
Come to The Journal for fine sta
$100 Reward, $100
Tl i r rfiiilvrn f flil will f,r t,l.ia.n
I'-nru lint tbiTe Is at li-ut omr Irraili-il discas
thiit hrlinw Iiiih ln-.-ti; t -tiro in all its
nates, and that Is Catarrh. Ilall'M Catarrh Cure
Ij lh only -sitlri' -ur- imw known t' tlio ini-d-ii'iil
fraternity. Catarrh ln-iiiir a rsm1 If nt l. n . I
rtl-e:iKo. r i;li-( S a ulist inn ioi.iil 1r. :it nn.r.t
Hall R Catarrh Cure In taken lnlernallr. aetinir
flir--tlv iijmn the I1hmI anil mucous purfaeeH of
th.; system, thcrefiy ileMruj-liig th" fuundatloQ
r th. !i.ease. and clT'nir the tiatient strength
It liulldini; up th coiitltut".n. and agisting na
ture in iMiijt Its werk. Th proprietors have
so raijeh f.ifth In !t etirative powers that they
offer in. Hundred Indian Vr any rune that It
falls to ourc. .Send for list cf testimonials.
Ad.lrebs I. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists. 73c. t
Take Hall' Family FLU fox coiuUpaUoa.
ilfli 1 1 Ann
Unfavorable Weather and Neglect
Are the Causes, Saj-s
Nebraska now has only 1,430,044
fruit bearing apple trees, while there
were 2,800,000 in 1910, according to a
bulletin of the state board of agri
culture. "The loss of trees in the last five
years was caused by dry weather,"
the bulletin says.
Weather conditions for this period
were bad for the proper application of
j-prays, it says, and have caused many
growers to neglect their trees.
2,300,000 Buhels Last Year.
'The farmer who will set out a
home orchard and give it the same
relative amount of care that he gives
to his corn, has never had a better
chance to grow a paying: orchard than
The Nebraska apple crop last year
is estimated by the board at 2,500,000
The bulletin names the vicinity of
Florence, in Douglas county, and
Brownville, Nemaha county, as the
best strawberry growing centers in
the state.
That Nebraska must pay more at
tention to methods of growing-,
preparation for market and marketing
if this state- is to become successful
in horticulture, is stated in the bul
letin. Must Advertise. It Says.
"We have the soil, climate and
peonle," the report says, "to make
iho growing of horticultural crops in
the .-tale one of the most important.
We must apply proper methods and
advertise to the consumer of Ne
braska." The crop of pears was light, accord
ing to the bulletin, though some in-
dividual trees were heavily loaded.
The commercial pear crop was not so
rood as that of l'Ji t.
The plum crop was, but the
plums were of c;-ol quality. Peaches
commercially were, a complete failure.
Peach prowin?, the bulletin says, ex
cept in the extreme southern portion
of the state, is. a pamble.
(irripcs Important Product.
The bulletin says further:
drapes arc cominp to be on? of the
larpe commercial crop.', of the Mis
souri river valky. Several thousand
vines were set out last- season. The
eastern part of the state offers the
best opportunities in the production of
kiph quality prapes of any section of
the LV.itd States.
Fasr berr ics ar d blackberries were
pmcrally a pood crop last year. Wet
weather was favorable.
For flowers and ornamental shrubs
last season was excellent. More in-
tcest beinp displayed by farmers
in beautifyinp their homes.
Nut culture has pone beyond the
experimental stape in Nebraska. The
black walnut crop last year was pood.
Thoie are a few chestnuts and hick
ory nuts prowinp in the southeastern
part of the state, and some hazelnuts
are found alcnp the Missouri river
A letter received here from Port
land, Orepon, conveys the informa
tion of the death in that city of Abe
Armstronp an old-time Plattsmouth
man, and a veteran trainman of the
IJurlinpton, who passed away a few
days apo after quite a lonp illness
due to cancer of the stomach. Mr.
Armstronp made his home here for
several years in the eighties, but in
the strike of 18S8 he was among those
to quit the service. Fatcr he moved
to the Pacific coast and has since maJc
his home at Portland. He leaves five
children to mourn his death Misses
Ella and (Jrace, Robert, Irvin and
Frank Armstronp all of whom reside
in Portland. Mr. Armstrong, who
was well known among the com
munity during his residence here, will
be remembered by the older residents,
who will regret to learn of his death.
In spite of the best care mothers can
give them this weather brings sickness
to many children. Mrs. T. Neureuer,
Eau Claire, Wis., writes: "Foley's
Ioney and Tar cured my boy of a
severe attack of croup after other
remedies had failed. It is a wonder
ful remedy for coughs, colds, croup
and whooping cough." It stops la
grippe coughs. Sold everywhere.
Marshall, Dentist, Coates Block.
Miss Violet Dodge, who has been at
Chicago spending a short time in the
wholesale millinery houses, arrived
home this morning ready for the sea
son's work in the millinery line which
she has been making a close study of
for the past few years. Miss Dodge
will be located at Omaha this spring
for the trimming season and will at
once assume her duties there. This
study at the wholesale houses has
given Miss Doelge a close insight into
the season's latest offerings, and with
her skill and splenditl ability in this
line should fit her in excellent shape
for the demands of the trade in the
OR. J. B.
Yesterday morning a large number
of members of the Ladies' Auxiliary
of the Presbyterian church gathered
at the home of Mrs. Dr. J. li. Martin,
on North Sixth street, and held an
all-dav session for the purpose of
working on their rag rugs, which the
ladies are eneaeed in making. The
greater part of the day was devotee
to working on the rugs and the ladies
were well pleased at the amount of
work that was accomplished. A most
excellent dinner, which had been pro
vided by a number of the ladies, was
prepared and was served at the noon
hour and was thoroughly appreciated
by the ladies, as they had acquired
some very pood appetites in their
work of the morning hours. Another
pleasing feature of the day was the
selections rendered by the Aeolian
Vocalian, which the ladies greatly en
joyed. At the close of the beautifu
winter's day the ladies departed for
their homes, feeling that they ha
spent a very profitable day and very
much indebted to Mrs. Martin for the
use of her home. The ladies will hole
another all-day session, but have not
decided on the date and place for hold
ing this meeting.
A Great Difference.
Two things may, to all outside ap
pearances, be the same, although there
is a great difference between them
Take two medicines both of them are
intended to relieve constipation and
both of them do it. The action of one
of them is slow, painful and harmful
while the other acts promptly, causing
no pain or discomfort. One of them
weakens the body, the other strength
ens it. This is the difference between
many other preparations and Triner's
American Elixir of Bitter Wine. This
preparation not only cleans out the
body in a natural and thorough way,
strengthening it at the same time, but
it also relieves many stomach and
bowel ills, nervousness and anemia
Price $1.00. At drug stores. Jos
Trinter, Manufacturer, 1333-1339 S.
Ashland Ave., Chicago.
It is useless to suffer, when Triner's
Liniment will quickly relieve you.
Try it in rheumatism, neuralgia, swell
ings and in stiffness caused by cold
Price 23 and 50c, postpaid 35 and COc
100 acres, being the S. E. quarter
of Section 9-11-13, located one mile
west and one mile north of Murray,
known as the T. V. Davis farm. Fine
farm and well imporved. Location the
best. Price for a short time at $25,
000.00. Write or call on
John Colbert,
Weeping Water.
Dance on March 4th.
There will be a social dance given
at the German Home on Saturday
evening, March 4th, and all those who
enjoy a good social event should be
present without fail. 2-24-2td
You who want
right up-to-date do not
forget the place
We are trying to do you a good turn,
by putting you wise to market conditions. You may think now that's its bunco and
bombast, but before many days you will say, "Wescott gave us the right tip." We think
by giving you the advance information that you can protect yourself and save a little
money. We have customers every day who are doing this, and its our delight to be of
service in this way. When the real tide of high prices sets in, which it is bound to do,
you will look with envy on those who provided themselves at the old prices. Take op
portunity by the forelock. If you need a new suit, especially blue serge, buy it now. If
you need shirts or will need them this year, buy them now. If you use 4 pairs of over
alls in a year, buy all four pairs now for $4 and save $1. If you need odd pants during
the year, buy 2 pair now it will be money in your pocket. If you need a light or heavy
overcoat buy it now. Money is 'lots cheaper than goods will be for a year at least. We
do not want to overstock you, but we do want to protect you. So far not a single item
in our store has been advanced. But don't wait too long.
Patrons of the Knights
of the Dunlap Signet Stars.
To Get the Poini,
You Read the Story
Two of Foley Kilnoy Pills taken
after each nu-al ami at l-oltime,
chatiKOfl Mr. 1. A. ShanlmlUor from a
misl'ty sick and iain-i Hdc-n man to
a r. irons, healthy ciUieii.
Konantz. Colo. "Fol. y & Co., I am
willing this, hoping that some one
needing it m!b'ht see it. 1 was so
troubled v. :th my kidneys and Madder
that I could r.ot walk or rld and
had to pet u n as hieh as twenty times
in one niuht. A friend persuaded me
to try a 5--c battle of Foley Kidney
Fills a:.d they helped me wonderfully.
I went back and 0ot another bottle
and then aaln another. Koti,-. to all,
if you l ave and bladder trou
ble and it pets you where it had rne.
von v.on t stand back to try a 50c
otth you will Fpend another
dollar :'- v riTo, If you npfl more.
Jus' r : rbeorfnll" a?" you ever spent
i f.v . "t r'ee'f. Sincerely yours,
D. . Shnnol'li"."
For sab ' ' "r t'jv. n by
Sold Everywhere.
Foreign Minister Speaks Before the
Duma Czar Makes Brief
Tetrograd, Feb. 22. (Via London,
Feb. 23. Addressing the duma to
day, Foreign Minister Sazonoff re
viewed the war situation in a most
optimistic way, although he declared
it was more difficult now than ever
before to foresee the end of the world
"The imperial government remains
unshaken in its "determination to con
tinue the struggle to conquer the en
emy," he said. "This war is the great
est crime of high treason against hu
manity. Those who provoked it bear
a heavy responsibility and today stand
entirely unmasked.
"We know who it was that let loose
the misfortunes without number with
which Europe is oppressed. Even Ger
man public opinion is beginning to re
alize that the German people have
been the dupe of those who thought
the hour had come to realize the
dreams of plunder and rapine they had
cherished so long.
"When dealing with an enemy like
Germany we must take thought in
good time how best to prevent the re
petition of the events which occurred
so rapidly eighteen months ago. The
instinct of self-preservation demands
putting an end to the ruthless egotism
and passion for plunder which' are
the distinctive characteristics of Prus
sianism, and they must be crushed
once for all. Otherwise the sacrifices
of the allies would be vain.
Union Is Complete.
"The allies have brought about
complete union without the sacrifice
by any one of them of a particle of in
dependence or personality. With the
enemy it is different. Germany's al
lies have become vassals. It is hard
to speak any longer of Austria-Hun
gary, Turkey and Bulgaria as inde
pendent states. The clutching grasp
I of Germany has seized the power in
their armies and all branches of ad
ministration. "The signature by the five allied
powers to the treaty to conclude peace
in common proves the falsity of absurd
rumors of a separate peace."
The speech of Emperor Nicholas be
fore the duma was devoted principally
to the victory of the Russians at Er
zerum. "I rejoice that I am able to join
E. Wescotfs Sons
"Everybody's Store"
you in thanksgiving for the brilliant
victory of our army of the Caucasus,"
the emperor said. "I am happy to be
among the representatives of my
faithful people. I pray for God's
belssing on your labors in this time
of trial, and am convinced you will
use all your experience and knowledge
and be guided by love of your country
in the work for which you are re
sponsible to the country and to me. I
wish you fruitful labor and complete
If you suffer with pains in your
back or side, stiff and sore muscles or
joints, or rheumatic aches, or have
symptoms of kidney trouble such as
puffy swellings under the eyes or sleep
disturbing bladder ailments, you
should know that Foley Kidney Pills
have benefited thousands in like con
dition. Sold everywhere.
Showing Some Imprevement.
From Tuesday's raiiy.
Reports from Omaha state that C.
A. Berggren is showing marked im
provement and that his family and
friends are given encouragement to
hope that his treatment at the hospital
may be successful in restoring him to
health and to allow him to return home
feeling much improved.
Get Prices From L. G. Larson.
For work of all kinds in the build
ing trade. Practical, economical and
reliable construction and repairs. Iron
clad references. L. G. LARSON,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
For regular action of the bowels;
easy, natural movements, relief of
constipation, try Doan's Regulets. 25c
at all stores.
Moore's Non-Leakable Fountain
Pens for sale at the Journal office.
Buy a Blue Serge
For the man who is undecided or who hasn't the
time to look at a lot of fabrics and patterns, blue
serge is a happy solution.
Or if any of you young men contemplate of em
barking on the matrimonial sea, a blue serge suit
is appropriate for the occasion.
We have a line of blue serge suits, made by some
of the oldest and largest clothingjhouses in the the
country, such as Society Brand, Kuppenheimer
and Clothescraft.
Regardless of the increasing in the price of raw
material they remain the same in quality and
prices, ranging from
. $15 to $30
Do not overlook our $1.00 shirt sale
these are going fast.
SUtson Hats
Hansen Gloves
New tiew every week.
The "hard to get" colorr.
Warn G. O. V. That Party Should Not
Name Standpatter Delegates
Lincoln, Feb. 23. A warning that
the slection of a standpat member
of the party as the presidential candi
date of the republicans will result in
a third party fight again next fall is
coitained in resolutions adopted by
progressives in conference here yes
terday. The progressives did not care to
designate a republican candidate ac
ceptable to them. Sentiment indi
cated, however, that either Roosevelt,
Governor Johnson of California or
Senator Cummins would meet with
their approval.
Delegates to the national conven
tion as follows were named:
At Large J. C. Harham, Lincoln;
W. J. Broach, Omaha; II .E. Sackett,
Beatrice; J. P. Gibbons, Kearney.
First District Don L. Love, Lin
coln; S. S. Stewart, Tecumseh.
Second District J. L. Kaley, Oma
ha; A. H. Bigelow, Omaha.
Third Distirct R. P. Tuner, Fre
mont; J. C. Jenkins, Neligh.
Fourth District A. G. Wray, York;
M. F. Stanley, Aurora.
Fifth District W. II. Miller,
Bloomington; A. H. Lewis, Sutton.
Sixth District W. S. Mattley, Ans
ley; K. L. Pierce, Hemingford.
When baby suffers with croup, ap
ply Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil at once.
Safe for children. A little goes a long
way. 25c and 50c. At all drug stores.
Manhattan Shirts
Carhart Overalls
t :
1 )
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" 1
A. 1
1 1 A