The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 21, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21,. 1S16.
- - -
n New Styles!
The following is an extract from one of the leading style journals:
"Fashions for Spring, while not indicative of any radical change, are
extraordinarily interesting. The prevailing style features of the winter
modes have been developed and improved rather than any attempt having
been made to introduce changes of an unusual character.
"Taffeta, in both plain and fancy effects, is the most popular material
for Spring. It is shown in stripes, plaids and in pompadour effects. The
combining of silks with sheer materials is an important factor in dress
fashions for immediate and future wear."
For Spring Dresses and Costumes,
our showing of Taffetas in plaids, stripes and plain colors, is all you could wish
for in making a selection. These are all yard wide and are of the soft Chiffon
finish. Chiffons and Georgette Crepes to match Taffetas and Silk Poplins, for
the making of sleeves, vest effects and over-drapes.
The McCALL FASHIONS are the last word in good styles. The new
Spring Quarterly, (just out) is simply filled from cover to cover with chic styles
for every one.
Patrons of Knights of New Spring Waists
Dunlap Signet Stars. Tokio Leather Hand Bags
New Pinkoline Undergarments
Phone 53 and 54
We Like to Serve
Germany Can Neither Yin Nor Be
Crushed, the Hollanders
London, Ffcb. 20. Most Hollanders
now believe the war will end in a
draw. This information is gleaned
following recent conversations with
Dutch leaders at The Hague and in
Rotterdam and from well informed
Hollanders here.
The Dutch believe Germany has ac
complished about all she is going to
accomplish in the war. Being in
close touch with Germany, they realize
the Germans are suffering severely.
Nevertheless, the Dutch do not be
lieve that Germany can be crushed.
They think i-he can hold out indefinite
ly, no matter how terribly she may
suffer, or how great permanent dam
age may be wrought to her people by
continuing the war.
The Hollanders believe both sides
will find a deadlock has been reached
end will be ready for peace about the
end of the present year.
Dutch leaders will be satisfied with
this solution. They believe a decided
victory for one side or the other would
le detrimental to Holland's interests.
They believe the victor would insist
on complete control of the River
Scheldt, paring off a slice of Dutch ter
l itory.
New Arrivals!
ICO acres, being the S. E. quarter
of Section 9-11-13, located one mile
west and one mile north of Murray,
known as the T. V. Davis farm. Fine
farm and well imporved. Location the
best. Price for a short time at $25,
OOO.OO. Write or call on
John Colbert,
Weeping Water.
We are showing our new Spring
Silks. Many different patterns of the
latest creations.
Our new Embroideries are in and
we are in position to furnish these at
the right figures.
Our Worsted Dress Goods are now
on di3play. Our stock is complete and
we can fill your wants. Remember all
of our Worsteds are full shrunk.
We are showing a large variety of
Dress Ginghams many new patterns.
We offer a small ot of 9-4 Bed
Sheets, full sizes, at, each, 79c. The
next lot will be higher in price.
We sell the Royal Worcester Corset.
We have a good variety to select from.
We offer Air Float Talcum
Powders, a good quality, at, per
can, 10c.
To close out, a large stock of
Ladies' Tailored Waists at a reduction
in price.
Time for an Answer to Protest on
Mail Seizure Appears to Be
at Hand.
The masquerade given Saturday
evening at the T. J. Sokol hall by the
young ladies turning class was a most
successful affair in every way, and
a very large crowd was present to
take part in the pleasuers of the even
ing. The evening was one of the
rarest pleasure, without anything to
mar the enjoyment of the dancers as
they moved to and fro to the music
furnished by the Holly orchestra. The
dance, which was conducted by the
young ladies, was throughout very
pleasing, as the attendance shows, and
it was with regret that the strains of
the home waltz was heard by the mem
bers of the party as the signal for
the home-going hour. It was one of
the most largely attended dances that
has been given for some time at this
Sales bills aone quickly at the
Wood, Bailed Hay and Feed!
1st Door East of Court House. Tel. No. 278
I have opened up a new Coal and Feed Store and
will be pleased to Bee all my old patrons in the new
location. Prompt and courteous service will be ex
tended to all. I solicit a share of the public patron
age, and will treat you right.
Washington, Feb. 20. Unless Great
Eritain replies to the American pro
test against interference with mails
Lansing will address to the foreign of
fice a supplementary note reminding
England that an answer seems due.
It was announced yesterday the
state department feels there has been
ample time for London to frame a re
ply, despite the admitted necessity for
a conference between England and her
It has been reported at various
times that England has been having
some difficulty in obtaining whole
hearted approval of her action by
France and Russia because it is be
lieved at Petrograd and Paris that
to express such approval would set
a precedent that might bind those
countries in the event they are in the
future enemies of Great Britain.
The American protest was present
ed more than a month ago.
Councellor Barclay of the British
embassy yesterday afternoon laid be
fore Councellor Polk of the department
a number of complaints contained in
British consular reports regarding the
seizures of British property in Mexico.
Birth of a Fine Daughter.
This morning Frank Kalasek was
just about the happiest man in the
community as the result of a visit of
the stork at his home, when a fine lit
tle daughter was left to brighten the
Kalasek home. The mother and little
daughter are doing nicely and the
proud father will be restored to nor
mal condition in a few days. As Frank
says he now has three daughters and
two sons and three queens and a pair
of jacks are mighty hard to beat, and
the little daughter is the object of a
great deal of admiration from the
brothers and sisters.
Called on Sad Mission.
At an early hour this morning a
long distance telephone call was re
ceived by R. L. Ponsler, of the Ne
braska Lighting company, conveying
the sad news of the death in Kansas
City last night of Mrs. A. E. Geyer,
mother of Mrs. Ponsler. Mr. and Mrs.
Ponsler departed this morning for
Kansas City to be present at the
For a Bilious Attack.
When you have a severe headache,
accompanied by a coated tongue,
olathing of food, constipation, torpid
liver, vomiting of partly digested food
and then bile, you may know that you
have a severe bilious attack. While you
may be quite sick there is much con
solation in knowing that relief may be
had by taking three of Chamberlain's
Tablets. They are prompt and ef
fectual. Obtainable everywhere.
J. P.
One of the Best Known and Ablest
Attorneys in the Metropolis
Judge of District Court.
Omaha, Feb. 21. James P. English,
judge of the district court, died of
grippe and its resultant complications
at the family home, 5S5 South Twenty-
f'.rst street, at 11:30 Sunday night, af
ter an illness covering a period of
about six weeks.
Judge English presided at the Haus
er trial recently and suffered with an
attack of the grippe during the hear
ing. Following the hearing he became
worse, complications resulting and he
was confined to his bed. He was un
able to leave his home since.
His condition became suddenly
worse Saturday, but yesterday physi
cians thought him improved. A relapse
last night resulted in a hasty call for
Dr. H. A. Waggener, who declared
that death was near. He expired
shortly afterward.
Judge English was born in Kenosha,
Wis., and after finishing his common
school education read law in a law
office at Racine. Wis. From there he
came to Omaha. That was in 1SS0.
For several years he was in the office
of James M. Woolworth, one of
Omaha's pioneer lawyers and citizens,
and later became a member in the
firm of Hall, McCulloch & English.
He was county attorney of Douglas
county for eight years and made an
enviable record. He was first elected
county attorney in l'.K)3, and served
two years, when he was succeeded by
Judge Slabaugh. In li07 he was again
elected to the office and served con
tinuously for six years, retiring to
private practice upon the election of
George A. Magney, for several years
his chief deputy.
When Judge Howard Kennedy re
signed hi.; seat on the district court
bench to become a member of the
state board of control, Governor More
head apopinted Mr. English his suc
cessor, serving out the term and be
ing re-elected to the office by the peo
ple. Judge English is survived by a
widow and eleven children. The chil
dren are Margaret, Mary, Catherine,
Anna, Ruth, Florence, Frank, Robert
and James living at home; John En
glish of Kansas City, and Mrs. Leo
Wickham of Council Bluffs. No ar
rangements have been made for the
funeral as yet.
Sunday Services Well Attended.
The Sunday services at the Chris
tian church yesterday were all largely
attended and. a most interesting and
impressive series of sermons given by
the pastor, Rev. C. E. PerLee, who at
the morning sermon preached from
the subject of the "Lord's Prayer," and
in the evening on "Opening of the
Seven Seals." There was on baptism
into the church during the day.
Postoffice Closed Tomorrow.
Tomorrow being Washington's
birthday the posofilce will be closed
all day, with the exception of the gen
eral delivery window, which will be
open from 11 to 12 o'clock. The day
is a legal holiday in this state and
the banks, as well as the offices in the
court house, will observe the day. The
Burlington shops, in most of the de
partments, will also be closed, but the
freight car repair department will be
run as usual, owing to the large num
ber of heavy orders in that department.
3 O
TRY Platlsmouth First!
MUX fi
We are making a special effort for
the 1910 Spring Season, just opening,
and will greatly appreciate your visit
to our sales room, whether you buy
or not.
I We are very fortunate in secur
ing the services of Miss Murphy, of
Chicago, for our Designer. Miss
Murphy comes to us very highly rec
ommended from the Gage Brothers Co.
of Chicago, makers of the famous
Gage Hat. We will show a complete
line of Gage Hats.
II We have been very fortunate in
our buying for the new season. In
the past few weeks there has been a
marked advance in the price of Hat
Frames, Silks, Ribbons, Trimmings,
etc., as much at 33 1-3 per cent. Our
orders were placed before this advance
in price, and our goods will be sold
at our customary low. prices.
III We have bought a much larger
stock this year than usual, and will
show, in addition to the Gage Hat,
others equally good, such as the Knox
Hat, the Edco Hat and the Edson
Kieth Hat. We consider these lines
the best money can buy, regardless of
IV A complete lineof
Manhattan Hair Goods.
Albert Lea Corsets we fit them.
Dr. Berry's Toilet Goods.
IV A complete line of
Only Dependable Goods
Also Offers to Withdraw from the
Democratic Race to Draft
Another Man.
Willing to Retire in Favor of Either
J. S. Canady or Judge
J. J. Thomas.
Come to The Journal for fine stationery.
50, 65 and 75c per bu.
Fancy Wisconsin Silver Thread
5-gallon keg $1.25
3-gallon keg $1.00
A Snap.
12 cans Van Camp's Pork and .
Beans $1-00
3 cans Hominy 23c
4 large packages Corn Flakes . . 25c
5 medium packages Corn Flake . . 25c
3 Wax Tite Maple Corn Flakes. . 25c
3 cans Fancy Wisconsin Peas.. 25c
3-lb. can Tomatoes, Advo, Mon
arch or Vesper, per can 15c
3 cans Corn 25c
8 bars Paloma Soap 25c
George W. Berge, of Lincoln,
democratic candidate for governor,
sent the following letter to Mayor C.
W. Bryan Saturday in reply to Mr.
Bryan's statement:
"Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 19, 1910.
Mayor C. W. Bryan, City. Dear Mr.
Bryan: In last evening's papers you
say that before you announced your
candidacy for governor you urged vari
ous prominent democrats in the state
to become candidates for governor,
among them such well known demo
crats as Judge Edgar Howard, Hon.
W. H. Thompson, Judge J. J. Thomas
and Hon. I. J. Dunn. You also say:
'I also wrote to Hon. J. S. Canady and
endeavored to interest him in the state
contest.' "You do not say you urged
Mr. Canady to become a candidate for
governor. Maybe you urged him to
take another place on the ticket.
"Except Mr. Canady none of the
democrats named by you have been
recognized by the people as dry men.
You say, however, that you would
still like to see one of those named
by you file for governor, and you
say: 4If one of the above named
democrats will volunteer his services
as candidate for governor I will glad
ly withdraw from the race in his
"I will assume, of course, that you
make this statement to the public in
good faith, and I will now say to you
and to tne democrats of the state that
if you will agree to withdraw from the
race I will do likewise and we can
then both be united , with the demo
crats of Nebraska in drafting either
Hon. J. S. Canady of Minden or Judge
J. J. Thomas of Seward into this race,
and present a united front in the cam-
See us about your wire now
before prices get too high.
We have in stock a large
quantity of the American
wire, at the RIGHT prices.
paign to win a great democratic vic
tory. "I have known both Mr. Canady
and Mr. Thomas for abouty twenty
years and no better men live in the
state than these two worthy demo
ciats. Neither one of them can re
fuse a draft to public service under
conditions as they now exist, and I
hope you will join me in bringing
about this much desired result.
Neither one of these men might volun
teer to enter the race under the cir
cumstances, but I am sure either one
will respond to a call.
"Will ycu agree to the proposition?
Yours truly, "George W. Berge."
beautiful winter's day all wished Miss
Minnie many more happy birthdays
and wended their way homeward, de
claring they had had a most delightful
time. Those in attendance were: Mr.
end Mrs. J. H. Steger, Fritz, Margaret,
Sophia and Eleanor Steger, Gertrude
and Hattie Roessler, Helen, Minnie
and Carl Hild, Clara Wichman, Elsie
Tiekoe'tter, Catherine Lutz, Freida,
Edna and Bernard Klinger.
LeRoy Cline of Murray was a Sun
day visitor in this city.
W. B. Rishel was a passenger this
afternoon for Omaha, where he was
called to spend a few hours at the
Woodman of the World headquarters
in the interest of the local camp of
that order.
Saturday was the thirteenth birth
day anniversary of Miss Minnie Kling
er. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Klinger, and in the afternoon she was
tendered a very pleasant surprise
when the members of her Sunday
school class at St. Paul's church came
to her home in the south part of the
city and informed her they had come
to assist her in celebrating the happy
event. The jolly company was accom
panied by the pastor, Rev. J. H.
Steger, and his wife. Various amuse
ments and games were indulged in,
which afforded this jolly company
much pleasure and provoked much
meriiment and frolic. At a suitable
hour Mrs. Klinger, assited by Miss
Mary Hobscheidt and Miss Helen
Lutz, served a most tempting birth
dav luncheon, which was thoroughly
enjoyed by all. At the close of the ;
Real Estate
Office and Salesroom
Tel. No. 1.
Me Spring D
resses for
) ff
"Bread Winner"
Little Girls-
a good showing of smart ser
viceable styles for every day
wear, made of Ginghams and
Chambreys and are absolute
ly color fast.
Little style, as shown in
cut, comes in blue or pink
apron check, made with belt
close under arms, and white
muslin guimpe daintily em
broidered at collar and cuffs;
sizes for ages 2 to 6,
price each
Other numbers with bloom
ers to match J
:h UcPC
Dainty styles, mostly light M IT QnJ ftrt rfl
colors, for -each Oil I J dllll OZlJU
See these dresses displayed in west window
New Spring models of Gossard Front Lace
Corsets just arrived.
i r It
p Lis a ya
I Value!
NT" if-