The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 21, 1916, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY. FEBRUARY 21. 1916.
-lfer -
OU Taylor, full quarts SI .23
Yellowstone, full quarts 1.2.1
Greenbrier, fall quarts 1.23
Cedar Brook, full quarts 1.2.
T. V. Samuels, full quarts 1.23
Oscar Pepper, full quarts 1.23
P.ond & Lillard, full quarts 1.23
Sunny Brook, full quarts 1.23
Green River, lull quarts 1.23
Hill & Hill, full quarts 1.23
Guckenheimer Rye. 'full quart.1-.. 1.23
Sc-henley Rye, full quarts 1.23
Oid Elk. full quarts 1.23
Old Bridgeport Rye, full quarts.. 1.23
Finch Golden Wedding Rye, full
quarts 1 .23
Large Rye, full quart? 1.23
Clarke's Pure Rye, fall charts.. 1.00
Golden Sheaf, full quarts 1.00
Iler's Pure Rye. full quarts..,. 1.00
White Corn Whiskey, full quarts 1.00
Old Crow, short quarts 1-23
Old Hermitage, short quarts... 1.23
l our Quarts Shipped Prepaid.
1 .. W
One Full Gallon Old Federal Reserve Whiskey, 100 Proof $2.00
lfFree Imported China Coupons With Each Sale!
rp,.,T ., .L.r j lTi; i PV aaU.ll - nm-mm-m.V V I 3
President Hayes and Registrar
Over hoi: left Saturday for Dayne,
v. iitre they are in attendance at a of the state hoard of educa
i i'
Ikan E. L. Rouse was ir. Lincoln the
of the week, where he attended
the rr. id-year commencement exercises
i f the university. ili sr.n. Phi!, is a
member of the class, graduating from
the engineering und agricultural
A large and appreciative audience
;.:d I'eter McQueen Saturday even
ir: his illustrated lecture on the
F..;:opean war. Mr. McQueen is a
:iiv!';;tr of the Royal Geographical so-c.-:y
and has traveled extensively. He
wu- four months with the English
rr.y at the front durintr the campaign
in P.eisrium. Mr. McQueen exhibited
! ..di i views of the countries engag
e.i in the war, portraying their
.-er.gth, resources, equipment and
achievements rather than the bloody
.-c-- e of the battlefields. His con
cluding statement vas to the effect
that this war should result in dis
armament of all nations in order that
.-uch a disaster would not recur.
This is the last number of the lecture
c -t:re. which has comprised a goodly
number of splendid attractions.
Arrangements have been completed
making it possible for Peru people to "The Birth of a Nation" in Ne
braska City Saturday afternoon. A
special train will go from Peru, arriv
ing in Nebraska City in time for the
matinee performance and returning in
the evening. Ahoul three hundred and
fifty students and faculty members
have asked for reservations. !
Last Wednesday evening the Peru
basket ball team won two more games.
The reserves played Nebraska City
H;gh school, and won easily by a score
of 'M to 21. The second game resulted
in a long anticipated victory from
Kearney normal. Th.1 game was clean
and fast from start to finish and was
characterized by many unsuccessful
attempts at goal shooting by both
teams. The final sc:'e was 24 to 10.
Peru has not yet lost a pme this
Dean Matt;e Cook Eiiis gae a shoit
ta'k on Wednesday morning at the
chape! period on her impressions of
the south. Miss Ellis had the novel
experience of leaving Nebraska dur the severest winter weather to
i-penJ four days in southern Florida
amid blooming flowers and ripening
Matter is being assembled in the
president's office for the annual sum
mer school announcement and bulletin.
Professor Brown, the new head of the
department of rural education, is to
be among the instructors.
All accounts due to M. Fanger have
been left at the Bank of Cass County,
and all those knowing themselves in
debted to Mr. Fanger will confer a
favor by calling and settling the same
without' delay. Mr. Fanger has re
moved from the city and will clean up
the book accounts, and this oppor
tunity is given to allow a settlement
before other steps will be taken to
secure them.
-.rZk - :
Pay the RDCaHT
Cedar Brook
Old Taylor
Sunny Brook
Bond & Lillard . . .
Spring Hill
T. W. Samuels
Old Crow
Hill & Hill
Guckenheimer Rye
Schenley Rye .
Sherwood Rye
Clarke's Rye
Old Overholt Rve
Six Quarts
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schoeman
visited relatives at Murray last week.
James Stander left Tuesday for
Hayes and Hitchcock counties, where
he has extensive land interests.
Miss Ruth Butler and Miss Mary
Wright spent the week end at their
respective homes in University Place.
Mrs. J. W. Kennison of Omaha ar
rived Wednesday evening for a two
days' visit with her daughter, Mrs.
Scott McGraw.
Miss Velma Alexander of Omaha
visited over Sunday in Louisville with
the Misses Locia Haddon and Eva
Thomas, and other friends.
Henry AM returned Monday from
an extended visit with relatives in
Oklahoma. The trip must have bene
fited his health, as he is looking fine.
Miss Ida Ross of Maitland. Mo., is
visiting relatives in Louisville. She
spent Monday shopping in Omaha, ac
companied by her sister, Mrs. F. H.
V. M. Haddon returned Monday
from a business trip to Detroit and
Toledo for the Richey Sand company.
While in the east he visited for a few
days with his uncle, Thomas Cherry,
at Walsh, Wisconsin. Mr. Cherry's
many friends here will be pleased to
know that he is doing well in his
northern home and that the family are
enjoying good health.
Andrew Stohlman, one of our pop
ular young farmer friends, say that
the time to enjoy life is while living
it. The other day he sprung himself
for a Ford and a new Hospe piano.
He says he would have been able to
have provided his family with these
two necessities some years ago had he
not been roped in on a land deal. But
all things come to the Nebraska farm
er who is willing to work and wait.
A car load of live poultry, to be de
livered at C, B. & Q. freight depot,
Plattsmouth, Neb., Tuesday, February
29th (one day only), for which we will
pay in cash as follows:
Hens, per pound 14c
Pullets, per pound 14c
All Young Roosters, per pound 12c
Old Roosters, per pound 8c
Beef Hides 14c
Large Horse Hides $4.00
We will be on hand, rain or shine,
and take care of all the poultry offer
ed on above date.
i w mm mw t u 9mmmmm9
I vr2Ji'-,iJ"' ? I -51" l?.
Our Own Bottling, 10'J PROOF W HIS
KIES. 8 and 10 Years Old.
Green River
Per Gallon
Glass Jar
2 Gallon
Glass Jar
Full Qu art
or Two Gallons of Our Own
No Better Wine Can Be Had.
Gal. V Gal. Full Qt.
Port $1.73 $0.90 $0.30
Sherry 1.75 .90 .50
Angelica 1.75 .90 .50
Muscatel 1.73 .90 .50
uuQP 16th and Capital Ave..
All Mail Orders Given Prompt and Careful
Attention. Address Department No. S
f Republican. J
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tefft,
on Friday, February 11, 191G, a son
Also to Mr. and Mis. Chris Nelson,
north of town, Monday, February 14,
a boy.
Mrs. R. E. Countryman fell down
stairs at her home Saturday night
and received a badly sprained
Mrs. John Domingo left Saturday
for Humboldt. Iowa, for a few days'
visit with her sister, Mrs. Chris John
son and family.
Mrs. James Tighe and Mrs. Akeson.
the two elderly ladies northwest of
town, who have been very poorly for
a number of weeks, are reported as
being about the same.
Mrs. Grace Wright and little
Charley Sparks, who have been mak
ing their home at the Laurel hotel, left
Sunday morning for Ureka Spirngs,
Mrs. O. II. Reason and little girls,
who have been spending three weeks
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Parker, left for their
home at O'Nedia, Iowa, Friday morn
ing. C. T. Noell received a card from his
son, Ben, who is with his wife in the
Colorado mountains, which stated that
Mrs. Noell was not much improved.
The card also stated that it was nice
rnd warm there.
On Monday evening Miss Vera Bald
win entertained the rest of the teach
ers at an informal valentine party in
her room at the school house. A de
lightful two-course lunch was served,
and it is needless o say that it was
greatly enjoyed by those present.
A number of neighbors and friends
surprised Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hansen
Tuesday evening by calling at their
home to remind them that it was their
fifth wedding anniversary. A very
pleasant evening was enjoyed playing
games and disposing of the splendid
lunch which the visitors prepared for
the occasion.
There is a great deal of rejoicing at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. George A.
Kaffenberger in this city, as Saturday
evening Miss Gladys Kaffenberger re
turned home from the Immanuel hos
pital, where she had been for the past
several months recovering from a
very severe operation for appendicitis,
and in addition to this was later taken
with an attack of scarlet fever, which
necessitated her removal to a private
home near the hospital. Mrs. Kaffen
berger has been in Omaha for the past
few weeks with her daughter and has
also been suffering from a severe case
of the girppe.
For Sale.
Single Comb Rhode Island Red
eggs. $1.00 per 15; $5.00 per 100.
Baby chicks, 15c each.
A. O. Ramge,
Platts. 'Phone 3513.
A Leader-Echo.
Mrs. Emma Chambers of Roseburg,
Oregon, arrived Wednesday evening
for an extended visit with her brother,
Bert Reed and family.
H. A. Ingwerson of Sioux City,
Iowa, arrived Tuesday evening for a
few days' visit at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. R. M. Coatman.
Charles Tighe and son, William, of
Bancroft, Neb., came in Tuesday even
ing to be in attendance at the Malone
Smith wedding "Wednesday morning.
W. J. Creighton, wife and little boy,
of Dawson county, arrived several
weeks ago. They will live with Wil
liam Schlanker, and Mr. Creighton
will help him on the farm.
Mrs. Bert McNamee of Weeping
Water returned Saturday from
L Manilla, Iowa, where she had visited
her sister, Mrs. Wi!liam Penterman.
She is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William DelesDernier, here now.
Mrs. Joe McCaig of York, Neb., is
visiting relatives and friends in these
parts. She and her sister, Miss
Myrtle Wood, came up Saturday from
Wabash for a visit with Mrs. Mary
McCaig and "Aunt Sarah" Hall.
S. M. Cox of Murdock was visiting
his many friends and attending to
business matters in Elmwood Monday.
He and Mrs. Cox recently returned
from a ten months' visit to Oregon,
and we were much interested in hav
ing him tell of some of the conditions
pertaining to that section of the
A real estate deal was closed the
latter part of last week, whereby the
Jas. McCartney farm was sold to
Henry Irons. This farm is located
five miles southeast of town and just
across the road from the place where
Mr. Irons owns. This gives Mr. Irons
a half section of good land. The price
for the McCartney farm, it is under
stood, is $127 per acre.
The large red timber squirrels are
very numerous this year. They may
be seen scampering around. Willard
Clapp says that they are so numerous
at his place that they have been mak
ing big inroads on his corn crip which
is located close to the timber. He
says the instinct for carrying food
seems to have become overdeveloped
and they seem to be at the corn all
the time just to be doing something.
These squirrels are ones and have
been greatly admired.
J News.
M. G. Kime returned home from
Omaha Friday and reports that Rob
ert Kirtkpatrick is very much im
proved. Mrs. Clayton Rosencrans returned
to her home in Plattsmouth Thursday
after spending several days here with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wun
derlich. Mrs. Charles Comstock and little
daughter of York, Neb., came in Sat
urday to visit with her mother, Mrs.
Griffith, who has been seriously ill the
past week.
B. F. Moore of Burns, Wyo., arrived
in town the first of the week. Mr.
Moore was a former resident of this
place and has many friends in this
Mrs. V. P. Sheldon returned home
from a few days' visit with relatives
in Lincoln Friday. Mrs. Stout, her
mother, accompanied her here for a
few days' visit.
Mrs. Thomas came in Monday from
Palmyra to attend the funeral of her
brother, Charley Frn.ns, and spend a
short time with her sen, H. L. Thom
as and family.
Last Monday was H. F. St. John's
80th birthday and several relatives
and friends dropped in and gave him
a beautiful surprise. The day was
one of enjoyment and everyone wish
ed Mr. St. John many more birthdays.
The annual occurrence happened
again Tuesday morning when a large
number of mail sacks wrere unloaded
here full of Montgomery Ward & com
pany catalogues. From the looks of
things they have a few customers
around Nehawka.
R. B. Stone and family who have
made their home here for many years,
took the afternoon Saturday for
their future home at Duvale, Wash
ington. Mr. and Mrs. Stone are wrell
known here and leave a number of
relatives and friends who wish them
success in their new location.
Something Good.
Those who have nasty medicine
should try Chamberlain's Tablets for
constipation. They are pleasant to
take and their effect is so agreeable
and so natural that you will not
realize that it has been produced by
a medicine. Obtainable everywhere.
Read the Evening Journal. Only 10
cents a week.
i. UNION. 4
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Zack Aulden,
who reside near the oil fields, a fine
boy, last Friday.
Attorney C. II. Taylor came down
from Omaha Sunday for a visit with
his mother, Mrs. B. A. Taylor.
Mis. Rosa Cogill and two daugh
ters, from Randolph, were in attend
ance at the funeral of Mr. Frans, held
here Tuesday.
A Mr. Jeff of Plattsmouth is the
new man in the bank, taking the
place of Miss Svoboda, who is at home
taking care of her mother, who is sick.
Mrs. Roy Herbert of Falls City
spent the latter part of the week with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Bar
ton, returning to her home Sunday
Mrs. Joe Campbell, Mr. and Mrs.
Queen, Mrs. Flora Sans and son, John,
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hutchinson, of
Rock Bluffs, were in attendance at the
funeral of Mr. C. W. Frans Tuesday.
The Baptist young people had a
fine sleigh ride last Friday night when
they went out to the country home
of II. M. Frans to spend a social even
ing. At a late hour they returned to
their homes and they all report a
good time.
We are sorry to state to the Ledger
readers that we are going to have a
real live, true young scandal story one
of these days if the wandering ways
of some people are not changed. The
time to lock the door is while the
horse is safe.
Yesterday Elmer Withrow was try
ing to haul a cow home that he pur
chased from Young's sale, and in
rounding a corner the cow became
frightened and upset the bobsled,
throwing Elmer out and alighting on
him. Today Elmer is carrying a dis
located arm in a sling; also a deep
gash under his eye cause by the cow's
horn, and several other minor bruises.
It is indeed fortunate that he came
out as lucky as he did.
Severe Cold Quickly Cured.
"On December first I had a very
severe cold or attack of the grippe as
it may be, and was nearly down sick
in bed," writes O. J. Metcalf, Weath
erby, Mo. "I bought two bottles of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and it
was only a few days lentil I was com
pletely restored to h?alth. I firmly
believe that Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is one of the very best medi
cines and will know what to do when
I have another cold." Obtainable
Mrs. J. V. Stradley of Greenwood
visited Wednesday and Thursday with
her mother, Grandma Mick, and other
George Trunkenbolz arrived here
Wednesday night from his home near
Superior, Neb. He expects to remain
here for the present.
Nick Peterson and family visited
relatives here the first of the week.
They returned to their home at Rey
nolds, Neb., Wednesday.
Miss Lottie Renner returned home
from Falls City Wednesday evening,
where she had been visiting friends
for the past few days.
Mrs. Dick Schwegman, sr., of near
Bennet, visited relatives in and
around Eagle from Thursday of last
week until Wednesday of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Foreman and
family were guests Sunday at the F.
W. McManis home. They will leave
about the middle of March for Mon
tana, where they will take up some
homestead land.
Mr. and Mrs. William Rockenbach
returned to their new home southeast
of Eagle Tuesday of last week. A
charivari party had been planned in
which nearly forty participated, and
were there waiting for them when they
Lute Hall loaded his personal ef
fects into a car the latter part of last
week and he and his family departed
Monday morning for Burley, Idaho,
where they will make their future
home. Lute expects to buy some ir
rigated land near there as soon as they
reach their destination. We are sorry
to lose this estimable family from the
vicinity of Eagle and the best wishes
of their many friends go with them
for success in their new home.
FOR SALE Two fiv?-room cottages;
$25.00 down, $10.00- per month
thereafter. Two residences to ex
change for grazing lands. Ten acres
of land close in for rent.
Windham Loan & Investment Co.
ri i I a
J Beacon.
A want ad will bring what you want.
Senator Lewis Delivers First
Attacks on Republican
Keynote Address.
If by "Action He Did Not Mean
"War," Democrats Tell Him
to Speak Out.
Washington, Feb. 20. The first of
a series of challenges to republican
senator, to declare whether they favor
intervention in Mexico and war with
Germany, was delivered yesterday af
ternoon by Senator Lewis. A second
will come early next week from Chair
man Stone of the foreign relations
committee. Senator Williams prob-
ablv will make a third.
The democratic plan is to take the
text of the Root speech, with its as
sault on President Wilson's foreign
politics; accept it as the republican
keynote, and challenge the repub
ilcans to state just what they would
do if in power.
Lewis bore down on the argument
that for the United States to have
done other than write notes to Ger
many would have meant "war" and
that "action," following notes, in
Mexico, must inevitably have meant
Seek a Program.
The democratic plan is to force the
republicans to put up a definite pro
gram of foreign policy. Heretofore,
they say. the republicans have en
joyed themselves attacking the poli
cies of President Wilson without tell
ing what they would do if in his place.
As the democratic orators will read
the case, sixteen years of republican
administration have left the army and
navy of the country in such a position
that it dare not appeal to arms, even
if the sentiment of the country seemed
for action.
Lewis' speech was made on a short
notice after a talk with Senator
Stone. "Hypocrisy of Statesmanship,"
was its theme. "Uncalled for and
lacking in sympathy," he termed the
Root attack on Wilson.
"He would use Mexico and Germany
as steps toward republican success in
the next election," he declared. "Why
this change now; why this hypocrisj
of statesmanship?" he asked, after
reviewing Root's senatorial record,
raying it showed he had previously
disapproved of Mexican intervention
in behalf of "fatherless children and
women who will mourn."
Let Him Speak Out.
"As to Germany," Lewis said, "Root
said we need a president who'll ap
peal to something else than words. Is
only war possible? Let him declare
the campaign boldly. If he plans to
elect a republican president under
covert purposes of war against Ger
many, let him say so. What new
campaign fund sources are opening to
our republican friends? What inter
ests have they found who want war
against Germany? War now, when
sixteen years of republican rule have
left us with no navy, no army when
we could not defend ourselves for
twenty-four hours if our republican
friends are right?"
In defense of Root. Senator Smoot
denied the former ever obstructed ac
tion in defense of American honor.
Root must have been doubtful, how
ever, he said, as to the advisability
of persecuting Huerta.
The Cullom Social club surprised
and gave a delightful farewell party
for Henry Keil and family, who are
moving to South Dakota this spring
to make their future home. The
merry companyT enjoyed themselselves
throughout the evening and until a
late hour with music, dancing and so
cial games, interspersed with lively
conversational chat, and as to swing
ing on the gate, all the youngsters
had to admit that the old-timers had
in reserve an unusually large amount
of pep and vim. To merely say that
all present had a good time would be
ruperfiuous, as the occasion was a
howling success from beginning to
end. Varied and delightful refresh
ments were served from time to time
and all agreed Mr. and Mrs. Keil were
the best of entertainers. Those in
vited to be present were: A. B. For and family, Julius Helflicker,
Louis Keil and family, W. H. Seybert
and family, August Keil and family,
W. J. Hicks and family, Charles Keil
and family, Frank Blotzer and family,
P. H. Tritsch and family and John
True and family.
Women's Shoes
This House of Good Shoes places
great stress on its line of Women's
Shoes at Three Dollars! Choice
Shoes at a higher price can always In
had, but Shoes of the grade we sell at
Three Dollars are, indeed, special and
unusual values.
We are showing a new Patent
Leather Vamp cloth top lace, seven
inch Boot Stage Last, Louis Heel.
It's a Beauty
Just test our woman's
$3.00 Shoes
Fetzer Shoe Co.
C. L. Sprague and wife of Beat
rice, Neb., were in the city over Sun
day, spending the day with J. H. Mc
Maken and family, Mr. McMaken and
Mr. Sprague being cousins. Mr.
Sprague is a former Platsmouth man,
having spent his younger days here,
r.nd the visit yesterday was one of
great pleasure, as he took a trip over
the city and inspected a number of the
familiar scenes, although the city has
greatly changed and improved since
his removal years ago. He is at
present interested in the Kilpatrick
Contracting company, one of the large
concerns in the Gage county me
tropolis, and is kept very busy in
looking after the work of the com
Frank Warren of this city has been
confined to his home for the past few
days suffering from a very severe
case of the grippe, complicated with
heart trouble, which has caused him
to be a very sick man jmd occasione d
his family a great deal of worry. He
is, however, feeling a little improved
and it is hoped that in a few days he
may be able to be up and around at
his duties as usual.
Don't Wait for tne Fatal Stages of
Kidney Illness Profit by Platts
mouth People's Experiences.
Occasional attacks of backache, ir
regular urination, headaches and dizzy
spells are frequent symptoms of kid
ney disorders. It's an error to neglect
these ills. The attacks may pass off
for a time but generally return with
greater intensity. Don't delay a min
ute. Begin taking Doan's Kidney
Pills, and keep up their use until the
desired results are obtained. Good
work in Plattsmouth proves the ef
fectiveness of this great kidney rem
edy. Louis Kroehler, prop, hardware
store, Elm street, Plattsmouth, says:
"I had pains in my back and I was so
lame I couldn't stoop. My kidneys
were weak. I had a tired, languid
feeling all the time and headaches
were common. I got Doan's Kidney
Pills from Gering & Co.'s Drug Store
and they soon relieved me."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Kroehler had. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Moore's Non-Leakable Fountain
Pens for sale at the Journal office.