: l t . TACE S. PLATTSMOUTn semi-weekly journal. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1916. r r nnirnn Aim Mm an cnoHHU cn CHANTS SHOULD BE CLOSES! FRIENDS J if W. C- Elliott, President of Federation of braka Retailers, Makes Nynie Excellent Suggestions. .-al address cf W. C. Elliott, tf the Federation of Ne- .i.-rva K. ia.hrs. contained some ex c uct-i.ie:;s and as a whole it i 1 features cf originality, at- and saying sometmng .freshing to the members .Ti. .':;:. :. reviewed the changed - ih..t had wme in the mer :z business in this state and :. (.:r;:'.:tm-r.ts that have seemed : v i.-.tu ivrr.r.:u::ltie as they have i..t.c .'..:. r i.r.d more independent of j i.,:. i-;; . r. He --I "eke of the common ".- that ur.itoi merchants and :..- .- t -gt :h. r i.i M:e pioneer days; . :' t t'.-.rrur :V.t and appreciated . --i tare. th:.: the merchant was t t!.. v -.rr. s::iy and wh-.a the mer 4 : : hi ra:t was in clo.-e touch . ..1 :: c h r.: .-tcrder. understood his -.- ..: J : nv.ties and iid his part ment. That condition must appeal to all as the natural one and the one from which all will most largely benefit. if MUM! IN A BUSINESS WAY r-: :: : ear:v tie eo.-..it-.4-r.s common . e.v!. u.i when, as :lr. . ".v.-y .e ha i its - ? -r.i i'.i. ir tobacco i ." i t he lthalitat : w-.-i it d r.t fol :r te ..:: it that existed ' '. ara.ri be devi.cp- i ;ri ihe : apid growth !i .-.ate. mtrihants r i:. p. ple around ,he t .;n ehanged, r. i v. land From Tuesdays Dally. Among the former Flattsmouth young men who in the last few years have forged to the front in their chosen lines of business is Lloyd Ben nett Wilson, who was born and reared in this city, where his grandfather. Captain L. D. Bennett, was for years one cf the prominent merchants, and where his father. Frank II. Wilson, was one of the leading members of the legal profession, as well as very prom inent in the republican politics of the county and state, ilere Lloytl Wil- fon was educated in the public schools and graduating started out in life to fedlow the telephone business, and has at last risen to a high position in this line, as he is occupying the position of superintendent of the Bell Tele phone company in Nebraska and Kan sas and is one of th leading men in the employ of the iompany in the west. Mr. Wilson has devoted his time to this work with the result that lie has advanced steadily until he now stands very high in the service of the telephone company. His success will be the s;uice of a great deal of pleas ure to his friends in this city, and they will watch his future with in terest, as he is i-ti!I advancing up the irdder of success and will undoubtedly be able to reach the top ere many years. H. G. FALTER, FORMER CASS COUNTY CITIZEN, VISITS OLD FRIENDS POSHING WORK ON THE LOUISVILLE BRIDGE Why not manufacture dyes in this country? From Wednesday's Dally. Louisville, .Neb., I-eb. 15. Work is being rushed on the automobile bridge across the Platte river near here. Fin- From Yednesdavs Dally. uu, uv 4mt u uvwic H. G. Falter, a former resident of traine opens this spring. Already the this county, and now one of the lead- I on girders are in place, and the ing farmers of near Crcighton, Neb., heavy steel benches are being lined , came in last evening from South Oma- UP The entire structure is being re- ha, where he had been with several I built. The Louisville and Omaha cars of steel: on the market, and will I automobile clubs are working jointly enjoy a visit here with his brother, J. on the structure. The bridge will be P. Falter, and his old friends in this on a main line between Omaha and locality. Mr. Falter has resided in Lincoln. Knox county for the past thirteen years and has been very successful in his farming, which w:li be most pleas ing to his many old friends in Cass county, where he was for thirtv-onei years a resident. He will remain here over Sunday to enjoy a visit with the old friends before returning to bis home, and will bj a comnanied 'here! by the Plattsmouth Journal to kt him in touch with his old friends and neighbors. THE STATE APPORTION- MENT OF SCHOOL FUNDS FOR CASS COUNTY yX NUMBER of people have asked us this question and it's natural they should. "JX There is money enough and brains enough in this country to manufacture all the dye necessary, but to quote from a letter written by Cheney Brothers, N. Y., manufacturers of silks, "Capital hesitates to enter the field of dye manufacture be cause of insufficient protection against German competition when the war is over." In other words Germany can make dyes cheaper than we can and for that reason American capital does not want to tackle it. This condition being true it's almost certain there will be no fast dyes in this country till the war is over. The stock in hands of the manufacturer is exhausted, so that colored goods not bought and made up last year, will not be guaranteed in color. This brings us to the point we want to make, namely that our foresight in contracting for large supplies on last year's market is your protection against poor qualities and poor colors. So far, we have no goods in the house colored with substitute dyes and the goods we have con tracted for are the same, so that for some little time you can find here the good kind the kind you want, at the old prices. Guaranteed blue serge suits $15; guar anteed blue chambry shirts 50c; genuine indigo overalls $1.00. Bright ties, the hard to get kind, 25 and 50c; dress shirts, guaranteed colors, 75c, $1,00 and $1.50. Buy a good supply of these good goods now. V nil urn 'SI 0 LADES lil in ENJOY ANOTHER VERY PLEASANT MEETING From "Wednrsrtays Pallr. The statj apportionment of school funds sent out to Cass county has been distributed among the different school districts of the county by County Supei intendent Miss Marquardt. There has been quite a diiferonce in the '.mount of money placed in the dif ferent districts this year than last, 1 From Tuesday Daily. owiii r to the tact that the law in re- John tinier was a visitor in tne me 5Htn; C. E. Wescotfs "Everybody's Store" US New ties every week Local News i.-.-T wealth Tie el 1 wi'h From Wednesdays PaUv. now Last evening ihe Knighis and J the best average attendance is entitled Ladies of "Sccixitv T this citv held alto receive tho largest amount of very p!ea-:)u: meeting at their led money, regardless of the school census lei-j.is in the Woodman bunding and This will account for the difference in there v;'.-. a vt ry la: -:.' attendance of the amounts over last year, when the the memb?rs -,f th ird r present to districts having the largest number enjoy theo ceasin. Ihe meeting was of children according to the census for the pjrj 'i.-e of taking in .a class were given the larger share of the ap of some ten member.-", and for the hist portonment. The new law is designed time the n: v degree team was given to increase the attendance in the Edward and Jesse Volk and sister, From Thursday's Daily. Miss Annie Volk, who have been at Mrs- Ren Muenchau of Eagle is Pekin, Illinois, enjoying a visit there visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. with their relatives and friends, are T. Smith in this city for a few days, expected here today for a short visit Theodore Stark ir.hn ne aid to the distribution of the money iropolis today for a few hours, return- with relatives while en route to their morning for Omaha where he will ow provides that the district having ing home this afternoon on No. 24. home in Pierce county. spend the day looking after om'e mat- Judge J. E. Douglass was a visitor Mrs. Fannie Dickson was among ters of business, in Pacific Juntcion for a few .hours thoso going to Omaha this morning, J. H. Keeker was a business visitor today, looking after some matters of where she will visit for the day with jn Omaha today for a few hours go legal business. relatives and friends. inff to that city on ;he carly Iur'Hn. J. F. Clugy was a passenger this Miss Tony Janda was among those ton train this morning, morning for Omaha, where he will going to Omaha this morning, where Edward Leach cam 2 up this mornin" spend the day looking after some mat- she will visit for the day with friends from his home near Murrav to r,,b and look after some matters of busi- arrangements for ih. fm,r-,i ..f fo late Lee Allison, his father-in-law. ters of business. Miss Agnes Knoflicek was a visitor ness- ISS ANNA OAOER AflO 1. W. H. HEIL UNITED IN 1DL0CKEE' opportunity to enrrv on the floor Uchoois and to keep the teachers and - ui Murray, candidate John Fight was a passenger this chool directors on the job in seeing ageu ,n 100Kin a'ter ner musical ior me republican nomination for morning for Omaha, where he will that the scholars living in the district WOIK 1,1 inai cu' euuruy ireaurer, was m tne city yes- visit his daughter, Mrs. Thomas Sul- ttend school as they should and that W. J. Uookmeyer was a business terday for a few hours calling on his Hvan and family, for a short time. the district secures the amount of visitor m Omaha today for a few I ""!. Enoch Moreland rano in tliu mm-n. work, which ih?v rn.'.n u-r. : tul th much to the in! DinricL Deputy IV.tlop. who has 1 did ia a splendid feature added ve.j est of tli-.' meetirg ii .11 t- ; r ..... r.i is to rJ. .::-,? Lack . ; u but ".v-rU'i.t of pro::t I 1 - ir.e-s men ;in in the .-awe ty jvars aero. . 1, . . . ..ri. i ? .1 i i.-1 :.izv oi vie w oi k o! c:eLri ee ler.m is contributed very rmu-h to the of the t.nm. Presidrnt R. IJ. i v r the meeting and. assisted the de- Wednesday afterneon at the German v.0.k of the nncv. Luthi-an chinch at i.oiusviile, witer. i;.ij,.., -Ui.-s Anna Gai:er and Mr. W. II. Ileil v. t i- un.ted in tne ro.y ooiid.. oi we :- J--r. jock by I.V'V. Ihirtmarin. pastor of ;iu- beard on their attendance. here for the past few week-", has h d money that they should from the state hours, going to that city on the after- C. F. Vallery, the rustling and wide- ing on No. 15 from Missouri, where he noon Turlington train awake road overseer of Platsmouth has been visiting with relatives and Marion Thomas departed this after- Precinct, was in the city yesterday for friends in the vicinity of Grant City noon for McClelland, Iowa, where he u xvv "ours looking alter some mat- w G Mci-dner exnects to visit for a short tim. with "rs ai i"e cou" nouse. his uncle, M. MeMuIiin. huich. who ir. a most impre.-ive man ner jn:r.ounced the o:ds which made their lives and heart as one. The y.,u'.g people veie .'tter.ded at the church by Mr. John G iuer, jr., Luochir of the bride, as best man, ar.d Mi-.-. :i"in'tei !nLr of t ie J'oliowing the in- I loo ire v.-.'k thore was a liccef tion given to the members of the their f ior. Is. which nroved i: p-eaa"t .--ocial feaiirro of the even ing. Kefrcshmerts -ci"-ed at a su;t ;.'ie Iki':- added vcy much to the en-jtyme-it ot th.' large number jMesent, while several musical numbers given j ny (-.tttient talented members of the i order iv'd.vl their rr-v.r in thr of the groom, as I ,::,., of tho r.vn:n , ine ni :uesniu! j. .'lis . eKiuer wore a Helen Heii. sister enjoya- - riy c e 1 1 t:ie many good vt i v strihi i" : e a I dress cf Mr. ' a'! that was said, this " !ar,.t ; :: 1 secras to ail o:ht-rs worthy The: e i- :.o lire of di- a t.f...., tu-vn which is . i .-"cial center. is an un- ig traveling suit of bh; .tfeta trimmed in ci-can col'. n t.tie 1- ".e ? : f r a u:. Th ( jr.:;' low n. tor. jition working together. the better it is, - v-e p. (. pxrou- it is. reacts di- ler.efu of the farmers - i- Tae :.a.er their land is ; ,A tt . n, ihe mn;e valuable it re .a: per in? market eppo :;.v rrore protit to them, and tau.ia a I -ocial center the taat its j 'j-.:ic sehoo's are i tr.- .arccr o.portunities that . ii i r t iuc tticn and social -:.-e u'A the.-e are of direct to tne farr.i:r.g community . c t io.-pciouj town. And the :ity f the town in turn depends ie j-'K.i and the support ; rr...- g c j nr. rr. unity. The farm i::g .-h"es and liat io match, made a very jnetty picime. wa attired in the conventional (iar!; .'uit. The bride and gioom dei-arted at 1:1 1 fiom Lcuisvill- for the west,! v.ncre they will enj 'y a hci evmooi i:, the different points oi interest iu that section. Both Mr. and .Mrs. Heii are i'mong the best known and most pop ular young people In this section of wear- i IPJHii t H.ISM ni I 11 hlflli ifILL 1 fli THROUGH mi lliUi OFFICE mnmrmi at siisuut; til was among the farmer visitors in this city yesterday, Ralph Haynie, residing west of this Henrv Hirz. sr.. was in'the citv ve?-Pvitn t,ie merchants for a few hours. city, was here today lor a few hours terday for a few hours calling on his August Xolting came in yesterday looking after . some matters of busi- friends and looking after some trading afternoon from his farm home west of ness and visiting with friends. with the merrhfint: this ritv and ?nont n tW hr,-,,w Martin Stava, who has been here J. W. Magney of Xehawka was in hooking after some trading with the .isiting for a few days with relatives the city yesterday for a few hours merchants. and friends, departed this afternoon looking after some matters of business W. F. Gillespie, the Mynnrd grain for his home at Rushville, Nebraska. and visiting with friends. man, was in the city last evening for George R. Rhoden and wife were in I Harrv Hpntnn nf Tvolnnrt T-a a few hours looking after some mat- . . j i . s been visitimr with his wife ters of business and visiting his snowy sidewalks to deal with in the looking after some trading with the I and babe for a few davs dpnnrtpd friends, while en route to his home last two weeks, are doing all possible I merchants, driving up from their home! this afternoon for his home in Iowa. I rom Omaha, where he was atb IIUULLIil Ul IlLLI II1U SIDEWALKS CLEAN OF THE ICE AND SNOW I Krom Wednesday's Dally. The mayor ami city authorities, who have had the problem of the icy and the city yesterday lcr a few hours I who ha la to have the walks kept in passable and j near Murray. attending to some matters on the stock market. safe condition, and should have the co- TIIIS MAY INTEREST YOU. i IHE Poms HOUSE S Attorney William DelesDernier of Mrs. Otto Kerl of West Point. Ne- El nnp r -i rha . ... Af 4l i.v- a:- . . v . . I " wv v.i , "!'u,u, " l,lv 1,1 u.1,c V uu . Ul;1- brar,ka, who has been here visiting at Missouri Pacific to attend to some rOW lhnt thi' siinnmp 1 c ncsiatincr in I .1 1 . r ta i tt mi I .... me iiomc or ur. ana urs. 11. inom- matters of bus np?s nt th rnnrt honco if ,.,:v. I v.w. . Ai JUU auuii tviLn in your sen, old friends of Mrs. Kerl, departed Mrs. Jo h Tighe came -n ast back or side stiff and SQrc mu?cles or tins morning on iso. lo for Omaha, evening from Havelock for a visit here joints, or rheumatic aches, or have irom wnere sne wm return to ner with her brother, Frank E. Schlater symptoms of kidney trouble such as uome. . the work of removing the snow and making it possible to clean the walks in the proper shape, it is desired that everyone get out and see that their e placed in first-class shape. great many places the sidewalks are lower than the surrounding earth surface, and as a consequence a great d.eal of water and slush accumulates en the walks, which each evening of Ced u- Creek, and who put on a to cause injury to the passers-by, and was in the city yesterday for a few City, national conductress of the high diving exhibition through one of duiing the warm days the walks are hou.rs lookm after 'feme matters of Knights and Ladies of Security, came the iarire inass '.v!ik)ivj ;i th, r.t v , ,:: i.i n i business with the merchants. im locf 0,r;, i i i: La.it nii'ht about 10 o'clock there was considerable exchement created ine county and their friends will ex- ;-c lrc 1 e- 'n.i hotel by a stranger who fi cozes un and keens a darnron rn.it. tend to them their hearty best wishes J claimed his residence as in the vicinity ir.g of ice on the walk that is liable farmers of the vicinity of Cedar Creek ior a long and happy married life and one free from care. Mrs. Ileil is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gauer and i.; a young lady of more than the usual charm of per sonality and has a ho.-1 of the warm- st friends among those who know her be. t, who will tender her their best wishes for many years of happiness. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Heii of near Cedar Creek and and family, as well as other relatives I puiTy swellings under the eyes or sleep Mrs. II. S. Br.rthold dcDarled this and fripnds. disturbing bb-idd morning for GlenwooJ, where she will Ralph Haynie came in this morning fhould know that Foley Kidney Pills visit for the day .with an aunt, who from his farm home northwest of this have benefited thousands in like con- is m a very serious condition at her city and departed on the earlv Bur- wtion. Sold everywhere. home in the Iowa city. lington train for South Omaha to visit Adam Stoehr, one of the leading j for the day there. Mrs. Gertrude Clark of Nebraska .- c.-. - i.'. :;-' : uusmess witn tne morcnants. n incf nino- t ntonfi v John Busche came m this morning I of the order held here. -urge ga.s.s windows in the hotel very wet and disagreeable. It is urged Ow'k e. The gentleman carne to the that the property owners see that hotel just a few moments before the these walks are cleaned and put in frorn his home near Cedar Creek to Byron Clark, the eminent Omaha Imperial in Men's accdent and registered and was as- proper condition by removing this wa- vsit for the day and to attend the I attorney and solicitor of the Burling- Mned a room, hut o.ec.ded to sit down ter and slush. I meeting of the I. O. O. F. lodge this! ton, was in this city today for a few t" ..; i..-- . v -r -v .Secures Marriage License. is a most industrious young farmer, who by his splendid traits of char acter has won a place for himself in the community in which he makes his home. and rest before retiring for the night As ne walked toward the front of the odice ho was seized with a sudden minting spell and fell forward into from Wednesday's Dally, the evening and meet his many friends Frank Wooster and wife were among those going to Omaha this morning, where Mr?. Wooster will window, and being a large-sized Yesterday a license to wed was is- take treatment, of a specialist for her UNCLAIMED LETTER LIST. it ia their nan is in the larg- T..ke their community ten- I !!WN tar.e m tne en- r !..: rr.ore pro.-pei ous one . v .(. . . two or.-i together, when itt;.th. 1 .-o that th t.:e c -.mr ;ty in the triiiuatory trade y, v.va tne town is regarded .-titrate unit m a certain ;.. b-t a h:Tu.-cd part of tho 'c .-' i try sjn.un ling it, then con- uH u ik bark t' the olden g-r-i fell.v.-hip, clo.iC as '. ui -i mutual working to er. It was v.i this spirit and in tt rrmunity of interest that both : s and the agricultural in . s f :hi state were developed, irrciy thty can be benefited and . : - j.zi -per through a return to The following is the list of letters e an i lojv.i lou!.canes ai e I unclaimed at the rostoii c-e at riattsmouth at the close of busi ess on Monday, February 14: W. II. Bates. Mr. E. E. Richardson. Po. tal card: Mr. D. T. Patty. Above mail unclaimed will be sent to the dead letter office February 2i, l'Jlh. T). f' Mfiwr.AV Postmaster. CASTOR -r ir.tertits, needs no argu- For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Alway3 bean -jG r ths S S37, Signatureof -C?V- SCCJUZ man easdv brobo tb.. ,rl-,cC -...l r,.u i m me county judge's o.'uee to PVoc u-hirli lim-o 1 i.-on rriuinff Vn rrn paitly out of ihe window, and had it Al,stin i-miay ot Omaha and Miss siderable trouble of .ltte. not been for the iron pi electing rail hdlth Howard of Greenwood. Both of across the lower pa it of the window he th'c 'oimPT people are well known in would have fallen to the sidewalk and lke vicinity of Greenwood, where they probably injured himself quite badly. ma(,e their home for a number of As it was his hands were cut by the 'cars antl theii f'iei.ds there will be broken irl iss nr.: iA v.-i.. ,, ;n, pleased to learn of their joining their i good deal of difficulty that he was ,ivcs as onc- Thc yun People were f LJI O T ;-ffiit: ....a .i...... .. i i. ,i l ! I married twlav at Greenwood. I ' . . .wv.. l.,., ui.uvm i.:n. uiruuIl l lie I I broken window, and after a few min ute.s recovered from Iho n.l.Tr.n .,ttn,.i- Suffering From Kbeumalisni. of illness, but. did not know anything ..r i,.i ,.. i r .. From Wcflnpsdaya nallv. , 1 ' ""Pm nom me time Qur oM frienIf Jatob Meisinger, is he v.as taken sirk until he came to reported as among those numbered on .sitting in a chair in the office a few h, ;,.t-i: iir.;o. ,...r,.,o,i k; UttT&tiim and You Can't Beat 3 hours looking after some legal mat ters and visiting with friends. here spending a few days at the home FLflfJfJHL SSRTSS oi nis uncie, John Uradoville and iam- llv. deDarted Ibis morninc for his ' rm i home at Meadow Grove, Nebraska, j vn account of broken S1ZCS in going on the early Burlington train. men's fine rhhA fo r,. Miss Etta Nickels of near Murray j j . i i i came up yesterday afternoon from her UC1 vvct11 -"'ors tan ana oiuc, home and visited in this city for a few regular 5Uc values, now 35 ner hours with friends, departing this j parmpn j. morning for Omaha, where she ex- j . . . . I A I 1 n i l pects to visit for a few days with nave some IlaQnel slnrts, friends. erav and tan ! l o j i iu Iff I'j. i. Metts oi n.agie came down to i NsaiDsor granulated sugar i , which were slmhtlv rl,mnm! - i rnis r iv i.rii.s incirri irisr tin i 1 1 1 morn- o j or $1.00 j train to attend to some business by water leakini? throimh the 10 IDS Langhorst S special matters and visit county seat friends. roof, that formerlv c-nlrl for f.I Gf) Blend Coffee . . minutes later. Changing Their Residences. From "VVeclnesUay'i T;aliy. Clayton lio encrans and wife, who have been making their home in th j Johnson inonertv on f:hie:n'-fi :.vpr.n lor the past year, are moving from that location to the rooms over the Hank of Cass County, which have just been vacated by James Johns and by an attack of rheumatism which has hud him down for the past few days, but he is reported, as feeling a little better. It is to be hoped that he will soon be able to he up and around mingle with his friends as of old. jo 501 While here Mr. Bctts was a pleasant t9 no scription extended for another year. Mrs. Adam Kurtz and son, J. II. y . 1 7 il." : I, . - . i . i viaoier, were ras-it'iifctrs wiks morning n order to introduce this f 0mah where th . . it M ..rwi special blend coffee we make Kurtz in that city, where he is taking .-WAV I I now $3.50 $1.00 AFTER LAGUIPPE WHAT? the very liberal offer above treatment of a specialist, and if pos- fUK OU U A I O A. O tuem as ne :s showincr some sliirht WITH ORDER. An absolute improvement J. R. Vallery of Mynard came up to this city Thursday evening to attend zPliilip cJiiazcil F. G. rrevo .Bedford Tnd., writes: guarantee of satisfaction Or severe cough. I tried everything. I J money refunded. IVlail your I the democratic banquet. He was ac family. The Johnson property will ba got so thin it looked as if I never order to companied by his wife, who took this occ upied by Mr. and Mrs. John "VV. J would .get well. Finally, two bottles opportunity to visit her daughters, Chapman in the futuie, and it is ex pected to make some extensive im provements in the residence, putting it in more modern condition. of Foley's Honey and Tar cured me. I am now well and back to my normal weight." A reliable remedy for coughs, colds, croup. Sold everywhere. L. F. LANGHORST, Elmwood, Nebraska Misses Dorris and Martha, who are at tending H'gh school in this city. Miss Martha accompanied her parents home for a week-end visit. Manhatlan Sliirls Stetson J luts Carlun t Overalls Hansen (i loves 4l , 4 X