A mom Neb BUto Historical 8c VOL. XXXIV. PLATTSMOUTIL NEBRASKA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1916. NO. TO. f i I 1 I 1 I THE DEMOCRATIC banquet A HOWL IHG BIG SUCCESS It Was Really a Genuine Love-feast, and the Banquet Tables Handsome ly Decorated and Plenty to Eat. MANY RURAL DEKOCRATS HEBE From Friday's DaRy. The banquet last evening' at Coates' hall, held by the democrats of Cass county, proved to be all that had been hoped for it in the way of a harmony producer, as well as a splendid feast of good fellowship i;mong the rep resentatives from eveiy section of the c-our.ty, and the occasion was truly one that will long be most pleasantly re membered bv everv democrat and re publican present as o le of the rarest occasions of oratory, as well as a feast of the good things to eat, and at this time it is just to say that the ladies of the St. Maiy's Guild of the Episcopal church, who had charge of the preparing and serving of the feast certainly acquitted themselves in splendid shape, and the well satisfied appearance of the 259 men present at the close of the repast was a tribute to the pood work of the ladies in pre paring the treat, and which, with the many rojsing democratic speeches, served to make the occasion a most noteworthy one and which stirred the utmost enthusiasm in the breasts of the democrats of the county and served to inspire tli3 visitors from abroad with the general feeling of get-together-and-win, which was the key rote struck by a number of the speak ers of the evening. The tables in the banquet room were very prettily arranged with snowy lin?n and sparkling silver, while each one was decorated with American flags and small sprays of narcis sicens. and with the soft light of can dles adding a pleasing touch to the scene, and in each candle a tiny silk Amreican flag was placed, which bore out the patriotic ideas of the occasion. From the balcony the bright colors of the national flag were suspended over the heads of the banqueters, and the stirring music of the Holly orchestra served to put the banqueters in the proper spirit for the occasion that was filled with so much meaning for the success of the party. The gathering "was one of the most distinguished that has been held in this city for a long time, and the array of notables was most impressive end a greater part of the executive heads of the state departments were present to join in the event, including Secretary of State C. W. Pool, District Attorney T. S. Allen. State Auditor W. H. Smith, Attorney General Willis Reed, State Treasure George E. Hall, II. H. Gooch, owner of the Lincoln Star.; J. W. Cutritrht, editor of the Lr.coln Star; W. E. Aken, secretary to Senator G. M. Hitchcock; Earl Gaddis, Lincoln representative of the Omaha World-Herald; Hon. John S. McCarthy of Lincoln, prospective can didate for congress on the democratic ticket; County Attorney W. F. Moran of Nebraska City; Judge G. J. Hunt of Bridgeport, Neb., who is a candidate for supreme judge on the non-partisan ticket, while the members of the party locally included a large array of the leaders from every section of the county and from the adjoining coun ties, and all had the same glad mes sage of democratic hope and the ful fillment of the pledges made to the people by the party. Captain C. S. Aldiich of Elmwood presided over the banquet as toast roaster in a very able manner, and his introductions of the different speakers was very pleasing to all the banquet ers, while he avoided the long and tiresome introductions which so often detract from the enjoyment of oc- casions of this kind. Mr. Aldrich stated that they had been at a loss whether to call the meeting a love feast or not, but that as preparedness was before the public eye a great deal now, he thought that it might not be amiss to call the meeting a prepared ness meeting, in which they were pre paring to meet the common enemy the republicans. The speaker told of . collected in taxes from the corpora his recollection of th3 first Cleveland tions of the state. He believed in the campaign in 1S84, when for the first 1 turning of the fees into the treasury, time since the civil war the demo crats were able to elect a president and the feeling of pi:de and pleasure which filled the minds of the vouth at that time for the first opportunity afforded the democrats of having successful party. He also pointed to the present time as one which foretold of democratic success and victory if the members of the party gathered to gether and labored for the common good of the party. The splendid sue cess of the banquet was a triumph for the committee arranging the affair and for the county chairman, who had assisted in the work of the preparation of the banquet. In speaking of the distinguished visitors present Mr. Aid rich took occasion to call on for the first speaker District Attorney T. S. Allen. The address of welcome to the hosts of the democracy was delivered by Mayor E. J. Richey, who in a few brief remarks, extended the freedom of the city to the visitors and assurred them that the city felt proud of the oppor tunity of enertainin so many dis tinguished representatives of the democratic party an l anything that the city could do wou! 1 be carried out for the benefit of the guests present. United States District Attorney T. S. Allen made a very pleasing ad dress, in which he lauded the record of the administration of President Woodrow Wilson and the achievement of the party in fulfilling every pledge made in the Baltimore platform, and the democratic congress had been right with the president in seeing that the pledges were carried out and en acted into laws which would give to the people the relief desired. The re publican party had premised to revise the tariff, but had failed to fulfill its promise and the democrats had enact ed the best tariff law in fifty years. The democrats had enacted satisfac tory banking laws and by the income tax had relieved the shackles of taxa tion from the common people. The Philippine bill, the final pledge in the platform, had been carried out and the party stood on its record. The country was prosperous and the policy of watchful waiting had kept the country at peace and made it an oasis in the world war. With this there was no question of the right of the democratic party to expect success and re-election of Wilson as president of the United States in November. State Treasurer George Hall spoke of having supported Champ Clark four years ago, but stated that he was for Woodrow Wilson for re-election and was strong for his program of preparedness, as he thought the of ficials of the nation while in office should have the confidence of the peo ple of the country in carrying out the program which they had prepared. He stated also that congress was doing a good work and Senator G. M. Hitch cock should be renominated and re elected to his office that he had filled so well. In speaking of the policy of having monthly remittances from the different county treasurers, Mr. Hall told of the means it had furnished to assist in keeping the affairs of the of fice in proper shape and the saving in interest which had been made by tak ing up state warrants and carrying them instead of paying a high rate of interest to the banks. This had saved in interest $40,000 and the result had been most satisfactory in saving the money of the taxpayers of the state. State Auditor W. H. Smith spoke briefly of his old acquaintance in boy hood days with Mr. C S. Aldrich and was gald of the opportunity of meet ing him again under such pleasing cir cumstances, and also spoke of the faithful services to th3 county of Hon. W. B. Banning while he was serving in the state senate. Under his admin istration all fees of the office had been turned over to the state treasurer, which was a new departure in the of ficial line of business, as previous state officers had retained certain fees of the office which they believed they were entitled to, but he thought that they should belong to the people. The state board of equalization had re duced the levy so tha-; it would mean $400,000 less taxes to the people, and ! in Cass county would amount to .$7,000. Secretary of State C. W. Pool com plimented Cass county on the showing they had made at the last election for ; the democratic ticket, and where the fighting was the strongest the demo crats of Cass county could be found. Under his administration and under the law enacted by the democratic legislature of 1909, $100,000 had been where they belonged, and his office each day deposited with the treasurer all fees earned. State Fire Commissioner W. S Ridgell. who is a candidate for the nomination for state railway commis sioner, made a very pleasing address of a few minutes, in which he told in a brief way of the means of organiza tion which had cut the fire loss of the state down $400,000 while he had held the office. H. E. Gooch of the Lincoln Star, who is a candidate for delegate to the national convention, was introduced and stated he would obey the instruc tions of the voters, but personally and with his paper he was strong for Woodrow Wilson for re-election. W. F. Moran of Nebraska City, also a candidate for delegate, made a very eloquent speech, in which he lauded the record of the democratic party in the nation and state and was glad of the splendid showing made at the ban quet. The ideas advantd by the demo crats had been adopted in a great many instances by th" republicans in creating legislation. The gist of Mr. Moran's remarks was get together and make the success of thj party possible. Mr. Moran also paid a tribute to Hon. W. B. Banning. Hon. W. B. Banning, when called upon, stated tie was always glad to be with a bunch of good fellows, and from their association gained many good ideas. He was for Wilson, first. ast and all the time, i.nd desired that all democrats be with the president. The state officials were all making good and deserved to be re-elected to their offices, and if they were not mak ing good he would be in favor of con demning them, as he tbovght a public servant should give the people full service. One of the ablest speakers of the evening was lion. J. b. .McCarthy ot Lincoln, who is a candidate for con gress in the First district, and the peech of this gentleman was one fill ed with eloquence and force, and he paid a most glowing tribute to the service of President Wilson and the democratic party, which had unshack- ed the people from fifty years of re publican misrule. If elected to con eress he would support the policy of the president and the party. Judge G. J. Hunt made a few re marks on the western part of the state and the desire to have a representative on the supreme bench of the state, and his address, while br;ef, was to the point. Joseph Capwell, prospective candi date for county .attorney, and H. H. Leffler, who expects to enter the race for county judge, made short ad dresses in troducing themselves to the gathering. Henry R. Gering of Omaha made a stirring appeal for party harmony and unity and urged the members of the party to throw fear aside and enter the fight to win. He also compliment ed the services rendered the party by the Lincoln Star, the Plattsmouth Journal and the Omaha World-Herald, which had fought the battles of the democracy, and also paid a tribute to Hon. Willis Reed, the attorney gen eral, who had saved millions to the people of the state during his term of office. W. E. Eaken, secretary of Senator litchock, made a short address in taking up the many Jicts which the senator had brought forward during his service in congress and in the sen ate, including the Baliinger investiga tion, the postal savings bank, and the income tax measure, which had been a radical departure from the system of taxation, and while limited by time, the address of this gentleman opened the eyes of his hearers to the work of the senator from Nebraska, who is one of the leaders at Washington. Hon. Willis E. Reed, the attorney general, made one of the finest and ablest speeches of its kind that has been heard in this city in many years, and the eloquent and able legal rep resentative of the state told of a few things wnich had bee-i carried out in the policy of saving the taxpayesr money, and of the $500,00 which had been saved on bridge contracts through an insistence that the best interests of the people be safeguarded in letting contracts. He related the fight that had been made on his stand in regard to the bridge contracts and the final triumphs which had vindicat ed his position that the taxpayers should not be robbed io enrich the con tractors. In the state banking com mission he had had cases to take up where national banks had desired to operate state savings tanks in connec tion with their national banks, but this had been refused, as in the Su perior bank failure the state saving bank owned by the national bank had been swept under and this stand had been upheld by the state supreme court. It was his ambition, Mr. Reed stated, to make the best record that had ever been made ir. that office in the way of serving the people, and he would continue that policy, regardless of what was said or done. This gen tleman, who is one of Nebraska's big men, deserves commendation for his work, and those who heard him last evening cannot but have a high opinion of Willis Reed, and if ever an offieia has served the peoule faithfully it is he. It. was close to the midnight hour when the banqueters departed, with a feeling that it was good to be there and that the ladies of St. Mary's Guild and the hustling members of the com mittee had did their utmost to make the event a red letter occasion, and to the democrats it filled them with en thusiasm for the coming battle. J FILES FOR RENOMINA- TIDN FOR SHERIFF From Friday's Daily. This morning a large number of petitions were tiled in the office of County Clerk Frank J. Libershal, sign ed by the democratic voters, and ask- ng that the name of John Wunderlich be placed on the primary ballot as a andidate for the orlice of sheriff of Cass county. Mr. Wunderlich was the nominee two years ago on this ticket and made a splendid race for the of fice, although defeated, and his friends feel that he is the id-jal candidate to again head the democratic ticket. John Wunderlich as a man cannot be equal- d in the entire county, and we bar no one, and the sun, never shown on a more faithful friend or just and honest man in his dealings with his fellow man and the voters of the county can rest assurred that should John Wun derlich be selected as sheriff that he will give the taxpayeis an administra tion that will be a credit to them, as well as to himself. To those who know Mr. Wunderlich it is unnecessary to state his good qualties, and the voters of the county can bank their last dollar on the fact that John Wun derlich will look out for their interests every day in the year and every hour in the day if he is selected as the sheriff of the county. While a demo crat in politics, in official work he will be a servant of all the people, regard less of political affliction. The fact that the voters have insisted on his again running for the office is proof of their confidence in him. OLD FRIENDS IN STATE AND COUNTY GALL THE JOURNAL EDITOR From Friday's Dally. Last evening, preceding the great democratic banquet at Coates' hall, the Journal editorial rooms were visited by a large number of the distinguish ed democrats of the state, as well as of the county, and the occasion was one that was very pleasant in being able to visit with the old friends and associates. Among this number were: Secretary of State Pool, State Auditor Smith, Hon. W. F. Moran of Nebraska City, Attorney Gen eral Willis E. Reed, State Treas urer George Hall, Hon. John S. McCarthy, candidate for congress; Dr. G. II. Gilmore of Murray, James Stander of Louisville, W. E. Eacken, secretary of Senator Hitchock, Earl Gaddis, the genial Lincoln represent ative of the Omaha World-Herald; John Wunderlich of Nehawka, Nich los Opp of Nehawka, Albert Wheeler of Murray,' and Silas Patterson of Texas, who is here visiting with his friends and relativas in this county for a short time, and Oscar Zaar of South Bend. Henry Stander, from near Louis ville, was in the city for a few hours today, coming down on the Schuyler to look after some business matters, returning home this afternoon. Henry is one of the valued readers of the Journal, and of coursa while here paid this office a brief call. ON WUNDERLIGH FRED SGHMARDER EASY FUR PETERS Louisville, Neb., Wrestler Succumbs to Celebrated Scissors in Seven and Four Minutes. From Saturday's Daiiv. Omaha, Feb. 12. Fred Schmarder the pride of L,ouisviut, .Neb., ran up against a little too much class when he tackled Charley Peters at Papillion last night. Peters easily won two straight falls via the scissors route. The first fall occurred in seven minutes and the sec ond fall came in four minutes. Peters went after Schmarder at the start and in a minute both men were on the mat, with Peters on top. Peters instantly went after the scissors, but failed to hold it. Schmarder by re markable agility wiggled out. A moment later, however, Peters wrapped his legs r.round Schmarder again and this time benmarder couldn't get out, try r.s h?.rd as he could. Peters held the leg clamp on Schmarder fully five minutes and with the aid of an arm hold gently turned him over. The second fall came quickly. The two men want to the mat at the start, with Schmarder on lop. A second ater Peters broke avay and Schmar der went to the bottom. Petcn; plied tho scissors immediately and had no trouble in turning the Louisville man over in four minute.?. Peters outweighed Schmarder ten or twelve pounds. feenmaruer is a fast wrestler and he certainly has his share of gamoness, but he isn't in the same class with Peters. Quite a number of Omcha fans went to Pnpilhon for the match by auto mobile and the Interurban. BURLINGTON SAFETY FIRST" MEETINGS RAVE BEEN WELL ATTENDED From Saturday's Daily. The "Safety First" meetings which ave been held here r-y the Burling ton railroad in their special car at the shop yards was closod last evening, when Mr. B. F. Thomas, the represent ative of the "Safety First" bureau, gave his last lecture in the car and closed one of the most successful meetings that has been held in this city since the starting of the safety department. This visit of Mr. Thomas has been very gratifying to the em ployes of the shops, as it has given them an opportunity of getting in touch with the efforts of the Burling ton to instruct and educate against the accidents which so often occur in the line of shop and train work. The ectures at the shop were attended by 350 of the shop employes and this is a very pleasing increase over the last visit of the car. Since Mr. Thomas has been out with his car giving these ectures he has had 30,500 persons present, which is a mighty good show ing of the interest taken in this line of work by the railroad employes. When the "Safety First" car again visits here it is hoped to have it equip ped with a moving picture outfit which will add to the interest of the meet ings very much and give the oppor tunity of securing a large number of views in the line of the effects of care- essness in railroad work as the cause of accidents. Files Articles of Incorporation. Articles of incorporation have been filed in the office of County Clerk rank Libershal of the Railsback Grain company, whose main office will be located at Ashland, but who will maintain a branch office at Green wood, in this county. The new com pany will buy and sell grain and other articles in this line. The in corporators of the new company are: G. J. Railsback, J. C. Railsback, R. M. Railsback, E. J. Rose and Edward Swan son. W. A. Fight, the stock man from near Mynard, was here Saturday for a few hours visiting and looking after some matters of business. JOSEPH A. CAMPWELL FOR COUNTY ATTCRNE From S&turday's Dallv. Yesterday afternoon Joseph A. Cap well of Elmwood, the youngest altor ney at the Cass county bar, entered the political arena when he filed as a candidate before the democratic pri mary for the office of county attorney, Mr. capwell is a very bright young man and just entering into the prac tice of law, and in the community where he resides he is held in the highest esteem, possessing a large circle of friends who will do their ut most to see that Mr. Capwell is given a good send-on in his home town. This filing narrows the list of candi dates down and there are only a few vacancies. CHARLES L WORTMAN FOUND SANE AND WAS RELEASED YESTERDAY From Saturday's Dally. The hearing yesterday on the com plaint charging Charles Lloyd Wort- man, of South Bend, with being insane, was staered before the board of in anity, composed of District Clerk amcs Robertson, Attorney J. E. Douglass and Dr. G. H. Gilmore of Murray, and quite a large number of witnesess were examined in regard to the matter of the sanity of Mr. Wort man. The complaint was contested by Mr. Wortman, who was. represented in the hearing by Attorney D. O. Dwyer and his brother. C. E. Wortman, of Claremore, Oklahoma, and the case was fought quite energetically by these attorney, and ?s a result of the testimony brought out, Mr. Wortman was found not insane and released as being perfectly sane and allowed to return to his home with his relatives, who were here attending the hearing. The charges appeared to be the out growth of domestic differences be tween the accused and his wife, who recently deserted him; the wife had previously filed a ruit for divorce against the accused, but dismissed the same two days befor? the hearing. AFAREWELL SURPRISE TO CATHERINE GORDER IS T Kroro FrldBv'n Dallv. Last evening a very pleasant time was enjoyed at the home of Mrs. Aug ust Gorder on Lincoln avenue, when a arge number of the young friends of Miss Catherine Gordei gathered to tender her a farewell, and while the occasion was filled with regret that the friends were soon to part, still the oung people spent the time very pleasantly for several hours. Games of all sorts were enjoyed, which proved most delightful to the young folks, while several musical numbers by Misses Helen Livingston and Delia rans added to the pleasures of the occasion. Kobert w ailing and w in Richardson gave a number of pleasing recitations, which were much enjoyed, and these talented young men received great deal of commendation for their part in the evening's entertainment. At a suitable hour a very dainty and delicious three-course luncheon was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. ohn Beeson. Those who were pres ent were: Misses Grace Nolting, Le- nora Snyder, Frances Moore, Louise Sieczovsky, Helen Livingston, Ida Tschirren, Nell Wiles, Elizabeth Bee- son, Lorene Chambers, Ellen Nolting, Abbie Brown, Mina Kaffenberger, Beatrice Seybert, Ethsl Tritsch, Cath erine Schrack, Molly Gapen, Catherine, Nellie and Edna Gorder, Lelia Duff, Mary Wetenkamp, Agnes Bajeck, Hazel Sullivan, Elizabeth Hall, Delia Frans, Messrs. Arthur Wetenkamp, Arthur White, Glenn Elliott, Vern Hutchison, Philip Campbell, George Snyder, Harley and Howard Wriles, William Nolting, William Schmidt mann. William Richardson, Major Hall, Robert Walling, Tom Walling, Frank Polacek, Ray Larson, Tracy Druliner, Burdett Briggs, Edward Rebal. WHO GONG WES ICE PLANT WELL SUP PLIES AN INEXHAUSTI BLE SUPPLY OF WATER The work on the v.tll which ha-, been in the process of iii!lirir for th past year at the plant of the :.i-t lti.il ice company, stems to hae pioen successful in that an apparently haustable supply of water h i.-ei secured. F. J. Fitch. f Elmwoo !. !.. of the leading well run ir. tl.i- ju:: l of the state, has ha 1 charge of t re work and for the last three week- has had G. R. Rawis and G. F. Bi uv. r.i: -.. , two of the expert cullers from th El Dorado oil fields of Kan -as h-r" looking after the work, and as a Je suit they have secure J a good .-jp;.ly of water that can be pumped for it, use of the plant and a.-.ure them of a. good quality of water. The well is 1,100 feet in depth and the water- reached at 1,000 feet seems to he a supply that is inexnaustable, a. it pumps fifty gallons to the minute and the drillers are of the opinion that this s as good a water supply as can be secured. Both of the gentlemen who lave been here for tru last few weeks have worked in tne leading oil neid of the country and their work here has resulted in securing a paying well of water. Thev will kave as soon as .ossible for Kansas and expect to re- ume work there in the oil fields this week. The well has been under pro- ess for the past year and it was hoped by the owners : the ice plants that an artesion well might be located. ut this seems to have been f ruith-s.-. HE EAGLES' MASK BALL SATURDAY NIGHT A GRAND SUCCESS The sixth annual mask ball of the Fraternal Order of Fagles was held Saturday evening at Coates' hall and was witnessed by an enormous crowd that filled the hail to its utmost capacity and the crowd of maskers was one of the lr.rge.-t that has been present at an event of this kind this eason. The arrangements of the dance were all that could be asked for and perfect order was the program of the evening and those in charge of the all deserve a great deal of credit for the splendid manner in wnich th; conducted the progres.-. of the dance. Thf nrrav of costumes made a eiy pretty scene as the dancers moved over the floor to the bewitching strain.-? of music furnished by the Plattsmouth orchestra, and the spectators enjoyed greatly the occasion. As the hour for unmasking drew near, the committee of judges, composed tf George Lu.-h-insky, Julius Pitz and Harry Newman, advanced to the dance floor and the dancers moved through the measures cf the grand march, while the prize winners were selected by the judge. For the first ladies' prize Mrs. George Gobelman, garbed as a Spanish lady, was the successful winner, while Frank Kreijci, as Top.-y, was awarde 1 the second prize. V.. H. Mason, :i; Uncle Sam, received ihe first gentle man's prize, and W. R. Holly, garbed as a Pelican, was awarded the second prize. The prize for the most comical costume was given to Isadore Wain trob, as Charley Chaplin. The affair was one successful in every way and a great pleasure to those attending. Dislocates Right Shoulder. Frm Saturday's Dally. This morning r.hortly after 11 o'clock, J. J. Porter of Omaha, a traveling man, while walkirg on the slippery sidewalk near the Manspeak er livery barn, fell, and in so doing struck his right shoulder on the brick walk, dislocating the shoulder. He at once hastened to the C"Hce of Drs. Liv ingston, where the rhoulder was put back into place and the injury dress ed. Mr. Porter returned this after noon to Omaha, where he resides, but will be out of commission for some time as a result of the accident. Adam Kaffenberger, one of the lead ing farmers of Eight Mile Grove, was in the city Saturday for a few hours looking after the week-end shopping and visiting with friends.