The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 10, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 6.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
...... .,
Installs New Light Plant.
If any of tlie readers of tlie
Journal know of ai;y soelnl
event or item of interest in
this vicinity, and will mail
same to t Lis otlice. it will ap-l-ar
untier this heading. We
wautall uewsiu-ais KoiToit
wrr- T7 rsr TT
V' W
. V
i rands
if h f
Fred Campbell is ci the .sick 1 :.-t
this week.
Hemy Vo.-t was a Plattsmouth
visitor Thursday.
spiitt was having a 'hog kill-
Guv Stokes
was transacting busi-
Protect Yours
Againsi Loss li
Fire, Wafer and Tfesf
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Oar deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
Auction Sales a Specialty. Five Years Experience.
If you have anything to sell at
auction, write us for dates.
Phone Plaits. 2412. W. R. YOUNG, Maynanl, Neb.
Mr, Charles Carroll and Mr. B.
F. Rit-rtit-I went to Omaha last Satur
day. Mis Kva I-aRue and Miss Opha
F.ker weie Platt.-mouth visitors laH
Saturday evening.
Alf. Can.Hmcr v.a ; looking after
some matte: s in Omaha
Tuesday of this week.
A. I- Baker, republican candidate
for the office of county treasurer, made
a business trip to Nthawka Wednes
day. Margie Walker and Mrs. Will Brown
were Plattsmouth visitors Ian Satur
day evening, guests of Mrs. Charles
Charles Tinner has been confined to
his home with a seige of scarla
tina. He is not veiy
trouble is very light.
sick as the
Mrs. Charles Ston? of Plattsmouth
was visiting with Murray friends the
latter part of last w;ck.
Th-1 Murray elevators have been
busy for the past, few days. The good
roaus nave teen tr.e cause oi a great
deal of erai:i nT-'Vir.g.
Woid has been received here from
Mrs. Willism Royal, at Plain view, that
she is well and enjoying life, but has
not moved into her new home yet.
. Miles Standih of Garnet, Kansas,
was a Murray visitor last Saturday
evening and Sunday, being a guest at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Pit
man. Minford and Crear-er shipped a
mixed car of stock to the South Oma
ha market Monday evening. Henry
Creamer went to the city and paw
them placed on the market.
8 lbs Soda Crackers 59c
this is an exceptional offer for absolutely
fresh crisp crackers.
5-lb Towel Bag Genuine Santos
Peaberry $1.20
Note this is 24c per lb. for a regular 30c Coffee
guaranteed first quality.
3 cans fresh pack sweet corn 21c
1 Oc size Polly Prim Cleanser, per can 6c
(as good as Old Dutch)
2 cans California Sliced Peaches, put up in
syrup, 3-Ib size, per can 22C
10c size Mince Meat, per package 7 c
These are CASH prices buy what you like and
as much as you want.
Miatt Q Ttttt,
::.- i." Murray Saturday.
C. W. Tinner and family arc lifted tig the sick this week.
Ezra Aibin was looking after busi
ness in I'laiUrnouth Friday.
Miss Nettie Connelly was an Oma
ha visitor Wednesday evening.
Fred Canipb.Il ha; been numbered
with the siik for the past few days.
Lee Nickels had a crew of men do
ing the butchering act Tuesday.
Robert Good and wife were tailing
on their Murray fiieids recently.
FOR SALE Good twin Indian
Motorcycle. For sale or trade.
I). C. Rhoden.
Lloyd CJapen was loosing after some
business matters in 1 'lattsmouth last
Mont Shrader and Alex Rhoden
weie Plattsmouth visitors Thursday
of last week.
The services at Lewisten Sunday
were postponed owing to the illness of
Rev. Taylor.
John Ilobschiedt and son. John, jr.,
were calling on the Plattsmouth mer
chants Saturday.
O. V. Virgin was looking after some
business matters in Plattsmouth Wed
nesday afternoon.
Mrs. L. D. Iliatt went to Platts
mouth Wednesday evening for a brief
vi -it with her parent;.
Lee Allison, who has been confined
to his bed for some t;ne, is reported
as getting along slowly.
Mrs. John Ilendrkks and son. Vein,
spent Saturday with her grandmother.
Mrs. Smith, at Rock Pduf.'s.
The little babv of Mr. and Mrs.
Troy Shiader has b en numbered with
the si-.-k Tor the past few days.
Murray will be well represented at
the democratic banquet in Plattsmoufh
Thursday evening
Mrs. C. A
i.riWis ot I'lairsT.r.'Kn vei- viiri""
with Murray relatives this week.
L. H. Puis, the Muiray garage man,
was in Plattsmouth last Thursday
looking after some business matters.
O. V. Virgin sold his team this
week to George Ost, and purchased
another fine team of mares from Lee
O. . Virgin has i en ted a farm
down three miles w.-st of Berlin, and
will move his family there about the
first of March.
Mis. Katerine Gapen and brother,
Bert Young, were in last
Friday. Mrs. Gapen Is studying music
under Miss Cummins.
Celebrates Tliirty-sec :nd Birthday.
Last Sunday T. J. Brendt 1 passed
bis thirty-second mile post, and in
honor of the occasion the relatives in
and near Murray gathered in to as
sist him in celebrating the event. Mrs.
Brendel had prepared an excellent
dinner, including the usual large birth
day cake with the thiity-two candles.
Those present were: Dr. and Mrs.
Will Brendel, from Avoca. Miss Eda
Marquardt of Plattsmouth, Mr. and
Mrs. Will Seybolt, Charles Everett
and Wiiliarn Barker.
L. II. Puis, the rustling and enter
prising Murray gara'io and electric
light plant man, has just completed
I the installation of the new light plant
in the fine farm residence of Louis
Friedrich, eight miles northwest of
Murray. This is oni of the largest
plants made by the Alamo people, and
is sure a dandy, carrying a capacity
sufficient to light every portion of the
lesideiice and all the outbuildings on
the faim. The Alamo is the best sys
tem on the maiket, "having specializing
this line for several years, until they
have it just about as near pet feet" as
it is possible to make it. The light is
the best, it is the safest, and is with
out a doubt the most convenient im
provement that ca.i be added to a
farm equipment today. Mr. i'uls has
jut completed th- wiring the past,
few days, and the ne.v plant is now in
full opeintkn on ih' Frie.lrich farm.
Too Late lo Hear President Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Kikendall re
turned to Murray last Saturday and
will continue to make their home here
for a few months at least. They have
bee.i visiting at Eddyville, Neb., and
al.-o the western part of the state.
Mr. Kikendall was also visiting out
in the western part of the state of
Kansas, and had planned on return
ing to Kansas City in time to hear
President Wilson's speech, but his
tiain was four hours late, and he ar
rived after the meeting was oer.
Entertains a! Cards.
f this week.
Mrs. Glen
Raw Is and
Last Thursday afternoon Miss Mar
gie Walker entertained Mesdames W.
G. Boedeker, W. S. Smith, James
Holmes, O. A. Davis, Vance Pitman.
George Gilmore. Charles Stone, Misses
Gertrude Long, Pauline and Fay OKI
ham, at cards, the game of heaits.
Mi..s Gertrude Long won the prize.
At ",::;;) a two-course luncheon was
served. The affair was given in honor
of Mrs. William Brown, who will soon
depart for her home i Cnnda.
-rpfmmrtsinift valentine urn
;) - r a MAI I FAR! F flAKfcF
Silas Patterson Visiting Here.
Al Bartlett was visiting friends in
Falls City over Sunday.
Mrs. Frank Dill has been suffering
with sciatic rhcuma'i.m for the pa.-t
few days.
Mrs. Dick ( hriswi -;er has been
numbered with the sick for the pa.-t
few days.
II. C. Creamer was r.n Omaha visit
or Tuesday. ha ir.g :i car of stock on
the market.
Silas Pattersoii, vi;o for a great
many was a resident of this sec
tion of Cass county, tut now and for
the jiast sixteen years a resident of
Texas, has bjen here fer the pa-t few
days visititig with what few of the
rerd fellows of his days that are left,
: 11 of which is ind.-ed a gr at deal of
pleasure to him. but he is having the
leal spo't at the home ( f Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Walker, where these old-time
fbi;ds have been engaged in a series
of "pitch," and at the present time,
f:em all reports that we can gather
around Muiray, it is very difficult to
tell just which one of them is going to
come out of the battle victorious, fru
it is said that you cai-r.ot tell by talk
ing to either of the contestants. These
excellent old gentlemen are having a
good time with their .;;'me and we do
not suppose they coa.uder it any per
son's husine-s who wins.
A few men still treat their'wives as they rlirl before
they were married. They make Valent ine's Day an occasion to give her
soiii.-i biiig she wants very much but .hasn't bought, because it wasn't
alijol uTely necessary.
Vour range may not bo ent irely gone. l'erhiips it would bold to
goiher a while longer, but isn't the comfort, convenience and pleasure
of the woman who uses it to be considered?
Why not make this Valentine's Day a day long to lie happily re
membered by giving her a
IhaStay Satisfactory "Raoxge
Here are some of the disagreeable things that the u-or
ARCH RANGE is freed from
Blacking Top or
Scouring Sooted
and Blacking
Crusted Pots and
Clouds of Ash
Dust When Shak
ing the Fire.
Baking Failure
through the fault
of the range.
A MONARCH Too is polished :u.d turned per
manently blue black by the MI RCO-RROCESS
the body is Polished Plate to.
The Malleable Top of a MONARCH RANGE
heats so quickly that nothing is gaine.l hy .set
ting vessels into the top holes Th n there's no
blacking to burn onto them.
The ash pit door and draft door;': Tt'iur.
The air tight construction of tlx- MONARCH
oven and (lues assures perfect work a! .v:i .
Threshing Marh-ne for Sale.
What has been known as the Maple
Grove Thresher Co. have decided to
uispose of their outf't. consisting of
20 II. P. Compound Reaves engine and
l-Jxf'l New Century Aultman & Tay
lor thre.-her and water tank and truck.
This machine is all in i timing order
the field
lor me
tliir.g is
.ave left
ordv reason fc
tliat h.alf of the members
he community and wi-h to
tiisnose of their into
and the re
maining members, realizing the situa.
t .'on. decided to the outfit. For
prices and particular.-, 'phor.e or call
ci Fred Lut. 'Phone No. L'21 1; L. II.
Young or Puis o: Gansemer store.
Frank Dugay arried honic TJiui s- j Murn; iv. Neb.
When you give her the new MONARCH you don't need to mention
that it was really a saving proposition.' It's the trut h that a M )N A I IV l
will use so much les fuel that it will save enough to pay for itself in a
year or so all because of the Malleable Airtight Construction.
lurray Hardware and Implement Go,
Card of Thanks.
Mr. and Mr?. J. W. Holmes return
ed home last Sunday from their few-
days' visit with Plattsmouth and Oma
ha friends and relatives.
Carl Nickels and wife visited Mrs.
J. A. Wilson Monday efternoon. Mrs.
i:son has been very sick the last
month, but is slowly improving.
W. S. Scott has purchased the old
Jenkins building on lower Main street,
and will in the near future move his
restaurant and lunch room thereto.
Make arrangements to attend the
coffee at the library Saturday after
noon. Make arrangements to take
your supper at the library there will
be plenty of good things to eat.
Dr. J. F. Bredel went to Omaha
Wednesday morning of this week with
Mrs. Ona Lawton and little son, Lyle,
where Lyle was placed in the hospital
for the removal of his tonsils, which
have been troubling him for some
Mrs. W. G. Boedeker and Mrs. G.
M. Minford gave the coffee at the li
brary last Saturday. There were over
twenty present. The next one will be
given Saturday afternoon by Mrs.
Gapen and Mrs. Iliatt. Make arrange
ments to attend.
Mrs. Mary Wiley and Mr. nad Mrs.
George Park and little son drove to
Plattsmouth WednesJay to attend to
some matters and visit county seat
friends. Mrs. "Wiley called at the
Journal office and ordered the Platts
mouth Journal sent to C. E. Wiley at
Bicgleton, Washington.
The public sale given by Alf. Ganse
mer at his home, west of Murray, last
Wednesday, was sure a good one, be
ing very largely attended and all the
property sold well. Rex Young, the
Murray auctioneer, vas at his best,
and cleaned up the full line in good
shape. Mr. Gansemer was well
day after an extended, visit with his
aunt, Mrs. P.iggs, at Ilrcw:-ter, Neb.
Arthur Young arri-red home from
C; nada la-t week, being called here
owing to the sickness of his mother.
lien Dill was a I latisniouth visitor
la'.t Saturday, spending the day with
county j-cat friends and visiting with
his parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dill.
Mr. and Mrs. W. (J. I.oedeker went
to Omaha Tuesday evening, where
Mrs. Roedeker will remain for a few
il:kV . Vfc'-i v i n o t t rnn t o f tl-m li i-
pi tab
Lee Allison, who has been numbered
with the sick for the past few weeks,
is still in a very critical condition. He
does not seem to g::in strength very
The coal famine has been broken in
Muiray, two cars arriving this week.
One came in Tuesday : nd was unload
ed before evening, and all sold to con
C. E. Schwab, residing east of Mur
ray, was a visitor in I'lattsmouth to
day. Mr. Schwab was a visitor in
Omaha yesterday, where he spent
s-hort time looking after some mat
ters of business, returning Wednes
day evening on No. 2.
James DelesDernicr and Thomas
Hansen shipped a car of hogs to South
Omaha Monday evening of this week
Mr. DelesDernier was on the market
with them, and while in Omaha Tues
day went out to see Harry Todd at the
hospital. He reports Mr. Todd get
ting along nicely at this time.
We take this mea:;- of expressing
our heartfelt appreciation of the sym
pathy and kindness shown us at the
time of the death of eur beloved hus
band and father a'-d the kindness of
our friends and neighbors will be long
I iTm 'tr! or'il most c: r i of ill !v :ind we
trust th-it they may meet with the
same loving sympathy. We also de
. lie to express our appreciation of the
beautiful ilowers given by the children
and relatives and also by the Bank of
Fr.dergoes Serious Operation.
Kobert Kii kpatrick, who has been
sick for some time suffering with
stomach trouble, was taken to Omaha
Monday evening of this week, where
he was placed in ;ho hospital and
cperated upon for perfei ations of the
stomach, can. e l from ulcerations of j
the stomach. He was accompanied by
Dr. (r. II. (iilmore. ire operation was
a very serious one, and was pro
l.ounced successful, and the patient
was at last repoits resting very quiet
ly, considering the conditions.
Mrs. Fred
Engelkcmeier and
Pest thing for constipation, sour
stomach, lazy liver and. sluggish
bowels. Stops a sick headache almost
at once. Gives a mo.-t thorough and
satisfactory flushing no pain, no
nausea. Keeps your .system cleansed,
sweet and wholesome. Ask for
Citrolax. Sold everywhere.
Harry Todd Undergoes Operation.
Vaudeville and sieving Pictures.
There has been a vaudeville an
moving picture show company
Letter files at the Journal oITice.
arber Sliou I
Plattsmouth, Nebraska f
First-Class Service
Only Public Bath
Shoe Shining and
Porter Service.
Tel. 200 three rlngfe
I Shellenbarger & Atkinson,
ing form at the Puis & Gansemer
hall all this week. Thev are a good
company, and while there are only
four people in the company they are
giving excellent satisfaction and the
attendance is increasing each night.
The last three nights of this week
they will give prizes with the admis
sion tickets. They put on a good,
clean show and are deserving of good
Moving to Pitman Farm, Near Union,
Gus Minniear and family are mov
ing to the Pitman farm, near Union,
where they will make their future
home. Mr. Minniear has resided here
for several years, and has been one of
the progressive farmers of this com
munity, and in moving farther south
Mr. Minniear says he does not fear
but what the crops, with the same
conditions, will be just as good and
the yield just as great for him as
Harry Todd is another Murray citi
zen who is at the Piesbyterian hos
pital in Omaha, recovering from a
sutgical operation that was perform
ed upon him last Saturday for hermia.
He is getting along ery nicely and
will soon be able to icturn home, re
lieved of the trouble.
For Sale.
Gordon, Deuel, Keith and Perkins
county land. Very good terms.
Pert Root, Murray. Neb.
100 Subscriptions
For Sale.
A few seed potatoes, different
varieties, and all good, smooth seed.
For Sale.
An extra good team of registered
Percheron mares, both with foal.
Also a stallion, 3 years old. Call or
address, Chas. Countryman, Murray
for the Ladies Home Journal, $1."0;
The Country Gentleman, $1.00; the
Saturday Evening Post, $1.."0. See me
for full particulars about any maga
zine in special club offers. Francis
Cook, Agent, Murray. Neb.
For Sale.
Light P.rahma Roosters, will weigh
from (5 to 10 pounds. Eggs for sale
in season. G. S. Ray, Murray, Neb.
tub ii.m.N"i na.iM). a
' ?S J lil- hci-er a Diamond TjrunlV
'il!in "' rA .ci1 i w t il l. V
TVA !..,-s. ftJltJ with l;!,:e Kn ! n.
VvvS '-" no other. of toiip
-r lriirrl-.t. Askf. 1 1 1 - III --TF.R
2V lJ.i:M ItltAM) I'iM.M. f f as
J years known as Ccst.Siie t.A.oavi Kelia'. '
Combination Public Sale February 22.
Charles L. Creamr and D. A. Young
were jn Plattsmouth Tuesday of this
week, and were callers at the Journal
office looking after the advertising of
their combination public sale that will
be held on Tuesday, February '11.
Both of these gentlemen have decided
to quit farming and are offering all
their personal property to the highest
bidder. You will find their sale ad in
another column of the Journal this
For Sale.
Good span mares, weight 2,900 lbs.
nquire of J. E. Tuey, or 'Phone No.
ia a "D II H
bpecial Jr
As are wanting room for our immense stock of Spring
Goods, which we are expecting in soon, we are going
to make a special price on some useful articles
reduction on Mackinaws
Corduroy Coats
Sweater "
for Men, Boys and Women, and you will find other
useful articles on sale.
Puis & G
pleased with the sale.
207-W. 1-20-tfwkly