I; THURSDAY. FERRUARY 10. 191G. PLATTSMOUTIT SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. i1 7 A Distinctive Reason What is the chief reason for the superi ority of Royal Baking Powder ? There are several good reasons, but there is one which distinguishes Royal from other baking powders. This reason, which every woman should know, is that Royal Baking Powder is made from cream of tartar, which comes from grapes. This means a healthful fruit origin. It means natural food as distinguished from mineral substitutes used in other baking powders. There is no alum nor phosphate in Royal Balling Powder ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO New York Miss A-rnes Knoflir-ek was among those froii.er to Omaha this morninr. wheic --ho will visit .'or a few hours! with friends and taking1 up musical work. John S. Routh of Xehawka war. in the eily todav for a few hoars look- I h-.z after sc:r.e mutt-T of business and cauln. on h'u friends at the court house. I t I ' I . '( ! V ! ' : . . i . 1 ; rt'iuAi:-, Calif.. . . i i' casi- L t ! v.do'M iinvy - I t-.nl; t! o P.'.'.S .v!.K :i ! i .;ivc ii.il y u -... u!e ;:i:.i-t a - i f y ii can i-uward Sprirc-K of Staator., Neb., who has i .eon here for a f t v.- days vis iting at the home of .John McNurlin and wife, departed Iris morn ir.tr for his 1-or.ie. George Snyder came? in this morn ing from his farm home and depaited or. the t ;r!y Fur!;rat'a trnlri for Oma ha to look a fur some matters on the stock exchange for a few hours. . ! i t- . i ' . ' . ! ' a: ; i ; ::,.. .'y i C s L J :) l ' li :i ' 1 -r.-.a'-C'" l t in li: Ij'' i -!,'!.,' ! t . . t e : I i.! :;: r r t ; i" . J . :i . I I: ... . It t ! :i i :,:rt:u"tii Nal .-'-, yr,.j .: '. t, '. : ." o"! y ;. -s .:-,- e-.rJi ?i,ty '.-i- t... il.e Ki.ineva -I'. :. t . .'. .: ! i-:.: r...rr.:al .: v jv.-p i :! t-r Sold Everywhere. James Jelinek came i:i l;i.t evening from Crete, Xe!., v.neae h. r:-.s :e.-n assisting his l.rcther-ia-Iaw, C'y ; II Kaka. in znovir.g his 'or k:::i:-g link fi L-m that j-Iace to Jlaveloc Local Kews From Tue?Cays Dai;v thi- :ificrnoen for Omaha t vi-it f:r a - t time with i flat Ives an i 1': kr.d i:: that citv. y ::k Vhko was a visitor in this ity to. lay for a f. w hou:s. calling on it '-i'-s and I joking aitvr matters of u-:ae s with the ir.f.'diar.b. William Ilnlrd. wcrinU i.dei.t AlVU hhrriO rurer.-.an wa? in Lincoln Fri- oav. Charles Aver was in Lincoln Tues- the Bui lington jhtps in. this city, de-jday. parted last evening fo.- Chicago, v. here j Ed Svaitii of Univer.-ity Place was he will sp( nd a short ti"e L.ok:t:g af-' in town Ivlonday. ter seme ba-i -s fur the eompanv. :? ey William A. Rol.crt? on was tk -e a-.viz to Omaha this :tr. where he wr. - caile i t look a-v matters of l-usir.c.-s. James I . orak wa - am : i: the !a-i-: t - visitor s in Omaha t iay. g 1. -tr..it city ike early II u; iingt.-:! train t::l- murnir.ir. A. Ik F in the cr.v : rf r f , ,::r -a'i. r: wa todav 1 a i't-w h'-ars king after s-me trading at i c a..- W. A. Fight. tl lea :l! farmers ft cm near Id." ar i. -.v. a- in t city last evening l-.'k'r.g after .-e: matters cf husir.ess. Mis. Ik C. 11:11 d,;..rtc .1 lat , v, : g for kicaj- j. l:tte : he v. ill vl: f ( r a few d.iys in t city .l . a. a. . i j.i. .. j :! : t . i ti. '.k J. Ik S holt of Murray was in he city t..I..y for a fev h-n.i' looking .fter sc-me t: adlng with the nn.r- :tant ar i ca'ttng on nn :tnas. : kas ' -tt-n hce visiting his dnittri -v, Mrs. K. W. Ikior-. for n davs. jarted .r tus a dis. V. i.i am Ik II r.kergr was a sen ire. thi- afterro,.n frr Omaha. will vi.lt few hour iuOf.j:.-LT k'ter some matteis of La ik Far ii.tn i"' :!t o. i..moo.l, vn- t- a .-; -t :t .;' in tin wot n Mrs. (1, orge Frahl of Omaha wa -here today for a short visit with relatives .r.J friend.- and to take.no: little : --on back to ()...l;:i wkh !nr lif ter a visit here with Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Mansneaker. Adam Kurtz departed this c-ken -oon for Omaha, where 1: will consult a specialist, in tvgard to his ai.mirtt f rom which he has he r; ?idfei ing far sc-rae tin; He was rccomnanied ' y l is s.n. W. Ik Kurtz. Fr-r:i "Y a? a ys 1-a.i'v. Juhn Katrnhtrgwr was in tls' city today for a ftw hut; rs visiting and io;l:iua- after some tuollr.g wik the rr.en.haai?. Sid VvFiftdej cam-. in i-" tMi.l.-:' frenn Finccdn to .-pad a iuc-Kin.g after s-ome i.t..L.e;s luz' Ik::k!L.toit. Ray IV.rsell weitt to Lincoln on l-uir.ess Vv" e d i t e s d a y . Fev. J. L. Snavvly is having an at tack of the la grippe. J. A. Sharfer was hunting rabbits in South Fend Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirkpatrick were in Lincoln Wednesday. Geortre Fo: man va5- a passenger to Lincoln on No. IT Monday. Sam Crsh.ter was in Omaha Mon day ami Tuesday on business. Elmer IJaiie; t ur.i family were passengers for Lir.cvin Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ge-..rg- liail were pus- t rs for Lincoln -.,)-. av evenrm. kks. I 'l-ji-f he e Cury.a and daughter, Fi'iian, v. t-:v shopping in Lincoln Sat urday. M'-s. Charles Ay.:.- has been quite siek, hut is iccovt-riro.; nicely at tins writing. imc-r C. Fryic - ar.d his brother. E i vi-it. r s Tue-dav. w i-ours , I; .y;e; :f Elmwood, were Omaha i-. net. to ! r.e.:. i i.urs ;ay i . .-aing, t:e- -I tl 1 no : r:::.g for Lincoln u ;-e:td a tkw i curs i eforv leturning 1M J.F.i t o vk. ; ro.ne of his I ;) ivuth of this citv. r can.e -a tios atterno:'? i. j ii ort ;in.e hi ' e at tin i. atit dike t :aim i is tto-ie frtm schooi :i ar-.d. is getting ready Fu. kn -11 and daugh- ! ten. Miss Grace, v ent to Lincoln Wed- r. 'uay to n;t rc'at e. j- i-v.ke'.nv : ccr v.a -ike ramele Itieaire- iMUxS. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15th m pi LYMAN H. fiIS SiSirai ?AVTZ. FESTIVAL rgqWfj lo me G. lacier Roof of America lafeiiai Park! Battleship Struggling Trough Raging Seas! Firth cf Fcrth Bridge, Scotland Daring Exploits in the Swiss Alps -ent'.r t:ns m,-rnn g i jr V'mur.u . i-ir for a f-,v i.-arr v. ilk he h i. ... . - o L..e j ;a, ;,. lr.xhc: Fail Bennett and . Fel'o Fcnnett. were PUBLIC AUCTION The undersigned will offer at Pub lie Auction at his late home on the Herman Bestor place, six miles wesc of Plattsmouth, commencing at 10:00 o'clock a. m on IKIDW, FEBRUARY 11, the following described property, to w it: One bay marc, 8 years old, weight 1,100. One gelJing, 8 years old, weight 1,400. One span of mules, 10 years old, weight 2,400.. One McCormick binder. One McCormick mower. One Case gang plcw One John Deere gang plow. One John Deere two-row machine. One John Deer lifter. One stalk cutter. One harrow, good as new. Two New Departure cultivators. One Floosier press drill. One Xewton wagon. One Weber wagon. One spring wagon. One top bu ggy. One hay rack. One set driving harness. Four sets one and a half inch har ness. One Galloway feed grinder. One I. IF C. gasoline engine, two rnd one-half horse. Ore cream separator. One Meadow wa-her. One incubator. And many other articles too numer ous to mention. Lunch Will Be Served at Noon. TERMS OF SALE: All sums of $10 and under, cash in hand; on sums over ?!0 a credit of eight months will be given, purchaser giving good bankable paper at eight per cent interest. All property must be settled for before being removed. HENRY HIRZ. JR. W. R. Ycung, Auctioneer. Ray Patterson, Clerk. .t rae ' t-rra v l i:- a :. v caa ar -' -v v Q JL V y 1 s 1 4 Three dav ca!c or. ch:ldrefiI's ki-cut Button School Shoes S-'.f.O Gun and Patent Leatlit-r. now S-i.-J-j Gun, Tan and Patent, now S-J.oo Gvn and Vic-i, now SI. 75 Gun and Viei, now $1.4u Gun and Yki. now v 1 VP- Si .;v SUA) S1.U5 ALL SIZES Protect your child'.- feet with a pair -FETZER S CO.- j t 'fx Fi-m.ett Ckr i - v.d - wa- a pa-. er this moriiir.g for Omaha. wher was cai;eu to i a a-'v ing afte r some matte: s of i - . t ' L. Ik i :.,-''. .)::'. . vi.i'.es-.iay. prFmnn was in Lincoln Id r.day and 'iki.'.-ilay. lie? says J. IF Fov man is fedkg r.ach better. Trea Jr.cc-bsen an :r.e.--s. 1-- : S ' mridng f re : his h me, south city, to .-pi v.'l a f-w k a:rs U.okir.g af ter sonie tra.mg a.;-. c.-d.ng u:i hi-frie:;ds. Mr--. Arthur Faker rdarr. in the city last evening i r a few hours in route horn.- f?om Omaha, where she had spent, the day with fi iends. IMrs. Martha Faumei-u r was among those ging to Omaha this morning, where she- was calk-d to spend a few hours looking after rome matters: of bu.-iness. Mrs. Thomas Wilis was among tho.-e tro'iag to Omaha this morning, where she will visit for a few hours with frien-k and take treatment of a special ist. e ard 2 Chris Mi'ckeiihaupt departed this morning for Orr.tha, v. here they will visit for a few hours, looking after some matters of business. , r. J. Henr.ir.gs and. hUii, Albeit, were in the city yesterday for a ft w hours looking after some trading with the merchants, drivinr in from their home in Eight Mile Grove precinct. A. L. Todd and TJusclI Stander d'ove in this morning from their farm homes, west of this city, and depart ed on the early Purlington train for Omaha to look after some matters on the live stock market for a few hours. Grover Will and GF-n Yailery came in this morning from their farm homes in the vicinity of Murray and departed on the early FuiFngton train for Omaha, where they will visit for a few hours with friends in that city. Mr1--. Harry Turner is visiting in the city, being a gues-t of Mrs. Yk L. Street, Mrs. Turner being a niece of Mrs. Street. Mrs. Turner has been raiding at Dinvtr. Col.-)., and is now removing to Fed Oik, Iowa, wheic she will reside in the future. .Mr. and :-I-s. Y. 1 Lvedtke v.vr Sundays guests at tke Laarltsci: Km? last week. Juid Weaver retu'iied on No. 14 Saturday to hi- home at South Fend, after spending a week with relatives he-e. Robert J.hr. on, Chris Hoffman and Ik:i S,van.--oi knippe-vi cattle to Oma ha Monday, accompanying the ship ment. Mrs. F:da Kennedy and nephew. Ytrni.-i Hinbaagh, w ent to Lincoln Sunday to vi-it th.e k.tter's mother, Mrs. lliabangk. ?dr. and Mis. Augu.-t Dierksen of F'rummnd, Okla., spont Mor. kiy with Mr. an. 1 Ik ?. Chris Fiehmam , leaving on No. 17 for their home. T. N. Fobbitt, who has been spend ing seme time with his son, George Ik-bbitt, in Morchead, Kansas, was circulating anv-ng friemls last week. G co! are Foreman .sper.t Monday with his brother, J. IF Foreman, in Lincoln, who is getting along very well after having had his limb broken over again, as it had lapped. Miss Felle Curyea received word thnt Mrs. Flora Lowi., and grand children had reached their home at O'Neill, Neb., safely, after having spent some time with relatives and fiieneis here. Mrs. L. Ik Fol bitt of Lincoln spent Saturday night with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Foreman, who, with their daughter, Aurel, spent Sun day with their son. Fern Foreman and family, at College Yiew. A party of friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Casey Sat urday evening to spend a few social hours. A very pleasant evening was spent and a delicious lunch was rerved at a late hour, which all en joyed. Mrs. George Cuiyea went to Mur doch Monday to attend the funeral of little Ma::ine Amgwert, 21 months' old, who died at the home of her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. John Amgwert, at Dennett. The deceased was the grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ilite. . i V W. A. ROBERTSON, Lawyer. East cf Riley IIoteL Coatcs' Block, Second Floor. w r v r PUBLIC AUCTION I have decided to quit farming, and will therefore offer all my personal propetty for sale at Public Auction. Sale will be held on the Peter Halmes farm. ( miles northwest of Platts mouth, and i) miles northeast of Louisville, on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, commencing at 10 o'clock, at which time I will offer the following prop erty to the highest bidder: One team bay mares, seven years old, weight 2,400. Ore team brown mares, full sisters, coming two and thro? years old. One gray colt, three years old. Four gooel milk cows, with calf. Two two-year-old heifers, calves at side. One two-year-old stock heifer. Thirteen head of Duroc-ersey brood sows, all bred to registered boar. Two Poland China gilts, bred to registered boar, pedigrees furnished. One Grand Detour wagon. One One truck wagon. One YanBrunt carriage. One Keyes Bros, top buggy. One Keyes Bros, spring wagon. One hay rack. One Piano binder. One Sucker State press drill. One lci-foct harrow. Two Jenny Lind cultivators. One Badger riding cultivator. One Rock Island gang plow. One Emerson hay rake. One John Deere lister. One Hoosier one-horse drill. One bob sled. One disc. One good pump jack. One one-hole corn sheller. One new buzz-saw frame. One 22-inch buzz-saw blade. One 8-barrel galvanized tank. One Hoosier broadcast seeder with grass seed attachment. One John Deere ccrn planter with 1C0 rods wire. One good Yictor feed grinder run with belt. Three sets work harness. One set buggy harness. One saeldle. One set buggy fly nets. One pair buggy shafts. One buggy tongua. Lunch Will Be Served at Noonw TERMS OF SALE: All sums of S10 and under, cash in hand. . On sums over $10 a credit of six months will be given from date, purchaser giving good bankable paper. All property must be settled for be fore being removed from the premises. A. C. SMITH. AY. K. Young, Auctioneer. R. F. Patterson, Clerk. George A. Kaffenbcrger was a pas senger this morning for Omaha, where he visited for a few hours with his daughter at the hospital, where she is recovering from an operation for appendicitis. 4 WA WA A m 7A 7A f VA VA i 7' ' 7A YA I YA i 7 "The road has been built through an Indian ccunlry u ithall the tribes banded together andhoslilc""-FrV7.i speech, oi Gen. G. M. Dodc in Congress. ISO?, The men who built this road fought and worked by turn inspired with a great ideal. They spanned a continent with a trail of blood and iron for the sake of the Union and their road is the Union Pacific. The spirit of the build ers is alive today in the hearts of the men who labor to improve this great property as for a ?ialij).'..! institutijrt. Tiiis esprit dj corps an'ects favor.L'y evc-ryo::- who railroad and to ccndr.ct contc- in contact with its operations. They the Union FacTo as work tog-ether for this traveler or shipper. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Joins East and West u ith a Lculez itd uf SUlI W. S. BASINGER. General Passenger .gent, Omaha, Nebraska. cr: 7A .r. ' -- ' i U Journal Want Ads Pav t: ne re 7! 1 Perkins Hotel Building While we have beeii iiaviu a good trade wede.Or ' meet more of the residents of this citv and c:.' . Oysters and Fi -FRIDAY oil L Ojtl Prices are the lowest possible and -very one in vited to ius)ect our stock. Farmer's invited to call and brinr in their j i -duce. We pay the highest price, cah or trad, for Butter and E BUY 100 acres close to Plattsmouth, lot of improvement, ; 15,000.00; small amount clown, balance on loner time. 40 acres 4 miles from Pluttsmouth, splendid buildintrs. fine spring:, pood orchard. Price $,000.00; 2,700.00 down, balance due in 1922 at 5 per cent. Will take clear Plattsmouth residence or acreage for equity. 400-acre splendid improved farm, 8 miles from Plattsmouth. Price $125.00 per acre; terms to suit. 190-acre farm. lr2 miles south of Louisville, big snap at $130.00 per acre. 160-acre farm, -2 miles from Murray, cheap at $125.00 per acre. 200-acre farm near Murray. A dandy and worth the money $100.00 per acre 100-acre farm near Murray, worth $10,000.00, will sell for $8,000.00 till March first. It's a great snap . and will fro quick. Terms to suit. 47 acres at Oreapoiis, south side of f. ic m. i:. i:.. ii a,-..:, -; t:. j- fiiie-t f la:y h.-l ai.-i !-:...- 1 $10.0'J p r acre, L.a.aet i : 'c-hoF-t, K vel ! otti'ia La. i. . 1 .' . per :ure. ),o,H, F, 15, 2: 1 im; v. j vkI ;:t-re t. a adjoin ire: I'aat.-r.iuu'.h .i .-.t.e c!'.( a p. 25 . i a-ku F.ihvl.c.-' a a 1 r:a.r y far:r.s in central a" i .e-t. -i N-bi.'i.-ka at prices tht v. .11 i...t... you want t buy. Land values are sure to F-.. I ancial experts are aieci that v .- j fucirg an era of 'VLea:" r.-., which means an t i a of l.a h p-.. i -. Old-time ie-i-.Hi.ts vi!i n- aa t:..-t in the years 1S; xt F--75 ti.j ;i i of cheap money which f .:!. w i ti Civil War there v.a-: a rii-,.: : a '. i place money in IFal F. tut,. F: . . went sky-hierh, and baere f otu:.. were made by thoe who b.-e the right time. Farm Lands w.ll near a. . . ; . ! a . cheap as now. Fuy Lara!! L-.y . somewhere, but Fuy L-.nd an-i j (. i -sure to make mor.ty. You c.a.'; ! "S3 n n b li La REAL ESTATE Tel. No. 1 I L-i n m T.l s ir:suRA.Ncr: Plattsmouth, iJcb. mm