The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 07, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    MONDW, rFBHlTARY 7. 15U6.
Clearance Sale
t y
for SnfanSs Wear.
Combination Suits,
orsei overs,
If you make up your muslin undergarments now
you will be prepared for warm weather. Our
Mock is complin ;it tin's time, and an early selection will insure you the pret
tiest patterns. Yours is the benefit if you adopt the
buv it now' .!
Relieved That Early Settlement Will
lie Keached IJerlin Foreign
Ofiit-e Has MaJe Every
Fossible Concession.
Our Spring (iinghams are in and comprise a wide rangu 1" pmtty pat
terns and colors. TIk-v are all V t J)yk.
We have an excellent stock of good
patterns in American and Simpson,
prints, which despite the dye shortage
and rise in prices on all cottons, we
are still offering you at
3 rz
lvi. 3J iLi 14 14 IvlD n
Y-7 TV
sew ana o
w e L.i-ce to 2erve
;.v xh
at the
o f.r.e ilr.e of fancy stat'jn-
Joumal. Wo cr.:: f.d tr?
0 F-W A R 15
,. -
we are offering every piece
of China and Cut Glass at
01s EFI
ImpDrtsd Dinner Sets
Wa?i.i!irto:i, 1 -b. President
Wilson and Secretary Lansing I'-J'o ex
pected to confer tomorrow o:i the lat
est tentative duty of the communica
tion the German government hopes to
li inr the negotiations over the Lusi
tania disaster to a satisfactory termi
nation. Infoimation that the outlook
for an early scUlomerit' of the case
:.ain was pi omi-:ir.r, was receivcil to
ni.tcrit from various diplomats and offi
cial quarters.
The pvi.-i'kiit has had the tentative
draft heforc Kirn sin Fr iday niht.
lnt it (leiman officials say, the Berlin
fovei:rn o!:ce has t.vri'? as far as it
possibly can to tr.tet the position of
the United State--. From h'h dip!o
n:r.ti'j quarters tonight came the statc
TTHni that (lermany relieves that she
has, with the exception of making an
Oi:t-:ind-out disavowal of the Lusitania
f inking, hich she considers impossi
ble, conceded every desire of the Unit
ed States, and that the tentative pro
posal maierially strengthens the as
surance already given in the nego
tiations over the sinking of the steam
ship Arabic. It is also claimed that
the tentative proposal covers all the
1 fr.ihTierual issues ir.volver in the
J conduct of cuhmarine warfare in the
! Noi th rea.
Commander Obeyed Orders.
It 'n explained that a direct dis
avowal was given for the sinking of
tho Arabic because that act was in
viokit'ori of the inst ruieions given the
commanders of submarines. In the
c?.e of the I.usitaii!.i. however, the
commander acted in acocrdance with
!e s. The general instructions not
to s::ik liners witnout warning was
givn, it was disclosed tonight by high
r.mhoritiy, on the day after the Lusi
t;'in'a went down. It was said that
Cjimanv withheld announcement of
We offer from our Dry Goods De
partment the remnant ends that have
accumulated. These were not pur
chased for special sale purposes but
are out of our regular stock:
Bed Spreads Only a Small Lot of
each :
2.o0 Bed Spreads go at $1.98
$2.00 Bed Spreads go at Sl.Gi)
$1.7." Bed Spreads go at SI. 19
SI. 00 Bed Spreads go at 87c
A nice lot of home-made Comforter1-".
The;e we will close out at a cut
Children's fleece lined Slipons, in
sizes .'1 to H year.', the T,0e
grade, r.ow go at
Boys' separate garments in Underwear-,
these usia'.iy sell at
2o to 3. "c, to close at, each.
Ladies Outing Flannel Petticoats,
good weight, to close out, each
Ladies' Fleeced Hose, at per pair
We still have a ood lot of Boys'
and Misses Shoes to close out at a
bargain if you find your size.
A lot of Red Seal Ginghams, reg
ular 12'ic grade, at lOcj
A nice line of Hair Ribbons, all
colors, all silk, 4 inches wide,
at, per yard 19c
A good lot of Stiekeis' Fmbroid-
ery, all colored edges, at "
yards for 2"c
New arrivals:
F m b : o i d e r y F 1 o u : i c i n g s .
Embroidery Edge-.
Wah Goods.
.Red Hot Tank Heaters
will heat the water in your tanks quicker and easier than
any of the old style heaters.
This heater will burn any kind of fuel hard or
soft coal, wood chips or cobs. All the fire is entirely
under water.
Visiting With Friends Here.
for strategical naval pia-
Bt ported That th? Vessel Struck
Mir.ei n the Caiteat and
r Oliniirrr.i. . i;io,r fli.ltnvi:", '.. Inncl-nnn
was give;r Saturday afternoon at the
beautiful I'airr.e'e on North
Coperhagen, I"el. 7. (Via London, ' Sixth street, when Mrs. George ().
r.; a. ro.) A 1 ri-g? German Dovey e?itertained some fifty of her
has be.-.-! Mi- 'c i;i the C-;ti ";.t 1-2- j :i ic-nds i-i a most ii lightful manner
r. t'i i-!. cf A.wdt :.r: i th? . !:i th fa.-cination of this garie. 'I he
. . . i
l c ( ir. - oi lhe heme were cei orated in
t. .
h'Jjj .-ere ! .-churne v pink and white, pink roses
It is supra -vd tl-? vess
ml r.e. Wi' ca":!s for
h.eard. but the-e aftr" r time c :a-ed.
The ":;ttegat is a b-iy of ly
irg 5 v.ween Denmark anti Swtdvn
hrou'.-h which vessels from the Baltic! seated were arranged verv artistically
mu.-t pi--: to :erch th? Atlantic ocean, j wiJ: pink and white sweet peas, mak-
C a scene of beu'itv and charm.
!..::ig u.-cd '-v. the general decorative while the eiht tables at
which the men Iters of the party were
The i.-!and. of Aiihek lies in the cen-
The four-cour.;;' lune-hecn servel by
dstcd by Misses Eliza-
ter of the Cattegat.
London, Feb. 7. The British -team-ship
Balgowine, l,0('l tor.s g,-oss,
ha; ber. sunk. The cow, with the
i ... .
exception of the r-ecor.d c
i saved. : f telT.oon unl thr- h i;-rnb-f bos:nit;i
The Balgowni? was '2? feet long, ity ef th? cccasion. 'I he out-of-town
fet Loan anl seventeen feet : guest i present wore: Miss Mniorie
gnew of Lincoln, Mis. Jack Patter-
t'ne lies
b, ih Beeson, .Aliidrcd Schlater, Marion
...euy an.t r.:cj;nor, was one j
that was dairty a:id temoting and ad-
cr, was! del e:y rauch to the pleasures of the
('een. The vess:-l was built in Aber
deen in lsc0 r.r,d was owned by the
G ner-il .Stenm Navir;at" ' n ccrr.j-ny,
ltd., of London.
tre ;act
Th position of Berlin officials is
' to ho that the act of commander
of a submarine can be disavowed.
1 h? violate, dis:egard or have
1 to receive ir.strutcions. but that
la government canrot disavow an act
f which was committed in accordance
with its instructions and for which it
is responsible.
In the latest proposal there is no
attempt to deny responsibility for the
sinking of the Lusitania. But Ger
many assumes liability for the Amer
in lives, offers reparation by the
payment of indemnity and assures the
United States that the -killing of
Americans was without intent. The
destruction of the liner was an act of
reprisal for the British blockade, un
der the ordersi n council, according
to the German view, and reprisals
should not be applied to neutrals. The
tentative communication also states
that the method of conducting subma
rine warfare in the North sea has
been modified because of friendship
for the United States and because of
the factt hat American lives had been
Recalls Arabic Case.
In this last contention, it was said
tonight that it was within the range
of possibility th-it some reference
niou, and Mis. Wavne Dick-
-on of Omaha.
Rend the wart ads in th .Tourml.
Bid You Ever Stop to Consider
that the cheapest and the best shoe is the one
which will give you the greatest amount of service?
ohoe wisdom acmanas mat you
buy the shoes which not only
has stylish appearance, but
Saturday cve-rd?rg quite a lively
sporting evert occiured in our neigh
boring city of Louisville, when an
exceedingly interesting wrestling
j match was sta'-ed there between Cal
ii Woods, the fast young wrestler whom
A lb 2 rt Ficklcr of Stanton is manag-
and Frank Schmarder, the Louis-
i vihc expert in this fine ait of the mat,
l and for fourteen minutes the two ni2.i
IS 'icl.l ihn inti-.rn-.-t -. n-i'ih
which will keep this appearance forae fast voi k, and it was ended only
hold its shape under the most
severe wear.
j; nkie in being thrown by the Stanton
. ' ! man, being in such a position as to
Shces for Women
I; it impossible to get out of the
' grip of Woods, and Schmarder con
j tinued to struggle until he suffered
his "njury and was "cmpelled to re-
l 1 1 -i- ( . !,:. Ill re to his home. The match was
nave biouta me: ucsi icji unujr Hi'awrle
j'ears. tLiegance or styie, per- irrfall.
! i
ded to Wcodj as a result of the
f-f f!ttinrr lnctc Klrrh nualitv rf material and EUCerior
shoemaking are well combined in these splendid shoes. l j j .J a(j
$3.50, $4.00 and $5.00
Schmarder had been matched for a
th Peters:, ths Papillion
j vvonoer, and Lai Woods ami his nan
; ager, Fickle;-, are very anxious to take
f f the match off of the hands of
S J : Schmarder, who will now be cut of the
f. ; , game for some time.
Read the Evening Journal,
cents a week.
Only 10
Mows i ins t
Wr ? r oi:i I!u!n!r( (I r Ii i Ki-wunl f.-r nn)
i t I'iM. iiU ttiat i'Miiin.t ! ii;r-i! by IIall
aturrh Curi-.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. T-.l.'iio. O.
We. t! e iin.!i 'i-.oil, h:ivc kr'o'.vn F J
i!hi'iu-.v tir tit.1 1 .-i .5 ii.-;ifvc tla
l-.-fi-clly Ii iiu.ri In Hii liu.-in. iriii vac!',i'i
'in. I tiimncl illy H.le to carry .nt ny .:h;i.iti.nii
xniiie y ris ti .
NAT BANK OK t 'M r;n r-:.
T.,i...... Oliir..
Ia!Vs Ciit-T'-!-. i'iti' I-. t -kc" inti.r"-i'I n'-tl-J
llP.'ftlV ll!ll M' '"I 'Ml b ."Oti-rs j
Ii. ..j ''i-m. Ti-Kl !- ! I. f u iu- . "I
t i,to" ' : r r.tth-. S' : i r- ii; iniT.M---
might be made in the preface of the!
communication, should it be trans- i
m it ted formally to the United Slates;
to the con espendence in the Ai-.bic
caje. In a note to Secretary La:isi::g
on September J'", Count von lJorn-'
stoiff, the German ambassador, wrt ie
that his "instructions concerning our j
answer to your last Lusiiania note I
contain ihe following passage: 'Liners
will not bos unk by our submarines
without warning and without regard
ing the :afety of the lives of no;;-j
ocmbatants, provided that the linos j
do not try to escape or offer resist
ance.' "
There instructions have not yet
been made formal in connection with
the Lusitania case directly. At the
time of the receipt of the communiea-j
tion Secretary Lansing declared that :
it appeared to be "a recognition of the
fundamental principles for which we
have contended."
Official and diplomatic circles are
anxiously awaiting tie publication of
a statement concerning the Lusitania;
negotiations which Secretary Lansing:
said yesterday might be ma ie within
the next few days. The statement, it
was considered, might be forthcom
ing at any time after President Wil
son and Secretary Lansing discuss the
Count von Bernstorff, the German
rmbassador, expects to be called to
the state department after the con
ference between the president and the
secretary. That the ambassador be
lieves he may be summoned in the
near future was indicated when it be
came known that he had cancelled for
the present engagements out of town.
Miles Standish of Garr.ett, Kansas,
i here enjoying a visit with his rela
tives and friends in this locality, and
v.hi'e here is a gue t at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John McXurlin. Mr.
Standi-h is looking une and reports
everyihing in his part of the Sun
flov. .r state as being as good as could
be desired, with splendid outlook for
the coming season. Mr. Standish has
a host of warm friends who will be
delighted to meet him and take him
by the hand, as he is one of the salt
of the earth. He wa : a caller at the
Jctirral headquarters Saturday and a
very pleasant visit was enjoyed for a
few minutes.
Attention, Plattsmouth People!
The Knights and Ladies of Security
have secured for an evening's enter
tainment, the famous MISS M. C.
HUTCHINSON, elocutionist and im
personator, in "Rebecca of Sunny
Brook Farm," Tuesday evening, Feb
ruary Sth. She is an artist in her line
i.nd is a guaranteed attraction. Don't
miss this treat. Admission, 2"c to all.
After regular K. k L. of S. business
meeting. Business meeting at T:o0.
Entertainment at 8
j yn ii. ---t. ' .i
HII il IBI 1)1,1 i I HI IJli - ..III -! . ,1 l
f-r ,n.i., -i.. w i. v"-'-"ntZimi -If I J--v
on furs
I Sets (Muff and Scarf to match)
fa Montana Lynx $14.00 and $19.95
Con cT7 O Cf
vu"v; uu
Tiger Coney 5.50
Brook Mink 10.50
Red Fox 10.95
White Arctic Fox 12.50
Gray Fox 16.50
Badger 16.00
Separate Muffs
$1.65 up
China Lynx 5.75
S3 Russian Mink (Melon shape) 10.50
fH Ercok Mink 7.50
Natural Racoon . .
Canadian Fitch . . .
. .12.50
. .10.00
Real Estate
Office and Salesroom
Tel. No. 1. Plattsmouth
Weyrich & Hadraba, who are always
on the alert for any change which is
for the betterment of the service
which they give their customers, have
again come to the front with an in
novation which is commendable.
For years this firm has enjoyed the
distinction of handling the finest and
freshed line of candies, both in
bulk and package goods.
The only way to handle bulk goods
has been to display in trays, but that
method always had the drawback of
necessitating the handling of the bulk J
candies with the bare hands, which of
course was not very attractive to any
one. The new equipment does away with
the necessity of touching the candies,
and the edict has now gone forth from
the proprietors that from the time
the candy leaves the factory until it
reaches the consumer, it SHALL NOT
It will be worth your time to inspect
.i i i : i ,l i
ine memou, anu you are inviieu iu uu
so by Weyrich & Hadraba.
Something Gocd.
Those who have nasty medicine
should try Chamberlain's Tablets fori
constipation. They are pleasant to j
take and their effect is so agreeable.
and so natural that you will not
realize that it has been produced by
a medicine. Obtainable everywhere.
Harness Oiled.
Now is the time to have your har
ness oiled. $1.00 per set.
John F. Gorder.
Lace Curtains Reduced in
Bargain List
Nottingham Lace Curtains, in White, Ecru and Biege.
Price per pair:
Was Sale price
$1.00 $ .80
1.35 108
1.50 1.20
Marquisette Curtains, make with Clunly Edge and
Insertion, come in Biege and White.
Regular price:
$3.50 pair now $1.80
$2.75 pair now 2.20
20 per cent Discount Sale
continues until Feb'y 15th, as announced
last week.
This is a bona fide 20 discount on every line
we carry with the following general exceptions:
Groceries, Rugs, Linoleum, Thread, Muslin, Sheet
ing, Pillow Tubing, Belding's yard wide Taffetas,
Georgette Crepe, Crepe de Chine, Outing Flannels
Patterns and Crochet Cotton.
ii in