The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 07, 1916, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Cbc plattsmoistb journal
Entered at Postoffice at Plattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mail matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
si-nscniiTiox pmcm 90
That which is past and gone
is irrevocable, an.l wise men
have enough to dj with things
present and to come. Francis
A little more snow, which helps the
We prefer extreme cold weather
to too much water.
If he is liberal with his wad, it pays
to love your neighbor.
Opinions of men who endeavor to
Le on both sides are not worth while.
A man does not have to run very
fast to escape when the office is seek
ing him.
. :o:
The short skirt enables a woman
with curved legs to sliow the courage
of her convictions.
About now the housewife rejoices
that the hens have laid some cold
storage eggs for breakfast.
It is not right to lefuse to marry
a leap year girl because she cannot
cock. Maybe she has money enough
to pay your board.
Did you ever :.otice how many men
are just like the Egyptian pyramids?
Very broad at the foundation and
try narrow at. the top.
Every democrat is invited to attend
the banquet on Thursday night, Feb-
ruaiy 10. No one will be excluded
as long as there is loom.
You may get Mr. Bryan off to The
Harue after the November election,
but r.ot one day before. He gets too
much for his opposition to Wilson and
The candidate who will send a
newspaper two columns of lirst-class
eulogy of his dear, important self, ac
companied by a 50-cent postal order,
has the gall to be a winner at any
kind of game.
Whatever congress does at this ses
sion is going to be largely for polit
ical effect, as is apt to be the case
before a general election, but it isn't
always possible to forecast what the
effect will be.
The only preventive of victory in
the democratic party of Nebraska will
be the lack of harmony and peace.
And the Bryans don't intend we shall
have that unless it comes their way
and it is not going to come their way
this year if the common voters can
help it.
If Charley Bryan should in any
way capture the democratic nomina
tion for governor and a republican is
elected, which is a sure thing in that
event, it would really be more of an
endorsement of President Wilson than
if Bryan is elected. All democrats
know that both of the Bryans are un
favorable to endorsing the president.
Is feed corn more delicate than it
was ten or forty years ago? Experts
advise farmers to select their seed
corn early, see that it is well dried
out and not permitted to freeze. Farm
ers who have always gone to their
cribs in the spring and selected their
seed corn, or laid it to one side as
they fed corn during the winter and
who, lrom this method of selecting
sevl, raided bumper crop?, turn up
their noses at the id:i of seed coin
'u veaii IX advas.ce
Never before in this country have
the big factories been busier and la
bor more fully employed than now;
never have the railroads been more
steadily laden with freight; never
have the harvests been heavier, the
yield of the mines richer, and all busi
ness brisker and sounder. Never did
a new year come upon greater pros
peiity than the American people are
enjoying today. What does it mean
to us? The most common question is,
"Will it last?"But that is not the most
important question. Prosperity means
more money, of course, more comforts,
more pleasures, more freedom from
worries, more joy in living. The in
dustries are laying aide a compe
tence. Hundreds of thousands of homes
are being built. It is a time rich
with hone and achievement But what
does all this really mean to us? Mere
ly more money, more comforts, more
plasures? Are there no blessings for
r.s in prosperity beyond the material
joys of easier living? Alas for us as a
people if we fail to see in our bounti
ful plenty the responsibility to our bet
ter selves which this prosperity has
put upon us! Adversity develops great
differences in men Prosperity de
velops greater differences still. Many
are glad to seize the fruits that fall
from the cornucopia and eat, drink
ar.d be merry. Many others store them
securely away where they are of no
use to themselves or anvone else.
And others carefully use them as
means to develop their own minds, to
broaden and sweeten their sympathies.
o educate their children, to lend a
helping hand to the weak, to soothe
the sorrowing, to make the home whole
some r and happier, to build schools
and hospitals and churches, to grasp
not the joys that must perish with
themselves, but to create those leaven
ing human forces that shall endure
forever. Wealth itself never advanced
humanity a single step. Prosperity
that is wholly material can never truly
benefit any people. It is but enriched
soil in which the real treasures of life
may be better grown.
Satan doesn't care how loud a man
preaches on Sunday if he can get his
attention the other six days.
" .
Women who have nothing else to
commend them are the ones who make
most display of their anatomny.
There is so much cheap talk in the
world to line the people that the
moving picture has brought about re
lief. :o:
A tariff board will put the tariff
question out of politics. What will
the tariff howlers do then poor fel
lows? roc-
There is some talk in Lincoln of
Hon. George W. Berge coming out for
governor. He is a democrat, an able
man, and the people know right where
to find him. He never takes advantage
of any partciular issue, which is sup
posed to be popular, to get into office.
He isn't two-faced le his dealings,
and the democrats have supported him
in the past and can do it again.
Our friend, Frank W. Brown, editor
of the Kearney Times, extends to the
Journal editor a very cordial invita
tion to the Commercial club banquet
in that city Tuesday, February 8. We
are sorry that it will be impossible for
us to attend, as the present condition
of our health, and also weather con
ditions will not permit. We would
Mke to attend, if for no other reason
than to hear our ow n Matt Gering, ar.d
visit a short time with our good old
Missouri friend, Judge W. D. Old
ham, and also Frank vV. Brown, son of
one of our dearest friends, who peace
fully sleeps the long sleep, and was
also a Missourian.
Money will often bring a title, but
no brains.
. :o:
A good reputation, unless lived tip
to, soon goes lame.
Until it is spiked a lie sounds just
as good as the truth.
It takes a heap of ginger to warm
up a dead proposition.
The president's swing around the
circle was without any accidents, and
was a great success.
:o :
The days are growing longer, but
the skirts show no disposition to fol
low that worthy example.
It is hard to convince a farmer that
one can do a day s work m eignt
hours. Well, he can't on the farm.
: :o:
Hitch your wagon to a star, but if
she is a high-salaried actress she may
divorce you if you do not come up to
the notch.
Congress is going to indulge in a
lot of tiresome talk; in the matter
of oratory congress lacks nothing in
preparedness. ;
This is a season ol the year when
you see incubators in the store win
dows, and some fairly well developed
chickens coining from the matinees.
There are many good men for office
in the democratic party of Nebraska.
But the Bryan 4,ruel or ruin" policy
has knocked the most of them off the
Christmas box."
Easter comes pretty late this year
Sunday, April 2?. If Easter Sun
day's appearance has any bearing up
on the advent of spring, spring isn't
going to be in any great hurry about
coming around this year.
It is scarcelv advisable for the
ambitious youth to become disguested j
with the small opportunities of coun
try life, even if a few bankers are
going to get a rake-off of thy ? 10,000,
000 for financing the allies' loan.
We notice in many cities, including
Omaha, the merchants are cutting
down on the prices of the necessaries
of life. We don't know how the poor
people are to exist if the prices of the
necessaries don't come down all over
the country.
It is rumored that at least two
more democratic candidates will file
before many days for governor. One
tip-top good man, like ex-Senator
Allen, will be cno.igh to put the
kiwash to Charley. Or, any other one
good man can do it.
Democrats should bear in mind that
they will all be welcomed at the ban
quest Thursday night, February 10.
There is no exclusion of democrats
from a love feast of this character.
So don your "best bib and tucker" and
come. There was no special invita
tions sent to any democrat in Platts
rnouth. It has been taken for grant
ed that they are in the general "get
up" of the affair. The. committee did
not think it was necessary to serd
special invitations to cur home demo
crats. And in fact, it wasn't.
Hugh Farrelly on newspapers: The
modern newspaper is an aid in law en
forcement, is a power in preventing
violation of law especially in ordi
nary violations and crimes and the
home paper is the one that may be
and is the greater aid. Man
is only human, the newspaper is made
by human hands, human hearts and
heads. To err is human, to forgive
divine. Publicity is the greatest
weapon against lawlessness, and it
can be better obtained in the news-
j paper than in any other way.
! If the county attorney, the sheriff and
other officers whose business it is to
enforce the law and to prevent viola-
; tions of the law, will be frank and
j fair with the newspaper, nine times
out of ten the necessary publicity will
i be made at the proper time, and the
! modern newspaper may be made even
a greater aid to law enforcement than
it now is.
Nebraskans live so far from the
northern border of this great nation
of ours that they may not realize the
part our northern neighbor, Canada,
is playing the war. Canada has al
ready recruited a quarter of a million
men, many of whom have given their
lives for the empire on the fields of
France and Flanders, and Canada be
gun the New Year w.:lh a determina
tion to raise its quota of troops to a
half million. That, for Canada, is
about the same as if the United States
should call for (,r00,000 volunteers.
Probably with the incentive of a war
of defense, the United States could
raise as many, but it is doubtful if it
oeuld raise them for warfare over
seas. Besides Canada pays her
troops better than the United States,
which European nations seem to think
pays too much The pyy of a Canadian
private is SI. 10 a day, compared with
about oO cents in our own army. But
Canada has done more than merely to
supply her quota of men; .-he has been
a great help in feeding the mother
country, and has loaned money to
Great Britain to enable her to buy
supplies in Canada. That, of course,
is not an entirely unsclli.-h action, for
it keeps industries doing in Canada
which might otherwise suffer from the
stagnation of war. But the millions
in out-and-out gifts from private
souices do spell patriotism and self
sacrifice to a high degree. And it
must not be forgotten that all that
Canada has done has been purely
voluntary; she has, of course, the in
terest o'f protection in belonging
the empire, but aside from that she
is about as independent as this coun
try to do as she pleases, as are Aus
tralia. New Zelar.d and South Afrit a.
It i.-n't our war, as it is Canada's, r.ut
Canadian example gives Americans
something to think about; that men !
in million an- reeded when modern
war comes and that Lhe ration which
isn't prepared to furnish them will
:o :
Have you had a bobsled ride yet?
:o :
Brace up, old ch ip; spring will soon
be here.
We aie all for Plaltsmouth or
ought to be.
If it isn't one thing to worry about
it is another.
Moving time among the farmers
will scon be here March 1.
Aside from the grub a man isn't
greatly interested in the table decora
tions. :o:
Some people don't believe half they
hear, and some don't hear half they
Have you bought a banquet ticket
yet? Don't you think it is time you
was doing so?
:o :
A lot of people are sure they arc
right, without going ahead to any
marked degree.
It is possible that Governor More
head will attend the ctemocratic ban
quet next Thursday night.
' :o.
There are several ways of fooling
the dear people, and most of them
are known to the politicians.
" :o:
Are you going to the banquet
Thursday night? Of course ' you
are. You can't afford to miss a gen
uine democratic love feast.
George W. Berge has filed for the
democratic nomination for governor.
That settles it. As between George
Berge and' Charley Bryan, it wouldn't
be a hard matter to decide in favor
of Berge.
:o :
It is now reported that a well-defined
movement to nominate Major
General Leonard Wocd for president
on the republican ticket has been
started in the east, when it was
learned a few days ago, by letters re
ceived in the west. These letters, it
was learned, dame from those high in
the councils of Teddy Roosevelt.
. A
. .
Lillie Schneider, who was reported
very sick last week with pneumonia,
is much better at present.
Mrs. William Leflec returned Tues
day evening from Louisville, where
she had been at the bedside of her
mother, who was quite poorly.
Mrs. Ik L. Clark .ind son, Harold,
of Gunnison, Utah, ar rivet 1 Tuesday
evening for an etxended visit at the
home of her father, E. T. Comer, anil
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Maseman were
up from Avocu Sunday and Monday
visiting at the home of the former's
sister, Mrs. L. K. Pcnterman, who has
been very ill with pneumonia.
Perry Colbert is having quite a tus
sle. We asked him if he had been
kicked in the jaw by a mule, but he
informed us that ne was suffering
with a severe case of -ltulgria.
George Oehleiking was on the Oma
ha market Wednesday with a mixed
load of stock. He accompanied the
shipment and took occasion to pay r.
visit to his brother-in-law, licv. G.
Streicher, across the river in Council
A felon on the forefinger cf his
right hand is causing Tar.-ou Bill IIul
iish much gikf and a. . noye nee. He
keeps the "pet" nicely wrapped up
mighty bothersome, :-nd it keeps one
constantly mindful of his great afflic
tion. A deal wjvs completed this week
wht reby O. M. Ward and Orviile Kob
eitsoii became the owners of the old
st( e building north of the Beatrice
Cieamciy Co. bui: ir.vr. Tins prop
erty they purchased of Fran!-: Enycart
of Dough'.-, Neb. it i; understood
that they h:r e made a deal whereby
they have di.--po.--ed of this rroperty to
another r.ivtv.
: no i r.e
... i
hind tL-ai vas pui; ti
Monday whereby Mr--. Louisa He t trick
dispo.-ed of. li-.i' eighty-acre farm, six
rr.ik-s southwe-t of Einr.vo-d, to Mr.
Lateii. of Logan, "ev.a. We ur.Jer
. iand Mr. L rt!n: will rn.' ve over
Iowa, but that his boys will do the
h'.rge-r poiaion of farm woik. Mrs.
He-trick pu: chared the farm a few
years :.g-. the family moving out from
town. We have not kerned as to what
their calrahiticn s for i-.e futuie.
The eighty .-oiii, acording -ur in
ln ninut, for i!.
The Best ilecir.mciu'.a'UHi.
The rt:-...ngest any
ai tide may ; cceive a favorable
word fi. in the u.-er. It is the recom
mendation of th-.-e who have used it
that makes Chamb : r'ain's. Coagh
Remedy so popular. Mrs. A man dr.
Gieihart, Wavne.-liel 1, Ohio, write--:
rhamberlahn's Ce-ugh Remedy has
lec-n tised in my family off and on for
'.wenty y-ars and it has neer failed
to cure a cough or cold." Obtainable
: !- -X-rv
The voting folks at the home of J
H. Russell, who have been on the sick
li.-t, are rapidly recovering:
Mr. O.-borne. who suffered a broken
leg last week while falling timber, i
getting along as well as could be ex
There were seventeen conversions
at the M. K. revival meetings, which
came to a clo.-e last Wednesday night.
Roy Upton is again able to be out
after a week or so in the house taking
care of a good-si::ed case of rheuma
tism. Miss Lyda Clark, the popular cleik
at Hunt & Morton's, is on the sick
list this week, a sufferer of the grippe.
Rue Fians was out too Into one
night last week and as a result was
confined to his home the fore pait of
the week with Mr. Grippe.
Charles R. Niday has purchased the
residence occupied by Harve Miller,
from Ray Finns and will get posses
sion about the first of March.
Mrs. Carey Stottler, who has been
quite ill with, the grippe, is somewhat
improved this week. Her daughter,
Mrs. Iris of Lincoln is with her dm
ing her illness.
Luther Hall will go' to Hamburg,
Iowa, next Tuesday ti cry a sale for
Charles O'Brien. Besides a good lot
of farm property Mr. Hall will sell
an extra good lot of farm mules r.t
the same sale.
Luther Hall and Richard Smith
rhipned Ihree carloads of cattle to
South Omaha last Tuesday from Mur
ray. Two cars wore stock cows and
brought if!. -0, which was the top of
the market for that grade of stock.
For Sale.
50 Single Ccmhed Rhode Island Red
Cockerels. ?2.00 ee. eh, 'Phone No.
3513, Plattsmouth Exchange.
A. O. Kamge.
Iho Kind Yoi- 3 hive Always Uovght, r.tul v.IiMi lias been
in for over CO yrur.T, lias bortio Hie fclgiiature of
uml lias been made Tuulr Lis per-y-- super Lsion sineo ila i;:farjey.
v-sc- Ssf J ZccU'M Allow i: o:u; to deeeiv? ytri:i ILIsj.
All Coi.nti.i-rcits, Imitations a::i " .Tust-as-good " are but
3'r:p : liaciits tri.l; with and endanger thy !:-::i;h of
luianls and Cliiltlrcn Kxiericiiee aainat Hi-eriuiciiU
What Is CAS
Cirtforirx is a harmless rnbsfituto for Castor Oil, Paro-i:o:-ie,
Drops mid Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opiuai, Morphine nor other Vareoiio
r::L.slui:rf. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Wornj.s
r.!5l ;-H:tys I'everi.dincs.s. For more than thirty years it
L.i:; 7eea hi constant use for the relief oi 1'oDstipalion,
riiiiuleuey, "Wind Colie, all Teething- Tivatblcs and
Diarrhaa. It rejrulates tho StoiaaeTi and lioivels,
rsii:.i?-.ites the I'ood, giving healthy and natural sleep.
rIxio Children's Panacea Tiio 'ZluihGv'a ITricuil
immim CASTOR 1 A always
Bears the
In Use For
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought
Beacon. Republican.
s K 'M-!
A. IL YenhuuHrgham :-hiii:eJ a
carload of h egs to the Ntbi.uka City
:-.!iu!u-t Tue--u'ay.
Mr. V. IT. L'c.ts f Avo-ja i,; mr.k-ln;-
an cxic; !ed visit at the home of
her ::. E. P. littls.
Jt h? llarL-uek returned home Sun
di.y frrn a iv. weeks' visit with rt-la-:ive-.
id (i! e.eory, S. I).
Kev. S. W. I... -;-(' e of Lewistuii,
?scb., vi-itcd eve V?-i..L'Siay i:i.e!'t
With his i.-r.;ther, Dr. '. H. Loh.cre.
Dr. J. II. r.kenr-nc-amn k-ft the flr:-t
of th veek f r Ihud i, Nt b., ai uhk-h
nlace he v. ;'i h'eate and practice
m c-e ieii'.e.
Ik t Price, who is n;ar.::;;i;:e: a jren-
'i ai me: ch t:i.i: e ?'.-ire at Pickrell,
'.:i.. whs i.: t'v."ii Idooday of hist
,v.'-k hakii ;r hi. -ids with old friends.
W. G. Jar:: of Averuule has he-i-n
i-eiillred t tlie hou-e the past feu
days with a .Me ire of the grippe, but
we arj e.l: d to icport that he is- im-r-.-ovin:r
at this writinjr.
Charles Myer.s and family of
Chieka.-'na, Okla., have moved on the
Wiliiarn .Sacks farm, south of Ea;k
Mr. 'Myers having hired out to Mr.
Sacks for the romir.r year. Mr.
Myers is a. ore i her ot I'd and Floyd
Mrs. Adoiph Sehroeder and son,
IIe;:iy. kft the for( part of last week
rY-r C'lenrwaUi. Neb., lor a visit with
Ernest Sch -' eder, who is farming
near thi'-e. Mrs. Sehioeder returned
heme Wednesday afternoon of this
week, while Henry will remain there
for a few weeks.
Per a IJilious Attack.
When you have a severe headache,
accompanied by a coated lonjruc,
(datnim: of food, constipation, torpid
liver, vomiting: of pertly digested food
and then bile, you may know that you
have a severe bilious attack. While you
m:y be exuite sick there is much con
solation in knew ire: that relief may be
had by takin;1" three of Chamberlain's
Tablets. They are prompt and ef
fectual. Obtainable everywhere.
are fast incrceasing in value. Their 1015 yield' of from 25 to -V bushels of
wheat per acre will exceed the present price of similar and adjoining land-.
Indentions point to the greatest demand for these deeded Western land
that the West has yet ever seen. The incoming inquiries show already tie
movement to get hold of one of these farms before it is too late; if yo.a
can buv 'these lands at from $l-" to !?M5 an acre you can make up .v-'11
riii-.d that hey will be ."0 per cent higher in the near future. Dairymen
le makin-jr mom-v. The silo has revolutionized farming on these lands ai :
in-n-L-s -i return valve that has never been known. AH farm improvenu n: -
en adjacent lands bear testimony to
la.-t -'car pr-duccd if-1.275,ino worth
:.1.2S0.0oO worth of stock. This wvs about the production of other
vhere these lands lie in Western Nebraska and Eastern Colorado.
135 IHSfii&SiiJjss
i J.i'r''1 rv---t
Signature of
0 Years
Frank Cappen. who nas been having
a seikus time with blood poison in his
hand, is ettinj? along much better the
last few days.
Ti oy Wiles was m town Monday
and reports- Mis. Wiles as petting
along nicely end we.s able to eat Sun
day dinner at the tatde with the fam
ily. Miss O'ga Gereke was absent frori
school from last Wednesday until
Wednesday of this week on account of
being sick. She spent the time at her
home at Seward.
Mr. ar.d Mrs. Clarence Pool of Wa-ha:-h
were down Mo:; lay looking after
some busines matters legarding some
improvements at the farm where they
will move the coming spring.
John McFariand of Avoca and his
cousin, Mrs. J. W. Sperry, left Sunday
evening for Sumner, Neb., where they
were called by the serious illness of
Mr. Mc Fa Hand's father, who is 81
years old.
The stork visited the town Monday
night and left a son at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kilbourn; also a
son at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.
O. Wagoner, who liv2 at the George
stoner home.
Herman Klietsch, who had been
heme a week, returned to the farm
near Unadilla again this week. He
v,-;h aeocmpanied by his son. Hailey,
who has quit the barber work in Iowa
to take up the farm work.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoy l.ynd. who have
been visiting at the heme of the hit
ter's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Mitchell, southwest of town, the last
two weeks, left Tuesday morning for
their home at Drockton, Montana.
Charles Philpot, who has been stay
ing in town for several weeks, got so
homesick to see a of cattle that
he went to South Omaha and watched
the cattle sales Saturday. Charley
would go out to the ranch, but this
kind of weather is not the best kind
for setting fence posts.
their worth. Yuma County, Colorado,
of wheat, "00.000 worth of corn and
Over 3
Let me send you maps, folders, and placee you in
touch with land agents and otherwise help you. I
am employed by the Burlington and do this.
S. B. HOWARD, Immigration Agent,
1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.