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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1916)
(I MoTY. TFRRUARY 7, 1916. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEFKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 3. Y I V e IE GQUNTY GOMMSSO RS PROCEEDINGS Plattsmouth. Feb. 1, 1910. met pursuant, to adjournment. C. E. Heebner, Henry Snoke i:.r;r.i ':v.-e!it : .1 1 Julius A. Pitz, County Commis .;.:. fis ; Frank J. Libershal, County C!c:k. Minutes of previous session i cad and approved, when the following !j-i::ess v;i transacted in regular .i m : A petition was received from ::y piecinct a.-kins to have James V.!--.:i appointed constable within and .-aid precinct, and Kims was ap- v:-'vt-d by the Hoard and apopintmcat F. Wilson, constable net. approved. I jixrty pre ( "ojntv Juilire Allen J. Beeson filed v ;tli the C ounty Clerk an order direct in..' that the amount of 25.00 per ..:h he paid Mrs. Ida Schliske for ht c:.!v and maintenance of her five d. pendent children. The Hoard, on motion, allowed said amount to he raid per order of the Court. t unty Judpe Allen J. Beeson filed with the County Clerk an order direct that the former order of the court i t- iti.ewed ar.d the sum of 25.00 per :r. ;h he paid Mrs. Stella Persinger for a period of six months from and after the 20th day of January for the ca:e and maintenance of her five de-pe- dvr:t children. On motion the Board -!I.ed said amount to be paid as per C:u:t orders. L'or.d of First National Bank of V.'evpir.jr Water as depository for C. ;:.:- money, approved by the Board. County Judge Allen J. Beeson filed an older with the County Clerk le rvwinir a former order and directing that the sum cf $30.00 per month be paid Mrs. Edna Denson for care and maintenance of her five children (de ptr.dent) for a period of six months. On motion the Board allowed said amount to he paid as per the orders c f the Court. County Judgre Allen J. Beeson filed an order with the County Clerk re- rcewmtr an oruer oi .June m, and that the sum of S30.00 pe? month he paid Mrs. Martha A. Haddon, for the care and maintenance of five dependent children for a period of six months. On motion the Board a lowed said amount to be paid as per orders of the Court. The claims were allowed ''.: the General fund: C. E. Heehner. salary and mileage S 82.20 J id; us A Pitz. salarv and miltatre 87.50 Henry Snoke, salary and mile age 90.00 Fred Patterson, surveying and off ce work W. T. Adams, helping sur veyor Eda Marquardt, salary and ex pense A. G. Cole, salary and expense, January, 191 " Plattsmouth Journal, print ing and supplies H. M. Soennichsen, merchan dise to Pinker, ."; Wordjn, Chambers, $10; Collins, ."; Meisel, Dr. B. F. Brendel, trip to Wa bash and Weening Water quartening cases Julius A. Pitz. railroad ticket for paupers Herry Snoke, 'phone calls and railroad tickets for papupers Hans Sievers, salary and laundry Frank J. Libershal, salary and 2.00 141.51 K'4.00 r.s . 98 2S.00 30.00 4.85 2.12 rs.oo expense . 204.43 A. W. White, merchadise to Mrs. McPherson Mrs. Ella Huston, care of ;.. pendent children (February) 5.20 15.00 C. I). Quinton, salary for Jan uary, 1910 145.83 Kroehlei Bios., hardware for court house and jail Louis Rotter, shoveling snow at court house Waterman Lumber and Coal Co., coal to court house Dr. A. C. Welch, medical at tention to C. Buck family. . Fred Muenchau. sr., use of land for public roads 10.20 1.40 172.60 14.00 7.00 James Robertson, State vs. Wililam Noxon, jr., 3 James Robertson, insane case Chas. L. Wort man C. D. Quinton, insane case Chas. L. Wortman 12 ?.Iidland Chemical Co., toilet paper 5 James Robertson, State vs. 86 5.50 9.05 8.60 Hazeska and Burns James Robertson, State vs T. J. Lincoln Mrs. Dora Denson, care of de pendent children, February 1916 25.00 Sti eight & Streight, burial of Robert Burns C. W. Baylor & Co., coal to 49.52 Collins. $11.50; Worden, ?3; Brandt, $11.50; Denson, S3.25; Schlieska, $.3; Roby, .S3.25, and Wells, S-6.50 45.00 Nebraska Lighting Co., gas and electricity to County.. 31.13 Alice Tuey, clerk hinr to the County Attorney and Super intendent 40.00 D. C. Morgan, envelopes to County A. G. Bach & Co., merchandise to Schlieska, -20; Dillehay, 25.00 Edith Duckworth,. care of de pendent children, February, 15' It 25.00 Wm. Richards, care of Wm. Everett, January, 1916 8.00 Mrs. Charlotte Moore, care of dependent children, Feb ruary The Kenyon Company, map for sheriff's o;7ice A. Stachetskie, carina: for E. Rottman while sick J. A. Bauer, carintr for E. Rottman while sick II. M. Soennichsen, report of births and deaths, fourth quarter 1015 A. R. Stander. report of births and deaths, fourth quarter, lr15 W. E. Hand. report of births and deaths, fourth quarter, 1915 Mrs. I. D. Jones, report of births ami deaths, fourth quarter, 191o 1.00 Georjre Reitter, report of biiths and deaths, fourth quarter, H)1l 2.00 B. I. Clements, report of births and deaths, fourth quarter, 1915 3.2. W. H. Lyman, report of biiths and deaths, fourth quarter, 1915 4.0; L. R. Upton, report of biiths and deaths, fourth iLiM ............ . I O G. D. Maseman, report of births and deaths, fourth quarter, 1915 Dr. L. Muir, report of births and deaths, fourth quarter, 1915 E. Sturzenes'2'er. renort of 1.25 1.50 r 1 - - births and deaths, fourth quarter, 1915 H. F. Kropp, report of biiths and deaths, fourth quarter, lil. 30 Dr. J. F. Brendel, third and fourth quarters County pnysician, District No. 2... 19.70 Mrs. Addie Elders, takintr care Mrs. McPherson 15.00 J. W. Elbers, shoveling: snow at court house 1.50 Kioehler Brothers, mdse. to farm 18.00 John Cory, boardintr and lodg medicine and care cf Thomas Rhodes 9.0.' L. J. Mayfield. printing to county 3.00 Joseph McMaken, ice to coun ty farm 14.50 J. H. Tarns, salary and ex pense, January, 19M 97.50 J. H. Tarns, expense butcher ing and ice harvest 11.00 J. H. Thrasher, bailiff's certi ficate 2.00 J. F. Brendel. coroner inquest, Alma Godby and Edith Foreman 31.05 C. D. Quinton, sheriff, inquest Alma Godby and Edith F01 email 13.50 Wm. Sutton, hack for jury, inquest Alma Godby and Edith Foreman 2.00 Lee Clark, hack for jury, in quest Alma Godby and Edith roreman 2.00 R. W. Stewart, hall rent, in quest Alma Godby and Edith Foreman 3.50 F. E. Cook, jury, inquest Alma Godby and Edith Foreman 1.40 Harry Appleman, jury, inquest Alma Godby ani Edith roreman 1.40 S. O. Boyles, jury, inquest Al ma Godbv and Edith roreman 1.40 George Cook, jury, inquest Alma Godby and Edith Foreman 1.40 P. J. Linch, jury, inquest Alma Godby and Edith Foreman 1.40 R. W. Stewart, jury, inquest Alma Godby and Edith Foreman 1.40 David Ireland, witness, in quest Alma Godby and Edith Foreman 1.10 Frank C. Henshaw, witness, in quest Alma Godby "and Edith Foreman 1.10 C. S. Beardsley, witness, in quest Alma Godby and Edith Foreman ; 1.1C Herbert Moore, witness, in quest Alma Godby and Edith Foreman 1.10 Maud Moore, witness, in quest Alma Godby and Edith Foreman 1.10 John Murtey, witness, in quest Alma Godby and Edith Foreman 1.10 O. C. Kitzel, witnessj in- quest Alma Godby and Edith Foreman James Dimmitt, witness, in quest Alma Godby and Edith Foreman Edith, Williams, witness, in quest Alma Godby and Edith Foreman Dr. Muir, witness, in quest Alma Godby and Edith Foreman George Curyea, witness, in 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 quest Alma Godby Edith Foreman W. . C. Timolin, witness, quest Alma Godby Edith Foreman W. S. Jordan, witness, quest Alma Godby Edith Foreman C. H. Roper, witness, and in and in and 1.10 1.10 1.10 10.00 quest Alma Godby and Edith Foreman 1.10 3.90 M. Archer, State vs. Ilaceska and Burns 4.90 6.00 C. D. Quinton. State vs. Ilaceska and burns 1.20 4.00 Allen J. Beeson, State vs. Thos. Lincoln 4.85 C. D. Quinton, State vs. .75 Thos. Lincoln 14.92 Allen J. Beeson, State vs. Frank Judson 4.25 3.50 M. E. Manspeaker, livery to county farm 1.00 The following1 claims were allowed 3.25 on the Dragging fund: Tom Smith. Dragging District No. 10 $ 19.00 E. P. Belts, Dragging District No. 16 E. II. Norris, Dragging Dist rict No. 13 Wm. II. Rush, Dragging Dis trict No. 7 9.00 10.50 25.50 The following claims were allowed on the Road fund of the county Tom Smith, road work, Road District No. 10 $ 10.00 Walter Byers, road work, Road District No. 27 10.60 F. W. Nolting, road Read District No. 1 Wm. Atchison, roa 1 Road District No. 16 Fred Linville, road work, work, work, 10.20 .00 Read District No. 13 12.00 W. J. Partride-e. road work. w - Road District No. 13 '.00 L. Neitzel, hardware, District No. 7 Roa.l Wm. Rush, road work, Road District No. 7 . 41.40 Wm. Rush, load Road District No. 7 , 35 . 00 The following claims were allowed on the Bridge fund: Waterman Lumber & Coal Co., bridge material .$ 3.10 Monarch Entrineerintr Co.. bridge work, Weeping Wa ter Precinct 107.73 Monarch Enerineerintr Co.. bridge work, Louisville Pre cinct 371, Monarch Enerineerinir Co.. bridge work, Louisville Pre cinct 149, 76 95 Tom Smith, bridge work 3. Walter Byers, bridge work... 3.25 On motion, Board adjourned to meet Wednesday. February 2, 1916. FRANK J. LIBERSHAL, County Clerk. Plattsmouth, Feb. 2, 1916. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment with all members present, when the following business was transacted in regular form: . County Treasurer this day instruct ed to refund Frank Johnson, of Louis ville, .? 15.22, amount of personal tax paid under protest account of er roneous assessment. County Judjre filed report of fees received for fourth quarter, 1915, to amount of $1,098.70. As advertised, bids were received as follows: Buiial of Pauper poor: Streight & M. Hild Streight Varnished coffins, per foot $5.25 $ 5.50 Outside box, per foot.. 1.00 1.10 Trip to cemetery 6.00 6.00 Shrouds 6.00 6.00 Extra trip 5. CO 5.00 Extra for floaters... 10.00 . 10.00 Digging grave 5.00 5.05 On motion contract was awarded to M. Hild. Bids on County Printing: Weeping Water Republican tar uocKet, i?c case (other pages 95c). Road Notices, legal rate. Notice to Contractors, legal rate. Calls for Bids, legal rate. Commissioners' proceedings, 2c per line 8-point. Plattsmouth Journal Bar Docket, 12c case (other pages 60c). Road Notice, one-half legal rate. Notices to Contractors, half legal rate. Calls for Bids, half legal rate. Commissioners' proceedings, 14 c per line. On motion contract was awarded to Plattsmouth Journal. Bids for County Physicians various districts: District No. 1 Dr. J. H. Hall, $264; Dr. E. D. Cummins, $280: Dr. J. B. Martin. $270. District No. 2 Dr. J. F. Brendel, $39.75. District No. 3 Dr. J. W. Brendel, $49.00. District No. 4 No bid. District No. 5 No bid. District No. ii-N'o l id. On motion contract was awarded to Dr. J. H. Hall for District No. 1. On motion contract was awarded to Dr. J. F. Bredel for District No. 2. On motion contract was awarded to Dr. J. W. Brendel for District No. 3. County Clerk was instructed to draw up necessary agreements for the successful bidders. An application received from Dr. B. F. Brendel of Murray to be re appointed County Physician, and on motion Dr. B. F. Brendel was appoint ed County Physician for one year from February 1. 1916. to February 1, 1917. The compensation to be ?5.00 per day ar.d mileage not to exceed $15.00 per day, nor shall the total fee exceed $250.00 per year. Beard of Health organized as fol lows: C. E. Heebner, chairman; Henry Snoke, vice chairman; Dr. B. F. Brendel, physician; Frank J. Libers ha', secretary. A petition was received from -11 residents of Weeping Water City, re questing the Board to appoint George H. Olive city assessor, within and for said city, to fill va' caused by resignation of E. il. Taylor. On motion. George II. Olive was appoint ed assessor of Weepirtr Water City. The following resolution was adopt ed by the Board: Whereas, The intere-ts of the Coun ty demand that $5,000 be transferred from the County General fund to the County Bridge fund, arid Whereas, Such transfer will not re duce the County General fund below the sum of .12,00o.0. Now, there fore be it Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners, that the sum of $5, 000.00 be transferred from the Coun ty General fund to the County Bridge fund. Dated this 2nd day of February, A. D. 1916. , C. E. HEEBNER. HENRY SNOKE, JULIUS A. PITZ, Board of County Commissioners. Attest: FRANK J. LIBERSHAL, County Clerk. County Treasurer liied a report of receipts and disbursements of his of- ikv irom July 1, 19i-. to December 31, 1915, inclusive. The following claims were allowed on the General tund: Nelson Jean & Co.. coal to Mc- Pherson, $6.50; () -Neill, and $:5.25; Krisky, $ farm, $6.50 19.50 58 . 20 D. C. Morgan, po.;tai supplies Mrs. Emma Denson. care of dependent children. January, 1916 50.00 Mrs. Martha A. Haddon, care of tit-pendent children, Jan uary, 1916 30 . 00 Mrs. Stella Persinger, care de pendent children, February, 1916 . 25.00 Mrs. Ida Schiiska, care depend ent children, February, 1916 25.00 C. E. Hartford, coal to Monroe. $5.50; Rinker, $6.00; Dil lehay, $6.50; Hobson, $5.50; Baker, $6.00, and farm $28.72 5S.22 Mrs. Rose Brounko. care of dependent children, Febru ary, 1916 15.00 Warga & Schuldice, labor and material court house boilers .0.70 Lincoln Telephone & Tele graph Co., rents and tolls.. J2.64 Plattsmouth Steam Laundry. laundry to jail .02 "Nehawka's Besl" BEATS ALL THE REST! SEC Not only our opinion but the verdict of a host of sat isfied customers. If you are not using Neliawka Hour take a sack home with you today and try it. Every sack guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. For sale by every mer chant in Nehawka, all the leadiDg dealers in Platts mouth and Hiatt & Tutt, of Murray. Neliawka Milling COMPANY, Nehawka, - - Nebraska F. II. Nichols, merchandise to . Mrs. Matzke 32.07 John Kopia, merchandise to farm 31 Nadia Schlater, board and lodging, Fred Wrcnn E. A. Wurl, merchandise to McGee, $5.00; Hobson, $5.u0; Monroe, $5.00 17.85 15.00 The Peoples' Store, mere dise to B. C. Robv han- 4.00 C. D. Quinton, carintr for Thos. Rhodes C. D. Quinton, railroad tickets for strangers, telegrams... C. D. Quinton, boarding coun ty prisoners C. D. Quinton, jailer fees, Jan uary, 1916 14.00 6.59 47.50 46.50 allowed The following claims were on the Bridge fund: Monarch Engineer!. lg Co.. bridge work. Eight Mile Grove Precinct $112.14 Monarch Engineering Co.. bridge woik, Louisville Pre cinct Monarch Engineering Co.. bridge work, Mt. Pleasant Precinct Monarch Engine-ei i:ig Co., bridge work. Eight Mile Grove Precinct !4.s; 49S. 42 645. IS allowed The following claims were on the Road fund: W. II. Lopp, road wo-k, Road District No. 12 $ 14.00 Ernest Ahrens, road work, Road District No. 12 6.00 R. Ketkhut, road work, Road District No. 12 The following claim was 22.40 allowed on the Dragging fund: Wayne Propsi, Dragging Dis- tiict No. 1 $ 22.85 On motion the Board adjourned to meet Tuesday, March 7, 1916. FRANK J. LIBERSHAL. County Clerk. THE MISSION AT ST. LUKE'S CHURCH CLOS ED LUST EVENING Last evening the Mission, which has been conducted for ilie past week at the St. Luke's church in this city, was closed, with the final sermon and in stiuction by the mis.-ioner. Father W. S. Leete. and it is safe to say these meetings have stimulated and awak ened the religious spirit among the members of the parish as nothing else has been able to and a great deal of goo.! has been accomplished in ad vancing the work of the church. Sat urday evening the service was short I 1 ! 1 1 - oeing oniy ior an neur, ana was m the nature of a continuance of the sennons and instructions given by the l ector during the first of the week and advancing different lines of the church work. The attendance yesterday was most pleasing to the rector, as both the morninir and evening services were well attended and a great deal of in terest shown in the sermons, while the question box conducted by Father Leete gave answer to a lartre num ber of questions in regard to the church work. The sermon at the morning worship hour was on "The Power of the Holy Ghost" and was most intensely interesting to every member of the parish. In the evening which marked the close of the Mission the sermon was on "The Holy Spirit in Us." and in which the missioner re viewed the work of the Mission. The instruction given last evening was on "Encouragement" and taken from St Luke 12-32, "Fear not. -little flock; it is my Father's good pleasure to give vou the kingdom," and in this Lather pointed out what was receipt for a robust and live church and his words served as an inspiration to the mem bers of the parish to greater things for their church and community. A MERCILESS JUDGE One Who Shows No Favor. A merciless judge is Father Time. Before him the weak and the wanting o to the wall. Only the truth can stand. For years the following state ment from a Plattsmouth resident has withstood this sternest of all tests. W. M. Barclay, prop, of restaurant, Main street, riattsmouth, says: Doan's Kidney Pills have given good results when used for lumbago and annoyance from the kidney secre tions. I suffered from pains across my loins and Doan's Kidney Pills re moved the trouble." (Statement given December 29th, 1908). OVER THREE YEARS LATER, Mr. Barclay said: "I haven't had a single symptom of kidney trouble since Doan's Kidneys Pills removed it." Price 50c at all dealers. Don't simply asK tor a Kianey remedy get 1 4 1 1 1 Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Barclay had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. BUY 100 acres close to Plattsmouth, lots cf improvement, 15,000.00; small amount down, balance on lonp time. acres 4 miles from Plattsmouth, splendid building.-., fine spring", pood orchard. Price 5.000.00; $2,700.00 down, balance due in 1922 at 5 per cent. Will take clear Plattsmouth residence or acreage for equity. acre splendid imr.roved farm. 8 40 400- mile-; from . Plattsmouth. Price $125.00 per acre; terms to suit. 190-scre farm, l1 miles south of Louisville, big snap at $130.00 per acre. 160-acre farm. 2 mile-; from Murray, cheap at SI 25.00 per acre. 200-acie farm near Murray. A dandy and worth the money SI 60.00 per acre. 10')-acre farm near Murray, worth $10,000.00, will sell for $8,000.00 till March first. It's a great snap and will go quick. Terms to suit. 47 acres at Oreapoiis. south side of a u uu REAL ESTATE Tel. No. 1 NEHAWKA. News. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stone came in Saturday for a short visit with Dave West and family. G rover Hoback and wife spent Sun day with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hoback, of near Union. Mrs. Will Porter and daughter, Letha, cameu p from Union Saturday for a visit with the former's mother, ?.Irs. Carper. Mrs. Dave Eaton of Union came up Thursday evening for a short visit at the heme of her daughter, Mrs. George Shrader. Mrs. Will Porter and daughter, Letha, returned to their home in Union Monday, after several days' visit with relatives here. The ice harvest finally commenced here in full blast Monday after the delay on account of warm weather. The crop is being taken from the pona east 01 town mostly, it is a very good grade of ice and the weath er has been the veiy best. Hemy Feltes, who has been fn Strang, Neb., for about two weeks assisting Rev. Hedges with revival meetings, returned home last week. He reports the Hedges family, who formerly resided her-, as being in the best of health and satisfied with their new home. A. F. Sturm, who had been con ffned to his home for several weeks, was taken to Lincoln Monday morn ing, where he will receive treatment in the hospital there. At first it was an attack of la grippe which continued to grow worse and an operation will probably be necessary. He was taken to Lincoln by Dr. J. W. Thomas and his son, Victor. Ernest Pollard honored the school with his presence Monday afternoon and Friday morning. A splendid talk was given to the High school and giammar grades on the value of education. That these schools are but a kindergarten for future development. will be found by living forty years or The Sixth Annual Given by Plattsmouth Aerie No. 365 Coates Hall jp (Q) Jj-T Plattsmouth Saturday Evening, FEB. 1 2th EVERYONE CORDIALLY INVITED Gents 50c-; ADMISSION Ladies 25c Ladies in Mask Free Music by Plattsmouth Orchestra 4 BIG CASH 4 31 rr rsai LAIW! B. & M. R. R., II acres of this is finest of hay land and rents for $10.00 per acre, balance very choice, level bottom land. $150.00 per acre. 3,5,8, 10, 15, 20 improved acre tracts adjoining Plattsmouth for sa!e cheap. 25 Nebraska Ranches and many farms in central and western Ne braska at prices that will r.iak you want to buy. Land values are sure to ri.-e. Fin ancial experts are agreed that we art facing an era of "cheap" money which means an era of hirh prices. Old-time residents v.-ill recall that in the years 1?6S to 1875 the pcriM of cheap money which followed the Civil War there was a great ru.-h to place money in Real Estate. Prices went sky-hijrh, ;;nl hu,re fortunes were made by those who boutrht at the riyht time. Farm Lands will never again be a--cheap as now. Buy Land! Buy Lan 1 somewhere, but Buy Land and you aie sure to make money. Vou can't loo.-e. LOANS INSURANCE Plattsmouth, Neb. so and then looking back on these years of work. The teachers as well as the pupils appreciate this visit, and hope more of the patrons will visit and get in touch with school life. Severe Cold Quickly Cured. "On December first I had a very severe cold or attack of the grippe as it may be, and was nearly down sick in bed," writes O. J. Metcalf, Weath erby, Mo. "I bought two bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and it was only a few days vntil I was com pletely restored to h?alth. I firmly believe that Chamberlain's Coujrh Remedy is one of the very best medi cines and will know what to do when I have another cold." Obtainable everywhere. Editor Lee J. Mayfield of the Louis ville Courier was in the city today for a few hours looking after some matters at the court hou-e and visit ing with his friends in the county seat. Mis. Fred Kaffer.berger was among those going to Omaha this morning, where she will visit lor the day with her husband at the hospital, where he is undergoing treatment for throat trouble. L. F. Langhorst of Elmwood, chair man of the democralic county central committee, came in this morning to assist in the final preparations for the big banquet to be held here Thursday evening. Theodore Miller and wife of Ord. Neb., who have been here for the past two weeks visiting at the Henry Stein-, hauer and James B. Tipton homes, departed this morning for their home. This has been their first visit here for the past four weeks and has been one of rare pleasure to heir old friend. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature oC II I En PRISES A ri ?r.. J.